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Warlock Patron:

Eldritch Champion

ldritch Champion power comes from a pact
you've made with an otherwordly powerful
warrior. It might be from a powerful
Knights of the Past, or your power comes
from a powerful Demon General from The
Abyss or Nine Hells, or you gain your power
through a deal with a powerful celestial that
need a champion to do some biddings. As their champion,
you're bestowed with a power that will help you carry on your
task and bidding for that being. When you gain the power of
an Eldritch Champion, you're granted with a martial prowess
that'll aid you in a battle comes, along with the power to help
you strike down your foes, or protect you from upcoming
harm. The power that ensure you will finish your task for
your patron.

Expanded Champion Spell List

The Eldritch Champion lets you choose from an expanded
list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following
spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Eldritch Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st Heroism, Absorb Element (XGE)
2nd Spiritual Weapon, Scorching Ray
3rd Blink, Haste
4th Freedom of Movement, Fire Shield
5th Cone of Cold, Telekinesis

Soulbond Weapon Pact Armor

The influence of your patron also allows you to mystically Your patron power allow you to extend your bond with any
channel your will through a particular weapon. At 1st level, armor and shield you deemed suitable to help you on your
whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one weapon, goals. Starting at 6th level, you can transform one armor
that weapon become your Soulbond Weapon until you and/or one shield into your pact armor by performing a
choose a new weapon at the end of another long rest. You special ritual while you hold the armor and/or shield. You
become proficient with that weapon. You can use that perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be
weapon as your Warlock Spellcasting focus. When you attack done during a short rest. You can then dismiss the armor and
with that weapon, you can use your Charisma modifier, the shield, shunting it into an extradimensional space. You
instead of Strength or Dexterity for the attack and damage can instantly don or dismiss the armor and/or the shield
rolls. If you later gain the Pact of the Blade feature, this using your action. Both of them ceases being your pact armor
benefit extends to every pact weapon you conjure with that if you die, if you perform the 1-hour ritual on a different
feature. armor or shield, or if you use a 1-hour ritual to break your
bond to it. The armor and/or the shield appears at your feet if
it is in the extradimensional space when the bond breaks.
Patron's Favor Your Pact Armor will reshape itself so it become fit to your
Your patron bless and enhance your physical body with skill person. You become proficient with your pact armor and/or
necessary to carry out its task. At 1st level, your hit point shield. You can use the shield as your warlock spellcasting
maximum increases by 1 and increases by 1 again whenever focus and you can perform the somatic components of spells
you gain a level in this class.
even when you have weapon and your shield from your Pact
Whenever you're doing athletics or acrobattics check, you Armor in both hands. You can substitute and use your
can add your Charisma modifier for those checks. You can Charisma instead of Strength for the prerequisite of your
use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma pact armor if it have any. If you take Pact of the Blade option,
modifier. You regain any expended uses when you finish a you can manifest or dismiss both of your pact weapon and
short rest or long rest.
pact armor at a same time as part of same action

Unwavering Barrier Otherworld Training

You have power to create a magical barrier which protect you Prerequisite: Eldritch Champion Patron

from harm. Starting at 10th level, whenever a creature You learn one fighting style which detailed in Fighter Class
attempt to hits you with an attack or force you to make a feature. Everytime you finish a long rest, you can change the
saving throw, you can use your reaction to grant bonus to fighting style you know with another available fighting style.

your AC or saving throw (your choice) equals to your

Charisma modifier. The bonus will last until the start of your Rider of the Apocalypse
next turn. Prerequisite: Eldritch Champion Patron, 5th level

After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you You gain ability to cast Phantom Steed as ritual. When you
finish a short or a long rest, or after you cast a spell from your do, you can create a number of the steed equal to your
Mystic Arcanum spell. charisma modifier instead of only 1, you can select a rider for
Gish Transformation each creature created in this way.

At 14th level, you can use your bonus action to tap into the Prodigious Warrior
great power of your patron. Greatly enhancing both of your Prerequisite: Eldritch Champion Patron, 9th level

martial prowess and magical power, and enhance your ability Your weapon and spell attack will score a critical hit on 19
to combine both of them. For 1 minute, or until you're and 20 roll on d20.

incapacitated you will gain this benefit:

1. Your weapon attack or warlock spell attack deals an Baleful Anathema
additional 1d8 force damage to the target on hit. Prerequisite: Eldritch Champion Patron, Hex

2. If you use your action to cast a spell or a cantrip, you can Whenever you cast Hex, you can choose to not give the target
make one weapon attack as a bonus action. disadvantage on any skill check, and instead increase the
3. You gain bonus to your Constitution Saving Throw to damage die of the spell from 1d6 to 1d8.

maintain a spell concentration equals to your Charisma

Elemental Armor
After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you Prerequisite: Eldritch Champion Patron, Armor of Agathys

finish a long rest. Whenever you cast Armor of Agathys, you get additional
temporary health gained by the spell equals to your warlock
Eldritch Invocations level. You can also change the damage from the spell into fire,
lightning, acid, or poison damage.

