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( prologue )
It had taken thirty years, but the second last of the
family line was now dead. He died as his ancestors
had died before him.
He left the same mark as they had left; an only son.
That son had finally become the last.
Dane was only eight years old when he learned
what his father would not know. He learned the
family lore. He learned the history, but he didn’t
know what to make of it. There was no one left to
explain it to him. His father didn’t know, his
grandfather wouldn’t talk about it, and the last link
and teacher of the lore, Great Gran, was long dead.
So he tried to remember all that he had been told,
as best as he could……….
- 2 -
Over three hundred years ago, as Dane’s distant
ancestors burnt a sorcerer at the stake for some
now long forgotten grievance, the family curse was
loosed. The tortured wizard screamed out, “AS I AM
With a final unearthly scream and a great rush of
flame, he was consumed.

Loneliness and fear seeped in and started their work

on the eight year old. But Dane learned and he
grew. He found peace in his solitude and began to
attack anything that frightened him.
- 3 -
A light seemed to shine from the pale gray eyes of
the too often angry boy. He yearned to know more
about where he came from. But, mostly, he needed
an identity. There was more to him than just what
his great grandmother had passed on to him. There
had to be. The stories just didn’t explain enough to
him about the talents and the odd little abilities that
he was starting to exhibit.
His mother’s stories, about her side of the family,
started to fill in some of the gaps. Her side had
contributed something more understandable to
him. Her family had added some English history and
a good share of North American Indian to his
otherwise Scottish ancestry.
Dane had to investigate his aboriginal background.
It seemed to the boy a better choice than waiting on
a three hundred year old Scottish curse.
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But the joy of knowing his Indian heritage was
almost overshadowed by the prejudice directed
toward him because of it……….
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chapter 1.1
Dane was not there when the remains of his father
were lowered into the ground. He was too busy.
But, he was never too busy to remember. He would
not forget. He could not forget.
As he lay in the bed, his thoughts drifted back to the
1960s when his family lived on the Western Prairies.
To the simpler times of his childhood, before the
night mares and before death took most of his
An old Indian, who had befriended Dane in his
youth, had said many years ago, “The corn grows to
be corn because its fathers were corn. The human
being is the same. Time changes, but what you are
on the inside is still the same.”
And, the old prospector that Dane had known. A
man that was so old and private in his ways as to be
almost a myth.
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Old Albert had taught the boy to see nature, and
better, how to get along with it. He showed the
man inside the boy how to be alone without being
Shaking his history back into its place, Dane pulled
himself reluctantly out of his overly large old four
poster bed. But, as had happened nearly every
morning of his life, he stumbled over the ever
present black beast that still slumbered at the foot
of the bed, his life-long companion. The last, in a
long line of beast companions.
The old beast had an even harder time than Dane
unfolding himself from his resting position. But he
would not be left behind. He would follow Dane
into Hell, and lead him back. It was the reason that
he existed.
As he stumbled to his feet, Dane mused, “Beast, the
old man is gone, It’s just you and me now…”
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“No beast, wives and daughters don’t count. In
three hundred year old curses or the passing down
of lands and titles, Beast, they just don’t exist. And
that’s just where my history has put us.”
With that said, Dane pulled on torn blue jeans and a
worn out old sweat shirt, the uniform that he wore
every day to deal with his druggies and the troubled
teens that always seemed to need his undivided
attention. And he headed to the front door with
the beast.
The silence of the old house didn’t make itself
known to Dane until he saw the note pinned to the
front door. With apprehension he read:
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“Dane: We can’t put up with it any more. We need
a husband and father again. We’ll be at my
mother’s house at the lake. Get away from the
addicts and get a real job. Mother says that her
doctor friend will help you get a real internship, if
you clean up the rest of your act. You could be such
a great man……..take care of the beast.

The beast cocked his ear as Dane started to hum

and quietly sang to himself, “alone again,
With that little phrase sung out loud, another piece
of the puzzle seemed to fall into place. He had
always promised himself, and anyone who would
listen, that if he ever got the chance, that he would
go to Scotland and find the strings that could
connect him to his past.
- 9 -
“Well beast, what do we do now? Do we head in to
work, hit the road for a drive in the countryside, or
go back to bed for a while and hope it’s better when
we get back up?”
“OK, then, it’s a drive in the country. Good choice
Beast. Let’s take the little red truck and get off road
for a while, if we’re going to do it. See if we can
scare up some wild life while we’re at it.”
Dane was more than proud of his little red truck, he
was fixated. He had fitted it with monster tires,
lights, fancy and personal touches over most of it.
Even its name, “lil bigfoot” blazed across the tail
gate. Sitting so high above the rest of traffic helped
him feel a little distant and apart even while
surrounded by other cars.
They slid “lil big foot” off the low ridge beside the
shed, where he kept it parked, away from the eyes
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of the vandals and the vultures, ever hunting their
chromed trophies. Easing out of the driveway and
down the road took zero concentration from Dane,
but the beast looked back at the small farm that
they had called home for twelve years with that sad
look that he usually reserved for being left behind.
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chapter 1.2
Dane’s silent reverie behind the wheel of “lil big
foot” was shattered immediately as the annoying
‘low fuel’ buzzer, deviously hidden under the dash,
by some faceless auto assembler, screeched to life
commanding his attention. “Who drank up all of
the gas, Beast? And, where in hell are we?”
Not being in a mood to respond to Dane’s outburst,
and only possessing a rudimentary ability to
communicate at the best of times, the beast
remained silent.
Easing back onto the highway revealed a sign saying
SCOTLAND, pop 137.
“Scotland? The town of Scotland? Where? How?
Well, maybe we can get gassed up and find this
place on a map. Eh?”
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Two minutes later, at the combination store, hotel,
gas bar and more, “lil big foot” inhaled what
seemed to be its total tank’s capacity, less a dime’s
worth of gas, while the station attendant stared in
awe at the beast, and fumbled around for the map
in his pocket. The beast, of course, paid no
attention, and just sat in the passenger seat with his
front right elbow jutting out the window.
Twenty two dollars later, a beer can snapped, the
motor screamed back to life, and the little red truck
roared off for a mud bath and some good old
fashioned hell-raising through the neighboring
No sooner were the wipers straining to clear the
mud off the windshield than the stereo boomed to
life. “It’s about time we got some co-operation,”
Dane shouted over the din. “At least the tunes
know when to turn on and off. I just wish I could
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Figure out why the damn thing does it!”
The sun was just falling below the treetops as they
rolled up the drive, unbloodied and unbeaten. As
the beast wandered off into the kitchen, Dane hit
the ‘play’ button on the answering machine.
‘Dane, Phil, at the home. Look Dane, I’ve had about
enough of looking after seventeen junior
psychopaths and deviates. And when you pull one
of your lunatic-no-show routines, I think I’d rather
have the Beast work here than you. Call me!’
“Beast, let’s grab some TV time and figure out what
we’re going to say to Sam, and to Phil, when I get
the courage to phone…….Beast..?” a little louder,
and a little worried, “BEAST?”
Dane burst into the kitchen to find the beast on his
back with all four feet sticking straight up in the air.
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Two feet of jet black tail slowly swishing little loose
tufts of black fur into eddies on the tiled floor.
With a small sigh of relief, Dane dropped to his
knees to wrestle with the beast. They had wrestled
every night since childhood. But, without Sam to
laugh and dance out of the way, it seemed a little
less fun, for both of them. Dane slowly stood up,
brushing the fur balls off his jeans, grabbed another
can of beer and headed back to the TV and the
telephone. The instrument of his next reaming out.
Several beers later, that phone was looking less
intimidating. A lot less intimidating.
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chapter 1.3
Dane thought to himself, as the room slowly swam
around him, ‘I’m finally free. Phil can run the home
without me, Sam can take care of herself and Andy,
and the old man’s dead……Sam….I’ve got to
phone Sam……..’
As Dane reached out to pick up the phone, his head
fell on to the soft arm rest of the sofa and he was
gone. And with sleep came one of the recurring
“UH HULANI CHUH” Dane muttered as he proudly
carried his catch through the kitchen door of his
family’s new house.
Solemnly placing the dead pheasant on the kitchen
counter, Dane calmly told his mother, “Today I am a
man. I have earned my feather…..Can you cook it
for our dinner?
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Dane wanted to cry as his mother started to laugh.
But her laughter stopped short as she saw the pain
in the thirteen year old’s face. She said, “Dane, we
live in the East now. And remember how most of
the kids out West treated you for being part Indian?
You didn’t like that. Did you? Well, no you didn’t.”
That little speech didn’t help Dane one bit, and he
said, “But Mom, you don’t understand…….”
“All right Dane,” his mother softened. “I’ll cook the
bird, and you get yourself and your bow along and
cleaned up before your father gets home. And
don’t say a word about this to him. You’ll just make
things worse between the two of you.”
Dane took his feather to his room and lashed it to
his bow in the traditional way. No matter what any
one said, he was now a man.
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After dinner, he thought to himself that Pheasant
didn’t really taste much different than chicken, just
a lot harder to catch.
The next morning Dane found the discarded little
Pheasant in the garbage can behind the garage, and
knew that his mother had failed him. It didn’t
matter though. He had kept faith with the old
Indian traditions. And more, he had kept faith with
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Chapter 1.4
Dane slowly clawed his way towards waking up. His
neck still twisted into the position that he had fallen
asleep in. And his head was just about ready to
start thumping as he made the first mistake of the
The mistake of getting up in the morning was one
that Dane had seldom been able to get around, and
today’s mistake was threatening to be large.
Looking into the bathroom mirror confirmed his
worst suspicions. He would probably bleed to death
through his blood shot eyes before noon. And a
four day beard did little to make him look any
healthier. Turning on the shower, he soon steamed
up the mirror and removed that visage from his
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A bit later, rested, showered and fully coffeed, Dane
picked up the phone. He needed to know if he still
had a job.
“Good morning, Crockford House,” the receiver
crackled in his ear.
“Phil, it’s Dane…”
“Dane…..Dane who?” It was the first time that he
had heard Phil crack wise in a very long time, and it
made the short hairs on the back of his neck bristle
in alarm.
“You know…..” Dane stammered, half apologetically
and half cockey.
“No, I don’t know. And lately, I can’t tell from day to
day if it’s Dane the counselor, or Dane the inmate.
Who are you today?”
“I…” Dane started.
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“Don’t bother, Dane. You’re suspended for the
semester, without pay, so you can sort out your
priorities. Maybe then we can get some decent
results out of you again. Sorry, Dane. But it’s for
your own good.”
Dane was not entirely surprised. He had been more
self-absorbed than most of his charges lately. But,
he hadn’t thought it to be noticeable to anyone.
Especially to Phil.
“We’re cooked, Beast. What the hell do we do with
three months off? I mean like after we clean ‘lil big
foot’ up. I guess that we have to throw ourselves on
Sam’s mercy, or maybe out a window…..”
Holding the phone to his ear, “GRUMPH your ass….
Oh! Sam, I was answering the Beast……”
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“Yes, I fed him,” Dane lied as he made the mental
note to do so before the day was done.
“Sam, I’ve been thinking since I read your note. I
haven’t been much good to anybody for quite a
while, and especially you and our daughter. Look,
why don’t you two come home, and I’ll leave for a
while. You need the place more than I do and Andy
loves it here…”
“What are you up to now, Dane?” One of the stock
‘Sam’ responses to Dane and his non-stop antics.
“Well,” dragging it out, so that he could phrase it
more properly. “I seem to have a three month
vacation on my hands, starting now.” Dane blurted.
“That figures, Dane. I don’t know how you’ve
managed to keep that job this long, anyway.” She
responded, her nurturing side emerging. It was one
of her best sides.
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“Will you come home then?” Dane asked, hoping
for a home cooked meal for him and the beast.
“I’ll be home tomorrow, by noon. Your daughter
misses you and the beast. She tried to ride
mother’s cat last night. What a show! The cat was
not impressed. Now, listen, before I go, NO, I repeat
NO pizza for the beast! Got it?”
“Ya, Okay. I got it. See you soon…..” Dane said and
hung up the phone.
Dane looked at the beast, and wondered what Sam
had against pizza, and said, in the Beast’s general
direction, “Looks like fried chicken and ribs for
dinner tonight.”
The beast was already up and heading for the door
as Dane spoke. Dane was hungry too. “Yeah, I
guess two-thirty is close enough to dinner time.
Let’s go. I’ll hose you off later.”
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chapter 1.5
Dane decided that a neatly trimmed five day beard
would give him that certain look that he needed, as
he stared into the hall mirror by the back door. The
beast was taking longer and longer these mornings.
But he knew that if he wasn’t there to open the
door, the beast would just burst through it, and he
couldn’t show any more incompetence with Sam
only a couple hours away.
The beast sat and watched Dane through the screen
door, trying to understand the tension he could feel
emanating from his life long friend.
As Dane gazed into the mirror, he thought to
himself, ‘you’re getting as grizzled around the edges
as old Albert, the prospector…..’
As he thought that, he pictured Albert tramping out
of the bush, a quarter of a century ago, his
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entourage at his heels. Albert always had
something following him around. If it wasn’t a
Bob-cat or a bear cub, then it could be a young deer
or a wide eyed ten year old boy named Dane.
Albert set his pack aside, sat himself down on a
stump/stool in front of his cabin and said to the boy,
“You cain’t learn the ways of the Indian from today’s
Indian. But, you can learn much of what the Indians
knew by just looking around yourself. Listen to the
birds, they’ll tell you what’s coming, the bugs’ll tell
you the weather, and so will the sun set. The
ground will tell you what walked on it and the trees
will tell you what animals been around. The trees’ll
show you direction, too, if you’ll let ‘em…”
“But, the Indians, good friends, they’re mostly dead
and gone now. The one’s around don’t hardly act
Indian. I’m probably more Indian than the Indians
are today. I learned a awful lot from ‘em when I first
come west in 1896. And, I’ll remember ‘em
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to you…. But, mind, you pay attention boy. You
The loud “GRRRRRR” from the other side of the
screen door broke Dane’s daydream, and jerked him
back into the present.
As he opened the screen to let the beast in, the past
fled back into its hiding place. A place that Dane
could only visit. A place where only small boys and
memories could live.
The beast padded softly down the hall behind Dane.
Dane wasn’t sure how, but the beast following him
around that way seemed to tug at a memory. But
he couldn’t quite place it.
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chapter 1.6
The beast heard, smelled or somehow sensed Sam’s
arrival a full minute before her car turned up the
laneway, with Andrea hanging out the passenger
window, crying, “Daddy home…Daddy home!”
Dane had barely pulled the squirming two year old
through the window for his hello-hugs before the
beast took them down.
Sam got out and leaned on the fender of the car,
not really wanting to get involved, not under-
standing the appeal of grappling each other on the
lawn, and waited for Dane to roll out of the fray.
“I’m glad you’re back,” Dane smiled as he plunked
himself down on the car fender beside her.
“I had to come back. I don’t think that the two of
you can look….” Sam started to say as a little voice
piped up.
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“I win…..I win…...” came the exultant cry. Sam and
Dane both laughed as they saw Andy sitting on top
of the beast, holding an ear in one hand and a huge
black paw in the other.
“Funny, the beast never lets me win…” Dane
Laughter had taken the edge off of their reunion,
and the four of them headed into the house.
Sam headed directly for the kitchen to water the
beast, and probably look for pizza boxes and junk
food remains. “Dane, do you want a cup of tea, or
something, while I’m out here?”
“No thanks, I finished off a whole pot of coffee this
morning while I was hosing down ‘lil big foot’ and
the beast. You should have seen the mess.” But he
knew that he had made a mistake saying the word
‘mess’ to Sam.
Instead of lecturing or scolding, Sam just moaned
something about living with three children.
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Coming out of the kitchen with her cup of tea, Sam
handed him a can of beer and curled up on the far
end of the sofa. It was the first time that she had
ever delivered him a can of beer. Ever…
“Dane, I’ve been wrestling with what to say to you
all the way home. We’ve got to get to the bottom
of this. Get some kind of understanding. What is
your problem? And I mean, what is your real
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chapter 1.7
Dane was not sure how to respond to Sam’s
question. That type of question had always seemed
to him as some kind of personal attack or as
trespassing on somehow sacred ground.
But Dane was softening, or perhaps maturing a bit,
and started to consider an answer.
“I….er……..well,” was the best he could come up
with, and stared down between his feet at the
patterns in the Persian carpet on the living room
floor. Whenever he had been lectured by his father,
He had done the same thing. ‘Centre your vision on
a complicated pattern, and you will set your mind
free to soar with the eagle,’ the old Chief had often
said. It worked. It always had.
“Dane? Dane! We won’t get anywhere with you
just staring at your feet! So, answer me!” Sam
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“I’m not really sure what you’re actually asking me.
I don’t think that there’s any problem…….” Dane
Sam was not going to be evaded this time. “Look
Dane, you’ve been going steadily downhill for
almost two years now. You’re never on time, You
forget the simplest things, and you spend more time
with the Beast than with your own daughter. So,
what’s your problem?”
Dane’s head came up with a snap. His eyes had lost
their color. He was white hot. His anger boiled……
he was quietly furious.
In very low, measured tones, Dane started to speak.
“I’ve told you about my family. I’ve told you about
my past. And, I’ve told you about the curse. Why
don’t YOU know what my problem is?”

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“OK, then Dane, if you are the last, as you say, then
how do you explain Andrea?” Sam defied him.
With the air of someone having to teach the same
history lesson, over and over and over again, to a
classroom full of students who aren’t listening,
Dane started yet again to explain.

“Look, Sam, we’re talking about a three hundred

year old Scottish curse. Women counted zero in
those days. And don’t you remember those years
when you couldn’t get pregnant? And how I
predicted when you would, and even when she
would be born? Don’t you remember any of what I
explained to you then?”
“Yes,” Sam started. “But that was all three years
ago. What’s bothering you now? Your father being
laid to rest?” Sam asked.

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Sam was close. But not close enough for Dane to
say what he so badly wanted to say.
“OK,” Sam tried. “Then, why don’t you just tell me
what you were thinking about when you phoned me
earlier. You said that I should return and that you
would leave for a while……”
‘That’s it, now or never,’ Dane thought to himself.
“OK Sam…..I’ve finally made up my mind…..if you
have to know……I’ve got to find out who, or maybe
just what I am. Am I that old Sorcerer’s long lost
grandson? Or is life just a huge pile of coincidence
and bull shit that we wade through. I just don’t
know anymore…….and the only place to find out is
Scotland…….” Dane explained.
“Dane!” Sam exploded. “You can’t just…..” She
trailed off.

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“Oh, but I can. And I have to,” Dane continued,
reluctantly at first, but warming to the task. “Now is
the time Sam. If I stay here, I’ll be of no use to you
or Andy……and I know that I’m of no use to myself
or my job…..I’ve got to go………Don’t you
see?.......I’ve got to settle this thing……Once and
for all…….”
Sam sat as still and quiet as the Beast, who for once,
was keeping his opinion to himself.
“I think maybe you’re right, Dane……..I don’t like. I
don’t like it one little bit. But……if you’ll promise
to come back to us as the guy that I fell in love
with…… well, then, I guess we could……..” She
trailed off again.
Dane lost no time. He had it covered. He reached
out for her hand, and took it in his.

