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Class 10 English

Glimpses of India
1. Answer the following in 30-40 words. 2*6 = 12
a. What was kabai? Give a brief description.
b. Why did the children eagerly wait for the baker early in the morning?
c. The people of coorg are known for their valour and hospitality. How?
d. What makes Coorg a land of great attraction?
e. Narrate any one legend associated with the origin of tea.
f. Why did Pranjol’s father praised Rajvir?

2. Pen down a brief travelogue* entry, narrating any personal impression/s about a visit to
Coorg. Include your reflections about the differences between the place where you live
and the place you’ve visited. (* A travelogue is a person’s account of a journey to
another country or place. It can either be a written report with many factual details or a
narrative story about personal impressions and experiences.) You may begin like this...

As I stepped into the land of evergreen forests, I was blown away by the pristine beauty
and ……………(continue) 4
3. The narrator shares, “Baking was indeed a profitable profession in the old days.”
a. What do you feel has changed now? Why?
b. State any one way, you feel, the paders can regain their lost glory. 3+1=4

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