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Software Requirement Specification

– Ho Chi Minh, November 2021 –

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Table of Contents

I. Overview.......................................................................................................................................3
1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................3
2. System Functions...........................................................................................................................5
II. Functional Requirements..............................................................................................................7
1. User interact with feedback..........................................................................................................7
1.1. Send feedback.........................................................................................................................7
1.2. View sent feedback.................................................................................................................8
2. User interact with feedback...........................................................................................................8
2.1. View Feedback........................................................................................................................8
2.2. Send report.............................................................................................................................9
3. Manager manage resources.........................................................................................................10
3.1. Manage Feedback.................................................................................................................10
3.2. Manage Users.......................................................................................................................12

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I. Overview
1. Introduction
For large-scale educational institutions and schools like FPT University, the management of
equipment and facilities is always a headache for leaders. Because the number and nature of these
devices is quite complicated, monitoring and management is also more difficult. However, you won't
need to worry about this anymore, because there is a dedicated FPT Facilities Feedback software
built specifically for the management of school devices. Through these software, the monitoring and
control of educational equipment in FPT universities will be effectively supported. This software is a
place where FPT students can create and send feedback on the situation of facilities in the school,
after that, the school's management department will receive and coordinate down to specialized
employee departments to implement tests and resolve with each feedback is reflected.In addition,
Manager sends a quality rating to each employee and changes the status of the user. The design of
FPT Facilities Feedback provides people with a convenient interface to use, ensuring detailed,
complete and accurate management and monitoring.

Figure 1. Use Case Diagram for release 1.0 of the FPT Facilities Feedback System.

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Figure 2. DB Context Diagram for release 1.0 of the FPT Facilities Feedback System.

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2. System Functions
a. Screen Flow

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Figure 3. Swinlame Diagram for release 1.0 of the FPT Facilities Feedback System.

b. Screen Details

# Feature Screen Description

1 Order Meals Create Order  <<Screen Brief description>>
2 Order Meals Change Order  
3 ..

c. User Authorization
Screen Reporter Manager Employee Guess
Home Page
Sign in x
Feedback Manager
Create feedback x
View list feedback x x x
Change status of feedback x x
Delete feedback x
Report Manager

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Create new report x
View report x x
Change report status x x
User Manager
View list users x
Search user x
Edit user status x

In which:
● Student: People login with FPT student email account will have this role

● Manager: People login with FPT manager email account will have this role

● Employee: People login with FPT employee email account will have this role

d. Non-Screen Functions

# Feature System Function Description

User New users with email will be automatically

1 checkLogin
Classification inserted into Database with roleID ‘US’.

Update After completing the feedback, the employee's rating

2 Employee’s approveReport will be updated with the average of the ratings of all
Rating the feedback taken.

II. Functional Requirements

1. User interact with feedback
1.1. Send feedback
● Function Trigger: /send-feedback.jsp
● Function description: This page provides services for the user to send Feedback

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● Screen layout

○ New feedback button: Move to send new Feedback screen

○ Sent feedbacks button: Move to Sent Feedbacks screen
○ Title textbox: For user input Feedbacks Title
○ Description textbox: For user input Feedbacks Description
○ Choose facility select box: For user select facility feedback belong to
○ Location numberbox: For user input room number where facility belong to
○ Upload your images button: Pop up screen to select image
○ Send feedback button: Send feedback to Manager

1.2. View sent feedback

● Function Trigger: /send-feedback.jsp
● Function description: This page provides services for the user to view sent feedbacks and it
● Screen layout

○ New feedback button: Move to send new Feedback screen

○ Sent feedbacks button: Move to Sent Feedbacks screen
○ Pending button: Move to Pending Feedback screen
○ Processing button: Move to Processing Feedback screen
○ Completed button: Move to Completed Feedback screen

2. User interact with feedback

2.1. View Feedback
● Function Trigger: /employee.jsp

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● Function description: This page provides services for the employee to view feedbacks and it
status ( Processing - Waiting for approval - Completed )
● Screen layout