Eldritch Blade
Prerequisite: Eldritch Champion Patron, Eldritch Blast

Whenever you use Eldritch Blast cantrip to a target within 5ft

of you, it changes into melee spell attack instead, and the
damage die become 1d12.

Eldritch Arrow
Prerequisite: Eldritch Champion Patron, Eldritch Blast

Whenever you use Eldritch Blast cantrip, you can choose to

cast it with your ranged weapon instead. The weapon must
have Ammunition Tag. Make a single weapon attack using
that weapon against a single target within your Eldritch Blast
range as the part of this spell casting. the weapon base
damage will become 1d10 times the number of your eldritch
blast beams of force damage. Any additional magical effects
from the weapon or the invocations that affects the eldritch
blast will still applies in this attack.

Agonizing Blast Interaction

Both Eldritch Blade and Eldritch Arrow still gains bonus from Agonizing Blast
Invocation. The Eldritch Blade still behaves normally like regular eldritch blast, only
with melee range. Eldritch Arrow behaves a little bit different, since it counts as
weapon attack (like booming blade) any bonus damage from attribute will applies
and stack with the bonus from Agonizing Blast

Example: You use Eldritch Arrow with +3 Shortbow as the weapon, striking your
enemy. You are level 17 with +5 to charisma and dexterity bonus, and also have
agonizing blast invocation. The final damage will be 4d10+3(from Magical
Bonus)+5(from Dexterity bonus)+5(from Agonizing Blast)
Demand for Strife
Prerequisite: Eldritch Champion Patron, Pact of the Blade Umbral Wolf
Once per short rest, as bonus action, you can select one Medium beast (shapechanger), true neutral
creature within 5ft of you. For 1 minute or until you are
incapacitated, you gain advantage on attack rolls against that Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
creature, your attack rolls on other creature will have Hit Points 9(2d8)
disadvantage, also all attack rolls against you will have Speed 30ft.
advantage until this effect ends.


Manual of Expanded Armory 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
Prerequisite: Eldritch Champion Patron, Pact of the Tome

While holding your Book of Shadow, you can cast Identify Skills Perception +4 Stealth +5
spell at will as ritual without material component. You can Senses Dark Vision 120ft, passive Perception 14,
also cast Legend Lore spell without spending spell slot or Languages understands Common and those known
material componemt once per long rest, but only if the object by its master, but can't speak.
for the spell is a piece of armor or weapon. Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Knight's Best Friend Keen Senses The Umbral Wolf has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing,
Prerequisite: Eldritch Champion Patron, Pact of the Chain

smell, and sight.

If you have Umbral Wolf as your familiar, it gains
hit points equal to twice of your warlock level. When your Shapechanger. The Umbral Wolf can use its action
Umbral Wolf is in an area of dim light or darkness, it can use to polymorph into a beast form that resembles a
its bonus action to become invisible. It remain invisible until crow (speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft, size tiny.), a riding
it makes an attack, or are in an area of bright light.

horse (speed 60ft, size large) or back into its true

form. Its statistics are the same in each form,
except for the speed and size changes noted. Any
Pact of Chain Familiar equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't
transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
Option Umbral wolf cannot makes an attack action while
using the other form.
Umbral Wolf
Magic Resistance. The Umbral Wolf has advantage
Umbral wolf is a canine-like creature purely made of shadow, on saving throws
against spells and other magical
leaving a trail of shadow mist as it walk. Granted upon an effects.
Eldritch Champion as a reward to their loyalty. The native
plane of Umbral Wolf isn't really well known, one only exist to Actions
loyally serve his master. Umbral Wolf is a loyal creature to its Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft.,
master, always ready to accompany them to any battle comes.
one target. Hit 8 (2d4 + 3) If the target is a
Umbral Wolf have a supernaturally powerful senses. It has creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength
proven to be reliable in hunting and tracking situation. saving throw or be knocked prone.

Umbral Wolf also able to transform its form to match the

needs of its master. It may transform into hawk to scout the
area of the upcoming battlefield, or it may transform into a
horse as a steed of its master.

Umbral Wolf also proven to be a sneaky creatures,

especially in the darkness. Waiting patiently before striking
its enemy, only to disappearing again leaving no trace.
Leaving its foes lying wounded or dead.

