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Prof. Saurav Bhowmik

(Author & Writer)
Research Scholar, OPJS, University, Rajasthan, India.


Medical services have probably the biggest sector - both regarding income and work. Medical
care contains medical clinics, medical devices, clinical research, telemedicine, clinical the travel
industry, Medical tourism, health insurance and clinical equipment. The Indian medical care area
is developing at a rapid speed because of its fortifying inclusion, benefits and expanding use by
open too private players.

Indian medical services conveyance framework is sorted into two significant parts - public and
private. The Government, for example public medical services framework contains restricted
secondary and tertiary consideration organizations in key urban communities and spotlights on
giving fundamental medical care services as essential primary healthcare centers (PHCs) in rural
territories. The private area gives greater part of secondary, tertiary and quaternary consideration
organizations with a significant focus in metros, level I and level II urban areas. India's upper
hand lies in its huge pool of very much prepared medical experts. India is likewise cost cut throat
contrasted with Asian and Western nations. The expense of a medical procedure in India is
around one-10th of that in the US or Western Europe.

1.1. Review of Literature

Neelmani Jaysawal (2015) published an article entitled “International Journal of Social

Work and Human Services Practice 3(1):29-37’. In this investigation seven that. About 75%
of healthcare foundation, medical man power and other healthcare assets are gathered in
metropolitan zones where 27% of the populace resides. Infectious, irresistible and
waterborne illnesses diarrhoea, amoebiasis, typhoid, infective hepatitis, worm invasions,

measles, maleria, tuberculosis, whooping cough, respiratory contaminations, pneumonia and
urinary tract infection rule the morbidity, particularly in provincial regions. Notwithstanding,
non-communicable diseases like malignancy , visual deficiency, dysfunctional behavior,
hypertension, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, accidents and wounds are additionally on the rise. The
healthcare status of Indians, is as yet a reason for grave concern, particularly that of the
country populace. This is reflected in the future (63 years), infant death rate (80/1000 live
births), maternal death rate (438/100 000 live births); nonetheless, throughout some stretch
of time some advancement has been made.

Ranganayakulu Bodavala (2002) writes on “ICT applications in Public Health Care

System in India: A Review” in ‘ASCI Journal of Management’. India's public medical
services network is fifty years old. It is tormented by numerous issues like non-appearance
of specialists, absence of legitimate offices and most altogether absence of appropriate
reference administrations to metropolitan medical clinics and expert focuses. Because of
these reasons the use and trust in the public medical care framework is exceptionally low.
Progressive governments have attempted to improve the different measures in the
framework with minor achievement. Use of ICT devices will improve access and
conveyance of medical care administrations to Ivast greater part of needy individuals
living in rustic regions in india.

1.2. Objectives of the Study

• To assess the methods and systems utilized by both the Hospitals.

• To examine the mindfulness and generally conduct of Respondents with respect to

medical services

• To analyze the difficulties looked by Public and Private hospitals in Pune,


• To propose measures for the improvement of Hospitals under study

1.3. Hypotheses of the Study

• There is no huge distinction between the Satisfaction levels of Health care

administrations given by both the Public and Private Hospitals in Pune ,

• The free factors ,ie, independent variables (Hospital, Income, Age) doesn't
impact the Dependent Variable (Health status of the respondents)

1.4. Methodology of the Study

The study includes both essential and secondary information. The source material
for optional information was gathered from books and Internet. The essential

information was dispersed among the patients who visit Public and Private Hospital
in Pune, Maharashtra. The example size was confined to 90.


2.1 Private healthcare
With the assistance of various government sponsorships during the 1980s, private
healthcare suppliers entered the market. During the 1990s, the extension of the market gave
further force to the improvement of the private healthcare area in India. After 2005, the
majority of the medical services limit added has been in the private area, or in association
with the private area. The private area comprises of 58% of the emergency clinics in the
country, 29% of beds in emergency clinics, and 81% of specialists.

