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This ip to Cexily that Annan

a a Student al lass l - E hap Successfully

Complehecd Hhe Keus|He5each_on the belo
methioned pnoject nder he qudance
MSPania Shama lsubject Teachex)
cluring he aea od-odA in_axhal
Aulpil menta praahico examinahon

Narne a Subyett Teacher

Mrs Paofa Shaxma

Sghafuxe a Sub Teacher

5No Date
Topic Signoure
/1/sa Ewaste LDefinaton]

./aa Enviyonmental Lmpac

3 /1/3a Reseoich

4. 9/133a Recycling
5 /sa
Repaiy as waote educhon method
6. 3/a Human health and
Topic Date

E-Waste LEledxonicWaste b heated When_an
Clectonc 20duct dh Aiscnded alten the end
olsWAepul lile.1he 1apaid expansian
technologu ad the onsumpHionIVen
Societs meats
Societu- in te (HEatnan a VHY
amount Wabte.

lnhe us, the United States EnviaOhment Peotechon

Aaency Lep A Classilies luate Iuto ten ahegaeties=
Lcoqe houbeshold aphance
6 1T equpment Including monH¥s
Consumea_electstOnics Includiug TV
5. Aomps and luminanes
6 Toys
8 Medical delices
9. MoniOsin_and (ontaol insBe1uments and
10 Automatic dispensexs
hese incdude used eleckronS Lwkidh ahe destined
Fo He LUSeAesale Saliage Hetylin 0
Topic Date o

Disposaas nell AD teus.ableswHkinq and dHeDainable

electaanics) and Se0omdauy Haw mateials
Lcopp.e Steelplastic 0 Similau he deum7
waste? o teseved doaeresidue an maeid JAHich
io dumped by the Duye_Hthe han eyled
inclculding Heside rom Mese and etycling
opeiations becaubeloads Splus electoionics
ane equenty Commingled ood eLyclable and
Don-Heyhble Sevoualpubl"policuadiocote
OPply H1e teim e wDte and p-scHap? boadly
Applyto al SuenplusolecSonNS
Lalhode Caduhe LCRTs axe Considesed one
he HaHdes pen ov eLycube.

he high valuz a the lompuken _Mecyclin4 Subset

a elècaonic wusteLwwnKing and NCUSable_laptnps
desktopsand omponenk ike Rhm]can help
pay He (OSt a nspantahon n alange nUmbeN_
wanhless pleces han_What COnbe
aChieved h dlsplay deices Which as less
(O negative) Scap valur
(on n A20L_MLpoMt
Cihana_E Wste (ountany AssesSment, Found hak a
5, 000 tons 4 ele_LtHonLS m_p.ated o
CHana 30. he Shidy Lokulake that 15 wAD
hot_1eLUDed and waD SCHapped a1dis ded
Topic Date 3

Mvironmenta mu
A Hecent Study abaut he Mising electnanic_polluhDn
inthe USA &evealed haut the Ovenage CompPH
SHeen has tiveto eight paund mIHE
leac epAEGenting YO% a a l l h e lead in s
landils H fiese toxins AHL Dexaistet4
bioaccumulaive oxins PPBTS hat (ueate
envisanmental heaHth isks WhenCormpufeH 19
indinenated put n_landfills a Melted daon.
The emissiona umes 90enand puHticulate
maten_into he aiH_thedischauge
lquid wapted nto wate Qncd dHainage
SyStem and2 Hme dis pasala ra2a1dous
wabtes Contibute o envionméntal cdeguadahon
The p10cesses a dismanting Ancl dispasin
a elecooic waste n developinq Countaies led
to a Mumbency_enuianmenta) in pacs
jllusted n he g21aphicAuid and dmas pHenic
Helewmt end n bodie wautey
gHowndluadenSoilavnd. ainand theralaxa în land
and Sea_animals bott domesticatecdand
Luild in_Ctois eoten by both_animals and
Humanand în_dninking" wade
Date 9.

