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Narrator: Once a upon a time, there’s a widowed father and a lovely daughter named

Cinderella living a faraway land. One day, Cinderella’s father decided to marry the
second time so that Cinderella will have a mother figure to care for her. Time passes
by Cinderella’s father eventually died. Her stepmother turned cold and stopped
caring about her. The stepmother and her 2 stepsisters named Anastasia and
Drizella despises and jealous her lovely charm and beauty. She forced to become a
maid and servant in the household under her stepmother.
Scene 1:
Cinderella (Angela): (*di nakatingin sa camera, nasa gitna lng yung placing mo*)
Cleaning the house (*nagpupunas ng furniture*)
Anastasia (Angeline): *nakatingin sa left side* Look at this pathetic girl (*laughs*)
She looks so dirty every time I see her everywhere in this house.
Drizella (Deidre): *nakatingin sa right side* You’re right sister! (*laughs*) The more I
see this girl makes me want to vomit.
Anastasia (Angeline): *nakatingin sa left side* Hey! Are you listening? (*galit*)
Cinderella: *nakatingin sa right side* What do you want me to do? (*tumigil sa
Drizella (Deidre): *nakatingin sa right side* Are you deaf? Do you not hear our
descriptions of you? (*galit*)
Cinderella (Angela): Sorry. I’ll make it up both of you. (*nakangiti kay Anastasia at
Drizella so both kang titingin sa left at right side*)
Anastasia (Angeline): *nakatingin sa left side* Ugh, you’re stupid and such an eye-
sore. THE DAMAGE HAS BEEN DONE! You’re so disgusting so…GET OUT OF
OUR SIGHT! (*galit*)
Cinderella (Angela): *umalis sa scene/camera* (*naglakad*)
Drizella (Deidre): *nakatingin sa right side* (*laughs*) That’s right sister Anastasia!
Her smile earlier makes me shiver. Such a creep! (*naiinis*)
Scene 2:
Narrator: In the royal palace, the King and Grand Duke were talking about the
prince’s marriage. They decided to have a grand ball at night, and they informed it to
the prince regarding to the event. The plan for the grand ball has been decided.
Invitation letters are sent out on that day to every household in the kingdom. Making
sure that every young maiden will be invited to the royal palace’s grand ball.
Cinderella (Angela): *nakatingin sa left side camera* *kinuha yung letter na bond
paper* It says that its from the royal palace. I’m going to tell stepmother about this.
(*umalis sa camera*)
Stepmother (Shiela): *nakatingin sa right side* What’s that in your hand? Are you
hiding something? (*mataray*)
Cinderella (Angela): *nakatingin sa left side* Oh! (*nagulat*) You’re here stepmother.
No, I’m not. I’m handing it to you. I just received it earlier and the letter says it’s from
the royal palace.
Stepmother (Shiela): *nakatingin sa right side* Let’s see… (*binasa yung letter na
bond paper*) Oh sweet Lord! (*nagulat*) There’s a grand ball in the palace at night.
Anastasia! Drizella! Be prepared at once! Every young maiden is to attend.
Cinderella (Angela): *nakatingin sa left side* Certainly, I can go too. Right,
Stepmother (Shiela): *nakatingin sa right side* Well, I see no reason why you can’t
go but make sure to get all your work done in this house. (*sarcastic*)
Cinderella (Angela): *nakatingin sa left side* Thank you very much stepmother!
Scene 3:
Narrator: Cinderella opened her wardrobe at her own tiny room at the attic. She
found some old gowns of her mother and scraps of old cloth of Anastasia and
Drizella. She will make out of those material, a wonderful evening gown for the grand
Cinderella (Angela): Definitely, this can do the trick. (*tinitignan yung tela*)
Jaq the Mouse (Geraldine): *nakatingin sa left side* Do you want us to help you?
(*dapat cute yung boses or parang chipmunk*)
Gus the Mouse (Jeanelle): *nakatingin sa right side* We can help you, Cinderella!
We can finish that in no time!
Cinderella (Angela): (*tuwang-tuwa*) (*nakatingin sa baba*) Thank you for the
overwhelming support, Jaq and Gus.
Jaq the Mouse (Geraldine): *nakatingin sa left side* Surely, you have some
remaining chores to do. Let us handle it from here. (*dapat cute yung boses or
parang chipmunk*)
Cinderella (Angela): (*nakatingin sa baba*) Are you sure of that?
Gus the Mouse (Jeanelle): nakatingin sa right side* Yes! Just put your hope in us!
We can do it! You already helped us to survive. This is our time to repay the
kindness you brought to us, Cinderella.
Cinderella (Angela): Absolutely thank you Jaq and Gus, to the bottom of my heart.