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He looked her straight in the eye and promised, “I’ll
be back, I swear it………and we’ll be that family
again. Nothing will keep me away. At least, not for
They didn’t say anything more. There was nothing
else left to say. They just sat, holding hands, and
thinking their own thoughts.
As Dane finally stood up to go and start packing, he
was certain that he heard Sam whisper “OK.”
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chapter 1.8

“So have I said it, so it must be done……” Dane

said solemnly to the Beast. “And you can quote me
on that!” He finished.
The Beast made no response. It seemed that as
Dane’s spirits rose, the Beast’s flagged. But Dane
didn’t notice. He was preparing for the quest. An
adventure. The thing that he had anticipated and
dreamt of his whole life.
Dane started to say “When we get, Beast….” But he
couldn’t get the word Beast out of his mouth before
he was knocked to the floor, kicking and laughing,
under the onslaught of the excited Beast.
“You didn’t think I was going without you, did you?”
Dane gurgled, with a huge black paw pressed across
his throat.
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The Beast knew all along that he would be going.
He knew that Dane needed him. They were a team.
Together, they could not fail.

The scarred old sea chest that Dane was packing for
the journey yawned at the foot of the bed. It had
been his great grandfather’s. One of only a small
handful of possessions that had survived for the
century in the new world. That, and the old fiddle
under the bed. They would both be making the
return trip to Scotland with Dane and the Beast.
Dane stood silently staring into the chest,
wondering for the moment, ‘Am I forgetting any-
thing that I’m going to need…..’ as the Beast silently
padded back into the room with an equally quiet
little girl in tow.
Dropping his black, bristly head over the lip of the
old sea chest, the Beast growled, Almost silently.
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As Dane watched, a bit bewildered, Andy walked
slowly up to the sea chest, and reverently placed
her best treasure inside. It was her Indian Dream
Stone. It was a very smooth stone that they had
found in the spring at a deserted Indian meeting
place in the foothills. It was to remind him where
home is, she said, and she left as quickly as she had
A single tear fought its way into Dane’s eye, as he
bent down to pick up the stone. It was the best
present he could have received.
Standing there, with the small stone in his hand, his
mind wandered back twenty five years to a simpler
time……to a low ceiling and a dirt floor. A
sputtering fire almost kept away the chill and gave a
flickering light to the old Indian sitting on the fur
robe talking to a young boy.

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“Little traveler,” he was saying, “Some people may
be your friends, and some may turn out to be your
enemies. You won’t know them from the onset.
Only from their heart will you know them.”
“In you, is the greatness of the tribes. I can see this.
But, I do not recognize all of your tribes. Some of
them seem to me very strange. There is also great
sadness and anger. Don’t let this anger rule you.”
“No Grandfather,” the boy replied.
“Do you remember the boy that I found in the
woods of the summer? The boy with the bird of the
broken wing? The boy cried for the bird, but could
do nothing to help. The boy should have cried for
himself because he was far from home and hungry.
But he could only cry for the bird. Do you
The boy could only nod his head.

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“I love that boy. He showed me that there is still
hope. Someone is still willing to give without
getting. It means that when I go, there will still be
good that remains. That’s why I taught him. I know
that you will do the right things.”
“Along the path, you will be called upon to help.
And you will. And sometimes, you will need help.
Find your strength inside. Help will come to you,”
the old man continued.
“My time is over very soon, and yours is only about
to begin. When you need me, I’ll be near. You are
the son of my old age, and the keeper of my
thoughts. And, now, you will become a keeper of
the beasts. Know them well and keep them. They
are your only true allies. By this, you will prosper.”
That was the last time that they had together in this

- 40 –
The stone felt warm in his hand, as he bent down
and gently placed it amongst the treasures and the
necessities of the battered old sea chest.
“Beast,” Dane started to say as he turned away from
his packing. But the Beast had already left to make
his own good-byes.
- 41 –
chapter 2.1
He felt all of the little changes happening every
minute that they were on the road heading away
from home, and from everything that he loved and
knew so well.
A feeling of doom rode with him. Its icy hand was
on his shoulder. The short hairs on the back of his
neck prickled against the collar of his worn out jean
jacket. His grip on the steering wheel got tighter
and tighter until it almost prevented him from
turning the truck off the road. Almost, but he got it
over onto the shoulder of the road without kicking
up too much dust, and stopped to regain control.
Dane took a couple of deep breaths to relax and
looked over at the Beast. The beast could have
been carved out of black granite, he was so still.

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Before Dane could speak, the Beast moved. Well,
not so much moved, as he was just instantly in a
different position.
Dane had always been fascinated by some of the
Beast’s different strange abilities. Especially this
trick of moving so fast that Dane couldn’t see the in
between. One moment he is here, and the next
moment he is there.
But, instead of asking the Beast for the hundredth
time how he could move so fast, he simply let his
gaze follow the outstretched claw of his longtime
The Beast was pointing to the sign that Dane so
desperately needed. It was a beautiful red tailed
hawk. But this was not just an ordinary hawk. This
bird of prey had just killed its dinner.

- 43 –
“Remember what I told you about old Two Feathers,
Beast?” Dane half whispered, not wanting to
somehow disturb the scene.
The Beast slowly retracted his boney limb and
turned a pair of dark amber eyes toward Dane. He
was ready to listen, but Dane was not quite ready to
As the hawk slowly lifted itself into the sky and
drifted out of sight with its meal, so did all of Dane’s
misgivings. It would all work out. Now, he knew it
“Two Feathers said that the hawk would guide me
and warn me. That a hawk just sitting in my sight
meant that I was to think about whatever it was
that I was doing. And, that a hawk on the hunt
would mean that I was on the right path. But,
especially a hawk with a fresh kill, that would mean
success for my hunt.” Dane explained.
- 44 -
“You know, Beast, I miss that old man more today
than I ever did before. I have so many questions
now that only he could answer.”
Understanding Dane and listening to Dane were two
very different things for the Beast, and always had
been. The Beast knew what Dane was thinking the
instant that it crossed Dane’s mind, so he let Dane
talk because he knew that Dane just had to hear
most things out loud so that he could understand it
Pulling ‘little big foot’ back onto the road, Dane lit
up a smoke, gave out a little cough, and raced
toward the four lane highway, and to whatever they
might find in the days ahead.

- 45 –
chapter 2.2
Dane had switched on ‘little big foot’s’ headlights
before he realized that they had driven the first day
away. It was all one big blur interrupted by a couple
of gas stops, and might have even continued, if his
hunger hadn’t got the better of him.
“Well, Beast, good or bad, I see some kind of
semi-fast semi-food place coming up on the other
side of the highway………what do you say we jump
the median strip and give it a shot?”
“Beast?” But the Beast was sound asleep and his
black body was only a shimmer in the darkness of
the truck’s interior. Dane let him sleep. It seemed
that the Beast needed a lot more sleep these days.
And, it was getting harder for him as he aged, to
keep the appearance of being just a big black dog.


- 46 –
As they jumped the median ditch and rolled across
the other side of the now deserted highway, Dane
thought kind of sourly to himself, that the Beast was
also the end of his line. He was the last of his kind.
And he was starting to look like he didn’t have much
time left.
Reaching across the seat to wake the Beast, Dane
felt his hand disappear deep in the Beast’s yawning
mouth. Dane pulled back an instant before that
terrible jaw snapped shut. One of the Beast’s only
faults was that his eyes closed tight when he
yawned, and he couldn’t see a thing. And he always
snapped his jaw shut with thunderous glee after
yawning. A very dangerous combination for
anything in the way of the huge fangs that populate
that mouth.
“That was close, you old fart. Any quicker and I
would have lost my watch in that black hole of a
mouth of yours….” Dane laughed.
- 47 –
“OK, I’ll go on in and see if I can find us something
to eat that Sam would disapprove of, and we can
rough it tonight on that picnic table under the tree,
over there,” he said as he closed the door of the
truck and wandered into the pool of light
surrounding the little restaurant.
Dane wasn’t gone more than five minutes before
returning to the now empty truck. The Beast had
vanished. Again. The second time in a day. He was
getting so damned independent as he grew old.
Not like when they were both young. Back then,
they called the Beast the Shadow, because he was
forever only a half a pace behind Dane, wherever
they went...
Dane sat at the picnic table remembering how
unsure he was about the Beast at first. But now, he
couldn’t remember a time clearly when the Beast
was not at his side as his best friend.
- 48 –
Dane snapped around almost as fast as the Beast
would have when he heard a loud crunching sound
coming from just behind where he was sitting. The
Beast had returned. Apparently, not quite alone.
The Beast lay stretched out on the grass, with what
looked to Dane to be about half of a medium sized
turtle. A half of a Painted Turtle, to be precise.
“No thanks, Beast,” Dane gagged. “You can finish
that mess off all by yourself…..”
“I’ll just eat some of these boring old ham’n cheese
sandwiches that I caught, and even save us a couple
for a bit of breakfast tomorrow.”
Dane found that he was hungrier than he first
thought, and so was the Beast. They finished off all
of the sandwiches and drained their milkshakes to
the last drop, with the Beast contentedly eating the
empty paper cups for his desert.

- 49 –
“That feels much better. Why don’t you have a little
rest while I sort out our sleeping quarters…” Dane
teased, as the Beast curled himself up on the
defenseless picnic table.
Dane threw himself into setting up the rear end of
‘little big foot’ to become their evening’s
accommodations. A simple enough job, the way he
had it all engineered. Just unsnap the cargo cover
and lower the tailgate for access, then slip the two
short tent poles in the rear corners and the wedge
shaped tent takes shape. That’s all it took. A couple
of minutes, and it’s your home away from home.
The only things missing are a kitchen, a bathroom,
electricity, and perhaps some privacy…. But, really
most of the essentials.
He was so impressed with the ease of setting up
their little nest for the first time that he forgot all
about the Beast for the moment and started to
inventory their assets in his head.
- 50 –
“Let’s see now,” he muttered to himself, “Three
thousand, two hundred and twelve dollars, and two
thousand and seven hundred in British pounds. Yah,
should be enough……”
A low growling sound from somewhere outside
reminded him that the Beast was still out there.
The Beast fairly flew through the tent flap as Dane
unzipped it to investigate the reason behind the
growling, and their nightly routine of good natured
jockeying for the best place to sleep began. A battle
that they both knew neither could win.

- 51 –
chapter 2.3
Morning came way too soon for the travelers. But
the heady aroma of freshly brewing coffee on the
slight morning breeze was enough to entice Dane
into venturing out into the morning mists and the
start of their second day.
He left the Beast to rouse himself in his own time
and followed the tantalizing scent of morning
coffee. That scent, that means a hot, revitalizing
brew. The stuff that helps you get through reading
the morning paper and makes eating in the morning
Dane quickly readied the truck for the road, with his
eggs and bacon securely tucked away in his belly
and pondered his third cup of coffee sitting on the
hood of ‘little big foot’ in a Styrofoam throw away
cup and waited for his companion.

- 52 –
It didn’t take very long for the Beast to finish his
little hunting trip in the reed patch. As he strode
across the grassy area Dane could see that he had
been successful. It was evident in his stride and by
the tongue that flicked across his lips.
The Beast leapt onto the passenger seat with the
agility of a panther. Muddy feet and damp fur aside,
Dane knew in his heart that part of the Beast would
be with him forever.

Their day went pretty much as all days on the road
go. Gas, road food, and the occasional rest area
where a man and his dog could run and jump and
be as silly as the boy and the pup that was inside of
each of them could be.


- 53 –
They followed all of the road signs faithfully, but
were still surprised to find the harbor. They were
even more surprised to see a sign directing traffic to
the automotive cargo loading area. Dane’s traveling
experience had taught him long ago that most of
the people that put up these signs were either lost
themselves or had a sadistic sense of humor. He
had always preferred following his instincts in the
wilderness, to following the jumble of roads and
highways that mostly seemed to have no plan to
The fact that it was after midnight when they found
the docks did not bother him at all, until he saw all
of the locked gates and entry ways in front of them,
and stopped on the side of the road to consider
their next move.

- 54 –
“Well Beast, there’s the ships, and here’s us. We’re
on the wrong side of a bloody fence, as usual. I got
us here, but I have no idea what to do now…….”
By way of response, the Beast squeezed himself out
the passenger window of the truck and slowly
wandered along the fence until he disappeared into
the night.
Fences always seemed to be in Danes’ way, one way
or another, his whole life. So Dane just sat and
watched and waited.
While he waited, he lit up a smoke and hummed a
little tune under his breath as the Beast was doing
whatever it was that he was off to do. After all, the
Beast could be several times more cunning than he
chose to look.

- 55 –
Before he could finish his cigarette, though, the
Beast magically reappeared. Or so it seemed. He
wasn’t there, and then he was. With no fanfare or
announcement, he was just sitting on the edge of
the road illuminated by the headlights. Apparently
he was waiting to be noticed, or he was just too lazy
to walk all the way back to the truck. Either could
be true.
The Beast, sensing that he had finally been noticed
by Dane, slowly got up and ambled back into the
darkness. Dane quietly followed him with the truck
wondering what the Beast could be up to now.
A minute or so down the road, the Beast stopped
and turned off the road toward the fence.
Dane stopped the truck in the tall grass beside the
road and got out to follow the Beast into the dark.
The grass was slippery and wet.

- 56 –
The fence was cold, and looked very permanent.
But he followed the Beast until he stopped, and
stuck his snout through the mesh.
“What do you see, Beast?” he whispered, as he
tried to follow the Beast’s gaze through the fence.
“OK, ya, I see a little red truck, same make and
model as mine, but not near as nice. So what?”
He couldn’t make out what it was that the Beast
wanted him to see, and he wasn’t in the mood for
any of the Beast’s stupid little games. Until his eyes
got more accustomed to the dim light and he could
read the paper that said ‘Dock C, Liverpool ENG-GB’
taped to the windshield of that other red truck, and
the ship in the background with a car ramp
extended out to the dock.
Like a bolt out of the blue, Dane understood. It was
all just too simple.

- 57 –
The Beast had struck gold. All they would have to
do was take the license plates and shipping papers
from the red truck in the yard and put them on
‘little big foot’ temporarily.
All it would take was the opportunity to get on the
other side of the fence for a couple of minutes to
grab the plates and papers.
With the correct paperwork, the gateman would
surely let them pass in a heartbeat.

- 58 –
They both felt someone enter the cab of the little
red truck and start it up. And they both heard the
stereo boom to life. No one could hear them laugh,
hidden as they were, under the thick cargo cover in
the back of ‘little big foot’ and very much out
gunned by that very loud and unpredictable stereo.
It took no time at all for them to be parked on one
of the cargo decks of the ship and cinched down for
the journey. So far, they were getting away with it.
And even being somewhat entertained by the very
imaginative swearing of the dock worker. Obviously
a country and western music type, who had just
been treated to some extremely loud rock and roll,
and didn’t appreciate the finer things.
After being tied down to the deck, they were left
alone. At least, there were no more sounds coming
through to them for the moment.

- 59 –
Every couple of minutes or so, the performance was
pretty much the same. A squeal of tires, the
slamming of a car door, and the swearing of the
driver as he tied another car down to the deck.
“Don’t you just love to hear a man that loves his
work,” Dane snickered at the Beast, and buried his
face in his jacket, to muffle his laughter, and decided
that he had better behave.
Car after car after car were brought in over the
hours as the sounds became further and further
away. And then it went quiet.
They waited for two full hours after the last sounds
of car parking ended before Dane whispered “I think
we’re safe now. I’m going to open up and take a
look around.” They couldn’t take any risks after all
they had gone through the night before. Shopping
for all the last minute supplies and what not that
they were presently crammed in with.
- 60 –
Dane slid a couple of fingers out from under the
cargo cover and started to undo the snaps. When
he had enough of an opening, he stuck his head out
to see if they were alone or not.
The car jockeys had not left more than a foot’s
space between the vehicles on all four sides. If
‘little big foot’ had not been raised so high, they
would never get the tailgate open. But, they were
most definitely alone, and shut in.
It only took a couple of minutes to finish erecting
their seagoing shelter, and climb out to get a better
look at their surroundings. Luckily, they were
parked second to the end of a row adjacent to a
driveway between the ranks of rows. Dane would
only have to hoist the Beast past one other vehicle
to get his feet on the ground.

- 61 –
Walking to one of the dozen or so port holes proved
to be much easier than what he had expected. They
had left a good sized walkway along the bulkhead.
And even better, the porthole looked as though it
could actually be opened.
Looking out, Dane could see the other little red
truck about a half a mile away sitting all alone with
a big white note taped to the windshield. He
couldn’t read it from so far away, but he knew what
it said because he had written it. ‘HOLD FOR BILL
“I wonder just how long it will take before
somebody figures out that something isn’t right
with that little red truck sitting there with no license
plates on it…… well, it sure won’t be before the
owner complains that his truck isn’t in England, and
that will be after we’re safely there and off this old
tub. Wow Beast, just wow….” Dane muttered.
- 62 –
Dane really had his work cut out for him now. He
had to organize ‘little big foot’ into a somewhat
comfortable living area and hideout for the pair of
them for the ten day trip, without leaving too many
outward signs of habitation. He had no idea if any
crew member might check the cargo areas during
the crossing, so it was better safe than sorry. It also
meant no cooking, no music, and worst of all, no
fresh air. But, it was a much smaller price to pay
than passage and paperwork, and any of the other
hassles Dane could imagine.
At least the dozen pizzas and six packs of beer to
match would help ease them into their new diet
plan. They were the very same pizzas and beer that
they had conned the guard at the gate into letting
them pass to deliver to the ship’s crew for their last
night in port party. The Beast was not the only
criminal mind on board…….

- 63 –
The Beast sensed Dane’s need to be alone with
himself while he sorted out their supplies and what
nots, and so did he. The Beast sat as still as stone as
far into the corner as he could get in that little box.
He was only an arm’s length of distance, but
centuries away in a place that he could not tell Dane
about. He could not send out his thoughts, he could
only receive thoughts from others. And not even,
too many others. His Dane was one of the few. And
he was the most important.
The Beast remembered everything that all of his
ancestors knew. And he knew what they were.
They were on earth before man. They should have
developed to be the dominant species. But they
hadn’t. Mankind had just sort of come up from
nowhere, with a meteoric rise that had stunned
them, and surpassed them.

- 64 –
And now he was the last of his kind. He was a mute
testament to a vanquished race; forced to wear the
appearance of a domestic dog.
But, if he had to finish his life and the lives of those
that lived on inside of him, he would do that with
Dane, and be well satisfied.
“What are you thinking about so hard, you old fart?
You look like you could burst into flames, or melt, or
I don’t know what?” Dane interrupted.
The Beast answered in the only way that he could.
He nuzzled Dane in the shoulder and then got in his
way. And he decided that he would really like a slice
of pizza and a beer. And that beer could go down
can and all.
He also wished that they didn’t have to endure their
pains and their loneliness so alone. The maker
should have given them a way………

- 65 –
chapter 2.5
There were no tantalizing aromas of coffee or
sizzling bacon drifting on the morning breeze to
awaken Dane this morning. There was only the
steady low frequency vibrating of the ship and the
acrid smell of a cooped up, nervous Beast that had
been eating pizza and beer invading his nostrils to
start this day.
‘Sam’s right,’ Dane thought to himself, ‘I shouldn’t
give him pizza and beer, at least not if I want to
breathe the same air as him and live…’
Dane propped himself up on one elbow and turned
on the small battery powered camp lantern. The
Beast sat in abject silence with one ear standing at
attention, obviously listening to something that he
just didn’t understand. And he didn’t look like he
liked it one little bit.

