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Software Requirements Specification

Government organization Report

Tracking System

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Date 27 -08-2020

Chapter 1

1.1 Overview/ Background

Expenditures Administration and Controlling (EAC) directorate is one of directorates in ministry of finance organization, which is working
on managing financial reports of federal organization controlled by MOF particularly managed, by this directorate. The financial reports
categorized in six types of reports .They are:
 Budget report
 Audit report
 Cash report
 Property report
 Purchase report
 Accountancy report
Federal organization which is controlled by MOF specifically to Expenditures Administration and Controlling (EAC) directorate should
submit those types reports to the concern directorate in time schedule .if the organization late to submit their reports or if they were not
follow the standard that make by this directorate will punish. Therefore, EAC will check and filter which federal organization submit their
reports in their time schedule and standardize report. After that, this directorate send organization, which is not fulfill the conditions to the
concerned body. They will do everything manually so this time taking and boring to do their jobs. Therefore, the system will solve such
kind of problems.

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1.2 Statement of the problem
Currently the EAC directorate is facing many problems due to the use of manual system in its day-to-day activity. The problems are:

 Data Redundancy: Since there is no organized database there is a problem to filtering to identify the organization which submit
the reports in dedicated time and full fill the standard and which are not
 There is no security in the data and documents.
 EMCP has a paper based penalty and trainee recording mechanisms that are very error prone, inefficient and disorganized.

 Difficulty generating Accurate and customized reports for EMCP, Directorates and minster.

 Difficulty in tracking penalized organizations as the data is not gently organized.

 Lack of efficient mechanism to communicate between EMCP, minister, organizations and directorates.

 Difficulty following up organization report

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1.3 Objective of the project
 The general and specific objectives of the system described below.

1.3.1 General objective

 The primary objective of the Web based Financial Report Penalty tracking System is intended to convert the current manual task in
to web based automated system.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

 Assess the present work system.
 Analyze the existing system and design better system for the organization
 To make easy and suitable for filtering and managing reports of organization.
 To store all data’s (penalty data) of the organizations into the database.
 To easily identify which organization get penalty and which are not
 To design and developed a user-friendly system to handle data insertion, updating, deletion, retrieving on the database.
 To develop a secured Database to register organization, trainee, punished organization and concerned person (concerned directorate
for that organization) and perform the placement activity.

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1.4 Scope and limitation of the project
1.4.1 Scope of the project
 To avoiding the data redundancy of the system.
 Improve data recording capability of EAC directorate.
 Provide tools to assist in automation of financial report tracking.
 Allow organization to manage and communicate with the organization and directorates
 Make the system high secure, user friendly, efficient and effective.
 Provide and facilitate communication between organization, directorates and the minister and the federal organizations

1.4.2 Limitations
 The system does not automatically penalize organization
 The system does not approve report status automatically an expert does

1.4.3 User requirements

 Each Directorate will be able to register organization report and assign a status to it.
 EMCP(the system) will register /update and manage directorates
 EMCP (the system) will record and manage penalties.
 Minister, Directorate, and EMCP generate weekly, monthly, and yearly report.

 Directorate classify reports with completed and uncompleted format

 EMCP (The system) will be able to search and filter a penalty based on search criteria.
 EMCP (the system) will record and manage trainee from different organizations and generate report.
 The system (EMCP) will be able to retrieve different kinds of reports based on a selection.
 Each Directorate(the system ) will be able to generate its own report on based on a selection criteria

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 Each Directorate will notify different organization about their report status (complete/incomplete)
 The system will facilitate (speed up) communication between directorate, organizations, EMCP and Minister via a web
 Each directorate will keep track of organizations report history.
 Each Directorate be able to log in to the system and able to retrieve lost password
 A system admin should be able to back up the system and able to recover it when a disaster happens.
 The system Acquires list of penalties and present it to minister for approval
 An organization accountable user login to the system to upload and send report to the appropriate directorate

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1.4.4 Data to be managed


Id Unique identifier (PK)

coursename Name of the course

hours The amount of time allocated


Id Unique identifier of trainee(PK)

Training-date Date of the training

firstname First name of trainee

lastname Last name of trainee

organizationid Trainee organization id(Fk)

courseid Type of course the trainee took(FK)

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orgId Unique identifier (PK)

Org_name Name of the organization

email Email of the organization

Telephone Telephone of the organization

City City of the organization

Org_head Head of the organization

Status Status of the organization (exist or not)


Directorname Unique identifier (PK)

Email Email of the directorate

Telephone Telephone of the directorate

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Docid Unique identifier (PK)

Directorate_name Name of directorate(FK)

reportype Report type of directorate

Penalty Rule

Id Unique identifier (PK)

Penaltype Type of the penalty

Level Level of the penalty

Amount Amount for the particular penalty

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Master Transaction

Id Unique identifier of transaction (PK)

Directoratename Directorate name (fk)

docid Type of the report document

Submission date Date of submission

Status Status of the document


Id Unique identifier of user (PK)

Username Username of a user

Password Password of a user

Firstname Firstname of a user

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Lastname Last name of a user

Enabled Account status of user (active/inactive)

Orgid Organization id of a user


Id Unique identifier (PK)

Name Name of role


userid User id of a user (FK)

roleid Role id of a role(FK)

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Relationship Diagram

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Chapter 2

2. Use cases

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Fig 1: Use case Admin and user Account:

