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HN C B • PAR REW uOn RIKn n D a y y O N G O O
RUSC Oa•mFily F
f EVNeTrSmo FRLIDVB; CelebrityFnJnRuoID dge R ic k Of Fam f Fami•l FIRE
O •
PlLl Da
u O B
y IO
n T h HE
e aOrFt EV
from W A Y,l M ta u n
A cYin
il asAsYis27 k Inn. SponsY 27
M A ore d b y l y F u nSICn Th F u n In ThSe & MOU•RSKP
A F I H w e HOeFart o HearC
ily Fun EVENTS
• s
Norc ro s
ge Rick Hardw7 PM
Day O f Fa m OF
from W
LV B ; C e le
7 deMcfrinogmthe
u n
t anno wick Knsore iw a n is
An y
bd&y Agri c u lt u reA n
d ym G)
l T3h:3e0Hp agnon Pres
NTdS June 2-19
EVEN fTVSe r m ont
A Full DULE ill assis Hardn. Sapbole LivTinhge Gaals gn(u onntiP on pag
SCHE sic Norcross w HardwicSkuIn stain
ardwic Agri reltsueraalrdwic ents L e6
AY 27 ive Mu Farm SA k cu nts Liv
k Tow ive M
SATUsRField, re Fairte from TURrDaAn Town H e MusnicHous from W
ts L usic
Y, M
Presen Parad1e1 am anis AtkA in ricDuAltYu, M CY 8e:3n 0 r) fo Y, MAY ouse e
y G agnon wn House a rd w ick Kiw ing8& :30og n s o re d bl y3:3 A 0 2pTm)am 28 Norcro
s s
elebrityross w
Ju eil
de frdogm
ti 8
o H Parade will assPisatra
d Sp a (uyn& HSEpAR
A n
ardewM ick sTic Liv
inable rm Animoanlsom
u ra lg arbeque Spring2 F ms)tiv
M AY 2 7 7 P M T h e H
L iv u S u s ta
ie ld , F a E c r a n A ri
g hic c
u lt
k e
rinn B F estivsaol S u t
ta (b
p e al Run H 1
a 1 fr o m Hard Hardaw n nounci
, ts F r fo ta rts &od ru n &oFninis 1 rd a m w ic k
Susictak Inn.KSiwp
Y 1
Atkins wick
A n C Run liti
Prese se CenteK
FRID 11 am am
iwanis C , until fo Fm inisnhit hes Sustain Kiwanis
Andy G wick ToYw, nMH
ou red by s Feield hiladre u ey sCa hilodaren
& Adult at Hardwick In
rd AY 28 val Ru ardwick Inn,
n SponsNooon& HEART)Atkinq Conmm &
) Adirult H
t Hardw
ic k ru n n , A
able L Atkin inable L
H a A e s ti m y e u A
H re p ru a rd
ns ekr- oWoo , f In n s tk in iv in F ie
Spring Finishes at H Ecoeno Chicken BaHardnwsicout (b y y2wFicukn- F s Fie
D w
The SATUR Spon&soAgrildc,uFl
7 PM F rb k a rd a ic g
Sota n rtcsorn Sponso ld, Farm
& e RKidiw d ru ) FCS am tail Fo ieolddb ry Waoilodbury ury Rail Trail A arelsd byn
8:30 am Starts s
dult run Rail Trail Bik en
anNis oonld, until foo(H ACnC rtstioW
9ooeaaclim reatiooondburyKEof C R
u Noon red by CeEnconnoim
Y 2 8 R n & A
u Childre k Inn, odbury Noon Schoo Atkin
n l d s s F ie 9 a m mHardwic
m u it y kKR
f C gHeall H T ra il
lemenatall in H ike Ridntary SB E le m e N o o B
n ik e R id E c o n omy & ter fomry &(u HE
M A a l ic C o a r of in Hasrdraft Fa ry Schrdwick e a chool e e H an A
w k- W mentary
, v a EART)anis C
DA Y Fes ti
Spring Finishes at H
ardwic dbury Ele
n CFhaeirrry & Cra Cofttt rn eair& Ride wick rdir
ic k ool end nds KNiwanis Ch
H H a y F u o n c o F H a w s A tk
& oo Bike Rw id ke ) Fam il ield Ho’s Fao ir boydgHdon Fie Atkinosn
o ic ke in
Field, u HnaBasrbFeie
Starts ult runsStaRrtasilW (HACC RecreationCFhildren dgd
8:30 am ard ic Noon npoFniesored ld qlde, unt
n & Ad
all cinhoHol ends
eet HardwNicokon ttage AtkinsfrF oiemldA.tkSin ld acro
from A
tkins F across Granit ntil ford ick u
Childre k- Woodbury
K ofnCtaH ry S it e S tr o s F o f
ss G ra n it ie ld . e S tr
ick Are (H odwru
a ComCC) Fas ore n A a
e ran C esao 1 mwick iecld ShVpaeocrm k on e StreSeponso e A
red by et
Hardw oodbury EleCmraft Fa ield across G Heart Cherry & 10Faairm& Rid nfisV kJ.S
ic ir eaarm (HACC
d b y K iw H rd o n t C a n s o ret Cham t ) Famil H a rd
rt s Wm w ic k dgdon F o n s o re n ’s re d J y
beLuedaegu e S n hambe e udevin d by Hbeear of C H e a rt Hardw y F wick R CoaF
ta rd ld. S p e re s o r ommerc ic u n e
S 9 a all in Ha Ho mmerc pon LittlJe10:4 ld eucdeeosvfinComLm ibrary rt kR cre
il d e F a
heorroyn& ecreaCtihoenrrFyie& Cott a
Ch vin ir
K of C
H m Antkitin
s Ftrie
eet ber of Cooon Fie 0.S
1ld e 0 e LibraJR erc ere Book SaNleoon e
froG rarmoenS t CHheaamrt BooNk Sale AtkinsNoon:40 am AtkinasucdFkeievinaem ileAm
ry a Booke Lllib
a ayleraovry Childre CottageChildrenld on a ge
ft Fair c ro s s V e y a n is S AhmSecriocut MLoib bra ry n is ehri(u c asnuS ’s co rn
a of revdinbe Library Kiw c k �
ra F
on Field . Sponuso
C Sn CD a ub an L en L n Atkins air &
ague61st eet u y Cere egion n Atkins ’s Fair & F
Hodgd tr ie
rc e L eThe a y g S Pd ost 7 M F R ld .
9 am s F ie ld e
Je f Comme Library
d e m o ri a l L it tl e 1 m
p ld AnnualS p n
ri s remon Mem t 7 g
C e o The
s m 61st
o n
s ys B a
Annual e m N ie ld. SpoKiwan id e s S p o n s
in e M o K o
tk o Fie e RbM iwanis nso is
oeveArDttic” oBrilu
M e ri o
from A10 anm amberJeudkevSin ae m N n
7 e y a
Atkins y113ma alePark orial oon l
n Post Noon LittlereLd by Hardw
c pom ri

o t Ch o ale n Legio ry ub 1S1coau t Mobil D isha (ukm su lP , w/isHtraB icrdat n dand , w/ Hardwick
of Verm e Library BAomerica ony n ta � n is tr ic B Little L eague ic
m e m ti
un S“Y l t sB In wicky E ’s
m rial HardwickmEle a 1Eplem
n ucmk e
1 pm gue SnAatkins F
e a
C Sip mentary Atk Snac
Jeude1v0:4e0Laibmrary Day 7CM erem Spring1 pm anpdring reF debstiB le
val entary
ins Fie
c ie
stmoriael Park,
o w/ 1p C egera stis S ponpssoO ld
Faieldv.aSl Pte
in &B
Jeudev n Legion Po 3 pm) arade ff at H Parade
”ptk s lu Cub S cout M
10 am M e b y A tt O
in sff
A nd t Hazdeownto az c o u MobSprin o
w to A en Union, thro
Band entaPry In The do Spring bile R
Street bilye RagcS
Americ mony Distrwicictk Eelesm ipewBnautornwitnyure n tree
10:40 a
Day Ce l Park, w/ HaSrd
pring F t Hazen Unio1 pFm
ea tu
n, throu ng “ atamount P FlosaoFts
C p o n reir; dMbwoto
BuA ck’s
F aUtsn;ionn, th
s FieldMarchrougin
. o
tk s F
h ieicldk.) Fe1a pm
ugh by1 3pm pm) until �3n pme) s t until �n
is h (u s
ld. S Pipe F rch f PL mwa turing
anTdoF;weVnaetu f Lalard u
& nip In Thaelly over
“ Yanks
ria Off a Field. Fie BHaanzde;n Unoio laemB ofriHn “Yanks
Vol. 40, No. 3Meismtroic1t1Baamnd ParaSte d403
ps US
e nto wnRTE to A
h of Llamas; C
BARRE, nt Atkins•D479-2582
atamou VTts05641
s Furniture
Vermadonb • Fax thaes(802)
; Ca 479-7916
re ntityqAuuetocars;taGmoun
rmongt A s; Catamount
uto En
& Cata 25,In2011 The A&tt Cata
ic” Blu mount ttic”
o t
D d o w ro u u s
Rocks” Rocks”
e c n s
va l th
, ; March g On theuWeb: th
nwww.vt-world.comorksEmail: pa ors V E re th u m o A tk
t Pipe ins Fie rasPsipBe Ba
F e s ti
U n io n A to E ry V e h (S ; Greeenhicle C nthusiaen vMeofor th siasts e A tk in s
u n g
g zen Floats turinermont icle Co ick) olleocotodrsDsrits unutasin and ld. Spon and
in Milita Fire M usk Field. SpoFnusrnitu
Spri n B
Hardw oun’staFin
ff at Ha ld. Faenad; V ntreen MouDnutask roadcastHazen Union
llecto Cry eM
; LoiveDBuskilitary FuDrn sored
11 am Steps O n to Atkins FPieipe; B a ta mo;uG B thE e n T oywn of edrsCChluubrc; h L iv
O elunbH iture oredreby
astique cars ; Liv e E n joy Moared by The jo naitny MAnnual e Broa
ty ’s ro adcast F ir eworks Buck’s
downto arch of Llam
Floats; d; Vermont V
a n to Enthullseiacstotsrs Club
Aeuhicle CoMilitary Saturday • May 28, 2011 • May 28, 2011
H p o ns nu
y: U
icHk D is to ocre
al Hr
a rdvw alic E v ednctsa s!t Firewo
rks H a z en Unio

Throw ickApri sti Union (S n
an ountain adcast Events aradea;tTC
k Are
he ua HaFrd oudF oofd re
Crio n Fm FooeoudsePa k Commuant itBusing ponsore
Pipe B ars; Green M Live BroBIG unit•yCRAFT rcehod’s
he cPARADE lePo Sth
Oy enDmH
e unity nEtry DWildc y Even (Spons
o d by th
PARADE m e P Unite
FAIR • d th
BIG h ty CRAFT e &
b yFAIR u
ri ts


e c b; C o m r th ll S D e c ie D u p o t; e d n ts n g M a in T h rougho y the T e Town

a n ti q u rs C lu w ic k & A ft e e Day: r a Fu T a
a l S oot; Se nts! ri
p n
P g
ro &v id
S e e T To huroth& A ft o wn of
a rd rin g ut• th TakeettTe fo HFAMILY istori c
FAIReFUN k eeTehF n , A ft h S
enFAIR u e r
hout th ut th
Duro ghwoic k GHaazrd tihd aaFlllREth oo ara ; e Day:
United Hardwick)
Vehicle Enjoy Many a FoodBBQ wic hke FR EE C H ard Siccskhin ga ge.e •PaGREEN
v • e
h Haurd
p EF
ri g•old
nCie F
•ti mn
P MOUNTAINm eonnta ti ryw
nt uB o u MILITARY
G la z
radicek; TGaMOUNTAIN
h ezette Dfoay:dUen T
ithe e
re unity See T Parad h e ; m o s n a
uoicuksrkESin le a u
dcrdwicksVShutt e for a il e tt H ardwrica Full Churc d wick H u
wk icCk oAm mDepot;VEHICLE e COLLECTORS cheduto Atk
le Park inin
ardvw byhog W ilo
fttLHle h’s Foistoric rch’s Food
ervice oCLUB

Hardic e After th e for aBF ullSS treuen H
oPtsroa4id tSDeoounth
us Soenrva’s C Bus ServllicSechedule
rihcead od rial Soc
Hardw at th uring &FESTIVAL le u•s COW SFESTIVAL
olcallttthBINGO FSntr,R lao’s SCOW
n trSeoeutB lu
Sleocoief ty SprinD ve ie
M o re y D G a z eStthuttRUN n W PLOP e e e •t 1FIREWORKS
t. c RUN
h o o • C a &a n MUCH
ic eMORE!
ar Sto
to • FIREWORKS to Atkin &of MUCH
S p MORE! ’s Op g Fesfor thtye’s O
an y P a n tr k
icnuous re o o
d us Hall entary and thege. S r S d
toreth e re
Atkinson W s ri n g Festi
jo y M o o d a rd w ti r S to ld a n o n K n ig o
Field lc F ie ld val Eve en Hti ovuasleEven
ne WBerl
En a F h e H Con A Full
’s C a Day s F ie
Of m
Family b k Ele Funm In The il la
Heart Knig of Vermont! W o h ts o tt a n d
ick A re Se Re T E E Do n a in
Atkhts of Hardwic C o lu A Full
ic k V Day Ofh tsFamily Fun lc o In o The
tt StreColum Heart a n ofS
d all th Vermont!
tr eet, Ha a ll the Fu nts!
Hardw t the DeTpaokt; e The F ing Lots at rv
e r y o
iceeto n igStreet, o f Hardw of Colu
m et, Hab uw s e Funrd w n, Prov
In At
a m Pahrk uttleSB
s S e v
ily! EBring
uet and tholcott K ing T S o u th
b u s HaEVENTS
ll on R rd H a ll
ick Ele on Rt. , P ic k
ro E men
14 Sovuidele d by tary S ed by Wi
ole Fam WelcomeT! he W hole Fhe W hole Fam
Fro treto nW Hall on t. 14 S menta
uous S S re o
“Hardwick Rocks” chthooolf HaW
ry Rick ildcatchool

Jail Branch
h mbus outhCelebrity Judge S
Contin Dona’s Car FRIDAY, e W MAYlu27 FRIDAY, MAY 27 from WLVB; Celebrity Judge Rick from WLVB; of Hard rd Bus on
E E h e C o amily! o n w ic Villagineg So
Bring T ily! Everyon Everyo ily! Everyone
he F R at ts o f Norcross will assist announcing the Norcross will assist announcing w ick Vthe S o uth Mk
Take T Parking Lots nd the Knigh7 PM Andy Gagnon Presents Live Music
7 PM Andy Gagnon Parade from
Presents Hardwick
Live Music Inn. Sponsored by Parade from Hardwick Inn.
Sponsored by
ain .
From a
Street m ne We W
For A GreatBring TheSATURDAY,
l e F a The Hardwick Town House
ome! Fair elcome!
The Hardwick Hardwick
Town House Kiwanis Hardwick Kiwanis
W ho MAY 28 Sustainable Living l&cAgriculture
11 am Sustainable Living & Agriculture
Saturday • May 28, 2011

SATURDAY, MAY 28 Atkins Field, Farm Animals (until 3:30 pm) Atkins Field, Farm Animals (until 3:30 pm)
8:30 am Spring Festival Run 8:30 am Sponsored
Spring Festival Run by Center for an Agricultural Sponsored by Center for an Agricultural
Starts & Finishes at Hardwick Inn, Economy
Starts & Finishes & HEART)Inn,
at Hardwick Economy & HEART)

Children & Adult runs Children & Kiwanis
Adult runs
Noon Chicken Barbeque Noon Kiwanis Chicken Barbeque
Hardwick- Woodbury Rail Trail Bike Ride Hardwick-Atkins
Woodbury VEHICLE
runs Ride
out (by 2 pm) Atkins Field, until food runs out (by 2 pm)
Starts Woodbury Elementary School ends Noon
Starts Woodbury
PLOP BINGO Elementary
• FIREWORKS School ends
Area Community Coalition
Noon Hardwick Area Community Coalition

K of C Hall in Hardwick K of C Hall(HACC)
in Hardwick
Family Fun Fair (HACC) Family Fun Fair
Craft Fair Day Of Family
BAND Fun In The
9 am Heart Of Vermont!
Craft Fair Hardwick Recreation Field on corner of Hardwick Recreation Field on corner of
Hodgdon Field across Granite Street Cherry & Cottage
VEHICLE COLLECTORS CLUB • MARCH OF LLAMAS • SPRING Hodgdon Field across Granite Street Cherry & Cottage

from Atkins Field. Sponsored by Heart Noonfrom AtkinsChildren’s

Fair by Heart
& Rides Noon Children’s Fair & Rides


FRIDAY, MAY 27Vermont Chamber of Commerce of Vermont Atkins
Chamber Field.
of Sponsored
10:40 am American Legion Post 7 Memo- Noon Kiwanis by Hardwick AtkinsChicken
Field. Sponsored
Barbeque by Hardwick
10 am Jeudevine Library Book Sale 10 am JeudevineKiwanis
Library Book Sale Kiwanis

7 PM Andy Gagnon Presents Live rial DayLibrary
Ceremony Memorial Atkins Field, until food runs out (by 2
10:40 am
Jeudevine Library
Music The Legion
A Full Day Of Family Fun In The Heart of Vermont!
Hardwick Town
Post House.
7 Memorial
10:40 am
NoonJeudevine Little
Park w/Hardwick
American Atkins
League Snack Shack
Elementary District
Post 7 Memorial
Noon Little League Snack Shack
pm) Atkins Field

Geraniums! Day Ceremony

Band. Cub Scout Mobile Races
1 pmDay Ceremony Noon
1 pm Hardwick
Cub ScoutAreaMobile
MAY 28Park, w/ Hardwick Elementary 11 am SCHEDULE
Spring Festival
Memorial Park, OF
w/Street EVENTS
Hardwick Steps
untilElementary Off
�nish (usually over Coalition (HACC)
Spring Street untilFamily Fun Fair
�nish (usually over

Flowering Baskets!
District Festival
Band at Hazen
District byUnion,
Band 3 pm) through downtown Hardwick Recreation Field on corner of
by 3 pm)
8:30 FRIDAY,
am Spring MAY Run
27 Parade Starts & to Atkins Field. Featuring Floats, from WLVB; Celebrity Judge Rick
11 am Spring Festival
Finishes at Hardwick Inn. Children11&am 1 pm “Yanks
Spring Festival ParadeIn The Attic” Bluegrass Band
1 pm Cherry & Cottage.
“Yanks In The Attic” Bluegrass Band

Off at Hazen Union, through March
Steps Offof
at Hazen Catamount
Catamount through
Pipe PipeNorcross
Band Noon will Children’s
assist announcing
Fair &Pipe
& Catamount the
RidesBandAtkins Field.
downtown to AtkinsGagnon
Field. Featuring Band, Vermont
Atkins Auto
Field. Enthusiasts
Featuringby Parade
Sponsored Buck’s from Hardwick Inn. Sponsored by
7 PMHardwick- Andy
Woodbury Rail Presents Livedowntown
Floats; March of Llamas; Catamount
to Atkins
of Green
March Llamas;Mountain
Atkins Field.
by Sponsored
Hardwick by Buck’s
Vermont Auto
Town HouseDusk Military Vehicle
Enthusiasts Collectors Hardwick Kiwanis
Club, Live Noon Little League Snack Shack
Pipe Band;Fireworks
Vermont Auto Enthusiasts Dusk Fireworks
Elementary School, ends K of C Hall
antique cars; Green Mountain Military Broadcast
antique Hazen
cars; 11
Mountain Celebrity
Military Sustainable Atkins
Living Field.
& Agriculture
Hazen Union Fair
SATURDAY, Collectors
MAY 28Club; Live Broadcast JudgeCollectors
Vehicle Rick Norcross
(Sponsored will
Club;byLive assist
the Broadcast
Town of Atkins
an- 1 pm
Hardwick) Cub(Sponsored
Field, Farm Scout
the Town pm)
9 am8:30Craft
am Fair Hodgdon
Spring Field across
Festival Run Sponsored byStreet
nouncing the Parade from Hardwick Centeruntil finish (usually over by 3 pm)
for an Agricultural
Granite St. from Atkins Field. Spon- Inn. Sponsored by Hardwick Kiwanis. 1 pm “Yanks In The Attic” Bluegrass
Enjoy Many More Hardwick
sored by Heart & Finishes
of Vermont at Enjoy
Chamber Hardwick
Many Inn,
Throughout the Hardwick
More Day: United Church’s Food
Community Events Economy
Drive for the &the
Throughout HEART)
Day: United Church’s Food Drive for the
Hardwick Area Food Children 11 am The Sustainable Living &&Agricul- Band &Historical
Catamount PipeOpen
& Adult
Pantry During runs
& After theHardwick
Parade; Area Hardwick Historical
Food Pantry NoonSociety’s
During Open
After the House
Kiwanis The Hardwick
Chicken Barbeque Society’s

of Commerce.
at the Depot; See The Hardwick Gazette for a Full ture FairSee
at the Depot; Atkins
of The Field,
Spring FarmGazette
Hardwick Atkinsof
Ani- for a Full Schedule
Events! Field. Sponsored
Spring Festival by Buck’s
10 am Jeudevine Hardwick- Woodbury
Library Book Sale Rail Trailmals
Bike Ride
(until 3:30 pm) Sponsored byAtkins Field, until food runs out (by 2 pm)
Starts Woodbury Elementary School ends Noon Dusk
Hardwick AreaFireworks
Community Coalition

Take The FREE Library.
Continuous Shuttle Bus Service toThe
Take Atkins
FREE Center
Field and for
Continuous anShuttle
the Agricultural
Fun, ProvidedEconomy
by Wildcat
Bus Service to Busing
Atkins Field and Hazen
all the Fun, Union.
Provided Sponsored
by by
Wildcat Busing
From Parking Lots atK of C Car
Dona’s HallStore
in Hardwick
on Wolcott
Parking& Lots
Hardwick Elementary
at Dona’s School
Car Store onon South
Wolcott MainFamily
Street, the Town
HardwickFun of Hardwick.
Elementary School on South Main

Street and the Knights of Columbus Hall on Rt. 14 South of Hardwick Village.
9 Many
Enjoy am More Hardwick
Fair Street and the Knights of
Hardwick Recreation
Food on corner
Columbus Hall on Rt. 14 South of Hardwick Village.
Events Throughout the Day: United Church’s Food Drive for the Hardwick Pantry Duringof & After
the Parade; The Hardwick Field
Historical acrossOpen
Society’s Granite
HouseStreet Cherryfor
at the Depot; See The Hardwick Gazette & aCottage
Full Schedule of Spring Festival Events!
Rt. 302, Between Barre Bring The Whole Family! Everyone
from Atkins Field. Sponsored by Heart
Bring Welcome!
Whole Family! Everyone
Children’s Fair & Rides
& East Barre Take The FREE Continuous Shuttle Bus Service to Atkins Field and all the Fun, Provided by Wildcat Busing From
of Vermont Chamber of Commerce Parking Lots at Dona’s Car Store Atkins Field.
on Wolcott Sponsored by Hardwick
479-1445 10 am Jeudevine Library Book Sale Hardwick Elementary School on South
Jeudevine Library and the Knights of
NoonColumbus Hall
KiwanisMain Street
Little League of
on Rt. 14 South Snack Shack
10:40 am American Legion Post 7 Memorial Hardwick Village.Atkins Field
GIFT CERTIFICATES Day Ceremony 1 pm Cub Scout Mobile Races
Memorial Park, w/ Hardwick Elementary Spring Street until �nish (usually over
District Band by 3 pm)
11 am Spring Festival Parade G O O DY E A R
1 pm “Yanks In The Attic” Bluegrass Band G . T. R A D I A L

Steps Off at Hazen Union, through & Catamount Pipe Band
U NO APPOINTMENT downtown to Atkins Field. Featuring
Floats; March of Llamas; Catamount
Atkins Field. Sponsored by Buck’s
New & Good N

Pipe Band; Vermont Auto Enthusiasts Dusk Fireworks
E antique cars; Green Mountain Military Hazen Union
Passenger, Performance W
D Drive Right In Vehicle Collectors Club; Live Broadcast (Sponsored by the Town of Hardwick)
& Lt.Truck
T Corner
Food PantryNo.
Enjoy Many More Hardwick Community Events Throughout the Day: United Church’s Food Drive for the
FAST SERVICE Hardwick Area Mounted
& After the Parade; The Hardwick & Society’s
Historical Computer Balanced
Open House I
Store Hours: at the& Seminary
Depot; St.
See The Hardwick YourFestival
Gazette for a Full Schedule of Spring TiresEvents!
Or Ours R
E Mon.-Fri. 8:30AM-4:30PM Take The FREE Continuous Shuttle Bus Service to Atkins Field and all the Fun, Provided by Wildcat Busing E
S Sat. 8:30AM-1PM 479-1819
From Parking Lots at Dona’s Car Store on WolcottWE
Street and the Knights of Columbus
Street, EBT
Hardwick Elementary School on South Main
Hall on Rt. 14 South of Hardwick Village. FLAT REPAIRS S

N TheB . F . Family!
Whole GOOD R I C H Welcome!
Everyone COOPER
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Whatever you’re
celebrating this summer,
make it a blast with...

•Neighborhood Parties


•Birthdays • Corporate Events
• Father’s Day •Memorial Day
•Reunions •Summer Barbeques
Take all your Summer Celebrations to the Sky!
2205 & 2235 VT Route 14S
FAIRLEE (802) 333-3033 2205 Vermont Route 14S with all your
JULY 1567 Memorial Drive Now thru July (former N. Country Credit Union Building) FIREWORKS!
ST JOHNSBURY (802) 748-3159

MUST BE 18 YRS. OLD to purchase Fireworks Check with the local fire dept. or town officials regarding fireworks permits in your community
page 2 The WORLD May 25, 2011
Students in the News Montpelier High School
- Owen Manley, of
Montpelier, and Tracy Roux, of
Madore, Benjamin Taylor,
Kateryna Tychkovska; Calais:
Center: Katie Satre; Topsham:
Nicholas Spooner;
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
Roxbury, are May 2011 gradu- Brian Pelchuck; Corinth: Washington: Branden Emery;
ates of Clarkson University in
Potsdam, N.Y. Manley gradu-
Woodbury: Danielle Barclay.
- The following students are
The following students were mistakenly omitted
from the Quarter 3 Honor Roll that appeared in
ated with a BS with Great Richardson; Marshfield: May, 2011 graduates of the The WORLD 5-11 issue. INSURED
Distinction in Computer Jennifer Bisson, Jason Cook; University of Maine at
Grade 12: Highest Honors:
Engineering, with a Software
Engineering minor. Roux grad-
Montpelier: Ryan Ferris;
Morrisville: Thomas Brock;
Farmington: Eli Yoder, of
Montpelier; Kristen Cosgrove, Shanley E. McEnany; Honors: Taylor E. Noyes 479-2733
uated with a BS with Great Peacham: Elizabeth Jackson, of Morrisville; and Patrick
Distinction in Mechanical Brittany Tinkham; Randolph Martin, of West Berlin. Grade 11: Honors:
Engineering, with a Biomedical Brittney James, Naomi Rodriguez
Engineering minor.
- Samantha Sandretto, of
Moretown, has been named to
the Dean’s List for the spring
2011 semester at Penn State
University. Sandretto is a 2008
graduate of Harwood Union
High School. This is her third
consecutive semester on the
Dean’s List.
- The Vermont Academy of
Science and Technology hon-
ored 32 graduating high school
seniors from throughout
Vermont on May 12 with both
diplomas and a year’s worth of
college credits. The academy is
located at Vermont Technical
College’s Randolph Center and
Williston campuses and allows
high school seniors to complete
their final year of high school
and first year of college.
Members of the Class of 2011
include: Chentel Cherrier, of
Barre; Jason Asnis and
Jonathan Goddard, of Berlin;
Roselie-Frances Phillip and
Mariah Stearns, of Bethel;
Peydon Wright, of Cabot;
Courtney Sanford, of Chelsea;
Megan Swasey, of East
Montpelier; Meghan Kezer, of
Graniteville; Elijah
Schumacher, of Marshfield;
Samantha Scribner, of
Middlesex; Sabrina Gerdes,
of Northfield; Samantha
Merrill, Daniel Noel, Molly
Poirier and Grace Small, of
Randolph; Kaitlin Dimmick,
of Randolph Center; Bennett
McPhetres and Lauren Pratt,
of Rochester; Taylor Hull, of

Royalton; Hope Royce, of
Washington; and Ethan Parro,
of Waterbury.
- Patrick Aldrich of
Montpelier, a student at the
University of Vermont, was ini-
tiated into the Alpha Alpha Psi
chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the
national history honor society,
in April. Phi Alpha Theta is a
professional society whose
Rain or Shine - Inside and Outside
mission is to promote the study
of history through the encour-
agement of research, good
teaching, publication and the
exchange of learning and ideas
May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30
among historians.
- The following local stu-
10am-6pm 10am-5pm 10am-3pm 10am-3pm
dents are May, 2011 graduates
of Lyndon State College. Barre:
Jarryd Guinard, Emily
n n n
10% OFF
Is At Least

Most Items Are 20% OFF

Good Selection At 30% OFF

At the May meeting of the Barre Slow Movers, Slightly Damaged and Customer Returns

50 - 70% OFF
Paletteers, renowned artist Lisa
Forster Beach, of Stowe, gave a
talk/demonstration to Paletteer
members at the Aldrich Library.
Anyone interested in joining the
Barre Paletteers may contact
John Weaver at 223-7064. Lisa is

40 off 399
available at 253-8393 for those 6 Solid Wood Cherry
interested in her classes and
BEDROOM % Odd Loveseats $
Summer Reading Special SETS starting at
20% off all Paperbacks
thru June 4
We are overloaded with
so hurry in for the best selection!

Borrowed Time Books on the FREE LOCAL DELIVERY

used and out-of-print editions
Visit us at GRAKLES
Barre-Montpelier Road
166 N. Main St., Barre
Tues.-Fri. 10-5 and Sat.10-3
May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 3
Remodeling and Re-Merchandising SALE
We must move $1,000,000 in inventory NOW!!

Barre Farmers Market Kicks Off 2011 Season

By TOM HERZIG Single Gate Farm on West Cobble Hill in
SALE $899
Klaussner Sofa
SALE from $399
ould it be an omen of better, drier days
ahead that just as the Barre Farmers Market
opened for the season at City Hall Park last
Barre has been a Barre Farmers Market fixture
for several years. The Ackermans have a retail
stand at their farm, which is also known as the
from 299
Compare at $1499.00 $
Compare at $979 Compare at $949 Wednesday, the sun broke through the clouds? Usle Farm. Vegetables, flowers and fruits are
“Too wet to plow” has taken on a whole new grown without herbicides or pesticides.
SAVE meaning this spring and even if much of one’s
early production is in the greenhouse, all grow-
“Strawberries, pumpkins and sweet corn are
our big three,” Therese Ackerman said. “We also

ers would welcome more sunlight. grow spring greens. The deer love our place.”
The Barre Farmers Market is a mid-week Marie Frolich presented her botanical extracts
venue for local producers offering fresh produce and herbal teas at the Farmers Market for the
to in season, bedding plants, flowers, meat, eggs, first time. Frohlich studied with nationally rec-
baked goods, maple syrup and herbs. It doesn’t ognized herbal pioneer Rosemary Gladstar of

approach the size of the Montpelier Farmers Orange and she is a member of the United Plant
SAVE Market, which is a central Vermont weekend
phenomenon, but it adds some homegrown
Savers network.
Justin Dupre of Justin’s Mint Magic manned
Queen vitality to downtown Barre and it combines well a booth offering cookies and fudge with his
In Every Department
Set with music performances at the gazebo and the mentor, LACE chef and instructor Adam
Aldrich Library’s Author’s Series. Woogmaster. LACE is adjusting to the closing

The opening day line-up of vendors included: of the Farm Fresh Market and Café and is
* Kevin Thompson and Jane Tucker of Highland searching for a new sustainable location as a
Gardens in Putnamville, Creamery Meadows-
replacement for their former site in the Homer
Washington, Graze and Gaze Farm-Barre, Fitts building. LACE’s Focus On Occupational
All Leather

Justin’s Mint Magic-Williamstown, maple syrup Development (F.O.O.D.) culinary vocational


producer Dave Strong of Orange, Scott and training program will contribute to the Barre



HOOKER’S Therese Ackerman’s Single Gate Farm on
FURNITURE Market this season.
Financing Cobble Hill in Barre, herbalist and health coach “We appreciate the participation of the
Barre-Montpelier Road, Barre
(802) 476-3141

Marie Frohlich from Williamstown, and LACE. Farmers Market members,” Mayor Lauzon said.

Dining 0
Solid 4-Pc. Bedroom Set Room No Interest
No Payment
*See store
for details

(Limited Supply) SALE 849 Farmers Market stalwart and organic farming “This is an important part of our summer in

$ Table w/4 Chairs and Bench

*to qualified buyers
SALE 799 Compare at $1599
Compare at $2075
raconteur Alan LePage of Barre will soon be on Barre. For them to get out in the fields and deal
Route 100, Waterbury Ctr Barre-Montpelier Road 3093 Shelburne Rd. board for the 12th straight year as will Littlewood with this weather is something. They keep such
802-244-4034 802-476-3141 802-497-0559 Farms of Plainfield and Main Street Market a good attitude. I was told - just a couple or three
Garden of Montpelier. days of sun with a little breeze and we’ll be fine
(Closed Tuesdays) • 800-639-3176 • Hours: M-F 10-6, Sat. 10-5 Early-bird customers included Barre Mayor - I love to talk to people with an outlook that
Thom Lauzon and State Representative Tess good.”


SAVE $$$$! Taylor Washington-3-2, a member of the House “We strive to “create the habit” of shoppers
Agricultural Committee. stopping by on Wednesdays (3-6 pm),” Kevin
Christopher and Roslyn Emmons of Creamery Thompson said. “This market has been an incu-

to the Outreach Center “Car for Kids” Program

Curt's Drop-Off Meadows sold eggs from their flock of free-
range chickens on Creamery Road in Washington.
bator of sorts where small producers can learn
about the business of bringing their products to
SATURDAYS “We’ve been trying to get on the land, but it’s market as they increase their knowledge about
. Free Pick-up and Tow JONES BROS.
near VT Granite Museum &
WAy been a struggle because of all the rain,” Rosalyn
Emmons said.
their craft.”
Thompson noted that the market has an
. Any Model or Condition Faith Community Church
in Barre Bill and Loretta Gaidys of Graze and Gaze Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) machine that
. IRS Tax Deductible $
per 30 gal. and/or
25 lb. rubbish bag
for 2 or more at
Farm were on hand for their third season. They
host a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
doubles as a credit card machine. “We handle
SNAP/ 3SquaresVT benefits and Farm to Family
Help Kids in Need a time
plot and also bring their beef, pork and poultry coupons,” he said. “There’s a pervading positive
3.00 per 30 gal. and/or
to the Waterbury Farmers Market. The Gaidys vibe at the market. People welcome the chance

25 lb. rubbish bag
Free Recycling ~ Limits Apply have their beef processed at the PT Farms facil- to support local agriculture. Many customers
See You 7:30AM to 1PM! ity in St. Johnsbury. “It’s the only high-quality show up every week regardless of the weather
plant in the area that uses dry aging,” Bill and they make an effort to spread their money
Gaidys said. Dry aging (hanging) is a traditional around.”
technique that requires 12-14 days on average “As you travel out-of-state, it’s apparent that
and is said to produce more flavorful, tender Vermont has an agricultural brand identity,”
beef than standard commercial procedures. Thompson said. “Produce growers owe a lot to
The Gaidys’ pastured pork and grass fed beef Joey Klein of Littlewood Farms, Cate Farm in
have outdoor access every day. “Our beefers and East Montpelier and the LePage Farm in Barre.
the pigs are fed grass and hay along with fresh They did the hard work establishing the demand
fruits and vegetables,” Gaidys said. going back 30 years ago.”

& MATTRESS EXPRESS It's May & Memorial Weekend Is Coming!
Come enjoy our Annual Bedding Plants (great stuff!)
VAIL and chunky stock of perennials. Jail Branch has a wonderful

NOW ONLY selection of flowering hangers

and 4" pots too. Veggies are
$ absolutely here (fingerling
Chaise Lounge Recliner 'taters!) Nursery stock is
449 looking great, and man, here


SAVE $300 come the forget-me-nots –

spring is here!


Route 302
Rocker Recliner

Between Barre
$ & East Barre
Route 100, Waterbury Ctr Barre-Montpelier Road 3093 Shelburne Rd. EVERyDAy
(Closed Tuesdays)
802-476-3141 802-497-0559 Jackie Abts, Owner • 800-639-3176 • Hours: M-F 10-6, Sat. 10-5 ORGANIC FERTILIZER BLEEDING HEARTS MAPLE TREES
page 4 The WORLD May 25, 2011
D id someone really tell you they couldn’t make that
color in paint?

We are asked to match to colors that our competitors cannot match all the time.

We can color match almost any color. So bring in that home décor magazine,

your favorite flower, or even a competitor’s color chip.

At True Colors we match colors all the time. We will also keep track of your color

so you can get more any time.

True Colors is an independent locally owned Benjamin Moore Dealer

Pictured, back row: Bob and Barbara Chappelle (Potato Farmers), David and Peggy Ainsworth (Cabot Cheese
Dairy Farmers), Lynne and Dave Silloway (Booth Brothers Milk Dairy Farmers), Bill McKenzie (McKenzie Meat and we have been making your colors right since 1989!
Country Classics), Bill and Sally (Steer Beef
and Vegetable Farmers), Linda and Rich
Paquette (Egg Distributors), Peter and Jay
Debono (Perch Fisherman), Michelle and Kev-

True Colors
in Campo (Campo di Vino Italian Specialties),
Brad Peterson (Vegetable Farmer). Front row:
Karen and Brian Zecchinelli (Proprietors,
Wayside Restaurant), Helena Dunbar (Wild
Vegetable Forager).

Farm To
141 River Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 223-1616

Table At The
The backdrop to your life.

The Leader in Paint & ColorTM

On a recent Tuesday night, The

50 Seasons at the
Wayside Restaurant invited a Rock of Ages
bunch of its local farm partners
and suppliers to help Lieutenant Visitors Center! • ANNUALS • ROSEBUD IMPATIENS •

Governor Phil Scott kick off his

“Buy Local” campaign. Thanks Marcelle Moran has been MEMORIAL •Annuals
to these and many other local welcoming visitors to
suppliers, The Wayside is able Rock of Ages for 50 years now DAY •Vegetables
to serve farm fresh vegetables,
meat and dairy all year long. Help us celebrate
this important milestone:
PLANTERS •Perennials

For farm fresh meals, it’s worth
the ride to The Wayside!
Reception at the Visitors Center
$ 50 6-PACK
558 Graniteville Road, Graniteville, Vermont
•Blueberry HANGING
BASKETS Vermont Organic
Sunday, June 5, 2011 MooDoo •Potting
METAL 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. Bushes $2299 Products •MooGro

ROOF Cake & light refreshments

If you can’t come in person,
please send a card:
Marcelle Moran

479-2733 PO Box 482

Barre, Vermont 05641

• Trex Decking and Railing • Lattice

Many Textures & Colors Available Pressure Treated, Cedar, Vinyl
Trex Hidden Deck Fasteners • Stains, Sealants & Protectors,
Composite & Wood Cleaners
• Pressure Treated #1 Lumber Wolman, Penofin and More
• Cedar Architect Knotty Decking Green Products Available
5/4” x 6” 8 through 16 foot • Post Caps... and Much More!

May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 5

Denis Hedding: Quitter of the Month
Tropical Fish auto special May, 2011
Zebra Danios 99¢
$ 95
By Ivy Zeller, Prevention I called the Quitline and got
Neon Tetras $1.19 •Up to 5 qts. oil Consultant in touch with Lisa Willette,
•NAPA filter Central Vermont New Quit Coach at the hospital. I
Assorted Platties $1.29 •Check all fluids ointment Directions Coalition used Nicotine patches for ten
Make Your App
Tetra Glo Lights $1.19 Today! Ivy: Tell me a bit about weeks. I also went to the
you. Where are you from smoking cessation classes.
PLUS VT State Inspection $30 originally? What are your Then I was quit for good!
SAVE 10% OFF Labor Rate $35 per hour hobbies? Ivy: How did you feel
All Other Purchases Denis: I am 56 years old. after quitting?
with this coupon through June 30 Only with this coupon through June 30 I was born in Barre, VT. I Denis: I felt exuberant. I
play guitar. I like to play was so proud of myself. I
classic rock and roll. I also told everyone! I even got
189 Barrows Rd. write poetry. I live in
Northfield bill’s auto repair Websterville. I have 2 chil-
three others to quit smoking.
Now I have more energy;
189 Barrows Rd. • Northfield
485-4501 dren. They are 19 and 20 I’m not as lethargic. I sleep
485-6150 years old. better and eat better. I can
Exit 5, 1.25 miles west on Route 64, located at Bill's Auto Ivy: When did you start taste food better, without
smoking and why? putting any salt on it. I got
Denis: I was 13-years-old. My friend from my taste buds back! My thoughts are clearer, less
scattered. My girlfriend notices that I am breath-
Spring is Here! Catholic School enticed me to get started. He
came over to me and said, “Hey, I just stole two ing differently at night.

Out Spring
Did You Loose is
cigarettes from my mother. You want to smoke Ivy: Denis, do you have any advice for others

Going Of Business
ThenDidGet Sale
Out Your
This Winter?
Out Your
with me?”

Ivy: When did you become a regular smok-
who still smoke?
Denis: Do it! Do it now! Don’t hesitate; don’t
vegetate. Make sure you have a good support

Saturday, May 28
They Are Made For This
This Winter? Denis: By fifteen or sixteen I was smoking team. It’s important to have someone say “At-a-
Area! They Get Triple Pane Protection!
Are Custom every day. Everybody was doing it. John Wayne boy! I’m proud of you!” My girlfriend Johanna
Made For You!
They Are Made On Sale
For This was my hero when I was a kid. I was sucked in has been a real champ. She supported me com-
Custom to all the advertisements and the movie stars. pletely through the whole process.

With ForReplacement
Vinyl You! On Sale They appeared to be having fun drinking and If you have a quit story, please contact Ivy
Til May
Windows 31st ®.
By Galaxy smoking, and I wanted to be like them. Zeller at
With Vinyl Replacement Ivy: How much were you smoking each day?
Windows BySave Money Central Vermont New Directions Coalition

Doors open at 7:00AM

Galaxy ®
On Heating Did you keep track of what you spent on ciga- promotes substance abuse prevention activities
Money rettes? in the following towns: Berlin, Middlesex,
With New
On Heating
Energy Denis: I smoked a pack and-a-half each day. I Calais, Montpelier, East Montpelier, and
Your Home Worcester. Please visit, or call
•Windows •Siding •Office Furniture Efficient
With New
was spending $160-170 each month.
Ivy: When did you decide to quit, and why?
them at 223-4949.
Quit Resources:
•Storm Windows & Equipment
Call for a Free Estimate
Windows.• References Happily Provided Denis: I smoked till I was fifty-five years old.