- 66 –
“We’re at sea, Beast. That’s what you hear,” Dane
consoled him. “We probably put out on the
morning tide while we were sound asleep. Don’t be
such a pup! We’ve gotten away with it, at least so
far…… want a scotch mint?
The land was completely out of sight by the time
they edged their way over to the port hole for a
look. There were a few sea birds that still circled
the ship, but they were the only thing that broke up
the monotony of sea and sky. Dane wanted to undo
the port to smell the sea, but he thought better of
it. They might set off an alarm, or worse, be seen
from some unknown vantage point by a crew
member. Instead, they headed back to the truck for
a cold breakfast, and to hide out for a little while
“No cooking, no coffee and no smoking, Beast. This
trip is going to be a long one……”
- 67 –
‘No pizza for the Beast’ he could hear Sam say in the
back of his mind. And for once, he decided to listen.
‘Had she smelled that bad breath in the morning?’
He mused, and decided that she probably had.
The steady creaking of an aging ship meeting the
unending waves of the open sea, and the constant
low pitched throbbing of the engines filling their
ears wore on their nerves. The day seemed endless,
punctuated by fitful naps and straying thoughts.
Dane and the Beast came to the same conclusion at
the same instant. They needed to get out. They
needed to get away. At the very least, they needed
to do some exploring.
“What d’ya say Beast? We’ll go up a couple of decks
and see what’s what?”

- 68 –
Two decks up was a different world, and yet it all
looked remarkably the same. It seemed like the
ship was sailing more smoothly. And the sound of
the engines had almost completely gone away. But
they were still surrounded by parked cars and the
dim lighting.
The best thing of all, however, was that they didn’t
find any security cameras or any kind of alarm
systems so far in their travels.
“Well, Beast, do I open this little window and take
the risk? Well get ready to run back to ‘little big
foot’ if something goes wrong…….”
The sea air washed over them and refreshed them.
No bells had gone off. They had access to the open
air. They couldn’t climb out, but they could sniff
around and see from the front of the ship to the
back of the ship. It would make all the rest of it
- 69 –
With somewhere to go to and come back from,
Dane and the Beast could look forward to this three
or four times a day for the rest of the voyage, no
matter how long it took.
Back in the truck, that kind of peaceful, and easy
feeling started to take hold of Dane. Not like the
feeling he got before going out in the countryside in
‘little big foot’ or the kind of feeling when work was
done and it was time to pour several beers down his
It was more the way that he felt when he picked his
daughter up. When he could smile and run with
her. When he could chase and be chased. And
show her the bark on the trees and the sun coming
through the leaves on the trees. The child that he
had waited for so long. The little girl that an old
sorcerer had left out of his curse because three
hundred years ago women had no value.
- 70 –
‘Sorcerer, Girls do count! My girl and I will prove it
to you,” Dane vowed under his breath.
The wave of homesickness stunned him. He had
never felt it before. He wanted to be with Sam and
Andy, but they were so far away, and getting so long
ago. And he realized that the situation was not
really new.
The new part was that he recognized it.

- 71 –
chapter 2.6
The Beast could see the sadness inside Dane, and
knew that he could not properly express his
concern. He needed to do more than just nuzzle his
old friend, or give subtle hints. He had to do
something bigger.
Dane watched, half amused, as the Beast clawed
the lid of the old sea chest open. He had no idea
what the Beast was up to, and he really didn’t care.
He just watched. The Beast would let him know,
probably. And, if not, there wasn’t anything in there
that he had not already played around with at some
time or another. And, maybe, he was just amusing
But, the Beast found what he was looking for.
With great care, he moved closer and let the little
cloth wrapped bundle fall from his jaws. He seemed
almost to be afraid of it, somehow.
- 72 –
It was little Andrea’s dream stone. ‘To remember
her by,’ she had said. She did not know that Dane
could never forget.
It was as though everything that Dane had ever
done or seen was carved into a giant granite block
that he had to drag along with him, and it grew
heavier and heavier the longer that he lived.
The good parts with the bad. It was all there. It
would always be. It made him who he was. And
that wasn’t all bad.

Dane unwrapped the stone and felt its warmth. It
seemed to move in his hand as he gazed at the
polished surface. He wondered how many others
had tried to see its visions, because all that he had
seen were some small flickers of light and fleeting
- 73 –
Their world exploded into flames and dense black
smoke at the instant that the Beast placed his big
black paw on the stone in Dane’s hand. Dane saw
the screaming Phoenix rise up from the fires of Hell
and look directly into his eyes, as he jerked the
stone back from under the Beast’s paw and it all
vanished as if it had never been.
He felt no fear, only surprise. And he would have to
rethink what the Beast was all about.
He didn’t know if what he had seen came from the
Beast, or from his own imaginings. Or worse, it
could have been real. At least, maybe real
somewhere. All he knew for sure was that this bird
was a phoenix, or The Phoenix, and it was immortal
and could not be killed, at least, according to
legends. And almost every culture he’d studied had
had one in their history.
- 74 –
The fact that the dream stone had never given him a
clear message in the past came back to him. The
Beast must have triggered it, not Dane. That made
a big difference and brought up all sorts of
“Did the makers of this stone know your kind,
Beast,” Dane asked, half hoping for an answer.
The answer was in Dane’s hand. It dangled in front
of them. It was locked inside of a stone.
“Well, whether it’s me, or whether it’s you that’s
triggered this thing, we’ve got it, so we’ll have to
learn how to use it. So, let’s try it again, Beast.
What do you say?” Dane went on. If there was a
way, Dane would risk it. And he felt that the
Phoenix had not appeared by accident, but that it
had something to say to him, or possibly give him a
- 75 –
The world did not go off with a big bang and smoke
and flames the second time. But they were not
where they started from, either. They were
hovering several feet above their own backyard.
And there was Andy. Her little white dress flowing
behind her as she ran barefoot through the grass,
Sam was trying to keep up to her.
This was just what he needed. He couldn’t feel
anything, but he could see and hear. And what he
saw was that things were going smoothly enough in
their absence. It was as if they weren’t quite
missed, at least, not yet.
Dane turned to see what the Beast thought of all of
this, but he wasn’t there. He didn’t care. He was
home. Well, he was sort of home, even if for only a
few moments.
- 76 –
Dane tried to reach out, but his arm wouldn’t move.
He tried again, a little harder, and his hand came
free with a jolt. A jolt that brought them both back
their little box in the here and now. By moving his
hand away, he had broken the connection. But, not
permanently, he hoped.
As his vision cleared, he saw the Beast. He was
grinning. Something that only people who knew the
Beast well would like to see.
“That was great!” Dane exploded. “Where do you
want to go next?”
But the Beast cautioned him with a look. They
could go where they wanted, and where they had to
go, when it was time. And they would know those
times when they presented themselves.
- 77 –
“You’re right,” Dane agreed. “But, on the other
hand, we need to know more about what this stone
can do, before we need this stone to do
something…….you know? We don’t know very
much about it at all……”
“Like, what would happen if we just picked the
stone up in a rush, and didn’t think of a where or a
when…..just like we need to be somewhere else
fast? What would happen? Maybe we might end
up back at the farm……..that would be good….” He
continued. He didn’t want to let the subject drop.
As he talked to the Beast, his thoughts kept
returning to the Phoenix. They had not crossed his
path on their second trip, but Dane was even more
convinced that the Phoenix had something to say to
- 78 –
chapter 2.7
On their seventh morning at sea, Dane could see
the end of their confinement through the porthole.
At least, he thought that he could. The morning
mists made everything appear ghost-like and
surreal. But he was certain that he was catching
glimpses of land.
He could almost taste the stronger English brew that
he would be drinking in the first pub that presented
itself. And some fish and chips. And all of the other
things that they had gone without on this ship, like
hot food, coffee and a shower.
Dane let his mind wander the roads that they would
be driving soon, and some that they had already
been down. He wondered about the countryside
that they were headed for. Would they find any
open land, or would they be even more fenced in
than they were at home.
- 79 –
“Beast, don’t forget to keep reminding me to drive
on the wrong side of the road. That’ll give all the
other drivers a good look at you….” He joked.
They headed back to ‘little big foot’ knowing that
this was probably the last time that they could risk
visiting their private look out. From this point on, it
would be back into hiding, back to being cramped
up in a very small space with each other.

In their self imposed prison, there was lots of time
to sift through some of the jumbled visions, or
illusions, or whatever they were that the stone had
let them see. And they could recall the hours that
he and the Beast had sat enthralled by them in the
stone’s grip.
They had proven, in less than a hundred tries, that if
you didn’t aim your thoughts to the exact place that
you wanted to go, you just didn’t get there.
- 80 –
Through trial and error, Dane had found that the
Beast couldn’t work the stone alone either. Or, he
thought, maybe the Beast just hadn’t wanted to go
One place that they had ventured, the Beast didn’t
want to stay. It was a very gloomy place, anyway.
The Beast had pulled back from the stone so quickly
that they were back before Dane could figure out
where they had been.
It was a place with long dead gray moss hanging
from otherwise barren trees and giant black and
white ferns standing as straight as arrows. Nothing
moved in that colorless scenery of intense heat.
Not even a shred of breeze to break the monotony.
And, the Beast did not like it. He hadn’t wanted to
use the stone again, judging by the scowl that he

- 81 –
Dane didn’t try to pursue that dark vision. It was
one of their unfocused attempts. It could be
anywhere. It could be anywhen. And, if the Beast
wanted nothing to do with it, then Dane wanted
nothing to do with it either.
Besides, there were many more important things to
think about, he thought.
Things like getting off of this ship. Things like not
getting caught. And things like finding some fresh
food. If they had to eat much more cold pizza, it
might spoil him forever. It might even do something
to the Beast. But he doubted it.
The method of leaving the ship behind still eluded
Dane. He’d never been on an English dock or an
English port, and he had no idea what to expect. It
was starting to look like this would turn into one of
those wait and see things.
Waiting and seeing was not Dane’s strong point…..
- 82 –
Albert, the old sourdough, had always said that
Dane lacked patience. “Fishin’” he had said, “it’s
sposed to be relaxin, boy. Not a durned wrastlin
match betwixt you and the fish…” he chuckled.
“You looks like yer ready to jump in after em and
toss em back up on the bank. Jest take er easy.
They’ll come to ya or not. And lookin all sad and
disgusted don’t work neither. I tried it onest a while
ago. And it didn’t work then neither.”
But Dane persevered, and the fish did come to him.
It took his bait and it pulled on his line. It should
have jumped out of the river and onto the bank, but
it didn’t. It probably should have cooked itself too,
for keeping him waiting so long. But, it slipped the
hook and swam away. And he was almost glad.
He never enjoyed the cleaning or even the cooking
of the fish. He was there because this man had so
much to tell him.
- 83 –
Albert had been much luckier that day. He’d caught
one that would feed the two of them. But Dane
could still remember the gritty sound as Albert cut
its head off, and could still see in his mind’s eye, the
gore of its insides as the old man cut it up to fry. It
had almost spoiled the taste of fish for him. Almost.
Dane spent the rest of the day in his private travels
while the Beast napped. But, perhaps the Beast
traveled too.
He had already prepared the truck for the unloading
process, and there was nothing left to do, but wait.
- 84 –
chapter 2.8
Dane slept through the docking process. The same
as he had slept through getting under way at the
beginning of their voyage. He had missed the pilot
boats and the tugs both times. He missed seeing
the ship tied to the dock. He might have slept
through the unloading process, if it weren’t for all
the shouting and commotion that woke him.
His first thought was the Beast. Was he out there
wreaking some kind of havoc? Were some unlucky
crew members chasing and shouting at the Beast, or
even more likely some unlucky crew members
shouting and being chased.
Pulling his arm out of the sleeping bag, under the
close fitting tarp on ‘little big foot’ in the pitch black,
without making any noise, seemed to take hours
instead of seconds.

- 85 –
But the reward was curled up beside him, breathing
softly and very regularly. The Beast was still sound
The English dockworkers and car jockeys were
turning out to be quite a rowdy crew. Or, a bawdy
crew, if Dane understood correctly the loud
conversations that he was overhearing. He could
only catch about a half of what they were saying,
punctuated by squealing tires and car doors being
A couple of things he heard, he knew for sure. One
being that it was going to be the hottest day of the
year and that it was soon time for tea.
Moments later, someone yelled “TEA!” and Dane
could hear several hurried footsteps, and then
nothing. If they would ever have a chance for a
quick look see, the time was now.

- 86 –
Dane got his head out to look around in an instant.
All of the workers had left. The deck was deserted.
And, the deck was almost empty. The jockeys had
removed many more cars than Dane would ever
have believed if he hadn’t seen it with his own two
eyes. They should be the next to be off loaded.
There was nothing but space between ‘little big
foot’ and the ramp to the exit deck. Nothing, but a
cap and jacket left by one of the jockeys on the
hood of the car parked next to them.
“Beast, stay here and be quiet for a couple of
minutes. I’ve got an idea…..” and Dane crawled out
of the tarps and re-snapped them down. He quickly
unlatched the tie downs that had kept them from
rolling around the deck while they were at sea.
Dane tossed on the abandoned cap and jacket and
hopped into the driver’s seat. One turn of the key
and they were moving toward the ramp.
- 87 –
Two decks up, the sun shone brightly through the
access port, and he could see the ramp leading out
almost flat to the dock. “Piece of cake,” he
whispered to himself, and headed out.
The ramp wobbled a bit, but not enough to make
the stereo come to life, and they were on the dock
and headed away from the ship. All that he could
see was a field of cars as far as the eye could see,
and a little gate house and guard in the distance.
As they neared the gate, Dane remembered
something that his father had said to him years
before, “Just tell ’em what they expect to hear.”
The moment that they rolled up to the gate house,
the guard peered out at him as if ready to say that
he shouldn’t be moving a vehicle on tea time.
Before the guard could speak, Dane noticed the tea
van leaving from the next gate and pointed at it.

- 88 –

Before he could even form a good story, he blurted

out “tea,” kind of anxiously.
The guard, thinking that he understood that he had
missed the tea van, shrugged and muttered about
going ahead and chasing his tail, waved him past.
The tea van stopped a hundred yards down the lane
and so did Dane. As the driver put out his awning to
start selling, without a lot of thinking, Dane got out
and decided to buy a cup of tea.
As Dane climbed back into ‘little big foot’ with his
tea and sweet roll, he could see that the guard had
tucked his head back in at the gate house and most
likely had gone back to his newspaper and thought
nothing more of the whole exchange. And, of
course he didn’t see Dane take the papers off the
windshield and drive around the corner onto the
high road.
- 89 –
chapter 3.1
To say that the Beast had enjoyed his half hour ride
in the dark cargo box of ‘little big foot’ on the
hottest day of the year would be a mistake. A very
big mistake, considering all of the bouncing around
he had taken; and, all on an empty stomach.
Once Dane had released him from his uneasy
confinement, the Beast was so vile and surly that it
brought back some of Dane’s childhood misgivings
that he had felt toward the Beast when it had first
entered his life, for better or worse, it seemed. But
the feeling passed as quickly as it had come. At
least, in as short a time as it took for the Beast to
devour the rest of Dane’s sweet roll and spill his
rapidly cooling tea all over the truck’s interior. But
Dane knew that the Beast would lick it all clean, and
even eat the empty tea cup, so it just wasn’t a
- 90 –
“Beast, you are a real slob….and not much more
than an overdeveloped digestive tract covered with
fur,” he smiled. “Well, why don’t we find you
something that you can really sink those fangs
Dane could only put half of his mind to the task of
easing the little red truck back into traffic while the
other half of his mind slipped back in time twenty
five years…….to the moments that led to the Beast
becoming his faithful partner in whatever they did.
The ten year old was marching through the woods
with purpose. He was getting away. He wanted to
be alone. It was an afternoon in early spring; it was
Easter, and it was his birthday. But that did not stop
the arguments with his father. He was beginning to
believe it would never end; that they would never
get along with each other.
- 91 –
Young Dane stopped dead in his tracks. He instantly
became the hunter that the old Indian had trained.
As he watched in his still silence, the shiny, round
black rock on the path ahead of him moved again.
Or, maybe the shadows of the forest were just
making it look that way. After all, the shadows
made the whole forest look alive.
He rubbed his eyes and continued to stare at the
rock. It was a bit bigger than a football, and he was
sure that it was looking back at him. Dane started
to pick out some details and realized that it was
looking back at him. He could just make out large
watery eyes and a nose. It was definitely an animal.
But, the closer he looked, the less certain he
became of just what kind of animal.
The thing stayed rock still as he approached it. But
each time he looked away for a moment, out of the
corner of his eye, the little animal looked more like a
rock again.
- 92 –
Up close, he was convinced, and with a gentle
nudge, it moved. Slowly, its small square head
turned and looked up at him. It had a tiny wet nose,
and impossibly large floppy black ears. And then it
somehow curled one lip up over its sharp looking
canine teeth, and seemed to smile.
Dane could not resist its furry charm. He picked it
up. The animal felt cold and wet in Dane’s arms.
But, at least, it looked like it had just eaten. The
ground under a nearby bush was well littered with
egg shell fragments, showing that it had eaten.
“What am I going to do with you?” he laughed,
looking down at the small bundle that resembled a
puppy, but sounded more like a cat trying to purr.
From somewhere in the boy’s mind, the answer was
simple. “You’re coming home with me. And I’ll find
you something better to eat than eggs to eat…….”

- 93 –
It took Dane several years to realize that the Beast
had hatched out of those eggshells in the forest.
That was why he had been so wet and tired. But, he
could never find another egg, no matter how many
times he went back to look, or a single trace of a
It turned out that they shared their birthday, and he
found some small comforts in the notion of the
Beast being parentless, while Dane often felt like he
had been emotionally orphaned himself.

- 94 –
chapter 3.2
Liverpool is just as good, or bad, depending on your
point of view, a big city to get lost in as any other. A
bit more confusing than an American city because
it’s twice as old, and they’ve had a lot more time to
put things in your way and make the roads go in
every direction except where you want to go. The
fact that Liverpool is a harbor city and has a huge
amount of water ways breaking things up just adds
to the confusion.
The thrill of making it to England in one piece
undetected was quickly wearing off. Dane was
starting to feel as black as the Beast. He was lost;
seriously lost. And he hated big cities. Especially,
he hated the big, dirty, industrial types. And even
more so when his stomach was getting as empty as
that small place that he kept his patience in.

