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Objective: At the end of the Module the student must

• Formulate his/her own sentences using the Subject-Verb Agreement Rules. •

Define how each rules/agreement works in given contexts.
• And lastly, Identify the said rules in sentences that would be given.

Pre-Test. On numbers 1, 3 and 4, identify the correct answer. While on

numbers 1 and 5, write C if the underlined word/s makes the sentence
correct and W if the underlined word/s are wrong then supply the correct
word/s to make the grammar correct.

1. Wonka (go, goes) to the store to buy chocolate daily.

2. The teens have been hurdling for a long time.
3. The snake in the glass cage (hiss, hisses) at bystanders.
4. The hockey game (was, were) very exciting to watch.
5. Julio and Princisito like skateboarding.

Subject- Verb Agreement

Definition: Subject-verb agreement refers to the relationship existing between the

subject and the verb in the sentence. A singular subject requires a singular verb. A
plural subject requires a plural verb.

Two or more subjects joined by “and” are considered plural and require a verb

form without an “s.”

a. Example: Jeff, Djin, and Gloria jump offshore.

2. If a subject is modified by the words “each” or “every” that subject is singular and will
take a verb form that ends in “s.”
a. Example: Each pupil carries their belongings to the shelf.

3. If plural subjects are joined by “or,” “nor,” or “but,” the verb must only agree with the

subject that is closest to it.

a. Example: Neither Manuel nor his brother Pedro swims to the

shore. Either Manuel nor his primos run to the club.

Not Pedro but his primos shout like a battalion of soldiers.

Not Pedro but his primo walks to the black market.

4. Indefinite pronouns* are usually singular and take a verb form that ends in “s.”

a. Example: Everybody jogs back to the camp.

5. The subject of a verb is never in a prepositional* or verbal phrase. Therefore, you

must isolate the phrase and find the proper subject.

a. Example: The leader of the pack (with all of his associates) drags the cart to the

The pride leader (including all his lioness) roars heavy to the enemy to fighgon

6. Some indefinite pronouns and nouns will be singular or plural depending on the
object of the prepositional phrase. These words are always about number or amount
such as: all,

half, some, none, most, part, etc.

a. Example: Some (of the hens) were eaten.

Most (of the water) is gone.

7. When a collective noun, such as family, group, committee, or class, is the subject,

the verb will end in “s.”

a. Example: The group of students runs frantically as they are going to be late.
8. A few nouns, such as economics, mumps, measles, or news end in “s” but are
considered singular. You can tell these “s” words are singular because if you take the “s”
away, you
don’t have a noun. For example, economic and new are adjectives that describe a noun.

a. Example: Politics is a very complicated subject.

9. When the subject is a unit of measurement of time, distance, money, weight, etc. The

unit is considered singular, and the verb will end in “s.”

a. Example: A hundred and sixty pound of Bolognese is heavy to

eat. b. Fourty feet of a substandard made building falls easily

❖ Phrases or queries starting with there is or there are, on either hand, are
constructed differently: the subject comes just after verb.


1. Here is the pen that I borrowed yesterday.

2. There was a ghost in my previous school.

❖ Every verb should only ever coincide with the subject. Subjects and verbs need
have the same numbers (they must agree) (singular or plural). As little more than
a consequence, if indeed the subject is singular, the verb must be singular as
well; if the subject is plural, the verb must be numerous as well.


1. Kimchi is a common side dish in Korea.

2. Catriona Gray is considered as the best Miss Universe.
3. We were the best section ever, my teacher assured us.
❖ This gerund is a term that is formed from a verb yet operates as a noun, and it
always ends in -ing. It is crucial to emphasize that, while gerunds resemble
present participles, they are not quite the same thing. Gerunds are employed
simply nouns in sentences, whereas present participles are utilized simply
modifications to place the verb phrase.


1. Playing Mobile Legend is my past time.

2. The thing that keeps me going is dancing.
3. Reading textbooks will improve my knowledge.

❖ A relative pronoun is one that is used to refer to nouns that have already been
stated, even if they are persons, places, objects, animals, or concepts. Several
phrases can indeed be joined using relative pronouns.

Whenever employing who, that, or which, keep in mind that these relative pronouns are
pointing to a noun in order to identify if the subject is singular and will have a verb
ending in “s” or plural and will have a verb that does not finish in “s.”


1. Morissette Amon who performs in Korea was highly praised by locals.

2. The singer who sang in X-Factor was stunning.

Let’s practice!

Subject- Verb Agreement

If the underlined verb agrees with the subject, write C as your answer. If it doesn’t, write
the correct verb that will agree with the subject.

1. The children watches a horror movie.

2. The zipper of this pair of pants needs to be repaired.
3. Real Madrid battles Juventus today.
4. Please choose another pair of shorts. These is already sold.
5. The Green Goblin kills Aunt May in the movie Spiderman.
6. The barangay chairman, preceding his subordinates, conduct a house- to- house
campaign for cleanliness.
7. Phishing is an illegal act.
8. There are mishaps regarding the event yesterday.

Correct answers.


1. Goes
2. C
3. Hisses
4. Was
5. W-likes
1. -watch
2. needs- C
3. battles-battle
4. Is sold-are sold
5. kills-C
6. conduct-conducts
7. is-C
8. mishaps-C

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