Serving Professional I was starting to get shortness of breath. I was Lisa Willette, Lisa is
Call for a Free Estimate • References Happily Provided
sitting down writing poetry, thinking about my the Tobacco Coach at Central Vermont Medical

Vermont for and Finished
40 years
Carpentry father. He died at the age of fifty-two. I was right Center, 371-5945. She offers low cost or no cost
Installation NRT (nicotine replacement therapy, patch, gum,
Everything Vermont for
over 40 years
and Finished
about his age when he died. I was running out of
breath and I was worried I was going to run out or lozenge), group classes – at the hospital or at
of life. I thought to myself that time was not
going to wait for me to get better. I wanted to
your work site.
• Internet Help - – an
33 Websterville
Rd., •Barre
quit in time for my birthday, which was on
February 5th. I decided to cut down. First I
online, free cessation service run by the Vermont
Department of Health
or 1-800-639-1950
~Cash Only~ 33 Websterville smoked between ten and twenty cigarettes. Then
Rd., Barre
– – • Phone Help – 1-800-QUIT NOW
cut down from ten to five each day. Then from (784-8669)
476-4368 or 1-800-639-1950 five to three. When I got it down to three a day,
– –
■ ■ ■

Be Alert to Avoid Moose on the Highway

THANK YOU! The Autism Puzzle Foundation would like to thank

the following corporate sponsors for their support
Drivers need to be alert
and cautious because moose
are on the move, according to
the Vermont Fish & Wildlife
Department. Moose are more
likely to be crossing roadways
at this time, especially after
lar crossings.
- Increase your roadside
awareness and reduce your
speed when you see MOOSE
CROSSING signs along the
highway. When on secondary
roads, the recommended
with our 6th annual benefit dinner & silent auction: dark or early in the morning speed is 40 mph or less in
as they move from wintering these moose crossing areas.
Abare & Nicolls Associates areas to spring feeding loca- -Drive defensively and
Alan Jones Inc. tions. don’t overdrive your head-
Allen Lumber More moose are hit by lights. Moose are more active
Artistic Stone motorists in the spring than at at night and early morning,
Bates & Murray any other time of the year. and they are difficult to see
Bond Auto - Barre There is another peak of activ- because of their dark color.
Book Scrunchie ity in September and October, -If you see a moose ahead,
Buttura & Gherardi Granite Artisans the breeding season for slow down or stop. Trying to
Capital Candy moose. speed past them “before they
Cap World “A total of 155 moose were can move” can be a serious
Chase & Chase hit by motor vehicles on mistake.
Vermont highways during Vermont highway sections
Community National Bank 2010,” said Col. David LeCours of the Vermont most frequented by moose:
Dessureau Machines Fish & Wildlife Department. “We are asking - Rt.105 from Island Pond to Bloomfield.
F.I. Brousseau drivers to be especially careful and for people to - Rt.114 from East Burke to Canaan.
Frank FM 107.1 enjoy watching moose from a distance. They - Rt.2 from Lunenberg to East St. Johnsbury.
Friends of Ryan Donovan can be unpredictable and dangerous if you get - Interstate 91 at Sheffield Heights.
F.R. Lafayette too close and they feel cornered or get irritat- - Interstate 89 from Bolton to Montpelier.
Froggy 100.9 ed.” - Rt. 12 from Worcester to Elmore.
Huntington Homes Moose are a threat to motorists, but there are - Rt 118 near Belvidere Corners and the Rt.
Goss Dodge measures you can take to avoid hitting them, 109 intersection.
Green Mountain Florist Supply according to Fish & Wildlife: Eighteen people have died in motor vehicle
Jerome the Florist - Always be aware of the danger -- moose collisions with moose on Vermont highways
Jim Culver, DDS cross the road randomly, as well as at their regu- since 1985.
J&L Technical
Kurrle Fuels
LaGue, Inc.
Lenny’s Shoe & Apparel
Miles Supply
Michael O’Donovan
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
M&M Carpet
National Life Group
North Country Federal Credit Union
Northfield Savings Bank
Sentinel Investments
Simply Delicious
Slacks Inc.
Summer Street Auto
The Comfort Inn & Suites
The Common Man Restaurant
Thunder Road
Union Mutual
Valsangiacomo, Detora & McQuesten

page 6 The WORLD May 25, 2011

Outlet Store

SAVE $35 SAVE $35 SAVE $35 SAVE $45 SAVE $35
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Merrell W’s “Celeste” Merrell W’s “Encore Emme MJ” Keen W’s “Cheyenne” Softspots W’s “Darby” Softspots W’s “Sheridan”

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New Balance W’s 1520 Saucony M’s “Grid Raider” Asics M’s “Gel Kayano” Asics M’s “GT-2150” Asics M’s “Gel 1150”

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SAVE $55 SAVE $35 SAVE $30 SAVE $50 SAVE $65
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Timberland M’s #88152 Columbia M’s “Switchback” Columbia M’s “Kaibab” Columbia M’s “Shastalavista” North Face M’s “Syncline GTX”
GTX Trail Shoe


Open Wednesday-Saturday, 9-5 | 54 N Main St, Barre | 476-9107 | Cash and credit cards only | All sales final | Prices valid while supplies last

May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 7

“A Besere Velt” Yiddish Community Chorus Commemorates
Oil & Propane Service LLC
Triangle Fire at Barre Labor Hall This Weekend
On Saturday evening, May 28 at 7pm, the Barre Historical
Society will present a multi-media concert by the Yiddish
temporary meaning to the world of Yiddish folk music. Founded
in 1997, under the direction of Lisa Gallatin, A Besere Velt is now
Community Chorus of the Boston Workmen’s Circle. The largest a 90-member, truly multi-generational chorus. Performance ven-

802•476•8278 Yiddish chorus in the world, the group is named “A Besere Velt”
or “A Better World.” The concert, entitled “The Cloth from Which
We Are Cut,” commemorates the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in New
ues have been varied: from temples to interfaith rallies, national
conferences to picket lines, college campuses to senior centers.
This will be their first Vermont performance.
✿ Spring Cleaning Special ✿ York City on March 25, 1911. The performance is especially In December 2006 the chorus released its debut CD, recorded
appropriate for adults and for children over 12. Tickets are $12 per live at the Jewish Theater of New England. The repertoire grew
All Cleaning/Tune-Ups 10% off
person -- $10 for students and seniors. Reservations may be made out of the shtetls, the sweatshops and union meetings, the camps
by calling 802-456-7456 or at and ghettos. Making the richness of the Eastern European immi-
• 24 hour service • Space heaters • Electronic Developed for the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Fire, The grant experience accessible to a generation of non-Yiddish speak-
• FREE estimates • Water heaters air cleaners Cloth from Which We Are Cut was performed to sold-out audi- ers, these folk songs contain the sounds of the history, the culture
• Boilers • Oil tanks ences in Boston and New York earlier this spring. Their stirring and the progressive values that would influence generations to
• Furnaces • Tune ups
✿ account of the fire that changed America weaves together histori- come. A Besere Velt weaves the heartache and irrepressible ideal-
cal narrative and the Yiddish folk music that came out of the ism of Yiddish folk music into a vision of justice and humanity for
Dennis Smith, 30+ years experience sweatshops. It commemorates the history of the poverty and the 21st century. From haunting melodies to workers’ anthems, the
picket lines that defined a Jewish immigrant community strug- songs come alive in their multi-layered harmonies
accepted gling to build a better life. Mixed media paintings about the Triangle Fire by East
No one knows how many workers were at the factory on that Montpelier artist Delia Robinson will be on display at the Labor
day in March 1911. But of the 146 who died when the 8th, 9th and Hall before and after the concert. Her paintings and sculptures
10th floors of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company were consumed by have been featured in over 30 solo in locations ranging from The
CRYPTO QUOTE CRYPTO QUIP flames, all but 16 were women and girls, mostly Jewish and Italian Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City, to art museums
immigrants. Two-thirds of them were teenagers, some as young as and mainstream galleries. Her works have been exhibited in
14. numerous group exhibits, both juried and invitational. She has
The Workmen’s Circle, a mutual aid organization for Jewish illustrated four books and is working on a fifth. Her work is found
immigrants, provided its members with health benefits, strike in private collections worldwide.
benefits and funeral benefits. 25 Triangle Fire victims are buried “This body of work was begun after meeting the grandchild of
GO FIGURE in Workmen’s Circle cemeteries in New York. Known as the “Red a Triangle Shirtwaist owner, just as my own child was working on
KAKURO Cross of Labor,” the organization provided both material support a school assignment in which she was asked to write the owners
and inspiration to the men and women who dared to strike and and tell them what she thought of their labor practices. My own
dared to believe that they could organize a movement with the focus has been torn between sorrow over the individual losses, the
power to end exploitation for all working people. The Triangle exceptionally terrifying circumstances, gratification that this event
Shirtwaist Fire launched a wave of workplace legislative reforms opened the door for unions, and perplexity as I evaluate what has
and union organizing successes. been gained or lost for workers since that day,” says Robinson.
“The Cloth from Which We are Cut program is that rare musical The Socialist Labor Party Hall, a National Historic Landmark,
experience that touches you on so many levels – historically, dedicated in November 1900, is owned and operated by the Barre
politically, and most of all, musically. One hundred years later, the Historical Society. The Labor Hall reopened to the public in
issues of safety, immigration, and profiteering still ring true. With September 2000, and is once again available for community use.
such exceptionally heartfelt singing and narration, this program is Restoration is ongoing and the building is handicapped accessi-
one audience members will long remember,” says Joey Baron, ble.
Executive Director of the Boston Jewish Music Festival. For further information about the concert, call 456-7456, con-
SUDOKU MAGIC MAZE A Besere Velt has been a pioneer in bringing new life and con- tact or visit
n n n

Barre Firm Honored as “Best of the Best” by Efficiency Vermont

Across Vermont, architects, builders and contractors are work- that “the difference has been significant – not only in terms of heat
ing to create more energy-efficient businesses and homes. retention but also in terms of fuel savings.”
Efficiency Vermont is proud to recognize a select number of those All of the “Best of the Best” award recipients were recognized
projects with its annual “Best of the Best” Awards.  at Efficiency Vermont’s Better Buildings by Design 2011 confer-
EnergySmart of Vermont, based in Barre, won the grand prize ence in February. The conference focused on energy-efficient
in Efficiency Vermont’s “Best of the Best in Home Performance building design, construction, and renovation, and was attended
with ENERGY STAR” for a retrofit in the $5,000-$15,000 range by more than 1,000 professionals.
for a home located in Wolcott.  The work of Vermont builders and contractors was considered
TRY SQUARES SNOWFLAKES EnergySmart conducted an energy audit on the grand prize- in three areas of energy efficiency: commercial new construction
winning home in 2009. The homeowner had lived in the house for and major renovation, residential new construction, and residen-
a decade and was ready to address a number of issues including tial renovation. The “Best of the Best in Home Performance with
ice damming, freezing pipes, and always feeling cold in the win- ENERGY STAR”  recognizes excellence in energy efficiency
ter. The house has many different rooflines and lacks a traditional renovations in Vermont homes.
basement and attic.  Home Performance with ENERGY STAR is a comprehensive,
EnergySmart treated the roofline with a combination of spray whole-house approach to improving energy efficiency and home
foam and dense-packed cellulose insulation. Spray foam was also comfort, while helping to protect the environment. Homeowners
applied to the floor and foundation walls. Various weatherstrip- enjoy benefits like fewer drafts, consistent temperatures across
ping and air-sealing measures were also completed. rooms, better ventilation and humidity control, and lower utility
The floors are now warm enough to walk on comfortably in the bills. 
winter, there are no more freezing pipes to worry about, and there For more information and a complete listing of all award win-
is no longer a need to chop ice off the roof. The homeowner shared ners, please visit


BOOKS 3/$1
especially Gold & Silver coins GREA


etc. If you are interested in volunteering for the CVMC Auxiliary at the Bene-fit

52 WEEKS A YEAR • AT FAIR COMPETITIVE PRICES Shop or Gift Shop, please call Volunteer Services at 371-4375. Thank you.

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921 US Rt. 302, Barre-Montpelier Rd. (across from Hooker’s) 479-2521 Open Everyday 6 am - 11 pm
342 N. Main St., Downtown Barre • 479-3675
page 8 The WORLD May 25, 2011

w i d e

Sto r e
Pictured left to right are: Rebecca Ellis (Chair, Waterbury Selectboard),
Karen Horn (VT League of Cities and Towns), Jamie Ervin (Waterury
LEAP), Brian Shupe (VT Natural Resources Council) and Duncan
McDougall (Waterbury LEAP).

New Guidebooks Help Communities

Plan for Their Energy Future
Two of Vermont’s leading public policy organizations recently
released a set of new comprehensive tools that will help communi- Sa le! ! !
20%-50% OFF
ties deal with the pressing issues regarding our energy future.
“Vermonters are eager to help lead the state on its transition
away from a fossil fuel-based economy to one based on renewable
energy, conservation and efficiency. With the state’s well-devel-
oped planning framework, they are also well positioned,” said
Johanna Miller, Energy Program Director at the Vermont Natural
Resources Council. “Now, they also have some new tools.”
Global challenges of diminishing energy resources, skyrocket-
ing energy prices and climate change require concerted action on
the part of all local, state and national governments. They also
Entire Stock of Merchandise in Store
require forward-looking planning.
The set of publications released by Vermont Natural Resources 51 Smith Street
Council and Vermont League of Cities and Towns outline how
communities can comprehensively, systematically and aggres-
3 DAYS Barre
sively address energy use and consumption. They are:
- “The Energy Planning and Implementation Guide for Vermont
Municipalities”: A step-by-step guide outlining how communities
ONLY! 479-2105
can use the energy element of their municipal plan to comprehen-
sively address energy issues.
- “Communities Tackling Vermont’s Energy Challenges”: A Mon.-Thurs. 10:00-6:00 • Fri. 10:00-6:30 • Sat. 9:00-4:30
publication overviewing three dozen success story ‘snapshots’ of
innovative, entrepreneurial and proactive approaches Vermonters
are taking to help save money, reduce energy consumption, transi-
tion to renewables and combat climate change.
“VLCT is pleased to offer help to local officials to show how

Yes! WE& DO
their neighboring cities and towns are planning for a new efficient,
locally-based energy future and the kinds of initiatives that might
help achieve the kind of future they envision,” said Karen Horn,

VLCT’s Director of Public Policy and Advocacy. “A lot of good CUSTOM
work has already been done. What works in one town may well
provide a model for action in others.” BENDING
Growing interest in energy planning catalyzed the collaboration

Along with most all automotive maintenance services
on energy planning between VNRC and VLCT and the creation of
these two guiding documents.
“These tools will greatly assist towns that want to incorporate
Senior Citizens 10% OFF All Parts
energy issues in their Town Plans,” said Waterbury Selectboard MORE THAN JUST A MUFFLER SHOP

Chair Rebecca Ellis. “The planning process provides a wonderful MUFFLER
opportunity to engage citizens in shaping a vision for the future.
& R E PA I R

Once adopted, the Town Plan directs the community’s actions
both with broad goals and specific objectives. From conservation 71 MAIN ST, BARRE, VT
to efficiency to renewables, these publications will help communi-
ties who want to make a difference on energy.”
Waterbury LEAP (Local Energy Action Partnership) is one of
roughly 100 town energy committees in Vermont. Over the past
four years LEAP volunteers have completed dozens of local proj-
ects that have helped Waterbury expand renewable energy oppor-
tunities, become more energy efficient, and reduce emissions. For
example, last year LEAP raised funds to build solar arrays on two
local schools, including Thatcher Brook Primary School. “This
helped bring the concept of renewable energy and solar power to
life for local students and teachers,” said Duncan McDougall,
chair of LEAP. “We look forward to using many great ideas from
the Energy Planning and Implementation Guide, and we hope
continued on next page

Grads & Dads

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We walked into the room to meet Krista Delary and Chris Lactation Consultant
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84 N. Main St., Barre, VT May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 9

(802) 476-4342
Aldrich pion of better fire protection measures in the home.

Public Library
- August 3: James Kochalka, Vermont’s first Cartoonist
Laureate, retains the sense of wonder that inspires young people. Warren Public
In Kochalka’s world, monkeys fight robots, cats slay dragons, and
pigs fly to Pluto. The author of more than 30 volumes of comics,
One of the highlights of the summer season in Barre is the his most notable series is American Elf. Warren
Authors at the Aldrich program series, every Wednesday evening - August 10: Cho Lee and Justin St Louis, sportswriters and Art Exhibit and Dessert Reception
at 6pm from June 8 through August 17. auto racing historians, recently collaborated on "50 Years of The artwork of Georgette Diamandis will be hanging in the
Sandwiched between the delicious offerings at the Granite City Excitement: A History of Thunder Road." Motivated to capture the Warren Public Library during the months of June and July. To
Farmers’ Market in City Hall Park and the concert series in Currier emotions of the road’s legions of fans, Lee and St Louis offer a open her exhibit, patrons and friends are invited to a Dessert
Park, this summer’s author series promises to be an exciting one, half-century of thrills and spills at this well-loved local venue. Reception at the library on Sunday, June 5 at 2pm.
including prize-winning authors, and writers in many genres. - August 17: Author and illustrator David Macaulay is one
Authors at the Aldrich is held in the library’s Milne Community of the most beloved children’s authors in the world. His books Vermont Reads
Room and features a half-hour presentation by the author followed include the "The Way Things Work" and "The Way We Work: The WPL has been awarded a grant from the VT Humanities
by questions & answers, light refreshments and time to chat with Getting to Know the Amazing Human Body." His volumes on Council 2011 "Vermont Reads" Program. An intergenerational
the author and request an autograph. Books by all the authors are architecture - Castle, Cathedral and more - inspire amazement in Mad River Valley community reading and activity project, spot-
on display and on sale throughout the summer at Barre Books, 158 readers of all ages. Seeing and hearing him in person will be a lighting the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, will
No. Main Street. The programs are free and open to the public. magical experience for every member of the family. take place in October, 2011. Gail Hietzker, WPL's PR/Event
The series is sponsored by the Barre Learning for Life For more info., call 476-7550, or visit Director, will plan, publicize and implement this collaborative
Committee and is funded by the Friends of the Aldrich Library. project with the following partners: Joslin Memorial Library,
Each week a local sponsor underwrites the cost of recording the Moretown Memorial Library, Waitsfield United Church of Christ,
Warren United Church, Mad River Valley Senior Citizen's, Inc.
n n n
author presentation, which is broadcast on local cable television
and The Big Picture Theatre's Tuesday Night Movie Club.
throughout central Vermont. The recording is also available at and a circulating copy is available on DVD. Holiday Hours
Refreshments provided by Berlin Health & Rehabilitation Center. The WPL will be closed on Monday, May 30th to observe
This year’s Authors at the Aldrich series includes: Memorial Day.
- June 8: Ellen Ecker Ogden, whose newest book is "The
Complete Kitchen Garden," is an organic gardener and food writ-
er. As cookbook author, freelance writer, media consultant and
co-founder of The Cook’s Garden, Ogden has over 25 years of
experience offering cooking classes, culinary tours and lectures.
- June 15: Capt Richard Phillips was rescued from Somali
pirates after they seized his cargo ship. His book, "A Captain’s
Duty: Somali Pirates, Navy Seals, and My Dangerous Days at This Week: Invasive Plants and Native Plant Gardening
Sea" is being made into a film starring Tom Hanks! No one will Protecting VT's Woods and Waterways One Garden at a Time
want to miss this chance to meet Captain Phillips in person. On Thursday, May 26 at 7pm, Donia Prince from the VT Nature
- June 22: Ron Powers, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and one of Conservancy will present a special program at The Waterbury
America’s most distinguished journalists, is the author or co- Public Library offering ideas on ways to prevent invasive species
author of 13 books, among them "Flags of Our Fathers" (written in your garden while protecting the surrounding environment.
with James Bradley), "Mark Twain: A Life," and "True Compass," Did you know that barberry, buckthorn and other invasive
which he wrote in collaboration with the late Massachusetts plants are increasingly taking over Vermont's beloved forests,
Senator Edward Kennedy. fields and river shores? Not only do they degrade these areas for
human use, the spread of invasive plants also threatens habitat and
- June 29: M T Anderson writes for readers of all ages. His food sources for native wildlife.
satirical book "Feed" won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and Fortunately, there's something you can do about it, and it's right
he received the 2006 National Book Award for Young People for in your own backyard! Come learn about the threat posed by inva-
"The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, sive terrestrial plants in Vermont, and how you can help stem the
Vol I: The Pox Party." tide – and create your own wildlife sanctuary – by gardening with
- July 6: Allison Hooper is the co-founder and co-owner of native plants. Free and open to the public. No registration is
Vermont Butter and Cheese Creamery in Websterville. In her required.
book, "In a Cheesemaker’s Kitchen," she recounts her adventures For more information, please call the Library at 244-7036.
as a goat farmer and cheesemaker. n n n
- July 13: Anne Stuart is a romance writer and former librari-
an. Her amusing perspective on the joys of living the writing life
has inspired many a budding author to begin a literary career.
New Guidebooks continued from previous page
some of our projects will inspire other towns. Town energy
Stuart’s most recent titles include "Breathless" and "Reckless."
committees are wonderful about sharing what they’ve learned
- July 20: Nancy Marie Brown is a science writer whose new-
with colleagues in other towns, and this guide is yet another great
est book, "The Abacus and the Cross: The Story of the Pope Who
way to make that happen!”
Brought the Light of Science to the Dark Ages" is a thoroughly
Noted VNRC’s Miller: “We look forward to working even more
engrossing account of Gerbert of Aurillac who became known as
closely with Vermont communities to use these guidance docu-
the Scientist Pope. The Daughters of the American Revolution met on May 7th at Lucia’s
Restaurant with Whitney Maxfield as the speaker. He is a member of the ments and help them map out a strategic plan of action; a plan that
- July 27: Russell Ashe is a member of the Barre City Fire Champlain Valley Historical Reenactors. He spoke of the 1st Sgt. helps Vermonters save money, make their homes more comfort-
Department. "The Fire That Changed Everything" is his first-per- Andrew Whitehead who is buried in Hope Cemetery and was a member
able and livable, create new, well-paying clean energy jobs by
son account of the tragic fire on Eastern Avenue in Barre in 2005 of Co. H, 5th NY Volunteer Infantry “Duryee’s Zouaves.” For more infor-
mation on the DAR, call Mrs. Ruth Finn, Registrar of Rebeckah Hastings growing a robust renewable energy economy in the state and
that claimed the lives of five people. He has since become a cham- Chapter at 476-8753. more.”

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Exit 5, 1.25 miles west on Route 64, located at Bill's Auto

page 10
H u m a n e May 25, 2011
8am to
Vermont High Schools Accept the Reserve Cup Challenge
Vermont high schools were
recently challenged to showcase
their students’ abilities in eco-
nomics and personal finance. Earl F. Fechter, Esq.
Five schools accepted the t 'PSNFS4UBUFBOE'FEFSBM
Vermont Reserve Cup Challenge 1SPTFDVUPS
and it was South Burlington t &YQFSJFODFE5SJBM-BXZFS
High School that walked away t -JDFOTFEJO7FSNPOU 'MPSJEB
with the academic trophy for the
second year in a row. BOE/FX:PSL
On April 30, teams competed t 4UBUFXJEF3FQSFTFOUBUJPO
in Montpelier for the opportu-
nity to represent the State of .POUQFMJFS 75t 

Vermont in the regional Reserve
Cup Challenge held each fall at
the Federal Reserve Bank in Montpelier High School recently competed in the Vermont Reserve Cup Challenge, a team competition that
tests student knowledge in personal finance and economics. Pictured here from left to right are: Gabe Sheir,
Boston. The Vermont State Julia Gilbert, social studies teacher and coach Lyman Castle, Chloe Gordon, and Josh Crane.
Treasurer’s Office, in partner-
ship with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, began holding a Burlington team allowed them to be quicker on the response
state tournament two years ago. The aim of the competition is to buzzer and win the chance to answer a majority of the questions.
promote student interest in and knowledge of personal finance, Placing second in the competition was the combined team of
economics, and consumer affairs topics. Using a game-show-style Lamoille Union and Green Mountain TCC. Fair Haven Union
format, teams progress through rounds of questioning that test High School finished third. Other high schools participating were
their grasp of these subjects. Montpelier High School and Mt. Mansfield Union High School.
“The state tournament provides Vermont high schools with the Montpelier High School was coached by social studies teacher
chance to offer students an academic challenge that underscores Lyman Castle. Student team members were: Chloe Gordon, Josh
how financial and economic concepts apply to our daily lives,” Crane, Julia Gilbert, and Gabe Sheir.
said State Treasurer Beth Pearce. “At the competition, students “The Reserve Cup competition gives us the opportunity to rein-
receive a lot of positive feedback for their skills that will hope- force with students the importance of understanding how our
fully motivate them to continue their financial studies and carry economy works and how their personal finances interact within
that knowledge with them into their adult lives.” the larger economic system,” said Director of Economic Education
After a morning of preliminary matches, three teams competed Scott Guild of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. “The Vermont
in the championship round: South Burlington High School, Fair competition has been especially meaningful for us because we can Advertise your next garage sale
Easy Garage
Haven Union High School, and a combined team from Lamoille interact with students face-to-face and review with them some of
with us for a successful event!
Sale Kits
Valley Union High School and the Green Mountain Technology the concepts that may be particularly challenging.” $
and Career Center. In a close match for the first two rounds, South The event is underwritten by TD Bank. Members of the Best Value Garage Sale Ad Rates Includes: •Four
35¢ a word minimum of
Burlington entered the final lightning round with just a five point Vermont Jump$tart Coalition also supported the competition and
all-weather sig
•Pricing lab ns
•Tip sheet & cheels

advantage. However, the previous experience of the South volunteered at the event.
$3.50 per ad per week 15 Word

Classified Ad
Call or visit us online to place your ad today!
n n n

Rowan Court Named a

“Gold Star Employer”

Rowan Court Health and Rehabilitation Center has been named
a “Gold Star Employer” by the Vermont Department of Disabilities,
Aging and Independent Living. The center was honored at an
awards ceremony on May 17 at the Quechee Club in Quechee.
The Gold Star Program was created to recognize skilled nursing
centers and other care agencies that employ best practices for staff
development and retention. Seventeen centers were honored at
Tuesday’s awards luncheon, including Rowan Court Health and
“We’re extremely proud of our employees, “ said Tom De Poy,
a regional vice president for Revera Health Systems, the parent
company of Rowan Court Health and Rehabilitation Center. De
Poy noted that two other Revera centers also received Gold Star
Employer awards: Bennington Health and Rehab, and Burlington
Health and Rehab.
The Gold Star program encourages independent thinking and
creativity. Each center was required to prepare a written submis-
sion detailing how employees are empowered to create “best
practices” for caregiving at their centers.
“I think Rowan Court has some of the best caregivers in the
state,” said James Beeler, center Administrator, “and these awards
are a well-deserved recognition of all our efforts.” Merle Miller (left) of Graniteville is congratulated recently by David
LaFleche (right) at a testimonial dinner at the Hilltop Restaurant to
Rowan Court Health and Rehabilitation Center offers both short honor him on his retirement as a member of the Prudential Committee
and long-term rehabilitation and skilled nursing care as well as for the Fire District. Merle has served for 18 years, and continues to
respite care and hospice care. For information, please call 802- serve as moderator and licensed operator for the water system.
Approximately 20 colleagues, friends and family members were present
476-4166. for the surprise party.

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403 US Rte. 302-Berlin

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Barre, VT 05641


800-3-APPLES Don’t forget... 479-2582
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thousand words!�����������������������������������
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May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 11
This space will be reserved for all town
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Tax Notices • Water/Sewer Due • Hours •  Etc.


PHA Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2011
In accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development regulation found at 24CFR
903.17, Vermont State Housing Authority has prepared
an Annual Plan for fiscal year 2011. This document,
and supporting documents, is available for review at
the Main Administrative Offices of the Vermont State
Housing Authority located at One Prospect Street,
Montpelier, VT between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and
3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, from May 20, 2011
through July 5, 2011. A public hearing on the Annual
Plan will be held on July 6, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. at the
offices of the Vermont State Housing Authority, One
Prospect Street, Montpelier, VT.
Equal Housing Opportunity



Governor’s “Housing the Homeless”

DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON UNIT, SS. around the city. Momentum Barre took 50 bags and focused on
Main Street, and what a difference they made! Also, great job,
Summit Open to Public Berlin, for tackling the Barre-Montpelier Road. It’s probably the
Editor: cleanest it’s ever been in the spring!
LATE OF PLAINFIELD, DEBORAH GARDNER QUICK Although Green Up Week was a great effort, it is important that
VERMONT LATE OF BERLIN, VERMONT Are you concerned about families or individuals who are living
homeless or at risk of becoming homeless within Vermont? we continue to keep our roadsides clean, and that we take an active
NOTICE TO NOTICE TO Are you among those who are seriously committed to doing
what it takes to end homelessness across the state?
role in making Barre a vibrant city to live in and an inviting city
to visit.
CREDITORS CREDITORS Are you someone who is currently living homeless, at risk of Spaulding Action for the Environment (SAFE)
Darienne Chouinard, Andy Gurin and Doug LaPoint
To the creditors of the Estate To the creditors of the Estate of becoming homeless or formerly have lived homeless?
of Brenda Ruth Blair, late of Deborah Gardner Quick, late of If the answers to one or more of the above questions is “yes” join
Plainfield, Vermont. Berlin, Vermont. others at the upcoming Governor’s Housing the Homeless Summit
to discuss concrete solutions designed to help people living home-
Do the Right Thing and Get Involved
I have been appointed as a I have been appointed as a
personal representative of the personal representative of the less move to stable as well as permanent housing. Editor:
above named estate. All creditors above named estate. All creditors Six key issues were identified and organized work groups have Imagine you are out running a few errands or getting some exer-
having claims against the estate having claims against the estate developed proposals to address each one. At the Summit, these cise when you think you see something unusual going on across
must present their claims in must present their claims in proposals will be presented for discussion and changes, resulting the way. You are not sure. Maybe it was nothing. So you do noth-
writing within four months of writing within 4 months of the in recommendations to Governor Peter Shumlin’s administration. ing and just keep walking. The next day you hear the on the news
the date of the first publication date of the first publication of The Summit is open to the public and will be held at the Vermont that right at that same spot, something happened and someone
of this notice. The claim must be this notice. The claim must be State House in Montpelier on Tuesday, June 7th from 9am to needed your help.
presented to me at the address presented to us at the address listed 4:30pm. It’s time to get involved and become an engaged bystander. It’s
listed below with a copy filed with below with a copy filed with the
To help organize the day and, although it is not necessary in an opportunity to act and safely change the outcome—to prevent
the register of the Probate Court. register of the Vermont Superior
order to attend the event, those interested in attending are asked to harm by stepping up when you see something that doesn’t look
The claim will be forever barred Court, Probate Division. The
respond to Diane Nealy: or 802-241- right. Or maybe you heard someone say something degrading or
if it is not presented as described claim will be forever barred if it is sexist. Maybe you witnessed someone trying to take advantage of
above within the four month not presented as described above 2244 (subject: Governor’s Housing the Homeless Summit). a friend. Studies have shown that the occurrence of child sexual
deadline. within the four month deadline. To obtain updated versions of the six work group proposals prior abuse and rape is far more extensive than reported and a large
Dated: May 16, 2011 Dated: May 9, 2011 to the Summit, make a request to the above contact person as majority of offenders are never identified or apprehended.
well. In a society that promotes a “mind your own business” mental-
Dennis Blair Margaret V. Christie, Executrix
By her attorney: By her attorney:
Morgan W. Brown ity, speaking up might seem difficult. But it doesn’t have to be. Try
c/o Michael D. Caccavo, Esq. Betsy Wolf Blackshaw, Esq. Montpelier to approach the situation as if it involved one of your loved ones
P.O. Box 459 P.O. Box 543 or friends. If you see or hear something that doesn’t seem quite
Barre, VT 05641
Telephone: (802) 476-4856
Barre, VT 05641-0543
Telephone: (802) 476-0800 A Successful Green Up Week in Barre right, it probably isn’t. If you think someone is in trouble, ask if
they are OK. Be honest and direct in expressing your concerns and
Name of Publication: Name of Publication: Editor: reasons for intervening. If you are not comfortable approaching a
The WORLD The WORLD Barre, nice work during Green Up Week! situation alone, ask for help from a friend or co-worker.
First Publication Date: First Publication Date: We are very proud of the way the citizens of Barre quietly went You aren’t ruining someone’s fun or being a jerk if you speak up.
May 25, 2011 May 18, 2011 about cleaning the roadsides and parks in this city. People filled You are watching out for someone’s brother, sister, child, neighbor
Second Publication Date: Second Publication Date: over 400 Green Up bags last week and about 20 miles of roadsides or friend. And someday it could be your loved one in need of
June 1, 2011 May 25, 2011 were cleaned up! The city had at least 130 volunteers cleaning the help.
Address of Probate Court: Address of Probate Court: streets! Great job, everyone! It time that we all get involved! Do what’s right and trust your
Probate Court Vermont Superior Court We thank the Restore for their efforts in handing out bags and instincts.
District of Washington Washington Unit, Probate Division holding the free barbecue, as well as the folks at Merchants Bank Linda Johnson, Executive Director
10 Elm Street, #2 10 Elm Street, #2 and the City Clerk’s office for distributing bags. We especially Prevent Child Abuse Vermont
Montpelier, VT 05602 Montpelier, VT 05602 would like to recognize the city workers who collected the bags Montpelier

■ ■ ■
“Central Vermont’s Newspaper”
Barre’s New-Growth, Traffica-Signalia Forest
By G. E. Shuman


403 Route 302-Berlin, Barre, VT 05641
Tel.: (802)479-2582 or 1-800-639-9753
Fax: (802)479-7916
I believe that it is certain, above all other cer-
tainties, that we do live in an exceedingly
strange and changing world.  Take, for ex-
ample, and for instance, the very peculiar, odd,
and unprecedented phenomenon presently oc-
such a pace that you can almost see them growing. You actually
can see how much they have grown from one day to the next. Also,
finally, and not a minute too soon, flowers have arrived in Central
Vermont yards!  
email: or Now, and here’s the big question of the day, or at least, of the
web site: curring in the city of Barre, Vermont; Barre City, to be more pre- day you are reading this column. Have you noticed the other things
cise and local-friendly. You see, and if you live here, you cannot that are sprouting up all over downtown? I don’t mean to cite the
MEMBER HELP but see, that things are a-changin’ in downtown Barre. As obvious, but within the past few weeks, many huge, black, tree-
a long-time resident and former downtown business owner, I can
VERMONT trunk-like poles have appeared at those same, afore-mentioned,
OF attest to this fact, irrevocably, irreversibly, irreverently, incontro- Main and Summer Street intersections. The big black things are of
COMMERCE vertibly, immodestly, immaterially, infinitely, and any other  ‘im’, varying heights and widths, but all appear to be of the same origin
Publisher: Gary Hass and Deborah Phillips. Classified Manager: ’in‘, and ‘ir’ adverbs you may wish to consider here. Yes, for sure and species; namely, the dreaded traffica-signalia variety, to use
Ruth Madigan.
GOLD STANDARD Bookkeeping: Lisa Companion, Candy McLeon.
PUBLICATION and for true, things are happening in Barre. the official, biological term for them.
Receptionist: Darlene Callahan. Copy Editor: Laura Rappold. Last summer, and into last fall and early winter, construction Why, some of those huge, black, bean-stalk-looking things are
Production Manager: Christine Richardson. Production: Kathy work in the downtown area concentrated on the re-shaping, and
Gonet, Wayne Michaud, Laura Rappold. Sales Representatives: re-configuring of several street corners and intersections in the probably twenty feet high and several feet thick at the base, al-
Kay Roberts, Robert Salvas, Mike Jacques. Circulation Manager: city.  Most of the work centered around Main Street corners and ready. Others are smaller, but of similar proportion to their larger
Robert Spaulding. Circulation: Aeletha Kelly. Distribution: Jim Summer Street intersections, if you will recall.  Yes, the heavy cousins.  Many of them would make fine masts for Capt’n Jack
Elliot, Gary Villa. Sparrow’s Black Pearl, if she is ever in such need. The largest one

equipment was out last year, and those efforts succeeded in shav-
The WORLD is published by WORLD Publications, Inc. in ing off lawns, slicing back sidewalks, and re-directing ditches and of them all has, evidently, chosen to attach itself along the hori-
Berlin, Vermont. The WORLD is distributed free, and serves the curbs to the (somehow) desired effect of widening Summer Street zontal plane, part way up, to two of the Main Street growths. This
residents of Washington and north-central Orange counties. The and Main Street intersections.   behemoth-sized new-growth stretches, above traffic, all the way
WORLD is published every Wednesday. from the Aldrich Library, right out onto the island in the middle
Gold Standard publication you may run the Gold Standard Now, everyone who knows anyone, and even everyone who
your current WORLDexpires.assumes no financial
Should your publicationresponsibility for typographical
knows no one in Barre City understands that these things being of Main Street. That pole’s functionality might be vital for the city
errors in advertising but will reprint in the following issue that part
Gold Standard scoring in future audits you may continue to
old Standard logo, or convert to the traditional CVC audit done are only the first steps in the ‘Barre Big Dig’; that is, the project, but it is anything but pretty.  
old Standardofscores
any advertisement
are not achieved. inPublishers
which the withtypographical error occurred. reconstruction of the Main Street of our fair city. The street cor- Last week one of my students actually asked me why they put
audit statusNotice by advertisers
the CVC logo inoftheir
error must be given to this newspaper
may display
ners were widened to accommodate large vehicles, which will “that big sewer pipe” across Main Street. I tried to explain that I
within five
marketing materials. (5) business
Please days
refer to the CVC of the date of publication.
s Agreement regarding logo usage upon audit expiration. necessarily be re-routed down Summer and other streets when the thought it was just some new-growth happening in Barre. I’m not
e any question WORLD
please reserves all rights to advertising copy produced by
call (800)262-6392. greater work on Main Street begins. Indeed, Herculean efforts are sure the student was convinced. I only hope that someone will,
its own staff. No such advertisement may be used or reproduced hurriedly underway, to keep traffic flowing, businesses going, and at least, put a string of Christmas lights on that thing late next
without express permission.
pedestrians pedestering.  fall. (That is, if other, even larger growths haven’t sprouted up by
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Closed Spring has definitely sprung of late in the Granite City.  My then.)
Saturday and Sunday. wife’s lilac bushes have gone from tiny buds to huge leaves and To comment, read other columns or learn more about George’s
Subscriptions: $6.50/month, $39.00/6 months, $78.00/year. First even small blossoms appearing, in what seems to be only days. Our novel, “The Smoke and Mirrors Effect,” visit George’s World at
Class. maple trees have leaves which have come upon the branches at
page 12 The WORLD May 25, 2011
Reiss’s Pieces "The Best Thing I Ever Ate"
Featuring Chef Alton Brown and Barb Bragg
By Judy Reiss Serving Sugar-On-Snow at Bragg Farm Sugarhouse

I know that over the years I have told you

that I have a hat fetish! Or, I think it is
a fetish because I really, really lust af-
ter big, outrageous hats. Mind you, I don’t
have one, but that isn’t the issue. I definite-
ings of lust are still present. And if you are wondering why I didn’t
just order one in my size, the answer is that I tried but it wasn’t
possible and it was one of a kind. I just hope that someone with an
uncomfortably big head loved it too and that it found an appropri-
on the Food Network
Channel, airing Friday
evening, May 27
ate home!
ly want one. Wherever I go and find hats on display, I always try them on.
Nothing makes me crazier than seeing But it would appear that either I have a small head or that some
some woman, somewhere wearing a big, wonderful hat. I almost manufacturer thinks that women have big heads because I seldom,
had to lie down and put a cool cloth on my head when I watched if ever, find one that fits. And none of them are the terrific hats that
the royal wedding last month. Every single woman in London, I want anyway!
whether she was from there or not, was wearing a wonderful hat. I did look on the internet under “ big hats” and “big fashionable
And I have seen coverage of the “Queen’s Tea” where thousands hats” and I was surprised that there are quite a number of sites
of commoners are invited and every single one is wearing a hat where they are available. That they are out of my price range is
that I would kill for! In this country, I think the only time you see another issue all together. And I don’t know how you actually buy
women wearing terrific hats is during the Kentucky Derby! Why one. Now, I admit that I haven’t actually tried either but when and
the Derby? I have no idea. if I do, how do they send me one that will actually fit? O.K. lets
I have old, faded pictures of my grandmother and her mother assume that I find one that I can’t live without and I figure out how
and sisters, all wearing super hats. So, I know that during the past to get it in my size and best of all, I figure out how to pay for such
centuries, women in this country wore super duper hats. I don’t a nonessential item, where do I wear it?
know hy hats have disappeared. I do know that when I was a young Maybe I could be a real trend-setter and wear the hat of my
girl, hats were still the thing to wear if you were going to “the
city.” And I do wonder where even those hats went. They weren’t dreams, out and about in public. I am never invited to balls, ap-
the big, wonderful hats that I want, but they were a lot better than propriate weddings, bar mitzvahs or inaugurations, so it is going
no hats at all. to take a lot of thought and chutzpah to leave my house with one
What I find most interesting is that men and boys wear baseball on. But I think that I can do it! I did go to a memorial service for a
hats these days, at all times. No longer do men or boys remove good friend who was a hat wearer herself and I wore a big, black
their hats when they are talking to a lady nor do they remove their hat decorated with a big, black rose. I thought I looked pretty darn
hats when they go into a restaurant and eat. That this drives me good and assumed that others would wear a hat in her honor too.
crazy is another discussion all together. I have to rein myself in to But I was wrong and I was the only one, out of many, who wore
stop reaching out and smacking a hat off the head of someone who any kind of a hat. I did feel a little out of place but I still think that
should know better as they hunker over their food in a public place. she would have appreciated my style.
The only thing that makes this outrageous display of bad manners
possible for me is that I think that always wearing a ball cap and
So here is the my quandary for today - should I give in to my
dream of a big hat? After all, I am going to be 72 this summer and
I would hate to get older and older without my dream fulfilled. I
never taking off will hasten baldness! And that is a punishment that
appeals to me, much better than me just snatching off the cap and also don’t want to get so old that I couldn’t hold up my head with FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION
throwing it into their lap! a big hat on it!
But I digress. What I want is to be able to buy and ultilimately So, if you have any idea where to actually buy such a hat other RICHARD E. DAVIS, JR., ESQ.
wear a “big” hat. Many years ago now, I went with my daughter than on-line, please let me know. And even more importantly, if 30 Washington Street
Adrienne when she was looking for a wedding dress. As she tried you know when and where I could wear such a hat and look trendy
on dresses, I looked around the store and there on a high shelf was and not foolish, please let me know. I am asking all the women Barre, Vermont 05641
a wonderful huge hat that was covered with super terrific white who read this column to gather together and wear a wonderful and Tel.: 802 476 3123
feathers. Oh my heart, I thought, I have to have that hat. So, I asked outrageous hat. We all deserve to be able to join our friends and
the salesperson to take it down for me so that I could try it on.
Mind you, I was so astounded that I thought to myself, “Money is
neighbors from across the sea and look terrific. Trust me, a base- GENERAL CIVIL LITIGATION
ball cap just doesn’t do it!
no object, I have to have that hat.” Women of the world unite! We need to be able to have fun and INCLUDING
But as many of my dreams go, I tried on the hat and it was obvi- look wonderful once in a while and an outrageous hat makes it INJURY CASES, WORKERS
ously made for a woman with a head the size of a pumpkin! Not easy to do. And not only that, every size and age can participate in
only was it too big, it was so big that there was no way to stuff it this fashionable escapade. So, let me know when and where, and COMPENSATION, SOCIAL SECURITY
with anything that would make it possible for me to wear it. And I will join you with the biggest and best hat I can find. The time is DISABILITY, DIVORCE, REAL ESTATE
now, so many years later, I still think about that hat and my feel- now, so let’s do it and enjoy!

