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City of San Fernando, La Union
College of Education
Laboratory High School


Prepared by: Mary Joy Gumnad

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Examine the History and Development of Confucianism
 Enumerate and discuss the beliefs, Confucian virtues and doctrines and;
 Apply Confucianism values in their daily lives

II. Subject Matter

Title: Confucianism

Materials: Laptop, books

III. Procedures


A. Routinary Activities
 Prayers
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
B. Lesson Proper
(Show pictures of the Symbol of
Instruction: Identify the picture.

These are the symbols that represent Students answer may vary
Confucianism. So, according to our
activity, what do you think is the
central belief of Confucianism? Confucianism is both an ancient
According you readings, what is religion and a philosophy in china
Confucianism? and its philosophical system founded
on the teachings of Confucius.

Confucianists, ma’am
What are called to the follower of

A series of dynasties, or ruling families,

governed China for centuries. The first
great dynasty was the Shang, which
ruled much of China for about 400 The Zhou dynasty, ma’am
The was known as a time of political
What next to Shang dynasty? unrest and Confucian philosophy was
developed as an attempt to revive
The what happen during the Zhou political and social stability in
dynasty (1046-256 BCE)? Confucius homeland.

Confucius died at around 479 BCE after

a lifetime devoted to public service and
teaching. After his death, the Zhou
dynasty entered a period of political
turmoil or the Warring States Period”

Over the succeeding dynasties, the During qin dynasty, they gain power
teaching of Confucius experience a at the end of the Warring States
period of suppression and revival. Period and its rulers suppressed
Confucian teachings.
How does the Qin dynasty rule China
during the fall of Zhou dynasty?
Yes, very good. So, the qin dynasty does
not stay longer. Then the succeeding
Han dynasty adopted the ideas of
Confucianism in governance. During the
end of Han dynasty resulted in the
decline of Confucianism.

But suddenly, it was revived during the

Tang dynasty (618-907 CE) as Neo-
Confucianism with influences from
Buddhism and Taoism.
Over the centuries, Confucianism was
introduced in other places in Asia such
as Korea, during the Yi dynasty and in
Japan during the Tokugawa period. He remove all obstacles to Chinas,
including Confucianism. Also, he
Confucianism once again experience
ordered the destruction of
repression in the 1960’s during the
Confucian temples and writings.
Cultural Revolution led by Mao Tse Tung
of the Chinese Communist Party.

What happen during Mao Tse Tung?

Okay. Very good! When Deng Xiaoping

became the leader of China in 1976, he
lifted the ban of Confucianism and
allowed Chinese scholars to study
Chinese philosophy.

So, this period was the start of the

gradual revival of Confucianism in

The four books and the five classics are

canonical text Confucian book written
during the ancient feudal period in
china. So, these books are the The four books are the Analects of
foundation of Confucian teachings. It Confucius, Great Learning, Doctrine
includes history, philosophy, socio- of mean and The work of Mencius.
political issues, moral ethics and other
related fields. It contains the collection of
passages and sayings attributed to
The four books which annotated by Zhu Confucius.
Xi, to serve as an introduction to

So, what are the four books of


Okay. Very good! Then are the Analects

of Confucius contains of?
Yes, that’s right! It is considered as the “Never do to others what you would
most revered sacred scripture in the not like them to do unto you”
Confucian tradition and the most
reliable source of Confucian ideas and

The Analects consist of twenty books

which cover the practice of moral It is simply, respect others as you
virtues particularly on “humaneness” or want them to respect you. Also, do
ren. good things to them so that they will
also do good to you.
According to the analects of Confucian,
what is the concept humaneness? The great learning, ma’am

Yes. This concept also found in various

other religion and moral and It consist of a short main text
philosophical system and popularly attributed to Confucius and none
known as the “GOLDEN RULE” commentary chapters by Zeng Zi

Can you elaborate the idea of golden


It is considered an introduction to
Confucianism and it was originally a
chapter in the Classic of Rituals?

What else does this book consist of ?

Zeng Zi is one the disciples of

Confucius. Mencius was a Chinese philosopher
Another one is the Doctrine of the and discipline of Zisi.
mean. It is a another published in the
Classic of Rituals and attributed to It is the record of Mencius travel and
Confucius grandson, Zisi. It is composed audience with the various ruler of
of 33 chapters and discusses related the warring states and military
moral tenets of Confucianism that mean.
encompass both the ruler and the

One of this tenets are the perfection of

Yes, ma’am
one’s self by following the “way”, the
Five relationships, and the Golden Rule.

And the last book is The work of


Who is Mencius?
The book of changes referred to as I
CHING in Chinese.
Very good! Then what does the work of
Mencius contain of?