Narrator: Cinderella has been busy the whole day that she didn’t get any time to get
ready after she did all of the remaining chores. Later that night, she gets back to the
attic. She was astonished by the outcome of the evening gown. She expressed
gratitude to all the work put into the gown. She left her room and she showed the
gown to her sisters.
Cinderella (Angela): *nakatingin sa left side* Look! (*hawak hawak yung tela kunwari
gown*) I finished my own evening gown; this means that I can join you right?
Anastasia (Angeline): *nakatingin sa right side* Your gown looks so oddly familiar. It
feels like I’ve seen it somewhere.
Drizella (Deidre): *nakatingin sa right side* Anastasia, sis, don’t you remember this
color of her sash? That’s our clothes from before!
Anastasia (Angeline): *nakatingin sa right side* WHAT THE? YOU THIEF! YOU
DON’T DESERVE THIS!!! (*galit*) (*kunwari may hinihila sa right side*)
Drizella (Deidre): *nakatingin sa left side* YOU STOLE IT FROM US! YOU DON’T
DESERVE THIS GOWN! (*galit*) (*kunwari may hinihila sa left side*) (*ginupit gupit
kunwari gamit ng gunting pero di mo ipapakita yung ginugupit mo*)
Cinderella: *nasa gitna camera pero di titingin sa camera* Please don’t. Stop this
please… (*umiiyak kunwari*)
Anastasia (Angeline): *nakatingin sa right side* THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR
Stepmother (Shiela): *nakatingin sa right side*) Let’s go now, girls or else we’ll be
late at the ball.
Cinderella (Angela): It’s now ruined (*nakatingin sa baba*) … (*umiiyak*) (*umalis sa
camera: naglakad pa left side)
Scene 4:
Narrator: Cinderella left the house and flung herself at the bench of the garden.
Cinderella is frustrated by what happened. All her efforts were gone in a minute.
Suddenly, a shining swirl gathered around her and a magical being appeared to her.
Fairy Godmother (Jenelyn): *nakatingin sa left side* What’s the matter, my dear?
You look so upset.
Cinderella (Angela): Huh?! *napatingin sa right side* (*nagulat*) Who are you?
Fairy Godmother: *nakatingin sa left side pero nakikita buong katawan mo* Don’t be
afraid, my dear. I’m here to help you. (*nakangiti*) I’m your fairy Godmother! Now,
dry your tears. You can’t go to the ball looking so awful. (*waves the wand*).
Narrator: Minutes later, the fairy Godmother waved her magical wand and casts a
spell to the pumpkin and the mice, Jaq and Gus. The pumpkin turned into a dazzling
carriage and the mice turned into gorgeous horses. The final wave of the wand is
Cinderella’s major transformation, her clothes changed into extravagantly elegant
evening ball gown. Her footwear turned into delicate shimmering glass.
Cinderella (Angela): *videohan yung buong katawan mo para kita yung
transformation* *tinitignan mo yung suot mo* Oh, wonderful! Thank you, Fairy
Godmother! (*tuwang-tuwa*) *nakatingin sa right side*
Fairy Godmother (Jenelyn): *nakatingin sa left side* You’re very welcome, my dear.
Before you go to the grand ball, you must remember that what I gave to you, will only
last on the midnight. The spell will be broken on that exact time.
Narrator: Arriving at the palace, Cinderella entered the royal palace with her glittering
elegant gown. The prince has seen her as the most stunning girl he ever
encountered in his life and the whole grand ball.
Prince (Lance): Lady, May I ask you for a dance? *nakatingin sa left side* (*inabot
mo yung kamay mo sa left side pero di nakikita sa camera*)
Cinderella (Angela): Of course. *nakatingin sa right side*(*inabot mo yung kamay mo
sa right side pero di nakikita sa camera*)
Narrator: The prince immediately fallen in love when she spoke. Cinderella and the
prince were taking over the dance floor. For Cinderella, for the first time in her life,
she was floating on air. Yet alas, the clocks’ chime rang, and she remembered that it
was the first stroke of midnight.
Cinderella (Angela): *nakatingin sa right side* Oh no… Prince, this moment was
delightful, but I must go now. *umalis sa camera nagmamadali*
Prince (Lance): *nakatingin sa left side* Please wait! You can’t go now! (*nabigla*)
Narrator: Cinderella didn’t stop from leaving. She ran so fast that she left her pair of
glass shoe on the staircase. She leapt into the carriage and raced away. The last
stroke of midnight was heard. Her transformation and her companions goes back to
they’re once was. Back at the palace, the prince was devasted when Cinderella left
but he found the glass shoe that she left.
Prince (Lance): *nakatingin sa left side* (*hawak-hawak mo at tinitignan yung high
heels*) This is the only evidence that will help me find her. I declare to this kingdom
that whoever maiden whose foot fitted in this shoe, I will marry her.
Narrator: Meanwhile, Cinderella is humming the music from the grand ball. But
Cinderella’s stepmother heard her in her room and became suspicious which she
draws conclusion that Cinderella might attended the grand ball that night.
Stepmother (Shiela): *nakatingin sa right side* You sure know how to trick us, huh…
Cinderella (Angela): *nakatingin sa left side* What do you mean, stepmother? I didn’t
leave in this house.
Stepmother (Shiela): *nakatingin sa right side* Enough of your deceptions,
Cinderella! (*galit*) You will not leave your room! DON’T YOU DARE ESCAPE!
Cinderella (Angela): *nakatingin sa left side* Please no! Stepmother! I’ll be better,
DON’T LOCK ME UP! (*umiiyak kunwari*)
Scene 5:
Narrator: The prince and the grand duke arrived on the house. They brought the said
glass shoe. Anastasia and Drizella were thrilled on the prince’s appearance and
they’re taking turns to fit their feet on the glass shoe.
Anastasia (Angeline): *nakatingin sa baba right side* (*kunwari nagtatry ng sapatos
pero di ipapakita yung paa sa camera*) This is too little for me. I don’t know why it
won’t fit. (*naiirita*) I’m truly sure that this is my missing shoe from the ball that night.
Drizella (Deidre): Are you truly sure about that Anastasia? (*nakatingin sa left side*)
Step back! This is my shoe that was missing that night. *nakatingin sa baba left side*
(*kunwari nagtatry ng sapatos pero di ipapakita yung paa sa camera*) WHY IS THIS
Narrator: In the meantime, Jaq and Gus were able to steal the key of Cinderella’s
room from her stepmother. They unlocked Cinderella’s room and freed her.
Jaq (Gereladine): *nakatingin sa right side* Cinderella, your glass shoe was in
prince’s possession. He wants to find you! Go now before the prince leaves.
Gus (Jeanelle): *nakatingin sa right side* Yes!!! The prince is still downstairs and
there’s still time!
Cinderella (Angela): *nakatingin sa left side* Thank you, both of you.
Narrator: Just as the prince was about to leave. Cinderella managed to go
downstairs fast and she managed to caught his attention.
Prince (Lance): *nakatingin sa left side* I supposedly thought that this household
only have 2 maidens.
Cinderella (Angela): *nakatingin sa right side* Well… Here I am the other one. May I
also try it on, your majesty?
Prince (Lance): Certainly, my lady. *nakatingin sa left side*
Narrator: The wicked stepmother of Cinderella did not want to lose. She taken it by
force to the prince and it shattered a million glass pieces on the floor.
Cinderella (Angela): *nakatingin sa right side* That happened so fast (*shocked*).
Perhaps, your majesty, this would help.
Narrator: Cinderella reaches into her pocket and she brings out the other pair of her
glass shoe last night. She gave it to the prince. The prince was awed how similar it is
to the shattered one.
Lance (Prince): (*ipapasukat sa mama or kapatid yung heels pero di nakikita yung
mukha nila basta nakatayo sila at ikaw yung maglalagay sa kanila ng high heels
isang shoe lng nman*) (*camera mo at ikaw nakatingin sa left side*) The shoe fits!
You are the one from that night!
Cinderella (Angela): We meet once again, prince. (*ngumiti*) *nakatingin sa right
Narrator: Soon afterwards, the prince and Cinderella got married. The prince was
crowned to the king’s throne. Her companions celebrate to their wedding joyfully.
They always knew that Cinderella’s dream and freedom came true. Thus, they lived
happily ever after.

REMINDER PO: yung sa CAMERA FACING (kunwari yung nakatingin sa___) meron
na sa script, SUNDIN yun please. NAKA HALF BODY SHOT KAYO SA CAMERA.
Sa BACKGROUND: Naka PLAIN WHITE DAPAT LAHAT. Gaya nung sa video natin
kay mam Ethel.
Shiela: pamaypay (if wla okay lng nman) parang bagay sayo yung may pamaypay
kasi mataray na stepmother.
Deidre: Gunting at plain tela kahit ano kulay (sa SCENE 3 magagamit nyo)
Angeline: Gunting at plain tela kahit ano kulay (sa SCENE 3 magagamit nyo)
Geraldine: Mouse ears ilalagay sa buhok kahit colored paper or papel sya.
Lance: colored paper prince crown at yung paper medal kahit idikit mo na lng sa coat
Long dress or long skirt: Shiela (stepmother), Deidre (Drizella), Angeline (Anastasia)
Gown or long dress: Jenelyn (Fairy godmother)
Gown or magarbong gown/dress at apron or pang waitress na suot: Angela
Plain t-shirt na red, orange, blue except white at bandana: Geraldine (Jaq the
Coat, dark color na shirt, slacks: Lance (Prince)

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