○ Feedbacks button: Move to List Feedbacks screen

○ Dashboard: Move to Dashboard screen
○ Processing button: Move to Processing Feedback List screen
○ Waiting for approval button: Move to Waiting for approval Feedback List screen
○ Completed button: Move to Completed Feedback List screen
○ Click to a feedback: Move to that Feedback Details screen

2.2. Send report

● Function Trigger: Click to Send Report button in Processing Feedback Details screen
● Function description: Provides service for employee to send report for a feedback
● Screen layout

○ Feedbacks button: Move to List Feedbacks screen

○ Dashboard: Move to Dashboard screen
○ Back button: Back to Processing Feedback List screen
○ Send Report button: Show pop up screen to send report
○ Description textbox: For employee input feedbacks description
○ Spent money textbox: For employee input spent money
○ Upload your images button: For employee attaches Images
○ Send button: To send report
○ Cancel button: Remove report information and back to feedback details screen

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3. Manager manage resources
3.1. Manage Feedback
a. View Feedback

● Function Trigger: /manager.jsp

● Function description: This page provides services for the manager to view Feedbacks
● Screen layout

○ Feedbacks button: Move to Feedback management screen

○ Users button: Move to User management screen
○ Dashboard button: Move to Dashboard screen
○ Pending button: Move to Pending Feedbacks list screen
○ Processing button: Move to Processing Feedback screen
○ Waiting for approval button: Move to waiting for approval Feedback screen
○ Completed button: Move to Completed screen
○ “Number” button: Move to next page of feedback list
○ Clicking to a feedback: Move to that feedback details screen

b. View Feedback Detail

● Function Trigger: Click to a feedback

● Function description: This page provides services for the manager to view Feedback Details
● Screen layout

○ Feedbacks button: Move to Feedback management screen

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○ Users button: Move to User management screen
○ Dashboard button: Move to Dashboard screen
○ Pending button: Move to Pending Feedbacks list screen
○ Processing button: Move to Processing Feedback screen
○ Waiting for approval button: Move to waiting for approval Feedback screen
○ Completed button: Move to Completed screen
○ Delete button: Move to delete Feedbacks screen
○ Assign to employee button: Move to Assign to employee screen

c. Assign Feedback

● Function Trigger: /manager.jsp, click button “Assign to employee” in Pending Feedback

Details screen
● Function description: This page provides services for the manager to assign Feedbacks to
● Screen layout

○ “x” button: Close pop up screen and back to Feedback Details screen
○ Click to a Department to show Employee List screen

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○ Back button: Back to Department List screen
○ Assign button: Assign Feedback to corresponding Employee and move Feedback to
Processing List

d. Approval Feedback

● Function Trigger: /manager.jsp, click button “View Report” in “Waiting for approval”
Feedback Details screen
● Function description: This page provides services for the manager to approval or decline
report from employee
● Screen layout

○ View report button: Open View report screen

○ Approval button: Approval this report and move feedback to Completed List
○ Decline button: Assign Feedback to corresponding Employee
○ “x” button: Close pop up screen and back to Feedback Details screen

3.2. Manage Users

a. Manage Employee

● Function Trigger: /manager.jsp, click button User

● Function description: This page provides services for the manager to approval or decline
report from employee

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● Screen layout

○ Feedbacks button: Move to Feedback management screen

○ Users button: Move to User management screen
○ Dashboard button: Move to Dashboard screen
○ Employee button: Move to Employee Management screen
○ User button: Move to User Management screen
○ Department dropbox: For manager select department to search
○ Search Employee textbox: For manager to input search keyword
○ “Magnifying glass” button: Load List Employee matched
○ Change department button: Move to Change Employee Department screen

b. Manage User

● Function Trigger: /manager.jsp, click button Users and select tac User
● Function description: This page provides services for the manager to approval or decline
report from employee
● Screen layout

○ Feedbacks button: Move to Feedback management screen

○ Users button: Move to User management screen
○ Dashboard button: Move to Dashboard screen
○ Employee button: Move to Employee Management screen
○ User button: Move to User Management screen
○ Status dropbox: For manager to select status to search
○ Search User textbox: For manger to input search keyword
○ Block button: Block corresponding user
○ Unblock button: Unblock corresponding user

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