Senate Report:
■ ■ ■

Why Memorial Day?

by Senator Bill Doyle
We are now offering an 8x10 Kitchen for
n 1868, General Logan, National Com- the Battle of Gettysburg are well-known. Under $3,500!
mander of the Grand Army of the Repub- On July 1, 1863, Union General Sedgewick gave his famous or- Kitchen Kompact Cabinets, ASE Certified Maple
lic, issued an order naming the 30th day der to “put the Vermonters ahead and keep the columns well closed
of May, “for the purpose of strewing with up.” In one day, the First Vermont Brigade marched 32 miles to
or Oak and Preformed Countertop.
flowers or otherwise decorating the graves Gettysburg. The Second Vermont Brigade marched 120 miles in Installation extra by your contractor or mine!
of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late six days to reach Gettysburg. Available in a Week.
rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village or The turning point of the battle came when General George Stan- We are the Only Certified Fabricator
hamlet churchyard in the land...” nard, commanding the Second Vermont Brigade, broke up Pick- in Central Vermont
Vermont first celebrated Memorial Day in 1876. In New York ett’s charge. The New York Times wrote on the following day, “A We specialize in Karran Undermount Sinks in Laminate.
State, each town “must provide veterans an appropriate parade on Vermont Brigade held the key to the position at Gettysburg and Call us of Fax your infor to
Memorial Day.” did it more than any other body of men to gain the triumph which
Originally, May 30 was devoted to those who served in the Civil decided the fate of the rebellion.: 802-476-8100 for your free quote!
War. Memorial Day is now dedicated to those who served in all Those who have fought in our wars from the Revolution to Contractor & Apartment Owners Welcome!
Classic Countertops
wars. It is not a day of celebra- Vietnam took a risk for many
tion, but a day of mourning and reasons as given in a newspaper
“Those who will may raise monuments of marble to perpetu- editorial:
remembrance. ate the fame of heroes. Those who will may build memorial halls 900 Rt. 302, Suite , Barre, VT
Because the original purpose By taking such a risk, they 802-476-8100
to remind those who shall gather there in after times what man- helped make sure that towns...
of Memorial Day was to honor hood could do and dare for right, and what high examples of next to Rubber Bubbles
those who fought in the Civil of all sizes across the land,
virtue and valor have gone before them. But let us make our would have the freedom... to
War, it seems appropriate to offering to the ever-living soul. Let us build our benefactions in
write about Vermont’s contribu- decide how to observe Memo-
the ever-growing heart, that they shall live and rise and spread rial Day... Freedom of religion
tions to the war. Throughout the in blessing beyond our sight, beyond the ken of man and beyond
Civil War, Vermont “backed up and freedom of expression are
the touch of time.” important, but neither is real
with action its long-voiced sen- -- Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Memorial Day, 1884
timent about freedom.” unless you have the freedom
Gov. Erastus Fairbanks called
for a special session of the Vermont General Assembly on the day
to decide how you are going to
use them. The people we honor this week thought it was worth
The Vermont Moutaineers
a risk to keep this country in that kind of freedom. They took the
of President Lincoln’s proclamation of emergency, relating to the
impending fight between the states. In 1861, the Legislature re-
sponded by voting $1 million to the war effort.
When President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation,
risk and lost, and that is why we should honor them, because
we possess the freedom they risked everything to hand down
to us. And as we put the wreaths in place, let us think about
the Vermont General Assembly passed the following resolution:
Resolved that we cordially approve of the recent Emancipa-
whether we would be willing to undertake the same set of risks,
if it becomes necessary, to make sure that future generations in
tion Proclamation of the President of the United States, as just
in principle and wise in policy as a measure of the suppression
this country will have a similar freedom. SIGN-UP
of the rebellion. And that Vermont will cheerfully respond to This article originally appeared in The Bennington Banner.
any call for material and to assist in a vigorous prosecution of
the war until the authority of the general government is fully Senator Bill Doyle serves on the Senate Education Committee
established throughout the entire country. and Senate Economic Affairs Committee, and is the Senate Mi-
Thirty-four thousand Vermonters fought in the Civil War. They nority Leader. He teaches government history at Johnson State
were mostly volunteers. Vermont had a greater portion of men College. He can be reached at 186 Murray Road, Montpelier, VT
killed than any other Northern state. Vermont troops were the first 05602; fax 802-828-2424; e-mail; or visit
to attack the Southern fortifications. The efforts by Vermonters at
■ ■ ■

At the Montpelier Rec Field

Thursday, May
Wednesday, May2626atat6:00
Pizza and soda will be provided.
Questions? Call 223-5224
or e-mail
May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 13
together they ran the former Old Shoe Skiers Dormitory for ten her daughter, her sister Margaret, her brother, Fred, and his wife,
years. Busy and happy as a homemaker and raising her children, Marianne, and her mother, Annie. Her son fixed, repaired and built
she later went to work at the Union Bank in Stowe for several “things” on-call to make her life better. She was predeceased by
years before embarking on a 25 year career with the town of her parents, her husband, and her sister Ruth Olsen Hall and hus-
Stowe, first working in the town clerk’s office and then with the band Guy, of the Panama Canal Zone. She is survived by her son,
selectman’s office, from which she retired. Since 1999, Connie Steven, and wife, Jade, of McIndoe Falls; daughter, Sonja, and
CORLISS, SHIRLEY M., 87, of Pittsford, died was a member, served as a director and had been secretary for the husband, Georges Derrien, of Jackson Heights, N.Y.; her sister
May 14 at her home. She was born May 16, 1923 in past three years for the Stowe Historical Society. Her other mem- Margaret Bruce of Greenwich, Conn.; and brother, Frederick
Peacham, the daughter of Duncan F. and Blanche berships included the Stowe Tennis Club, the Stowe Country Club Olsen and wife, Marianne, of Greenwich, Conn. She is also sur-
(Bradley) McPhee. Shirley was a 1941 graduate of and worked as a volunteer for the Stowe Rotary Club. In her lei- vived by her four grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.
Spaulding High School in Barre. After graduation sure time she enjoyed tennis, gardening, golf, skiing both downhill
she waitressed at Barney Oaks at Lake Morey in the and cross-country, had a keen interest in local and state politics
summer and was a telephone operator in Montpelier and was active in the community of Stowe as a volunteer. Connie SHATNEY, ILA MAY, of Cabot, died February 15, 2011.
until she married Raymond Corliss on Oct. 26, 1946. She is sur- is lovingly remembered by her family for her deep affection for Graveside services and interment for Mrs. Shatney will be held
vived by her husband of 64 years, Ray of Pittsford; two daughters her children, her grandchildren (who affectionately called her Saturday, June 4, in Durant Cemetery in Lower Cabot at 10am.
Meredith Corliss of Pittsford and Lynne Miro and her husband “Muzzie”), and her vibrancy in all of the many aspects of life she
Raymond of Shaftsbury; a son Dean Corliss and his wife Laurie of was involved in. Connie is survived by her children, Barbara Fitch
Hooksett, N.H.; a daughter-in- law Linda Corliss of Pittsford; 13 AMEDY, FAY LOUISE, 74, of Upper Websterville, died
of Stowe, William T. Bull, Jr. and wife, Jennifer of San Diego,
grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by November 6, 2010. The committal service for Mrs. Amedy will be
Calif.; four grandchildren; two sisters, Margaret Keith and hus-
a son Frederick Corliss and a grandson Erron Russell. held Wednesday, May 25 at 1pm in the Vermont Veterans
band, David of Holyoke, Mass., and Frances Clark of Branford,
Memorial Cemetery in Randolph Center.
Conn.; a brother, James Clark of Holyoke, Mass.; as well as
ROSEBERY, PATIENCE “PATTY” EDNA nieces, nephews and extended family. She was predeceased by
GRAY, of Montpelier, passed away May 5 at three sisters, Barbara Zolin, Sally Clark and Nancy Moynihan. BEDELL, PHILIP H., 65, passed away May 1, as a
Central Vermont Hospital, with her family and friend result of a motorcycle accident. Phil was born Dec. 4, 1945, in
Desiree Gadsden by her side, after a courageous CARR, JOYCE TUCKER, 81, of Cherry Hill, N.J., died May Websterville, to the late Clyde E. Bedell Sr. and Ila Mae (Legier)
battle with cancer. Daughter of Marion (Simpson) 14. She was the loving wife of William M. Carr Sr.; beloved Bedell. He attended Williamstown High School, graduating in
and Russell Gray, Patience was born Sept. 5, 1937, mother of William M. Jr. (Patty), of Maple Shade, N.J., Deborah 1963. He served four years in the Air Force and worked 36 years
in St. Johnsbury. At the age of three, she and her C. (Richard) Pappas, of Richland, Wash., and Anne C. (John) for Pizzagalli Construction as the warehouse manager. Phil was an
family moved to East Charleston. Following the war, they settled Picking, of Haddonfield, N.J.; devoted grandmother of nine. She avid NASCAR fan, enjoyed riding motorcycles, watching tennis
on a dairy farm in Kirby. At a young age Patty assumed the respon- was predeceased by her granddaughter Monica Picking, her and playing golf, and loved to play cards. Phil is survived by his
sibility of milkmaid and other farm chores. In 4-H, she won many brother Clyde Tucker and Lorraine Burns. Joyce was a 1947 twin sister, Phyllis Holmes, of Kenansville, N.C.; sister, Eva
red ribbons showing her calves. Patty attended a one-room school graduate of Spaulding High School where she grew up, still sum- Covey, of Crystal Rivers, Fla.; brothers, Francis Bedell, of
house in Lyndon and was a good athlete. Graduating from high mered at Limehurst Lake Campground and enjoyed many friend- Marietta, Ga., Clyde Bedell Jr., of Apex, N.C., and Michael
school with honors, Patty went on to Mary Hitchcock School of ships. She was a longtime member of the First Baptist Church of Bedell, of Northfield; 13 nieces and nephews; and all the co-
Nursing in Hanover, NH. It was here she met her future husband, Haddonfield, N.J. She sang in the choir, was a member of the workers with Pizzagalli Construction Co.
Frank Rosebery, and they were married shortly after graduation. Women’s Union, served on numerous boards and committees and
Patty began her nursing career in a trauma unit in Manhattan. Then was a member of the Baptist Home Auxiliary in Riverton, N.J.
she and Frank spent several years in Mexico City and Acapulco BOTELHO, DEBRA, 43, of Chelsea, died May 11 at her home,
Joyce also served as a driver for Interfaith Caregivers. Joyce was from heart complications. She was born Oct. 21, 1967, in Derby,
where Patty worked in clinics and Frank worked as a newspaper a member of the Daughters of the Founders and Patriots of
journalist. Following their divorce in 1969, Patty worked in a Conn., the daughter of Daniel and Hermine (Landgraf) Botelho.
America. Additionally, she loved traveling with her husband, Debra graduated from high school and then earned an associate
trauma unit in Los Angeles. In the early 70s, Patty returned to New attending Norwich homecomings and watching the cadets march
York City and became a head nurse and supervisor of the intensive degree in college. She had many hobbies including blacksmithing,
in the Northfield Labor Day Parade. She had worked for Green which she demonstrated on Antique Hill at the Tunbridge World’s
care unit of North Shore Hospital in Manhasset, NY. Next she Mountain Power Co. and as a legal secretary for many years.
worked at Long Island College Hospital in Brooklyn as assistant Fair for many years. In 1988, she met her future husband, Peter R.
head nurse in the cardiac care unit until she retired. Patty thor- Zscack, and they lived in Strafford. They were married Feb. 12,
oughly enjoyed the arts in NYC, attending the theater, ballet, CENCI, A. ARTHUR, 98, of Allenwood 2008. Peter died just 10 days later on Feb. 22 after a long battle
opera, and museums. She had a love for animals, especially cats. in South Burlington, passed away May 11 at his with cancer. She is survived by two daughters, Katerine Botelho
Family ties were important to Patty, and brought her to Vermont home, after a period of declining health. His family and Cyla Botelho, and two sons, Daniel Pope and Mateus Zscack,
for holiday celebrations. Upon retirement, she moved back to had been at his bedside. Born Aug. 13, 1912, in all of Chelsea; and a sister, Diana Botelho. She is also survived by
Vermont and resided in Montpelier, where she cared for her Barre, he was the son of Anacleto and Carmela a very special friend, Russell Hotchkiss, of Chelsea.
mother in her final years. Always a leader, it was natural for Patty (Coletti) Cenci. He graduated from Spaulding High
to become president of the condominium association. She assumed School in 1929, where he was a member of the track team. Arthur
responsibility for upgrades needed throughout the complex and ELMER, HERBERT E. III, 69, of Concord, N.H., died unex-
then attended Ohio State University, practicing and enjoying time pectedly May 11 at Concord Hospital. Herb’s family was by his
took on the role of beautifying the grounds, creating lovely gar- with his track teammate, Olympian Jesse Owens, known then as
dens throughout. Patty had an engaging social life with her many side. He was born in Barre, the son of Herbert Jr. and Claire
the “Buckeye Bullet.” In 1937, Arthur graduated from Syracuse (Benoit) Elmer of Pleasant Street. Herb graduated from Marian
friends. She always had Thanksgiving at her home so that none of University, having majored in fine arts. Also in 1937, Arthur mar-
her friends would lack a place to go for the holidays. A lively High School, class of 1960, and was a graduate of Massachusetts
ried Emily Marie Potter in Albany, N.Y., and later that year they College of Pharmacy, known as MCP, with a bachelor’s of phar-
bridge partner, Patty played weekly. In Vermont, her interest in the moved to Barre, where they resided for many years. In 1972, they
arts continued with trips to Montreal, NYC, Boston, and Saratoga. macy in 1969. Herb and his wife, Sandy, owned several busi-
moved to South Burlington to be closer to their son and daughter- nesses in Littleton, N.H., from 1972 to 1991. He served on the
Patty was classy, dressing for occasions with furs and jewelry. In in-law, Eugene and Ann Cenci, and their family. Marie prede-
recent years Patty traveled to China, North Africa, the Greek Isles, Littleton Planning Board and was a respected citizen in the Great
ceased Arthur on July 8, 2007. Arthur joined his father, Anacleto, North Woods. He enjoyed photography, automobiles, being out-
Italy, and Northern Europe, and enjoyed a scenic train trip across at the Peerless Granite Co., and later partnered with the late Paul
Canada to California. Patty was intelligent and well read, kind yet doors, music and raising his children. He loved his family and
Mammolo and Aldo Fontana. Arthur was also one of the principals friends dearly and will be missed by all who knew him. He was
strong, compassionate, and always ready to give someone a help- at Consolidated Memorials and will be remembered as being the
ing hand. Socially and community minded, she was generous in predeceased by his father, Herbert E. Elmer Jr. He is survived by
last of the best and most successful generations of Barre granite his mother, Claire, of Graniteville; his loving wife and best friend,
her support of charities. She is predeceased by her parents. manufacturers when granite was king. He enjoyed most sports, his
Survivors are her brother, Arthur Gray and wife Donna of Sandy (Boutin) Elmer, of Concord; a sister, Sandy Compo, of
hole-in-one at the Stowe Country Club in 1975, shuffleboarding Williamstown; three sons, Kevin, Ken and Martin; three grand-
Montpelier; Her nephew, Mathew Gray & wife Kat & niece while wintering in Florida, and the trotters at Saratoga. Although
Megan of Woodstock. Her nephew, Erik Gray & wife Tricia of children; nieces and nephews.
a mild-mannered gentleman, the craps table was known to bring
Burlington. her stepmother Gloria Gray of St. Johnsbury; her sis- out a hearty bellow of “Baby needs a new pair of shoes!” from
ter, Rachel Demers and husband Guy of St. Johnsbury. Her sister, Nonno. At the age of 92, he schooled a group of men at his KENNEDY, RUTH, 69, a longtime resident of Chelsea, passed
Judy Allard and husband David of Lyndonville. Sylvia LaCourse grandson-in-law’s bachelor party about the finer art of bocce, as he away at her home on May 16. She was born in Springfield, Mass.,
& husband Gilman of St. Johnsbury, Marjorie Carter of W. Burke. was a skilled player. During World War II, he belonged to the on Feb. 14, 1942. Ruth was a member of the Barre United
Keith & Kyle Gray of St. Johnsbury. Leslie Degreeier of St. Vermont State Guard. Survivors include his son and daughter-in- Pentecostal Church for 28 years of which she loved dearly. After
Johnsbury. Her niece, Desire Rice & husband Joshua of St. law, Eugene and Ann Cenci, of Burlington; two grandchildren, battling illnesses over the last few years, she now rests in the arms
Johnsbury. Goddaughter, Tana Young of Torrance, Calif. two great-granddaughters; and numerous nieces and nephews. of her Lord, Jesus Christ. She is survived by her husband, Paul
Besides his parents, Arthur was predeceased by his brother, Dr. Kennedy, of Chelsea; four children, Melody Fenwick and hus-
Noel Cenci, and his sisters, Elia Rogers, Nerina Rousse and Linda band, Kevin, of Littleton, N.H., Tammy Griggs and husband,
BULL, CONSTANCE “CONNIE” CLARK, 76, a Cassani. Steve, of Barre, Kelli Descoteaux and husband, Gary, of
longtime resident of Stowe, passed away at Fletcher
Williamstown, and Robert Kennedy, of Chelsea; eight grandchil-
Allen Health Care following a brief illness. Born in
dren and five great-grandchildren. She is also survived by three
Holyoke, Mass. on Sept. 17, 1934, she was the ERHARD, ALICE VIOLA OLSEN, 93, of Greenwich, Conn., brothers and a sister in Florida.
daughter of the late Francis Raymond Clark and passed away at home on May 9. Born on Feb. 12, 1918, as a first
Agnes (Draghi) Clark. On April 8, 1961, she married generation American on the family farm in Berlin, to Swede Annie
William Tillinghast Bull in Stowe. Mr. Bull passed Carlotta (née Gustafsson) and Norwegian Jorgen Olsen. She was O’BRIEN, LOUISE L., 70, of Waterbury, passed
away on March 29, 1994. Connie was a 1952 graduate of Holyoke educated in Montpelier public schools, graduating from Montpelier away in the comfort of her home and family on May
(MA) High School and then worked as a secretary for the High School in 1936. Alice moved to New York City, worked for 17. Born in Plainfield on June 2, 1940, she was the
Monsanto Corporation for several years. Moving to Vermont in the YWCA and met Swedish immigrant Josef Erhard (né Svensson) daughter of the late Irman and Goldie Hill. On Oct.
1957, Connie settled in Stowe where she met her husband Bill and at a dance. They married Aug. 31, 1940, at Christ Episcopal 22, 1966, she married Harry F. O’Brien in Waterbury.
Church, Montpelier and started life together in New York City. Louise was a 1958 graduate of Spaulding High
Josef, a builder, crafted a home for them and their children in Port School and then worked as a legal secretary for sev-
Chester, N.Y., where they lived from 1946 to 1985, when they eral law firms in the Barre-Montpelier area. She later worked as a

Northeast Granite Company

moved to Greenwich. She and her family traveled often to secretary for National Life Insurance Co. in Montpelier before
Vermont, and purchased and rehabilitated a cottage on Lake embarking on a 33-year career with the state of Vermont in
Groton in 1976. They were fortunate to have family close by in Waterbury, retiring in 2006 as a financial technician for the
both locations. The Erhards were blessed with two children, Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living. Her
Steven Josef and Sonja Alice. Later, Alice was a proud grand- memberships included St. Andrew Catholic Church, the Catholic
2 Granite Street, Montpelier, VT 05602 mother of four. Her happy life was filled with family, berry-pick- Daughters of the Americas - Court St. Theresa and the Vermont
800-950-3066 • 802-223-3502 ing and jam making, home parties, trips to Sweden, fishing, read- Retired State Employees Association. In her leisure time she
ing, needlepoint, traveling, and vacations and summers in Vermont. enjoyed playing bingo, reading, and an occasional trip to the
She actively supported St. Peter’s Episcopal Church and the VASA casino. Louise is lovingly remembered by her family for the love,
Swedish Order. Alice was the bookkeeper for Erhard & Olsen, the devotion and caring for her husband, children and, most particu-
building firm of her husband and brother. She provided secretarial larly, her grandchildren and great-grandchild. Louise is survived
services for the guidance office at Port Chester High School for by her husband of 44 years, Harry F. O’Brien, of Waterbury; their
years. Alice enjoyed many years in close, loving community with children, Karen O’Brien Abair and companion, Andy Wass, of
Middlesex, Kevin O’Brien and wife, Holly, of Waterbury, and
Kenneth O’Brien and wife, Jennifer, of Hudson, Mass.; seven
grandchildren; one great-granddaughter; a brother, Delbert Hill,
“We thought of you today, but and wife, Julie, of Hyde Park; two brothers-in-law, Charles
that is nothing new. We thought O’Brien and wife, Georgia, of Moretown, and William O’Brien
about you yesterday, and days and wife, Lorraine, of Essex Junction; a sister-in-law, Kathleen
before that too. We think of you in Lumbra, of Waterbury Center; as well as nieces, nephews and
extended family.
silence and often speak your
name. All we have are the
memories and a picture in a frame. BEATTIE, ZAMA, 85, died March 25, 2011. Committal services
Helping Families Create Memorials Your memory is a keepsake, from for Mrs. Beattie will be held Wednesday, May 25, at 10am at the
which we’ll never part. God has Calvary Cemetery in Northfield.
For Loved Ones
you in his arms and we have you
Made Locally In Montpelier, Vermont Roger Johns in our hearts.” JOHN, NORMAN EARL, 66, died February 2, 2011. Graveside
Stop By & See Our Outside Display 11-29-21 - 05-25-09 We miss you. Your loving family. services with military honors for Mr. John will be held at 10am
Thursday, May 26, at the Brookfield Village Cemetery.
page 14 The WORLD May 25, 2011
New YouTube Videos Help 2-Second Health Check: Stand Up. Can You See Your Feet?
Parents Talk With Their Kids BY MICHAEL ROIZEN, M.D., AND MEHMET OZ, M.D.

about Alcohol W ant to nab a sneaky health thief that's fast

becoming Public Enemy No. 1? Grab a tape
measure, lock the bathroom door, get naked . . . and
But if it's there, you don't have to morph into
Richard Simmons (or wear sparkly exercise outfits!)
to shrink it. Dropping just 3 percent to 5 percent of
Four new YouTube videos that show-and-tell parents how to take an honest, your-eyes-only gander at your mid- your body weight (about five to nine pounds if you
talk to their kids about alcohol are now ready for viewing. dle (without sucking that tummy pooch in!). If your weigh 180) could shrink ab fat by 20 percent and
Go to or the Health Department’s waist's more than 35 inches around for women, 40 liver fat by 40 percent! All it takes to do that ...
Facebook page at or YouTube for men, it's time to get real about the fat you keep
channel at pretending is a "no big deal" muffin top or beer belly. Just make a diet YOU-Turn. Rein in super-sized portions and
We're talking abdominal fat, aka ab fat. Those breezy summer banish two foods that make ab fat expand: refined grains (anything
The videos – “Talking with Your Middleschooler About catalogs clogging your mailbox may offer loads of high-fashion made with white flour, from pastries to regular pasta) and trans fats
Alcohol,” “Talking with Your Teen about Alcohol,” “Warning camouflage for a big belly, from XL T-shirts to floaty linen tunics (aka partially hydrogenated fats). Either or both are found in many,
Signs of Underage Drinking,” and “Underage Drinking: Risks for and Miraclesuits. But you're probably aware that "out of sight, out many baked goods and other processed foods. Trans fats are par-
Parents” – were created as part of the Health Department’s of mind" is a risky way to deal with a spare tire. ticularly gruesome: They not only add belly fat, they also coax fat
ParentUp! campaign. We YOU Docs have been warning about ab fat for more than a from other body zones to pack up and move there.
Nearly 20 percent of children try alcohol before the age of 13, decade (find out more in our new book, "YOU: Losing Weight"). Switch to whole grains and good fats. Simply eating three serv-
and young people who drink before age 14 are seven times more But the latest data knocked even our tube socks off. ings a day of whole grains (oatmeal, two slices of 100 percent
likely to develop an addiction to alcohol. 1. Ab fat is lethal. That spare tire is as deadly as a pack-a-day whole-wheat bread) could slash belly fat by 10 percent IF you limit
smoking habit or sky-high blood pressure. Ab fat dumps fatty acids refined grains to one serving (aim for none; we do). Then use olive
“The earlier you talk about alcohol with your child, the better,” and chemicals into your bloodstream that boost dangerous, body- and canola oils instead of butter; munch a few nuts instead of chips;
said Breena Holmes, MD, maternal and child health director for wide inflammation. If you're among the 28.3 million North add sliced avocado to sandwiches instead of mayo or cheese. These
the Vermont Department of Health, who appears in the videos. Americans with heart disease, even a modest tummy pooch doubles delicious monounsaturated fats encourage your body to move fat
“Our overall message to parents is: we know it can be a difficult your odds for an early death. away from your belly. Nice trick!
discussion to initiate, but you can and should do it.” 2. Ab fat infiltrates your liver and squeezes your heart. If you saw Overindulge in blueberries and green tea. These super-low-cal
Starring in the videos are experts and coalition leaders from Mehmet on that unforgettable episode of "The Oprah Winfrey treats are rich in plant compounds that turn up your body's immune
around the state: Margo Austin of Connecting Youth (Chittenden Show" a few years back where he dangled thick, swollen sheets of defenses and may help burn off more ab fat.
South); Tina Coltey, Rutland Area Prevention Coalition; Chief omentum -- the curtain of abdominal fat that stretches from your Walk for 30 minutes today. Repeat tomorrow. No need to train for
stomach to your pelvis and that should be lacy and thin -- you know the New York Marathon. Moderate, consistent exercise blasts ab fat.
Robert Edwards, Dover Police Dept.; Chessy Kelley, Addison how ugly this stuff can get. Fat that accumulates in our omentum Got kids in your life? Take them with you. More and more children
County Prevention Partnership; Mike Reiderer, Boys & Girls Club oozes out to threaten your organs. One in nine adults now has a fatty and teens have bulging bellies, and active fun slims their middles.
of Greater Vergennes; Annie Ramniceanu, Spectrum Youth & liver, which is a gilt-edged invitation to diabetes, heart disease and Always on the go? Pack your own road food. A steady diet of fast
Family Services; and Mariah Sanderson, Partnership for a Healthy serious liver trouble. food can increase your ab fat by 41 percent in just one month! Invest
Community. 3. Ab fat is bad for bones, joints, brains, breasts and prostates. It in a small cooler and load it with fat-fighting goodies. Then wave
ParentUp! supports 29 Vermont community coalitions and is weakens your skeleton, increases arthritis risk and pain, raises your good-bye to those oversized shirts and elastic-waist pants.
funded by the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services odds for dementia by 80 percent, increases at least one kind of ***
Administration of the U.S. Department of Justice. breast cancer and likely prostate cancer, too. Oh yeah, and it makes The YOU Docs, Mehmet Oz and Mike Roizen, are authors of "YOU:
Visit the Health Department at, follow them migraines more likely. On a Diet." Want more? See "The Dr. Oz Show" on TV (check local
4. Ab fat is dangerous even if the rest of you is slim. Up to 45 listings). To submit questions, go to
on Twitter or join them on Facebook for health information and percent of skinny women and 60 percent of thin men have some. It (c) 2011 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D.
alerts. takes a tape measure, not a bathroom scale, to find this nasty stuff. Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
n n n

Lose up to Whoever said being Weekly Is Sleeping

for 7-27 with Your Baby a Good Idea?
a parent is easy?
Health Tip ParentsEmergency
Have have recently been wide-awake with

in 30 Days
For help call
Circle offor
5-25 TM
questions about whether or not it’s ok for them
for 8-3
to fall asleep with their baby next to them in
bed. Well, let me try to blanket their concerns
ASK ME HOW! Even 10 Minutes and provide some information on this topic.
1-800-244-5373 Whetherforor8-10
not to bed-share with your baby
802-522-7833 for 6-1 remains a controversial issue. On one hand,
Veggies and the thereTravel Safely
are studies that suggest a baby who sleeps
with herfor 8-17
mother in the same bed becomes a more secure and con-
for 6-8 by Edward Ferrari Jr., R.Ph.

fident child and is more likely to sleep through the night. There is
Even 10 Minutes Of Fiber
also and benefit
the added Type of 2 having the baby right there to breast-
Prevent Diabetes Exercise Helps feed.
to for 6-15 Researchers found that when seden-
But there have also been reports that suggest there is an
increased risk of babies being accidentally suffocated while bed-

Mayo Healthcare
tary, overweight or obese women
Nursing Germs and started exercising, even just ten
sharing by being wedged between the mattress and wall or bed
frame, or rolled onto by a sleeping parent who doesn’t realize this
Home for 6-22 minutes a day, they improved their
has happened. In addition, there is new data indicating an
I had always known that joining a
cardiovascular fitness. The study
increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is associated
Quality The Nursing Home Ultraviolet
Quality AwardRays measured the women's peak oxygen
with bed-sharing, especially if the mother is a smoker.
has been presented to 6-29 gym was going to be essential to
consumption at the start and then
So what do I recommend? I personally do not recommend bed-
Award six months later. Even those in the
sharing at all, but instead suggest baby co-sleeping nearby in a
Mayo Healthcare,Volunteering–
Inc. my weight loss, but had been too
lightest exercise group improved;
crib, bassinette or sidecar cradle attached next to the bed. If despite
for outstanding nursingforhomes
they increased their oxygen con-
scared for fear of failure and
sumption by 4.2%. The heavier the concerns I have raised families still want to bring their baby
May 2011 which have met high standards
Fruits and of exercise groups showed greater into bed to sleep with them, it is important that parents not be
quality of care for Vermont’s doing it alone. When I joined
improvement. The intensity of the under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Use sheets that fit tightly
on the mattress and do not use loose pillows or soft blankets that
for 7-13
nursing home residents exercise was equal to walking at

by the State of Vermont Agency

Ladies Workout Express in 2008,
about two to three miles per hour. can cover the baby’s face. Waterbeds are not recommended since
Recognizing This study proved that for the sed- baby’s face can sink down and he or she will not be able to raise
of Human Services Department
for 7-20of the staff was friendly, supportive
entary, any activity is good, and it up since they lack the necessary head control.
Hopefully tips like this will uncover a better understanding of
more is better!
Disabilities, Aging
TIAs–AandWarning and I felt comfortable there.the possible risks of having your baby co-sleep with you in bed.
Independent Living
When I startedHospital personal training
Lewis First, M.D., is chief of Pediatrics at Vermont Children’s
at Fletcher Allen Health Care and chair of the Department
MAYO HEALTHCARE, INC. with Marcy, sheofYouPediatrics
taught me
at thetoUniversity of Vermont College of Medicine.
can also catch “First with Kids” weekly on WOKO 98.9FM
20 South Main Street
Barrepush myself and
• 479-3381 and IWPTZ
began seeing
Channel 5, or visit the First with Kids video archives
M-F 8:30am-6pm, Sat. 8:30am-1pm at
results fast. Marcy taught me
what I needed to be successful
Ready to lose weight? and has helped me to maintain
my weight loss. Since joining

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page 16 The WORLD May 25, 2011

Fractals of Change By Tom Evslin
Stowe Electric Brings Fiber FREE INSTALLATION!*
to the Mountain
T he Nose on top of Mt. the mountain and as the data speeds offered get
Mansfield bristles with faster and faster, a bigger and bigger data path
communication towers to the mountain for backhaul (wholesale broad-
(don’t worry; it’s still beauti- band) will be required. The fiber Stowe Electric
ful). Television stations reach is wisely including in their project will meet
much of the state from its highest mountain. this need. Municipally-owned Stowe Electric is Plus,
Emergency services depend on transmission fa- serving its customers and owners in three ways Receive A
cilities there. Keeping reliable power flowing to with this project: the mountain top transmitters
this subarctic (really) environment is difficult but of all varieties will get the reliable power they
vital. So it shouldn’t be any surprise that Stowe need; businesses and residences in Stowe will
Electric, our local municipal utility, is upgrading have another very competitive broadband option; TAX CREDIT
an existing line, which lies on the ground, and and the extra revenue from both the power sales including stove,
putting it in a low-impact trench. and backhaul will help keep Stowe electric rates chimney &
But, as a newly elected Board member of the down. Although the environmental impact of this installation
utility, I was overjoyed to learn that Stowe Elec- project is de minimus, it still makes sense to use
tric is also planning on putting fiber in the trench. the same small trench to meet both power and
In fact fiber has been part of the plan from the be- data needs.
ginning several years ago. The demand for data Good planning by Stowe Electric.
transport to the top of the mountain is increasing Stowe resident Tom Evslin was recently Ver- •2.3 cubic foot firebox;
rapidly and will probably skyrocket. mont’s Chief Technology Officer. His blog is at side loading door •Single
air-intake lever/stove
With digital broadcasting and high def TV, the control •Unmatched fire
over-the-air stations need much viewing •Non-catalytic
more bandwidth than they did

combustion system
before. Each now has four chan- •Open & close ash grate

nels available where they just & removable ash drawer
had one before. Emergency ser-
vices transmit from the antenna Heritage Woodstove
farm. Size: 55,000 BTUs Heats up to: 1,900sq.ft.
EPA rating: 2.7 grams per hour
Even more interesting for the Max. Log Length: 21”
future of broadband in Vermont, * Orthopedic/sports Stone Finish: Polished Grey Soapstone
* Orthopedic/sports injuries
Wireless ISP (WISP) GlobalNet
has started providing high speed
injuries Casting Finish: Cast iron available in
Matte Black & Blue/Black; Black, Brown
Majolica, & Seafoam Majolica enamels
* Internet access by radio from
Chronic pain
an antenna they have placed on
* Chronic pain Model: #8021

an existing tower on top of the * Stress relief,

*To existing chimney or SS liner job. Receive 1/2 price on complete chimney installation.
Stress relief, anxiety, insomnia
mountain. They have packages

Chimney Sweep II
which range from 29.95/month anxiety, insomnia Installed before June 30, 2011.
Twin City Plaza
* for 1.5 megabits per second to
Menstrual, menopausal issues
$44.95 for 7 meg; I’m using the
* Menstrual, 1284 US Rt. 302, Barre, VT 05641
476-4905 • 1-800-677-4905
latter and so far it is performing menopausal issues Peter L’Esperance

* General health and well being

as advertised. They able to offer
access at least as far as Stowe to * General health and Sharon McIlwaine
any structure which can see the Sharon McIlwaine
Nose and say they will extend
well being T H A N K Y O U F O R S AY I N G
Experience the nurturing support of Breathing Light
the service with relays from Experience the 7 Main Street I S AW I T I N W O R L D
those with a good line of sight Breathing Light
to those whose view is blocked. nurturing support of Montpelier, VT 05602
natural healthcare with an
As GlobalNet adds custom-
7 Main
natural healthcare with an 802-229-2290 Street
ers and possible competitors experienced practitioner.Montpelier, Vt 05602
experienced practitioner.
also provide broadband from

new england
JULY 31 to AUGUST 6, 2011


� Come impact low-income families in and
around MontPelier Vermont in one major
week of missions
� Provide an impacting growth / discipling
experience for youth
� Register for this first time ever "World
Changers" style mission week
� Projects will all be home renovation style,
like: painting, roofing, porch & step repair,
handicap ramps etc.
� Individual Crews will be comprised from
multiple student groups and adult leaders
� Adult Crew Chiefs can register separately &
are skilled in construction or remodeling-
they lead the individual home project crew
� Housing in local school
� Meals, T-shirts, supplemental insurance
and preparation materials included


Please Contact: Rev. Rick Kesterson at Resurrection Baptist Church
802-223-6538 or
May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 17
Princess Party
Come dressed as a
Bake Shop
princess, have a royal snack,
get a royal manicure &
meet a princess!
Sunday, May 29
at the Canadian Club Homemade Goodness
$5.00 per child
RSVP: Rachel Done Right!
(802) 479-5963 1-802-505-8434
Our family is taking part in the American
Cancer Society Relay for Life in Montpelier on
June 24 & 25. We are hosting a Princess Party as
part of our fundraising efforts. ALL proceeds from
this event go to the American Cancer Society.

Sincere Happy 80th Birthday

May 25, 1931
to family & Raymond Papineau
friends who helped
to make my
The Moretown Historical Society presented a research project on one of the town’s early settlers. Frank Callahan Sr., and his
75th Birthday family and descendents including longtime Postmaster Mary Callahan, now in her 90s. The family, called “First Family Under
Celebration The Hump,” due to the location of their farm near Camel’s Hump, went on to prominence along with the Morse family, in the
Duxbury, Moretown and Waterbury (Crossett Brook) areas. In the photo above are Sen. Bill Doyle, Bill Morse (Historical Soci-
on May 1st ety), Denise Gabaree (Historical Society), Mark Morse (Historical Society), and Skip Flanders (Historical Society). The meeting
so special. was held in the Town Meeting Hall on Rt. 100 in Moretown.
Thank you. Send Birthday Wishes To:

5 Bolster Ave. • In the early 20th century, a
-Cora Barre, VT 05641 wealthy Russian living in
Odessa died but had no chil-
dren to inherit his estate.

h A nn
Instead, he left his 4-million
Know-How ruble fortune to his four nieces.

