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Software Requirements Specification


Audit Report Management System

Date 17 -12-2020

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Chapter 1

1.1 Overview/ Background

Inspection Directorate is one of the directorates in ministry of finance, which is working on auditing financial reports of federal
organization that are controlled by ministry of finance. Federal organizations submit their different financial audit report for inspection.
After financial inspection, the directorate provide federal organizations with a list of identified audit findings. The federal organizations
answer back with a feedback for those findings.

In the existing system, reports are submitted on a hardcopy then the achiever registers the report and assigns an auditor to it. After
careful analysis and technical evaluation, the auditor prepares audit findings and writes to the system. Once the findings are done, the
Auditor sends it to an Approver. An approver is someone who is responsible checking the audit findings. Once the audit findings reached
an approver, they either return back to an auditor or approved. Approved audit findings will be sent to federal organizations with a letter.
Finally, the federal organizations are expected to answer back with a feedback.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Currently the Audit Report Management System has a limited automation. It can be upgraded to an efficient and effective system.

 The current system does not provide an auditor to write audit findings and feedback that are more than 255 characters
 The existing system is a bit complex for a newbie and the users find it tough to deal with it.
 Audit Reports are Stored on a hardcopy, making them prone to damage.
 Difficulty generating customized reports for inspection directorate.

 Lack of efficient mechanism to communicate between inspection directorate and federal organizations.

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1.3 Objective of the project
 The general and specific objectives of the system described below.

1.3.1 General objective

 The primary objective of the Web based Audit Report Management System is intended to upgrade the current system to a better and
efficient system.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

 Assess the present work system.
 Analyze the existing system and design better system for inspection directorate
 To make efficient, easy and flexible report generation
 To design and develop a user-friendly system to handle data insertion, updating, deletion, retrieving on the database.

1.4 Scope and limitation of the project

1.4.1 Scope of the project
 Improve data recording capability of Inspection directorate.
 Provide tools to assist in automation of audit financial report management.
 Allow federal organization to communicate with Inspection directorate
 Make the system highly secure, user friendly, efficient and effective.

1.4.2 Limitations
 The system does not automatically write Report findings an expert does
 The system does not automatically approve audit findings an expert does
 The system does not automatically write feedbacks.

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1.4.3 User requirements
 the system will register /update and manage organizations
 The system will register/update and manage Inspection directorate documents
 The system will manage audit reports from different federal organization.
 The system will manage Audit findings.
 The system will be able to search and filter audit reports based on search criteria.
 The system will be able to retrieve different kinds of reports based on a selection.
 the system will be able to generate its own report on based on a selection criteria
 Inspection directorate will notify different organization about their report status (complete/incomplete)
 Each organization be able to log in to the system and able to retrieve lost password
 A system admin should be able to back up the system and able to recover it when a disaster happens.
 The system Acquires list of audit reports and present it for an approver for an approval
 An organization accountable user login to the system to upload and send report to the inspection directorate
 The system will be able to register/update feedbacks from federal organization after audit findings.

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Data to Manage


Docid Unique identifier (PK)

Document Type Type of document id

year Year of the document


Id Unique identifier of transaction (PK)

docid Type of the report document

Submission date Date of submission

Status Status of the document

Audit findings Link of auditing finding

Feedback Link of feedback

auditorid Id of anauditor (FK)

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Id Unique identifier of user (PK)

Username Username of a user

Password Password of a user

Firstname Firstname of a user

Lastname Last name of a user

Enabled Account status of user (active/inactive)

Orgid Organization id of a user


Id Unique identifier (PK)

Name Name of role

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userid User id of a user (FK)

roleid Role id of a role(FK)


Auditorid Id Of an Auditor

First name First name of an auditor

Last name Last name of an auditor

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