The private medical care area in India, when all is said in done and in a few states explicitly
including Maharashtra, has gone through considerable change in the course of recent many
years, remembering changes for the piece, association and financing of medical care.
Maharashtra state – economy and demography in a nutshell Maharashtra is the second
biggest Indian state as far as population and is exceptionally urbanized, with 45% of the
population dwelling in metropolitan regions. Regarding healthcare status, the state faces a
two fold weight of communicable diseases and an epidemiological progress towards
communicable , non-communicable diseases. While financial development rates have been
high, state budgetary assignments to healthcare and per capita uses on healthcare have been
low, and have fallen since the mid-1990s as extent of state consumption (4.1%), just as an
extent of state homegrown item (0.5%).
The private sectors in medical services has developed quickly throughout the long term, to
fill the gaps in the quantitatively and subjectively lacking government healthcare
administrations. Numerous simultaneous movements have been occurring in and around
this private medical care framework in Maharashtra since the 1980s (and in a few different
states as well). The Pune Municipal Corporation as of now records more then 705 medical
care offices. No new open offices have been set up in the course of recent many years and
consequently a large part of the increment in numbers can be credited to expanding
corporate offices. Aside from these expansions in numbers, there are additionally changes
in the administrations and in the possession and the executives of corporate offices. During
the 1990s private medical care administrations contained mostly of expense for-
administration experts who assumed a predominant part in the arrangement of individual
therapeutic care through walking healthcare administrations. Furthermore there were little
emergency clinics (up to 30-40 beds), nursing homes, facilities and research centers, set up
by singular specialists or by strict/altruistic trusts and donors. Presently bigger emergency
clinics offering various, on location, high-innovation administrations are the favored
decision for some clients, and enormous private medical clinics have developed to fulfill
this need. As per the National Medical Directory of the Ministry of Health, as of September
2015 there were 42 corporate 6 emergency clinics in Maharashtra, of which 18 in Pune.

2.2. Public Healthcare

Public medical services is free for those beneath the neediness line. The public health care
area incorporates 18% of all out outpatient care and 44% of all out inpatient care. Center
and high society people will in general utilize public medical services not exactly those
with a lower expectation for everyday comforts. Moreover, females and old utilize public
administrations more. The general medical care framework was initially evolved to give a
way to medical services access paying little heed to financial status. Nonetheless,
dependence on open and private medical services areas differs essentially between states. A
few reasons are referred to for depending on the private as opposed to public area; the
fundamental explanation at the public level is low quality of care in the public area, with
over 57% of families highlighting this as the justification an inclination for private medical
care. The vast majority of the public medical services takes into account the rustic regions;
and the low quality emerges from the hesitance of experienced medical services suppliers to
visit the country zones. Subsequently, most of the public medical services framework
obliging the provincial and far off regions depends on unpracticed and unmotivated
assistants who are ordered to invest energy in open medical services facilities as a
component of their curricular necessity. Other significant reasons are distance of the public
area office, considerable delay times, and badly arranged long stretches of activity.

Various elements identified with public medical care are split between the state and public
government frameworks as far as deciding, as the public government tends to extensively
material medical services issues like in general family government assistance and
avoidance of significant infections, while the state governments handle viewpoints like
neighborhood clinics, general healthcare, advancement and disinfection, which vary from
one state to another dependent on the specific networks included. Connection between the
state and public governments happens for medical services gives that require bigger scope
assets or present a worry to the country overall.

National Health Assurance Mission, which would give all residents free medications,
analytic medicines, and protection for genuine illnesses. In 2015, execution of a subsidized
medical coverage framework was deferred because of budgetary concerns.

Public hospitals are not much in the city of Pune there are 23 government / public hospitals
and 17 maternity homes and 41 dispensaries

2.3. Government Initiatives
Some of the major initiatives taken by the Government of India to promote Indian
healthcare industry are as follows:

• India's first historically speaking 'Air Dispensary', which is situated in a helicopter,

will be dispatched in the Northeast and the Ministry of Development of Northeast Region
(DONER) has effectively contributed Rs 25 crore (US$ 3.82 million) for its subsidizing.

• The Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) has been dispatched by the

Government of India to improve inclusion of vaccination in the country and arrive at each
youngster under two years old and every one of the pregnant ladies who have not been
business as usual inoculation program.

• Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is wanting to spend more assets, well
beyond the ebb and flow assent of Rs 955 crore (US$ 148.22 million), to handle way of life
sicknesses like cardiovascular infection (CVD), hypertension, stoutness and diabetes in

• The Union Cabinet endorsed setting up of National Nutrition Mission (NNM) with a
long term financial plan of Rs 9,046.17 crore (US$ 1.40 billion) to screen, direct, fix targets
and guide the nourishment related intercessions across the Ministries.

• The Government of India intends to expand the absolute wellbeing consumption to

2.5 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2025 from the current 1.15 percent.

• Mr J P Nadda, Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India,

dispatched activities like LaQshya, for Labor Room Quality Improvement, a portable
application for safe conveyance, and operational rules for obstetric high reliance units
(HDUs) and escalated care units (ICUs).