Happy 65
This may not seem unusual, but
More on the he did include an odd provision
New Spring in his will: Each of the girls had
Fashion Trends! to serve for one year as a farm
The Boyfriend girl, a washerwoman or a
blazer is a hot new chambermaid before she saw
May 25, 2011 trend for Spring - any of the money. They did as
Why do they call
the will instructed, and during
Ernest & Jeannette it the boyfriend
blazer? Well, it’s long than your that year of service each
Lavigne Jr. traditional femme blazer would received hundreds of proposals
be. Also, the style is not as tai-
lored as a femme blazer would of marriage.
Family & Friends be, so it appears more masculine • On May 30, 1806,
looking. Still very handsome and Revolutionary War veteran and
Send wishes & great to throw on with jeans or
your favorite skirt. The boyfriend future President Andrew
stories to: blazer can be found in either a Jackson kills Charles Dickinson
220 Miller Road
long sleeve or a 3/4 sleeve. If you in a duel. Dickinson, killed at
don’t like the 3/4 sleeve you can
short range, had printed libel-
Barre, VT 05641 take the long sleeve, and if it’s
too warm out roll up the sleeve ous comments about Jackson.
Sayers-Ballard Over his lifetime, Jackson was
for a shorter arm length - get two
sleeves in one. in 13 duels. Only the Dickinson
Tune into WDEV (550AM)
Saturday mornings at 7:50AM for Lillian (Terri) Green and the late Delbert Green of Barre duel was fatal.
Fashion Know-How on air! announce the engagement of their daughter, Nicole Sayers, to Thought for the Day:
Fashion Know-How is written by Duffy Ballard, son of Isabel (Happy) Ballard and the late Wendell “All the world’s a stage, and
Alyson Lincoln McHugh, owner of Ballard. most of us are desperately
No. 9 Boutique in Barre and Montpelier Nicole and Duffy have been lifelong friends since childhood, unrehearsed.”
and will now become husband and wife on July 9, 2011. -- Sean O’Casey

ARIES (March 21 to April 19)

Happy Birthday! Don’t forget... 11-22 Ruth Although

Pearce, 62, you would prefer to
Chelsea move forward at a steady pace,

Happy Anniversary
6-3 L’il Joey, Wby, 32 11-18 Stephen it might
Wilson,be 22,a good idea to stop
FROM 6-5 Rob Salvas, 49, Barre
6-5 Michael Gonet, 47,
Waterbury and reassess your plans. You
11-19 Henry K., 7, E.
BARRE-MONTPELIER RD. Charleston, NH Montpelier could find a good reason to
6-6 a change
Heather Holmes, at 43,this time.11-23 Jason Lowe, 22,
18, No.20 to May 20)Neil,Just
22 when you thought you had
Flowers By Emslie & Co. and The WORLD Price Chopper (Berlin, VT) and The WORLD would like to help you wish someone special a 6-8 Dakota McLeon, Hyde 11-28
would like to help you wish a special Happy
Don’tBirthday. Just send their name, address & birthdate. We’ll publish the names in this
forget... everything
Park planned to the smallest detail, you get some news that
couple a Happy Anniversary. Just send space each week. Plus, we’ll draw one (1) winner each week for a FREE BIRTHDAY CAKE
from Price Chopper (Berlin, VT). No obligation, nothing to buy. Just send birthday names two could unsettle things. But a12-3 timely
Peter explanation
Lefcourt, 38, Barrehelps put it all back
their name, address & wedding anniversary (2) weeks prior to birthdate, to The WORLD, c/o BIRTHDAY CAKE, 403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin, on
7-7 track.
Marti Elliott, Barre
7-9 Dylan McLeon, 19, No.
12-3 DOT! 58, Calais
12-7 Armour Moodie, 57,
date. We’ll publish the names in this space each week. Plus, we’ll draw one (1) 6-18VT
Jim & Marti Elliott,
Barre, 05641. Please address & phone number for prize notification. GEMINI
Hyde Park (May 21 to June 20) Home and work continue to compete
winner each week for a Gift Certificate from Flowers By Emslie & Co. in Barre. MAY 15 MAY 27 for your
7-11 Joslynattention.
Richardson, But 23, you12-8handle
Thelma it Forkey,
well by giving each its proper
No obligation, nothing to buy. Just send anniversary names two (2) weeks Waterbury, VT 12-16 Lonny McLeon, 45,
prior to anniversary date, to The WORLD, c/o HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, 403
8-18 Barton,
Shawn &Woodbury
Laura Kasulka, 10 yrs.,Candy McLeon, Hardwick due. Someone
7-16 Belle D. Gonet, 6, you trust offers valuable
Hardwick advice. Listen to it.
U.S.Rt. 302 - Berlin, Barre, VT 05641. Please provide your name, address &
MAY 22 East Montpelier CANCER
Chelsea (June 21 to July 22) Unsettling news creates a difficult
Kooper Raper, 2, Barre 7-18 Mike Jacques, So. Barre
but Nicole
not impossible
1-4 Betsy Cody, Barre
Hodgdon, 32,situation. 1-10Continue to follow 92, your planned rou-
phone number for prize notification. Nick Alden, 26, Randolph
8-19 24
Adam & Becca Lefcourt, 5 years, 7-18 Madeline Greninger,
MAY tine, but keep your mind open
Jericho to a possible change down the line.
Please Send Us Your Anniversaries DorothyAshburnham,
Elliott, BarreMA MAY 28 1-10 Curt McLeon, 44, Barre
MAY 25 LEO (July 23 to August 22)
7-21 Todd Hodgdon, 40,
1-14Lick your wounded 20, pride if you like,
and Be Automatically Registered to 9-11 John & Kathy Gonet, 17 years, Samantha McLeon, 18, Hartford,
Amy Fordham-Duff, 41,
but Jen
7-22 it’sRoberts,
a better33,idea to findHardwick
Brandon McLeon,
out why your suggestions were reject-
Win A Gift Certificate Chelsea
Williamstown CT ed. What CT
Middletown, you learn could 1-15 helpPeggy
youZurla,deal48,with an upcoming situa-
Edith McAfee,
2-8 Bob & ConnieMontpelier
Spaulding, 43 yrs., East Raymond Papineau, 80, Barre
tion.Fran Houghton,
7-24 Puerto Rico
1-15 Shawn Kasulka, East
MAY 22 MAY 30 Emileigh Fisk, 1, Cabot
7-28 (August
Lew Perry, 23 to September
Lyndonville Montpelier 22) Feeling a bit listless? No
Mark & Sylvia Jarvis, Michael & Vicki Woodard, MAY 26 MAY 30 wonder. You
8-2 Graham, East Mplr.
might be pushing
1-19 Kevn too
(no “I”)
Sare, to finish everything on
30, Berlin

25 yrs, Barre 2 yrs, Websterville 2-16 Rob

Elaine & Sandy
Hoadley, 75,Salvas,
Waterbury21 yrs, Barre your
8-2 Graceto-do list. 5,Cutting
Hodgdon, Jericho it down could
1-31 Wayne help64,
Michaud, get your energy levels
Katrina Favreau, 8, Barre up.Andy Fournier, Glover
Courtney Tatro, 2, Middlesex 8-2 Bristol
MAY 25 MAY 31 3-24 Gary & Carole Hass, 28 yrs, E.Montpelier
LIBRA (September 23 to October
2-1 Nancy22) TakingBarretime out of your busy
Bailee Hudson, 14, Plainfield Jessica Farnham, 18, Barre 8-8 Gary
Gary & Germaine Morse, Leonard & Elsie Giroux, 8-9 Bob Evans, 57, Gulfport,
schedule might be the best 2-6 way
to handle 69 that sensitive private
15 yrs,Don’t forget to ThisMichaud,
5-13 Ellen & Wayne Week’s Cake Winner:
39 yrs, MS Bob Edwards,
43 yrs, Roxbury East Montpelier On May 25, Ashley Gant of East Montpelier
Bristol matter.
8-15 Dolly It will help
Fournier, Gloverreassure 2-8everyone
Warren Lanigan involved about your priori-
change this date ties.
8-16 CHARLOTTE EDWARDS, 2-13 Sandy Salvas, Barre
5-18 Bob & Becky Hall,will be 16 years old! BARRE TOWN 2-14 Laura Rappold, East
the Thursday 53 yrs, SCORPIO
8-20 (October
Rachel Salvas, 17, Barre 23 to Montpelier
November 21) Insist on full disclosure
Greensboro by all parties before agreeing2-19to be part of a42,“great deal.” What you
On May 27, Jacques & Carolyn Couture Please Bend
call Price Chopper (Berlin, VT) at 479-9078 and ask for
East Barre Wendy Perry (Bakery Mgr.) or Beverlee Dominguez or Penny Millette
8-21 Chriiis
8-24 Terry Spaulding
Lawson, W.
Will Celebrate 44 Years of Marriage learn should help you decide whether to go with it or not.
date... (Cake Decorators) by Thursday, May 26th to arrange for cake pick-up. 8-26 Joshua McLeon, 21,
Hartford, CT (November 3-522 to December
Rebecca Lefcourt, 32 21) Your decision to
protect the secret that was
3-16 Chubb Harrington, Barre
entrusted to you5,might irk some people.
Waterbury 3-16 Roxie D. Gonet,
8-29 it alsoSpaulding,
wins you Eastthe admiration
Chelsea of those who value trust and
Mail this coupon to: The WORLD c/o Birthday Cake loyalty.
Mplr. 3-17 Pat Wieja, Baltimore, MD
Mail this coupon to: The WORLD 3-18 Kaitlyn McLeon, 10, Hyde
c/o Happy Anniversary 403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin CAPRICORN
9-5 (December Park
Sally Fontaine, Walden 22 to January 19) Creative activities
403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin, Barre, VT 05641 Barre, VT 05641 take
9-8 Arloon a practical
Benjamin Lefcourt, approach
1 3-22as you realize
Nicholas Salvas, 19,you might be able to
Just send in the entry blank below, and we will publish it in this space each week.
Open to people of all ages. Just send in the entry blank below, and we will market your work. Ask for3-25
9-15 Deborah Phillips
9-26 Kathleen Mason, East
Barre from someone experienced in
Zarek Michael Gonet, 4,
Plus, we will draw one (1) couple each week for a Gift Certificate from Flowers By
publish it in this space each week. Plus, we will draw one (1) name each week this area.
Brookfield Charlestown, NH
for a FREE BIRTHDAY CAKE from the Price Chopper Super Center (Berlin,
Emslie & Co. No obligation, nothing to buy. Entries must be mailed two (2) weeks VT). No obligation, nothing to buy. Entries must be mailed two (2) weeks prior AQUARIUS
9-28 Jessica McLeon,
22, 20 to February 18) If you’re suddenly a bit
4-1 Adam Lefcourt, 32
prior to anniversary date. Telephone calls to The WORLD will not be accepted. to birthdate. Telephone calls to The WORLD will not be accepted. unsure about your decision, 4-12ask trusted
Meredith Page,colleagues
56, and/or friends
10-4 members
Bret Hodgdon, Jerichofor suggestions
Croyden, NH that could help resolve your
BIRTHDATE______________________________ doubts.
10-5 Lisa Companion, 4-30 Lillian Rose Kasulka, 2,
DATE_______________________# YEARS_____ NAME___________________________________
10-6 Steven (February
Lefcourt, 27, 19 to March 20).Callahan,
4-30 Darlene A workplace50, situation could
NAMES__________________________________ get stormy. But stay on course
Burlington Barre until there’s a solution that meets
AGE (this birthday)_________________________ with Chris
10-10 everyone’s
McLeon, 41, approval,
N. and things can finally calm down.
Hyde Park 5-4 Katie Hodgdon,4,
ADDRESS________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________ BORN
10-15 Gavin THIS
Hodgdon,WEEK:3, YouWaterbury
keep an open mind on most matters,
making you the confidante5-6
Jericho of
Elliott, 45,for people who need your
________________________________________ ________________________________________ 10-18 KAY
honest counsel.
5-6 Gary Villa, Washington
10-24 Joey’s Mommy 5-13 Kristen Lee Evans, 24,
PHONE__________________________________ PHONE__________________________________ 10-29 Eric Evans, 27, Mentor,(c)
OH 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.
5-14 John, Chelsea
5-20 Bill Boyce, Chelsea
page 18 The WORLD May 25, 2011 11-7 Karen Evans, 57, 5-22 Ruth Madigan P., Bethel
Plymouth 5-24 Dorothy Elliott, Barre
11-7 Jillian Hass, 21, E. Mplr. 5-27 Candy McLeon
11-12 Chloe Labbe- 5-28 Samantha McLeon, 19,
The Bashara Family Always Does it Right:
Major Makeover for J. Morgan’s at Capitol Plaza in Montpelier
Extensive (but inexpensive) menu continues in a new contemporary with retro look decor
The model trains are still running throughout J. Morgan’s Steakhouse knowledgeable one than we have. If not, please let me know,” states
at the Capitol Plaza, but Montpelier’s premier breakfast, lunch and din- Fred Bashara Jr.
ner eatery has been completely renovated after 15 years of business. Check out their menu online at or call 223-5222
Owned and operated by Frederick and Mary Bashara Sr. family, “the for more information or a reservation.
kids” are now in charge of the first class hotel and conference center.
“We took everything out - tables, chairs, booths, lighting, carpets,
wallpaper, etc. at the beginning of April - and brought in everything
new,” explains Fred Bashara Jr., the executive chef and kitchen man-
ager who envisioned and undertook the project with the help of family
The project was only supposed to take two weeks and the staff was
paid for the shutdown, but delays in getting new tables and chairs
caused the renovation to last four weeks.
“Fortunately we were able to set up a restaurant in our Ethan Allen
Room and our staff did a superb job of serving our customers,” notes
Fred Bashara Jr.
Then on Saturday, April 2, the Bashara family hosted an astonishing
Grand Opening Reception much to everyone’s “Wow!”
There are the classy new red leather chairs and wooden tables, Medu-
sa-style chandeliers (made out of recycled cans), soffits, LED lighting,
a long Vermont granite bar, steel railings and designs, lush new carpet-
ing, and yes, those eight model trains (by Lionel, LGB, Aristo-Craft)
from Fred Bashara Sr.’s lifelong collection.
“The response has been almost overwhelming and timing could not
have been better,” reports Fred Bashara Jr. “The legislators really en-
joyed it, our Mother’s Day affair was the biggest ever, and that was
followed by Norwich University graduation.”
Seating in the lounge and restaurant increased from 100 to approxi-
mately 125, which will help with the upcoming Memorial Day Week-
end, high school graduations and Father’s Day.
J. Morgan’s is open everyday. Breakfast is served from 7-10:30am
(Sunday brunch 8am-1:30pm); lunch is served from 11am-2pm; and
dinner from 5-9:30pm.
“We proudly brew Starbucks coffee all day long,” note the Basha-
The extensive breakfast menu includes specialty omelets and eggs,
Benedicts and florentine, corn beef hash, pancakes and waffles with real
maple syrup, fruits, yogurts, meats and bagels.
An even more extensive lunch menu includes soups, salads, every
imaginable sandwich, wraps, fajitas, tacos, panini, burgers (ground
from top cut beef) and 1/4-lb Kobe beef dogs. Yes, many vegetarian
choices, too.
The J. Morgans House Salad consists of whole leaf romaine, grape
tomatoes, kalamata olives and gorgonzola cheese.
All sauces are homemade and everything is made from scratch, ac-
cording to Fred Bashara.
Dinners, which include over 20 steak choices (all aged a minimum
of three weeks and trimmed tight for optimal tenderness), the best in
seafood (yes, lobster and king crab legs), pasta, lamb, pork and chicken.
Flatbread pizzas, too! Most selections are very moderately priced.
Save room for dessert, because J. Morgan’s has at least 13, including
their fresh strawberry cake featured in Bon Appetit Magazine, to per-
fectly compliment your meal or as an after-the-movie treat.
Lighter faire and appetizers are also available, as well as the best
children’s menu you’ll find anywhere.
Plus, the exciting new bar features many microbrews and great
“And what’s really important, you won’t find a better staff or more


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paaparty Pevent?
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From intimate garden tea parties to large corporate dinners.
We plan children’s party’s too!
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802-223-5757 We ngWe Doffer
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Let us make your celebration one to remember.
Barre Lodge 1 mile north of E. Montpelier Village Free Room Contact us today to set up a free planning meeting.
and Party
reS Party Scaping
gnipacScaping dnfor
a Bride & Groom with
S ytraP Services! Schedule a personal consultation
of the Elks No. 1535
Now Booking for 2011!
on Rt. 14 (follow signs)
223-2700 &up
Just 2.0 miles Party Scaping
County Road
.srFrom intimate
From intimate
advance booking
etarointimate l ottea
garden tea aetto
173 nelarge
rappartiesdto ecorporate
itni modinners.
So. Main St., Barre
eW too!too!to large
rFdinners. tomake your floral vision a
John Cutler, Manager
Call Today 479-9522 "The Capital City's Beautiful corporate
t s’yplan
t enmake
dlihc nparty’s
o noiyour
c ruoyone
arbecelebration uto476-6678
to sremember.
m tremember.
eL parties compliment to your style.
Let nus
gus inntoday
iteemContact aus eto
rf aset
lp etoday
make ptouup
your tesaup
set ofree dplanning
yaafree u tcatmeeting.
ot splanningnoCmeeting.
one to
Contact us today to set up May a 25, 2011 The WORLD page 19
fee planning meeting.
Barre Firefighers Hit the Streets to Raise Money for MDA
Barre City Uniformed Fire Fighters Local #881 recently over $27,600,000 to aid in the fight against neuromuscular
raised $3,000 for MDA through a Fill the Boot Campaign at disease. Barre City Fire Fighters are a part of the Professional
the intersection of Routes 302 and 14 in the City of Barre. Firefighters of Vermont (PFFV), which continues to be a
Barre firefighters not only support MDA’s Fill the Boot large supporter of the local chapter of the MDA.
Campaign but many of the members also supported the Fill-the-Boot funds support MDA’s services locally and
Barre/Montpelier Lock-Up by giving their off duty time to nationally, including medical clinics staffed by top health
be “arresting officers” for the day; without their help, MDA professionals skilled in the diagnosis and medical manage-
would not have been able raise over $42,000 from this ment of neuromuscular diseases. Clinics also include consul-
event. tations and recommendations for programs of physical,
Barre City IAFF’s boot drive was held on Saturday, May occupational, respiratory, and speech therapy; genetic coun-
14th. This is a simple street-side collection campaign that seling; and assessments for needed mobility and communi-
raises a significant amount of funds for local families MDA cation equipment.
serves living with a neuromuscular disease. Muscular Dystrophy Association is a volunteer health
“Without the overwhelming support that the Barre City agency working to defeat more than 40 forms of muscular
Fire Department has for this organization, MDA would sim- dystrophy and related disease through supporting basic and
ply be unable to continue to provide services to local fami- clinical scientific research and offering a comprehensive
lies affected by a neuromuscular disease,” says Fundraising program of clinical care and support services to individuals
Coordinator, Kelly Steenburgh. “It’s great to see the com- and families. MDA also aims to improve lives through advo-
munities support for not only MDA but the Fire Department Gladding, Firefighter for Barre City Local # 881 . cacy in matters of public policy affecting people with dis-
as well,” added Steenburgh. The International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) is the larg- abilities by providing widespread professional and public health
“We chose to support MDA because we support the families in est national sponsor of the Muscular Dystrophy Association. In education. MDA’s programs are funded almost entirely by indi-
our local area living with a neuromuscular disease,” said Dave 2010, firefighters across America led by IAFF members raised vidual private contributors.

Memorial Day:
Where it all began TRUE
Real Maple
Kettle For most Americans, Memorial Day kicks off the beginning of summer. Although everyone considers this long COLORS
Corn weekend to be perfect for family get togethers, the Indy 500 and wearing a red poppy, its significance is rarely Home Decorating Inc.
"The Real Maple ignored: Everyone knows that at 3pm, it’s important to take that minute to remember the men and women who “We Make Your Colors Right”
Creemees sacrificed their lives to help make this country what it is today. However, does everyone know how Memorial Bill McQuiggan
Day came to be? Kath Natzke
223-2740 Most believe that Memorial Day began in Waterloo; few people are aware of 141 River Street “What we have what some historians believe to be its true beginnings. According to Professor Montpelier
(802) 223-1616
done for ourselves David Blight of the Yale University History Department, the first Memorial
Just 2.7 miles up Montpelier’s Main
Street, past the round-about

alone dies with us; Day was observed at what is now known as Hampton Park in Charleston, South
Dr. Jim Culver Carolina. The park had a mass grave for the Union soldiers who had died there. Affordable Hair Styling for
what we have When the civil war was over, former slaves exhumed the bodies from the mass Men and Children
Oral &
done for others grave and reburied them in individual ones. They built a fence around the new
Surgery and the world grave site and declared it a Union graveyard. On May 1, 1865, a Charleston
•Extractions remains immortal.” newspaper reported that almost ten thousand, mostly African American resi-
•Wisdom Teeth dents, walked in procession to the park for a day of celebration that included
•Dental Implants Albert Pike sermons, singing and picnics; creating what was initially called, “Decoration
at The Master’s Edge
•TMJ Disorder
•Corrections of Facial Deformities
Insurance Assistance The current name, “Memorial Day” was first used in 1882, although not every state called it that until after
World War II. It was finally declared the official name in 1967 by Federal law. Although not every state cel-
417 Rt. 302 (Berlin) Appointments & Walk-Ins Mon.-Sat.
(next to The WORLD) 223-7361
Hours By Appointment ebrates it on the same day (the Southern states each have their own day for it), it is nevertheless still celebrated 100 State St., Montpelier
479-3243 everywhere with parades, picnics, sermons and silence. Mon.-Fri., 7am-4:30pm Sat., 7am-11:30pm

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Commitment Thanks to all who
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Thanks to all who
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Thanks to all who
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AUTO deceased. deceased. deceased. deceased.

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page 20 The WORLD May 25, 2011

Montpelier to Welcome 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
Spiritual leaders from traditions and cultures lation that is being considered and debate it from
that represent all of the major world regions – a new perspective.
Asia, Africa, Central and South America, North The Vermont Council of All Beings will con-
America, and Europe - will be visiting Montpelier tinue at the Vermont State House on June 20th SHOP MONTPELIER
the first week in June to participate in the and 21st, with a day of preparation on June 19th
Council of All Beings at the Vermont State at All Together Now in East Montpelier. A clos- The Perfect Hairstyle
House. The 13 Indigenous Grandmothers repre- ing ceremony will be held at All Together Now
sent a global alliance of prayer, education and the evening of June 21st. Several companion starts with an excellent 10 Highlighting

healing for our Mother Earth, all her inhabitants, events have been scheduled in June in coopera- consultation! OFF & Coloring
all the children, and for the next seven genera- tion with the Council of All Beings. These
tions to come. include: the Village Building Convergence that
The Grandmothers workshops offer wisdom begins with the Village Gathering on June 10th
and guidance for all people who are interested in and runs until the 18th, the Montpelier Art Walk
Salon Danielle With Coupon
Salon Danielle 223-6783 / 238-7487
Danielle offers a cosmopolitan flair to hairstyling.
moving beyond the current “business as usual” on June 10th, a Transition Town panel discussion Having received a four-year apprenticeship in
course of action that has impoverished people all at Kellogg-Hubbard Public Library on June 13th,
over the world, fostered unjust wars and endless an Ecstatic Earth Dance in Worcester on June
Europe, and extensive professional experience in such areas as
Ireland, France, England, and the U.S., Danielle ensures a professional
10 Haircuts
violence, and has made the health the Earth a 15th, a Vermont Grandmothers Council on June approach to hairstyling with focused and attentive care to her client’s OFF
lower priority than power and profit. They bring 16th, and a Solstice Celebration at the Earth individual looks and tastes. With Coupon
a message of unity, healing, and reverence for Clock in South Burlington on June 18th.
life that is critically important for everyone to Those interested in registering for the 13 Your service will include a FREE consultation. Danielle studies the
Salon Danielle 223-6783 / 238-7487
hear, and that should be incorporated into all Indigenous Grandmothers workshops at Vermont facial features, height, business and lifestyle of each individual client.
decision-making on economic development, College and other Council events may do so Attention Customers!
environmental stewardship, and community life. online at: Salon Danielle offers the most current high fashion Razor Cuts and
Always Free
The Grandmothers will be offering workshops Volunteers are needed to help with the Precision Cutting.
at Vermont College on June 2nd and 3rd, after a Grandmothers visit – sign up to help at volun- Bangs Trim
day of welcome offered by the Native American Salon Danielle With Coupon. No Appointment Necessary.
bands from Vermont on June 16 State St., Montpelier • 223-6783 / 238-7487
1st. On the evening of June Tuesday - Saturday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Salon Danielle 223-6783 / 238-7487
2nd, they will officially open
the Council of All Beings at the
Vermont State House, with a
blessing ceremony and discus-
sions of the importance of lis-
tening to the voiceless in these
Digital Files, Email
troubled times. The Council Scanning
& Printing or Hard Copy
will bring the voices of those
who don’t usually have a say in
decision-making – animals, •Greeting Cards •Layout & Design •Copies - Black & White or Color
plants, nature, indigenous cul- •Digital Printing •Laminating
tures, impoverished people, Serving Montpelier, Central Vermont, and beyond, 24/7! •Mailbox Rentals •Packing •Binding •Business Cards
children – to the State House. •Shipping - FedEx, USPS & other carriers •Engineering Copies
The Council will look at legis- 32 Main Street, Montpelier (in the Aubuchon bldg.) 802-223-0500 com FINAL

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MONTPELIER 190 East Montpelier Rd.,• Montpelier, VT 05602

e ry
Your ed Phone 802-229-9187 N
w n
O M-F 8AM-6PM • SAT 8AM-5PM • SUN. 9AM-4PM
Locally ay
Agw I s F
May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 21
L.W. Greenwood & Sons Named New Holland LAWN
Rely on Husqvarna To Get Blue Ribbon Excellence Dealer TRACTORS
The Job Done. New Holland Agriculture has announced that worked hard to serve their customers with excel-
Rely on
on Husqvarna
Husqvarna To
To Get L.W. Greenwood & Sons in East Randolph has lence. We’re very proud to acknowledge their

been named a Blue Ribbon Excellence dealer. accomplishments and to present this recognition
Rely on
Job Done. Get This designation, earned by New Holland to outstanding dealers. Let me assure you that
The Job Done.
The Job Done. dealers who meet stringent standards for cus- anyone seeking to acquire agricultural equip-
7021P Walk Behind Mower DRT900 Tiller tomer satisfaction and business excellence, is an ment in this growing market will be well served
• Honda GCV-160 engine
• 21" cutting width, 12" rear wheel
• Husqvarna OHV engine, 9.0 gross torque power
• Dual rotating tines for deep soil tilling and light cultivation assurance to customers of exceptional service by our very best New Holland dealers achieving
and support. these standards,” says Abe Hughes, New Holland
• 160 cc displacement, 6.9 ft/lb torque power • 17" cultivating width, power forward and reverse
• Adjustable depth gauge and drag stake, 13" tine diameters, rear tine
7021P Walk
Walk Behind
Behind Mower
Walk Behind
DRT900 Tiller
Tiller engine, 9.0 gross torque power
“Our Blue Ribbon Excellence dealers have Agricultural Vice President, North America.
•• Honda
Honda GCV-160
GCV-160 engine •• Husqvarna
Husqvarna OHV
Toro® LX Models
engine OHV engine, 9.0 gross torque power
•• 21"
21" Walk
cutting Behind
width, 12"
engine Mower
12" rear
rear wheel
wheel DRT900
•• Dual
Dual Tiller
rotating tines for
for deep
tines soil
soil tilling
9.0 gross
deep torque
tilling and light
light cultivation
andpower cultivation
• 160 cc displacement,
21" cutting width, 12"6.9 ft/lb
rear torque power
wheel •• 17"
rotating width,
tines forpower
deep forward and
soil tilling andreverse
light cultivation
w/Cruise Control
• 160
Hondacc displacement,
GCV-160 6.9 ft/lb Mower
engine torque power 17" cultivating
Husqvarna OHV width, power
engine, forward
9.0 gross and
torque reverse
•• 21"
cc displacement,Behind
width, 12"6.9 ft/lb
rear torque power
wheel 17" DRT900
• Adjustable
• Adjustable
Dual rotating
depth gauge
and drag
gauge deep
drag 13"
soil stake,
tine diameters,
and light diameters, rear tine
cultivation rear tine
• 160•ccHonda GCV-1606.9 engine •• 17"
Adjustable depth
Husqvarna gauge
OHV and drag
engine, 9.0 stake,
gross 13"reverse
torque diameters, rear tine

Price...$279.95 ft/lb torque power Price...$699.95
Price...$699.95 width, power forward and
• 21" cutting width, 12" rear wheel • Dual rotating
• Adjustable
Price...$699.95 tines and
depth gauge for deep soil tilling
drag stake, and diameters,
13" tine light cultivation
rear tine
• 160 cc displacement, 6.9 ft/lb torque power • 17" cultivating width, power forward and reverse

Bob’s Creative
• Adjustable depth gauge and drag stake, 13" tine diameters, rear tine
Price...$279.95 at

122C Curved Shaft Trimmer YTH23V48 in Twice the mower.

• Easy-loading T-25 tap head • 23 hp V-Twin Briggs & Stratton Intek engine
• Tool-free air filter access
• Auto return stop switch
• 48" deck with Air Induction™ mowing technology provides superior
cut g Half the time.
• 21.7 cc, 0.8 hp, 9.4 lbs • Foot-pedal operated hydrostatic transmission moves you
Starting at
forward/reverse with ease
122C Curved
Curved ShaftShaft Trimmer
• Electric clutch engages blade with a simple pull of a button
YTH23V48 Concre
Pavers e $2399
Trimmer YTH23V48
122C Curved Shaft Trimmer Price...$1799.95
•• Easy-loading
Easy-loading T-25
T-25 tap head
tap head •• 23
23 hp
hp V-Twin
V-Twin Briggs
Briggs &
& Stratton
Stratton Intek
Intek engine

* Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens

122C Curved
•• Tool-free
Tool-free air T-25
air Shaft
filter tap Trimmer
access YTH23V48
•• 48"
48" deck
23 hp with Briggs
deck with Air Induction™
Air Induction™ mowing
& Strattonmowing technology provides
Intek engine
technology provides superior
•• Auto
Auto return
stop switch
air T-25
stop switch
access cut
••• cut
deck with Briggs
Air Induction™
Strattonmowing technology provides superior
•• 21.7
Auto cc, 0.8Curved
cc, 0.8 hp,
head Trimmer
lbsShaft 23 V-Twin
Foot-pedal operated &
cut YTH23V48 hydrostaticIntek engine
transmission moves you
Tool-free airhp, 9.4
filter lbs
access • Foot-pedal
deck with
Air Induction™
ease& Stratton
mowing moves
technology provides superior
* Patios, Walls, Walkways, Decking
•• Auto
21.7• Easy-loading
cc, 0.8 hp,
stop lbs tap head
switch • forward/reverse
cut operated
• 23 hp V-Twin hydrostatic
with ease transmission moves you
Intek engine
• 21.7• Tool-free
cc, 0.8 hp,air
Price...$149.95 9.4filter
lbs access •• Electric
Electric clutch
• 48"clutch engages
deck with
engages blade with
Airease with aa mowing
blade simple pull
simple pull of aa button
of button
provides superior
• Foot-pedal operated hydrostatic transmission moves you
• Auto return stop switch • forward/reverse
cut clutch engages
Price...$1799.95 blade with a simple pull of a button
with ease
• 21.7 cc, 0.8 hp, 9.4 lbs Price...$1799.95
• Foot-pedal operated hydrostatic transmission
pull of amoves

* General Maintenance, Planting

• Electric clutch engages
Price...$1799.95 blade with a simple
forward/reverse with ease
Price...$149.95 Price...$1799.95
• Electric clutch engages blade with a simple pull of a button
* Designing & Consulting!
802-883-5564 Bob Richardson, Owner
Financing Available Tel: 802 472-8877 Cell: 802 249-8448
The Toro® Time Cutter®.
802-883-5564 So maneurverable it
ED'S REPAIR SHOP 802-883-5564
251 802-883-5564
can cut your mowing
Financing Available VT 05675
Financing Available
802-883-5564 time in half.
Financing Available
Financing Available *Toro Financing Available*
Get Professional
Backyard. Frazier’s
Get Professional
Professional Results
in YourOwn
Own Backyard.
DRT900 TillerDRT900•Husqvarna
DRT900 Tiller Get Cordless Electric
Tiller OHV DRT900 Tiller
HusqvarnaOHVOHVengine, engine,
engine, 9.0
• Husqvarna
9.0 gross
torque power
engine, 9.0 gross Exceptional Annuals & Perennials and Go Green.
• Husqvarna OHV engine,
soil 9.0 gross
Get Professional Results
••Dual 9.0 gross• Dual
tinesfor torque
for deep
deep soil rotating tines
soil tilling
tilling for deep tilling

Barre Area Veteran’s Council

torque power
Memorial Day Kick Off!
power •Dual
cultivatingwidth, androtat-
width, power light cultivation
power forward
• cultivating
Dual rotating width,tines forforward
deep soil tilling
in Your Own Backyard. • 17" power
•ing times for
Adjustable depth gauge deep
and drag stake,

Memorial Day Parade

tilling &• and
13" rear tine
light and
• Adjustable depth gauge and drag stake,
reverse light cultivation
Price...$699.95 Adjustable depth gauge
• 17" cultivating and drag
width, power stake,forward
cultivation 13" tine diameters, rear tine
DRT900 •17” cultivat-
Tiller Price...
and reverse Frazier’s Greenhouse has everything you need
ing width, • Adjustable
$699.95 depth gauge and drag stake,
• Husqvarna OHV engine, 9.0
torque Zero
RZ4621 power
Zero Turn Mower
forward tine diameters, rear tine for a beautiful house and garden, including

Monday, May 30, 2011

RZ4621 Turn
• Dual rotating
& tines for
reverse deep soil tilling
light cultivation Price...$699.95
Veggie Starts, Herbs, Beautiful Patio Pots,

••46’’ Air
17"Aircultivating depth
Induction™ cutting
width, gauge
deck forward
Adjustable cuttingfrom
from 1.5" toto 4.5"
4.5" in
& drag and
depth gauge and drag stake, Roses, Peonies, Proven Winner Annuals and
Price... rear tine
13" $2,599.95
tine diameters, rear tine
RZ4621 Zero Turn Mower
Color Choice Flowering Shrubs, Supertunias,
Form at 10AM at the BOR
RZ4621 Zero Turn Mower • 21 hp Briggs & Stratton Endurance
•21 hp Briggs & Stratton Endurance • 46’’RZ4621
Air Induction™ Zerocutting
Turn deck
Million Bells, Flowering Vines,
engine •46” Air InductionTM cutting deck cutting

Kick-off 10:30AM
• Adjustable from 1.5" to 4.5" in
•Adjustable cuting from 1.5” to
RZ4621 Zero Turn Mower •
1/2" 21 hp Briggs
increments & Stratton Endurance Bedding Plants, Pansies, Perennials,
Briggsin 1/2” engine
• 21 hp
REPAIR SHOP increments
& Stratton

46’’ Air Induction™ cutting deck Gorgeous Hanging Baskets

Ceremony at Barre City Park, 11AM

• 46’’ Air Induction™ cutting deck
• Adjustable cutting from 1.5" to 4.5" in and so much more!
WASHINGTON• Adjustable
05675cutting from 1.5"
VT05675 to 4.5" in
802-883-5564 increments 1/2" increments

Financing $2,599.95
Price...$2,599.95 "It's Worth The Drive"
Guest Speaker: Chaplain Mary Lewis Wells Route 12A • Roxbury Village at (across street from Warren Mountain Rd.)
Public Participation Welcome - Please, No Solicitors OPEN 9 to 6 EVERYDAY
After the ceremonies join us for an OPEN HOUSE ED'S REPAIR SHOP
at the VFW or American Legion in Barre Recycler®
802-883-5564 802-883-5564
Financing Available Available



Financing Available

Is Your Driveway
Starting at


299 95
Guaranteed To Start

from the Winter or Spring? First Or Second Pull
Let us solve your problems!
•New Paving • Grading
STATION DUE SOON • Crushed Ledge or Gravel
We Offer Excavation
PLUS Walk Behind
... 81 S. Main St., Barre
M-F 8:00-5:00, Sat. 8-1

Rotary Models for just
No gas. No oil.
No fuss.
Enjoy battery powered
Be Re adyting
2937 Red Village Road, Lyndonville, VT
tar 2- & 4-cycle 802-626-9545 Bruce Houghton & Crew
Se ason Son
Ml S
with this ad through May 31 America’s #1 Battery
Over 30,000 sq. ft. of greenhouses & cold frames filled with...
G ER 50 Co eu From
r f Powered Mower!
Sharpen and balance blades, change oil, replace spark plugs, o
Over To Choo
starting at

check belts and guides, check and oil throttle controls, adjust
carburetors, check and oil wheels, check mufflers, check
engine RPM, check safety equipment. Additional parts & labor
Va e
Large S
i ties

HAN ction of
extra, if needed. Mowers must be in good, repairable conditions. Large
Colorful Selection of
DON’T FORGET, we are your headquarters ANNUAL TS
for new Echo & Lawnboy outdoor equipment •Ivy Geas
•Tubero ranium
WE SERVICE Almost All Makes & Models “Proven
Winners” •Double us Begonias
AND Pickup & Delivery Available! •New G Impatiens
•Supert uinea Impatie
HERBS Memorial •Combounias ns
Open Monday–Friday 8:30AM–5:30PM Pans
•& Lots
Sundays (yes, Sundays) 10AM–2PM VEGETABLE PLANTS tion Of
us Selec
Pearl Street Motors NIPA
•Tomatoes •Broccoli •Squash •Cucumber Tremen
•Brussels Sprouts •Melon
•Celery •Pumpkins
•And More PER EN s& o ts

Upper Elm St., Montpelier 223-3336

Open 7 Days A Week • Mon.-Sat. 9-7, Sun 9-6 476-7712
1 mi. beyond Montpelier Recreation Field • SELECTION • SELECTION • SELECTION • 81 S. Main St., Barre
M-F 8:00-5:00, Sat. 8-1
page 22 The WORLD May 25, 2011
All calendar submissions should be sent to or Alzheimer’s Support Group. Community National Bank, 2nd Weds. of
mailed to The WORLD, Attn: Calendar, 403 U.S. Route 302, Barre,
Vt. 05641. The deadline is 5:00pm, Thursday preceding publica-
tion. The Ongoing section is for free/low cost community events,
month, 7-9pm. Info. Helene Thomas 476-5116/Carol Griffith 476-4822.
Hedding United Methodist Activities & Meetings. 40 Washington
Street, 476-8156. Teen Center, Mon-Fri. 3-6pm; Choir, Thursdays
which should be verified monthly. We are no longer able to include
ongoing classes.
7pm; Free Community Supper, Fridays 5:30-6:30pm; Celebrate
Recovery & Teen Addiction Recovery Group, Fridays 6pm;
Hanging Baskets
Veterans Support Group, Fridays 6:30-8pm; Community Service
Ongoing Events & Food Shelf Hours: Wed & Thurs. 3-5pm. Vermont Vet to Vet,
•Perennials •Annuals
BARRE- Expressive Arts Group for Mothers. Connect w/other Wednesdays, 6-7pm. •Vegetable Plants and more!
moms & use various mediums to explore the journey of motherhood. Barre Tones Women’s A Capella Chorus. 2nd floor Alumni Hall, next
Studio Place Arts, Thursdays thru 6/2, 10am-noon. 262-3292 x124. to Barre Aud., Mondays, 7pm. or 223-2039. Custom Window Boxes & Cemetery Tubs
The Open Table. All are invited to this “share-what-you-can” meal. Bingo. Benefits St. Monica’s School. St. Monica’s, 79 Summer St., Pickup & Delivery Available
Donate what you can- money, labor, skills, or just your presence. every Monday, pastimes 6pm, regular games 7pm.
L.A.C.E., Wednesdays, 5:30-8pm. Info. 476-4276. Knights Inc. Bingo. Knights of Columbus Hall, Pine Hill Rd., Friday Open Every Day Noon-5
Barre Camera Club. For all ages. Bring photos, slides or CDs for nights, doors open 4:30pm.
discussion & gentle critiquing. Community National Bank, second Cribbage. Mon-Fri 9am. Strong Living Exercise, Mon. & Wed. Weekends & Holidays 9 to 5
Mondays through Dec., meet at side door promptly at 7pm. 485-3086. 9am. Barre Senior Center, 135 N. Main St. County Road to Haggett Road, Adamant
Play Group. St. Monica’s Church basement, Thursdays during school Turning Point Ctr. Safe/supportive place for individuals & their
year, 9:30-11am. families in/seeking recovery. Open Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm. 489 The Lamountains 223-2987
Cub Scout Pack 717. Fun for boys in grades 1-5. Barre Congregational N. Main St. Alcoholics Anonymous-Living Sober, Sundays, 8:30am;
Church, den meetings Thursdays except last week of month when Making Recovery Easier, Tuesdays, 6pm. Wit’s End Parent
Friday, 6:30pm. Info. 476-8399. Support Group, Wednesdays, 6pm. Narcotics Anonymous,
Getting By in a Recession Support Group. Church of the Good Thursdays, 6:30pm. Info. 479-7373.
Shepherd, Washington St., enter at rear. Mondays 7pm. 476-3929. Knights of Columbus. Pine Hill Road, Barre Town, meetings second
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 10. Meets at the post, first Tuesday of every month, 7pm.
Thursday of each month (not Jan. or July), 6:30pm. ReUse Stop. Barre Town recycling depot, Wilson Indust. Park; Tues/
Vermont Modelers Club. Building & flying model airplanes year- Sat, 8-3:30, for unwanted reusable items; guidelines/prices, 775-7722. TH ANNU
round, visitors welcome. Info. 485-7144. Green Mountain Spirit Chapter. National women bikers club. 2nd M

Community Breakfast. First Presbyterian Church, 78 Summer St., Wed. of month; info COEM
3rd Sunday of month, FREE, 7:30-9am. 476-3966. BERLIN- Seniors Mall Walking Group. Meet near Penney’s, Berlin
Mall, Wednesdays thru 5/27, 8:45am. N2N Americorps, 476-2668.

Lupus Support Group. 9 Jorgensen Ln., teen meeting 3rd Wednesdays
at 6:30pm, adult meeting 4th Weds., 6:30pm. Info. 877-735-8787. Bereavement Support Group. Every other Weds, 4/27-8/17, 10am; or
Grandparents Raising Their Children’s Children. Support group. every other Mon, 5/2-8/22, 6pm. CVHHH, 600 Granger Rd. 223-1878.
First Presbyterian Church, 1st Weds of month, 10am-noon. 476-1480.
Bingo. Mutuo Club, Beckley St., Weds., warmups 6pm, bingo 7pm.
Friends of Aldrich Public Library. Aldrich Library, 2nd floor board-
room, 2nd Tuesday of month. Info. 476-7550.
Bereaved Family Support Group. Facilitated by Central Vermont
Home Health & Hospice. CVHHH, 600 Granger Rd., 2nd Wednesday
of month, 6-8pm. Info. Jeneane 485-9353.
Parkinsons Support Group. CVMC, conf. rm. #3, third Thursdays,
MAY 27 - 29
Clogging & Irish Step Lessons. With Green Mountain Cloggers, all
ages, donations. Green Mtn Tavern, Mondays, 6-8pm. 522-2935.
6:30-8pm. Info. 439-5554.
Celiac Support Group. CVMC, 2nd Wednesdays, 4:30pm. 598-9206. 10AM-5PM 10OV7%5ER% OFF
Strong Living Exercise Program. Aldrich Library, Milne Comm. Weight Watchers Meetings. Open 1/2 hour before mtg time. 617 RETA IL
Room, Mondays & Thursdays at 8am. Info. 433-1654. Comstock Rd., Mondays at 4:30pm, Tuesdays at 12:15 & 5:30pm,
Circle of Parents. Confidential support group spons. by Prevent Child
Abuse VT. Meets Tuesday eves. Info. 229-5724 or 1-800-children.
Thursdays 9:30am & 5:45pm, Saturdays 9:30am.
Diabetes Support Program. CVMC, conf. rooms, first Thursday of NOTSCARVES, JEWELRY
t Slee ves & Tanks & ur’t Linge
• Fle
month, 7-8pm, free. Info. 371-4152. Mi ch ae l St ar s Sh or
Al-Anon Spiritual Mtgs. Hedding United Methodist, Weds. 7pm. OVER 75% OFF RETAIL! • Reading Glasses
Civil Air Patrol. At the airport (blue hangar), Tuesdays, 6-8:30pm. nas • Sunglasses
Central VT Amateur Radio Club. Steak House, Barre-Montpelier Info at 229-5193.
Scarves • Pashmi y Chain•s Lingerie
Scarves and Pashminas • Ke
bags & Leggings
Rd., 1st Wednesdays, 6:30pm. Info. 496-3566 or 496-2836. in Pu rses • Ha•ndTights
Mothers of Preschoolers. Monthly get-togethers for crafts, refresh-
Al-anon/Alateen. CVMC, rm. 3, Saturdays, 7pm . 866-972-5266. Gloves •CoSocks • Pouches • Reading Glasses
ies • Beads
• Ribbon Belts
Pregnancy & Newborn Loss Support Group. Woodridge Nursing Michael StarsHaLong cessorT’s
ir AcSleeve • Earrings • Bracelets
ments, etc. Christian Alliance Church, 476-3221. of
Home, 4th Monday of month, 6:30-8:30pm. 371-4304 or 371-4376. Necklaces •anRings
d ma•nyToenew styles
Rings • Eyeglass Chains
Alcoholics Anonymous. Meetings in Barre, daily; call 802-229-5100 CASH
for latest times & locations; Partners for Prevention-Alcohol & Drug Abuse Coalition. CVH, Hair Accessories
• Ne

lac es ••Ri ngs • Toe Rings CHECKS
2nd Weds. of month, 11:30am-1:30pm. Info 479-4250. ng s • Br ac ele ts And More
Square & Compass Bingo. Jackpot $500 55# or less, $300 after 55. Earri MC • VISA
Masonic Temple, doors open 4pm, kitchen 5pm, primas 5:50, reg 7pm. “Man to Man” Prostate Cancer Support Grp. Family & public 10% of Sales Go to Participating Vermont Schools
Bingo. Elks Club, Jefferson St., Sundays, open 4pm, games start 5:45.
welcome. CVMC, 3rd Weds. of month, 6-8pm. 461-6222. Same Tented Location: Route 100, Waitsfield, VT
Same Tented Location: Route 100, Waitsfield, VT
Look Good... Feel Better. Program for female cancer patients. (Next toTheater
(Next to Big Picture Big Picture
& CafeTheater & Caféée)
Alzheimer’s Support Group. Rowan Court Health & Rehab, 4th CVMC, 4th Mon. of month, 5:30-7:30pm. Info. 496-2582.
Weds. of month, 3-5pm. Info/RSVP at 476-4166. continued on next page ||

Make Gardening Easier

2x5.5-bakedbeads091609.indd 1 9/15/09 11:29:52 AM

with Products from Guy’s!

Roll Out Flowers Potting
Visit your local Dealer TODAY! $
Reg. $159
•Deep tray to
hold soil,
plants & pots.
Hooks to hang
tools. Shelf for
FS 55 R supplies.
TRIMMER of premium
BG 55 HANDHELD •10’ mats for Fragrant, Shade or Butterfly/ grade South
$ 199 95 BLOWER
$ 149 95 Hummingbird Flowers
•Each mat has over
2,000 seeds
Yellow Pine
with the L3
Green Spec environmentally friendly treatment.
Stainable & paintable.
Versatile, straight-shaft Proven handheld blower
trimmer for occasional
or light-duty
at an affordable price Flower Bulbs
professional use by Netherland Bulb Co.
Our #1 selling Including Rain Lilies, Gloxinia
Can use nylon line or chain saw model and Oxalis Triangularis
STIHL PolyCut™ head
Simple line
and replacement
MS 290
$ 35995
16” bar 25/bdle.
Climbing Tomato
Planter $
Every serious woodcutter
needs a STIHL FARM BOSS ® by Gardman
Double warranty protection is limited to STIHL gasoline-powered products purchased for
personal non-income producing, family and household purposes only. Other restrictions apply.

•Tomato Plants •Squash Plants •Pepper Plants

All prices are NES-SRP. Available at participating dealers while supplies last. © 2011 STIHL NES11-442-96186-5

Barre Waitsfield •Eggplants •Herbs •Lots of Flowers and more!

