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Emily Esparza: Teaching Philosophy

My goal as an educator is to facilitate and aid in the development student’s growth both personal and
educational, and to encourage students to become innovative creative problem solvers and lifelong
learners. I have incorporated this belief into my teaching by creating and enacting lesson plans that rely
on developing critically thinking skills, creativity, and self-confidence. The theatre classroom is the
perfect space for students to develop those attributes in a safe, all inclusive, creative environment.
Theatre is a reflective and allows us to step back and see not only ourselves but humanity in order to help
us learn how to change and grow.
My practice is guided by the following core beliefs:
I am:
Passionate: I am extremely passionate about theatre and education. I love the work I do, and I think that
it is extremely valuable and important. My passion pushes me forward and encourages me to
strive for constant improvement.
Creative: Using my experiences as a theatre artist I strive to push the boundaries of conventional learning
to create a more fun, engaging, and interactive learning experience. I devise all of my lesson
plans with students in mind, and using dramatic methods create lesson plans that inspire creative
thought and develop critical thinking skills.
Empathetic: I strive to create a loving, open, and safe relationship with all of my students. In my
classroom I aim to create a safe space where students will feel comfortable with expressing their
selves. As an educator I believe it always important to be aware of your students emotional and
physical needs.
My Students are:
Innovators: My students are capable and amazing individuals who are cable of developing new creative
ideas, creating original work, and coming up with better solutions to already existing issues.
Artists: Using the theatre and educational art forms as a medium, students are to develop new way to
express themselves unique creative manners.
Human: Students are often subjected to dehumanization in our modern education system. As an educator
it is important to stop dehumanizing students and instead remain acutely aware of student’s
humanity and allow them to work and thrive in an environment that does not restrict and control
their every action.
Learning is:
Life Long: Learning enriches lives, encourages growth, expands horizons, and pushes progress. Learning
allows for us to enact change and gain new perspective on the world. When we stop learning we
stop progression.
Joyful: Leaning invites new experiences, broader perspectives, and deeper understanding. We gain
knowledge of the world around us as well as our selves. Learning is engaging, challenging, and
Connective: Through learning we are able to connect to the world around us. We learn to communicate,
we learn to love, and we learn to be respectful.

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