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(An Autonomous Institution)

(An ISO-9001: 2008 Certified Institution)
Pulloor, Kariapatti-626 115,Virudhunagar (Dist.)
Accredited with ‘A’ grade by NAAC



1. State Carnot theorem
2. Define Heat pump
3. Give the Clausius Statement of second law
4. What is Available energy and Unavailable energy?
5. State Kelvin Planck second law of thermodynamics
6. The efficiency of a carnot engine is 20%. The source temperature is 300k.determine the sink
7. What are the causes of Irreversibility?
8. Define Entropy
9. Write the expression for COP of Heat pump and Refrigerator
10. Define PMM of second kind
11. When the carnot cycle efficiency will be maximum?
12. Sketch the P-V and T-S diagram for carnot cycle


1. Two Carnot engine A and B are operated in series. The first one A receives heat at 870K and rejects to a
reservoir at a temperature of T. The second engine receives the heat rejected by the first engine and in turn
rejects to a heat reservoir at 300K. Calculate the intermediate temperature T in Kelvin between two heat
engines for the following cases.
(i) The work output of the two engines are equal
(ii) Efficiency of two engines is equal.
2. A heat Engine is supplied 19 KW of heat from 565 k source and subject heat to 282.5 K reservoir, which of
the following engine is irreversible engine, reversible engine and impossible engine for case i) if 14.0833kw
of heat is rejected ,case ii) if 4.75 kw of heat is rejected ,case iii) if 9.5 kw of heat is rejected , by using
carnot method and clausius method
3. 1.6 kg of air compressor according to the law of pv1.3 = C, from a pressure at 1.2 bar and temp of 200 C to
a pressure of 17.5 bar . Calculate i) Final value of Temperature ii) Work done iii) Heat transfer iv) Change
in entropy
4. Air in a closed vessel of fixed volume 0.15 m3, exerts pressure of 12 bar at 2500 C. If the vessel is cooled
so that the pressure falls to 3.5 bar , Determine the final temperature, heat transfer, change in entropy
5. A reversible heat engine operating between reservoirs at 900k and 300 K drives a reversible refrigerator
operating between reservoirs at 300 K and 250 K .The heat engine receives 1800KJ heat from 900 K
reservoir.The net output from the combined engine refrigerator is 360KJ. Find the heat transferred to the
refrigerator and the net heat rejected to the reservoir at 300K
6. A closed system contains air at a pressure 1 bar, temperature 300 K and volume 0.018m3. This system
undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of the following three processes in series: (i) Constant volume
heat addition till pressure becomes 5 bar, (ii) Constant pressure cooling, and (iii) Isothermal heating to initial
state. Represent the cycle on p-V plots and evaluate the change in entropy for each process. Take CV = 0.718
KJ/Kg K, R= 0.287 KJ/Kg K
7. one kg of air in a closed system initially at 50C occupying a volume of 0.3m3 undergoes a constant pressure
heating process to 1000C.There is no work other than pdv work. Find the work transfer, heat transfer ,
change in entropy of the gas
8. Two reversible heat engines A and B are arranged in series . A rejecting heat directly to B, engine receives
200KJ at a temperature of 4210 C from a hot source, while engine B is in communication with a cold sink
at a temperature of 4.40 C, if the work output of A is twice that of B, Find (i) The intermediate temperature
between A and B (ii) The Efficiency of engine (iii)The heat rejected to the cold sink
9. A Constant volume chamber of 0.3 m3 capacity contains 1 kg of air at 560C. Heat is transferred to the air
until the temperature is 1000C.Find the work transfer, heat transfer, change in internal energy, change in
enthalpy, change in entropy
10. An inventor claims to have developed an engine that takes in 105 MJ at a temperature of 400 K, rejects 42
MJ at a temperature of 200 K, and delivers 15 kWh of mechanical work. Would you advise investing money
to put this engine in the market?
11.A household refrigerator is maintained at a temperature of 2°C. Every time the door is opened, warm material
is placed inside, introducing an average of 420 kJ, but making only a small change in the temperature of the
refrigerator. The door is opened 20 times a day, and the refrigerator operates at 15% of the ideal COP. The cost of
work is Rs. 2.50 per kWh. What is the monthly bill for this refrigerator? The atmosphere is at 30°C.
12. A heat engine is used to drive a heat pump. The heat transfers from the heat engine and from the heat pump
are used to heat the water circulating through the radiators of a building. The efficiency of the heat engine is 27%
and the COP of the heat pump is 4. Evaluate the ratio of the heat transfer to the circulating water to the heat transfer
to the heat engine.
13. A heat engine receives reversibly 420 kJ/cycle of heat from a source at327°C, and rejects heat reversibly to
a sink at 27°C. There are no other heat transfers. For each of the three hypothetical amounts of heat rejected, in (a),
(b), and (c) below, compute the cyclic integral of dQ /T. from these results show which case is irreversible, which
reversible, and which impossible: (a) 210 kJ/cycle rejected (b) 105 kJ/cycle rejected (c) 315 kJ/cycle

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