- 95 –
“Beast, I’ve had enough of this city! I’m hungry! I’m
tired! And, I don’t care what the Hell we eat! The
first thing that looks like food will do! And I don’t
care who serves it up!” Dane finally bellowed in his
one man frustration.
The Beast’s response was nothing more than an
expectant look that said ‘Shut up and find some of
that food for me too…….’ And he punctuated the
look with a low growl and a plaintive woof.
Another block down the road, Dane and the Beast
saw a man and his dog walk in the doorway to a
place with a sign hanging over the road saying ‘THE
DUKE OF WALES’ or something like that. The sign
was old and faded and its paint was more flaked off
than it was there. But, it looked like a good bet.
It called to him to enter, like it had called to the
thousands that came before him, and, they
obviously didn’t mind having dogs in for lunch.
- 96 –
“Let’s try it out, Beast. What have we got to lose?
Besides this terrible thirst, I mean…….and I could
murder a sandwich or a burger, or…..”
Dane and the Beast walked in like they belonged. A
shy man wins nothing. The place was small and
dark, but it sure smelled good. And it was filled up
with a late lunch crowd. And Dane felt a little
disappointed. The place looked almost like an
American English style pub, just a lot smaller and
Two or three of the locals looked up as Dane and
the Beast looked the place over, but soon went back
to their business. The dog that they had followed in
took no notice of them at all. He had his old snout
buried too deep in a mug of beer to care. Dane
figured that this other dog gave them the perfect
opportunity to introduce themselves and strike up a
conversation with their first local.
- 97 –
Dane wasted no time. He was hungry and thirsty.
He walked straight to the table of the man and his
dog and casually introduced himself.
“Afternoon, do you mind if we join you? My name’s
Dane and this is the Beast. We’d be happy to buy a
couple of rounds and a sandwich or two in return
for a bit of information.”
“Where’re yer from now, America, is it? Yeh, set
yerself down. I s’pose yer after antiques or somat?”
He asked.
This would be easy, Dane thought to himself. If
everyone that they were to meet would be this
open and friendly to talk to, then Dane would be
one happy boy.
“Yeah, something like that…” He responded. He
didn’t think that he needed to go through all the
born on the reservation and the great white north
stories at this point in time.
- 98 –
“Actually, I’m not interested in antiques. I’m here
after legends and castles; but Scottish legends and
castles in particular.” He answered as the waitress
came up.
“Well, my name’s Geoff, and I’ll get Sue here to
fetch us up a couple of pints, then, shall I? And you
wanted a sandwich or somat too? Or no, you try
the chips and such… can’t half knock it down.
They fry up anything that’s left in the kitchen on top
of the chips……’ll love it. They do it up a real
treat…” he went on.
Well that sounded like something that Dane could
work on and it was a done deal.
A nod and a wink and Geoff finished with the
waitress saying “Tah Sue,” and she was gone. Dane
just hoped that the food was fast. What it was and
where it had been was of little concern right now.

- 99 –
As the first two pints hit the table, Dane decided
that ‘old’ Geoff didn’t look to be that much older
than Dane. He was just not in very good shape, and
asked, “So, what did you want to ask me about,
young man?” seemed to be kind of odd.
He had on an old styled baggy suit with a shiny kind
of vest stretched tightly over a large paunch and a
happy ‘I don’t care much about anything except my
dog and my beer’ face that needed a shave about
two days ago, look.
Dane always wondered how a man of probably 45
could look twice the age of a man of 35. He ran into
it all the time. But now was not the time to ask.
“Well, I’m off to the northernmost point of
Scotland, and I’ve no clue how to get there from
here……..oh, go on, I can see you trying not to
laugh. It won’t hurt my feelings, not one little bit.
No really. It’s just the way I work.” He explained.
- 100 –
“You know, I almost always get to where I was going,
or at least pretty close…..” Dane continued.
Geoff cleared the half laugh that was stuck in his
throat and said so seriously, “You know, you’ll have
the devil’s time catching rides north at this time of
the year, and especially with this huge wooly
monster of yours in tow. Even if he is the proper
little gentleman that he looks,” and bent over in that
easy, dog loving way of people who know their pets
have to rub the Beast’s ear.
“Oh’” Dane started, worried about Geoff losing a
limb or two. But seeing all limbs accounted for,
Dane continued calmly, “We’re driving. I brought
my little truck across on the ship. It’s the red one
outside the window, there…..” Dane pointed.
That small greasy pane of glass was set in to a thick
wall built hundreds of years before Dane was ever
thought of and seemed bomb proof.

- 101 –
The whole place appeared to be built to withstand
an atomic bomb blast; and the window framed
‘little big foot’ like a portrait. But, before Geoff
could respond, the waitress started to unload her
tray and asked Geoff, “On the slate, loove?”
“Not today, me darlin’ Sue. Me young friend from
across the pond’s got this one……tah very much.”
Geoff was a veritable fountain of knowledge. The
Beast and I left not only feeling healed from our
near starvation ordeal, but we now had a map hand
drawn on a paper napkin to go by and some very
good insights into local things.
The way that he had laid it out for us was so simple.
It was country folk simple. My kind of thinking. He
told us once you’re onto the highway system, don’t
even think about the numbers…just head to where
you want to go. From here, you just head to York,
but before you get there, you take the highway to
- 102 -
Edinburg. Then take the highway to Thurso and get
on the ferry. It’s just that simple.
The hardest part is getting from the pub to the
highway system in the first place, hence the napkin
map. After that, with no accidents, side trips or
bad weather, it’s an eight hour road trip plus at least
one fuel stop and a couple of meals, and whatever
the trouble the Beast is unable to keep me out of.
The sun was setting behind him as Dane merged
into the traffic heading North on the highway M61
to Edinburgh. Dane remembered what Geoff had
warned him about, to stay out of the big cities after
dark….they were very dangerous.
“Let’s try to get about halfway to Edinburgh, and
we’ll stop for the night,” he told the Beast. “Then
we can sail on through and catch the M90 North for
the final leg….” but he only heard soft snoring as a
- 103 -
“I guess all those chips and toast and what not filled
you up and made you sleepy…” Dane laughed as
they drove North on the dark highway.
About halfway to Edinburgh Dane spotted a sign
saying ‘MSA 1 mile’ and luckily Geoff had told him
that was what they called their service and gasoline
centers, or he would have sailed by without
knowing a thing.
The fueling area looked modern and up to his
expectations, but the rest looked more like a small
country village….no convenience stores or
restaurants. As he topped up his fuel tank, he asked
the attendant, “Is there anywhere close to here that
I can rest for the night?”
“Sure sport, just over there…between the pond and
the cafe…….It’s nice and quiet, and you can

-104 -
get your tea when Dottie opens in the morning.” He
When Dane parked where he was instructed and
got out to set up their lodgings for the night, he
heard a big old bullfrog croak. So did the Beast who
was sitting patiently waiting to go out for some
proper Beast food.
“Go get him,” Dane laughed as the Beast lumbered
off into the darkness. “Don’t get lost,” he added as
he leaned up against the truck and lit up his last
cigarette of the day.
The beast sauntered back ten minute later licking
his chops, and the both hopped up into their tent
dwelling for the night. “You’re looking more
energetic, Beast, and I feel a whole lot better too.”
Dane said as he closed the tent flap.
It wasn’t the sun, or a sound that woke Dane. It
wasn’t the beast passing gas either. It was the
aroma of frying bacon and sausages.
- 105-
“I need some of that!” Dane said out loud. “You
coming?” he elbowed the Beast.
Dane and the beast walked in like they lived there
and he asked, ”Are you serving yet? That smell is
delicious…..” Dane asked.
“Set yerself down then. When’s last time you fed
that dog? He could use some at, I think.” She
responded with a smile. Coffee or tea?”
“I’d kill for some coffee….and a big plate of
anything you’re cooking.” Dane smiled. This was
really starting to look like a good idea. The trip so
far, the people, the roads, except Liverpool, and the
food so far.
“You must be Dottie, the fellow at the petrol pump
said you were nice….but he didn’t tell me you were
good looking… name’s Dane. Me and the
Beast are headed up to Orkney.” Dane chatted as
she set down his coffee.
“Tourist, or do ya have people there?” she inquired.
“My family comes from there…..I’m doing a home
coming, I guess you might say. Maybe I’ll find a
relative, or maybe just fill in some gaps in my family
history…….I don’t know.” Dane told her.
A few moments later Dottie brought out a plate
heaping with things that smelled good and a whole
large roasted chicken or turkey in her other hand.
“Do you think your friend there could handle this
bird? It went bad overnight and I’ll have to toss it in
the bin…..”
But the Beast saw the opportunity and his snake-
like tongue snatched it off the plate and swallowed
it whole. “Don’t matter now….it’s in ‘im, and
quick,” she laughed. “If you fed ‘im proper, ‘eed be
the size of an house…” she smiled.
“Get that in yourself and I’ll get you more coffee….”
Dottie smiled as she walked away.
“Would you like some sandwiches or some at more
for the road….I don’t like you stoppin’ in
Edinburgh,” she said. “It’s got a wee rough…”
“You’re a doll, Dottie….I hope everyone else is so
nice.” Dane smiled as he accepted the offer.
Edinburgh was no problem at all. Dane just stayed
on the highway and roared right through the city as
if it wasn’t even there. North of the city things
changed rapidly. There was much more open
countryside and a lot fewer towns and built up
In two hours, there was nothing. Just open areas
and small forested areas and valleys stretching to
the horizon. “That sign said fuel ahead, Beast. We
better stop. This is looking pretty barren ahead. I
don’t want to walk fifty miles to get gas…” Dane

This MSA was a real disappointment. It was two
fuel pumps and a small mechanical shop….not even
a vending machine. Dane started to wish that he
had asked Dottie for more stuff for the trip. He
asked the man pumping the gas if there was
something nearby, and was told no, but the next
town, Inverness, had a good selection, and it was
only another twenty minutes away.
In Inverness, Dane found a lovely quaint pub and it
didn’t even look too busy for being the middle of
the day. “Looks good to me Beast,” Dane said to the
Inside it was hustle and bustle and complete
madness with people chatting loudly and laughter
peeling out. As a server came whistling by with a
big plate holding a gorgeous burger and chips, Dane
said, “I’ll take two just like that when you have a
minute and a couple of pints of something cold.”
“By the fireplace there,” she nodded. It was warm
and smokey and homey. Dane could make out at
least three other dogs and not any women, other
than the two waitresses….or whatever they should
be called.
“We’ve got a cold lager, an ale, a red ale, oh and a
sharp lager cold too….it’s very nice.” She winked.
“Two of them then, one in a bowl?” Dane laughed.
He’s not too good with a glass….”
“I’ll bring ‘im a treat as well then….” She said as she
glided away.
She was back in a heartbeat with two large metal
bowls that she put down in front of the Beast. He
wasted no time at all tucking into the bowl of food,
and then was half done his beer as my pint arrived.
“I’m always last…..” Dane sighed as his lager
arrived. “Your animal looked half starved…..and he
finished all that venison so fast.”
“He’s a con artist…..he just looks starved. He ate a
whole roasted turkey four or five hours
ago….you’ve been had….” Dane laughed.
As they finished their lunch, Dane noticed that
almost everyone had left or was on their way out
and the place was getting quiet. “Another pint
here?” the waitress asked.
“Can’t fly on one wing,” Dane joked. “I’d love one,”
he added.
As she placed the big glass on the table, she put one
knee on the next chair and said, “You and this thing
of yours are from a long ways off, aren’t you?” She
“How could you tell?” Dane laughed easily. “We
just came across the pond on a ship two days ago
and we’re off to the islands.” Dane told her. “My
family’s from there, and I want to see it and touch it,
you know?”
“Oh, that sounds quite the adventure….and what is
he?” she asked nervously. “I keep getting strange
images of him and little feelings when I walk by…..”
she added with a smile.
“He’s just an old breed, and an old boy…..He’s been
with me since I was 13 years old.” Dane admitted.
“You’re so sweet and you brought him with
you…are you staying here long? I’m off at five
thirty…..maybe you’d…..” she tried to say.
“We have to make the ferry..we have a reservation,”
Dane lied. Pretty women scared him, and this
pretty woman seemed to be asking him out.
“I’ll try to pass this way on our way back,” Dane lied
again. “This is such a nice place and you’re a gem to
talk to….”
“That was close, Beast.” Dane shuddered as they
left the pub and headed for the truck. “I think she
liked me a little too much….” he laughed.
“We’ll get to Thurso in less than two hours Beast,
and the ferry ride is almost four hours….that puts
us on the Islands well after dark…..I don’t want
that. We better find a place to sleep here in
Scotland before we get on the ferry in the morning.”
Dane told the already sleeping Beast.
There was no place along the road that looked like
you could park and sleep so Dane continued on until
they reached the ferry terminal. He was glad that
he pushed through. There was ample parking and
park-like areas as well as a nice looking restaurant/
snack bar with beer signs.
“Fish and chips and beer by the sea….it doesn’t get
much better than this, huh?” Dane said happily.
“And I think we can park over there quite nicely, and
then that way we can’t miss the ferry…” he told the
“GRMPH!” the Beast protested.
“I see, no place for you to hunt up a snack…..well
fish and chips will have to do tonight. Maybe we’ll
find something on Orkney tomorrow….” Dane tried
to cheer the Beast.
At nine in the morning they waited in a very short
line to drive aboard the ferry after paying a mere
22.50 sterling for the privilege. “They say that
there’s a snack bar on board, and we can walk
around during the voyage, so stop looking so
grumpy, Beast.”
The salt air and light cool spray felt so good
compared to when they were confined in the
bowels of the automotive transport ship coming
across the ocean before. Watching the seagulls and
the squawking turns swooping into the sea was
quite entertaining and kept the Beast’s attention.

“I like this….” Dane smiled as he drank his tea and
looked around at the other small cluster of odd
passengers on deck. “I could get used to this…”
Dane watched in fascination as the ferry eased into
the receiving dock front end first after opening its
bow loading ramp. It looked like the bow just
hinged itself up into the air and then the ramps
folded down…..”I wouldn’t want to get caught up in
all of that shit, Beast. That would be like arm
wrestling an octopus…” He laughed with a shudder
as the announcement came over the loudspeakers,
‘Prepare to disembark.’ it said. ‘Prepare to
disembark’ it repeated.
“Well Beast, we made it!” Dane announced himself.
“I didn’t think it would be this easy…..” he
continued as they clattered off the ship and onto
dry land once again.

There was a nice looking little park area with a huge
billboard sized map of the Island with some benches
and a tourist welcome center, all close to the pier,
so Dane pulled in and parked ‘lil big foot’ and got
out to see what he could see.
‘You Are Here’ a note on the map proclaimed.
“Look Beast, the map says that we’re here…” Dane
laughed. “How did they know?” He smiled as he
looked down at the Beast licking his chops with one
white feather still sticking out of his face.
“Got a gull already?” Dane smiled. “There’s too
many of them anyway, but try to behave, will you?”
Dane’s attention settled on a small area of the
Island’s north-west corner….Crabster Bay…the
map identified it. Somewhere in his imagination,
the shape of the place seemed familiar. He found a
brochure on the rack nearby that promoted the
area. It had a centuries old inn and pub, as well as
shops and ruins nearby. It was famous for old time
piracy as well.
“This is too easy, Beast…..I almost feel like we’re
following breadcrumbs along a trail in the forest…”
he shivered.
It only took twenty five minutes to drive there.
They passed small farms and fields of sheep and
cattle happily trying to keep the tall grasses mowed.
It was so peaceful and quiet it was hard to imagine
it was possible after Liverpool….
As they came down off the high part of the island
down the sloping narrow road to the bay, little
houses sprang up mixed with little shops and odd
buildings. There at the water’s edge stood a three
storey stone building that said INN on it.
“Let’s go in and check it out…” Dane perked up a
bit more.

The ceilings were low and the air was still when they
walked in announced by the tinkling of the small
door bell.
“Yes?” asked the young lady that appeared behind
the reception counter. “Can I help?”
“I’d like a room for a few days, and a bit of lunch?”
Dane asked. “Is that possible?” he smiled.
“We don’t get much trade this time of year, but of
course….it will be 12 pounds per night, with
breakfast……is he alright?” she nodded to the
“Oh yes…..but he’s a real con man…
yourself, he’ll have you out of your jumper in a
moment…” Dane reassured her.
“GRMPHOL” the Beast added, as we laughed
together and she put her hand on Dane’s arm.
“He’s quite a character,” she smiled as she handed
Dane a key. “You’ll be one up in room 7. There’s a
stairway just beside that will bring you down
between the kitchen and dining. My name’s
Heather, and I see you’re called Dane? What a
lovely name. I’ll be in the kitchen when you’re
ready…” she added she ducked back behind the
“I like it here, Beast.” Dane hummed to himself as
they went out to gather a few things and go to
check out their room. “This is wonderful,” Dane
told the Beast. “We have our own bathroom and a
large bed, and this view of the sea and the village.”
As they emerged from the creaky back stairway,
Heather poked her head out of the kitchen and
asked, “Everything OK? Do you want to see some
lunch?” she asked cheerily.
“I love it all….” Dane smiled broadly. “And I’ll bet
you cook up a storm as well….”
“Come on through, then,” she said, a little bit more
“I’d love a lager, if you have it cold,” Dane said,
“Have I said something wrong… don’t seem as
chipper as you were,” he added.
“You mentioned storms, and I imagined that you
were here to rummage around in the old castle, is
all. Odd things happen up there when it storms in
the night. And I thought, well never mind….let me
get you a nice lager and you give this a look see…”
she said as her smile returned.
Heather returned quickly with a frothy glass of beer
and put it on a little paper coaster in front of me.
“Have you decided?” she smiled.
“What do you think I should have?” Dane teased
her. “What would you like to make me? And, as it’s
so quiet, would you have something and keep me
company? You could tell me about this and that
and the other thing….” He smiled.
“I think that I will,” she laughed. “I don’t get that
kind of offer any more…..….” she smiled. “You’ll be
getting bangers and mash, then…..” she said as she
Dane sipped contentedly on his beer as his mind
“You look miles away,” Heather laughed as she
brought in the tray and started putting food and
things on the table.
“Just thinking that two weeks ago I was on the other
side of the world, and this is so different, and the
people I’ve met….and you, look at you and this
lunch…” he beamed.
“You know Dane, I feel as if I’ve known you before,
or for a long time, at least….” Heather sighed as she
played with her food.
“I was thinking that exact thing, myself….how odd,
and kind of exciting,” Dane laughed. “Do you think
that we were once star crossed lovers and set on
the earth to hunt for each other?” he added.
“Why have you come here Dane?” she asked
timidly, “It’s not for the sea air….”
“You’ll laugh at me….” Dane said slowly.
“I really want to know…..” Heather pressed him.
“Well, Heather, I’m chasing a family legend. My
family is from here, a long time ago, my great gran
told me. It’s complicated. It’s all been gnawing
away at me…..I had to come and see if it’s all a fairy
tale or if……and who knows, you and I may have
been at one time……” Dane rambled on.
“I should have known when I saw your name…” she
laughed. “Dane Maloy, ruins on the cliff top are all
that’s left of Maloy Keep. So maybe we are kindred
spirits of a sort…” she sighed hopefully.
“I’m glad you aren’t laughing at me……do you
know much about the local history?” Dane stared at
her with his gray eyes sparkling.
“It will cost you Dane.” Heather bargained. “For
each thing I tell you about here, you have to tell me
something about you and out there,” she demanded
as she waved her arm through the air.
“I can do that……though it’s kind of dull….” Dane
“There’s always been a legend that some day a
Maloy would return,” Heather said secretively as
she reached over and put her hand on Dane’s arm.
“We’ve had lightning nearly every night for two
weeks now, and some say they could see the outline
of the castle on the cliff in the flashes. I think it
knows that you’re here….” Heather breathed.
“My great grandmother told me stories when I was
very young…..I never knew what to think….she
me about curses and wizards and castles and it all
sounded so magical, until it all seemed to be
happening to me….” Dane admitted as he placed
his other hand over Heather’s hand on his arm.
They both had shivers run up their backs at the
same moment. “And my gran said something about
Heather on the hillside… that you, I wonder?”
Dane asked innocently.
“Maybe she was talking about Culloden. The legend
goes that the man who grows Heather on the hills
around Culloden is the rightful king of Scotland……
but Maloy, Dane Maloy to be exact, was the last Earl
at Maloy Keep….” she said, “and there is a lot of
heather up on the pathway to the cliff, but none on
“You must tell me everything…..when do you get
off work here?” Dane asked excitedly. “I want to
talk to you more…”
“This is our inn, I come and go as I please. I’m all
yours…” she smiled and then blushed, “I mean I’ll
be happy to keep you company and chat….” She
tried to compose herself.
“I know what you’re trying to say. And let me tell
you something odd……normally when I hear
something like that from a beautiful woman, well I
get pretty nervous and hide in my shell, or run
away…..but you don’t make me nervous at all. And
you certainly are a beautiful woman,” Dane told
“I feel very odd all of a sudden. I should be trying to
make excuses and run away…..may I try
something?” Dane asked.
“Yes, OK, of course. I’m feeling quite odd myself.”
she answered him.

