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Advanced Sheet : 6 Subject: Physics

1. Consider a cart of mass M on frictionless surface that can hold a full tank of water with mass M. A
fire-hoes sprays water with a constant ejection speed Vw at a constant mass rate r  and at an
angle  relative to the horizontal.

Vw r cos 
(A) The acceleration at any time t of the cart while it is spraying water is given by
M  rt
 M Vw rt cos 
(B) The speed of the cart as a function of time  t   is
 r  M  rt

 M
(C) The speed of the cart as a function of time  t   is Vw cos  ln (M – rt)
 r 
(D) The external horizontal force that must be applied to keep the cart stationary while spraying
water is rVw cos .
2. A massless spool of inner radius r, outer radius R is placed against vertical wall and tilted split floor
as shown. A light inextensible thread is tightly wound around the spool through which a mass m is
hanging. There exists no friction at point A, while the coefficient of friction between spool and point
B is . The angle between two surfaces is .

(A) the magnitude of force on the spool at B in order to maintain equilibrium is mg

2 2
 r   r  1
   1   2
 R   R  tan 
 r  1
(B) the magnitude of force on the spool at B in order to maintain equilibrium is  1  
 R  tan 
cot 
(C) the minimum value of  for the system to remain in equilibrium is R / r  1
 
tan 
(D) the minimum value of  for the system in equilibrium is R / r  1
 
3. The particle displacement of a travelling sinusoidal longitudinal wave is represented by  =  (x, t).
The midpoints of a compression zone and an adjacent rarefaction zone are represented by the letter
‘C’ and ‘R’. Which of the following is true ?
(A)  / x C   / x R

(B)  / t C   / t R  0

(C) (pressure)C – (pressure)R  2  / x C where  = Bulk modulus of air..

(D) Particles of air are stationary mid-way between ‘C’ and ‘R’.
4. A uniform magnetic field is directed out of the page perpendicularly. A charged particle, moving in the
plane of the page, follows a clockwise spiral of decreasing radius as shown, a reasonable explanation is

(A) The charge is positive and slowing down. (B) The charge is negative and slowing down.
(C) The charge is positive and speeding up (D) The charge is negative and speeding up
5. Following are graphs of angle of deviation versus angle of incidence.

(a) (b) (c)

Based on the above graphs mark the correct options.

(A) Graph (a) may be a part of the graph for ray of light that travels from denser to rarer medium.
(B) Graph (b) may be for ray of light that is totally internally reflected from a denser to rarer
medium boundary.
(C) Graph (c) may be a part of the graph for ray of light that travels from rarer to denser medium.
(D) Graph (b) may be a part of the graph for ray of light that is reflected from a plane mirror.
6. In the figure shown, ‘R’ is a fixed conducting fixed ring of negligible resistance and radius ‘a’. PQ is
a uniform rod of resistance r. It is hinged at the centre of the ring and rotated about this point in
clockwise direction with a uniform angular velocity . There is a uniform magnetic field of strength
‘B’ pointing inwards, ‘r’ is a stationary resistance, then

(A) Current through ‘r’ is zero.

2Ba 2
(B) Current through ‘r’ is
(C) Direction of current in external ‘r’ is from centre to circumference.
(D) Direction of current in external ‘r’ is from circumference to centre.

7. In the circuit shown, the switch has been in position-1 for a long time. Now the switch is shifted to

position-2. If this instant is taken as t = 0, then at time t 

(A) current through the inductor is zero (B) current through the inductor is 4A
(C) charge on the capacitor is 4C (D) potential difference across the capacitor is 4V
8. The reaction 37 Li  11H 
 74 Be  10 n is endothermic. Assuming that Li nuclei is free and at rest.
The minimum kinetic energy (in keV) of incident proton so that this reaction occurs is n × 235. Find
the value of n. Take Q value of this reaction as – 1645 keV.
9. Find the total number of fringes formed on screen in the Lloyd’s mirror arrangement shown. If it is
n × 2. Find the value of n.

10. A plane mirror is suspended vertically at the centre of a large thin-walled spherical flask filled with
water. The diameter of the flask is 10 inches. An observer whose eye is 35 inches from the mirror as
shown in figure tries to see an image of his own eye. What is distance of the image from the eye (in
inches). The effect of the thin glass walls of the flask be neglected. If it is n × 3. Find the value of n.
Take  water 

11. The figure shows a pond full of water having the shape of a truncated cone. The depth of the pond is
30 m. The atmospheric pressure above the pond is 1.0 × 105 Pa. The circular top surface (radius = R2)
and circular bottom surface (radius = R1) of the pond are both parallel to the ground. The magnitude
of the force acting on the top surface is the same as the magnitude of the force acting on the bottom
surface. Obtain (R2 + R1) (in meter). If it is n × 40. Find the value of n.

12. If the kinetic energy of pulse travelling in a taut string is 3K × 10–2 mJ then find the value of K.
(Given T= 10 N &  = 0.1 kg/m).

Answer Q.13, Q.14 and Q.15 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table.
A coin is placed at the top of a smooth hemispherical bowl of
radius R. The velocity of the coin is v and that of bowl is v’.
 is the radius of curvature of path traced by the coin at the
top position P and N is the normal reaction of the coin. In
column-1, column-2 information about v & v’ are given in
column-3 information about N &  are given.

Column - I Column - 2 Column - 3

(I) v  gR (i) v'  (P) N=0
(II) v  2gR (ii) v'  0 (Q) N0
(III) v=0 (iii) v '  gR (R)  = 4R

(IV) v (iv) v '  2gR (S) =R
13. Which combination will give correct information about N?
(A) (I) (ii) (Q) (B) (II) (ii) (Q) (C) (II) (iv) (Q) (D) (III) (i) (P)
14. Which combination will give correct information about 
(A) (I) (iii) (S) (B) (I) (i) (R) (C) (IV) (ii) (R) (D) (II) (iv) (S)
15. Which combination will give correct information about  when normal is not equal to zero
(A) (I) (ii) (S) (B) (II) (ii) (S) (C) (I) (i) (R) (D) (II) (ii) (R)
Answer Q.16, Q.17 and Q.18 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table.
In column-3 few cases of image formation are shown. Terms have usual meaning find the correct

Column-1 Column-2 Column-3

(I) The image is real (i) The object is neither real nor (P)

(II) The image is neither real nor (ii) The object is real (Q)

(III) The image is real as well as (iii) The object is virtual (R)

(IV) The image is virtual (iv) The object is real is well as (S)

16. Which one of the following is correct combination?
(A) (I) (ii) (S) (B) (I) (iii) (Q) (C) (IV) (iii) (S) (D) (I) (iii) (S)
17. Which one of the following is correct combination?
(A) (I) (ii) (Q) (B) (I) (iii) (Q) (C) (IV) (iii) (Q) (D) (IV) (ii) (Q)
18. Which one of the following is correct combination?
(A) (I) (ii) (P) (B) (IV) (ii) (P) (C) (II) (ii) (P) (D) (I) (ii) (R)


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