It also discusses subjects related to

moral and political philosophy and The book of history, ma’am. This is
composed of seven chapters. the compilation of documents on
events concerning the great king of
Is it clear to you the four books of

Now, the five Confucian classics which

classified as primary canonical texts
which are believed to have either been The book of Poetry or the book of
written or edited by Confucius. songs. This is the collection of 305
poems and songs on various subjects
Can you give me one example? such as love and courtship, affairs in
daily life and war.
Yes. This pre- Confucian book or oracles
and divination is the oldest of the five
classics. It contains commentaries and
interpretations collected over 2500

Another one?

Okay. It contains records of king’s

speeches, their accomplishment and the
principles of governance.

What else? A historical record of the state of

LU, Confucius native state.

Also, the books of poetry is the earliest

known collection of Chinese poems. None, ma’am

Another book was the Books of rites or

the Book of Rituals. This book consists Yes, ma’am
of three books on the li (rites of
propriety) which include ceremonies
and social norms with accompanying
commentaries. Also, the earliest and
most complete record of social norms
and ceremonies in ancient china?

And the last one is the Spring and

Autumn Annals.

So, what about these book?

Okay, so this was compiled by Confucius

who condemned the unlawful practice
of seizure of power and rights.

Any question about the sacred text of

Confucianism? Yes, ma’am
Do you understand? The mandate of heaven or Decree of
heaven was an ancient Chinese
Then, lets discuss about their Doctrines belief that heaven bestowed upon
and Beliefs. emperors a “mandate” or the power
to rule. Heaven bestowed this power
In Chinese mythology, tian is a key
upon those who were virtuous and
concept that refers to heaven. During
morally upright.
the Shang dynasty, the supreme
heavenly deity was referred to as
Shangdi. But then the name was replace
during the Zhou dynasty.

Okay, Confucian believed that Tian is

the supreme ruler and creator of the
It was said that Heaven also spoke
universe. Also they regarded Tian as his
through natural phenomena, and
personal god, a higher power an order
that’s the occurrence of natural
and a law.
calamities such as earthquakes,
In Confucian writings, Tian is often floods and famine were indicators of
referred to as Heaven. Heavens displeasure with an
emperor’s rule?
Okay. It is clear?

Then how about the concept of the

Mandate of heaven?
Students answer may vary

Thank you! They believe that when an

emperor failed heavens expectation,
the mandate would be taken away from
him and would be given to those who
were deserving.

What else?

Yes ma’am because even when that

person has many crimes, still he/she
has a goodness in her/his heart
because we don’t know the reason
Yes, very good! that person doing such thing.
According to Mencius view that humans
are inherently good.

Do you believe with his idea?

This inherent goodness of humanity

enables them to learn and practice
morality and self-discipline however
man can choose to neglect his good

Also, when an individual chooses to

commit evil acts, he violates his human
nature. But the action of man do not
negate or remove his good nature. So,
in addition, man can continually
cultivate goodness by practicing
Yes, ma’am
Do you believe that everyone of us has
inherent goodness?
This idea of Mencius was opposite to the
idea of Han-tze or Xunxi who disagreed
that humans are inherently good.

He believed that humans are “morally

blind” and without goodness. However, These are the ren, Li, Yi, Zhi, Xin
humans are able to learn to become
good through rituals and social norms.

Another doctrine is the rectification of

names which refers to the process of
calling things by their proper names.

For Confucius, the ideal man should be

able to discern what is right or proper
from what is not and act accordingly.
For example, the rulers should act in
accordance to their positions and titles Li means ‘ritual. It originally
and should set an example for their referred to the rituals performed to
followers. sustain social order but has been
reinterpreted as a system of social
norms and mores, etiquette that
prescribe how people should
Confucian ethics revolves around living conduct themselves in society.
a moral life as this is the path to
promote the ideal social relations of
justice, peace, and harmony. To
achieve this these ideal social relations,
Confucius emphasized the need for Yi translated as ‘righteousness’ is
intense enforcement of discipline and the moral disposition to do good and
the practice of the five cardinal virtues the fortitude to one’s duty.
or The Five Constants.

Then what are these Five Constants?

Ren – means humaneness is the core

virtue in Confucian ethics. This virtue is
essential to the central theme of
Confucianism which is “learning to be
human. Also, it is considered as the
source of all virtues.
Confucius believed that regular practice
of the Golden Rule, which is the None, ma’am
principle of reciprocity, facilitates the
cultivation of ren in a person. Parents and children, this is the
fundamental relationship as it based
What is Li? primarily on reciprocal love as well
as respect, propriety, and a sense of

It serves as the guiding principle of

social discipline and cultured patterns
of behavior .
Husband and wife, the wife’s main
How about Yi? duty is to take care of the home,
while the husband is to provide
protection and care and earn a
Also refers to preserving ones integrity, living to sustain the family basic
upholding what is just and talking a needs.
stand against immoral practices.
d Elder and junior friends
Zhi – which means ‘wisdom’ is the virtue
that uses ones innate knowledge in
distinguishing what is right from wrong.