One Study a enviionmental elects in ruiyuji

China ound the allawing

Hinboone oioxins-one tupe dound at loo time level

Meviolisly measuWHed.
kevelsa Cancinogens in cluck_poumols an ice
paddies excecled inteynafonal Stan daxcds en
aguicultoal auea and Cadmur Coppe nicKel
and lea0 level în padolies weue abaue
inteMnaHona) Standdaxds

Heavy metals
Heavy Yound in toacl_cluot-ead Oven oo
hme that a Contia Villagels Hoad dust
and Coppe Ore loo times

e Agb0gbloshie 0Hea_cy_Ahana Wheye_ahout o,000 pcople

live p10vides an_ exOmple ayou e-wODte
loctamination Con_neHVade the olaily lies heany
hea nly
all esidents lno this aeos one dhelasigest
inamale- unte lumping and pM0LSS.Ing Stes
in Aice abaut 5000o hns a Secondhand
Lonsume_elecbroniis pe1im auily Ptom Westen
Eunpo/Eunope Me Imponted_annucilly Because his
iegion Hab industic1l lommeucial_ancd aDone
wold's lo uwasASt to Xc | BlacKbmi-h lnsHude
Topic Date

n m_May odo a Scientilicc Shudy _waD Conducted n
China that inuesig.aled Hhe OCCILNenL and
distubuion tranlttadhonal And novel lnsses
a tontaimans inclucling ClMlainaled bnominuted
And mixed Halbgenuted dihen20-p- dioxins
dibenzoluwHars PLDD/Es PBAN/Es)_polybstaminate.d
dis diphenu ehesLP4czs ih `0ilnom an
e-waste disposal Site In Hangphou to.Which
HAN been in_opeHation Sih doo9anc ha_a
hAteatnent lep.auty cy1:6 wtla while
dhe Stucdyaea has ony osnhal emission SouACe
Me bxo adeu ÎndustHia zone han DumbeN
Meta)AeLoyeny andHe p4DDCESS)ingplank_as-
uel A Heq/y t1ayi.on alacent_ Mbto1uwags
whene NOMMaL And heavy-_duky oleuices _ar
USed ae MaxiulAmlauenknahon o hetaget
Haloqenated 0919ani lompounds HoCs_Weno o /5
Km AuWAY_ MOm uthe main 50uLe and auemall_
detected levels _HoCs wCHe geneually lowe
han hase e paNte qlobally. me SuShudy
pnovedWhat_HeSeaHchouS haue _wannedle
seauingdieselpowened uehides exhausSt

When assessinq he enviionmental and health impachs a

CheiicalCompounds es pecially he (omposiHonal
Cowmplexity 9oi andl09 penod uweath_londution
like and downoind Have o be aken Ynto
aCtount FUttheninvestigotion aL necessauyY
to build upa ComMon Undenshng9- Cnd methool
U aSSessiuqe--xubte impack

Reculinq O an essenHal olement ae- wawBe managemet
piopely(asstied out ut 8hould qHeotly Heduce
the leakage aToxic matenials into he enVronment
Ond militate C1gcunstHu exHausHon_a nasHa
SHeSowes Houweiven _dbes need to be entouiaged
bylacal authonmhe) andHoough lomm uniky
enducaioM esS hau 2o) c e-wD0t
omally01eycle cd wjh 80 eithe ehdin9 up
in laudi being in bnmally 8tecycled-Much
dt by HanIh oleveloplny
a CounBiy
wokexso Ho20Hdous and exposing
CceHCinogenic Substam Le
Sud1 a
MecuymENIy Jead and cadmium
oecycling he pointed
one a he majo1 CHallenges
boaolclso1om eleckuonic wate he
Cincuit boands Contain SuchJNECouS mehls a

auol Such bapem e a l

gold Silve Plahnum Ct
One way
Coppon bron Clumin im, etc
p910Cessed d by
melHn ciNuUt
-LwaDe o
Sheating 1ecove Coppe
boconds buomingCuble
acid leacHing SepacHin9
wj9 ancd open -pit
melals a Valua Conven tional mehoc exployed
mechanical Shyedding Cnd sepanation but
is loo Altexnahive meHhods
01eyeing eictency
SucH Cyogenlc
deCompsiHonhave been
Shiclied 01 p91ntedl cincuu boaesd tecy dln9-
Ond Some oBies meto cl CAe SHIL umdest
dis poSin d 0 He Un9
uvenHqaHou Roiopeiu
ele cbionis. Can porevent
kelp HealtA Hoblem
oteduce gHeenhoWe-q emlssions nd o1eate job.