Use Cased ID GORTS_UC_10.1

Use case Name Login
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case allows user Login into the system to access the relevant functions according to the user’s role.
The various user are EMCP, Administrator, director, Organization and minister. To login the system, all user
should be enter their unique username and password. The user have a maximum of 3 attempts to login after
which their account are locked and contact the system administrator to unlock the account successful login
the system will display the appropriate user home page.
Primary Actor EMCP , Directorate ,Organization, Minster, Administrator
Secondary Actor None
Precondition Users have their own accurate username and password to login the system , having internet connection and
the system display the login page.
Post Condition The system displays the appropriate home page
Actor Action System Response

Main Flow 1. enters the username and password 2. validate the input data.
3. click/submit login button 4. authenticates the username and password and
5. The use case ends the system presents the homepage

Alternative Flow
2a. incorrect character input
1. The system prompt to enter the appropriate user name and password
4a. Missing the username and/or password
1. The system prompts to enter username and password
2. Use case resume at main flow step 1
4b. Maximum 3 attempts overdone
1. The system displays the maximum attempt exceeded and then contact the system administrator
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2. The system locks the user account.
3. The use case ends
4C. Invalid username and password
1. The system shows invalid username and password
2. The system prompt to fill correct username and password
3. Use case remains at main flow step 1

Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_10.2

Use case Name Logout
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description - EMCP, Administrator, director, Organization, minister log out from the system when there are
completed their routing tasks.
- If there is an active session the system terminate form the current session after 15 minute
Primary Actor EMCP , Directorate ,Organization, Minster, Administrator
Secondary Actor System
Precondition User must login to the system.
Post Condition The system logout from the current session and display the default login page.
Main Flow Actor Action System Response
Page | 15 the logout button 2. terminate form the current session.

Alternative Flow 2a Session expired

1. After counting 15 minute the user forced to re- login the system.

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Fig 2: Use Case diagram for Manage organization:

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Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_1.1
Use case Name Add Organization
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used for adding new organization detail to the system.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor Organization
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to register the Organization information and be able to
access the registration menu.
Post Condition new organization successfully added to the system.

Actor Action System Response

1. Click the Registration Menu 2. List submenu under registration menu .

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Main Flow 3. click on organization sub menu. 4. displays list of organization with add
new , search ,view and update features.

5. Click on add new organization 6. displays add organization form.


7. Fill the necessary organization 8. validate the input data.

information to the form

9. Click save button 10. Display successfully registration.

Alternative Flow 8. incorrect character input

1. The system prompt to enter the appropriate data.
10a. missing some data filling the form
1. The system prompt to fill missing data.
2. The system show to fill the form again
3. Use case resume at main flow step 7

Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_1.2

Use case Name Update organization

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Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used for update organization.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor Organization
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to update the Organization information and be able to
access the registration menu
Post Condition Organizational data successfully updated to the system.

Main Flow Actor Action System Response

1. Click the Registration Menu 2. List submenu under registration menu .

3. click on organization sub 4. displays list of organization with add new ,

menu. search , view and update features.
5. Add organization name to 6. Display selected organization
the text box and click search
7. Click the update button to 8. Display the form with the existing data.
change organization records.
9. Perform allowable change. 10. The system update the change.
11. Use case ends.
Alternative Flow 6a. Search result not found.
1. The name of the organization is not among the list of categories.
2. The system display a message the give organization is not found in the list.
9a. validate data
1. The system validate all data and prompt to enter the correct value.

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Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_1.3
Use case Name View Organization
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used to view organization detail.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to view the detail of an Organization information and
be able to access the registration menu.
Post Condition View full detail of an organization.

Main Flow Actor Action System Response

1. Click the Registration Menu 2. List submenu under registration menu .

3. click on organization sub 4. displays list of organization with add new ,
menu. search , view and update features.
5. Add organization name to 6. Display selected organization
the text box and click search

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7. Click the View button to see 8. Display organization detail.
organization .
9. Use case ends.

Alternative Flow
6a. Search result not found.
1. The name of the organization is not among the list of categories.
2. The system displays a message the give organization is not found in the list.

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Fig 3: Use Case diagram for Manage Directorate:

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Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_2.1
Use case Name Add Directorate
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used for adding new Directorate detail to the system.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to register the Directorate information and be able to
access the registration menu.
Post Condition New Directorate successfully added to the system.

Actor Action System Response

1. Click the Registration Menu 2. List submenu under registration menu.

Main Flow
3. Click on Directorate sub menu. 4. Displays list of Directorate with add new,
search, view and update features.

5. Click on add new Directorate 6. Displays add Directorate form.


7. Fill the necessary Directorate 8. Validate the input data.

information to the form

9. Click save button 10. Display successfully registration.

Alternative Flow 8. incorrect character input

1. The system prompt to enter the appropriate data.

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10a. missing some data filling the form
1. The system prompt to fill missing data.
2. The system show to fill the form again
3. Use case resume at main flow step 7

Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_2.2

Use case Name Update Directorate
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used for update Directorate information.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to update the directorate information and be able to
access the registration menu
Post Condition Directorate data successfully updated to the system.

Main Flow Actor Action System Response

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1. Click the Registration Menu 2. List submenu under registration menu.

3. Click on Directorate sub menu. 4. Displays list of Directorate with add new,
search, view and update features.
5. Add Directorate name to the 6. Display selected Directorate
text box and click search
7. Click the update button to 8. Display the form with the existing data.
change Directorate records.
9. Perform allowable change.
10. Use case ends.
Alternative Flow 6a. