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Geomorphology of Las Derrumbadas dome

complex, Puebla Mexico

J. A. Muñiz-Jáuregui, C. S. Guzmán-Cervantes, V. H. Garduño-Monroy, A.

Jiménez-Haro & P. Layer

To cite this article: J. A. Muñiz-Jáuregui, C. S. Guzmán-Cervantes, V. H. Garduño-Monroy, A.

Jiménez-Haro & P. Layer (2019) Geomorphology of Las Derrumbadas dome complex, Puebla
Mexico, Journal of Maps, 15:2, 601-610, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2019.1650839

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2019, VOL. 15, NO. 2, 601–610


Geomorphology of Las Derrumbadas dome complex, Puebla Mexico

J. A. Muñiz-Jáureguia, C. S. Guzmán-Cervantesb, V. H. Garduño-Monroyb,c, A. Jiménez-Harob and P. Layerd
Cátedras CONACYT, Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia,
Michoacán, Mexico; bCentro Mexicano de Innovación en Energía Geotérmica, Proyecto 17 (CeMIE Geo P17), Universidad Michoacana de San
Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico; cInstituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Michoacana de San
Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico; dDepartment of Geology and Geophysics, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK,


This paper comprises a geomorphologic map of the Las Derrumbadas (LDR) volcanic complex in Received 22 January 2019
Mexico. The complex stretches over more than 285 km2, the stratigraphic column encompasses Revised 22 July 2019
a range age from Cretacious to Quaternary. The methodology used involved the analysis of Accepted 29 July 2019
digital morphometric models, satellite imagery and absolute datings. The result is a 1:40,000
scale map, which is divided into two large geomorphologic groups in terms of the dominant Collapse; avalanche; domes;
processes: exogenic and endogenic This, in turn, are divided into various subgroups Las Derrumbadas volcanic
representing the morphological complexity of the study area, principally related to volcanic area
processes and their coherence with slope processes.

1. Introduction
begins in the middle Miocene, forming stratovolcanoes
Geomorphological cartography in volcanic areas has and lava cones with ages that vary between ∼13 and
been a very useful tool, for example, in obtaining 10 Ma. Among these devices are the Cerro Grande stra-
data on geological hazards (Siebe & Macías, 2006; tovolcano in Puebla (Carrasco-Núñez, Gómez-Tuena,
Thouret, 2010), in the analysis of erosion (Baumann, & Laura, 1997; Gómez-Tuena & Carrasco-Núñez,
Bonadonna, Cuomo, Moscariello, & Manzella, 2018), 2000). The volcanism of the eastern portion of the
as well as, relating geoforms to areas with geothermal MVB experiences a hiatus that extends from the late Mio-
potential (Dermawan, Hamka, Malik, Sianipar, & cene to the early Pliocene. Volcanism is reestablished at
Ramadhan, 2016). Which are the three main topics ∼3.7 Ma with the location of some medium polygenetic
related to the volcanic complex Las Derrumbadas. centers of the Apan volcanic field, located northwest of
Las Derrumbadas (LDR) is located east of the cen- Las Derrumbadas (Gómez-Tuena, Orozco-Esquivel, &
tral part of the state of Puebla, Mexico, a little more Ferrari, 2005; Palomo, Macías, Tolson, Valdez, & Mora,
than 100 km away from the state’s capital city of Pue- 2002). However, most of the volcanism in the eastern sec-
bla. It stretches over 285 km2 with a length of 18 and tor of the MVB takes place during the Quaternary. Thus,
16 km wide, approximately. Features average heights mafic volcanism is concentrated in the monogenetic
between 2300 and 3500 masl. It is delimited in the cones of the fields of the Sierra de Chichinautzin (Martin
polygon 19°12′ 41′′ to 19°22′ 18′′ N and 97°32′ 52′′ to del Pozzo, 1982; Siebe, Rodríguez-Lara, Schaaf, &
97°23′ 29′′ W (Figure 1). Abrams, 2004) and Apan (Palomo et al., 2002); and in
The study area is defined by two large geological the region of Pico de Orizaba and Cofre de Perote (Siebert
domains (Figure 1). The first one is related to the Sierra & Carrasco-Núñez, 2002). The most evolved products are
Madre Oriental (SMO) and the second is the Mexican found in Acoculco Caldera (Verma, 2001), Los Humeros
Volcanic Belt (MVB). The SMO is made up of units of (Ferriz & Mahood, 1984; Verma, 2000), the Las Cumbres
marine origin from the Upper Jurassic to the Upper Cre- silicic center (Rodríguez, Siebe, Komorowski, & Abrams,
taceous formed by carbonate and deformed terrigenous 2002) and domes of Las Derrumbadas and Cerro Pizarro
sequences with NW–SE orientation folds and mounts (Riggs & Carrasco-Nunez, 2004). Further to the east is the
and NE–SW direction overflow faults, all the Laramide La Malinche volcano and the – N–S alignment of the Pico
orogeny of the Cretaceous boundary. Later have intrusive de Orizaba-Cofre de Perote (Carrasco-Núñez & Ban,
Tertiary events, both are covered by the magmatic pro- 1994). Apparently, all the stratovolcanoes of this part of
cesses of the MVB, an event that is established with a pre- the MVB have ages less than one Ma (Gómez-Tuena
ferential direction EW and whose geological evolution et al., 2005). In the region, geothermal potential studies

CONTACT J.A. Muñiz-Jáuregui;

© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Figure 1. Map showing the location of the study area. Inset box in the legend area it shows Mexico’s main physiographical regions
and some of the volcanic structures (La Malinche, Cofre de Perote, Los Humeros Caldera, Pico de Orizaba).

are abundant (Alvarez & Yutsis, 2017; Arzate, Corbo- 2.2. Geomorphological map
Camargo, Carrasco-Núñez, Hernández, & Yutsis, 2018;
Polygons were traced according to the patterns visible
Romero-Ríos, 1985; Siebe & Verma, 1988), and they
in the morphometric models. The ruggedness model
have an interest in the LDR (Palacios-Hartweg & Gar-
(Jenness, 2004) was one of the inputs that best high-
cía-Velázquez, 1981; Yáñez & García, 1982).
lighted the geological structures, undistinguishable
In this work, we will present a detailed geomorpholo-
with other models. The interpretation was made
gical mapping of LDR Pleistocene–Holocene volcanism
according to Hobson (1967, 1972). In this model, if
and observe the evolution of the endogenous and
exogenous processes that over time have carved an
area of recent volcanic activity and, therefore, obtain a
Table 1. Basic inputs used for the elaboration of the
relationship between the geoforms, the volcanic danger
geomorphological map.
and its possible geothermal potential. Other articles on Input Format Scale Source
the area published hitherto did not include a geomor- Digital Elevation Raster 15 m Instituto Nacional
phological study or a detailed morphological map (Cam- Model (DEM) archive resolution de Estadística y
pos-Enriquez & Garduño-Monroy, 1987; Capra, Macias, (.bill) (MSE Geografía (INEGI).
4.8 m) CEM 3.0
Scott, Abrams, & Garduño-Monroy, 2002; Siebe & Vectorial data of the Shapefile 1: 50,000 Instituto Nacional
Verma, 1988). This paper presents the geomorphologi- Guadalupe Victoria de Estadística y
(E14B35) Geografía (INEGI)
cal mapping of LDR, supported with dates (40Ar/39Ar) topographic map Serie III
and with the interpretation of morphometric models. Hydrographic Shapefile 1: 50,000 Instituto Nacional
network Sub-basin de Estadística y -L. Geografía (INEGI)
2. Methodology BaseMap, ESRI® Raster 0.5 m DigitalGlobe®
2.1. Inputs and information processing Software
ArcMap® Version ArcGis®
The inputs and information processing used to prepare 10.2
Global Mapper® Version 9
the map are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 2. Tools and processes for the elaboration of the morphometry used in the generation of the geomorphological map.
Input Software Tools and processes Product
Digital Elevation Global Mapper 9® Contour generation options tool Contour lines – equidistant 10 m
Model Arc Map 10.2® Slope tool and symbology classification. Ranges (Priego, Bocco, Slope gradient map
Mendoza, & Garrido, 2010): 0–10° lightly tilted, 10–20° moderately
tilted, 20–30° heavily tilted, 30–45° very heavily tilted and >45° steep.
Symbology classification in seven categories: from 2303 to 3486 masl. Hypsometric map
Curvature tool, yielded values from −31.59 to 21.15. Three systems were Curvature model
identified: concave, straight and convex surfaces (Moore, Grayson, &
Landson, 1991; Zeverbergen & Thorne, 1987).
Zonal Statistics Tools, 500–500 m Grid, Symbology classification as Model vertical relief-dissection
follows (Priego et al., 2010): between 0 and 50, lightly dissected map
undulating plains and lightly dissected hills; between 50 and 100,
lightly and strongly dissected hills; between 100 and 200 lightly
dissected mountains and between 200 and 500 moderately to heavily
dissected mountains.
Raster calculation tools: Mean–min/max–min (Jenness, 2004). Terrain roughness model
Hillshade tools, azimuth illumination of 315°, altitude 45 Hillshade model
Hydrographic network Detailed hydrographic network Stream orders map
Sub-basin RH18Ah Classifying stream orders (Strahler, 1952)
-L. Totolzingo

the terrain is even, the vector sum will be high and the samples. The 40Ar/39Ar datings presented in this
dispersion low (0.61546–0.99001), which means paper were obtained in the laboratories of the Depart-
smooth or homogeneous topographies. In the case of ment of Geology and Geophysics at the University of
rough terrain, with orientation and slope changes, the Alaska. The last step was achieved in 2017 and included
vector sum will be low and the dispersion high the verification of the map’s units.
(0.009991–0.38455), corresponding to more complex
or rugged topography zones. A total of 573 polygons
were drawn with ArcMap in shapefile format. The 3 Results
average on-screen digitalization scale was 1: 15,000. 3.1. Products of sedimentary endogenous
The objective of the classification of the legend was processes (sedimentary features)
to discriminate units that allowed to recognize the geo-
morphological products of the volcanic activity of the Limestone deformed units (En1) Eight units of Cre-
units resulting from slope erosion processes, so the taceous limestone crop out in the zone. Three of the
landforms were identified according to the next hier- units (at the bottom of the map) present a mor-
archical level. The first level distinguishes between phology with homogenous slope ranks from 20° to
the two major processes forming the relief: endogenous 45°, reaching 53° in some zones. Its drainage pattern
and exogenous. For the endogenous forms, the second is angular dominated by structural features. Their
level its lithological origin, the third level the formation geometry is mostly concave and convex linked to
process and fourth level its type of morphology. In the the folds. These units reach 2750 masl. Other units
second level the exogenous landforms are its geomor- are irregular, located in the inferior zones of the
phological product and in third level its type of mor- En2, and near the Atexcac pyroclastic ring, they
phology. Which are distinctive products of the LDR. reach 3200 masl and slopes of 45°. Their drainage pat-
In order to have a short key that is easy to read, the tern tends to be subparallel. These rocks were raised
keys of the units are composed of two elements. The by the growth of the North Dome, as seen in the inte-
first element is the acronym (En) if it corresponds to grated profile on the main map.
endogenous landform and (Ex) if it corresponds to
exogenous landform. The second element is a consecu-
3.2. Collapse (volcanic features)
tive numbering (1–29) according to the sequence of the
legend and being a reference the sections on the map. Deposits resulting from the first phase of destruction or
Two topographic profiles were built and integrated collapse (En2 and En3) of the Las Derrumbadas domes
into the main map in order to highlight the geomor- are included in this category (Capra et al., 2002; Siebe
phology and the relationship between units. No specific et al., 1995). These have been classified as follows,
color chart was used, colors were chosen according to according to their morphology:
each structure. Hummocks (En2 and En3). Hummocks or mounds
The cartographic work was complemented with the (Figure 2) are part of the topography of the three
following stages: (1) field work and the recognition of units of avalanche deposits; their total size is
the zone and the units and collection of samples (2) 9.46 km2. Their composition is heterolithologic, as it
laboratory analysis of petrographic, geochemical is a mix of blocks and substratum sediments. Possibly
studies (Trujillo Hernandez, 2019) and (3) dating it is about two different events and origins (Stage 0

Figure 2. Frontal sight of one of the hummocks forming Avalanche Zero (En2 and En4). It stands proximal to the possible source of

Hummocks and Debris avalanches deposits and Stage 3.3. Extrusive bodies (volcanic features)
one Hummocks and Debris avalanches deposits).
Old domes (En6). The Colorado dome, west of the cen-
The highest hummocks (En2) are in zone W, with
tral domes, and dated 169 ± 158 ka by 40Ar/39Ar
up to 2480 masl (Figure 2). Until now its origin is
method, is part of the zone’s old volcanism. It was
uncertain, but they appear to have a radial order and
classified as andesite with the presence of hornble-
to be oriented towards their possible source, apparently
nde-bearing and calc-alkaline xenoliths. It extends
in the same zone where the unit En12 is currently
over 0.39 km2 with a maximum height of 2563 masl.
It is half-moon-shaped, open towards the SW, with
In unit En3, the hummocks are more dispersed.
slopes graded 10–45°, reaching more than 45° at the
Almost all of them are the same size and their point of
highest parts. Its flanks are mostly even, with some
origin is not clear. In zone S (En3) they form a clear
concave sections, and a convex summit. The drainage
flow structure, are of different sizes and mainly concen-
is diffuse and little developed, with a tendency to flow
trated in the frontal part of the flow. The hummocks of
towards the SW in a sub-parallel manner.
zone SE (En3) are very particular: they are elongated and
Tuff rings (En7). Three structures were identified in
all of them oriented in the same direction.
the zone, located in the south and southwestern sectors.
Debris Avalanche deposits (En4 and En5). A total of
Tepexitl when 1km-in-diameter circular geometry and
two deposits were identified in this group. The first
its maximum height of 2470 masl was dated 29.1 ±
(En5) is located W of the North dome and extends
3.5 ka (Ross, Núñez, & Hayman, 2017). Its external
over 26 km2; it presents a very irregular geometry but
slopes remain under 20°, with a radial drainage system,
nonetheless reveals the direction of the flow towards
whereas inside they reach 30° with radial centripetal
the W. Its heterolithologic composition includes up
drainage. The second structure is called Tlanelolli
to 2 m-large andesite blocks with puzzle structures,
(meaning mixed in Náhuatl), located SW of the map,
blocks of lacustrine sequences, and pyroclastic and
stretching over 1.62 km2 with 2750 masl; its geometry
limestone surges. It was named Avalanche Zero
is irregular, forming a small volcanic complex. Its
because there is no evidence of its source.
slopes vary between 10° and 45°, its drainage system
The apparent deposit direction and lithology of the
is barely developed but complex due to the combi-
two remaining units (En4) link them with the volume
nation of volcanic structures. The third structure is
of the collapsed SE sector of the En12. Together they
called Centlacometztli (half-moon in Náhuatl), located
cover an area of more than 7 km2 forming part of the
6 km W of the Tepexitl ring. It covers an area of barely
old destructive phase of the unit En12.
0.17 km2 and remains under 2400 masl. Its slopes are

Figure 3. Photography of the Atexcac crater seen from the E edge. On the right, the small dome (I) interrupting its morphology, and
the twin domes of LDR in the background.

graded from 0° to 20°, and its geometry is that of a half- Lava flows (En11). The lava flows of the zone cover a
moon, open towards the SW. total of 8.15 km2 and are the result of a few cinder
Maars (En8). The Atexcac crater is the only maar in cones. Chemically speaking, the different lava bodies
the study area. It has an interior lake and was dated range from basalt (1076 ± 33 ka) and basaltic andesite
330 ± 80 ka using the 40Ar/39Ar method (Carrasco- (101 ± 25 ka) to trachyandesite (65 ± 17 ka). The struc-
Núñez, Ort, & Romero, 2007). Its geometry is elliptical, ture of the flows varies, some are massive without vis-
its major axis (1.27 km) oriented NE, is cut at its north- ible structure and others present AA structure or
ern part by a cinder cone. Its slopes are gentle at the blocks. One of the flows has been considered spatter
external flanks (0–20°), and in the internal slopes, due to its amalgamated blocks structure.
which are flat with concave sectors, its present dips North Dome (En12). Rhyolitic composition dome of
of 30 to >45°, and a more developed drainage system 10 ± 3 ka (40Ar/39A), of containing crystals of biotite,
(Figure 3). The difference in length between the hornblende and garnet crystals exclusive to this unit.
internal and external slopes is of 156 m, the external It covers an area of 12.54 km2 with a maximum height
being the deepest. of 3434 masl. Its form is classic dome, with slopes from
Cinder cones (En9). This classification is composed 10° at the foothills to 64° in the higher parts. The entire
of five cinder cones. The first (I) in the NNE sector, cut- dome presents many variations between concave, com-
ting the Atexcac crater at its northern part. This cone is posed and convex areas generated by intense hydro-
barely visible because it is also covered by the maar thermalism, followed by a high degree of hydraulic
products. Its lavas are dated 330 ± 80 ka using the erosion. This is reflected in a large web of reddish gul-
40Ar/39Ar method (Carrasco-Núñez et al., 2007). lies, up to 40 m deep and interconnected. The primary
Cone II has located 1 km towards the NW of the drainage network presents a well-developed radial par-
En2, covering 0.18 km2 with radial and not very allel and radial sub-parallel pattern. A striking charac-
dense drainage system. Two more (III and IV) stand teristic of the North Dome is a large, horseshoe-shaped
SW of the En3. Both are of andesitic-basaltic compo- collapse scar, opening in SE direction. A smaller resur-
sition. Cone III stretches over 0.36 km2 with a crater gent dome developed inside (En15). The avalanche
of associated lava flows on its top. Cone IV, of barely deposits located south and east of this dome (Figure
0.02 km2, also has a small crater and a lava flow at its 4) are related to this large collapse amphitheater (En4).
summit. It has been dated 101 ± 25 ka. Cone V is South Dome (En13). Of rhyolitic composition, it was
located E of the En13, extending over 0.23 km2 with aged 6 ± 4 ka (40Ar/39Ar). This dome has a maximum
a lava flow of trachyandesite composition, dated 65 ± height of 3481 masl. It’s dome classic, with slopes of
17 ka. 10° at the base and up to 45° on the higher sides,
Pyroclastic cones (En10). Located NE of the En2 a with some sectors above the 45°. Drainage is radial par-
cone of andesitic-basaltic composition dated 117 ± allel; the bend of its surface is complex, the combi-
91 ka with a crater on its summit, open towards the nation of concave, composed and convex surfaces is
SE. The drainage pattern of its slopes is radial subpar- limited to certain areas, which correspond to the pres-
allel. It is noteworthy that an andesite dike oriented ence of collapsed sectors of the dome, where also the
N60 was identified within this structure, the only case density of gully erosion is higher (Figure 5). These col-
in the zone. lapse sectors have been related to the instability of the

Figure 4. Photography of the North Dome seen from the West. We can see the top, with its mainly convex morphology and the
heavy erosion of its slopes.

dome’s slopes because of hydrothermal alteration surface, it looks like an AA type lava. It is located E
(Capra et al., 2002). of the main domes, and morphologically positioned
It is important to mention that the volume calcu- as the youngest, since it is not covered by pyroclastic
lated for the North and South domes, together with material. It stretches over an area of 0.48 km2 with a
the resurgent domes, is of approximately 12.71 km3. maximum height of 2500 masl; the highest part of
Clearly, the central domes, the twins, have an almost the dome is flat and related to its gentle slopes (0–
identical cylindric shaped morphology, whereas the 10°). These are convex at the shoulder and concave at
resurgent domes are lower, and their slopes less the foothill, the latter presenting dips between 20°
pronounced. and 45°.
Torta dome (En14). This structure is named Torta, Resurgent Domes (En15, En16 and En17). Three
because of its flat-topped and roughly circular shape resurgent domes were identified. North resurgent
(Silva, Self, Francis, Drake, & Carlos, 1994), with a vis- dome (En15), of 7 ± 4 ka and rhyolitic composition,
ible eruptive vent, composed of andesitic and on the located in the collapse amphitheater of the En12,

Figure 5. View from the E of the South Dome. On the left we can see one of the dome’s collapses (Ex19), at the base the LDR’s
typical vegetation.

Figure 6. Photography of the arrangement of hummocks towards the zone near collapse Ex19.

approximately 1.26 km2 large and 3179 masl high. deposits and zones of severe erosion. Among their
Geometrically, it can be considered a classic dome. morphometric attributes, they present semi-circular
Its drainage pattern is radial subparallel, and its dips forms, from the right to the left flank in the sliding sur-
range between 20° and 45°. The bend of its surface face, a maximum breadth between 0.76 and 1.34 km,
is not very complex. The Ex-hacienda dome (En16) and its slopes remaining between 30 and 45°, up to
is of rhyolitic composition, aged 7 ± 3 ka, located 45–64° in steeper zones.
SW of the En3, and extends over 0.64 km2; it forms The associated sedimentary deposits appear as ton-
a counterslope with the En3. Its primary drainage is gues, with very regular and homogenous topography,
not developed and presents a radial pattern. Its slopes except for the proximal parts of the deposits of Ex19
present sectors variating from 10° to 45°, the bend and Ex20, which can present hummock-type mounds
being fairly regular and flat, excepting small, convex of up to 20 m in height. This characteristic was only
areas. Finally, the resurgent south dome (En17), of perceived in the field (Figure 6). The deposits (Ex18,
rhyolitic composition and 2 ± 5 ka, is located at the Ex19 and Ex20, respectively) present a maximum
northern part of the South Dome, stretching over length of 4.17, 4.09 and 2.04 km. According to the gen-
1.89 km2. It has a prominent geometry, presenting eral slope model, the slope remains homogeneous
steep and homogenous dips up to 45°; its slopes are within 10°, except for the edges of the deposits,
gentle except for the summit and the collapse crest, which have slopes from 10° to 30°.
which are convex. In the inner part of the collapse, These deposits present grey-colored massive and
the surface is mainly concave, and presents radial sub- chaotic structures with sub-angular clasts. They are
parallel drainage pattern. monolithologic, with fragments of rhyolitic rock
and a matrix of medium-sized silt. One of the strik-
ing characteristics of these deposits are the vari
3.4. Exogenic landform
colori fragments, which are chunks of rhyolitic rock
Gravitational slope movement (Ex18, Ex19 and Ex20). altered by reddish coloration. In some of the
Collapse scars are an important characteristic of the hummocks of deposit Ex19, we also found that the
En13. Three important traces have been identified matrix presented kaolin-type alteration material
(parabolas). Apparently, the collapse crowns do not (Figure 7).
present any tectonic or structural alignment, but Fluvial/Alluvial deposits – Piedmont (Ex21 to Ex27).
these events share morphological and lithological These have been classified according to their distance
characteristics that give evidence of their similar gen- from the foothills of the North and South domes
esis, like the geometry of the collapse, the form of the respectively in proximal, intermediate and distal. This

Figure 7. Kaolin mineral found in the material of the hummocks of unit Ex19. This reinforces the idea of interaction between
geothermal fluids, alteration and the instability (Julia, Vladimir, Sergey, & David, 2014; Mitchell et al., 2015) of the slopes of the
South Dome.

classification also refers to their time of deposit, the dis- 4. Conclusions

tal being the oldest and the proximal more recent. They
The geomorphological map of LDR is composed of
are practically constituted of sediments and clasts
twenty-nine units. Seven are volcanic domes, three are
dragged from the gullies of the domes by fluvial agents.
avalanche deposits and six are foothill deposits. The
Some of the proximal deposits present alluvial fan geo-
diversity of landforms allowed to define both endogenic
metry and were therefore distinguished with the sym-
and exogenic processes. This resulted in a map showing
bol of alluvial cones.
features of volcanic origin such as slope erosion pro-
In this cartography, we identified a unit composed
cesses. The morphology of the volcanic domes is high-
of limestone breccia (Ex27) of approximately
lighted, and in the collapse of their slopes, the
0.06 km2. It is located W of the North Dome, near
relationship with geothermal activity indicates that this
one of the limestone bodies. Its composition is mono-
factor conditioned the formation of hummock-type
lithological, formed by blocks of limestone of up to
deposits. The ages found for the entire complex ranged
1.5 m and smaller fragments of the same rock as part
from 1509 to 2 ka. The use of the 40Ar/39Ar method
of the cementitious material.
was believed to be correct if the ages would be greater,
Reworked Deposits (Ex28 and Ex29). Lahars and
but the results indicate ages of 170–6 ka. In some samples
pyroclastic deposits (Ex28) are the largest unit. With
the error ranges were close to the established age, how-
120 km2, its geometry is irregular is due to the nature
ever, it was decided to use them as an indicator in the
of the deposits. Topographically, the zone presents a
evolution of LDR, which helped to classify and sort the
very gentle slope (0–10°); it is composed of multiple
morphological units and sections on the map.
lahar and pyroclastic deposits, mostly coming from
Avalanche Zero presents the characteristic chaotic
nearby pyroclastic domes and volcanic bodies. It is
morphology of these forms, like large heterolithological
important to note that the flat zones around the
hummocks, with gullies oriented perpendicularly to the
domes correspond to antique fluvio-lacustrine depos-
direction of the flow, which allow to suggest that the
its. Alluvial deposits (Ex29) are the alluvial deposits
area of the North Dome is its source of origin.
that surround the LDR.

Clearly, the morphological study carried out in the and Geothermal Research, 159(1–3), 179–197. doi:10.
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verified with datings and confirming that the hydro- Dermawan, F. A., Hamka, H., Malik, R. T. A., Sianipar, J. Y.,
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Acknowledgments Ferriz, H., & Mahood, G. A. (1984). Eruption rates and com-
The authors thank project 17 Cemie-Geo for their support in positional trends at Los Humeros volcanic center, Puebla,
this study. We greatly thank the Editor-in-Chief M.J. Smith, Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89(B10), 8511–
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