Demers Power Equipment Valley Rent-All
81 S. Main St. 155 Carroll Road Farm
802-496-5440 & Yard
19 Barre St., Montpelier 229-0567 Monday-Friday 8-6 Saturday 8-5
May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 23
NES11-442-96186-5.indd 4 5/5/11 11:31 AM
Snack time is any time
Sweet, savory and scrumptious Bible Information Class. Christ the Redeemer
Lutheran Church, Airport Rd., every Tues.,
MARSHFIELD- Playgroup. Twinfield School,
Mondays during school year, 12:30-2pm.
6:30pm. Jaquith Public Library Activities. Old

NEW! Savvy Speakers Toastmasters Club. BC/BS

conf. room, Industrial Ln., 1st & 3rd Tues., 5:30-
Schoolhouse Common, 426-3581, www.marsh- Shakespeare Study Group, 3rd

Mountain Dew Coolatta

7pm. 883-2313 or Thursdays, 7pm. Preschool Story Time and Art
Birthing Center Open House. For parents, sibs, Project, for children birth to age six & their grown-
grandparents, etc. CVMC, 1st Wed. of month, 5:30- ups, Mondays, 10am. Book Group for Adults,
7pm. RSVP/Info. 371-4613. stop by for copy of the book, meets 4th Mondays,
7 pm.
Knee/Hip Replacement Orientation Class.
CVMC, conf. room #3, free, 1st Thurs. of each Twin Valley Seniors. Mon, Wed, Fri., 11-2; meals
month, 2-3pm. Info 371-4188. $4 for ages 55 and older and Meals on Wheels,
426-3447 (vol. drivers needed). Walking Club,
Breastfeeding Support Group. CVMC Garden Weds. Old Schoolhouse Common. Info 426-3717.
Path Birthing Center, 1st Monday of month, 5:30-
7pm. Info. 371-4415. MIDDLESEX- Food Shelf. United Methodist
Church, Saturdays, 9-10:30am.
Infant & Child Car Seat Inspections. Berlin Fire
Station, free, first Friday of month, 12-4pm. MONTPELIER- Mental Health Recovery
Appointments required, 371-4198. Workshops. Free & open to the community.
WCMH, 9 Heaton St., Fridays through 5/20, 10am-
BRADFORD- Rockinghorse Circle of Support. noon. 223-5506.
For young women with or w/o kids, childcare &
transportation available. Wednesdays, 1-2:30pm, Trinity Community Thrift Store Donations.
Grace Methodist Church. Info 479-1086. Accepted ONLY 2nd Saturday of the month, 11am-
5pm. 137 Main St. Info. 229-9155.
New Hope II Support Group. Grace United
Methodist, every Mon., 7-9p.m. Info. at 1-800-564- Survivors of Suicide Support Group. For anyone
2106. who has lost a loved one to suicide. 56 East State St.,
4th Thursdays, 6-7:30pm. 223-4111.
Preschoolers. Moms of kids birth through kinder- Science of Mind Principles Study Group. For all
garten welcome. Meal & childcare provided. New faiths/inquiring minds. Universal Rivers of Life, 28
Covenant Church, 2252 Ridge Rd., 3rd Fridays, East State St., 1st & 3rd Thurs. 223-3427.
6pm. 276-3022. Trinity Teen Night. United Methodist Church, 2nd

BARRE C o o l atta MONTPELIER Health-focused Group. Learn to cope w/ life’s and 3rd Fridays, 5-9pm. Volunteers needed to share
talents & hobbies. Info 279-3695.
passages. Weds, 7-8pm; Info 276-3142; Dr. Alice
Kempe. Toastmasters. Montpelier “Speakeasies” held at

National Life, People Center Room D, 1st and 3rd
479-0629 223-0928 CABOT- Youth Adventure Hour. Stories, songs
& more for ages 3-14 w/Mark Shelton. Cabot Tuesdays, noon-1pm. No fee to be a guest. 229-
Church, 3rd Sundays, 9:30am. 563-2278. 7455 or email tdensmore@sentinelinvestments.
Senior Lunch & Laughter. Comedy movies & hot
lunch. Faith in Action. Masonic Hall, most Tues & NAMI Connection. Support group for people liv-
Thurs, 10:30am. Info. 563-3322. ing w/mental illness. Kellogg-Hubbard Library,
East Montpelier Room, 1st & 3rd Thursdays,
Alcoholics Anonymous. Beginners meeting. 6-7:30pm. Info. 800-639-6480.
Weds., 8pm. Call 802-229-5100 for info, www. Grandparents Raising Their Children’s Children.
Support group, childcare provided. Trinity Methodist
Preschool Story Time. Cabot Public Library, Church, 137 Main St., 2nd Thursday of month,
Fridays, 10am. 6-8pm. Info. 476-1480.
CALAIS- Men’s and Women’s Bible Study Calico County Quilters. All skill levels welcome.
Groups. County Road, Wednesdays, 7pm. Info. Bethany Church, Red Room, 2nd Saturday of each

485-7577 or month, 1-3pm (NOT Oct. or May).
CHELSEA- Story Time. Songs, stories & crafts Intro. to Soka Gakkai. World peace through indi-
for children birth to 5 years. Chelsea Public vidual happiness. Children welcome. Kellogg-
Library, Wednesdays, 1:15pm. 685-2188. Hubbard Library, last Saturday of month, 11am-
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). United 1pm. Info. 229-5168.

Church of Chelsea on North Common, Wednesdays, Community Meeting. Share stories & concerns
EEDED 5:30pm. Info. 685-3414.
WALKERS N 94 EAST MONTPELIER- Men’s Fellowship Grp.
about independent living & community issues,
access to health care, etc. VT Center for Independent
CALL 479-2
Crossroads Christian Church, 1st & 3rd Tues., 7pm. Living, 3rd Thursdays, 1-3pm. Info. 229-0501.
Breakfast, 2nd Sat., 8am. 476-9962. Woman’s Book Club: The Yada Yada Prayer
Food, music, and fun for the family HARDWICK- Caregiver Support Group. Group novels by Neta Jackson. First Thursdays,
Agency on Aging, rear entrance Merchants Bank, 7pm. Info. 839-9439.
������������������������ 2nd Thurs of month. 229-0308 x306. Bereaved Family Support Group. See listing
�������������������������������������������� Celebrate Recovery Groups. Touch of Grace A/G under BERLIN.
���������������������������� Church, Rts. 15 & 16. Women, Tues. 7pm. Men, Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA). Bethany
Weds. 7pm. Men & Women, Fri. 6pm. Info 472- Church basement, Tuesdays, 6:30pm. Info. 229-
8240/533-2245. 9036.
�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Peace and Justice Coalition. G.R.A.C.E. Arts Healthy Tuesdays. Free chiropractic consultation
bldg (old firehouse), Tues., 7 pm. Info. Robin 533- w/ Dr. Jae Ehrich, DC. RiverSide Chiropractic,
2296. Tuesdays 4-6pm. 262-6097 for apptmt.
Nurturing Fathers Program. Light supper includ-
ed. Thurs., 6-8:30pm. Registration/info 472-5229. continued on next page

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page 24 The WORLD May 25, 2011

Mon.-Sat. 6:30-11
Sunday 8-11

Recent Chaos: Frank Woods Exhibit Hosted by CVMC RECEPTIONS & BUS. MEETINGS
Mon.-Fri. 11-2
“Recent Chaos: Landscape, Kimono and Abstraction” is the title Across from CV Hospital
of the Frank Woods exhibit currently hanging in the Central on Airport Rd. in Berlin
Mon.-Sat. 5-9
Vermont Medical Center lobby gallery. “We are pleased to be able
to showcase talented local artists like Frank Woods,” stated Judy 229-6164
Tarr CVMC president and CEO. “We are privileged to be able to
show the work of our neighbors. Frank’s work, like the work of
many of the artists we feature, is known to collectors and galleries
far beyond Vermont.” Nightly Dinner Specials
Frank Woods is a native of Canada. He was born in Vancouver
and raised in Montreal where he also attended college at McGill
University. There he received his BA in economics and political NEW!
science. Following his years at McGill, Frank earned his Master of Daily Lunch Specials
Science in Library Science (MSLS) at Simmons College in
Boston. He began drawing by taking classes in the evening divi-
sion at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts.
Although he spent most of his career in libraries, Frank always
had a passion for art. When he retired from the library world, Great Banquet & Business Meeting
Frank tapped into a rich art tradition of art en plain air. He learned Rooms
to work outdoors painting landscapes from his wife’s stepmother, Vintage kimonos and newly created kimonos are often works of
Betty Galbraith Cornell, on the shores of the St. Lawrence River art. Frank uses the outline of the kimono, as you can see in this DAILY Come enjoy your favorite beverage
in the Gaspé region of Quebec. exhibit, to serve his interest in surface design, composition, and SPECIALS
or cocktail. Full menu available.
Kimonos came into being during the Heian period (794-1192) the exploration of different materials. Full
in Japan. The word originally meant clothing and later evolved Recent Chaos: Landscape, Kimono and Abstraction will be Banquet
into use as the name of a specific article of clothing. Today, in the hanging in the Central Vermont Medical Center lobby gallery from Facility
Japanese culture kimonos are only worn for special occasions. through June 3, 2011.
■ ■ ■

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Bethany Church, Wednesdays, La Leche League. Breastfeeding info & support. Unitarian Church,
5:15pm. Info. Linda Lamberti 476-8345. 3rd Tuesday, 10am. Info 454-1569.
Brain Injury Support Group. All brain injury survivors, caregivers & Umoja (Unity) Women’s Discussion Group. All ethnic groups
adult family members welcome to attend. Disability Rights VT, 141 invited. 1st & 3rd Sat., 1pm. Info. call 229-4227.
Main St., first Monday of month, 5:30-7:30pm. 1-800-834-7890 x106. Playgroups: Baby Play, Thursdays, 9:30-11am at St. Augustine’s
Kellogg-Hubbard Library Activities. 135 Main St., 223-3338. Church, lower level. Dads & Kids Playgroup, Thursdays, 6-7:30pm
Story Time, Tues/Weds/Fri, 10:30am. Comics Club, Tues, 3:30-5pm. and Playgroup, Saturdays, 9:30-11am, both at Family Center of
Youth Chess Club, Weds, 5:30-7pm. Lego Club, Thurs, 3:30pm. Washington County. All held during school year only.
Dungeons & Dragons, Fri, 4-5:30pm. Games at the Library, Fri, Christian Meditation. Christ Church, Mondays, 12-1pm.
3-5pm. Read with COCO Therapy Dog, Thurs, 4pm. Lunch in a
Foreign Language, Weds: Spanish, Thurs: French/Italian, Friday: MORETOWN- Youth Group. Ages 13-18 welcome. Pastor’s House,
German. Community of the Crucified One, Rte 100, Mondays 7-9pm. 496-5912. Granite Center Garden Club
CHADD ADHD Parent Support Group. Childcare not available,
please make plans for your child. Woodbury College, second Tuesday
Playgroup. Town Hall, side entrance, Mondays during school year,
MORRISVILLE- Overeaters Anonymous. First Congregational Annual
Plant Sale
of month, 5:30-7:30pm. Info. 498-5928.
Overeaters Anonymous. Bethany Church, Fridays at noon. 223-3079. Church, 85 Upper Main St., Fridays at noon. Info. 888-2356.
Bingo. Food & beverage available. Elks Lodge, every Tuesday, doors Alcoholics Anonymous. Daily meetings, call 229-5100 for latest
open 4pm, early bird 5pm, regular games 7pm. times & locations;
NORTHFIELD- Weight Watchers. Gray Building, Thursdays, 5pm.
Good Beginnings of Central Vermont. Vol meetings. Bethany
Church, 1st Fri. of the month, 12-1pm. Info. 279-2106. Clogging & Irish Step Lessons. W/Green Mountain Cloggers, ages Friday, May 27, 2011
Bible Study. Christian Alliance Church, Weds., 7pm. 476-3221. 8-78, donations. Sundays 5-8pm. 522-2935.
Northfield Chess Club. Casual games & speed chess. Northfield
6:30 am - 12:00 pm
Alcoholics Anonymous. Meetings in Montpelier, daily. Call 802-229-
Senior Center, $1, Tuesdays, 7pm. Info. 764-5880. (or until sold Out)
5100 for latest times & locations,
Al-Anon. Trinity Methodist Church, Main St., Sun., 6:15-7:30pm. Alcoholics Anonymous. Meetings M-W-Th. Call 802-229-5100 for Vermont Granite Museum
Info. 1-866-972-5266. details; Jones Brothers Way (Barre/Montpelier Road)
Central Vermont Support Group. Meeting at Another Way, 125 Playgroup. United Church of Northfield, Wednesdays starting Oct. 6, For additional information call
Barre St., Tuesdays 6-7:30pm. Info. 479-5485. 9:30-11am. Held only when school is in session. Info. 262-3292 x113. 479-1838 or 476-728
Community Kitchen. Unitarian Universalist, 2nd & 4th Sun., 4:30- PLAINFIELD- Diabetes Discussion Group. For those w/ diabetes & Benefits GCGC
6pm. Info. Richard Sheir, 223-4799. their families. The Health Center, 3rd Thursdays, 6:30pm. 322-6600. Planting Projects
SL AA. 12-step recovery group for sex/relationship problems. Bethany Alcoholics Anonymous. Call 229-5100 for times/info, www.aavt,org. in Barre City and
Church, Wed., 5pm. Info. 802-249-6825. RANDOLPH- Lift for Life Exercises, Tues-Fri, 8:30am; Cribbage Barre Town
Survivors of Incest Anonymous. Bethany Church parlor, 115 Main 9:30am & Mahjongg 10am on Tuesdays; Art History Video Series
St., Mondays, 5pm, Info 229-9036/454-7822. 12:45pm & Bridge Club 2pm on Wednesdays; Foot Clinics, 1st &
2nd Weds, 10am-noon, call to sign up. All held at Randolph Senior
Capital Orchestra. New players welcome, esp. strings. U-32, Center, 6 Hale St. Info. 728-9324.
rehearsals most Mondays, 7-9pm. Info. 223-8610/ Healthier Living Workshops. Free, for anyone with a chronic illness.
Peace Vigil. In front of the Post Office, every Friday, 12-1pm. Gifford Conference Ctr, Mondays, 5/16-6/27, 6-8:30pm. 728-2118.
Brain Injury Support Group. Unitarian Church, first & third Thurs. Gentle Yoga Class. For people age 55+. Gifford Conference Center,
of month, 1:30-2:30pm. Info. call toll free 1-877-985-8440. Fridays, 4/15-6/17, 1-2:15pm. Info. 476-2668.
Domestic Violence Support Group. Safe & confidential, call Diabetes Support Group. Meet w/facilitators & fellow diabetics.
Battered Women’s Services and Shelter, 223-0855. Gifford Medical Ctr, 1st Tuesday of month, 11am-noon. 728-7100.
PeaceVermont (CCAV) Meetings. AFSC office, 73 Main St., 1st
Monday of each month, 5:30pm. Info 229-2340. continued on next page


Ride & BBQ to support The Veterans’ Place We're
Ride sponsored by: The Vermont Thunder Crew and CVMA 26-2
BBQ sponsored by: Northfield American Legion Post 63 SAL.

Staging areas: The VA Hospital White River Jct. (lower parking lot)
And Richmond Mobil just off I 89 exit 11. Staging for both locations
begins at 10:00am. Each group will LEAVE at 11:00 am and take I
89 to exit 5. Follow the SIGNS towards Northfield, they will join to-
gether at the Williamstown State Garage District 6 Lot: just past the THE "UN
park & ride, where we pick up a Fire Dept. Escort to the Norwich w o u ld li k e C L E M IK E
University Plumley Armory. to th a n k y 'S F A M ILY
o u fo r a ll "
J o in u s fo your supp
PRE REGISTRATION SPECIAL: BBQ $10.00 single and $15.00 for r a w e e k lo o r t.
n g b ir th d a
2. BBQ will Cost $15.00 per person at the door! The menu is: y c e le b r a ti
JUNE 6 th on
ru 10
Hamburgers and Hot Dogs G if ts & G a
m e s th e w
Salads and Chips E n te r fo r h o le w e e k
Drinks and Ice Cream a chance !
to w in lu n
o ff ic e fo r c h fo r y o u
Send your check made out to: The Veteran’s Place for the appro- u p to 1 0 p r
S o m e th in g e o p le !
priate amount and mail to: 220 Vine Street Northfield, VT 05663 fu n e v e r y
Checks MUST be received by JUNE 1st. " Tw o -P u n day ~ Fre
c h Tu e s d a e C o o k ie s
ALL proceeds will go directly to helping displaced veterans. y," T r iv ia ,
C o m e jo in G a m e s , e tc
us and ce .
There will be a live on site DJ and music. le b r a te o u
6 th a n n iv e r
50/50 Raffle and other giveaways W e 'l l h a v e r s a r y.
Fun games and activities for children fu n to g e th
Feel free to pack your bike with the wish list items too: check the e r.
website for more -G le n & C
information or volunteering to help call Bob (802) 868-5467 M a r g o ld
Or Karen at The Veterans’ Place (802) 485-8874 M-F
G o to
fo r o u r d a U n c le M ik e s D e li .c
10AM - 3PM ALL
*This is a drug and alcohol free event il y s a n d w
ic h & s o u o m 8 State St. OCCASIONS
~This Ad Courtesy Of Bev and Larry Cayia~ p s p e c ia ls Montpelier & BUDGETS
229-6788 CATERING
May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 25


79 Summer St., Barre, VT 05641
(802) 476-5015
May 23-27 is High School Voter Registration Week
“Excellence in Education, Values & Leadership” Last week, Secretary of State Jim Condos announced the dates Registration Week is critical to ensuring that our young people
for High School Voter Registration Week. Secretary Condos said, vote.”
NOW ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS “Vermont’s High School Voter Registration Week, May 23-27,
was established to encourage Vermont’s high schools to register
“Students find it difficult to register while away at college, the
military, or while working. We know from experience that
FOR STUDENTS their 18-year-olds to vote before they leave school.” Voter registra- Vermont’s young people are more likely to vote if they register
IN PRESCHOOL (3 YRS. OLD) tion activities will take place in some high schools during this
week, and others schedule registration drives at other times such
before they leave high school. We hope many students take advan-
tage of this chance to be registered and ready for the next elec-
THROUGH GRADE 8 as graduation day. Condos said, “I applaud the efforts of our high tion.” stated Secretary Condos.
Students of all faiths accepted school teachers and administrators to ensure that every Vermont For more information about this program contact Olivia Gay at
student understands the importance of participating in the political 802-828-1296 or visit the Secretary of State’s website at www.
After School Program available until 5:30 p.m. process. Registering students to vote during High School Voter
Affordable tuition with flexible payment options ■ ■ ■
Financial assistance available Quit in Person Group. Free tobacco cessation program Gifford World. L.A.C.E., 159 North Main St., noon-3pm. Info. 476-4276.
AND MORE! Conference Ctr., Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30pm. Info. 728-2118. Open Mike. With host John Lackard. Gusto’s, 28 Prospect St., 9pm.
For more Cancer Support Group. For survivors, sufferers & family. Gifford BRADFORD- Your Most Interesting Ancestor. Share a brief story
Conference Ctr, 2nd Tuesdays, 9:30-11am. 728-2270. about an interesting ancestor, or just come to listen. Co-hosted by
information or to Al-Anon/Alateen. Gifford Hospital, Weds, 7pm and Sundays, 11am. Historical Soc. Bradford Public Library, FREE, 7pm. Info. 222-4423.
schedule a visit, Storytime. Kimball Library, Wed., 11am, ages 2-5; Toddlertime, Fri., HARDWICK- Due Date and Induction: The Real Implications.
please call 10:30am; Gathering for hand work, 2nd & 4th Mon., 6pm. Discussion and meeting of the Trust Birth Initiative. Jeudevine
Principal Pattie ROXBURY- Alcoholics Anonymous. Call 802-229-5100 for times & Library, 7-9pm.
O’Mahoney locations; MARSHFIELD- The Monetary System and You! Screening of the
at 476-5015. STOWE- Alcoholics Anonymous. Call 802-229-5100 for times & animated film “Money as Debt Part 3” by Paul Grignon, followed by
locations; discussion. Jaquith Public Library, 7pm. Info. 426-3581. WAITSFIELD- Community Acupuncture Night. Free assessment MONTPELIER- Lots of Life in the Pond. Preschool discovery
program for kids age 3-5. Dress for a walk on the trails. North Branch

& treatment, donations welcome. Three Moons Wellness, 859 Old
County Rd., 2nd fl., last Weds., of month, 4-7pm. RSVP 272-3690. Nature Center, $5 per child, 10-11:30am. Info. 229-6206.
Alcoholics Anonymous. Call 229-5100 for times & locations, or Modern Soy Cooking & Getting Kids to Like Soy. Recipes and cooking demos by Chris Bennett. Hunger Mountain Coop, $5 mem-
bers/$10 non, 5:30-7:30pm. Pre-reg. 223-8004 x202.
WARREN- Infant, Toddler & Parent Enrichment Series. Warren
Public Library, Tuesdays, 10am. Info. 496-3913.
WASHINGTON- Central VT ATV Club. Washington Fire Station, Thursday, May 26
EVERY 3rd Thurs, 6:30pm. BARRE- GED Testing. Social studies, science & reading at 3pm,
take 1 or 2; writing at 5:30pm, math at 6pm, take only one. Barre
SUNDAY NIGHT! WATERBURY- Beginner Ballet for Kids with Special Needs. Free
class for ages 4-7, offered by One Studio Dance and Yoga. Held at
Jazzercise, 29 Stowe St., Saturdays 11:45am-12:30pm. 244-8600.
Learning Center, 46 Washington St. Pre-register 476-4588.
Spring Service of Remembrance. Hosted by CVHHH to celebrate
Jackpot #1 #53 $1,375 Grandparents Raising their Children’s Children. Support group, the lives of those whom Hospice has served. All are welcome, refresh-
ments served. Barre Universalist Church, 6pm. RSVP 223-1878.
Jackpot #2 #55 $2,300 childcare provided. Wesley Methodist Church, Main St., 3rd Tuesday
of month, 6-8pm. Info. 476-1480. MIDDLESEX- Middlesex Historical Society Meeting. Open to the
Flashball #1 $800 Afternoon Knitters. Bring your latest project, crocheters welcome,
too. Waterbury Public Library, Wednesdays, 1-2pm. Info. 244-7036.
public - all are invited. Town Hall, Route 2, 7pm. Info. 272-8074.
MONTPELIER- Rage in Placid Lake. A sharply satirical comedy
Doors open 4:00PM Support Group for women who have experienced partner abuse. about two neglected teenagers who find the courage to believe in
Info at 1-877-543-3498. themselves. Part of Int’l Film Series. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, 7pm.
Premies 6:00PM
Games 7:00PM Playgroups: Open Gym, Mon-Tues-Fri, 11:05-11:35am; Story Time, Listen to Your Art. MHS student art show, plus musical entertain-
Tues, 10-11am; Music & Movement Playgroup, Weds, 10-11:30am; ment by Red Klay Ensemble, Choral Department, and solos.
Art & Exploration Playgroup, Thurs., 9:30-11:30am. Thatcher Handicapped accessible. High School, FREE, 7-9pm.
Barre Elks Lodge Brook Primary School Children’s Room, during school year only. WAITSFIELD- Bloom: The Plight of Lake Champlain. Documentary
10 Jefferson St., Barre Al-Anon. Congregational Church, Mondays 7pm, Fridays 8pm; Info. screening and discussion led by WNRCD & Friends of the Mad River.
1-866-972-5266. Big Picture Theater, $5 sugg. donation, 9pm. Info. 496-8994.
Handicap Accessible • Kitchen opens at 5:00PM WATERBURY CENTER- Alcoholics Anonymous. Call 802-229- WATERBURY- Invasive Plants & Native Plant Gardening:
5100 for times & locations, Protecting VT’s Woods & Waterways One Garden at a Time. Hosted
by VT Nature Conservancy. W’bury Public Library, 7pm. 244-7036.
Bible Study Group. Bring your bible, coffee provided, all welcome.
Waterbury Center Grange, Sundays, 5-6pm. Info. 498-4565. WOODBURY- Spring Ecology Nature Walk. With naturalist
George Lisi. Wisdom of the Herbs School, $10/no one turned away,
WEBSTERVILLE- Fire District #3, Prudential Committee. 6-7:30pm. Pre-register at 456-8122.

Monthly meeting, 105 Main St., 3rd Wed., 7pm.
WILLIAMSTOWN- Knitting Goup. All handwork welcome, come
for creativity & community. Ainsworth Library, Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm.
Friday, May 27

BINGO Bible Study. Christian Alliance Church, Sun., 6pm. Info. 476-3221. BARRE- Barre-Tones Yard Sale. Furniture, homegoods & more. VT
Machining Co. (was Pyramid Supply), 85 So. Main St., 8am-3pm.
Grandparents Raising their Children’s Children. Support grp,
childcare provided. 1st Wed. of month. 6-8pm. 802-476-1480, x377. CHELSEA- Chelsea Farmers Market. Music this week by
Wellspring Strings Ensemble, plus story time and art tent for kids.
• Flash Ball: $700. Alcoholics Anonymous. Call 802-229-5100 for times & locations, or North Common, 3-6:30pm.
• Mini Jackpot 53#'s: $2,825. WOODBURY- Knitting Group. All hand work welcome. Library,
MONTPELIER- Brake Night. Get an overview of V-brakes & disc
brakes and their installation & maintenance. Part of “Friday Night
• Jackpot 55#'s: $1,500. 1st & 3rd Wed., 6:30-8pm. Fix” workshop series. Onion River Sports, 6-7:30pm. 229-9409.
Grandparents Raising their Children’s Children. Support group, Spring Migration Bird Walk. Explore the Sodom Pond & surround-
Thursday Night childcare provided. Woodbury Community Room, 4th Monday of ing wetlands for migrants incl. Baltimore Oriole, Wood Duck, more.
•Doors Open at 4:00 PM THIS WE each month, 6-8pm. Info., call Evelyn at 476-1480.
EK North Branch Nature Ctr, $5/free for members, 7-9:30am. 229-6206.
•Premies at 6:00 PM SPECIA 'S WORCESTER- Playgroup. Town Hall, Fridays through school year,
•Regular Games at 7:00 PM L Spring Thrift Sale. Trinity Community Thrift Store, 137 Main St.,
STU 9:30-11:30am. 10am-4pm. Info. 229-9155.
ROUTE 14 • 479-9090 SHELLFFED Knitting Night. The Wool Shed, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 Swing Dance. All ages & abilities welcome. Bring socks or clean soft-
MEAT S with soled shoes. Spons. by Central VT Swing Dancers. Capital City
Wednesday, May 25
Just outside of Barre
BALLS Grange, $8, lesson 7:30-8pm, open dancing 8pm on. Info. 229-4008.
BARRE- Artisan Demo: Wool Spinning. See Chris Hall demon- PLAINFIELD- Spring Book & Plant Sale. Hosted by Friends of the
strate wool spinning. Free cup of coffee if you say you saw this in The Cutler Memorial Library. Cutler Library, 9am-5pm. Info. 454-8504.
continued on next page


• Bethel • Braintree • Montpelier • Randolph • Rochester • U-32 District Towns • Waterbury Schedule is subject to change without notice.
ORCA Media Channel 15 1:00a Salaam/Shalom 7:30p Know Your SCORE 2:00p The Drexel Interview 10:00a Tom Peters: Vermont Historical Society CVTV 7 CVTV Channel 23
Barre, VT
Watch Free Speech TV daily whe 2:00a Free Speech TV 8:00p The Future of Vermont’s 2:30p Authors at the Aldrich: Colin Calloway Conf. Keynote
local programs are not running 8:00a Democracy Now! Working Landscape 4:00p Technology, Education & Design: Ideas 11:00a Voices for Vermont’s Children Confer- •Barre •Barre Town •Williamstown
Wednesday, May 25 9:00a Free Speech TV 9:30p Manufacturing Renaissance Worth Spreading ence of 9/30/10: •Chelsea •Berlin (B-M Rd. only)
12:00a Connect with Amy Miller 12:00p Democracy Now! 10:00p Free Speech TV 5:30p Vermont Youth Orchestra 2011 Winter Recommitting to Vermont—Seizing the •Washington •Orange (Rt. 110 only) •Tunbridge 5/25
12:30a Bill Doyle on Vt Issues 1:00p The Studio Sessions Concert Opportunity •So. Royalton •Marshfield •Plainfield For the Animals 6a, 8:30a & 11a
Tuesday, May 31 On Fri, May New England Cooks 7a, 9:30a & 12p
1:00a Tax in VT 2:00p Salaam/Shalom 12:00a VT Blogosphere TV 7:00p20,Road
10:08 AM,Language
World Publications
Matters-- <>
1:00p Voices for Vermont’swrote:
Children Keynote: 5/25 VT Awareness Theater 8 & 10:30a
1:30a Fresh Pickings 3:00p Free Speech TV 12:30a Know Your SCORE Talking About Addiction Con Hogan Barre City Council 9a, 12p & 3:30p Today’s Airforce 1 & 3:30p
2:00a Songwriters Notebook 6:00p Democracy Now! 1:00a The Future of Vermont’s 8:00p CVTSportNet Game of the Week: 2:00p Vermonters Confronting Collapse, w.
2:30a Army NewsWatch 7:00p ORCA Presents! Movie: Boys’ Basketball: Twinfield @ Whitcomb 5/10 Michael Ruppert Under the Golden Dome 8a & 2:30p Connect with Amy Miller 1:30 & 4p
Working Landscape -- Shalom 2:30 & 5p
3:00a Free Speech TV “The Wasp Woman” (1959) 2:30a Manufacturing Renaissance Sat May 28 7:00p Montpelier City Council Meeting LIVE Plainfield Select 7 & 10p CV Sports 6p
Eric Giles
8:00a Democracy Now! 8:30p Free Speech TV 3:00a Free Speech TV 10:30a
Operations Technology, Education & Design: Ideas
Manager Thu May 26 CV Sports 8p
9:00a Free Speech TV 10:00p P. Dreadful’s Shilling Shockers 8:00a Democracy Now! 9:00a Montpelier Planning Commission Mtg 5/26 Fright Night 10p
CVTV Worth Spreading
1:00p Connect with Amy Miller Saturday, May 28 9:00a Free Speech TV 12:00p Vt Fit & Health Kids Contest Video of 5/23 Plainfield Select 6a, 9a & 12p
1:30p Bill Doyle on Vt Issues 5/26
12:00a Free Speech TV 1:00p VT Blogosphere TV Awards Presentation 1:00p Voices for Vermont’s Children Conference Twinfield School 3, 7 & 10p Connect with Amy Miller 6, 8:30 & 11a
2:00p Tax in Vermont 8:30a Tax in Vermont 1:30p Know Your SCORE 1:00p CVTSportNet Game of the Week: Recommitting to Vermont—Seizing the Shalom 7, 9:30a & 12p
2:30p Fresh Pickings 9:00a Know Your SCORE 2:00p The Future of Vermont’s Boys’ Basketball: Twinfield @ Whitcomb 5/10 Opportunity Today’s Air Force 8 & 10:30a
3:00p Songwriters Notebook 9:30a Fresh Pickings Working Landscape Sun May 29 3:00p Voices for Vermont’s Children Keynote: 5/27 Tax in VT 1 & 3:30p
3:30p Army NewsWatch 10:00a Venture Vt! State Parks 3:30p Manufacturing Renaissance Con Hogan Twinfield School 6a, 9a & 12p Barre Town Drama 1:30 & 4p
4:00p Sudzin Country 12:00p Technology, Education & Design: Ideas Road to Recovery 2:30 & 5p
10:51a Keeping Vermont Vital 4:00p Free Speech TV Worth Spreading 5:00p Montpelier Design Review Committee Barre Town Select Board 5, 8 & 10p
5:30p White House Chronicles 11:00a The Studio Sessions 5:30p Sudzin Country Mtg of 5/24 CV Sports 6 & 10p
6:00p Democracy Now! 1:30p The Drexel Interview CV Sports 8p
7:00p Venture Vermont! State Parks 12:00p Talking About Movies 6:00p Democracy Now! 2:00p Vt Fit & Health Kids Contest Video Awards 7:00p Berlin Selectboard Mtg of 5/16 5/28
12:30p Bill Doyle on Vt Issues 7:00p Connect with Amy Miller Presentation Fri May 27 5/27
7:51p Keeping Vermont Vital 7:30p Bill Doyle on Vt Issues 9:00a Montpelier City Council Meeting of 5/25 Barre Town Select Board 8a & 12p
8:00p Talking About Movies 1:00p VPIRG Solar Montpelier 3:00p Vermont Youth Orchestra 2011 Winter Barre Town Drama 6, 8:30 & 11a
1:30p Free Speech TV 8:00p Tax in VT Concert 1:00p Berlin Selectboard Mtg of 5/16 Heavenly Sonshine 3:30 & 8p Road to Recovery 7 & 9:30a
8:30p The Struggle 8:30p Fresh Pickings Tax in VT 8 & 10:30a
9:00p White House Chronicles 5:30p Connect with Amy Miller 6:50p RTCC News 6:00p Tom Peters: Vermont Historical Society Washington Baptist Church 4p Fright Night 12 & 6p
6:00p Salaam/Shalom 9:00p Songwriter’s Notebook 7:00p Books of Our Time Conf. Keynote Faith Community Church 5p
9:30p Mr. Hilbert’s Blues Hour 9:30p Army NewsWatch 7:00p Waterbury Trustees Mtg of 5/16 CV Sports 2 & 8p
10:00p For the Animals 7:00p Jesus, by John 8:00p Authors at the Aldrich: Colin Calloway Barre Congregational Church 6 & 9p CV Sports 4 & 10p
7:30p Jesus is Lord 10:00p Sudzin Country 9:30p Curtis Whiteway: Liberation of the Sat May 28
10:30p Free Speech TV 10:30p Deutsche Welle St. Monica’s 8p
8:00p Free Speech TV Holocaust Camps 10:00a Randolph Selectboard Mtg of 5/17 5/28
Thursday, May 26 10:00p Lifelines Mon May 30 3:00p Gov. Peter Shumlin’s Weekly Press CV Sports 6a, 12, 6 & 10p
12:00a Venture Vermont! State Parks 10:30p Free Speech TV ORCA Media Channel 16 Conference 5/29 CV Sports 8a, 2p
12:51a Keeping Vermont Vital New! Watch Al Jazeera English, NASA-TV, or the Classic 10:00a CVTSportNet Game of the Week: Fright Night 10a, 4 & 8p
1:00a Talking About Movies Sunday, May 29 Arts between these shows Boys’ Basketball: Twinfield @ Whitcomb 5/10 4:00p Berlin Selectboard Mtg of 5/16 Washington Baptist Church 12 & 9a, & 6p
1:30a The Struggle 12:00a Free Speech TV Wed May 25 1:00p Vermont Board of Education Mtg of 5/17 8:00p Montpelier Design Review Committee Faith Community Church 1a, 10a & 7p 5/29
2:00a White House Chronicles 9:30a VPIRG Solar Montpelier 12:00p Road to Recovery: Language Matters-- 7:00p Massachusetts School of Law Education Mtg of 5/24 Barre Congregational Church 2a, 11a & 8p Fright Night 6a, 12 & 6p
2:30a Mr. Hilbert’s Blues Hour 10:00a Deutsche Welle Global 3000 Talking About Addiction Forum Sun May 29 CV Sports 8a, 2 & 8p
10:30a Songwriters Notebook 1:00p Authors at the Aldrich: Colin Calloway 8:00p Vermont Board of Education Mtg of 5/17 9:00a Gov. Peter Shumlin’s Press Conference St. Monica’s 4a, 1 & 10p CV Sports 10a, 4 & 10p
3:00a For the Animals
3:30a Free Speech TV 11:00a Montpelier Fire Chief Ernest 2:00p Curtis Whiteway: Liberation of the Tue May 31 10:00a Randolph Selectboard Mtg of 5/17 Heavenly Sonshine 8:30a & 5:30p
8:00a Democracy Now! Flanders’ Memorial Service Holocaust Camps 1:00p Massachusetts School of Law Education 2:00p Waterbury Trustees Mtg of 5/25 Authors at the Aldrich 9, 11:30a, 2 & 4:30p
9:00a Free Speech TV 12:00p White House Chronicles 7:00p Vt Fit & Health Kids Contest Video Awards Forum 6:00p Vermonters Confronting Collapse, w. 5/30 Arts 10a, 12:30 & 3p
12:00p Democracy Now! 12:30p VT Blogosphere TV Presentation 2:00p Books of Our Time Michael Ruppert
1:00p ORCA Presents! Movie:
Berlin Select 9a & 1p Talking About Movies 11a, 1:30, 4 & 5:30p
1:00p Venture Vermont! State Parks 8:00p Vermont Youth Orchestra 2011 Winter 3:00p The Enduring Appeal of Arthur, with Mon May 30 CV Sports 6p
1:51p Keeping Vermont Vital “The Wasp Woman” (1959) Concert Historian Jim Slocombe 9:00a Waterbury Trustees Mtg of 5/25 VT State Board of Ed. 3, 7 & 10p CV Sports 8p
2:00p Talking About Movies 2:30p Free Speech TV Thu May 26 6:00p Road to Recovery: Recovery at Any 1:00p Randolph Selectboard Mtg of 5/17 Fright Night 10p
2:30p The Struggle 7:00p Jesus by John 12:30p The Drexel Interview Age--Young People 7:00p The Middle East: A New Beginning or 5/31
3:00p White House Chronicles 7:30p Jesus is Lord Ancient History? 5/31
1:00p Vt Fit & Health Kids Contest Video Awards 7:00p Authors at the Aldrich: Stephanie VT State Board of Ed. 6, 9a, 12 & 3p Authors at the Aldrich 6, 9 & 11a
3:30p Mr. Hilbert’s Blues Hour 8:00p ORCA Presents! Movie: Presentation McMahan Tue May 31
“The Wasp Woman” (1959) Under the Golden Dome 6p Arts 7, 9:30a &12p
4:00p For the Animals 2:00p Vermont Youth Orchestra 2011 Winter 8:00p Mary Anne Trasciatti: May Day and Civil 1:00p The Middle East: A New Beginning or Talking About Movies 8 & 10:30a
4:30p Free Speech TV Monday, May 30 Concert Liberties in the U.S. Ancient History?
Barre City Council ‘live’ 7p VT Awareness Theater 1 & 3:30p
6:00p Democracy Now! 12:00a Free Speech TV 7:20p RTCC News 6:00p Gov. Peter Shumlin’s Weekly Press ALL SCHEDULED PROGRAMS ARE For the Animals 1:30 & 4p
7:00p The Studio Sessions 8:00a Democracy Now! 7:30p The Drexel Interview ORCA Media Channel 17 Conference SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. New England Cooks 2:30 & 5p
8:00p Salaam/Shalom 9:00a Free Speech TV 8:00p Technology, Education & Design: Ideas Look for government-related programming on this channel 7:00p Central Vermont Regional Planning Com- CV Sports 6 & 10p
9:00p Free Speech TV 5:30p Deutsche Welle Global 3000 Worth Spreading Wed May 25 mission Mtg of 4/12 CHARTER Fright Night 8p
Friday, May 27 6:00p Democracy Now! Fri May 27 12:50p RTCC News 9:00a Gov. Peter Shumlin’s Weekly Press 8:30p Madeleine M. Kunin: Pearls, Politics
12:00a The Studio Sessions 7:00p VT Blogosphere TV 1:00p Books of Our Time Conference and Power COMMUNICATIONS ALL PROGRAMING
Community Media(802) 224-9901 Check out our Web page at OF BARRE WITHOUT NOTICE
page 26 The WORLD May 25, 2011
Movie Listings for Friday, May 26 thru Thursday, June 2

Susan M. Russell Retrospective Now at SPA

THE HANGOVER 2 --R-- ............................. 1:30 6:30 9:00
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 4 --PG-13-- Audio Descriptive ... 1:30 6:15 9:00
THOR IN 3D --PG-13-- .............................. 1:30 6:30 9:00
BRIDESMAIDS --R--................................. 1:30 6:30 9:00
A wide-ranging show of works by the late Susan M. Russell of RIO --G-- .................................................... 1:30 6:30
Calais is on display at Studio Place Arts (SPA) in Barre through PRIEST --PG-13--................................................ 9:00
June 4. Creatively displayed in the second and third floor galleries
at SPA, the show includes a mix of textured, acrylic paintings in PARAMOUNT BARRE 479-9621
earth-toned palettes, textile art embellished with threads, beads MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY
and buttons, fiber-based sculpture, and colored pencil drawings. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 4 --PG-13--............. 1:30 6:15 9:00
There are more than 140 abstracted works on the walls of these KUNG FU PANDA 2 IN 3D --PG-- .................. 1:30 6:30 8:30
spaces, which are grouped by color and feeling.
es Not
24-Hr Movie Line 229-0343
Susan’s sensitively layered paintings connected past to present
Show Tim t Press
and looked forward via several distinct series: Transportals, Aerial
View, Earth’s Carpet, and Arches. Her colored pencil drawings
were carefully mapped out mandalas, a Buddhist tradition that she Available e Call For
taught at SPA years ago. Time...Ple how Times
Current S
Though preferring her viewing audience to rely on instinctual

feelings, and not words, Susan externalized her artistic vision in
the following written statement, published on May, 2009.
“Creating art to me is a beautiful and profound dance of seeking

the invisible truth within. I find that the internal constructs I see,
and then bring forth, are sometimes so darn cool and interesting.
My internal view excites me and presses me with passion. I go
then to the painting process which demands integrity, clarity of
intention and consistent hard work. It can be grueling and com- Susan M. Russell, 308 A & B, acrylic mixed media Now Open Great Fo
manding to approach a blank canvas and lay down what you know.
use descriptive words for my art and I prefer not to try. I do hope Take Your Dinner FUL d To Go!
Likewise, it’s a process/place that lifts me up and truly carries me Just like L MENU
to another place of astonishment and fulfillment. though that my images express, communicate and resonate with TO GO! our L
“I am perpetually ensconced in seeking divine light and truth in viewers’ inner life and the way beyond. Enjoy.” Restaura gendary
my everyday life. Using paint to express my journey is my chosen This extensive, vibrant exhibit of Susan M. Russell’s work at Tractor Supply on River St. COMPLET
closes at SPA on Saturday, June 4 with a reception from 2:30- E DIN
process and very satisfying. I love color, form and texture and I (B-M Rd) Montpelier on your
way homNERS
use these elements to delineate moments of inner life. It’s hard to 4pm. e!
Tues-Sat 4-8PM
And don
’t forget
■ ■ ■ W
at your lo E CA TER
RANDOLPH- Tag Sale/Plant Sale/Food Sale. Our Lady of the WAITSFIELD- Baked Beads Sale. Under the tent, 46 Carroll Rd.,
cation or
one of ou
Angels Church, 43 Hebard Hill Rd., 4-7pm. Info. 728-5251. 10am-5pm. See descrip. 5/27. - Bob & B rs
nda Sam
SOUTH ROYALTON- Cheese Night. Samples from local cheese-
Monday, May 30
makers and a talk by Ed Behr, writer & Editor of “The Art of Eating.”
Bob-White Systems farmstead dairy store, town green, 5:30pm. ** CREDIT CARDS Welcomed **
BARRE- Memorial Day Mass. All are welcome. St. Monica Cemetery,
WAITSFIELD- Baked Beads Sale. Jewelry & fashion accessory Beckley St., 9am. (Rain site: St. Monica Church on Summer St.)
clearance. PTO Rebate Program for schools, call 496-2440. Under the MONTPELIER- Peacekeeper Workshop. Learn nonviolent conflict
tent next to Big Picture Theater, 46 Carroll Rd., 10am-5pm. intervention and prepare to be a Peacekeeper at the Village Gathering,
WASHINGTON- Free Family Fun for Washington Residents. Free June 10-12 in Brookfield. Reach Care Bank, 138 Main St., 5-9pm.
helmets and 2 new bikes to be given away; games, bubbles, family
photos, guided hike in Carpenter Park (4:15), llamas, silly putty and
WATERBURY- Waterbury Ghost Walk and American Legion
Service. Walk will focus on Civil War veterans, followed by “The DINE AT THE
more. Washington Village School, 4-6pm, free dinner at 6pm.
WATERBURY CENTER- Annual Tag Sale. A variety of items
Vermont Civil War Song Book” w/Linda Radtke at Waterbury
Congregational Church. Hope Cemetery, FREE, 11am. 244-8089.
available. Waterbury Center Community Church, Rte 100, 9am-4pm. WATERBURY CENTER- Annual Tag Sale. A variety of items Friday Night Specials
WOLCOTT- Lamoille County Cancer Fund Indoor Yard & Bake available. Waterbury Center Community Church, Rte 100, 9am-4pm.
Sale. Wolcott United Methodist Church, Route 15, 9am-5pm. Friday, May 27 • Serving 5:30-9:30PM
Tuesday, May 31
Saturday, May 28 BARRE TOWN- 1-2-3 Magic. Family Center of Washington County Teriyaki Steak Kabob $12.95
BARRE- A Besere Velt: The Cloth from Which We are Cut. The offers this course addressing child discipline with humor, insight, and
largest Yiddish chorus in the world, A Besere Velt perform to com- proven experience. Part 1 of 2, continues 6/7. Childcare available. Baked Haddock $12.95
memorate the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in New York City on March 25, Barre Town Elementary, FREE, 6-8pm. RSVP 262-3292 x115.
1911. Old Labor Hall, $12/$10 students & seniors, 7pm. 456-7456. BERLIN- Red Cross Blood Drive. All eligible donors are encour-
Lobster Ravioli Cream Sauce 13.95
with Lobster $

Destination Unknown. Gusto’s Bar, music starts 9:45pm. aged to give blood. CVMC, 11am-4pm. 1-800-RED-CROSS. OUTDOOR DECK DINING WEATHER PERMITTING • MEMBERS & GUESTS WELCOME
Barre-Tones Yard Sale. VT Machining Co., 8am-3pm. See 5/27.
BERLIN- Red Cross Blood Drive. All eligible donors are encouraged
MONTPELIER- Double Vision Dance Company Open Rehearsal.
Witness the dance-making process during Double Visions’ residency Country Club of Barre
to give blood. Berlin Mall, 11:30am-4:30pm. 1-800-RED-CROSS. rehearsal. Contemporary Dance & Fitness, FREE, 11am-1pm. Reservations Recommended 476-7658 x6
142 Drake Road, Plainfield, VT
HARDWICK- Hardwick Kiwanis Spring Festival. Craft/garden fair
at Atkins Field, 10-4; Jeudevine Library book sale, 10am; memorial Wednesday, June 1 Weddings • Reunions • Special Events Welcome 1924
service at Veterans Memorial Park, 10:40am; Kiwanis parade, 11am; MONTPELIER- Fairbanks Community of Observers Workshop.
Fun Fair at Hodgdon Rec. Field, starts noon; fireworks at dusk; more. Learn how to participate in this Fairbanks Museum citizen science
MONTPELIER- Capital City Farmers Market. Local produce, program. North Branch Nature Ctr, FREE, 7pm. Info. 229-6206.
plants, baked goods and more. Corner of State St. & Elm St., 9am- CVABE Volunteer Info. & Training Session. For anyone interested
1pm. Info. 223-2958. in volunteering with Central VT Adult Basic Education. Light refresh-
Spring Thrift Sale. Trinity Community Thrift Store, 137 Main St., ments. Montpelier Learning Center, 100 State St., suite 3, 5-6pm.
10am-4pm. Info. 229-9155. Capital City Band Rehearsal. For all band instrument players inter- Memorial Day Celebration
NORTHFIELD- 6th Annual Plant and Bake Sale. Flower & veggie ested in performing with the band this summer. All ages & abilities
plants, pies, cookies & more. Pre-orders accepted until 5/20. Northfield welcome. Bethany Church, 7pm. Info. 223-7069.
13 Indigenous Grandmothers. Day of welcoming, ceremony &
Town of Washington
Ambulance Station, 31 Dog River Drive, 9am-2pm. Info. 224-8344.
PLAINFIELD- Spring Book & Plant Sale. Hosted by Friends of the entertainment. Vermont College of Fine Arts, donations, 1-9:30pm.
Registration suggested, or 851-7697.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Cutler Memorial Library. Cutler Library, 9am-5pm. Info. 454-8504.
Yard Sale. Grace Methodist Church, 8am-3pm.
Thursday, June 2 starting at 10:00 am
RANDOLPH- Art Opening. Reception for Area Artist Show. Cash
bar. Chandler Gallery, 7-9pm. Info. 431-0204. MONTPELIER- Moonlight and Magnolias. This hilarious farce is
Tag Sale/Plant Sale/Food Sale. Our Lady of the Angels Church, 43
a behind the scenes look at the making of Gone with the Wind. Lost Awarding the
Nation Theater, $15 this preview only, 7pm. Info. 229-0492.
Hebard Hill Rd., 8am-2pm. Info. 728-5251.
13 Indigenous Grandmothers. Workshops all day, registration sugg. “Spirit of Washington Award”
STOWE- Work Hike w/Green Mtn Club. All abilities, 6-mi. RT.
Wear work clothes/gloves. Meet at Montpelier H.S., 8am. 223-1406.
at Procession to Statehouse at 6:30pm
for ceremony at 7pm. VT College of Fine Arts, donations. 851-7697.
2010 in Memory of
WAITSFIELD- Green Mtn Comedy Festival. Hosted by Kathleen
Kanz and feat. Martha Tormey, Jake Feldman, John Lyons, more. Big
RANDOLPH- GED Testing. Writing at 3pm, math at 3:30pm, take Constance (Flint) Donovan
only one; social studies, science & reading at 5:30pm, take 1 or 2. Chosen each year by the Historical Society
Picture Theater, $12 advance/$15 at door, 7:30pm. Info. 496-8994. Randolph Learning Center, 12 South Main St. Pre-register 728-4492.
WAITSFIELD- Baked Beads Sale. Under the tent, 46 Carroll Rd., WILLIAMSTOWN- Red Cross Blood Drive. Williamstown High
10am-5pm. See descrip. 5/27.
WATERBURY CENTER- Annual Tag Sale. A variety of items
School, 12:30-5:30pm. 1-800-RED-CROSS. Washington Baptist Church
WOODBURY- George Houghton: VT’s Civil War Photographer.
available. Waterbury Center Community Church, Rte 100, 9am-4pm. Talk & slide show by Donald Wickman, pres. by W’bury Historical (old Town Meeting Hall)
WOLCOTT- Lamoille County Cancer Fund Indoor Yard & Bake Soc. & VT Humanities Council. Town Hall, FREE, 7pm. 456-8108.
Sale. Wolcott United Methodist Church, Route 15, 9am-5pm.