And the last is the Xin which means

‘honesty’ is the virtue of fidelity to the
truth. To practice this virtue is to speak
the truth and not engage in deception
or falsehood.

Any question or clarification?

Are you familiar with five key

relationships in Confucianism? Can you
give an example? Yes, ma’am

In this relationship, the parents are the The filial piety or filial devotion,
role model for their children. It is also ma’am
the duty of parents to take care of,
nurture and educate them. In return, It refers to respect and dedication
to one’s parent, ancestors, and
the children owe their parents older siblings.
reverence and care especially in their
old age.


That right! What else?

Students answer may vary
Peers should treat each other like
brothers. In order to develop a
brotherly kind of relationship, the elder The birthday of Confucius ma’am
friend should be considerate and wherein it usually celebrated during
trusting of the younger friends. the 27th day of the eight lunar month
of the Chinese calendar.
And another one is the Ruler and
subject. Confucius believed that a good
ruler is one who governs his people with
love. A good leader also leads by
example, rather than confrontation,
coercion, and punishment. In return,
the people should obey and respect
their ruler.

Do you understand?

Very good!

What else does Confucianism believe?

And yes. What is the idea of this filial


That’ right. Confucian show their filial

piety through continuous devotion and
reverence to the spirits of the departed

Also, they believe in an afterlife. This is

the reason why Confucius put such
emphasis on living a moral and upright
Do you consider yourself that you are
living in a righteous way?

Let’s discuss their holy day. Do you

It is a dictatorial form of
know some?
government where the governing
authority exercises total control
Confucianists do not celebrate specific over its citizen.
religious days. Most of festivals they
celebrate are either shared with other Students answer may vary
religions such as Taoism, Buddhism and
Shintoism. None, ma’am
The birthday of Confucius is celebrated
on different dates and given different
names in various Chinese countries.
In Taiwan, they celebrate it on
September 28 as “Teacher Day”, while
Hongkong celebrates on the third
Sunday of September as “Confucius
Day”. Students answer may vary

They also faced issues like the gender

inequality. Because Confucius was born
and grew in a patriarchal culture and he Students answer may vary
used this ancient patriarchal culture as
a basis for addressing the social ,
political, and moral conflicts of his
time. Students may vary.

So, Confucianism has been criticized for

its resulting hierarchical social structure
and gender in equality. Women are
considered subservient to men, and play
subordinate roles to them. Another is
they cannot make major decisions in the

This discriminatory practices led to the

emergence of social reformers in china
and other countries who criticized
Confucianism for its unjust treatment to

And the other issues is the


What is this Authoritarianism?

Very good! This is often leads to the

curbing of certain rights and freedoms
of the people.

This ends our lesson today. Any

clarification or question?

c. Generalization

Gender inequality very common issues

not only in terms of religion but in their
role in the society. Do you think that
this is also prevalent today?

Do you believe that social order can be

achieved by recognizing the proper role
in the five key relationships?

How can you relate the believed of

Hinduism in Karma and the belief of
Confucianism in afterlife?

Very good class! Well done. So, this is

the end of our discussion. Thank you for

IV. Evaluation


“A man should not be ignorant of the age of his father and mother. It is a
matter, on the
one hand, for rejoicing and, on the other, for anxiety.” 4:21
1. In Chinese society, why might one be ‘anxious’ about their parents
getting older?

“He stands to benefit who makes friends with three kinds of people.
Equally he stands to lose who makes friends with three other kinds of
people. To make friends with the straight, the trustworthy in word and the
well informed is to benefit. To make friends with the ingratiating (flattering
in order to gain favor) in action, the pleasant in appearance the plausible
(possible) in speech is to lose.” 16:4
2. Why does one ‘lose’ when they are friends with the ‘other’ kinds of
people (ingratiating, pleasant in appearance, plausible in speech
[smooth talker])?
“Make it your guiding principle to do your best for others and to be
trustworthy in what you say. Do not accept as friend anyone who is not as
good as you. When you make a mistake do not be afraid of mending your

3. What do you think Confucius means when he says, “do not accept as
friend anyone who is not as good as you”?

Includes valid inferences or claims from the text.
Fully and directly responds to the prompt.
Includes evidence or reflection and analysis of the text.
Includes relevant and enough evidence to develop response according to
requirements of effective writing.
Uses complete sentences where errors do not impact readability.

Includes inferences or claims that are loosely based on the text.
Responds partially to the prompt or does not address all elements of the
A mostly literal recounting of the events or details from the text.
Includes some relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, or other
information from the text(s) to develop an analysis of the text according to
requirements of effective writing.
Includes incomplete sentences or bullets

Does not address any of the requirements of the prompt or is totally
The response includes no evidence from the text.
The response is unintelligible or indecipherable.
V. Assignment

1. What is the most important part of Taoism?

2. What are the two kinds of Taoism?

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