Dane got up and moved closer to Heather and gave
her a quick kiss on the lips and sat back down with a
heavy sigh.
“I’ve never done that before. And I feel quite at
home……it is all so odd…..oh, I’m sorry,
“Nobody has ever done that to me before either,
and you needn’t be sorry. I wanted to kiss you
myself. Aren’t we the pair? It’s all this talk about
legends and what not….” Heather tried to cover her
thoughts by saying.
“I’ll just clear away these things and clean up the
kitchen and then we can chat some more….” she
said cheerfully.
“I’ll help you….then I get to see the kitchen and we
can get a bit more comfortable around each other.”
Dane offered.
“I wash, you dry,” she laughed as they carried the
dishes and whatnot into the kitchen.
The Beast made short work of the scraps that
Heather gave him and he stretched out beside the
huge fireplace with the small crackling wood fire
going in the middle.
They made short work of the dishes and jostled
against each other several times giggling like
children, until Dane put his hands on Heather’s
waist and kissed her again.
“There better not be a mrs. Maloy….” Heather
“There was, but she left me. She said I was too self
absorbed, and that I cared more for my patients
than I did for her……it was all a mess. And then
the director of the clinic gave me a three month
suspension……so I came here to find out if I was
cursed or just going crazy…..”Dane confessed in a
huge rush.
“Oh you poor thing….” Heather sighed as she
wrapped her arms around him. “And you’re a
“Psychologist…and behavior specialist.” Dane
replied as accepted her hug.
“Being cursed to maybe an Earl? That’s a bad
thing?” Heather asked timidly.
“No,” Dane said as he took her by the hand and sat
her down at the little table and sat down himself
and looked right in her eyes.
“The curse is, well, it seems that my ancestors seven
generations ago burned a wizard at the stake for
some reason and he cursed the family. He said that
each generation would only have one son and the
seventh son would be himself resurrected.” Dane
“But how does that…” Heather tried to ask.
“Don’t you see? I’m the seventh son. I was born on
Easter Sunday, that’s resurrection day. I’m an only
son, and so were my father and grandfather……it
all just builds and builds…..” Dane stammered.
“I’ve got only you staying at the inn just now, so why
don’t I take you along to the pub this evening and
I’ll introduce you to all the folk that drop in….you
can get a better feeling for it all, and I’ll call it a date.
I haven’t had a date for so long…..and with a
doctor, if my mother was alive, she’d drop dead.”
Heather laughed.
“I’d love that. It sounds like it will be fun. I bet
there will be a lot of people with stories of their
own. What’s your idea of evening?” he asked.
“I thought around five thirty or so….it’s almost
three now, and I’ve a few little bits and bobs to do,
and get myself presentable….” she smiled.
“Do I look OK the way I am, or should I do
something?......and oh my Gawd, don’t we sound
like some old married couple….” Dane laughed.
“I was thinking so myself,” Heather nodded with a
smile. “You look fine, like a mad doctor on holiday.”
“Have you seen the Beast?” Dane asked as noticed
he was gone.
“He’s right here beside me with his paw on my
foot.” Heather smiled.
“He’s working on you…” Dane laughed.
“Not nearly as hard as you are Dane. He’s a pussy
cat, but you, you, how is it you show up now the day
before my birthday…….are you my gift?” She
“Maybe I am…..have you any plans?” Dane asked
her with a smile.
“If you’re not too frightened, and won’t run off, I’ll
let you take me into Kirkwall for my birthday….and I
can’t believe I just said that……now I’m losing my
mind too…..” Heather mumbled.

“That is what we will do. Maybe the wizard is
behind all this…..maybe he’s playing a little
game…if so, I say play on. What do you say?”
“I think you’re utterly mad, and delightful…”She
“We can’t take the Beast to a nice restaurant in
Kirkwall……and he’s quite a handful. He is the
resurrected wizard’s familiar after all and opens
doors and gets into all sorts of trouble.”
“He’d be happy with a nice fire and sleep here in the
kitchen while we’re off…..I can put him down a
carpet.” Heather planned.
“OK, I’m off to have a shower and change into more
of the same…..” Dane laughed as he got up and
kissed Heather on the cheek and ran up the stairs
with the Beast on his heels.
“We’ve got a date…” Dane cried out. “Would you
like to wear your spiked collar?” Dane laughed.
“You should have warned me,” Dane said in a
surprised voice when he met Heather at the foot of
the main stairway. “I would have dressed nicer,” he
added. “You’re stunning, and taller…” he looked
her up and down.
“High heels, I can get away with it because you’re so
nice and tall…..” she smiled.
“This is a real date isn’t it” Dane stammered. “You’ll
have to kiss me before we go then,” he teased her
as the Beast said “GRFFF”
Before Dane realized what he had actually said,
Heather stepped close and kissed him like she had
wanted to since the first moment.
“Now I will require several halves to set me right,”
she said as she grabbed Dane’s arm and pulled him
towards the door.
“Are you coming, Beast?” she called out as she
pushed at the old door with the toe of her shoe.
Once we were fully inside the pub everyone
stopped talking as they stared at us. “Well, Heather,
what’s all this then?” Somebody called out.
“I’ve brung along Doctor Dane Maloy, and his pet
dinosaur here. He’d like to know about his family,
you know, the Maloy Keep family,” she said loudly as
she pointed in the direction of the cliffs. “And this is
our first date.” Heather laughed as Dane looked
around at the surprised faces.
“Odd doins up there of late, young man,” a white
haired old fellow said confidentially.
“Ave you been up there to the ruins yet?” another
man asked.
“No, not yet. I just got here today and Heather has
been so helpful and telling me things,” Dane said.
“Careful squire…..Lassy’s got her sights set on you,
fer sure,” he laughed.
“I’m not so sure that would be all that bad. She’s
very pretty and I’ve enjoyed talking to her….” Dane
told him candidly, not realizing that she was hanging
on his every word.
Over the evening Dane was able to talk to several
people and some filled in some little blanks that he
had, except for knowing anything about the wizard.
Nobody knew more than him on that.
Many of the locals told Dane that they had friends
who might know more and offered to meet the next
evening, until Dane informed them that he intended
to take Heather out for her Birthday, so what not
the evening after….
“Watch yerself with that one…young men have
accidents around her…..” One old duff warned
“It’s not me I worry about. Look what she’s doing to
my poor Beast…” Dane noted as they watched
Heather throwing things into the Beast’s mouth
while he sat up on his hind legs.
“Maybe you’ll be that way soon…” he cackled
As they walked back to the inn arm in arm with the
Beast burping every ten feet or so, Heather said to
Dane, “I heard you in the pub. I think….Oh look,
the lightning…..stop and keep looking up that
way…..” she said as she pressed her face close to
Dane’s and pointed towards the ruins.
Dane decided that he would rather kiss her than
look and took the opportunity. As their lips met the
lightning struck again and there stood a castle over-
looking the bay in the silvery light. As soon as it was
there, it was gone. An icy feeling invaded Dane’s
chest as he gasped, “I saw it!”
“I saw more than that…..I saw the lightning in your
eyes as you were about to kiss me. Dane, you have

to be so careful…….I didn’t just see lightning, I saw
flames and the castle…..It won’t be fair if you came
all this way and I waited for so long, if something
happens to you…” She blubbered.
“Are you crying?” Dane asked as he pushed her face
up with one finger under her chin. “You are….” he
Heather wrapped her arms around Dane and buried
her face in his neck as the Beast stood on his hind
legs and wrapped his front legs around them both
“You’ve upset the Beast,” Dane said as she pulled
away and looked up into his face before she kissed
him very hard and passionately.
“If that wizard does do something, I’ll have that to
remember you by, at least.” Heather sighed.
“You’re sillier than I am,” Dane Laughed.
“Maybe tomorrow you and I can take a small walk
up the hills and then we’ll drive into Kirkwall, and
we’ll talk to people and everything will be just fine.”
Dane soothed her.
After another kiss in the doorway of the inn, they
agreed to meet in the morning for breakfast and
Dane and the Beast went to their room.
Over coffee and breakfast and giggly small talk,
Heather broke in, “We could just run away from all
of this…..I would go with you…” she smiled.
“If all of this is true and not some kind of fairy tale,
then we couldn’t get away if we tried. He is inside
of me. We beat him here….” Dane said as he
pounded his chest with his fist, “or we won’t ever
be able to.” Dane laughed.
“Now, it’s your birthday, and I promised to spend it
with you….so….can we hike a bit and then go into

town and have fun?” He asked. “I sound like a
cranky old husband, don’t I?”
“I like it….” she smiled.
“Are you ready to go?” Dane asked.
“I’m ready…just have to turn some things off and
I’ll be good in two minutes…”
“Then I’ll be back,” he said as he rushed out and
returned moments later. “I thought I’d bring this
bed roll with us….”
“Don’t be thinking..” Heather said.
“I thought we may sit for a while and the grass will
be wet from the rain, and this is rubberized…” he
“Oh,” Heather laughed. “I thought you,” she added,
“Never mind.” she laughed.
Halfway up the hill they were both tired from sliding
on the slippery wet grass and heather. “Maybe you
should lay out your bed roll and we can sit down for
a rest,” Heather laughed.
“Now you trust me?” he smiled.
Dane rolled out the bed and laid himself down and
stretched. Heather laid down beside him on her
side propped up on her elbow and started poking
her finger into his chest. “This mess here is your
father’s side of your family, Dane. Tell me about
your mother….” she asked.
“My mother is part English, part Irish and part
aboriginal. Her grandmother was shaman. I was
actually born on a reservation and learned the ways
and the magic.” Dane said quietly. I grew up hard
not being 100% white like the rest of the kids.”
“But you had love in your life….”
“No, not really, other than my older relatives….and
of course I am an only son, and so were both of my
parents, so I had no cousins.” Dane lamented.
“Surely, your wife, at one time….” Heather offered
“No, it was only for convenience and to try to have a
son,” he said sadly.
“And?” she pressed.
“We had two sons……they both died before they
were born…..I was heart broken,” Dane stammered
as a tear traced its way down his cheek.
“I am so sorry, Dane…..” She said softly as she
buried her face in his chest.
“It’s not your fault Heather. And I can beat this.
And maybe there’s a chance at something to make
me feel whole some day.” he said sadly.
“I’m coming with you Dane,” she said forcefully as
she popped her head up. “If you lose, I’ll learn to
love a wizard and his pet dragon, and if you win, I
think you’re great like you are, Doctor.” she added.
“This hillside air has turned you daft, Heather. I’m
no catch. I’m too old, not good looking anymore,
and I get distracted easily…” he laughed.
“You liar…” she feigned anger and climbed up to
look him in the eyes. “I heard you in the pub and I
heard you today and I saw the tear on your cheek.
You can love……it’s just that the reflection is only
as good as the mirror…..and you’ve had the wrong
mirror……..look at me Dane…” she raised her
voice as she kissed him.
“The wrong mirror? What a notion……but how
intelligent. I see what you mean…..I really do. If
you can’t accurately reflect my love then I won’t see
what I’m looking for……I see…..that makes so
much sense……” Dane rolled it over and over in his
“Look at me Dane,” Heather said.
“Um, what, Heather?” Dane asked.
“Dane, look at me. I will love you back….”
“You, what?” Dane stammered. “I thought we
were just talking about what ifs and whatnots……”
he added.
“I really do like you a lot, and we’re already dating,
it seems, why don’t we role play a little, like I do
with my patients. Yes, I will be a patient. But what
if we fall in love, heather?” Dane asked.
“Then we will have won, won’t we?” She smiled.
“Well this is far away from addiction and violent
behavior, so can you tell me what love is?” Dane
asked. “Beyond caring about the other, because I
do care about you, and putting the other ahead of
you, because I try to do that when we’re talking….
tell me how you see love?”
“I think it’s just a word. I think that you love me
right now……you want to make my birthday
special, and you’re putting off something that
worried over for years to put me in the front. You
are acting out of love… you see?” she smiled.
“You and I do seem to have something going,” Dane
admitted. “The way you touch me and look at me. I
do love you then by your definitions, and you have
been loving me back, I see it now……but surely you
must see how distracted I can be…..”
“I don’t care Dane.” She said pointedly. “I am not an
idiot that needs to be entertained every moment of
the day to know that I’m loved. Did you like how I
looked last night at the pub?”
“Oh yes I certainly did……you distracted me all
evening……..” Dane trailed off. “I see what you
mean, Heather. I really do. I wonder how many
other opportunities I missed…..”
“Do you want to wander around Kirkwall a bit and
see some things before dinner?” Heather asked.
“I’d like to walk around holding your hand and
looking at things. But I want to hear everything that
you’re trying to say to me. I won’t lie to you. I
enjoy every second I’m with you, and if I can have a
minute more, I’ll take it.” Dane replied.
“I believe that you do love me, Dane. You have to
recognize it in yourself. I guess you’ve gone so long
without it, you just don’t see it any more.” Heather
“Look Heather,” Dane said quickly as he stood up,
”Let’s get ourselves moving, honey. I want us to get
ready and go to town for your dinner,” he added as
he held his hand out to her. Let’s shake a leg my
girl,” he smiled.
“Alright, you’ve decided to play along,” Heather
smiled as she accepted his hand up.
“No honey, not exactly. I’m not playing.” He said as
he bent over and rolled up the bedding. “I mulled it
over, and you’re right. So I’m going to love you and
hope I get the reflection that I need.” he added.
“I don’t……you will?” she stammered.
“I will put your wants ahead of mine, I will think
about you and I will spoil you, Wizards not
withstanding, that is. If you don’t mind?” Dane
smiled. “I’ll leave the other aspects of our
relationship for you to decide on. Right now, I’m
happy enough to hold your hand and kiss you when
I can…..”
“Dane, are you sure?” Heather asked timidly.
“You didn’t laugh at me and you didn’t run away.
And I heard what you said in the pub too. It just
took a while to sink in and what you just said, I’ll
wait for you and I’ll love you while I wait. Now, kiss
me and let’s get off this hill…” he said as she
draped her arms over him and kissed him.
The Beast seemed quite content to be left in the
kitchen of the inn with the fire banked to anice heat
and lots of snacks left out.
“Let me help you climb in there,” Dane said as he
opened the door to ‘lil big foot’ for Heather. “I
cleaned her out the best I could, but you never
know what you’ll find,” he laughed, as he got her
Dane roared off down through the village as
Heather laughed and held the arm rest. “You’re just
a big child with a big red toy,” she laughed.
“I’ll try to behave, but I’m happy….” he smiled as he
reached over and put his hand on her leg for a
A minute later Heather pulled Dane’s hand off the
shifter and put it back on her leg. “If you don’t need
that hand to drive, that’s where it belongs, pet.” she
Dane parked under the big map sign by the pier and
said, ”I guess this is as good a spot to start our
adventure as any, don’t you think, sweetheart?”
“I’ll help you get down, it’s quite a drop.” Dane said
as he ran around to help her.
They stood there for a few seconds with his hands
on her hips and her hands on his shoulders not sure
what to do or say. “You’re a menace,” Heather
laughed at him.
“And you are gorgeous and I need to kiss you,” Dane
said as he pulled her closer and kissed her
“Now, show me my new kingdom, love of my life.”
he joked and then jerked Heather to a stop. “I think
that you are…..” he stammered as she stared at
“I need to sit down for a minute. Come on.” he said
as he led her to a nearby bench. “It just struck me.
I’ve never felt like this before. What do you think,”
he said as he held both of her hands.
“I think you’re seeing what I saw yesterday. And I
think that we both need each other. Are you ready
to take a quick peek at the shops and have an early
dinner and home darling?” Heather asked.
“I’m not too keen on driving at night on these
country roads……so good honey.” Dane agreed.
The shops were quaint and cluttered, and the
restaurant was very formal but quite reasonable and
she was so happy.
“Well, let’s see what havoc the Beast hath wrought,”
Dane quipped as they walked into the inn.
“Nothing, no mayhem, no mess? Are you well
Beast?” Dane laughed.
“GFFL GFF” the Beast responded.
“I don’t think that was polite,” Heather laughed.
“Do you want some beer or wine or something,
after such a lovely afternoon out?” Heather sighed.
“It’s up to you, birthday girl.” Dane yawned.
“It’s too early for bed and there’s nothing on telly,
so we’ll have one, I think. What would you like? A
cold lager, some red wine, a bit of whiskey
perhaps?” she offered.
“Well now, I’d love a half of cold lager and a nice
small single malt whiskey while you replay that
menu for me,” Dane replied.
“There you are pet……as I was saying, there’s
nothing on the telly these days and it’s too early for
us to go to bed.” she told him.
“I thought you said that…..You know, I don’t mind
waiting for you…..” Dane stammered.
“I mind……tell me about your great grandmother.
Was she a Scot?” Heather changed the subject.
“No, funny enough, she was Irish. But very pro
Scotland, her husband was a Scot. He was the
crown’s representative for Upper Canada way back
when….their daughter was my father’s mother.”
“And you,” Dane asked as he reached for her hand,
“Tell me about your family…..” he asked as he took
a sip of his whiskey.
“Not much to say really, we’ve been here in this inn
and this village since the Keep stood and before. I
run the place because my older brother died in the
military many years ago…….and they say we did
some smuggling and rum running at one time, but I
don’t know for sure…..” she giggled. “You know,
this is my best birthday so far……you make me feel
so, so I don’t know…’s your drink?” she
“I was just looking at it and wondering if I shouldn’t
have asked for a full pint, because this is all about
done,” he laughed.
“Well then, I’m sleeping with you here tonight, if
you like, so why don’t we go up now then?”
“Lead the way honey, come on Beast, Beast? Where
are you?” Dane asked. “He can find us later…”
Dane said as they climbed the stairs.
As they walked into the room, the Beast looked up
and then dropped his head back down and went to
sleep. “I told you, he opens doors, fridges, anything
he likes.” Dane laughed.
“You know, I get the curious notion that he’s not a
dog at all…..sometimes out of the corner of my eye
he looks more like a griffin or a short dragon….isn’t
that funny?” she laughed as she worked at
unbuttoning her dress.
“I think we’ve had too lovely a day and a bit much to
drink my love. You’re having a terrible time getting
out of that frock….” Dane laughed.
“I’ll be in that bed before you…’ve still got your
shoes and your pants,” she laughed.