Sunday, May 29 Friday, June 3 Civil War History

CHELSEA- Chelsea Farmers Market. North Common, 3-6:30pm.
BARRE- Barre-Tones Yard Sale. VT Machining Co., 10am-noon. MONTPELIER- Moonlight and Magnolias. This hilarious farce is a
See 5/27. behind the scenes look at the making of Gone with the Wind. Opening 150th Anniversary of the Civil War
CABOT- Annual Pancake Breakfast. All you can eat, presented by night red carpet! Lost Nation Theater, $25-$30, 8pm. Info. 229-0492.
Cabot Fire Dept. Cabot School cafeteria, $5 per person, 7-11am. continued on next page GAR (Garnd Army Republic)
S.C. Smith Post #57
OF ELKS #924
Tuesday nights
Doors open
at 4:00 pm
Sponsored Weekly Every Wednesday Evening
Early Birds at 6:00pm By Italian American Heritage, Inc.
Regular Games at 7:00 pm WEDNESDAY NIGHT
JACKPOT ~Food Available~ Doors Open at 4:00PM
Kitchen opens at 5:00pm Bingo Early Birds 6PM - Regular Bingo 7PM
51 numbers or less -- Flashball $200
Tuesday 5/24/11 1/2 Game $1,100
Montpelier Jackpot $2,400
Excellent Parking Lodge of Elks All Other Games $100
203 Country Club Road MUTUO CLUB Brig. General Napoleon McLaughlin, (2nd person from the left),
Montpelier • 223-2600 Ext #27 20 BECKLEY STREET, BARRE officer of the Federal Army in the vicinity of Washington, D.C., 1865

May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 27


ORCA Updates for This Week

On Episode 32 of Talking About Movies, film buffs Rick claws and head and becomes a deadly eating machine at times.
Open 7 Days Starting Memorial Day Winston and Bill Morancy sample and discuss four Czech films: The jazzy music is riveting, and the editing quick and vicious, just
Thursday–Sunday 11AM–8PM “The White Dove,” “The Firemen’s Ball,” “Kolya,” and “Alice.” like a buzzing insect’s moves. The climax is tense and terrifying.
See it on Thurs. 5/27 at 1am and 2pm and Sat. 5/28 at high Barboura Morris is good as Cabot’s assistant, while Marks is
noon. charmingly funny, especially when flirting with the secretaries.
ORCA Presents! Weekend of May 27-29: A creepy, campy This is a real “bee” movie! Catch it on Friday 5/27 at 7pm and
2678 River Street, Bethel (2.6 mi. on VT Rt. 107) classic by the 50’s & 60’s horror meister, Roger Corman - “Wasp Sunday 5/29 at 1pm and 8pm.
802-234-9400 Woman!” (1960, b&w), 1hr. 13min. A ravishingly beautiful And on ORCA Educational Channel 16 - Don’t miss the
woman by day, a lusting queen brachonid by night! rebroadcast of the amazing Winter Concert 2011 of The Vermont
“Drop dead! … Twice!” That great phrase was spoken by cos- Youth Orchestra. The VYO and RETN (Regional Educational
metic magnate Susan Cabot’s secretary on the telephone to her Television Network) have collaborated together to create live
deadbeat boyfriend, one of many quirky passages in this electrify- concert recordings for over a decade. Concert recordings pre-
Plant ing shockfest. Cabot is amazing as a fortyish executive seeking sented by the Vermont Youth Orchestra, the VYO Chorus, and the
Spring ook youth and beauty to boost her sagging company (and face). She Vermont Youth Concert Chorale have been distributed to audience
& B hires an eccentric (Michael Marks), who has discovered that wasp members, students and parents, used as teaching tools in classes

enzymes can bring back youth to animals. Cabot volunteers her- at the Elley-Long Music Center at Saint Michael’s College, and
self to some periodic injections, and is transformed, but not with- broadcast locally on ORCA Channel 16. These outlets provide
out ghastly side effects. learning and viewing resources to music lovers of all ages! Airs
1. Thor (PG-13) Chris Taking the idea from “The Fly” (1958), she develops wasp Thurs. 5/26 at 2pm, Fri. 5/27 at 5pm and Sun. 5/9 at 3pm.
Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins ■ ■ ■
2. Fast Five (PG-13) Vin
Diesel, Paul Walker Toby Tenenbaum Piano Concert. Performance by the Colorado pia- 7:30pm.
3. Jumping the Broom (PG-13) nist and composer, presented by Village Harmony. Unitarian Church, Moonlight and Magnolias. Lost Nation Theater, 8pm. See 6/3.
Cutler Memorial Library 4. Something Borrowed (PG- $10/$6 students & seniors, 7:30pm. Info. 426-3210. RANDOLPH- Wren Kitz and Peter Squires. Chandler Upper
Rt. 2, Plainfield 13) Kate Hudson 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. Day of workshops, passing-the-torch Gallery, $10 advance/$12 at door. Info. 728-6464.
discussion in pm, foll. by ceremony at the fire. VT College of Fine
Friday & Saturday 5. Rio (PG) animated Arts, donations. Registration suggested,
ROYALTON- Benefit Dance for Wellspring Waldorf School.
Featuring The Van Burens - funk - rock - dance. Dinner available
6. Water for Elephants (PG-13)
May 27 & 28 7. Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big WILLIAMSTOWN- Williamstown Farmers Market. Produce & 7-10pm. Royalton Academy, Rte 14, $10 sugg. donation, 8-11pm.
9AM to 5PM each day baked goods, free market space. Pump & Pantry, No. Main St., 3-6pm.
Happy Family (PG-13)8. Prom Sunday, June 5
COUNTRY (PG) Aimee Teegarden Saturday, June 4 MONTPELIER- Moonlight and Magnolias. Lost Nation Theater,

BOOKSTORE 9. Soul Surfer (PG) AnnaSophia BARRE- Art Reception. Closing reception for Susan M. Russell
Robb, Dennis Quaid 7pm. See descrip. 6/3.
50% OFF BOOKS exhibit. Studio Place Arts, 2:30-4pm. Info. 476-7069. MORRISVILLE- Northeast Fiddlers Assoc. Monthly Jam and
10. Hoodwinked Too! Hood

For info call: 802.454.7196 Art’s First. Free art activities for youth ages 7-10 yrs. Studio Place Meet. VFW, Pleasant St., donations welcome, noon-5pm. 728-5188.
vs. Evil (PG) animated Arts, FREE, 1-3:30pm. RSVP by 6/3, 479-7069.
(c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc. NORTHFIELD- Benefit Ride & BBQ for The Veterans’ Place.
BRADFORD- Bradford Academy Alumni Open House. Public Rides leave from WRJ & Richmond, meet at Williamstown State
welcome. Displays incl. Civil Garage for escort to Norwich’s Plumley Armory for BBQ ($10
War and BA items, “Made in advance/$15 at door), music, raffle, games, more. Info. 868-5467.
Bradford.” B’ford Historical Soc.
Tell the Whole World Way
WARREN- Art Opening. Dessert reception celebrating new exhibit
Museum, FREE, 10am-2pm. by Georgette Diamandis. Warren Public Library, 2pm.

How Proud W
Breakfast. Pond Village Church,
7:30-11am. Info. 276-3376. ART EXHIBITS
You Are! D ONE
EAST HARDWICK- Plant BARRE- Refuge. Find sanctuary in this group, multi-media show.
Swap. Bring extra plant starts or

Studio Place Arts, Main Floor Gallery, through 6/4.
divided perennials and/or bring

$ 95
-- The Art of Susan M. Russell. A retrospective. Studio Place Arts,
some home for your garden. No Second & Third Floor Galleries, through 6/4.
We R so invasive or diseased plants,
please. East Hardwick Grange, -- Four Seasons Mural Project: Planting the Seeds for Change.
proud of U 11am-1pm. 755-6336. Student work on exhibit. Studio Place Arts classroom, through 5/25.
ONLY MONTPELIER- Contradance. BERLIN- Recent Chaos: Landscape, Kimono and Abstraction.
With caller Susan Kevra and Works by Frank Woods. Central VT Medical Center, through 6/3.
music by Atlantic Crossing. Bring HARDWICK- Lisa Dimondstein. Photography exhibit. Claire’s
clean, soft-soled shoes. Capital Restaurant, through 6/27.
City Grange, $8, 8pm. Info. 744- MIDDLESEX- From the Garden to the Forest. Paintings by Anne
Graduate’s name 6163. Unangst, Cindy Griffith and Marcia Hill, with the common theme of
the natural world. Red Hen Bakery and Café, through 6/30.
Actual ad size: 1 column x 2 inches

Capital City Farmers Market.

Your name Local produce, plants, baked MONTPELIER- Blooms into Spring. New paintings by Montpelier
goods and more. Corner of State artist Arthur Zorn. The Skinny Pancake, through 5/30.
Message St. & Elm St., 9am-1pm. Info. -- In the Abstract. Works by photographer Annie Tiberio Cameron.

e Salute You!Governor’s Gallery, Pavilion Building, through 5/31.

s a m p NEK Beginner Bird Walk. For

younger birders, ages 8-16, trip
to Joe’s Pond in Danville. Spons.
-- Here and There. Emily Johansen’s watercolor paintings of
Vermont and Maine. Capitol Grounds, through 5/31.
-- Surviving to Thriving: Realization of Aspirations, Hope and
Joey, by North Branch Nature Ctr & Potential. Group show hosted by Art Therapy Association of Vermont.
Bring into The WORLD office Lots of luck in the future. NEK Audubon, FREE for kids & Statehouse, trough 5/31.
or mail to: Love, parents, 8:30-10am. Pre-reg.
403 US Rt. 302 - Berlin or Email: -- The Earth. Paintings by local artist Skye Forest. Contemporary
Aunt Sue & Uncle Gordon 751-7671. Dance and Fitness Studio, Langdon St., through May.
Barre, VT 05641 Hike & Trail Maintenance w/ -- David Smith. Paintings by the Peacham artist. Vermont Supreme
Green Mtn Club. Help w/Long Court, through 6/30.
Trail maintenance on National
Trails Day. Call 244-7037 x24 -- For the Love of Paint. New work by Harriet Wood. The Drawing
for details. Board, through May.
An Evening of Classical Guitar. -- G.R.A.C.E. Exhibit. Works by artists from the acclaimed Grass

You Can Reach Thousands of Guitarist James Gram performs

works of Bach, Spanish classical
and 20th century music. Unitarian
Roots Art and Community Effort. T.W. Wood Gallery, through 7/17.
-- Sculpture Exhibit. Featuring works by Leila Bandar, Kat Clear,
Chris Curtis, David Tanych and Denis Versweyveld. Vermont Arts
Church, $10 sugg. donation, Council Sculpture Garden, ongoing.
Potential New Customers

With An Ad This Size For Only...
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Post Cards: 28¢ postage plus printing
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Just bring a photo of your father and his look-alike
child or children. Or send to:
The World “Father’s Day Contest”
The paper people read to buy! 403 US Rt. 302-Berlin, Barre, VT 05641
802-479-2582 VT Toll FREE 800-639-9753 Deadline is June 9, 2011
page 28 The WORLD May 25, 2011
Coming Soon to the Savoy Theater peans are violent soldiers. Monks im-
pressed people with their decency, self-
Of Gods and Men (Des lessness, and intelligence. Missionary
monks converted countless millions to
Hommes et Des Dieux) Christianity.
The history of monasticism is im-
H1/2 portant. However, the day-to-day ex-

istence of the average monk is utterly
hat comes to your mind when mundane.
you hear the word “monk?” Tibetan Buddhists? Vows Monasticism is interesting. Monks are boring. Unfortunately,
of silence? Premium Belgian-style ale with a high al- the French film “Of Gods and Men” is about monks.
cohol content? It tells the true story of a small band of Trappist monks living
Actually, monasticism played an important role in our history. in rural Algeria in the mid-1990s. The monks were well-liked
Western civilization would not be the dominant force on planet by their Muslim neighbors and provided free medical attention
earth right now if not for the work of monks. for the sick.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Western Europe took a When a civil war between religious extremists and the moder-
giant step backward. Cities were abandoned. Culture dried up. ate government broke out, the monks were caught in the middle.
Central planning was replaced by feudal chaos. They refused to take up arms or take sides, so they were dis-
As civilization disintegrated, though, monasticism rose. In- trusted by both factions and utterly helpless.
spired by the strict but appealing Rule of St. Benedict, monaster- The monks knew they were in serious danger, but they chose
ies sprang up all over Europe. to stay put. They continued their daily routine and their good
Medieval monks didn’t just pray. They learned. They read. works – stoically awaiting certain death.
They copied books by hand. When Latin died, medieval monks “Of Gods and Men” is an absolute failure. Writer/director
made sure to keep the language alive and to save the great litera- Xavier Beauvois has no respect for the viewer’s time or patience.
ture of antiquity for future generations. There are dozens of tedious, repetitive scenes of the monks do-
Western European peasants were illiterate stone age brutes ing their chores. In silence.
compared to the more cosmopolitan people of Byzantium and The film also fails to adequately communicate what inspired
Persia. However, Christian monks were the intellectual equals these brave men to lay down their lives. Some of the monks
of anyone in the world. speak of “sacrifice,” but it isn’t clear to me what cause they
Monks made a convincing case for the supremacy of Roman thought they were sacrificing for.
Catholicism with their brilliant writings and holy actions. There is a lot of speech making, but not much in the way of
When the West finally emerged from the Dark Ages and Eu- thought-provoking philosophy. There is a lot of grim forebod-
ropeans began to colonize the globe, intrepid monks were right ing, but not much drama or suspense.
there with the armies and conquistadores. The influence and importance of monasticism in Western His-
tory is overlooked. The most acclaimed film about monks this
Monasteries showed conquered cultures that not all Euro-
year – “Of Gods and Men” – is overrated. And boring. Walk the Red Carpet
hosted by WDEVʼs Eric Michaels
LNTʼs Hollywood Premiere Opening
Vermont Celebrates 19th Annual Open Studio Weekend May 28-29
Vermont’s natural scenic beauty is enhanced each spring when gallery talks and feature special exhibits in conjunction with this
Moonlight and Magnolias
the work of Vermont artists and craftspeople can be seen firsthand event. the real story behind Gone with the Wind
during Vermont’s Open Studio Weekend on May 28-29. The Vermont Crafts Council publishes a free map booklet with LNT Club 39 Lobby:
Open Studio Weekend is an annual statewide celebration of the directions to participating sites, which is available at Vermont Live Music. Libations. Dancing.
visual arts when Vermont artists and craftspeople invite the public Information Centers, and at individual studios and galleries, or by Vivian Leigh/Clark Gable Look Alike Contest
to visit their studios during Memorial Day Weekend. More than request. Hollywood Premiere Dress-Up Encouraged!
226 sites will be open during this event, with more than 300 artists Open Studio Weekend was established 19 years ago by the
and artisans participating. Vermont Crafts Council to increase the visibility of artists and Frankly My Dear, this is one Funny Play daily news
“Vermont is fortunate to have such a talented community of craftspeople in Vermont and to foster an appreciation for the cre- JUNE 3. Red Carpet 7:15pm Curtain 8pm
local artists and craftspeople,” said Governor Peter Shumlin. ative process and the role that artists and craftspeople play in the
“What makes Open Studio Weekend so unique is that visitors can vitality of Vermont’s communities. Moonlight & Magnolias previews Thu June 2, Opens Fri & plays
meet a variety of artists and learn more about their tremendous Open Studio Weekend is supported by the farmers who own Thu-Sun thru June 19. Special Ticket Deals opening weekend!
range of creativity.” Cabot Creamery, The Vermont Arts Council and the Vermont 229-0492
The event features the work of glass blowers, jewelers, print- Department of Tourism and Marketing.
makers, potters, furniture makers, weavers, ironworkers, painters, For more information, visit or call the ad courtesy of The World, and LNTʼs Season Underwriters
sculptors, quilt makers and wood carvers. Many galleries will host Vermont Crafts Council at 802-223-3380.

Bragg Farm Maple Creemees
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PRICE It doesn’t take a lot of hard work to decide not to drink and
drive this holiday weekend. All it takes is the good judge-
ment to hand over your keys to a sober driver. Enjoy your
day off this Memorial Day, but please remember to celebrate
responsibly. Don’t drink and drive, and don’t get in the car Business,
with any driver who has been drinking. When you drink and Home and
Auto Insurance
drive, you put yourself in danger and endanger the welfare
of everyone else on the road. Plan ahead if you plan on Nicole Tatro

drinking: Remember to designate a sober driver early in the

Vermont Mutual evening, or just call a cab.
Insurance Co.
Since 1828 These community businesses urge you to drive safely and responsibly 17 State St., Montpelier, VT
89 State St., Montpelier 229-0563 (800) 340-0563
(802) 223-2341
May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 29
802-479-2582 • 1-800-639-9753 • •
JOB WANTED in small center. CHILDCARE BUSINESS from home. Medical, Busi- oil tank. 802-505-5455.
OPPORTUNITIES Learning Ladder C.C. is look-
ing for person with experience, CHILDCARE IN my East
OPPORTUNITIES ness, Paralegal, Accounting,
Criminal Justice. Job place-
5 PEOPLE NEEDED A.S.A.P. energetic, great work ethics, Montpelier home. Call for in-
ment assistance. Computer HEALTH
formation. 802-476-5904. available. Financial aid if
We are taking applications for sense of humor. Full-time posi-
tion starting late July. Starting
LION$? Watch out for business qualified. Call 800-494-3586, CARE
full and part-time employment. DAYCARE OPENINGS in my opportunities that make outra- w w w. C e n t u r a O n l i n e . c o m
We provide training. Earnings at $10.00/hr. Looking for long Barre Town home beginning geous claims about potential
opportunity of $450 to $650 per commitment. Serious applicants earnings. Don’t get fooled into HELP! I’ve Fallen & I Can’t
June 20. Call after 5pm 505-8538 GET YOUR DEGREE ONLINE Get-Up! You or a loved one live
week to start. Vehicle needed only. E.O.E. Send Resume to: get rich quick scams. There are *Medical, *Business, *Parale-
for work. Call: (802) 476-3865/ LLCC, 561 Mains St, Duxbury, EARLY CHILDCARE pro- legitimate business opportuni- alone? Get Immediate Help in an
gal, *Accounting, *Criminal Jus-
EOE VT 05676 or gram in EAST MONTPE- ties, but be cautious of any busi- tice. Job placement assistance. Emergency! Call LifeAlert Now-
LIER has openings for Infants ness that can’t reflect in writing Computer available. Financial FREE Info! Call 800-630-6101
AUTO PARTS Counter Person. PRINT SHOP Help Needed. 6wks-5 years old. Enhance the typical earnings of previous aid if qualified. Call 800-510-
Part time weekends. Experienced Computer skills and fast- your childs development in a employees. TIP: Investigate 0784, LOOKING FOR A MIRACLE/
only. Call Peter at 802-485-8500 paced customer service ex- structured setting. Call Lynn earning potential claims of busi- Lose 20 pounds in one week?
perience required. Full details 802-479-7240 for info or tour. nesses by requesting written in- This is almost impossible!
formation from them before you
send any money, or by calling
PERSONALS Weight loss ads must reflect
the typical experiences of the
SMALL ENGINE technician SCHOOL in Barre has openings the ATTORNEY GENERAL’S diet users. Beware of pro-
Sales • Service • Repair
for 3-5yrs olds for the 2011- CONSUMER ASSISTANCE PREGNANT? CONSIDER- grams that claim you can lose
605 Route 2 Berlin wanted. Part-time, fair wage. ING Adoption? You choose
802-229-1283 802-223-3336, ask for Nancy. 2012 school year. A structured, PROGRAM, at 1-800-649-2424. weight effortlessly. TIP: Clues
creative, multi-sensory school from families nationwide.
to fraudulent ads include words
AUTO WORK AT HOME AND EARN readiness curriculum awaits
your child in a stimulating class- COMPUTERS/
Abby’s One True Gift Adop- like: “breakthrough,” “effortless,”
Earn up to $1,000 a week at
room environment. Call 802-
479-4399, Jennifer McKelvey, ELECTRONICS
tions. 866-413-6292, 24/7 and “new discovery.” When you
see words like these be skepti-
H[SHULHQFH0XVWEH your leisure in your own home? BA Pre-K, Elem. Ed. & Spec. SWM LOOKING for SWF, 50- cal. Before you invest your time
$6(FHUWLILHG([FOX The probability of gaining big Ed. w/minor in Speech Path. 64. Likes music, dancing and and money call the ATTORNEY
VLYHO\6XEDUXYHKLFOHV profits from this and many simi- *FACTORY DIRECT SATEL- dining out. Likes to cook. I am GENERAL’S CONSUMER
(2(0DLOUHVXPHWR LITE TV! Why pay retail when 5’11.5”, 175lbs. A volunteer at ASSISTANCE PROGRAM, at
lar at home jobs is slim. Promot- OPENING SOON you can buy factory DIRECT
5W%HUOLQ97 ers of these jobs usually require WILLIAMSTOWN/GRANITE- Rowan Court. 802-479-0525 1-800-649-2424.
2U(PDLOUHVXPHWR pricing! Lowest monthly ser- a fee to teach you useless, and VILLE vices plans available. New
unprofitable trades, or to provide Quality childcare in my reg- WANT A CURE-ALL?
No Walk-Ins, Please
you with futile information. TIP: istered home. Daily play and
Callers get FREE setup!
Call NOW 1-800-935-8195
SUPPORT Health fraud is a business that


If a work-at-home program is
legitimate, your sponsor should
learning activities and art proj-
ects. Nutritious snacks/meals. DIRECT to home Satellite TV
GROUPS sells false hope. Beware of un-
substantiated claims for health
a part time opening avail- tell you, for free and in writing, Accepting applications now. All $19.99/mo. FREE installa- products and services. There
able. Please call 802-505- ages. Call 498-5092 and ask for tion. FREE HD-DVR upgrade. VOLUNTEERS WANTED. are no “Quick Cures” - no mat-
what is involved. If you question Domestic Violence Hotline
3282 for more information. Denise. New customers, No Activa- ter what the ad is claiming. TIP:
a program’s legitimacy, call the Volunteer Training Inter-
ATTORNEY GENERAL’S CON- tion Fee! Credit/Debit Card DO NOT rely on promises of a
HAIR ADVANTAGE has a REGISTERED DAYCARE with Req. Call 1-800-795-3579 ested? CAll 877-543-9498 “money back guarantee!” Watch
part-time stylist position avail- SUMER ASSISTANCE PRO- Openings. Breakfast, Lunch
able. Please call 802-505- GRAM at 1-800-649-2424. out for key words such as “exclu-
and Snacks Included. Arts and
3282 for more information. Crafts. Excepting ALL Ages. CLASSES & FREE ITEMS sive secret,” “amazing results,”
or “scientific breakthrough.” For
Reasonable Rates. On Twin-
field Bus Route. 802-454-1568 WORKSHOPS CASH PAID $100-$300 for Your
more information on health re-

lated products or services, call
Town of Middlesex Junk Cars and Trucks, Plus the ATTORNEY GENERAL’S
Free Scrap Metal Pick-up. Call
Second Constable/
Animal Control Officer
home. Medical, business, Para-
legal, Accounting, Criminal Jus-
tice. Job placement assistance.
PROGRAM at 1-800-649-2424,
or consult a health care pro-
Classes YEARS experience. Com-
mercial & residential. No area
Computer available. Financial $75 TO $300+
Duties include enforcement aid if qualified. Call 800-510-
of town ordinances and ongoing in Barre excluded. 802-793-7068. 0784, FOR INFO, 802-522-4279. continued on page 31

assist the Health Officer in Information:

the exercise of their duties.
For more information or to
submit a letter of interest, 249-2886 Immediate openings in Waterbury area. Gas Attendants Wanted
please e-mail Cindy Carlson 1st, 2nd & 3rd shift openings up to $12.00/hr. Full- and Part-Time, nights & weekends a must. Visit Our Website: Basic computer skills preferred. Ask Paul for Application or more information.

Or mail to: Long-term temp/permanent potential and
Middlesex Select Board seasonal openings. Insurance benefits available.
5 Church Street
Middlesex VT 05602 Apply online at
Or fax to 802-223-1298 Complete Automotive Repair PLUS QUICK LUBE
Enter ID #1001571412 Rt. 302 • Barre-Montpelier Rd. • 476-9984

Town of Plainfield Orange Center School/Washington Village School

Residential Counselor - Segue House: Full time w/ benefits. Join a
dedicated and fun team! Play a supportive role with residents with
psychiatric and substance use disorders. Encourage skill acquisition,
Administrative Assistant Athletic Coordinator
promote independence and empower residents to manager psychiatric A part-time administrative assistant is needed for the
symptoms and substance use. Experience with adults with serious men- Development Review Board, to attend meetings and/or Seeking an organized, highly motivated person to
tal illness and/or addictions treatment preferred; compassion, patience, hearings one evening per month or as scheduled. Experi- coordinate soccer and basketball programs.
and sense of humor a must. 40 hours per week with one overnight ence with taking minutes and other clerical experience Part time. Stipend paid. Starting August 2011.
required. BA required. is required.
Home/School Behavior Interventionist (Micro Residential Home - Send a cover etter and resume to: Town of Plainfield,
Crescent House): Full time w/ benefits. Seeking a positive, creative PO Box 217, Plainfield, VT 05667 by June 10, 2011. Send cover letter and resume to:
individual with strong communication skills both verbally and in writ-
ing to provide individualized support services to assigned youth who -Plainfield Selectboard Tim Francke, Principal
have significant social, behavioral and emotional needs. Responsibilities Orange Center School
will require the ability to implement individualized behavior/reinforce-
ment plans, provide direct supervision and support in areas of social
357 Rte 302
East Barre, VT 05649
skills and daily living skill development. Must be willing to learn crisis
de-escalation and passive restraint techniques and provide client trans- Behavior Interventionists
portation in own vehicle to and from community, mental health appoint- Sterling Area Services is looking for two Behavior
ments and school. Must be able to work collaboratively with other staff,
Interventionists in the Plainfield area to join our
community partners, youth and families. Bachelor's degree in Human
Services or related field preferred. Experience in human service deliv- innovative educational team in support of a young Para-educator Position
ery in setting serving children and youth preferred. Willingness to work man with developmental disabilities and behavioral Woodbury Elementary School
flexible hours required. 2011-2012 School Year
challenges. Candidates who are familiar with
Ch.O.I.C.E. Academy Office Manager: Full time w/ benefits. alternative modes of learning and community based
Responsible for providing administrative office support to assist in the Full time Para-educator – this position will work as a
running Ch.O.I.C.E. Academy. Work closely with the program director instructional techniques are preferred, but we will
and provide administrative support to all direct care staff. Provide face train the right people. general education para in multiple classrooms - follows
to face and telephone reception in a professional and courteous manner the school calendar. Benefits.
and direct general questions and concerns to appropriate staff. Develop Each position is 32 hours per week and fully benefited.
positive working relationships with all parties involved with enrolled Valid driver’s license and reliable transportation Associates Degree or equivalent is required.
students, including programmatic staff, families, adjunct staff, sending required. Extensive criminal background checks
school staff, Department of Education, and the students themselves. will be conducted. We offer a competitive salary and
Work consistently within the mission of the program. Maintain docu- Send letter of application, resume with current letters of
mentation required by the Vermont Department of Education. Minimum excellent benefits. reference to:
of HS Diploma with at least two years of progressively responsible Send resume and cover letter of interest to: Stephanie Baranyay, Principal
work in an administrative capacity. Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Woodbury Elementary School
Excel and Microsoft Word. Knowledge of Power Point and Publisher a Sterling Area Services, Inc. PO Box 328
plus. Knowledge of FERPA and HIPAA requirements and clerical expe- 109 Professional Drive
rience a plus.
Woodbury, VT 05681
Only qualified applicants will receive a response. Valid driver’s license, excellent driving
Morrisville, VT 05661
record and access to a safe, reliable, insured vehicle is required. Send letter of interest
or fax to (802) 888-1182. Person offered employment will complete the Criminal
and resume to: WCMHS, Personnel, PO Box 647, Montpelier, VT 05601.
Contact: 802-229-1399 x261 • Fax 802-223-6423
Records process. Position open until filled. • EOE.
Sterling Area Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer EOE
page 30 The WORLD May 25, 2011
WANTED SeaEagle inflatable Boat. PICK-UP cushion, $25. 802-479-0525 Seat. Neutral color, Excellent foot 8 inches, 115 hp Mercury
Call David 802-279-9154 YOU CALL condition, $475. 802-223-3636 Ptt 2 graphs Bait and Live well, 2
$ CASH $ I’LL HAUL TIME to roll out the BARRELS new batteries, One owner, great
FOR JUNK VEHICLES for those Summer Projects. LEATHER LIVING ROOM SET in shape, $7,500.00. 802-456-8873
Paying up to $300 for junk cars
and trucks, Prices subject to
Are you 802-279-2595
Composer’s $99, along with
rain barrels all homemade.
original plastic, never used. Orig-
inal price $3,000, sacrifice $975. 2006 5HP MERCURY 4-Stroke
change with market. Call Barre,
802-917-2495, 802-476-4815,
looking for: - DISH Network - FREE HD
FOR LIFE plus As low as
Call for Appointment, Visit “The
Barrelman” 802-439-5519
Call Bill 617-264-0362. R-BNE. Outboard motor in like new
condition, used extremely
Bob. Campers little, $850.00 802-244-6950
$24.99/mo! Limited time BO-
NUS! Call Now 1-888-601-3327
ture Frames, 31”X13”, $15/
$$OLD GUITARS wanted$$
Gibson, Fender, Martin, Gretsch, ATVs ea or $20/both. Please call 7.5HP Sears and vin-
MEMORY FOAM THERA- Steve @ 1-802-479-0525 4 SALE P.A. Amps Drums, tage trailer. 802-476-6985.
1920’s-1980’s.Top Dollar Paid.
Toll Free: 1-866-433-8277. Motorcycles PEUTIC NASA Visco Mat- call for Info. 802-229-4834
tresses Wholesale! T-$299 WE CAN remove bankruptcies, ALUMINUM DOCKS Aluminum
Work Vehicles F-$349 Q-$399 K-$499 Ad- judgments, liens, and bad loans GREGOIRE’S VIOLIN SHOP - docks and boat lifts, stand-
CASH PAID $100-$300 for Your
Junk Cars and Trucks, Plus Heavy Equipment justables - $799. Free delivery from your credit file forever! The
Federal Trade Commission says
instrument repairs, sales, rent- ing, roll in, and floating are in
25 year warranty 90 night trial als. Strings and accessories. stock at FAIRLEE MARINE
Free Scrap Metal Pick-up. Call
Trucks 1-800-ATSLEEP 1-800-287-
companies that promise to scrub Bow rehairing. (802)476-7798. Very easy to install and take
Vans your credit report of accurate
5337 negative information for a fee out yourself. 802-333-9745
$75 TO $300+
accurate negative information
JUNK CARS, TRUCKS Vintage/Classic Fender, Gibson, Martin, can be reported for up to seven
TRUMPET, Trombone, Ampli- Repair and Restoration.
FOR INFO, 802-522-4279. fier, Fender Guitar, $69each. Low Rates, Have Tools,
Vehicles Gretsch, D’Angelico, Strom- years, and some bankrupt- Cello, Upright bass, Saxo- Will Travel 802-479-0858
berg, Rickenbacker, and Mos- cies for up to 10 years. Learn
WANTED: PISTOLS, Ri- Cars & Accessories rite. Gibson Mandolins/Ban- about managing credit and debt phone, French horn/Drums
BOAT RENTALS Enjoy fishing,
fles, Shotguns. Top Pric- at A message $185 each. Tuba, Baritone
es paid. 802-492-3339 or jos. 1930’s thru 1970’s Top
from The World and the FTC. horn, Hammond Organ, others skiing, tubing, pontoon cruising,
Cash Paid! 1-800-401-0440 Kayaking & canoeing? Fairlee
days. 802-492-3032 nights. Racing News? 4 sale. 1-516-377-7907.
Marine rents them all! They
red bricks.
You’ll find all of
this in our weekly POOL HOME APPLIANCES NORTH BRANCH Instruments,
even put the runabout boats and
pontoon boats in and out of the

200. Call 802-229-9627. LLC. Fretted Instrument Repair. water so you can just enjoy the

TOR 3yrs old $500. Ken-
more washer $100. Whirlpool
Buy and Sell used Fretted Instru-
ments. Michael Ricciarelli 802-
boating. Daily and weekly rates.
Prices are all on our website
At Call
Vermont Billiards
dryer $100. 802-456-8173
229-0952, 802-272-1875 www. for reservations. 802-333-9745
HEAVY DUTY 3/4 length (dark REACH OVER 28 million
green) hooded winter jacket, with 802-472-3205 choose from. All of them have
CASH PAID $100-$300 for Your homes with one ad buy. Only
zipper & buttons w/zip off hood. BOOKCASE LUNDSTROM been checked over by our Cer-
Junk Cars and Trucks, Plus $2,795 per week! For more
Great jacket to be outdoors in, Sectional Barrister style with- tified Technicians and are all in
Free Scrap Metal Pick-up. Call
Great for Ice Fishing, $80. Please
call Steve @ 1-802-479-0525
information, Contact this pub-
lication 802-479-2582 or go
out glass doors, 5 section,
walnut color, 5.5’tall x 33”
BOATING & FISHING Good Operating Condition so
you can just go Boating and
CASH PAID to wide, $175. 802-595-1242 have fun. If it’s not reliable,
1997 SEADOO CHALLENG- We won’t sell it. Check them
$75 TO $300+
ceiver, dual cassette, 51 cd
Solid wood, never used, brand
ER 1800. 7 Passenger (2)
110 jet propelled engines.
out at our Website www.fairl- 802-333-9745
FOR INFO, 802-522-4279.
COLLECTIBLES/ storage and player, in cabinet, 2 new in factory boxes. English
dovetail. Original cost $4500.
Real sleek & fast. Brand
big speakers. Hardly used, mov- new $2500 trailer. Must see.
3prs, $5/ea. Denim Pants, ing. $300 OBO 802-229-4381. Sell for $895. Can deliver. Call $5500 OBO 802-229-4381 continued on page 32
34x30, 4prs $15/ea or 4 Tom 781-560-4409. R-BNE.
New Arrives, Huge collection
of vintage Bakelite broaches, DISH Network’s LOWEST ALL-
shoe clips, and vintage designer
Jewelry. Open Daily 802-888-
$24.99/mo plus FREE HD FOR
Use your V
9-2582 or
0080 Dealer Space Available. LIFE! Call for limited time BO-
NUS! Call Now 1-877-466-2959
and call 47
HALL TREE with pull-up seat.
Refurbished mirror. Must see. DISH Network’s LOWEST ALL- 403 U.S. RT. 302 - BERLIN • BARRE, VT 05641-2274
$600 OBO 802-229-4381. DIGITAL PRICE! As low as 479-2582 • 1-800-639-9753 • FAX 479-7916
$24.99/mo plus FREE HD FOR