mpno pe WMuuageuCwt aeWaot o OPSU}ing n a Siniicant

loss acoceand Ualuable HawMadesnals Such
godplahnum (ob alt aud HCME ealn elemens
As Much ds t7. he wOSld 9old May CUwOIen Hy be
Contained in e- wabte loo ime hMU9 Yoldn dA bnne
in a tonne
0 waDte ha
gold ae. o
epain db waote tedu.chon mettod
There aHe Sevenal wuys to_Qunb he envinonmental
hazands atisinq om he recpling elecbaonic
Waote_0ne o the uct hih exLen bate me
ewabte psroblem he dliniinlshisgk/elime
many electyical and electyonip9pods he
a two dives in pasticulan) yo his trend
yoe lo Lost
On he One tand lonsume demand
poroduchsmiltats against pModlact quality
ptoduct lieHmes dn
NCSult inShant n Shat
Me othee Manuyachuu in Soane Secto encowHage
a egula ppade Lycle and may even enjotu
tvough UIeDtiicted availability aspae
sevenice Manuals dno Salhuau. pdates
a uought planned dbsolescenu

wth his Stale a allaio

Congume des atis/acHon movement o/ten
hus ed to a Howinq upuin
level Such ao rouh
at a Communy
he Steatasttpa+Hes omoted by
tpaiy Caley aH

he Restat Broject
io spewxtread in_ the Us by mers
The Right toRepalr
dissatis/jed with nh-avalabity a Scnvice in/oetmation
specialised tools ancd Spabupastts yon hein high
teach yaHm MachinanyBut MOUmenE extends
Jar beyond am machiney withan Mechineny
Wth yor examplehe Hestaicted Stepaln options
oexed bu Apply lomtng in o tHiHsm
Manuyact aten Counte with Salety Con cens
Gesuting uom
SHOm Umaudthbsised Oiep.ainsand
Hs easS meHhoda reduinq elect1aic wdste
ootpoinq t o Sell o_do naBe electbionic
Suthes han dispose dnemTmptop.aily disposeo
-waunte t b becaming mINe and moKe
et espeãally_a the shee Volume E-wabte. Fan
this Sreabon laqe hauds hike Apple, Sansung, and
ohe hove Stasted eng ophovs to Cstamens_to
Snetyeledd elechioics. Retycing allouws his expensive
elecbioni potks side o be ceuod. his_woy Save
Smiicomt ene and suduu te need p Minig
a AddiHous S a eoloteD 0
Maunacuru q wiw
Coaponuds Electyoni SeyplingpDaarms wo be
ounc locally lu O AHOA u th a wple
snilne Seoch o
Mawple by Seochiuq
0tecycleoecbonics aloua wth te d a dgteo
Fuman heah amnd alet
Residenshving axound he. E-wote reoyling gite, Cven
y tuy do M o nvdve in Evwo Heylinq acttviHes
Cou also
Com Jace. du enuiTonMed copos oua to Hu
podwokx avd envitonmenta) ContdMinodion Couubed

by E- ble h lau eabiy Comtath

E-wt (ontawin ale Aiy watn8011 Clust
dnd bod Source). m oencna) i o u a Hu w40
epoSu pumous inHaladiau ngeoion j uol
dexma) lovtact
ShudienShouw had peopleliviv aMOund Pwoy
ueucliwg SiHeA Haw a hignen doily vtalke
vtalke a
keawy wetals od a wose seious body burden,
Potenial health Hisks indude wendd hecay
imaiyedangmIHve uchiow Ud quenalPlaslca
health doauge DNA Coiwsage w s alse Jound ane
puavale iu cll h E- waste eposed populcdtous
han uL populadious n hu Cudta) ahea DNA
bxeaKs Cau IueHease u sikedikood to"Wsou
auplicuiou Ouch ws mudadiou well a lead
Ho Concen 4 Hu damage s to aHuaorSppnessOY
Electnonic Waste Substance

Sorne Compuden lomponents (om be edu NeuDed

09semblivg mew Lampudyproducte While ou
0ns. uduted owelasMa Cov be savbed in
Applicodt bb Uxied 6b ovsiuchiowouoo
aud jveley Substanu fewnd in lonqe quguthies
"ndude epoy 61esins ibe1qlass PLBs PVC hin
Coppen Silicon beHylium Luxbon4 Mou wd
olum)vjnu. ewes Jound innal) uowt Indude
uclwsiuws Mny ad Analuw.
Elements pund n trace awcuws incude amencium
oMst cA ayeri baxiu bisAuth boTon (obalt
PUSopiu 9 li genanlu old4 indiuw,
u Mauganese nde iobimpull.odiuu
plahinum MHodium tumenium elenivw Silve
Hanio lu tebium moiu HtomiumVonadiuuw
oud utsju Atsdh all olebiowis Coutoih lead
Solde) ond oppey LoUs wire auod pe-inted
Cxuit boand +Tacked hough De a kad
Soldey MDuspreudiug 01pidly. he
o lawng a dinu

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