“I let you win, so I could see you naked,” Dane
laughed happily as she pulled him closer to her.
As Heather kissed him all over his face and neck, he
took his finger and brushed her hair out of her face
to see her better by the moonlight coming in the
window. “You are so beautiful….” he said to her.
Just then a strange greenish lightning flashed. “Did
you see that honey…” Dane asked quickly.
“It happens some nights… you want to watch it
a minute, it’s pretty…..” she offered.
“Yes, let’s look together………I’ll hold you…...” he
volunteered as they got out of the bed and went to
the window.
“It’s flashing more up above the cliff, it looks like…
Dane observed as he noticed that Heather was
shivering a bit. “I’ve seen enough. Get yourself
back in our warm bed honey….” he said as he
guided her there.
“I won’t have you catching cold on your birthday, my
love.” he insisted.
“You’re too sweet, love,” she responded sleepily.
“You cuddle up and go to sleep honey, I love you,”
he said as he hugged and kissed her.
Dane woke with a start when he heard the door
latch click shut and saw Heather standing there with
a couple of mugs in her hand and the Beast beside
her. “I brought us up some tea…..I hope you like it
this way,” she said as she handed him the mugs and
slipped out of her housecoat and slid back into the
bed. “Ah that’s better, how did you sleep?” she
“Very well, and you?” he asked. “How was your
“The truth is, I will have to always sleep with you, it
was so comforting, but I’m sorry I fell asleep…..I so
wanted last night to be special.” she sighed.
“Last night was special honey. I thought more about
you and less about myself. And I like my tea this
way, by the by, honey.” Dane told her softly.
“The last thing I heard last night was your voice
saying I love you……you really made that my best
birthday ever…” she sighed. “Can you reach the
mugs up onto the table pet?” he said as she tried to
reach across him.
“um hum” he answered as he took her mug and her
warm hand went under the covers. “Oh, what are
you up to….” he asked as she got him excited.
“I’m going to make up for last night, before we have
a shower and make us some breakfast.” she sighed
as she crawled on top of him.
Between the sausages, the eggs, the bacon, the
potatoes and the toast there was laughter and
coffee and the Beast ever vigilant for something to
“If you feed me like this too often, I’ll be as big as
those cows we saw yesterday.” Dane laughed as he
tossed a half sausage at the Beast.
“I’ll not have people saying you look like you need a
meal….” she laughed.
“I’ve got to visit the shops today and get some
things and I need something mended…..what are
you going to do today?” she asked.
“I’m going to tag along with you and be a nuisance.”
Dane said happily. “I’m just waiting for this evening
to chat at the pub, and come home early and sober,
I think….”
“You think, do you?” she laughed as she went to
him and hugged him.
“I do, I have plans…” he tried to say as she kept
kissing him and wrestling him in his chair.

“I surrender, I can wait until tomorrow morning,” he
told her as he laughed too.
“I’ll babysit you….will that help?” she petted him.
“Maybe…” he sighed.
Everyone in the shops seemed more interested in
their budding relationship and in who Dane was,
than actually selling anything. Heather was getting
short tempered with people quickly and showing
why redheads have the reputation for being fiery.
As they left one shop, Dane pinned her up against
the wall and kissed her. “You don’t need to get
angry…..we have all sorts of time honey.” Dane told
“You’re right…..” she stared at him as she calmed
down and thought it through. A smile came to her
slowly. She had never had somebody step up like
this, and she liked it. She pulled him closer and
kissed him back.
“You’ve yer work cut out fer ya young man, she’s a
firecracker,” an old fellow laughed as he passed
them on the side of the roadway.
“But I love her,” Dane yelled after him.
“You’re a total nut yelling out like…….” she smiled
at him. ”And now I don’t even know where my
angry went….” she laughed. “And you love me, do
you?” Heather kept laughing as she grabbed Dane’s
arm and they marched off to another shop with a
whole new sense of purpose.
“We’ll have a nice lunch at three, pet. Remember
it’s off to pub at five thirty, and it should be brisk, by
the sounds of people today in the shops….”
Heather warned him.
“This is what I came here for!” Dane said quickly
and stopped even more quickly when heather
scowled. “I didn’t have any idea that I’d fall in love
with the innkeeper though…..” he laughed.
“You live a perilous life, don’t you?” Heather
laughed as she hugged him. “You walk about with
a strange wee dragon creature haunted by an angry
dead Wizard. You’ve been starved for love and then
find it in a red haired Orcadian half your world
away……You poor thing, you,” she teased him.
“When you put it like that,” he smiled, “It all sounds
pretty grim, doesn’t it?” he added.
“But for me? I like my life. The Beast is always
there, the Wizard, well he’s a part of me, I just have
to figure it all out and make peace, and that red
head? Well she’s the icing on my cake. You see her,
give her a pinch on her bottom for me, will you? So
she knows I’m thinking about her…..” Dane mused.
“I love the way you tie that all up. I’m going to start
to think that way, if I can. I’ll push that redhead
away and fall in love with you myself….” she
laughed as she sorted through the odd bags.
“Oh look here luv, here at the back of the big fridge.
I’ve got this roasted pig’s head left complet from a
catering job a week ago and I’ve got no idea for it….
it will go bad in a day or so more….would the Beast
be able to have some of it?” Heather asked.
“He’d have it down so fast your head would spin,
and it would be interesting to see your face as he
does it……it would make him calm and docile for
the pub tonight too…..give it to him… will be
hilarious……” Dane laughed.
As she backed out of the fridge she bumped into the
Beast with her backside, because he had heard the
conversation and wanted to be ready.
“Ooooh” she started, “You’re right keen, aren’t you
Beast….well, here then,” she tried to say as the
pig’s head disappeared right in front of her eyes.
As he swallowed, the Beast stood up on his hind
legs and his whole body gave a little shake and he
shimmered into view for a half a second, before he
fell back onto all fours and a huge improbable
looking black dog laid back down by the fire and
burped contentedly.
Heather ran to Dane and hid in his chest. “I just saw
something, Dane…...” She stammered.
“You just saw the Beast. He is some kind of dragon
and he can make himself look like a dog…….and
the Wizard is real……and last night I saw that the
castle is real. But, dammit, something else has
come up, and it’s turning out to be real as well….”
Dane trailed off.
“What else, Dane? This is too much to absorb….”
she stammered.
“You!” Dane said as he looked into her eyes. “You
are real. And somehow you put this whole thing
into proportion for me. I find a real peace in your
eyes…funny isn’t it? You have to laugh…..”
“What is there to laugh about?” she asked
“You say you slept wonderfully last night with that
same old dragon curled up at the foot of our bed.
The old Wizard is still out there somewhere, and
you fell in love with the Wizard reborn, me. You’ve
lived your entire life under the shadow of a cursed
castle ruin…….And when you got frightened,
where did you go?” Dane laughed . “Look where
you are…” he added.
“This is where I feel safest, though when I came
down to fix tea and it was still dark, Beast came with
me and the old kitchen felt so much less scary with
him there to protect me…..” Heather was trying to
reason as the Beast spoke out.
“PRRTKKKT” he growled softly.
“I could swear he’s trying to talk to me…” Heather
“He is,” Dane laughed. “He said ‘protect’ to you. He
talks…’s just hard to understand him.
“He did, didn’t he?” she said excitedly. “I thought I
only imagined…….Beast, do you love me too?” she
asked without thinking.
“EEYYOOOP” the Beast growled quickly.
“Need more?” Dane laughed as he studied the face
in front of him. Her eyes were wide open in shock.
“Take me up to our room pet, I need to lie down for
a minute…..and bring our dragon…..” Heather
With her head leaning into Dane’s shoulder lying so
comfortably on the bed, Heather blurted out, “My
father has an old broken sword in the animal shed
behind our old house… brother used to play
with it….my father said it was from the castle…
would make some sounds when I touched it…
scared me……ask him tonight at the pub…” she
“Will he be there?” Dane asked cautiously. “He
wasn’t there last time…..”
“He’ll have heard now…..he’ll be there.” Heather
said in no uncertain terms.
“That sounds mysterious…” Dane laughed
“My father’s odd. He’d rather live in the old times
than today, I think….he goes on and on about
history……and legends…..” she sighed.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? He’s the one I
need to talk to……to make some sense….get a
sense…” Dane stammered.
“I wanted to keep you all to myself, Dane. But with
a dragon at my feet, lights burning in the castle once

again…….I have to let you go……” she said softly
as her tears came slowly.
“I’m not going anywhere……so don’t get yourself
all worked up……no, I take that back. Get yourself
all upset…..I know just how to fix you up!” He said
happily as he moved to kiss her and make her feel
“Do you feel sad or angry now?” Dane laughed.
“I feel pretty much better….” she smiled timidly.
“But, I can’t help….”
“Plan ‘B’ then,” Dane smiled as he started to take off
their clothes. “Uh ‘pretty much’ isn’t good enough
for me honey….” he sighed as he made love to her
while the Beast snored happily at the foot of the
Showered, lunch eaten and dressed for a cold
evening, they made their way down the road to the
pub as darkness descended on the bay.
The pub was packed tightly with so many folks, that
you could barely breathe. Tonight there were also
many women and some children too……it seemed
more of a family reunion than a pub.
People were pressing up so close and so many were
talking at once that it was impossible to make sense
of anything. But eventually it calmed down and fell
into place. There didn’t seem to be anybody that
was unhappy…..though many had apprehensions.
A few women had Heather cornered and she would
throw her arms up and laugh once in a while. In
another corner, some children had the Beast
surrounded and one was sitting on him, leaving
Dane totally free to try to understand what
everybody was trying to tell him.
Even Heather’s father finally introduced himself and
asked Dane if he’d call around for tea tomorrow in
the morning for a quieter chat.
“I enjoyed that….I learned a lot of things….and I
got a few invites…..” Dane sighed as they walked
slowly back to the inn.
“I had a lovely time…..the ladies were pushing me
hard though…..they said they could see we’d slept
together….and that it was too fast…..and one..”
she laughed, “she said you weren’t the laird yet..”
“What’s that?” he asked, shaking his head.
“That’s the head of the castle up there…” she
laughed as she pointed at the cliff in front of us in
the moonlight.
“I heard that word a few times too, but I couldn’t
put it into context, or understand…..and didn’t
think anything more about it.” Dane shook his head
as the Beast put in his two cents.
“EEDDOT” he growled.

“I could swear he just called you an idiot, my dear”
Heather burst out laughing.
“FUHFUH FUH” the Beast added quickly.
“Yeah, both of you laugh at me……look up…he’s
not laughing……he’s doing something…..” Dane
soured as the greenish flashes started above the
cliff and outlined the Keep.
Safely back behind locked doors in the old stone inn,
they relaxed in their warm bed with the Beast
happily curled up at the foot of the bed to protect
“You’ll have to take me to your father’s house in the
morning….he invited me to chat and tea….”
“We’ll have oatmeal for breakfast to soak up his
‘tea’ then….his tea is single malt….and I talked to
him too…..he’s dead excited, as are others.” she
“I feel very unsettled….not so excited really, just a
bit off center… you know…..I just feel
confused. But not about you. I know precisely what
I want to do with you…” He smiled.
“You talk too much….” she said quickly and kissed
him and pulled him into her. “Do you know what I
want now?” she giggled.
“It’ll take a brave and smart man to climb up that
cliff and turn this around, young man…..and same
with my daughter here…” he laughed coarsely as
he produced a large bottle of scotch and some
glasses. “I offered you ‘tea’ did’n I?” he weazed.
“Your daughter and I already have our
understanding, and I live with a dragon,” Dane said
as he looked over at the Beast who immediately let
himself be seen. His shiny black body scintillating
with bright green highlights, his many spikes and
horns on his triangular head, his long barbed tail
swishing slowly and showing an impressive array of
Heather walked over to him and petted him as he
lowered his head. “I had no idea you could look so
pretty…” she cooed.
“That’s a, that’s not…..” her father stammered as
the Beast pulled his camouflage back up. “You
knew girl?” he added with a gasp. “This is all very
queer…..” he said as he filled a glass and emptied it.
“Yer name is Dane, same as last Earl, up there,” he
stammered, “And now yer here in this haus with yer
own personal dragon, and my daughter here is
looking all lovey dovey at ye…..” he said as he
poured another glass.
“Come out to shed with me….I’ll ye some ting…”
He invited as he stood up unsteadily.
He reached up and pulled a two foot long dirty old
cloth bundled down and gingerly unwrapped it on
an old table to show an antique sword. “Has your
name on in here,” he pointed.
The instant that Dane picked it up to look at it more
closely, it started to shimmer and hum quietly.
“It knows you!!!” He yelled out loud. “You’ve come
back!!” He added excitedly. “Here, take this other
half….” he offered.
As Dane took the other half of the broken sword in
his other hand, it shone more brightly and the two
parts seemed to be trying to come together. Dane
pushed the two broken parts up against each other
as a brilliant light filled the shed and the sword sang
out a beautiful sound.
The humming vibration and glow seemed to flow
into Dane’s outstretched arm and into his body.
He stood there frozen for a few moments before he
slowly lowered his arm and sighed.
“This sword was forged from the chains that bound
the sorcerer when he was burned at the stake…”
Dane said from somewhere far away.
“Only the keeper of the book knows that….or
somebody who was there….” her father blurted
out, “And I’m the keeper of the book,” he added.
“You are the Wizard, then.” He said with authority.
“Guess so,” Dane said sadly. “Part of me just
wanted to have a quiet life…..and your daughter
has been taming me and the Beast…..I’m
tired…..and this sword is trying to pull at me…..”
Dane sighed as Heather wrapped her arms around
him tightly and the Beast pushed his face into Dane.

“Daughter, it’s true then, what they’re saying out
and around town, you’re soft on him…..somebody
has got under your armor?” He laughed.
“Take your sword, wrap it up in this and always keep
it so, and you two go back to the inn….I’ll join you
directly…..” her father suggested.
“Just us two? Do you want the Beast to keep you
company for a while?” Heather laughed.
“No,” he squirmed, “Take yon beastie with ye,
please…” he said. “I’ll fetch up the book,”
“I’m sorry, honey,” Dane said softly as they walked
slowly back to the inn.
“You’ve ought to be sorry for my love.” She said as
she held his hand tighter. “You now have a magic
sword to go with your dragon, your castle in the sky,
your toy truck and your fiery redheaded lady.” she
laughed easily as the Beast bumped into the back of
his legs jealously.
“It’ll go well with this…” Dane said as he pulled the
dream stone out of his pocket and the Beast
grunted his disapproval.
“What’s that?” she asked.
“We can travel through time with this….it’s Indian
magic…..we’ve been experimenting with it….we
went someplace that scared him, and he doesn’t
like it anymore….” Dane told her.
“Tell Dah…..he knows about magic and all the
curses and he was very excited…..and I saw the
sword doing all that stuff……this is no fairy tale
Dane. Maybe we can figure out how to rewind all
this and you can be the Laird of that castle…
you think?” she added dreamily.
“I used to argue and fight with my wife because she
didn’t believe any of this……” Dane exploded as he
pushed her up against a wall. “And now you’re
telling me we should fight a wizard and be the Earl
with my dragon and my sword…..I need some of
your father’s ‘tea’…” he added emotionally.
“You’ll settle with this,” she said as she kissed him
so hard he couldn’t argue.
“In the kitchen Dah,” Heather called out as she
heard her father’s footsteps in the hallway.
“Will you make some coffee for us? Black and
strong?” He asked. “I’ve got a lot I want to tell him
about…” he added.
“And a sandwich or three,” Dane added with a
chuckle. “I could eat…” he laughed. “You don’t
want the neighbors to think you’re starving me do
“My grandfather gave up waiting for you and so did
my Dah……but the seventh son never showed up.
All thought it a hoax of some kind because all the
time went by. But I read and reread the book and
looked at all of the evidence…..and the castle
started to make strange lights and sounds about
thirty five years ago on Easter Sunday as the sun
came up…….so I figured it was stretched out
somehow……when were you born?” He asked
“Easter Sunday, at first light…..thirty six years
ago…” Dane told him.
“What took so long, Sorcerer?” he asked Dane.
“My father was thirty five when I was born and my
grandfather was forty six when my father was born,
so my family doesn’t have children on the same
schedule as you might think.” Dane told him.
“I see…..just your father and grandfather took
eighty years instead of forty…..that’s why it took so
long….. and now it’s been over three hundred years
for the sorcerer floating around without a body,
instead of a hundred and fifty or so……” he
In that extra hundred fifty years, the world has
changed so much, he’ll be lost, and after double
the time, he’s probably gone insane….” he added.
“Heather told me you have some Indian
magic…that you’re part Indian?” He asked.
“Yes, my Great grandmother was an aboriginal
shamana, and I learned much of the things growing
up…..” Dane informed him.
“This shouldn’t be much of a fight then……You’ve
got the chain that bound him, you have all his
powers, because you’re him reborn, you know now
and you have aboriginal magic……you even have a
dragon and love…..and that’s the big hammer.” He
“How did you find him?” He asked Heather.
“He just walked in the front door bold as brass, Dah.
When he put his name in the register book I didn’t
even notice…..I called him Dane and I couldn’t take
my eyes off of him….and he asked me to join him
for lunch……..and it wasn’t till he asked about
the ruins that it popped into my head. I’m sure that
you’ve heard more in the town…” she sighed as she
laid her hand on Dane’s arm again.
“I heard, and I see…” he said as he cleared his
throat. “You’ll nae tame this one,” he added as he
nodded to his daughter.
“I love her just the way that she is, it’s her trying to
tame me and the Beast…..that’s the job.” Dane
laughed as Heather gripped his arm tightly and
smiled. Even the Beast laughed.
“HHUHH” he growled.
“You’ve been told Dah,” Heather laughed.
“I could go and join your mother now, I think. I’ve
seen the sword come alive, I’m talking to a three or
four hundred year old wizard, I’m three feet away
from a live dragon, and my daughter is in love….but
I want to stay and see how this all ends now,” he
coughed as he laughed.
“Have you been up there yet?” he asked.
“We climbed up more than halfway and got tired so
we rested a while and came back down, because it
was Birthday, and Dane took us into Kirkwall for a
lovely spread at The Naughten. Oh it was grand….”
Heather beamed.
“That happens to most people….they get too tired
to get up there…..I still go up there one in a while…
I just stick to the path and go slow…..we’ll all
go….you bring your sword….and the
dragon….we’ll go early Saturday…if the weather
doesn’t turn foul….and we’ll see what we
see…..but right now, I’m going to toddle off
home……I’ll talk to you again before then…” her
father said.
“Wait Dah, watch this…” Heather said as she tossed
the last sandwich to the Beast.
The sandwich vanished into thin air a couple of feet
in front of the Beast as they heard his jaws slam
shut and saw him lick his chops.
“Where do you keep him, then?” he asked
“He sleeps curled up right at the foot of our bed,”
Heather blushed as Dane laughed.
“Your old grandpa would have took a stick to your
behind,” he laughed.
“I don’t think the Beast would let him,” she giggled
softly as the Beast appeared in the blink of an eye
protectively wrapped around her silently.
“No, I don’t suppose he would….” he mumbled,
“Are there any more of these wee beasties about, or
any other creatures that I don’t know about…” he
asked timidly.