4 for 3 LINE RATE 1-3 Words Per Line $1.75/LINE

JOHNSON ANTIQUES, 4 LIFE! Call for limited time BO-

Summer St.(behind Vt Flan- NUS! Call Now. 1-888-902-8304
nel) East Barre. 8:00-3:30
most days. Saturday til noon;
closed Sunday. 249-2525(cell).
Day Pick-Up- Help Disabled
SPECIAL Capitalizing more than the first 2 words, etc. 70¢/WORD
Run The Same
Best Kept Secret in E.Barre. Kids. Best Tax Deduction. Re-
Classified for DEADLINE: For The WORLD is MONDAY by 10:00 AM
Lots of Antique Furniture & ceive 3 Free Vacation Certifi-
Collectible. Always Buying! cates. Call Special Kids Fund ORD 3 Consecutive Weeks- CANCELLATIONS: A classified ad cancelled before 10:00 AM on
7 days/week 1-866-448-3865 PER W MIN. Get 4th Week Monday will receive credit for the remaining paid weeks.
$3.P5e0r Week
na, Walnut China & Ma-
hogany China Cabinet. Last
Time Around Antiques 114
FOR SALE 30” Frigidaire refrig-
erator white, automatic icemak-
er, 3yrs old, excellent condition
Per A
(Any changes void free week)
The WORLD asks that you check your ad on its first publication. If you find an error please
notify us immediately so that corrections can be made. The WORLD will not be responsible
for more than one incorrect publication of the ad.
N Main Barre 802-476-8830 $500. Microwave hood combina-
tion Whirlpool/One touch char-
coal/grease filters $100. Amana CLIP AND MAIL THIS HANDY FORM TODAY
MISCELLANEOUS Heavy duty Dryer 6 cycles, En-
ergy Saver $175. Minolta DiM- PHONE NUMBER ___________________________________________________________________________
■ Animals-Farm ......................500
■ Animals-Pet .........................430
*REDUCE YOUR SATELLITE age S414, 4.0 mega pixels 4x ■ Antiques/Restorations .........144
or CABLE BILL! Confused by optical zoom lens, complete with LAST NAME _______________________________________________________________________________ ■ Baby/Children Items ............140
all these other ads, buy DIRECT camera case and battery char- ■ Bicycles ...............................220
at FACTORY DIRECT Pricing. ger, like new $50. 802-522-5626 FIRST NAME ______________________________________________________________________________ ■ Boating/Fishing ...................210
Lowest monthly prices guar- FOR SALE: Pure VT Maple Syr- ■ Building Materials................300
anteed. FREE to now callers! up, Beede’s Sugar House, Hart ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________ ■ Business Items....................080
CALL NOW. 1-800-795-1315 Hollow Rd Washington, VT 05675 ■ Business Opportunities .......060
2 WARM Water Humidifiers, still in Tel: 802-883-2364 or 883-5568. CITY _______________________________________________ STATE ____________ ZIP _______________ ■ Camping ..............................205
■ Childcare Service ................030
boxes. NEW. $15. 802-479-0525 FREE HD for LIFE! DISH
Network. $24.99/mo. Over
START DATE: ___________ NUMBER OF ISSUES: __________ ■ Christmas Trees ..................370
AIRLINES ARE hiring. Train ■ Class & Workshops .............103
for high paying aviation main- 120 channels. Plus $500 BO- ■ Clothing & Accessories .......130
NUS! Call 1-800-915-9514
tenance career. FAA ap- EXACTLY HOW YOU WANT THE AD TO READ ■ Computers/Electronics ........100
proved program. Financial FREE HD FOR LIFE! Only on Please print, we cannot be responsible for words we can't read. ■ Farm/Garden/Lawn .............410
aid if qualified. Housing avail- DISH Network! Lowest Price ■ Free Ads..............................108
able. Call Aviation Institute of in America! $24.99/mo for ■ Furniture..............................180
Maintenance. 866-453-6204. over 120 Channels. $500 Bo-
________________________________________________________________ ■ Garage Sales/Flea Mkt. ......145
nus! Call 1-800-727-0305 BNE ■ Health ..................................113
AVIATION MAINTENANCE/Avi- ________________________________________________________________ ■ Home Appliances ................160
onics. Graduate in 15 months. Get Direct TV-FREE Installation ■ Hunting/Guns/Archery.........305
FAA approved. financial aid if NO Start up Costs!!! Showtime ________________________________________________________________ ■ Insurance/Investments ........090
qualified, job placement as- FREE-Local Channels Included ■ Job Opportunities................020
sistance. Call National Avia-
tion Academy today!. 1-800-
FREE HD DVR & HD Receiv- ________________________________________________________________ ■ Lost and Found ...................110
er Upgrade - Ask How!!! Call ■ Miscellaneous .....................150
292-3228 or R-BNE for Full Details-888-860-2420
________________________________________________________________ ■ Musical ................................200
B&L TOWING/AUTO Salvage HELP! I’ve Fallen & I Can’t
■ Personals ............................105
& Metal Recycling. Pay cash Get-Up! You or a loved one live ________________________________________________________________ ■ Professional Services .........540
for salvage or unwanted ve- alone? Get Immediate Help in an ■ Rideshare ............................125
hicles. Pick up scrap metal.
Fully Insured. 802-793-5022
Emergency! Call LifeAlert Now- ________________________________________________________________ ■ Snow Removal Equip. .........355
■ Snowmobiles/Access. .........360
FREE Info! Call 800-630-5258
■ Sporting Equipment ............250
________________________________________________________________ ■ Storage................................235
■ Support Groups ..................107
________________________________________________________________ ■ Tools ....................................330

■ Wanted ................................120
________________________________________________________________ ■ Wood/Heating Equip............350
■ Work Wanted .......................040
Each separate word, each phone number counts as one word ■ Campers/Motor Homes .......845
■ Cars & Accessories ............875
■ Motorcycles/ATV’s ...............850
NEVER GIVE YOUR: Number of words ____________ times 35¢($3.50 min.)_________________ (cost for one week) ■ Trucks/Vans/Jeeps Access. .870
•SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER ■ Vintage/Classic Vehicles .....873
■ Work Vehicles/Heavy Equip. ....855
•CREDIT CARD NUMBER times number of weeks __________ ■ 4 for 3 Special TOTAL COST __________________
Or any other ■ Apts./House for Rent...........630
personal information $ ■ FULL PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM ■✔
■ Camps for Sale ...................650
■ Comm. Rentals/Sales .........605
To someone you don’t know ■ MasterCard ■ Condominiums ....................680
when answering an advertisement. ■ Apt. Blds. for Sale................685
Credit Card
■ Visa ■ Homes .................................690
A public service announcement
Number ____________________________________________________ ■ Discover ■ Land for Sale.......................670
■ Mobile Homes .....................600
presented to you by The WORLD ■ Vacation Rentals/Sales .......645
Signature __________________________________________Exp. Date ___________________ ■ Wanted to Rent/Buy ............610

May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 31

town, Friday May 27 10-2pm & the West Topsham Community 28&29, 8-3. Montpelier/Middle- 21st, 8AM-12PM, Minister day May 28, 9:00AM till 2:00PM. Sat 5/28 and Sun 5/29 9-4pm.
Saturday May 28 8-3pm. Tons Hall. Friday May 27th, Satur- sex. Terrace to Portal to High Brook Rd, Worcester, on the Household items, furniture, Jenny Davis Rd off rte 2 west, im-
of very nice quality home goods, day, May 28th, and Sunday Meadow. Down sizing-kitchen, porch, rain or shine. Kitchen, electronics, sports equipment, mediate left before I89 overpass.
toddler/kid stuff & much more. May 29th 8-5. Follow signs from dishes, baking, couch. Wing furniture, yard & garden and toys, lots of clothes(a shop-
Washington Street in Barre. chairs, end tables, book- MORE! cusinart cookware, pers closet revealed), books YARD SALE May 28-29, 9-4.
BARGAIN LOVERS de- shelves, lamps, K&Q sheets, Laura Ashley linens, Windsor and free stuff. 22 Ridge Street, 91 Maloney Rd, Williamstown.
light! New thrist store, EAST MONTPELIER, Friday blankets, Quilts, rugs, crafts, All chairs. Early birds pay triple. Montpelier (near Vt. College)
Main Street, Williamstown. May 27th, Saturday May 28, Holiday Deco. and Much More. YARD SALE, SAT 5/28. Meth-
Tues.-Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-3. 8:30-4:00, Rt2, 45 Cookson MOVING SALE: Thurs.-Sunday, RELAY FOR LIFE YARD SALE, odist Church Plainfield, VT
Drive. GPS, Ban saw, chain HUGE YARD SALE, Fri 5/27 9-5. Singing Bridge, Rte.14, Sat., May 28, 9-4, 3.5 miles 8:00AM-3:00PM. Something
BARN SALE, 609 East Barre saw, country bench, primed and Sat 5/28, 8am-3pm. Sun- No. Montpelier. Furniture, col- south of Montpelier on Rt. 12. for everyone, Inside if Rains.
Rd., Barre. Friday and Saturday, lumber, VHS recorder and day 5/29 10am-12pm. Vermont lectables. Everything cheap.
May 27 & 28, 9-4. No Early Birds! tapes, TV and Lots of Misc stuff. Machining Company (formerly SCAMPINI SQUARE Barre, YARD SALE, Twin bed frame,
Pyramid Supply Building) 85 MOVING/GARAGE SALE Sat May 29th/30th 9am-4pm. box spring, coffee maker, CD
BARRE CITY 68 ELMWOOD So. Main St Barre. Everything 5/28, 8-4, 364 Sierra Lavin player, kids stuff and some
AVE, May 27-May 28, 9-5. imaginable for sale including Rd, up Troll Hill, Barre Town. SO. BARRE, 175 Snowbridge furniture Household miscel-
Multi-Family Yard Sale. Baby ESTATE SALE plants and baked goods. Run Rd. May 27, 28. Multi fam- lany. Saturday May 28th 8-4,
& Toddler Items, truck cap. Saturday & Sunday, May 28 & by the Barre Tones Women’s A MULTI-FAMILY yard sale, ily. Kids stuff, furniture, clothes, rain date Monday May 30.
Rain Date June 4 & 5th. 29. Furniture, Jewelry, Vintage cappella Barbershop Chorus. 20 Willey St, Barre 8am- Nascar and much more. 9 Highland Ave, Northfield.
3pm on 5/28-5/29-5/30.
BARRE MULTI-FAMILY yard Clothing, Tools & much more! South Barre 80 West Rd off ac-

sale and bake sale to benefit Kids EVERYTHING MUST GO! Lamoille County Cancer Fund Benefit MULTI-FAMILY Yard Sale, 2689 cess road rte 63. May 27 & 28
summer camp tuition. Fri May 27 34 Brook St., Websterville, VT Rt2 & 14 East Montpelier up 10-5pm. Rain or Shine. Dvds,
12-7pm, Sat May 28th 9-2pm,
114 Country Way. Rain or shine.
Indoor Yard & back. Furniture, dishes, bikes,
toys, clothes, etc. Friday 5/27
books, dog crates, computer,
desk & chair, and much more.
BARRE, 35 EAST Park-
FLEA MARKET Space Avail-
able in the Greenhouse at Plain-
Bake Sale thru Monday 5/30, 9-5 daily.
side Terrace, May 28, 8-2.
Household items, girls’ cloth-
field Hardware starting July 1st
through Nov 1st, Saturdays &
Wolcott United Methodist
Church, Route 15, Wolcott
Calais-County Road, 7 miles
ple & Foster Hill Road, May
27&28, Friday 1-5, Satur-
ing, furniture. And More! Sundays 9-4. Special Price, $10
a day, Bring your own table. Out-
9AM to 5PM from Montpelier. Gateleg ta-
ble, hunting and fishing items,
day 8-3. Watch for Signs.
BARRE, CORNER Pros- side spaces starting May 1st.
Friday, May 27 and toys, books, cassette tapes, Up To 15 Words
pect/Bassett Saturday, May Contact Gaye at 802-454-1000. Saturday, May 28 jewelry, glass bottles, house-
(each additional word is 35¢)
28, 8-3. Small furniture piec- Something for Everyone! hold items and more. Sat TAG & YARD SALE
es, twin bed, kitchen items,
clothing, miscellaneous.
28 8-2. 48” Round Table, 2 ~RAIN OR SHINE ~


leaves $120. Cream Separator LARGE GARAGE Sale, May
28-29-30, 9am-3pm, 981 More-
$130. Treadle sewing machine Williamstown, 3966 VT Rte BED & BREAKFAST
urday May 28, 8:30-4. Sun- $60. Miscellaneous items. 70 town Common Road, Moretown. 14, Furniture, hunting sup- (ACROSS FROM THE FLOATING BRIDGE) WHICH INCLUDES
bay Road, Route 14, 1/2 Cookie jars, music box, cast iron plies, Blue glass. Just before 10 A.M. TO 3 P.M.
Mile after Canadian Club.
Bridge Street, South Barre, VT.
pots and pans, Nascar Collection. Limehurst. Saturday 5/28 8-4. Saturday-Sunday-Monday •Fluorescent Signs
GRANITEVILLE, SATUR- Antiques, old tools, bunkbeds VINTAGE table linens, bed linens •Price Stickers
BARRE: MOVING SALE. 27 and other furniture. (2) Hunting Neighborhood LAWN SALE Phil (ANICHINI), CHRISTMAS CHINA,
DAY, May 28, 9-3, Pearl St. COLLECTIBLES, VINTAGE PACKAGED •Inventory & Tip Sheet
Woodland Drive. May 27,28, home furnishings, children’s Rifles and Many Other Items. Street & Church Street East FOOD STUFFS, VINTAGE MEDICINAL
9-4. May 29, 8-12. Furniture clothing, adult clothing, kids Barre, VT. Saturday May 28th HERBS, TABLEWARE, FURNITURE,
frig, dryer, household items. toys, games, and lots more. MONTPELIER ESTATE & Sunday May 29th, 9am-4pm. DOLLHOUSE FURNITURE – STEMMED FOR
SALE Couches, tables,chairs, CRYSTAL, TEACUPS & SAUCERS,
7-Mile’s South of Montpelier (off Lower Cherry St.), Saturday, electronics, some antiques, OF THIS & THAT. LOTS OF WOMEN’S
on RT.12 1st House on Pine- May 28, 8-4. Small appliances. lots more. Sat May 28th 8-4 95 NEIGHBORHOOD WIDE CLOTHING (SZ 12/14) – VINTAGE
hill Drive, May 27-28-29-30. George Foreman grill. House- East State St. near VT College. YARD SALE (1950) CAMEL HAIR LONG COAT (SIZE
B u r e a u ’ s - Ta b l e s - C h a i r ’ s - hold items. Christmas decora- Center Rd, Bliss Rd, Murray Rd, 10/12), VINTAGE PURSES,
Desk-Benches- Crib-2 Gun MONTPELIER SAT May Brazier Rd ~ All in East Montpelier CHRISTMAS STUFF, SALT WATER
cabinets-Rocking chairs-
tions. Sports memorbilia. Body
28th 9am-1pm. 14 Colonial Just 5 minutes from Downtown Montpelier: CORAL – COSTUME JEWELRY, 403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin
jewelry. Candle holders. Mi- Take Main St. to Towne Hill Rd. or County Rd. BROOKFIELD POST CARDS & PHOTOS, Barre, VT 05641
Highchair’s-chest-Barrels-Milk nolta 35mm camera w/autodate Dr. Household items, arm & look for signs. KITCHEN STUFF, SOME STERLING
Cans-Crocks-Jugs-Fishing zoom and built-in flash. Canon chair, coffee table, fireplace SUNDAY, MAY 29 PIECES. BOOKS & COOKBOOKS. (802) 479-2582
stuff-Tools-Cast iron pan’s-Toy’s- T50 35mm camera with zoom glass cover w/screen, toys, 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Cards-decoy’s-Glassware- Salt lens and flash attachment. (2) games, books, & electronics. RAIN OR SHINE ~ GREAT STUFF! NO DEALERS BEFORE 10 A.M. PLEASE
and Pepper shakers, Lots More. hand dollies. Assortment of Furniture, Computer Components,
MONTPELIER, HINCKLEY Clothes, Kids Items, Tools, Kitchen Items,
nuts, bolts, screws & wash-
8-?, 2nd annual fund raiser
ers. Epson printer. Sharp cash
register w/credit card machine.
ST, off College, Sat., May 28,
9-2. Excessive collection from
to benefit Friends of Ver- two homes. Many old and new,
mont Dogs Non-profit. 1167
Sharp adding machine. Scan- good household items. Fur- NORTHFIELD, CENTRAL JEWELRY ESTATE SALE
ner. Books. Much More! Look ST, May 28, 8-3. Furniture, 100’s of pieces, early by
Paine Turnpike South. Lots for signs by United Church and nishings, linens, accessories,
tools, dishes, books, knick
of things for everyone. Raffle off of Wolcott Street. Come join etc. Rain date: Sat., June 4. appointment. Open to public
and Grilled Veggie Burgers. knacks, sports equipment.
Hardwick’s Spring Festival ac- MONTPELIER: 132 Forest Dr, Something for everyone! May 28 & 29. 1-860-450-1581
tivities at Atkins Field, off Wolcott
day 5/28 9-3, At THE WORLD Street: Chix BBQ, Sustainable
May 28,29,30, 9-3. New & old
items, puzzles, books, videos, NORTHFIELD, HUGE Mov-
34 Brook St., Websterville, VT
Office on Barre-Montpelier Living Agricultural Fair, Kids’
Rides. Parade at 11am. Craft
new quilt, crafts, dishes, small ing Sale, Everything Must
Go! May 27-28-29, 8am-3pm. WATERBURY FLEA MAR-
52 Cobble Hill
Rd, All kinds of items(some appliances, tools-old & new.
New), Sears car top carrier, Fair at Hodgdon’s field, Gran- 292 VT-RT 64, Northfield. KET VT’s Largest flea mar- Meadows off Hill St.
ite St., opposite Atkins Field. ket. Open every Saturday and
Collectible sports items, etc... MOVING SALE, 5/28-8AM-2PM. Toys, Clothes,
BIG A** SALE! Sat., Sun., 9-4, CLIP &
Lots of stuff...Plus sized men’s
and womens clothing, furniture
CLIP & Sunday from May to October.
Only $20 a day for vendors. Household Items, etc.
May 28-29. 6226 VT RT. 215N,
Cabot. We’ve got too much stuff! SAVE
and household items. Sheet
music. 200 S Main st, Barre.
SAVE Call Brien Erwin at 882-1919
or email ~Follow Signs~

in 1867 in Roxbury, Mass., he OUTBOARD MOTOR,

sold his first sketch in 1886 to BOATING & Mercury 9.9 H.P.
Life magazine, a publication FISHING 4 stroke. New in 2006. Used
once. Stored since then. Asking 8’X20’ STORAGE UNITS for rent.
edited by John Ames Mitchell. $1750. or best offer. Call 802- Airport Rd, Berlin. 802-223-6252
Gibson’s work was so distinc- continued 249-2485. MIDDLESEX-NATIVE LUM-
8’x20’, 8’x40’ OCEAN BER, Rough Sawn Lumber,
tive, it immediately connected
‘Old West’ Plates with the American public. To CONSIGNMENTS We take SERVICE Is your boat unre-
liable? Are you afraid to Go
FREIGHT containers (new/
used) for sale. 802-223-6252.
Hemlock, Spruce, Pine. Call for
Sizes and Prices 802-229-4859
find a possible market for good late model boats on
consignment. We do the sale boating because your boat en-
Q: Some years ago, I pur- your drawing, I suggest you gine might not work? Maybe it PELLA WINDOWS: Three,
and warranty, you collect the fixed glass, double pane,
chased a set of eight plates in contact The Illustrated Gallery, just doesn’t have the power it +++++++++
Cash. With our website and wood framed, 3’ wide, 8’ tall.
Oklahoma from the “Bits of a company that specializes in used to. Our Certified Techni-


our reputation. They usu- All three $125. 802-485-8846.

the Old West” series, all cians know how to fix things
period artwork from the gold- ally sell fast and you often get
right. We can check your boat
designed, engraved and copy- en age of illustration, 1900 to as much Or more than you
righted by Vernon Kilns, would selling it yourself. FAIR- over and turn it into a plea-
1960. The contact information sure to use again. A water test
U.S.A. Any information about LEE MARINE 802-333-9745
them would be appreciated.
is 400 Commerce Drive, Suite or dyno test can be included.
Call for an appointment or just
B, Fort Washington, PA 19034;
-- Pat, Rio Rancho, N.M.
A: Vernon Kilns was a pottery
firm that operated in Vernon,;
and tig@illustratedgallery. POTATO bring it in soon so you can be
ready for a fun season. FAIR-
LEE MARINE 802-333-9745
loading Supplies. Bought, sold
Calif., from 1916 to about
1980. The company issued
*** BARN and traded. Charles Smith, 170
Phelps Rd., Barre, 802-476-5785.
dozens of plate series, includ-
ing “Our America,” “Bits of
the Southwest,” “Bits of New
Q: I have a double barrel mus-
ket from the 19th century. Can
you give me a value for it?
used guns,
ries. Snowsville Store, E.
England,” “Native American,” -- Larry, Kissimmee, Fla. Open 5 Days 9AM to 5PM Classified & CONTAINERS AVAILABLE Braintree, 802-728-5252.
and, of course, the set which Closed Tues. & Wed.
A: I recommend you contact & Display Call For Prices
you have. One of the most an expert in early firearms.  TOOLS/MACHINERY
popular sets with collectors is
“Early California,” which was
I’m not one. Robert A. Dewar
is a member of the International
issued in bright glazed ware in
orange, turquoise, green, Society of Appraisers and spe- 7500 sq.ft. of Antiques
Now Placing Your (2) LOADING
Classified Or Display Ad
brown, blue and yellow. cializes in antique and modern & Collectables, including:
Is Even Easier!    /($6
,1 *
Another rare collector set was firearms. Contact him c/o •Vintage Clothing RII,
Robert A. Dewar and 5R\DOWRQ97
designed by Walt Disney in •Costume Jewelry ‡   $65 FOR LARGER ONE
1940. Values vary. A complete Associates, 512 Canal St., + + + + + + + + + OR BOTH $100
set of “Bits of the Southwest” New Smyma Beach, FL •Lamps, Lighting, O.B.R.O.
in near-perfect condition 32168. Rewires & Repairs <286WRUH,W 802-472-5236
recently sold for $65 at a shop
in Phoenix. Write to Larry Cox in care of •Official Aladdin
*** King Features Weekly Service, Lamp Dealer $QG<28 YARD
Q: I have a picture by the
famous illustrator, Charles
P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, •Glass •China .HHS7KH.H\ SALE
FL 32853-6475, or send SAT., MAY 28
Dana Gibson, creator of “The e-mail to questionsforcox@
•Ephemera & more Our E-mail address is &DOO 19 MICHAUD LN
Gibson Girl.” It is a signed Barre Montpelier Area
print, 19 of 350, and I would Due to the large vol- NO SALES TAX! Please include contact person
like to find out if it is sale- ume of mail he receives, Mr. Just 40 minutes East of St. J. & payment info Mini Storage Warehouse
able. Cox is unable to personally Route 3 ( Only) continued on page 33
-- Kathy, Surprise, Ariz. answer all reader questions. Northumberland, N.H.
A: Charles Dana Gibson was, Do not send any materials
Thank You For Saying
4 mi. North of Lancaster, NH, Fairground
479-2582 or
indeed, one of this country’s requiring return mail. Highest Prices Paid...One Item To Entire Estate!
most famous illustrators. Born (603) 636-2611
(c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc. I Saw It In
page 32 The WORLD May 25, 2011
continued www.landscapestonesofver- SERVICES Chair Canning

Classified at Black Rock Coal, Handyman Service
East Montpelier, VT. 802-223- “Honest Quality Work”

4385, 1-800-639-3197. Middlesex,VT
7RRO:DUHKRXVH2XWOHW,QF Phases of Excavation: Land- 802-522-4354

5W‡%DUUH0RQWSHOLHU WOODS 750 BACKHOE, 3 scaping, Lot Clearing, Driveway
point hitch mount, good condi- Repair, Roads, Ponds, Water- HEAT-TECH Plus. Oil and pro-
V%HVW tion, $2500 obo 802-883-9305 Lines. ALL Phases of Concrete pane appliance service. Central

That Works
6HOHFWLRQ2I4XDOLW\7RROV Work. 802-888-1670, 595-5123 heating, room heaters/water
$ CASH $
heaters, cookstoves, gas dryers, Now Placing Your
Discount Prices! 60 Bush Hog Mower for pool heaters, gas piping design
 sale, very good condition, FOR JUNK VEHICLES and installation. Discounts for Classified Or
$900 obo. 802-883-9305 Paying up to $300 for junk cars Seniors 62+yrs. 802-249-3098.
and trucks, Prices subject to
479-2582 or
change with market. Call Barre, HOUSE KEEPING Montpelier,
Air, electric, hydraulic. Tool
Warehouse Outlet, Barre-
ANIMALS/PETS 802-917-2495, 802-476-4815,
Barre, Berlin areas. $10 per
Even Easier!
hour. Call Amber 802-229-9135.
Montpelier Rd., 802-479-3363,
1-800-462-7656. ACK SHIH TZU Puppies, Ready A SMALL Tractor Gar- J&B’s LANDSCAPING.
5-20-11 wormed, 1st shot, den Rototilling, Reason- Lawn Mowing, Tree Work,
Black/White Male, Tricolored able Rates. 802-479-2268 Spring Clean-up. Dump Runs
WOOD/HEATING male. $650/ea. 802-279-4221
and More. 802-485-3870.
Office and
ING. Driveway repair & bush- JB’S YEAR ROUND
AKC SAMOYED Puppies, Only hogging. Delivery of bark mulch, HOME & PROPERTY
5 CORDS dry wood, 16 inch 3 pretty girls left. Champion manure, compost, gravel, stone. MAINTENANCE
ship bloodlines, first shots and
mixed hard wood. Must be moved Trash removal. 802-456-7050 Call for ALL Your Mowing &
$900 OBO. 802-356-5108. vets checked. Call evenings Landscaping Needs. 802-595-
or weekends or leave a mes- ALL THINGS BASEMENTY!
sage at 802-684-1227 $1000.00
5105 Our Fax Number Is
ALL QUALITY FIREWOOD. Basement waterproofing, fin-
Cut/split and delivered within
a week, $210/cord in Marsh- APPLY to FOSTER or Adopt
ishing, repairs, crawl spac-
es, humidity & mold control.
with 13yrs experience. No 802 479-7916
field, $220/cord in surrounding a Small Breed Rescue Dog, Free estimates! From Water- job is to big or to small. Call
private non-profit rescue. proofing to finishing! Base-
Please Include Contact
areas. Call Dennis Ducharme evenings 802-505-8533
Forest Service. 802-426-3796 802-223-7660 evenings. ment Systems 877-864-2115, Person & Payment Info LOOKING for SEAMSTRESS VISA, MasterCard & Discover
STOVE, excellent
ing dogs. Heated runs. Located BACKHOE & OPERATOR
Work in my home. All as-
pects of sewing, mending,
tion, $500. 802-476-8734. Orange Center, 479-0466. For Hire, Kubota Compact L- ironing. Many years of expe-

39TLB Industrial Grade Back- rience, Call 802-476-9635.
CHOP-CHOP FIREWOOD hoe & Loader. Great for tight
Service. Comfort food for your spaces and finished lawn ar-
furnace. Green firewood. $210/
cord. (2) cord deliveries pre-
ferred. 802-472-WOOD(9663). &28175<&$1,1(
eas. Ten foot digging depth.
Free Estimates and Insured.
EarthCare Tractor & Truck- OIL TANK Driveway Stamat
FIREWOOD, GREEN and Sea- %2$5',1*.(11(/ ing Services LLC. Criag Isham
802-223-9783 or 279-0588
13 Yards Delivered/$279
Above Ground-Basements-Underground
soned call 802-454-1062 or 272-
Spills - Cleanups - Investigations
5316 for price, leave message. BACKHOE & OPERATOR
PLQXWHVIURP%DUUH For Hire, Kubota Compact L- Licensed & Insured
HARDWOOD KINDLING, 39TLB Industrial Grade Back- '$/<(19,5210(17$/
Meshbags $4.00/ea. Free de- hoe & Loader. Great for tight
livery to Seniors. 802-279-2595 spaces and finished lawn ar-
 eas. Ten foot digging depth. 802-296-1796
FDWVSDZ#WRSVWHOHFRP Free Estimates and Insured. guns $ $ cash for guns $ $ cash f
Chimney pipes. Everyday low EarthCare Tractor & Truck-
carrara’s gun shop

or guns $ $ cash for

or guns $ $ cash fo
price. Plainfield Hardware/ Farm ~Individual Play Time~ ing Services LLC. Criag Isham
Mkt Garden Center, Rt2 East 802-223-9783 or 279-0588 ONE TON 4X4 Flatbed Diesel
Montpelier Rd, Plainfield. 802- Truck with dump capacity for hire. WE BUY GUNS! New, Used, Old or Broken
454-1000 Open 7 Days a Week +W]V\Za CARPENTER, INSURED. Look- If it fits we can haul it! Building
supplies, wood pellets, lumber,
ing for carpentry, remodeling, or
small projects. Call 476-5484 etc. Free Estimates and Insured. We Buy
802-492-3339 Days We Buy
EarthCare Tractor & Truck-
ing Services LLC. Craig Isham
802-492-3032 Nights Guns
LAWN 8M\/ZWWUQVO 802-223-9783 or 270-0588 if you have firearms for sale, we are serious buyers!
! QUALITY PAINTING, Stu- We are strong buyers for nice
3YDS of BLACK RICH art Morton, Interior/Exterior,
Compose, $140/3yds De- Repairs, Many Excellent Lo-
Winchesters, Savages, Brownings, Colts & fine shotguns
livered in Barre/Montpelier cal References. 802-229-
~We Have Buyers In Your Area~
Area. 461-3126 or 461-6441 0681
r guns $ $ cash for guns $ $ cash f
Have your child friendly com-
panion animal stay with us in the &/($1,1* SPOONERS DRYWALL
comfort of our home. Call Your Residential & Commercial SHEETROCK HANGING
With Good Old Cow !!!! &FINISHING & PAINTING
Pet Nannies Sophie 802-229-
RICH Black 2-year old, 0378 or Shona 802-229-4176,  32 YEARS EXP
$120/3yds. Deliveries Included. references available. “Our Reputation Is Clean!” 802-793-4336 "STANZIE"
Composted $135/3yd, also 4yd 1 Year Old Spayed Female
& 5yd Loads. Top-soil, Compost; REWARD for RETURN of one SPRING CLEAN-UP Re- Hi, there! My name is Stanzie. I am such a
Mixed 50/50. Sand, Crushed black and one yellow female CASH PAID moval & Full Tree Services, pretty girl, I have a cute Persian-like face. Are
Drive-way Slate/Stamat, Gravel, Labrador Retriever, both be- $75 TO $300+ for free estimates call Randy you amazed by my beauty? You sure should
etc... Sparrow Farm & Trucking, tween 45-50 pounds, 18 months JUNK CARS, TRUCKS 802-479-3403, 35+ years be! I would love a home where I can be the
E. Montpelier, 802-229-2347. old. Missing since 2/19/11. FOR INFO, 802-522-4279. experience, fully insured. center of attention. I am looking for a place
where I can be the only feline in your life.
Any information will be greatly
BIGGEST SELECTION of appreciated. 802-234-7223 CEMETERY PLOT, Planting and SPRING IS HERE I want nothing more than a home where I can
FRUIT TREES and BERRY Maintenance. Helping to Keep Over 20yrs experience, Moody’s relax and be myself. I’ve got a lovely
your loved ones place of rest Landscaping. Spring Clean-up, personality to go with my stunning good looks.
PLANTS in VERMONT! El- SHEPHERD/BLACK Lab and I also like to chat with my people; I have a most
more Roots Nursery 802- Black Lab/Golden Retriever looking cared for and attended. hedging, pruning, stonework
Joann Darling, 802-476-3350 and more. Please Call Rich 802- amusing little voice. Stop by to have a
888-3305 Pups, $200/ea. 802-439-6432 conversation with me, I have plenty to say! 279-0773
Am I your perfect match?
BULK Top Soil CLEANING SERVICES: Of- STONE TILE SALE Marble, 1589 VT Route 14S, East Montpelier 802-476-3811 •

Compost & Mulch Think fice and residential, floors,

carpets, windows, Serving
Ceramic, Porcelain, Trav-
ertine, Slate, Wood. Every
Tues.-Fri. 1PM to 6PM, Sat. 11AM to 4PM

available at Like Central Vermont 802-279-0150 size, Every color. We beat ev-
eryone. 750sq.ft. minimum.
Montpelier A Delivery available. Sun Tile. Are Pets People, Too?
802-229-9187 Dog DmFURNACE Call for quote: 203-775-1042

Class MAN 7(/(3+21(

A recent article in a
COW MANURE $10 cubic
‡2LO)XUQDFH7XQH8SV British newspaper suggest-
yard loaded at farm. Har- :,5,1* ed that pet owners stop
vest Hill Farm. 802-223-7927
with April Frost ‡&OHDQLQJV‡5HSDLUV ,167$//$7,21
being called “owners” and
Saturday, June 4
start being called “par-
camp wood, sawdust, compost, $WWDLQOHDVKFRQWURORI\RXUGRJ %UXFH6WUDFKDQ ents.” Why? Because pets
wood pellets, sand, gravel,
5HDVRQDEOH5DWHV  are considered so much a
crushed slate/stone, land- 2QHGD\FODVVVDYHV\RXWLPHPRQH\ Call Daryl  F part of the family that they
scape stone, fence posts, split
rail fencing, hay and lumber.
802-563-3381 or 802-249-2814 ,QVXUHG<HDUV([SHULHQFH shouldn’t be considered property, the article sug-
Construction and scrap metal ZZZ$SULO)URVWRUJ
waste pick up. 802-279-9958. FLAIL MOWING & Mulching. gested.
Safer than Brush Hogging. The trend toward treating a pet like ... well, practically
TWO FREE FEMALE KITTENS, Cleaner & Neater Finish Too! another child ... isn’t new, but it certainly is growing.
taining Walls, Pruning, Trac- 8Weeks old. One is all black
Field & Estate. Free Estimates Classified According to Hartz Mountain Corp.’s recently released Hartz
and Insured. EarthCare Tractor
planting, All Forms of Landscap- with a white star on chest, other & Trucking Services LLC. Craig Deadline Trend Report, 47 percent of pet owners surveyed said their
is tabby. 595-3582 for more info.
ing - Andy Plante 802-223-5409 Isham 802-223-9783 or 279-0588 Is Monday pet is like a child to them. Another 42 percent said their pet is
comparable to a good friend. Mekkelsen Hill Rd., Barre • 802-
HAY FOR SALE 1st FOUR SQUARE, An experi- Before
cut $3.50/bale, 2nd cut ANIMALS/FARM enced carpentry and painting 10:00AM There seem to be some real benefits to animals as this trend
$4.00, 802-476-5204 company Call Ed 802-229-5414. grows. Most prospective owners surveyed consider “person-
ANGUS X HEIFER, good ality” to be more important than a pet’s pedigree. And a grow-
JOHN DEERE GT 275 17HP shape, $550. Call any- GOT GRASS??? No Lawn Too ing number have or are considering adopting their pet from a
Big Nor Too Small. Honest, Reli-
48”Deck, 30” Tiller, Like Brand time, 802-279-6675. rescue society -- 60 percent said so in the survey.
Let Us Know...
New, $3500.00 obo. Ford Reese able Lawn Care at Reasonable
Rates. Specializing in Mowing These results don’t necessarily mean that your local mall
Hitch $75.00 obo. 802-479-4122 BROKEN IRON Ranch. Cer-
tified organic, 1st cut $3.50/
and Trimming. Free Estimates, soon will be filled with “mommies” pushing their beloved
LAWN MOWING/Raking Barre, bale, 2nd cut $4.50/bale,
Excellent References. Call
if you are not getting Lab or Terrier around in a stroller (most self-respecting
Bob 685-3422 OR 272-8462 medium- to large-sized dogs wouldn’t take that treatment
Montpelier, Roxbury, North- out of barn. 802-839-0409
field, Worcester. 802-522-6903 HANDYMAN SERVICES: your anyway). The people surveyed considered traits like loyalty
FOR SALE; Scottish High- Painting, Plumbing/Electri-
each week! and obedience to be important qualities.
PICNIC TABLES; 6’ $90, 8’, lander Bull. 3Yrs old, cal repairs, Carpentry and So, what do you think? Is your dog or cat a part of the fam-
$125. Delivery available. 4’ $850.00 obo. 802-433-6107 Flooring 802-279-0150 If you are in the greater ily, or something even more important -- almost another
Adirondack Benches avail-
able, $150. Wedding Arch- STRAIN FAMILY HORSE HAS YOUR BUILDING SHIFT- Barre-Montpelier-Northfield Area child? Tell me your experience or opinion on the matter by

es to order. 802-433-6388. FARM: 50 horses, take trade- ED? Contact Woodford Bros., emailing me at Or, check out the infor-


ins, 3-week exchange guar-
antee. Supplying horse to the
Inc. for straightening, leveling,
foundation and wood frame Call mal poll on my website at
Fall gold which has raspberries East Coast. www.strainfamily- repairs at 1-800-OLD-BARN, Other Areas Can Call Toll Free Send your questions or comments to Paw’s Corner, c/o King Features

twice in one season. If no answer 860-653-3275 MA- Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.
Check us out on facebook. BNE HIC#155877, CTHIC#571557,
leave message. 802-479-1701. RICRB#22078 BNE-TFN (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 33

Vermont Fieldstone Specialists “Jobs

Likes To Do!”
$ “Intentionally
Retaining allyHardscapes
Walls • Stone Better”• Fencing
starting at Commercial
Trees, Shrubs &&Flowers • Lawn Care • And More
Residential Lawn Care and Handyman Services
(802) 793-6607
24 x 24 garage, 6” concrete floors with steel
Fully Insured
rebar, (2) 7 x 9 garage doors, one entry door. Home Repairs Free Estimates Lawn & Garden Care Reasonable Rates
Garages to your specifications, any size. Thurman Wilder, Third Generation Landscaper Light Trucking Tim Chapin

Call 802-296-1522 • Ask for Ray “Honey Do” Lists Welcome! (802) 595-0545

Come See Our Complete Line Of Carpets, Ceramic &

GreG’s Porcelain Tiles, Corian & Formica Countertops,
Hardwoods, Laminates, Marmoleum & Vinyls
PaintinG & staininG
Metal Roof Painting
Located at Our Showroom at
471 Hollister Hill Road
George Carrier formerly of Poulin Aluminum
• Handpaint or Spray • Free Estimates Plainfield, VT 05667 802-479-9633 802-272-8775
• Metal Roof Painting
• Interior/Exterior
• Reasonable Low Rates
• Neat, Quality Work 454-7301 •Siding
• Guarantee • References • Insured •Doors
Concrete Floor Painting FREE ESTIMATES •Windows
With Expert Installations
Call 802-479-2733 •Roofs
Over 20 Years Experience • Fully Insured

Year In Business!
Our 23 DEMER’S
Daniels Metal Fabrication, Inc.
Over 32 Years Experience

Custom Sheet Metal Fabrication
DLM •Furnace Plenums
DiversifieD LanDscape Maintenance
•Residential & Commercial Lawn Mowing COLLISION REPAIR •Heat Shields
•Roof Flashing
•Ductwork: pipes & elbows in stock
All Vehicles - All Makes & Models
•Flower & Shrub Planting •Weeding
•Lawn Construction •Top Soil •Bark Mulch •Pruning •Grille Faces & Registers in stock
•Fertilizing •Liming •Bush Hogging CALL FOR APPOINTMENT
•Sweeping •Snow Plowing •Sanding 3.5 miles from Montpelier roundabout toward East Montpelier (RT 2) 456 East Montpelier Road, Montpelier
Dave Hawkins 802-456-7064 229-6262 802-223-2801 802-223-3789

Andy Emerson LLC

Why Buy New We do all aspects of home repair
Randy Eastman
When You Can and maintenance including:
R !
epair •New construction "25 Years Experience"
efinish •Painting

•Replacement windows
•Brick patios
Free Estimates • Insured • References
DAVID H. BUZZI •Insulation Expert Tile Work, Taping, Solartubes
310-5872 (CELL) 802-793-1075 Serving Central Vermont
You Save Money Because There Is No Overhead

R. COMSTOCK Kevin’s Doors

Garage Doors and Openers
802-917-3693 BARRE, VERMONT
Offering prompt, professional service and
repair on all residential makes and models
Sealcoating Light Trucking
HHot Rubber Cracks
HPavement Patching Light Carpentry
Excavating Landscaping
Over 15 Years of Experience / References
Kevin Rice, Owner
Call Today for Free Estimates / Fully Insured / Residential & Commercial
Middlesex, Vermont Cell: (802) 839-6318

YOU CALL-I HAUL Tel. (802) 454-1596

Excavation & Trucking Top To BoTTom Chimney ServiCeS Cell (802) 793-4336
•Topsoil •Gravel Richard Dickinson
•sand •drainaGe sTone
•driveway ledGe •MUlCH
(802) 479-1811
Chimney Building, Repairs, Caps
Spooners Drywall
Septic Systems • Foundation Drainage Sheetrock Hanging
Site Work • Driveways • Slabs Stainless Steel Liners and Cleaning & Finishing
MULCH • HEMLOCK • DK. BROWN & RED CEDAR Install & Repair Pellet Stoves
Free Estimates/Insured 48 Onion River Road Dale Spooner
Steven M. Miller 479-1384 Plainfield, VT 05667 32 Years Experience

Blue Ridge ConstRuCtion

Building and Excavation
Go With The Best!
Renovations • Additions
Site Work • Concrete • Roofing •Custom Made On Site
Siding • Driveway Repairs • Septic Systems s, gutt
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Design Build Services • Installation & Material
Land/Home Packages Available GUARANTEED
•30+ Years Experience
Call 229-1153 Compare Quality & Workmanship
for free estimates MARIO VERDON 802-476-3331 or 1-800-463-7311
337 VT Route 110, Orange, VT 05641
page 34 The WORLD May 25, 2011
them than replacing them.
And that’s fairly easily done. Repair any
find more information on moisture, dehu-
midifiers, and rebates for efficient models at Thank You For Saying
cracked glazing, run a bead of caulk around I Saw It In
window frames, and use side-mount sash I want to emphasize that it’s worth trying
locks to hold windows firmly in place. Block to reduce the need for dehumidification or, if
drafts through sash-weight pulley openings feasible, to fix the cause of basement water HERRING
Ask The Home Team by using pulley seals. Use inexpensive win- problems. You’ll not only lower electricity EXCAVATION
dow weatherization kits, available at hard- costs for dehumidifying but you’ll also pro- Inground
Q: I’m planning an addition to my house ware stores. If you have storm windows, use tect yourself and your house from problems Tanks
& Leach
and I’m putting high-efficiency windows them. If not, have them made. Thanks for that moisture can cause. Those problems can $3,500
in there. I’m thinking of replacing all the asking a question that’s on many Vermont- include wood rot, mold, and mildew that can Driveway Stone
windows in the house at the same time, ers’ minds. damage the house and items in it, and can starting at $20/yard
because the installer will already be here. -Li Ling for The Home Team create indoor air quality problems. Bark & Mulch Delivered
Before I do that, I want to know if the win- Common sources of basement moisture are Driveways Resurfaced
dows will be worth the price in how much outdoor air or groundwater, each with their Drainage
they lower my heat bills. What’s your ad- Q: I’m trying to decide if it’s worth fix- own solutions. The latter requires a pricier Land Clearing
vice? ing a water problem in my basement or to fix. I suggest that you get opinions from a Ponds
just use a dehumidifier (I’m using a bor- few contractors so that you can determine House Sites, start to finish
A: Energy-efficient windows do a great job rowed one, but I’m considering buying). the cause of the problem and get estimates Septic Systems
of reducing drafts and Vermont
increasing comfort. It would help to know what the most en- on solutions. Meanwhile, it makes sense to Mound Systems
But the payback period, from
Crime Stoppers energy savings, ergy-efficient dehumidifier is. That way, I take some simple steps to minimize base- starting at $8,000

mont on the cost of new windows is long. So it’s can find out how much energy it uses and ment moisture. For example, don’t dry green Conventional Systems
starting at $3,500
generally not advisable to replace old win- estimate the cost of keeping it running. firewood inside. Use an outdoor clothes line
Excavator & Operator
dows for energy-saving purposes alone. Ef-
Tipline: Thanks for any help. instead of air-drying laundry indoors. Keep starting at $35/hour
ficient windows become cost-effective when basement windows and doors closed in the Dozer Work
you’re replacing nonfunctional windows or
1-800-529-9998 A: I’m glad to help. An ENERGY STAR® summer because warmer air from outdoors starting at $40/hour

buying windows for a new building or an ad- qualified dehumidifier uses 10-20% less en-

and from living spaces will condense on 3-yard Dump Truck
dition, as you are. We
If you’ve got windows that ergy than a standard model. To find specific cooler basement surfaces.
-9998 want your
work, you’re better off, cost-wise, improving
models, visit You can -Li Ling for The Home Team
Call 793-6273 cell
or 802-223-0842
229-1030, 229-2269

not your name. �

Cash Rewards


Central Vermont
❖ J. Waters ❖
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8 1-800-529-9998
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Use it! ChimneySmith 479-3559
Also doing auto, home, recreation
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* We Return All Phone Calls *
May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 35
WORLD REAL ESTATE DEADLINE MONDAY 10AM (Display Ads Thursday at 5:00 PM)
802-479-2582 • 1-800-639-9753 • •
2004 28x64 4Bed, 2Bath Dou- CALAIS. COUNTRY apart- NORTHFIELD VILLAGE, Large
blewide, Fireplace, Jacuzzi, etc. COMMERCIAL APARTMENTS ment. 2Bdrms, Dish washer, 2 Bedroom 2nd Floor, Electric/
All real estate advertising in this newspa-
$47,500. Mike at 802-272-9476 RENTALS/SALES ROOMS/HOUSES open beams, huge yard, or-
ganic garden space, non-
sewer/water/Rubbish Remov-
al Included, Appliances, Non
per is subject to the fair housing act which
makes it illegal to advertise “any prefer- CHECK OUT the wide vari-
ety of Pre-owned homes at 900 SQ/FT MONTPELIER OF-
FOR RENT smoking, no pets. Surrounded Smoking, $800. Security Depos-
ence, limitation or discrimination based on by 200 acres. 802-454-7198. it and References 802-485-3311
race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial or call FICE/RETAIL SPACE for lease
800-391-7488, 802-229-2721 on Rte 302 near Tractor Sup- ARTS/CRAFTS/TRADES op-
status or national origin, or an intention, to EAST CALAIS VILLAGE 2 bed- ROOM, BARRE. Kitchen,
make any such preference, limitation or ply. GREAT LOCATION, AM- portunity. East Calais Village: laundry, TV, wireless,$450/mo
PLE PARKING, and GROUND large 3 bdr, 2nd floor apart- room house, garden, cheap
Additionally, Vermont’s Fair Housing and MOBILE HOME/LAND LEVEL PRIVATE ENTRANCE. ment, beautifully finished, heat. 7/1. $800. 802-229-2020 plus deposit. 802-479-2136
Public Accomodations Act prohibits adver- Do you own a Singlewide? Owner flexible to renova- sunny! Plus a separate ground RULE OF THUMB......
tising that indicates any preference, limita- tions. Call Dee 802-522-6549. EAST MONTPELIER, 3
Call to have it moved and floor studio/workspace in at- Describe your property,
tion or discrimination based on age, marital Bedroom apartment, $800/
installed with NO MONEY tached barn which is clean, not the “appropriate” buyer or
status, sexual orientation or receipt of BERLIN - COMMERCIAL month plus utilities. Refer-
public assistance. light, heated, & spacious. Ex- renter, not the landlord,
This newspaper will not knowingly accept DOWN on this 2 acre Barre Space plus 2-1 bedroom apts tra storage space above both
ences and security deposit.
not the neighbors.
Town lot. on busy Barre-Montpelier Road. 802-229-4366 nights til 9pm.
any advertising for real estate which is in shop & apartment. Separate Just describe the property and
Basement level; 4 Rooms and
violation of the law. Our readers are hereby
informed that all dwellings advertised in
Complete Price $69,900 Garage. Plenty of parking. garage parking. Must see. All EFFICIENCY, 1st floor, coin- you’ll almost always obey the
this newspaper are available on an equal Call 802-249-2125 Large back yard. $229,000.00 for $850/month. 802-454-7879. op washer/dryer, $500/ law.
opportunity basis. Anita 802-476-6400 MO. Security, references,
To file a complaint of discrimination, call BARRE 3RD Floor 1 bed- THREE-BEDROOM APART-
no pets. 802-476-2092
the Vermont Human Rights Commisson
toll-free at 1-800-416-2010 (voice & TTY)
room apartment, $700/mo.
Rent includes heat, water,
JUNE 1ST, Beautiful newly
1957 10x50 ....................... $6,000 FURNISHED ROOM,
or call HUD toll free at DQGEXVLQHVVHVIRU trash/snow removal. Available renovated apartments available
1-800-669-9777 (voice) or 1964 10x58 ....................... $8,500 VDOHWKURXJKRXWWKH kitchen, laundry use, ca-
1-800-927-9275 (TTY). &HQWUDO9HUPRQWDUHD June 1st. Call 802-249-2408 ble, phone, utilities. $450. on Laurel St in Barre, VT. $850-
1987 14x68 ..................... $14,900 $900 rent includes heat, hot
)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVH First & last. 802-476-7595.

