Modals - Moreno Bse English 2B

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At the end of the lesson, students must be able to:
1. Define the meaning modal verb.
2. Differentiate modal verbs according to their expressive uses.
3. Make use of modal verbs in constructing sentences.
A. What is Modal Verb?
- It is a helping verb that is linked together with a main verb or an infinitive to
express or convey an attitude to the action or state of being of the main
- It is also known as a modal auxiliary that conveys obligation,
recommendation, intention, request, invitation, uncertainty, possibility, or
There are modals that are classified into its uses:
Modal Verb (Words) Expressive Use

Can, Could Ability

May, Might Permission or Possibility

Must Requirement or Explanation

Ought Obligation or Likelihood

Will, Shall Future time or Intention

Should Recommendation, Obligation or

Would Situation that is contrary to fact, Future
time, action repeated in the past, request
or an invitation/offer.

B. Examples of sentences according to expressive uses of modal verbs.

Modal Verbs Sentences
Can, Could -She can say something shocking in front
of the youtubers’ conference since she is
technically a famous social media
influencer. (Ability)
- David could have the position as a team
captain in Milwaukee Bucks if it wasn’t for
his past controversial issues within the
sports association. (Ability)
May, Might -Grace may have my phone since she is
my closest friend in childhood.
- We may be so close to each other but
we’re just acquaintances after all.
- Rose’s family might have left this earlier
morning due to the sudden accident of
their relative from province. (Possibility)
Must -Our roommates must clean the kitchen
sink before our landlord sees it nasty and
untidy. (Requirement)
- Ellie must have gone through a lot of
problems these past few weeks.
Ought -Teachers are ought to instruct and train
students professionally so, that the
students are motivated to learn.
-Policemen are ought to be the symbol of
peace and order of our country.
Will, Shall -You shall be endowed with an enormous
power coming from the divine entity in
heaven and universe. (Intention)
- It’s all futile, probably I will just do the
other activities and assignments tomorrow
evening. (Future Time)
Should -I texted Oliver that he should hurry so,
he can catch up with us to the cinema
premiering the Spider Man’s No Way
Home. (Recommendation)
- Sons and daughters should give respect
to their parents because they give them
life and purpose in this world. (Obligation)
- Should you speed up in this driveway
since the sign says the speed above 60?
Would -Mr. Gomez would be ready for the
presentation if the projector is working
properly. (Situation contrary to the fact)
-Those politicians promised us that they
would bring the relief goods to the people
of Siargao. (Future Time)
- Every morning, Ms. Tanaka would water
her plants in front of her house and her
gorgeous yard. (Repeated in the past)
- Would you come to eat dinner later with
me at the downtown restaurant, my
mistress? (Invitation or offer)
- Would you please be at home tonight,
my dear? (Request)

Pre- Test Activity

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer to the question provided.
1. What is the other word or term of modal verb?
a. Modal tense c. Modal progressive
b. Modal noun d. Modal auxiliary
2. Modal verb is _________ linked together with a main verb or an infinitive to
express or convey an attitude.
a. action verb c. tense verb
b. helping verb d. progressive verb
3. Which of the following that DOESN’T belong to the group?
a. Obligation, Likelihood c. Intention, Ability
b. Permission, Possibility d. Intention, Future time
4. What modal verb associated in requirement or explanation?
a. Must c. Ought
b. Should d. Could
5. Which of the following that DOESN’T belong to the group?
a. May, Might c. Will, Shall
b. Will, would d. Can, Could
6. What modal verb associated in recommendation?
a. Would c. Must
b. Ought d. Should
7. Which of the following that DOES belong to the group?
a. May, Might c. Will, Would
b. Can, Shall d. Ought, Might

Post-test Activity
First Activity:
Direction: Compare and Contrast the seven expressive uses of modal verbs.

Second Activity:
Direction: Create 10 different sentences relating to the expressive use of modal

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