“We’re pretty sure that he’s the last, but we ran into
a very large phoenix…..and the Beast was afraid of
him for some reason…” Dane replied.
“That’s the bird of hell, you’ve seen one and
survived? That’s the only creature that can go back
and forth and not be consumed… signifies death
and rebirth……if you saw it and lived, it’s on your
side, Dane.” he said with a kind of respect or awe.
“I’m alive,” Dane laughed, “So
far….notwithstanding all that’s stacked up ahead of
me…” he added as Heather tightened her grip and
asked, “Am I part of that stack, honey?” she said
with feigned anger.
“You, my love, are the most dangerous and the
interesting part….” He said as he bent over and
kissed the back of her hand as she squeezed.
“Thank you, you two,” He coughed. “You reminded
me of years ago……I’d forgot…..forgive me for
being so gruff for so long Heather……and beastie,
them good….my friend.” He got up and laughed
and coughed as he made his way out of the kitchen.
“RRRRM” the Beast growled.
“It’s only one thirty in the afternoon, you lazy
lump.” Dane said.
“What?” Heather asked.
“He wants us to go to our room….the lazy old
thing.” He laughed.
“Maybe he read my mind?” Heather winked as she
looked him up and down. “I have to show you why
I’m on your danger list….I think you need a good
reminding…..and you sir, are outnumbered.” she
laughed. “Now get that arse up those stairs or I’ll
bite it.”
“YYUUU” the Beast joined in as they headed to the
“Someday we’ll have to work again and we won’t be
able to indulge all of your sexual cravings like this,
every day at all hours, you know?” Dane teased her
as she grabbed him below the sheets and the beast
“If you make me feel like You made me feel last
night, I’ll tell you something…….” she teased him.
“Mmmmm, what did I do? Where did I start?” He
teased her as he started to kiss her and drag his lips
to her heaving breasts.
“Nobody ever kissed me like that or in so many
places and made love to me like that in my whole
life,” she said breathlessly. “I’m still trying to calm
my heart……” she sighed. “You must have done,
but I don’t want to know,” she laughed and smiled.
“You are all mine now……” she trailed off as she
ran her fingers into his tangled hair.
“I will tell you this anyway, I never loved a woman
before at all……You are my first love. And you
be my last love, because I have too much to do…”
he laughed.
“I don’t think I’ll tell you then…” she teased him
“I will start all over again then, now that I remember
what to do…..” Dane gave in.
“I’ll tell, I’ll tell…” she faked horror. “I think that we
should be able to get you the castle and lands back
somehow, and especially your title……that would
come with a stipend…..and for an Earl, it’s awfully
good money…..” she told him.
“What makes you think all that, honey? Have I done
something to your mind?” he laughed.
“I studied to be a lawyer…..but I couldn’t hold my
temper or my tongue……and I got sacked and ran
back to the inn and everything familiar. I still have
friends that I talk to once in a while on the phone in
London…..I could talk to one or two…..but I think it
would be fair easy.” Heather said as she looked into
his eyes.
“Well, you try that then, and what will we do for the
rest of today honey, we talked to your father and
had lunch, and we have nothing else to do, do we?”
Dane asked innocently.
“No, we have some folk to talk to tomorrow, and
some ladies want me ‘round to gossip a bit….but
for today, we just had me Dah…” She pondered.
As Dane rolled himself up onto his elbow to look
down into Heather’s eyes, he said, ”I always
promised myself that if I ever found myself naked in
bed with a beautiful naked Scottish woman, that I
would make her walk bow legged…”
“You’re impossible……” she laughed. “Try it..…”
she demanded as she pulled him to her and
“Honey, let’s forget everything for the rest of the
day and go sightseeing. Let’s take the Beast and
we’ll visit the standing stones and watch the
shadows move as the sun goes down… you
want to, I think I’ll walk a little bow legged
though…..” she laughed happily.
“I don’t think I can get the Beast into the truck with
both of us….” Dane sighed.
“We’ll all fit in my station wagon….and he’ll be able
to stretch out and see in all directions…” Heather
pleaded as the Beast flopped his head onto the bed.
“I’m out voted, good. You drive and I can pester you
and make you crazy while you drive…” Dane
“Dress warm because it gets bitter cold near the
bogs when the sun goes down…..I’ll bring a
thermos of tea.” She beamed.
“I don’t see the attraction,” Dane complained as
they looked at all the tall rocks sticking up out of the
ground. “Yeah, it was hard to do five thousand
years ago…..and the shadows go here and there…
the Beast doesn’t look too interested either…”
Dane moped.
As the last light faded into moonlight, Dane was
sure that he could see figures appear and start
moving around in the field as the Beast stood up to
his full height and started swaying as if he heard
some kind of music.
“I think I see the fairies dancing, and look at the
Beast, he sees them and he’s dancing too….” she
whispered to Dane.
“Beast, we should try the stone here….” Dane
called out to him softly as he took it out of his
pocket and felt its smoothness.
The moment that the Beast touched the stone, the
world erupted in flames, but they felt no heat until a
large black shape swooped up in front of them.
It felt like somebody opened the oven door set on
high. It was the phoenix. It looked at them for a
moment and flapped away into the sky as the Beast
took his pay away.
“Oh honey, what did I see? Where did we go? You
need to hold me…” she said with a shaking voice.
“That was the phoenix. And I think that was the
door to hell…..and we all lived. Next time Beast,
we do this outside the circle…..” He laughed
nervously. “And why don’t you look afraid this
time?” he muttered as the Beast stood up and put
his paws on Dane’s shoulder from behind.
He could hear clearly the Beast saying that the
Phoenix told him that he was there to warn them
and that he would help. The phoenix said he will
guide us and that I should guard the lady.

“I can hear you old friend….I’m so pleased….I have
so many things to say to you and ask you…” Dane
stammered enthusiastically.
“You talk too much and feed too little, brother.” the
Beast said as he let himself down and broke the
“We need to go to the car and have our tea.”
Heather told us. “Talking dragon, dancing fairies
and a Wizard that makes me walk funny…..and that
Phoenix character……I won’t sleep for a week…”
She whined.
“I hope you’re not really afraid or angry or
anything,” Dane coaxed her.
“I actually love it all so far……except the old wizard
trying to trick us here and there…….I love this
Beast to pieces, and the fairies only came out for
you, and that big black bird and the flames, well
that’s scary,

but he’s going to help. And then there’s you. What
I’m going to do with you……I’m going to do
everything with you…..and I’m going to love you to
pieces mister. Now get that tea in ya, and we’ll get
home and fix up something for the poor half starved
beastie here.”
The next afternoon they tried to explain what had
happened at the standing stones to Heather’s
father. “It sounds about right, Dane. You’d better
be careful where you try to use that stone…and
maybe practice some how. Maybe staying outside
of a circle will let you hear…..and being inside takes
you there?” he suggested. “Just keep it in your
pocket for now…” he added. “And all the other
folk, you can trust them with your life…..the
weather bureau still says it’ll be fair Saturday, so be
ready for climbing at five thirty….”
“I’ll rouse him…he’s not keen on mornings,”
Heather volunteered.
Saturday was brisk and misty. To Dane, it was too
early to be out of bed. It was the cold that invades
your body and the fog hid too many details for his
liking. The Beast could care less, and Heather
looked quite happy holding his hand.
“If I had to get up this early for nothing, I’ll no be a
hoppy mon…” Dane tried to be funny using a poor
Scottish accent. “I’ll sure want to kick sum at!” he
“Save your wit for the climb,” Heather laughed
nervously as she gripped his hand a bit harder. “I
remember the last climb was tough….” she said
“C’mon then…” Dane said bravely, “Up the hill with
us and see what we can see…” Dane added as he
took his first step on the old worn pathway.
Dane, Heather and the Beast were accompanied by
twenty odd soles including her father when they set
out, but numbered only twelve plus the Beast when
they got to the top. Ten people had quit on the
way up, but Heather’s father managed the trip,
wheezing and all.
“It looks like a construction site up here, with no
workers or plan…..” Dane laughed. “It’s just a mess
up here…..anybody bring a broom?” he went on as
he sat on a large square of cut stone.
“It really doesn’t look like much…” Heather agreed
as she put her hand on his shoulder while he looked
around and took it all in.
“I don’t see pieces that might even fit together,”
Dane lamented as Heather’s father walked over to
“That’s part of the curse….young sorcerer….maybe
you forgot.” Her father said. “The way I read the
curse is that the man who can fit the first two

stones together is the rightful heir….it’s like a test
or a puzzle…” He coughed.
“When this fog burns off, I’ll see if I can find
anything that fits….” Dane laughed. “But it really is
a jumble……where was the wizard burned?” He
asked cautiously.
“I’ll remind thee….” he said as he walked slowly
away. “Right here,” he pointed at a small mound
with a jet black center. “This is the stump of the
stake….” he said with a shudder.
Dane nodded and called out, “A couple of you, I
need your hands a minute…” and he proceeded to
find thirteen stones of about the size of your head.
He found the spot that he liked and took the sword
from the holder that he had fashioned and tied to
the Beast, and drew an arm’s length circle in the dirt
around himself, “Now we divide the ring equally to

place these stones around, and mind, we need all
thirteen…” he directed.
On a whim, Dane laid the sword down on the circle
and marked its length several times along the line
and was amazed to find that it made exactly
thirteen marks.
“Why thirteen?” Heather’s father asked, as he was
taking notes and making sketches. “Does it have
something to do with the moon?” He asked
“Yes, I think so…..but most of my knowledge is
incomplete or from ancients…..and they used some
words I couldn’t understand.” Dane agreed as her
father’s eyebrows raised even higher.
All the while that Dane was looking around for signs
of a plan or two pieces to try out he became more
and more agitated. “I’ve had enough of
this…Beast come here and we’ll give a listen to the
Dane crouched down as he took the stone out of his
pocket and held the smoothness against the palm of
his hand as everyone looked on in silence. The
Beast sat in front of him and put his paw on top of
Dane’s hand.
The sounds of horses and excited voices yelling in
the distance could suddenly be heard. Everyone
there started talking to each other excitedly about
what was going on as Heather’s father tried to get
closer to hear better, when Geordie, the simple
helper at butcher’s shop jumped up and ran at
In an instant, Geordie pushed Dane into the circle
and fell in after him, but the Beast was quicker than
light and wrapped himself around Dane before he
hit the ground.
The ground that they hit was different. It was clear
of rubble but the air was smokey and the sky was
very dark. It also smelled like a farm, and they were
“What the F…” Dane said to the Beat.
A tired voice came out of the dark, “How will you
vex now…” it said, from a dark lump against a post.
Dane and the Beast moved cautiously closer to see
who had spoken, to find a very old man in rags
chained to that post who looked up at them. “What
manner of beasts are you then? Have you come to
take me home, then? Save me from these things
that I suffer?” He pleaded.
“You’re the wizard?” Dane asked incredulously. “I
can’t save you….” he added sadly, as he crouched
down to look at him better.
“Why are you here then?” the sorcerer demanded.
“To vex me more? To learn something perhaps? Or
no, you have other ideas…..I see.” he said.
“I am you in three hundred and fifty years, and this
is our dragon,” Dane said matter of factly as the
Beast came closer.
“Then I am saved…..and I’m so glad that dragons
did not die out. How will you get these chains off so
we can fly away?” The sorcerer brightened.
“It’s not that easy…..if you don’t die here and curse
this family and this place, I will not be born and the
Beast will not have me to protect him when he
hatches. If we don’t exist, we can’t come here to
see you… you must die to live again…..but I am
not just you, wizard, I am also Dane….the both of
us are in this body…..we need to find a way…”
Dane struggled to explain.
“You are very strong….I see that…..but you know
very little. I know so much, but I am bound so
tightly that I cannot move. I know not the answer
to this riddle.” he mused.
“I live as us because of your curse, so you must use
another curse to set this right. Your curse on your
murderers causes your resurection, and your other
curse causes the ruin of this Keep, so we need
another curse to divide us or make us able to be
together…..I never minded you myself, it’s
everybody else that get’s upset and crazy….” Dane
laughed as he got used to talking to himself.
“Go and mark two adjacent stones in that
wall…and you will know them in the future…..” he
sighed, and take chains after the fire and have a
sword forged from the iron…..and take this ring,”
He said as ripped it off his finger leaving blood
flowing in his hand. “When you put this ring on
your finger, I will be with you son…..rub my blood
on the stones and it will be the mark.” He sighed.
“Now, go, be some other place when I die, it is
enough that I suffer, you need not also….Beast, lick
my wound so that you will remember me…” he
It was a good thing that the sorcerer had wanted us
to leave, because two hours later, as the moon set
in the west, over the sea, a great green glow
enveloped the castle and there was terrible thunder
and clouds of smoke and dust arose.
There were still a dozen or so ragged people looking
around through the rubble and small fires here and
there lighting the scene as Dane and the Beast
huntend for the chains. “Here they are,” Dane
called out…..”But they’re hot….do you see some
water?” He added as the Beast came close with a
bucket hanging from his jaws.
Dane wrapped the chains in some rags he found and
made his way out of the ruins to find fresh air.
“This must be made into a sword Beast… do
we do that?” Dane asked out of frustration.
“Put on the ring, Dane.” the Beast said. “Oh, good..
hey you spoke?” Dane blurted out excitedly.
“I don’t know for how long, or why, but put on the
ring…..we need to go home and see Heather, and I
miss Andy,,,” the Beast added.
As he slipped on the ring, he knew that the
blacksmith in the village by the sea could do the job.
“We will go down to the village and get this done,
my friend……and then we will see to your
ladies….” the sorcerer laughed easily.
The smith thought nothing odd about the strangely
dressed man and the black and green dragon giving
him a job to do. And he was very happy to accept a
small addition to his little stone building as payment
in full. The sorcerer told the smith to wrap the
finished sword in the rags that he had brought the
chains to him in and hide it in the rafters of the new
part that had magically appeared.
Dane and the Beast stayed the night at the stone
built inn under the cliff. While he was there, he
quickly wrote some notes about spells and magic
and curses. He gifted the book to the innkeeper for
his hospitality as they left to visit the smith once
“I’d like one last look, before I go,” the sorcerer said.
“It is perfect….when you need solace, you may look
to this and you will feel well….” the sorcerer said as
he broke the sword over his knee. “But you, cruel
iron, will hurt no one again.” He cursed the sword
as he handed it back to the smith. “Guard this
well.” he said as he left with the Beast.
“Let’s go home…” Dane said as he slipped the ring
off his finger and took out the stone from his
The Beast readily put his paw on Dane’s hand as the
world turned to flame and they found themselves
on the back of the phoenix.
They felt no heat as they flew through the starless
heavens. “You are safe now, I will watch and guide
you….” the phoenix screeched as it arched away
into the sky leaving the two behind Heather’s
father’s house.
“How?” Angus asked excitedly, “Where’ve you two
been?” he added as he ran to them. “We’d lost
hope……Heather’s fit to be tied….” he went on.
“Son, c’mere,” he shouted, “Go fetch yer aunt…”
he told a teenaged boy.
“How long?” Dane asked wide eyed.
“I’ve not seen thee in ten days, son. Your wife has
been ready to kill herself, but I knew you’d be
back… the sorcerer’s book says your second son
will inherit
the titles and you’ve only one son… you had to
“Wife, sons?” Dane stammered. “And you have a
son as well?” He added. “I left a different place
than this.”
“Dane…” Heather screamed with delight, “you and
the Beast are alive….” she added as she threw
herself on him and kissed him all over his face as
tears streamed down her cheeks. “And you Beast,
come here,” she cried as she grabbed his head in
her hands and shook him affectionately.
“I was worried sick…..” she cried as she grabbed
Dane again. “I wouldn’t even look at the castle
after you disappeared…..I didn’t care if they ever
got it finished.” she rambled on.
“Take us home honey. You have to tell me what it’s
all about. This is not the same place that we left.
You’ll have to explain it all to us,” he said as he
slipped the ring onto his finger.
In a different tone of voice he said, “Oh, you are
why Dane wanted to return so badly……you have
much to tell us….” he smiled broadly as he slid the
ring off.
“We made a deal….” Dane said to the surprised
faces. “Show me my son?” he added awkwardly.
“What an odd way to say that…..little Angus is fine,
he just misses you and Andrea isn’t enough to keep
him occupied.” she smiled as they walked toward
the inn.
“Andrea?” He asked, “You mean Andy?” he
wondered out loud.
“Yes dear, what in the world do you think?” she
laughed, being so relieved to have them home again
and all in one piece.
“Daddy!” Andy cried out as she ran to Dane, “I
missed you so much….” the five year old yelled as
she climbed on him. “and Beast,” she yelled as she
jumped on him while Angus bounded toward them
on his chubby two year old legs…..”Dah,” he
demanded as Dane bent to pick him up.
“Will you two entertain the Beast for me? I must
speak to your mother inside for a minute….” Dane
asked them seriously.
As the joyous sounds of childhood returned, Dane
ushered Heather into the old kitchen and sat down
at the table.
“Honey, when I left here, things were different. Let
me tell you about the world that I left…..then you
must tell me about this one….” Dane insisted.
“That all sounds so melodramatic. The world has
changed? For the better I hope.” she said as she
looked Dane up and down.
“When I fell into the circle, you and I had only just
fallen in love….we had no son, and Andy was in
Canada with her mother and only two years old.
Your older brother died in the military years ago,
and you had no younger brother……and I’d only
been in Orkney for a week and a half….” Dane said
rapidly as Heather laughed happily.
“I’m so glad you’re home, my love. I miss your
humor and your psychology games. I’ll play now
and you will play later,” She winked. “After we put
the kids to bed.
“We’ve been married three years day after
tomorrow, and I am the eldest child in my family
with two younger brothers. Andrea stays here with
us and goes to Canada for summers and Christmas
with Samantha, and you Doctor Maloy, Laird of the
unfinished, are sadly missed at your clinic and your
overly energetic troublesome son.” she answered.
“Is that what you wanted to hear?” she smiled.
“Tell me what you know about the wizard…” Dane
coaxed her.
“Well, Samantha and I had a long chat about that
two days ago when she brought Andrea back. We
both wondered how long you would keep his
memory alive and she wanted to know if you still
had dreams about it all…..she can be quite nice at
times…..are you still bothered?” She asked
“Heather,” Dane tried to say, “Heather, this will
sound crazy…..but,” he said as he pulled the ring
out of his pocket….”This sorcerer took this ring off
his finger and gave it to me a couple of days ago
three hundred years before now…..the Beast and I
went back to the beginning……the wizard lives
inside me yet…..when I put on the ring, he is
here….” Dane tried to explain as Heather giggled

As Dane slipped the ring onto his finger, the room
shimmered and darkened. “Hello Heather, I am he.
I am Balder. I am he who does not exist.” he
laughed as he filled the room with his presence.
“Dane is a good man….I’m glad that you found him.
Go out and look up at the castle. It is finished. You
must put in the final little touches while I rest, child.
Go out and be with Dane….” he sighed happily as
he slid the ring off their finger.
“Dane, move…..we have to look…..” Heather
tugged at him excitedly.
“It’s all finished……” she stammered, as she
pointed up the cliff.
“Of course it is….” Samantha agreed with her. “Hi
Dane, so nice of you to reappear while I was still
here. How are you? I see the Beast is still looking
good,” she fired off.