• In March 2018, the Union Cabinet of India affirmed the continuation of National
Health Mission with a financial plan of Rs 85,217 crore (US$ 13.16 billion) from first April
2017 to 31st March 2020.Dr. V. Mary Diana Richard and MS. S Shenphgavalli
2.3. Road Ahead

India is a land loaded with promising circumstances for major parts in the medical device
industry. India's medical care industry is one of the quickest developing areas and in the
coming 10 years it is required to reach $275 billion. The nation has likewise gotten one of the
main objections for very good quality symptomatic administrations with gigantic capital
speculation for cutting edge analytic offices, accordingly taking into account a more
noteworthy extent of populace. Moreover, Indian medical services buyers have gotten more
cognizant towards their medical services upkeep.

Indian medical care area is highly broadened and is brimming with promising circumstances
in each fragment which incorporates suppliers, payers and clinical innovation. With the
expansion in the rivalry, organizations are hoping to investigate for the most recent elements
and patterns which will decidedly affect their business.

India's upper hand additionally lies in the expanded achievement pace of Indian organizations
in getting Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) endorsements. India additionally
offers tremendous openings in R&D just as clinical the travel industry (Medical Tourism). To
summarize, there are immense freedoms for interest in medical services foundation in both
metropolitan and rustic India.


Table 1 Showing Hospitals Prefered And Income Status
>10,000 15 5 20
10,000-15,000 10 5 15
15,000-30,000 10 10 20
30,000 – 45,000 10 15 25
>45,000 0 10 10
TOTAL 45 45 90

The above table shows that individuals who procure over 30,000 lean toward Public medical
clinic. Furthermore, individuals who acquire under 10,000 lean toward Public clinic.
Unmistakably Income assumes a significant part in inclination of the clinic.

Table 2 Showing Satisfaction Level of Health Care Services Provided By the Hospitals
Highly Satisfied 2 24 26
Satisfied 18 11 29
Neutral 5 0 5
Dissatisfied 12 10 22
Highly Dissatisfied 18 0 18
TOTAL 45 45 90

It is obvious from the above information that individuals who incline toward private clinic
are greatly fulfilled than individuals who favor Public medical clinic. The significant
disservice of the public clinics was the Punctuality of the specialists.

3.1. Application of the Statistical Tools

3.1.1. Multiple Regression Analysis

H0 : The independent variables (Hospital, Income, Age) does not strongly influence the
dependent Variable (Health status of the respondents)
H1: The independent variables (Hospital, Income, Age) strongly influence the dependent
Variable (Health status of the respondents)

Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1.475 .034 8.731 .000
Disease of the respondent .006 .023 .04 0.826 .005
Age of the respondents .007 .071 .80 -8.058 .000
Hospital preferred .012 .041 .14 0.125 .002
a. Dependent Variable: Outcome of Treatment
It is clear that Disease of the respondent (.006) strongly influence the Health status of the
respondents, followed by the Age of the respondents (0.07) and then the Hospital preferred by
the respondents (0.12).

3.1.2. Comparison Of Satisfaction Level Of Health Care Services Provided By Both The
Hospitals Among The Respondents Using Anova
H0: There is no significant difference between the Satisfaction level of Health care services
provided by both the Public and Private Hospitals.
H1: There is significant difference between the Satisfaction level of Health care services
provided by both the Public and Private Hospitals
Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
11.433 1 21.433 9.12 .000
Within Groups 139.930 149 2.35
Total 150 150
Since the calculated value is greater than the table value at 5% significance level, Null
hypothesis is rejected. There is significant difference between the Satisfaction level of Health
care services provided by both the Public and Private Hospitals

Healthcare facilities are packed and understaffed without enough beds to help their patients.
Measurements show that the quantity of healthcare experts in India is not exactly the normal
number for other countries. In Pune, Maharashtra the quantity of specialists is 0.3 for each
10,000 people. Metropolitan or urban clinics have double the quantity of beds than rural
medical clinics where the number is as yet deficient to accommodate the enormous number of
patients that visit. Sometimes patients are reffered from rural places to bigger cities,
expanding the congestion in metropolitan and urban communities. 5% of visits to healthcare
experts are in private facilities or clinics, a large number of which are paid for using cash on
hand. Money is spent on improving private administrations rather than on subsidizing the
public area. Administrative inability to start and cultivate viable organizations between the
general population and private medical services circles brings about monetary gets that aren't
haggled to help the average person. These agreements would permit the private area to fund
ventures to improve information and offices in the open arena.


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