1988 14x60 ..................... $18,500 FDOO-RKQDW%&.5HDO(VWDWH

water, trash removal, private
MOBILE HOMES 1989 28x60 ..................... $39,900 %&.5HDO(VWDWH
snow/rubbish re- hour emergency maintenance
1998 14x76 ..................... $29,500 -RKQ#%&.UHDOHVWDWHFRP SHUPRQWKDOOXWLOLWLHV moval, coin-op laundry, services. Minimum monthly
LQFOXGHGEHGURRPDSDUW $500/mo References,lease,
household income to qualify
Williamstown, VT Trades Welcome PHQWVDYDLODEOHDWDYDULHW\RI (does not apply to Section 8
SULFHVDQGORFDWLRQV&DOOIRU deposit. 802-461-5531. recipients): $2,125/mo.
16x80, 3bed, 2ba EQUAL HOUSING
GRANITEVILLE 2-BED- Maximum Annual Household In-

on end lot, $900/mo. %DUUH0RQWSHOLHU5RDG ROOM includes heat, trash/ come to qualify
First, last, pets considered. ZZZIHFWHDXKRPHVFRP DOWNTOWN BARRE North &DOO%&.3URSHUW\6HUYLFHV 3 people: $30,450
snow removal, Coin-op laun-
 Main St Retail Storefront Avail- IRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDW 4 people: $33,800
dry. $700/mo. References,
802-272-9476 0)6DW6XQ able for Lease. Approximately   lease, deposit.802-461-5531.
5 people: $36,550
For more information or to ap-
1300 sq/ft. Customer Acces- %&.LVDQ(TXDO+RXVLQJ2SSRUWXQLW\9HQGRU
NORTHFIELD MOBILE HOME sibility from North Main St and  ply, contact Central Vermont
Community Land Trust 802-
LAND WANTED for rent in park, 3bedroom,
2baths. No pets. Non-smoking,
Merchants Row Parking Lot.
Call 476-4031, Ask for Paul. APARTMENTS 476-4493 ext. 230 or download
Quiet street, sunny security deposit/references re-
OPPORTUNITY the application at
location, 3/4 to 3 acres. quired. $800/mo. 802-485-8158 DOWNTOWN MONTPELIER, AVAILABLE Equal Housing Opportunity.
Max. $35,000. 2nd floor, 3 Room Suite, 350 S/F, BARRE CITY, completely
$650/mo includes heat, elec- Waterbury Center, VT. The TWO-BEDROOM Apartment
with water & sewer. Wolcott, VT tricity, garbage. 802-839-0075 renovated, Bright & Clean, beautiful Green Mountain $750! WATERBURY, VT. The
~OR~ 5 country acres, 2004 4-bed
1+1/2bdrm. Includes Heat,
Hot water and rubbish re-
Seminary Apartments include 55+ community at the Stimson
HOUSE 2-bath doublewide, private, WANTED TO RENT/ moval. $750. 802-476-0533.
heat, hot water, trash removal,
onsite laundry and 24 hour
& Graves Apartments currently
has a two-bedroom apartment
Quiet street, 3-bdrm, available for $750. Rent in-
max. $170,000.
next to VAST trail. $125,000. SHARE/BUY BERLIN PARTRIDGE Farms emergency maintenance.
Two bedroom apartment cludes heat, hot water, electric-
461-7352 ask for Marc 802-272-9476 Condo/duplex,
3bdr, available July 1 $1325/ now available for $700. Also ity, trash removal and 24 hour
No Realtors 0RQWSHOLHU7HDFKHUV$VVLVWDQW month. accepting applications for the emergency maintenance. Also
QHHGVFOHDQURRPWRUHQW desirable is the onsite laundry,
802-229-5702. one bedroom waiting list. For elevator and the Waterbury Se-
1RSHWV*UHDWUHIHUHQFHV more information or to complete nior Center conveniently located
0RQWSHOLHUDUHDV BERLIN: AVAILABLE June. Non- a rental application call the on the first floor of the building.
smoking, 2bdrm, patio, coin-op Central VT Community Land In addition to this two-bedroom
*RRG+DQG\PDQ laundry. No pets. $750 includes Trust 802-476-4493 ext. 230 or opening, we are currently ac-
´5HPHPEHU*UHDW7KRXJKWV&RPH heat/hot water. 802-376-0068. cepting applications for the one-
Affordable 1st & 2nd floor, 2-bedroom. )URP7KH+HDUWµ download the application
at bedroom waiting list. For more
Close to I-89 & downtown. Five min. to Equal Housing information or complete a rental
application call the Central VT
general store, post office & playground. W.J. Bradley Mortgage Opportunity.
Community Land Trust 877-
320-0663 ext. 230 or download
Garden space available. Wraparound porch, Capital Corp. HOMESHARE, Need car, rent
the application at www.cvclt.
large kitchen w/dishwasher, new refrigerator negotible, 45+, disabled wel-
org Equal Housing Opportunity.

& new flooring, freshly painted, full bath come, $100/week. 802-479-5432 WILLIAMSTOWN. 1BDRM,
LOCAL SERVICE... heat, hot water, rubbish/
includes W/D hookup, heat, water, rubbish MOBILE HOME $650 snow removal. No dogs. $550
removal, 2-car parking & 1-bay garage. No
SECOND TO NONE month plus deposit, Wash-
ington. No pets. 589-4266
plus deposit. 802-433-5832.

pets. $885/mo. plus deposit. Available now. • Purchase and Refinance Loans • Competitive Rates MONTPELIER 1st floor, 2
802-479-3366 • Great Customer Service • FHA & VA Financing BEDROOM,
ing, $800/mo,
snow plow-
lease, refer- SALES
BCK Property Services ences, deposit. 802-476-7544.


43 Years of ABLE June/July. 1 bedroom largest timeshare in the world.
$700/$800 includes heat, hot Orange Lake is right next to
Vermont water. Porch, parking, coin Disney and has many amenities
Mortgage laundry. Non smoking. No including golf, tennis, and a wa-
Experience pets. Lease. 802-376-0068. ter park. Weeks available are in
Patricia Shedd Kim Magoon
Loan Officer 109 South Main Street Loan Officer March and April 2012. $850 inclu-
NMLS# 98725 Barre, VT 05641 NMLS #207001 MONTPELIER MURRAY Hill, sive. Call Carol at 978-371-2442
OFFICE 802-661-4316 802-661-4317 furnished condo 2bdr, available
Mon.-Fri. 9-5 OFFICE
July 1, $1600/month. Sal.b@ email:

CELL 802-476-0476

Weekends & CELL 802-249-2458

n 802-229-5702.

Spring Cl e a n i FAX 877-247-1063
By Appt. FAX 1-866-953-0930
Equal Housing Lender. © 2011 W.J. Bradley Mortgage Capital Corp., 201 Columbine Street Suite 300, Denver, CO 80206. Phone #303-825-5670.
for Rent 3 bedrooms, avail-
able June 1st. Includes elec-
tric, sewer, water, rubbish re-
JOE’S POND quaint camp, 2 bed-
rooms, sits back from lake front-
age. Call for availability, $675/
wkly. 802-476-5535/839-0101

moval. References and Credit

NMLS ID 3233. Trade/service marks are the property of W.J. Bradley Mortgage Capital Corp. This is not a commitment to lend. Restrictions apply.
All rights reserved. Some products may not be available in all states. Vermont Broker License #0995MB; Vermont Lender License #6141.

required. Call 802-485-4706 continued on page 37

Get your
Get your home
detailed! Do you dream of owning your own home?
Are you tired of paying rent?
Does Your Home Need Repair? We Can Help!
Repairs include:

Call Do you want to know what you can afford? Energy efficient improvements
Heating systems, including
Wells and Septic systems

Plumbing and Wiring
We know just how to help you! Alternative fuel heating sources Roof and Foundation repairs
Central Vermont Community Land Trust’s
NeighborWorks® HomeOwnership Center is offering Make Your Home Safe and Accessible
Access Modifications include:
Homebuyer Education Workshop.
Grab bars Permanent or temporary wheelchair ramps
Come - See if homeownership is right for you and find out if you can own the Barrier-free showers Flooring repair/replacement
home of your dreams.
Free - 1 hr. Orientation/ Registration session , come see how we can help you. If eligible* we can assist with an affordable loan or grant to address
health & safety concerns, correct code violations or make access modifications
Learn - Sign up and attend the 8-hour Realizing the American Dream for an elderly or disabled household.
Workshop, you will gain knowledge in the step-by-step processes of buying and ————————————————————————-
owning a home. Workshops are held once per month on a Saturday and there is *Homeowners in Washington, Orange and Lamoille counties who meet income eligibility
requirements may qualify, please call for these guidelines. For example, a four person
an $80 per household fee. household in Washington County must have an annual income of $54k or less.
Graduate - Receive a certification of completion for this workshop, your ————————————————————————
lender will be very impressed! Call today: 802-476-4493 ext:211 or visit our website:
or stop by our office
To reserve your seat, stop by , call 476-4493 x 211, or register online Central Vermont Community Land Trust NeighborWorks® Homeownership Center Our offices are located at 107 N. Main St., Barre 107 N. Main Street, Barre, Vermont 05641
Supported by a $375,000 VCDP grant from the

Professional Carpet/Upholstery Cleaning & Maintenance Agency of Commerce &

Community Development


page 36 The WORLD May 25, 2011
APS/ROOMS/ Building Lots dom Dr. 2bdr, 1st floor, attached HOMES is, 2 HISTORIC BUILDINGS, HOME Convenient to I89 For
garage. New laminate floor-
ing, paint, appliances, kitchen (DVW%DUUH
sheds, garage, drive way. 310 &
312 Main Street. $225,000.00.
Sale By Owner. $214500.
3+Bedroom, 2Bath, Otter Creek
continued Coolidge Acres Subdivision countertops. Economical Rinnai $ORWZLWKPRELOH Call 1-802-229-4654 Sunroom. Hardwood and tile
heater. Deck with mountain
Flint Road, Williamstown views. $185,000. 802-225-6248. KRPH[&OHDQ Come see why our commit- floors. Attached 2Car Garage.
JOE’S POND: Very comfortable 1.5 to 4.1 Acre Lots IUHVKO\SDLQWHG QHZ ment to customer service 112 Terrace LN(off River RD),
2-bedroom home with lots of MONTPELIER, FOUNDRY ÁRRUV makes the difference! BEAN’S Moretown. Nicki 229-6816.
lake frontage & fantastic views. Modular or Custom Built Homes Only
2 BR first floor condo. Avail- HOMES, 92 Back Center
One Week available 8/13-8/20. Call 249-7442 able July 1st. $129,900 with &DOO Rd. Lyndonville, VT 800-321- SPECTACULAR VIEW overlook-
Call Bob at 802-253-8343 $3,000 back. 802-426-3425 RU 8688. www.beanshomes. ing Woodbury Lake/Mountains.
com. Open 7 days a week. 2001 3-bd, 2-ba home...3.5
NELSON POND Lakehouse.
Two bedrooms, sleeps six,
Building Lots MONTPELIER...TOP floor Vic-
torian era condo... two large
BARRE CITY 3 Bed/ 2 bath
E-MONTPELIER...7 acres...
Acres. Move-in condition...
Barre Town 960 +/- sq ft home on land. solar exposure. $135,000.
well water, decks, privacy, bedrooms. Hardwood floors. Sweet new private home.
washer-dryer, and dock. Barre City Close to the interstate. New McCartyRE...802-229-9479.
Beautiful Sunroom. $175,000 roof, flooring, siding, etc. Great country location...2
$750.00 per week. Call 802- East Barre McCartyRE 802-229-9479 miles to Montpelier. $319,000.
456-1807 for more informa- Orange $97,900. Financing available McCartyRE. 802-229-9479 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE
tion and reservations. June to and trades welcome. Fecteau on 2.8 Acres in Corinth Ver-
October. No smokers or pets.
Montpelier APARTMENTS/ Real Estate 802-229-2721 FOR SALE; Small 3 Bed-
room House, Fixer Up-
mont needs to be Finished,
$95,000 Call 802-439-3589
NICHOLS POND, Woodbury Fecteau Homes Has Lots For: DUPLEXES FOR BARRE CITY, $75,000.
.96 Acre lot with 14X66
per. Barre Town, Rte 14,
cottage, $700/mth. Propane Modular • Doublewide • Singlewide $79,900.00. 802-223-3731
stove, frig, tub/ shower, no SALE mobile home. 223-4891
$79,900, country setting with
electricity, 4WD access, cell MIDDLESEX...PASSIVE So-
phone/internet. No smok- BARRE TOWN 3+ BR home lar design incorporating heat brook. Many recent improve-
ing. No pets. 802-376-0068 %DUUH0RQWSHOLHU5RDG PLEX, 21,000 yearly in- with in-law apartment, or eas- retention system. Views ments. A must see. Benoit’s
ZZZIHFWHDXKRPHVFRP come. Renovated, super in- ily convert back to SFH, close of Hunger Mountain. 2.5 Real Estate Shop 802-223-3464
PAWLEY’S ISLAND, South  sulated, wiring, plumbing, to school, local store, play- space...34 X
Carolina. Two bedroom condo, 0)6DW6XQ 40 pole barn. $210,000 Mc-
boiler. $189,000. 802-272-0393. ground, and post office, VAST continued on page 38
sleeps 6. Three minute walk to trail, www.64brookstreet. CartyRE...802-229-9479.
great beach. Plenty of golf near- EAST MONTPELIER 5.1
Thank You For Saying
com buyers broker welcome,
by. $700 per week spring and fall; Acre Wooded Lot, May $125,000, Price Reduced,
$1,000 per week June, July & Au- Way 1 1/2 miles from Dud- call Diane 802-479-0199
gust. Call 802-485-8397, days. ley’s Store Rt 14, $49,995.
802-229-4366 nights 7-9.
I Saw It In
Save Gas Rent My Cap! LAKE
SEYMOUR, Morgan, VT.
2BDRM, sleeps 6, glassed-in
North, Building lots. Power and
porch, outdoor grill/fireplace. All
flat parking & lawn, sandy beach. road on-site. 802-839-0227
Excellent kayaking, canoeing,
fishing. $650 802-476-7076.
ed with McCartyRE. All sizes, Conventional • FHA • USDA • VA Loans
SEASONAL RENTAL; Wood- small-large parcels, Sugarbush,
bury, 3 Bedroom Cottage on lake front, Saw mill, woods, Wanda French
private pond, bath w/shower, timber, open. 802-229-9479 Mortgage Consultant
Large screened-in porch, Guarantee Rate
Canoe & Rowboat, Non- %&.RIIHUVH[SHUWDGYLFHRQ MNLS #2611
smoking, no pets, weekly or PD[LPL]LQJ\RXUODQGLQYHVWPHQW
monthly, $800/wk, June-Oc- :KHWKHU\RX·UHEX\LQJRUVHOOLQJ 164 So. Main St., Barre
tober. Phone 802-456-8732 DFUHDJHFDOO'DYLG-DPLHVRQDW%&.
5HDO(VWDWHWRDUUDQJHDFRQVXOWDWLRQ Only minutes from town, spectacular mountain views, super energy efficient, and quiet Email:
:HKDYH%X\HUVIRU0DSOH6XJDU country setting. Custom designed home includes 3 bedrooms, 2 story garage, sun room,
SELL/RENT YOUR TIME- extra space off the garage for a workshop or additional room. We are very excited about this
RUOHDVH new listing and would like to give you a private tour of this exceptional property. Please call.
802-479-1154 Direct
Guaranteed Services will Sell/ 'DYH-DPLHVRQ
Rent Your Unused Timeshare for
CASH!! Over $95 Million Dollars
 ; Lynda Benoit 802-479-1178 Fax
Office 802-223-3464 • Cell 802-793-6075 • Fax 802-229-0162
offered in 2010! www.sellatime- Call 1-800-640-6886
'DYLG-#%&.UHDOHVWDWHFRP 623 North Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 EQUAL HOUSING
Wanda French
NMLS #101185 802-224-6151 Cell
Guaranteed Services will Sell/
Rent Your Unused Timeshares ESTATE SALE

for CASH! Over $78 Million Dol- OPPORTUNITY

lars offered in 2009! www.sella- (800) 882-0296 Land Liquidation 20 Acres $0 BARRE TOWN
Down, $99/mo. Only $12,900
Sizzling Summer Specials! Near El Paso, TX, Owner Fi-
At Florida’s Best Beach, New nancing, No Credit Check!
Smyrna Beach Stay a week or Money Back Guarantee Free
longer, Plan a beach wedding Color Brochure. 800-755-
or family reunion. wwwNSB- 8953 or 1-800-541-9621
LAND SALE in Florida, 1/4 Acre
CAMPS FOR SALE & Up. Guaranteed Financing!
Foreclosures starting @ $4900,
This home has been tenderly cared for… and
it shows! This 3 BR, 2 BA home has an eat-in
$100 Down, $100 Per Month. Call kitchen with pantry, large LR, FR, lots of stor-
PEACHAM POND. 3bdrm, 3-sea- For Free Brochure! 1-877-983- age & closets. There is newer vinyl siding &
son, 100’ frontage. $350,000. 6600 windows, roofing and chimney. Built with 2X4 construction, 16 o.c. and deep overhangs. The
MONTPELIER, 1 ACRE +/-. 2-car garage provides access to the rear patio…
LAND FOR SALE Ideal location with short drive to
downtown. $55,000. 223-4372
3 Bedroom, 1 1/2 Bath, 2 Story Home, plus, there’s a woodshop with tools for the

located on a corner city lot. 132 ft. by

handy-man, storage shed… and more! Could this
move-in ready, low maintenance home be what
99 ft. with Southwest view. Single Car
.23 ACRES. BARRE City. you’re looking for? Call today for your showing!
Nice wooded lot with pri- route 110. Has leech-field in- Listed at $169,900.
vacy. $10,000. 223-3972 stalled. $95,000. 223-4891
Providing Buyers & Sellers with Exceptional Real Estate Service

2 Acres - nice private
SMALL LOT, approximately
a quarter acre, electricity at Appraised & asking $73,000 OBO. 802-479-2380
wooded lot on (no mud)
paved road. Includes DSL/
the site. Located in North-
field. Owner financing consid-
21 Bank St., Barre Cell: 249-1375

Call Bill - 479-9636 or 839-0180

Opening doors for you! Fax: 479-9315 Sheila M. Walther

cable TV, septic, driveway ered. Asking $24,000. $4,000 REALTOR©/Broker

and cleared site with down, payments about $300

electric on site. $55,000 per month. Call 802-371-8120.
Call 802-249-2125


Privacy, views. Marshfield.
$14,800. 802-272-0393. BERLIN TOWNHOUSES-
Starting at $209,900 3
BARRE CITY, .39 acre lot in town Bed/2 Baths, Garage, Bonus
with great views. Ideal for RV or Room, and Full Basement.
small mobile home. $39,900 with READY TO MOVE IN. Fec-
water/sewer/power. 223-3972 teau Real Estate 802-229-2721
BERLIN...LARGE Historic FREEDOM DRIVE. Just listed.
Barn, 1.8 Acres. $69,000.
McCartyRE 802-229-9479 Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath unit
with 3 season porch. Views of Relax already! 2-BR East Montpelier home is only a bit more than 2 miles
BIG BEAUTIFUL AZ LAND Camel’s Hump and attached ga- away from the center of Downtown Montpelier, but feels like another
$99/mo., $0.-down, $0.-inter- rage too. New paint, appliances world. Fully-equipped and recently remodeled cherry kitchen with tile
est. Golf Course, Nat’l Parks. and flooring in kitchen and flooring. First floor master bedroom option. Cozy family room with
1Hour from Tuscon Airport. bath. $189,000. Law, Phelon woodstove. Enjoy distant mountain views from several vantage points
Guaranteed Financing, No & Associate LLC. 496-4400. in the house, from the deck or hot-tub! Sunny exposure from dawn to
sunset. Mostly-open corner lot measures just under 2 acres. $295,000.
Credit Checks. Pre-recorded Owner-broker.
msg. 800-631-8164, code 406B

Start HERE! 2-BR Traditional home in Graniteville is a great way to

work your way into homeownership. Kitchen with tiled flooring. Formal
A DREAM COME TRUE...Gorgeous Custom Lovingly Built home with Spectacular dining room with hardwood flooring. Living room with softwood flooring.
Views of Worcester Mountain Range. Green design...Energy rating of 5-Star plus... Substantially rewired and replumbed.
Private, flat rear yard for the dog, kids,
Finished walk out basement. All wood and tile floors. 4 bedroom, 2½ bath, or a croquet match. Only $89,500.
window seat...3 season sunroom. Top of the line appliances...Cook’s kitchen.

Nine plus acres. $446,900.

147 State St, Montpelier Lori Pinard
Each Office is Independently Owned & Operated X326
May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 37
Invasive Plant Can
For Real Overrun Garden

At Home Mortgage3/15/04 4.75 5.05 30 yr fixed 2.0 Q: Help! I planted just one mint
plant last summer in my flower
of Vermont (AHM)
Having trouble paying your mort-
Updated Weekly
(802) 878-8102

gage? The Federal Trade Com- and herb patch. It died off during
mission says don’t pay any fees Chittenden 11/18/05 6.000 6.226 30 yr fixed 2.0 5% the winter, but now several small

Home Mortgage Rates mint plants are springing up

Bank 4.475 6.987 30 yr-1 yr ARM 1.0 10%

in advance to people who prom-
ise to protect your home from
By Samantha around the dead plant and spread-
30 yr fixed 2.0 Mazzotta
foreclosure. Report them to the Citimortgage, 12/11/00 7.00 7.201 30 yr fixed 2.0 5% ing out around the patch and into
FTC, the nation’s consumer pro-
my grass. How can I limit this
Inc. (CMG) 6.875 7.942 10%
tection agency. For more infor- (802)862-9300 • 888-391-9866
plant’s growth? -- Sandra H., via email
mation, call 1-877-FTC-HELP or
Granite Hills 5/3/11 4.750 4.826 30 yr fixed 0.375 5%
Credit Union 522-5000 click on A message from
Merchants Bank 5/3/11 4.875 4.893 16-20 yr fixed 0.0 5% The World and the FTC. A: Mint, like several other types of plants (including bamboo,
1-800-322-5222 4.375 4.630 16-20 yr fixed 2.0 5%
Howard 1/17/02 6.500 jasmine
6.743 30 yrand
2.0 among
5% others), will take over your garden if

4.100 3.409 5-30 yr-1 yr ARM 1.0 15%

Bank (HWB)
(802) 371-1610
it’s not watched carefully. As a weed, it’s opportunistic and hardy.
4.79330 yr-1 yr ARM 0.0 10%
Of 30
yr. fixed it’s also
2.0 a great
5% herb to have on hand, especially in the
IBF 6/22/00 7.785 8.085
New England Federal 5/3/11 4.500 4.695 30 yr fixed 2.0 5% Mortgage (IBF) 7.375 8.63130 yr-1 yrheat
ARM of2.0summer when 5% it’s a great addition to a frosty porch drink.
Credit Union 866-805-6267 4.125 3.541 30 yr-1 yr ARM 0.0 5% (802) 524-3241
By JoAnn Derson As the plant is spreading right in the midst of the other plants in the
Northfield Savings 5/3/11 4.750 4.812 30 yr fixed 0.0 5% ***Hills Of Vermont3/8/01 6.500 flower
6.990 and herb 2.0
30 yr. fixed patch 5% during the growth season, ripping all the
Bank (NSB) 4.500 4.736 30 yr fixed 2.0 5% • “Store kitchen matches
Res. Mtg. Brokerswrapped foil30toyr-1 yroffending
6.250 in tin7.250 ARM 1.0 roots out 5% is not yet possible. Through the summer and
802-485-5871 3.500 3.203 30 yr-1 yr ARM 0.0 5% keep them dry while on camping or fishing early fall, hand-weed the mint back as close to its original spot as
(802) 872-2600
trips. You also can
Kittredge store them 6.75 pill 6.96possible.
4/5/01 in an empty Because2.0the mint
30 yr fixed 5% roots spread underground, be careful
Summit Financial 5/3/11 5.000 5.167 30 yr. fixed 0.0 5%
the short kind. Fill paper egg- not to pull up the roots of surrounding herbs and flowers as you
Mortgage Co. (KMC)
Center, Inc. (SUM) 802-863-0403 4.750 5.023 30 yr-1 yr ARM 1.0 5% bottle if they’re
carton cups with dryer lint and drizzle
National them
Life with
4/12/02wax; cut the cups 6.740
6.625 weed.
30 yr.Since
fixed you’re 2.0 using
3% it as part of the herb patch, don’t try
Shelter Mortgage 4/21/11 4.875 5.015 30 yr. fixed 0.0 5% apart, and you’ll have small firestarters
Credit Union for your 5.25campfires. My
5.55 30 yr-1 yrusing
ARM 2.0 a weed-killing 3% chemical on it.
802-654-7896 4.750 4.978 30 yr. fixed 1.0 5%
family does a lot of camping in(802) the229-3825
summer, and we use these To keep mint from spreading beyond its roots, don’t allow it to
VT State Employees 5/3/11 4.375 4.660 30 yr fixed 2.0 5% every time.” -- K.R. in MissouriVermont Housing03/20/07 5.875 6.080flower30 yr- fixed
snap off 2.0
5% extensions if and as they appear.
Credit Union (VSECU) 4.500 3.636 30 yr-1 yr ARM 0.0 10% Finance Agency (VHF) (802) 864-5743
• To get scorched pan bottoms clean, scrub with sudsy ammonia Once the growing season is over and all your herbs have been
1-800-371-5162 X5345
and rinse well. Northcountry 11/14/02 5.875
you can2.0take 5%
30 yr fixed
more drastic measures. Dig up the garden
Information provided by the Central Vermont Board of REALTORS®. Rates can change patch, turning over the soil, so that you can locate and remove all
• “Most people know that baby-food jars make wonderful orga- of the plant’s root extensions. You may need to remove part of the
Federal CU(NCF)
(802) 657-6847
without notice.
nizer containers. But you also can make a great
Wells Fargo 10/22/03 first cup from
5.625 a lawn 30
5.92 sodyr fixed
on which2.0the mint
5% spread as well, in order to locate and
baby-food jar. Screw on the lid tightly and poke holes along one 4.30
***APRs are based on 20% down payment. Some products are available with as little as
5% down, with purchase of Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). The cost of PMI is not Home Mortgage 4.125
remove mint roots1.0from5%it. Reseed or resod before the first hard
30 yr-1 yr ARM
included in the APR calculations. VHFA’s APR is based on 5% down with PMI. side. Baby can tip and sip, but not much will come out. They are frost -- otherwise cover with straw and reseed in early spring.
just the right size for small hands.” -- M.W. in Alabama If you plan to keep the mint plant, I’d recommend carefully dig-
Information provided by the Multiple Listing Service of the Central Vermont Board
of REALTORS. Rates can change without notice. • Baby oil can loosen soap scum from shower doors. Apply and ging it up and transplanting it to a solid-sided pot. It can be then
How Much Are The Monthly Payments? buff lightly with a soft washcloth. Follow with a shampoo clean- kept and tended above ground.
ing, or just leave as is. It will repel water, and smells nice, too.
Monthly mortgage payment for a 30-year loan:
Amount • To keep shirt collars from absorbing oil and grime, sprinkle with HOME TIP: Want to start an herb garden? Ask at your local garden
of Loan 5.00% 5.25% 5.50% 5.75% 6.00% 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00
talcum powder while ironing. shop, or research the best types of herbs for your area. Also learn
• Keep your steering wheel in touchable condition on very hot how to keep invasive herbs from spreading beyond their growing
$ 70,000 $ 375.78 $ 386.54 $ 397.45 $ 408.50 $ 419.69 $431.00 $442.45 $454.02 $465.71

days with a paper grocery bag. Cut out a strip down one side of area.
80,000 429.46 441.76 454.23 466.86 479.64 492.57 505.65 518.88 532.24
90,000 483.14 496.98 511.01 525.22 539.60 554.15 568.86 583.74 598.77
100,000 536.82 552.20 567.79 583.57 599.55 615.72 632.07 648.60 665.30 the bag to allow it to slip over the steering column. The bag can
110,000 590.50 607.42 624.57 641.93 659.51 677.29 695.27 713.46 731.83
be refolded and stored next to your seat. When you get out of the Send your questions or comments to, or
car, just slip the bag over the steering wheel. No more burning write This Is a Hammer, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O.
120,000 644.19 662.64 681.35 700.29 719.46 738.86 758.48 778.32 798.36
130,000 697.87 717.86 738.13 758.64 779.42 800.43 821.69 843.18 864.89
140,000 751.55 773.09 794.90 817.00 839.37 862.00 884.90 908.04 931.42 hands when you get back in the car. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. When in doubt as to
150,000 805.23 828.31 851.68 875.36 899.33 923.58 948.10 972.90 997.95 whether you can safely or effectively complete a project, consult a
160,000 858.91 883.53 908.46 933.72 959.28 985.15 1011.31 1037.76 1064.48 Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly professional contractor.
170,000 912.60 938.75 965.24 992.07 1019.24 1046.72 1074.52 1102.62 1131.01 Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475 or e-mail
180,000 966.28 993.97 1022.02
190,000 1019.96 1049.19 1078.80
1050.43 1079.19
1108.79 1139.15
JoAnn at (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.
200,000 1073.64 1104.41 1135.58 1167.15 1199.10 1231.43 1264.14 1297.20 1330.60
(c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

The Northbranch Apartments Sale Price
*after $75,000
The Northbranch Apartments are located in multiple convenient locations. All newly refurbished
down payment
buildings. Rent includes heat, hot water, trash removal, onsite laundry and
24 hour emergency maintenance services. assistance Grant
One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom
(no current vacancies; waiting list only) (some accessible) (flats and townhouse available)
$600 $700 $825-$925
41 Country Way, Barre City
(Minimum monthly household income (Minimum monthly household income (Minimum monthly household income
to qualify: $1,500) to qualify: $1,738) to qualify: $2,063) Almost New! 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on .24 acres. Many new upgrades in-
*Income restrictions do not apply to Section 8 recipients. cluding hardwood flooring, insulation, and new appliances. Move in ready with a full
unfinished basement just waiting for your finishing touches. Offered for sale by
Maximum Annual Household Income to qualify CVCLT with $75,000 in down-payment assistance from VHFA’s HARP program.
1 person: 2 people: 3 people: 4 people: 5 people: Contact us for more information, or to see if you qualify.
$28,440 $32,460 $36,540 $40,560 $43,860 Please contact CVCLT for more information.
107 North Main Street, Barre, VT 05641
For more information or to request a rental application call the Central VT Community Land Trust
802-476-4493 ext 211
877-320-0663 ext. 230 or download the application at Email:

Deal of the Week Country Living








Cute as a bug’s ear, this 2 bedroom Amazing hilltop location sits this clas-
cape has new flooring and some new sic cape with kitchen addition. Views
windows to boot. Tiled bathtub/shower galore with 5 acres of open level and
sloping land for gardens or animals. 4
combo. Open living room and dining bedrooms and formal dining room with
space with woodstove. Sitting porch and exposed beams. Sheds and chicken
detached garage/workshop. AS-IS. coop. AS-IS.

Barre City, $65,000 Northfield, $137,500


PROPERTIES 223-5277 Sue Aldrich Tina Golon Janel Johnson Jenny Schultz 1-800-585-2225 839-0213 522-9216 498-3013 505-1096

page 38 The WORLD May 25, 2011

Last Week’s Weather… Antarctic Research Station.
Back to the Northeast Monsoon
A pesky slow moving mid and upper (CO2) April’s Carbon Dioxide levels mea-
level system gradually weakened and filled surement was 393.18. This had risen from
while tracking in from the Ohio River valley previous April reading in 2010 at 392.49
and passing just to our south. The net result ppm and 2009 level at 389.46. these trends
“Rain” to showers to thunderstorms, some are unabated.
producing torrential downpours and wash-
outs in Waitsfield-Warren-Bristol region Fri- CO2 Absorption in Grass Not So Good…
day the first major round of afternoon con-
vection. Saturdays storms were less robust Researchers from the University of
but developed toward dawn across part of the Wisconsin-Eau Claire and the University of
Northeast Kingdom and tracked southwest- Minnesota-Twin Cities recently concluded
ward into central Vermont. A redevelopment an 11-year experiment on the response of 13
of showers and a few thunderstorms repeated grassland plant species to a higher carbon
this action in the mid afternoon. dioxide environment.
Friday’s flare-up though not severe in According to the National Science Foun-
wind gust also included some large hail in dation study, a research team added extra
the Champlain Islands and parts of Franklin CO2 to the plants’ environment to get an
County. There were reports of flash flooding idea of how these plants would respond to a
there as well. Lightning was fairly impres- higher CO2 world of global warming. Over the last 30 Days,
sive with a building getting hit in Stowe. To their surprise, the researchers found Rainfall has been 3 times
By Sunday, we took a breather as low that the plants’ capacity to absorb the extra
maritime cloudiness brought a gray overcast normal in the general
CO2 from the atmosphere may be less than
morning. The stable air in the lower atmo- anticipated. Unfortunately, current climate Lake Champlain Basin
sphere combined with a weak area of higher models assume that vegetation will absorb shown in darkest purple.
pressure allowing for some partial milky much of the extra CO2 that humans put into Locally in Washington
sunshine through a high overcast layer on the air through the burning of fossil fuels.
Sunday. But the important news was that we and Orange Counties,
received one whole day dry weather. Please This will mean that current climate models rainfall has been less but
see graphic below showing rainfalls of over will likely under predict the rate of increase still well above normal at
300 percent of normal in the Lake Cham- of future atmospheric CO2.
nearly twice normal for
plain Basin in the last 30 days, this time
without snowmelt. Local Weather Trends Ahead…Unprec- Washington County, and
By Sunday night and Monday morning edented Northeast Monsoon Continues 175% of normal in the last
early this week, it was back to the usual ex- I must ask the question. How much more 30 days for Orange Coun-
tremely damp and cool conditions along with sogginess can we take? If you did not get the ty. The map above shows
a threat for future showers. chance to mow your lawn over last weekend, the area that has received
you’ll have a day today to get to it. In fact
Vermont Weather Facts from Last week today (Wednesday) should be the pick of the heaviest rainfall which
ending last Monday May 16th the week with dry weather and fair amount includes generally west-
Highest temperature: 82 degrees in Sunder- of sunshine after some patchy fog burns ern and northern Vermont
land Thursday the 19th off in the valleys. Thereafter, by Thursday and a large area of the Ad-
Lowest temperature: 39 degrees at Jay Peak afternoon into Friday, more chances of show-
Tuesday morning the 17th irondack Mountain region
ers and thunderstorms as the basic storm
Heaviest melted precipitation: 1.53 inches at track looks very much like the one that has
much of which drains into
Waitsfield ending Saturday morning the 21st Lake Champlain. Also of
gotten stuck since early April generally from
Snowfall: None
Deepest snow depth: Now down to 23” atop northern California, to Oklahoma to southern note, some areas eastern
Mount Mansfield last Monday afternoon the Quebec with just slight alterations. Vermont where precipita-
16th Rainfall later this week and into the week- tion closer to normal if
end at the time of this writing (Monday), was not a little below shown in
World Weather Facts Last Week looking heavy, with parts of each day seeing yellow.
Last week’s hottest temperature was a swel- torrential showers and thunderstorms once
tering 120 degrees at Timbuktu, Mali in the again. This is a prescription that should be a
southern Sahara Desert. Last week’s coldest major concern not just for lake residents, but
temperature: minus 107 at Russia’s Vostock those of us residents in general.

At the end of a quiet street with a nice level It’s the details that make the difference. This Quality built 1320 square foot mobile home in
yard. Extensively updated including a standing three bedroom, three bath East Montpelier home great condition on a .23 acre lot in Northfield.
seam metal roof, big Trex deck, new kitchen has them. Cherry and stone floors, wrought iron Many deluxe options including spacious living
balusters, cathedral ceilings, and a luxurious
appliances and countertop, and many new room with large bay windows, formal dining
master bedroom. Thanks to an open floor plan
This historic 1840’s home is on a lovely windows. Lower level rec room, ¾ bath and hot
and energy efficient construction, the house
room with built-in cupboard and bookshelves,
tub room. You will want to move right in to this heats nicely with the Harmon wood stove, or huge master bedroom flowing into a deluxe
landscaped lot. Open and bright spaces include 3-bedroom Berlin home! Oversized attached with the radiant floor heating. On 5 landscaped master bath with skylights, garden tub and
two car garage. Just listed at $259,000. acres. $300,000. separate shower. $79,500.
an updated kitchen, formal dining room, front
parlor, study and a big living room with traditional
brick fireplace and glass doors opening to a three
season porch. Four bedrooms including a private

master suite. Newly priced at $460,000.

This three bedroom, 1.75 bath Northfield home Once occupied by workers at nearby Lane Man- Great property on a corner lot in a quiet Barre
has everything you want. Large, tiled mudroom ufacturing. Original house is now divided into neighborhood within walking distance to down-
that opens to the insulated two car garage as well 1st & 2nd floor apartment. Third apartment has town. This roomy home is nicely presented with
as the sunny patio. Hardwood floors throughout two bedrooms and is all on one level. Generates
original hardwood floors and woodwork, beau-
the entire main level. The finished basement good rental income, solid investment property
       includes a wood stove, large family room and or unit 3 would suit owner who wishes to live in tiful new kitchen and three spacious bedrooms.
a new boiler. Level acre lot abutting the Dog one unit and have rental income from other two. Newer furnace and economical heating bills.
River. Two story barn too. $195,000. Nice front porch, covered rear entry. $199,500. This beautiful home is priced at $159,900.

81 Main St., Montpelier
Tim Heney Charlie Clark Fred Van Buskirk Jane Eakin Ray Mikus Kevin Wunrow Ann Cummings

May 25, 2011 The WORLD page 39

Woodbury............................................................. $300,000


•3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms •1,824 SF •3 bedrooms, 1 bath •1,408 SF

•Beautiful lake-front property with 168’ •Detached garage with Bunkhouse •Charming home situated on the hill •With a new well and added insulation,
of lake frontage directly on lake overlooking Woodbury Lake this could be a year round home

Calais.................................................................... $249,900 Elmore...................................................................$545,000

•2 Bedroom, 1 bath cottage •Enjoy the summer and fishing •3 bedroom, 3 bath home •3,000 +/- SF
•75 feet of lake frontage •Located in a quiet cove •Incredible views of Elmore Mountain •Enjoy year round living on one of
and 126’ of lake frontage Vermont’s favorite lakes

Elmore...................................................................$325,000 Alburg....................................................................$265,000

•Classic lake house with privacy only •Large waterfront patio as well as a •Wonderfully remodeled and updated •Sandy beach area, large sunny deck,
15 feet from water’s edge waterfront •2 bedroom, 1 bath  getaway awesome views throughout
sunny deck
•Finely crafted  2 bedroom, 2 bath
vintage home with large open rooms. •60 feet of lake frontage •240’ of water frontage

Search Every Listing

in Vermont at:
Featured Agent
Agent Dave
Dave Alexander
Alexander is a native
is a native Vermonter
Vermonter born born and raised
and raised in Randolph.
in Randolph. A A
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Broker, DaveDave
over over 25 years
25 years withtelephone
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86 North
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Main Street,
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Vermont. Dave Dave willhisuse his
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Barre (802) 479-3366 • Montpelier (802) 229-4242 • Waterbury (802) 244-1250

Rochester (802) 767-9900 • Northfield (802) 485-7400 • Stowe (802) 253-8484
page 40 The WORLD May 25, 2011

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