“Yes, yes he’s in great form….and it’s nice to see
you…….how’s Phil and the clinic…” Dane ventured
to ask.
“He’s nearly as hard to live with as you were,” she
laughed. “But he never complains about wizards
and such…” she added.
Heather clasped Dane’s arm and said “shhh” to him.
“I think your Phil sounds fine…..but I love Dane and
his stories….after all, he figured out the puzzle of
the castle and the crown actually gave him back his
titles…….so I’ll put up with his wizard….” she
“Too much salt air around here,” Sam laughed, “But
I’m starting to think that there is some magic
afoot… and look at how you hold on to
him…..when I tried that he’d squirm away so
fast….” Sam sighed. “You two look disgustingly
happy…” she added with a smirk.

“I have to get to Kirkwall shortly to catch my flights
and get back to reality,” Sam said with a smile
before she kissed both Heather and Dane on the
cheek and called to the kids. “Give me a hug and a
kiss you two before I fly away,” she called out.
“I might have kept that Sam….” Dane muttered.
“You would not,” Heather tightened her grip on him.
“You’ll not be letting those eyes of yours wander
either, Laird Dane. I’ll not let you go like she did….”
she added. “Have you eaten?”
“I don’t know……not for more than three hundred
years…..” He laughed with relief. Things didn’t
seem so bad at all, just different and better.”
“Are things really different, honey? Or, were you
just playing? And how did the castle get finished?”
she questioned him.

“Heather, the most important thing stayed the
same,” he said softly. “Actually it got better
maybe….You still love me….but I’ll always miss
getting to know you…’ve known me over three
years and I’ve only known you for three weeks. I
don’t even know if we get along….” Dane confided.
“You worship the ground I walk on…..and I love you
back savagely….we never fight because you just kiss
me and I melt………If you hadn’t come back when
you did, I was going to ask Sam to take the children
with her and go up to jump off the cliff to be with
you…….but I saw a shadow of that Phoenix that
you talked about and I waited.” she admitted as she
broke down in tears.
They all waved goodbye to Sam at the gate and
went into the inn. “What do I smell?” Dane sighed.
“Macaroni and pork casserole that Sam showed me
how to make…..with a ton of cheese on top…”
“She’s gone, you are the love of my life, and
afterwards as well…” Dane said as he looked at her
“That’s what you said at our wedding….and I
believe you……c’mon….sit yourselves down here
in the dining room and we’ll get Angie his chair,” she
tried to say as the Beast carried the high chair into
the room in his huge jaws.
“Andrea, help me get things, honey?” Heather
called out.
“Mommy look first…..the Beast is so funny…” Andy
replied happily. The Beast was pushing Angus up
onto his chair with his snout while the boy was hand
over hand on the chair leg with a look of total
determination on his face. “Daddy, you go and help
mommy, I’ll help them….OK?”
“I missed us becoming a family….” Dane muttered
as he went into the kitchen with Heather. “Hearing
Andy call you mommy made my heart go
wild….how long did it take for you to like….you
know….” Dane tried to phrase it.
“You really don’t know do you…..” she finally
“When we met them at the airport, Andrea ran to
you so fast and climbed you like a tree and reached
her little hand out to me and hugged us both. She
called me new mommy and Samantha old mommy
from then on……I know that your ex didn’t like the
old part, but she was happy about everything else.
And me too…..I’ll fill you in on all of the details I can
think of later in bed…….in case you didn’t
know….. we like our time in bed…” she winked.
“Now, can you manage this tray while I bring
“Daddy, can I stay here with you and mommy now
forever because the castle is done and my room is
so nice?” Andy asked so sweetly.
“Won’t you miss old mommy,” Heather answered
for Dane.
“Old mommy doesn’t know I’m there……and you
love me mommy, and the Beast can talk now, and
Angie needs me and my Daddy, he needs me more
because he’s always so mixed up…” she explained
as Dane and Heather held back their tears.
“We,” they both started to say, “We will work that
out Andy….” Dane said for them both. “Won’t we
mommy?” he added as a tear leaked out and rolled
down his cheek.
As Andrea tried to get out of chair to go to Dane,
and Heather tried to put her arms around him, the
Beast beat them all in a flash and was there to lick
the tear off Dane’s cheek.
As Angie tried to reach out to join the commotion,
the Beast appeared beside him and surrounded him

with his front paws and said, “Hug me and then eat,
or I’ll eat it for you.”
We all laughed as we finished the casserole and
some dessert.
“Come outside and let’s look at the castle lights
before we clean everything up and get you two
bathed……it’ll be bed for you two soon and Daddy
and I can have a wee wander….” Heather said like a
mother might.
It looked like a page out of a fairy tale. The round
tower on one side and the windows facing the sea
and the evening sun……and Angie sitting on the
Beast’s back with Andy balancing him.
“I love you so much….” Dane whispered into
Heather’s ear as they all turned to go back into the
inn and prepare for bed.

“What will Sam say?” Dane shrugged as they sat in
front of the fire with a glass of wine. “It seems you
know her better than I,”
“It’s you that called her the wicked witch of the
west,” Heather laughed. “I think she’ll agree readily
enough……you always told me that she loved you
and it was you that had no emotions…..but I think
you’re wrong. You try to love everyone…..she just
used you…..she thought that you would be a
successful doctor…..and you just wanted to make
people better, not get rich…..And now look…”
Heather laughed as she sipped her wine.
“Look at what, honey?” Dane asked.
“You have the inauguration of your new facility for
youth psychology next Friday, and you have some
function or another almost every month as Earl, so
you’re famous, and as Laird, with your pensions and

your land rents…..and our little inn….we don’t
want for money…….and we all love you
madly…..she lost out on it all…..with her nose up in
the air…” Heather ranted away.
“That all sounds very good…” Dane agreed with a
smile. “My last curses must have been good ones,”
he sighed to himself. “But what will we have to talk
about in bed?” He teased. “You’ve told me
“You get yourself up those stairs and into that bed
and I’ll tell you….” She ordered him.
“You smell of sulfur, and worse….” she complained
as she pushed her face into his chest.
“I flew through hell on the back of the phoenix only
a few hours ago……so I imagine I’m a touch
foul….oh and he told us to protect you……and the
Best like him now….” Dane rambled on.

“I remember now, at the standing stones, that
vision… scared me…..but he wants me
protected? And you flew through hell?” She
“Well, into the shower with you then…..we’ll soon
have you smelling like what you are…” she laughed.
“What am I? I don’t know myself anymore, and
everything is so different…..I don’t have the wizard
in my mind any more except when I put on his ring,
and then I go kind of numb….” Dane stammered.
“Well, I’m beginning to understand… you didn’t
hear him in the kitchen before dinner?” she asked.
“No, why?” Dane asked, obviously not knowing.
“Well you put his ring on and he talked to me I
guess…..he was very nice…..and he waved his
arm… or I should say your arm, and the castle was
almost finished, where this morning the work was
only half completed….and nobody else
noticed….just me…” she said. “So you can’t talk to
him now after all this
that you went through?” she asked in amazement
as she sat up quickly.
“It seems not…….but when we talked, three
hundred years ago, I really started to like him, and
he sent us away so we didn’t have to see him die,”
Dane choked up.
“Shall I talk to him next time I see him?” Heather
asked oddly, “Or do you want to try to get used to
having your mind to yourself….” she added.
“I don’t know just yet…..I have a lot to fit together
in my mind… say I was gone for ten days, but I
was only gone for two nights…..” Dane muttered.
Dane and Heather tried to make up for lost nights
and shed tears as they loved each other. “Where’s
the Beast?” Dane finally asked.
“With the kids, as always……” Heather smiled.

“He’ll be at the foot of the bed when I wake up,”
Dane predicted, as they fell asleep in each other’s
Dane awoke to chaos. Heather was sitting up with
Angie nursing on her very full breast, and Andy was
lying between Dane and Heather and torturing
Dane with a feather thatnshe kept running over his
nose and forehead as she giggled. And of course
the Beast was at the foot of the bed.
“Is the other one for me?” Dane teased his wife.
“I’ll other one you in a minute,” Heather snapped
comically at him.
“You call him baby all the time…..even though he’s
potty trained like me.” Andy piped up, as Dane
smiled stupidly.
“What will the rest of us be having for breakfast?”
Dane yawned.
“We’ll see when we go down…..I didn’t say
anything to Helga when you and the Beast showed
up yesterday afternoon…..” she said calmly.
“Helga?” Dane asked.
“Daddy,” Andy huffed. “The Swedish girl that makes
the beds and cooks the food….she started before I
went to visit old mommy in the summer, and you
still don’t know her name…” Andy laughed.
“And you’ll need to get used to at least two more
when we move up to the castle…..”Heather
“Can I afford that?” Dane asked suspiciously.
“Them, and ten more, honey…” she laughed. “And
a good thing too, with another on the way in four
months….” she laughed as she rubbed her belly.
“But last night you let me…” Dane tried to say.
“The doctor says that’s very good exercise and good
for the baby too…” she argued with a smile.
“He says I’ll have another little brother….” Andy
said proudly. “And then you can make me a little
sister too…” she pleaded, as Heather and Dane
broke up laughing.
Heather leaned over and called Helga on the
intercom and said, “Helga, bring the Laird a mug of
tea, I’ll wait till we come down…”
“Glad you’re home in one piece, your lordship,” she
said as she walked into the room with the tea and
handed it to Dane. “We were all worried thin,” she
added as she went back out the door.
“I want to see how the castle looks now, so I’ll go up
after breakfast….who’s coming with me?” Dane
asked hopefully.
“I am,” Heather smiled. “These two have to visit
grandma…..I promised…..she’ll take Angie in the
pram and Andrea will push, and my father will fill

them with chocolate again…..and then they’ll be
hyper again…..” she sighed.
“She’s coming here?” Dane looked and sounded so
“Why are you so…….explain it to me later…”
Heather said softly as she thought that she knew
why. “You’ll be shocked at the progress and I hear
they got a lot more done just yesterday….” Heather
laughed. “And you my little man, other side for the
rest of your breakfast so mommy is balanced.”
When Jean walked into the dining room to collect
her grandchildren, Andy ran to her excitedly telling
her how confused Daddy was again. “Dane, you’ll
need to take more care with another on the way….”
she smiled. “And good that these two favor you and
all….but many more of this tomfoolery, and I’ll have
more to say.” she added more sternly.

“Keep me honest, mother….” Dane smiled happily.
“I thought that I’d lost you…..and everyone else….
but I think it’s done…….Thanks?” he added
Walking slowly up the pathway to the castle, Dane
told Heather, “In my old life, you were raised by
your father after your mother died when you were
Andy’s age, and your older brother died when you
were only ten years old. Your father was old and
sick when I left three days ago, and now he’s hale
and hearty….and your mum’s a joy…” Dane sighed.
“My mother thinks the sun rises and sets on you
and loves Andrea as her own…’s hard to think of
you not remembering all that. I think that I owe the
sorcerer something more……what would my life
have been like?” She tried to justify things out loud.
The castle looked so much more majestic today than
it had in the past in the dark with the smoke and the
dirt of the ages caked here and there.
After looking around in awe at the different rooms,
Dane exclaimed, “We’ll have to do some big time
furniture shopping…..and I can get a nice billiard
table in here….” he smiled.
“You’re such a fool…” Heather laughed. “We have
too much furniture already to move in now, once all
the workers are done…..and the billiard table with
your special red cloth showed up yesterday…’s
under a tarp in your garage……Oh my poor
baby…..maybe don’t ask any questions for a while
and try to adjust to things……I don’t want anybody
thinking you’ve gone loopy…” she smiled.
“I think we should go back to the inn and go back to
bed. I need you to fill me in some more….” Dane
“Good idea. Helga will be off at the shops and what
not so we’ll be alone and nobody will hear….let’s
go.” she said as she sprinted for the door.
“Remember the baby,” Dane warned her.
“You weren’t this nervous with the last one, and
everything was perfect.” Heather laughed at him.
“So c’mon…” she added.
Lying down in the bed, Dane started to explain, “I
just found out about our new baby today honey,
and my son yesterday. My daughter is three years
older than she was last week and I’m divorced and
now married to the woman that I gave up looking
for. My lifelong enemy is now fixing things up for
me…….my children have a grandma and wife has
her mother. Oh, and I am now Earl with a castle
ready to move into and my new clinic….it’s hard to
digest so fast……and if we have so much money,
then I can do some things that I always wanted to
do…..” he sighed.
“What would you like to do, honey?”

“I’d love to have some big clydesdales and a huge
old wagon…..and I’d like a place to retire old horses
that can’t work anymore………and I want to try to
solve some of the chronic worker
problems…….and I don’t know…..” Dane
“Honey,” Heather soothed him as she rolled over
and pulled herself up so that her overly plump
breast fell onto his face. “Try this while I tell you,”
she offered as Dane absentmindedly started to suck
on her engorged nipple. “You have four clydes that
follow you around like puppies and twelve or more
work horses that all come when you whistle. You
have the suicide hot line and safe house in Kirkwall
and five schools open so far…..even that music
thing that you wanted, is getting attention. Over
the next day or two, we’ll drive around and I’ll show
you all you’ve done…..and you like my teat don’t
you baby?” she laughed as Dane sucked
“Suck on the other one to keep me even honey and
go to sleep for a while……I’ll watch over you….”
she soothed him.
Dane and Heather were enjoying a lovely cup of tea
and some fresh little cakes that Helga had bought at
the bakers when Jean and the kid’s came laughing
back into the inn. “Dane, if your next one is wild like
these two, I’ll need help……” Jean burst out
“What about their grandfather?” Dane teased.
“He can’t be trusted even with your beastie….let
alone children,” she laughed. “Old Merlin has talked
the Beast into spreading his wings out and he’s
bound and bent to get him flying….” she added
with disgust.
“The Beast has wings?” Dane looked shocked. “I
never saw him……he never….well maybe he didn’t
know how before?” Dane rambled on.
“Well don’t be too shocked if your dragon comes in
through the window one day…” she laughed.
“Have you some tea for yer mum?”
“Of course I do….now that you talk to me and not
your favorite Earl,” Heather teased her.
“Were you two being a handful today?” Dane
questioned them.
“Angie was good, but I ate too much chocolate and
there was none for grandpa and the Beast….” Andy
“Well,” Dane hummed and hawed, “Dragons
shouldn’t eat chocolate and grandfathers need to
step more lively……and you should have saved one
or two for the ghoulies……so they leave you and
your brother alone….” Dane teased her.
“Dane, don’t scare that child,” Jean tried to say
Heather laughed as she said, “Andrea grew up with
the ghosts of old indians, a wizard, a dragon and her
old mommy…..I hardly think a ghoulie would stand
a chance…..” She laughed heartily.
“Ooooh that stings….I didn’t think that Samanth
was that bad….a bit standoffish….but OK….but I
think Dane did well to shift himself to you…..and I
kind of like him being around here….” She smiled.
“Andrea wants us to keep her here permanently,
and not go back to Canada…..she asked if I could be
her full time mommy and you her full time grandma
yesterday…..” Heather told her mother.
“You did? Well I’ll hide you out if your old mother
says anything wrong…..I’ll keep you myself….” Jean
cried out as she hugged Andrea tight.
“Oh my Lord……I’m so happy…..I have to go and
tell your old grandpot…..” she beamed as she ran
out the door.
“You see Andrea, everyone wants you to stay, but
you will have your room right next door to Angie in
the castle……that is where my little girl belongs.”
A minute later Jean returned dragging a timid Beast
along by one horn. “This wee critter collapsed my
clothes line and my patio table flapping his wings….
talk to him harshly Dane……I just don’t
know….and I have to go and sort out Merlin….”
She added as she walked back out the door while
we all laughed.
“What are you turning into Beast?” Dane laughed.
“I’m retired…” he growled.
“Do you think you can fly? That will scare the hell
out of people…..?” Dane snickered.
“I didn’t know I had wings…..but it sounds like fun
to me…..better than hiding in the back of the truck
on the ship, and easier on my paws….” he growled.

“Why were you hiding in the back of the truck?”
Heather asked.
“So they wouldn’t see us when we stowed away on
the ship to come here last month…” the Beast
answered honestly.
“Beast… you see many changes since you and
his lordship returned from wherever it was you
went?” Heather chose her words carefully.
“Balder told me that he would give back to Dane all
that he should have had when I licked the blood off
his hand after he tore off his ring. I expected things
to be different…..Only Dane stayed the same…..the
phoenix told me that it will take him time because
he’s almost four hundred years old and set in his
ways… are still so pretty and Andrea will grow
up like you being here….and well I like all of the
changes…..especially your daughter and two

I’m hungry Heather…..” The Beast explained to an
open mouthed woman.
“Helga,” Heather called out. “We’ll see what we
have…..don’t hide….” she told the Beast.
“Yes, uh OH, what is…..” Helga stammered.
“This is what he really looks like…..he’s the same
Beast, just without his disguise. Right Beast?” she
“Helga, don’t be afraid. I’m still me….and I’m
hungry……I’ll eat anything and you don’t have to
cook it, or even kill it…..” he snorted.
“Could you catch some gophers digging up the
kitchen garden?” She asked timidly.
“Show me,” he demanded as pranced out to the
kitchen with Helga not too close behind.
“Dane, honey…..I thought that maybe you were
stretching a few things…..but now I see….” Heather
apologized to him again.
“So,” Dane laughed, “You believe an old talking
dragon but not your own husband? That’s pretty
funny you know…” he added. “Next you’ll be
saying that the fairies don’t really dance around the
standing stones in the full moon…”
“Fair enough….you’re right….it’s just all such a
shock, isn’t it?” She agreed. “Honey, are there
really ghoulies?” She asked under her breath as the
children played slap hands.
Dane didn’t answer her. He just pointed at his hand
that he was holding below the table’s edge. When
she looked down she saw three little hairy trolls
running around in the palm of his hand…..As he put
his hand back up onto the table they vanished. “I
don’t know……I haven’t seen a single one in a
while, but you never know….”he teased her.
“Gopher’s gone, dragon’s fed, are you ready for your
dinner now too?” Helga asked cheerfully.
“Yes please. Andrea, will you help, or should I?”
Heather asked.
“I’ll go….I’m coming, Helga….are we making some
nice desserts too?” she laughed as she ran into the
“Dane, ghoulies….”Heather demanded.
“Yes dear, and phoenix’s and demons and the whole
slate…..why honey?” Dane asked.
“Why don’t we see them?” she asked as she looked
over her shoulders both ways.
“I think they got tired like the Beast and just gave up
a long time ago……me and the Beast, we’re relics.
So don’t be frightened. The most scary creature in
the universe is the phoenix and he promised to
protect us. So I’m home.”

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