Umbral Wolf as Familiar

The Umbral wolf can serve another creature as a
familiar, forming a magic, telepathic bond with that
willing companion. While the two are bonded, the
companion can sense what The Umbral Wolf senses as
long as they are within 1 mile of each other. The Umbral
Wolf can end its service as a familiar, ending the
telepathic bond. While the umbra wolf is within 10 feet
of its companion, the companion shares the umbral
wolf's Magic Resistance trait.
Eldritch Invocation
Design Notes

"Why is Eldritch Knight is a fighter subclass instead of Otherworld Training is an invocation that gives you a
warlock?" Thus that question lead me to design this subclass, flexibility on how you play your warlock.
with a mindset "lets create another full martial warlock Rider of the Apocalypse is more like a thematic
subclass, I'm sick of using Hexblade everytime I want a invocation, it will helps your party so they never have to
melee warlock". worried about a steed anymore while travelling at low level.
Prodigious Warrior This invocation is so simple, yet so
Expanded Spell List powerful. Very tempting to be taken, but your limited number
The choosen spell will still benefit melee or ranged playstyle, of invocation demand something more utility. Your choice
depends on your chosen pact boon. Notes there is one spell player. :D
from Xanathar's Guide to Everything, if you wish not using Eldritch Blade Options for melee combatant to keep using
the book, you can replace Absorb Element (XGE) with his eldritch blast. RAW, you can use eldritch blast on melee
Ensnaring Strike. range with gunner or crossbow expert feat. This invocations
only makes that feature easily achieveable. Also cool if you
1st level feature think you can reshape your eldritch blast to some kind of
Soulbond weapon is heavily influenced by the Hexblade energy blade.
"attacks using charisma" feature. So you can still maintain Eldritch Arrow Options for range combatant to use his
your physical and magical power without the need of making weapon without losing damage from eldritch blast. I already
the enemy disadvantage on saving throw like an Eldritch calculate the damage output from this feature, meanwhile it
Knight did. The trade off here is this subclass doesn't provide still falls behind the multiple beams of eldritch blast, this
any additional armor or weapon proficiency, instead it must invocations gives options if you have a powerful magical
commit to one weapon of his choice, doesn't matter melee or range weapon.
ranged. Another feature is basically gives you a footing on any Baleful Anathema This invocation the secondary function
ability checks if you're melee frontliner, such as grappling, of your Hex to gives it more damage, gives player kind of
escaping grapple, maneuvering through the battlefield, etc.
versatility depends on the situation.
I bound the feature usage with your charisma modifier Elemental Armor This invocation increase the potential of
depicted as how many times you can ask your patron for a Armor of Agathys spell so it still relevant when used in high
favor. level play, while still maintains its balance in low level.
Demand for Strife This invocations is the secondary core
6th level feature feature of this class. high risk, high reward. Though if you can
This feature is a made up for not granting any additional manage your resource and calculated your risk, this feature is
armor or shield proficiency earlier. This feature let you use a fun one to be used.
any kind of armor without ever worrying about any Manual of Expanded Armory is an invocation for a Pact
requirements it may have. This feature open many option of the Tome option. The Identify spell is more like a thematic
how you play your warlock. You can play sword and board bonus. So maybe you can still have the spell without taking
warlock or dual wield warlock without worrying about your Book of Ancient Secret invocation.
somatic component of spellcasting. Knight's Best Friend: Who doesn't love a doggies? or in
10th level feature
this case might be a Black Wolf made from pure shadows.
Who cares? This invocation enhance your specific themed
Warlock's 10th level feature thematically always a defensive familiar. The familiar itself inspired from a story I read about
feature. This one works kinda similar as Shield spell, but it a lone knight only accompanied with his dog.
also can gives you a one round saving throw boost like a
nerfed down paladin class feature.
14th level feature
This one is a final feature for this subclass. This feature will REMEMBER:
boost you with power to attack and use spell or cantrip on the All of this was optional, you

same turn, similar to the fighter Eldrtich Knight. The extra might like one thing, but

damage on attack also help this class boost it damage per dislike another. Feel free to
round to match another martial class, and to match the just not take anything you dislike

damage output against Hexblade Curse. and might be replace it with

Many of you will think that this is a little bit

your own content.

overpower. Especially when you have the most

Cheers to all of you homebrewer.
powerful cantrip in the game. But the Eldritch

Knight can also use this combo with some

multiclass at 9th level. So I think this feature still

by u/Ken_Silverwood
balance itself out by being the final feature of this Artworks by

class without having to multiclass. Also the total

1. Cursed Knight - Sirralon Deviantart

damage per round after using this feature still

2. Tome Seeker - JasonTN Deviantart

lower than the famous Hexblade Sorlock class. 3. Corvus - gatling

4. Sir Kay Ceinfarfog - Lonwa A

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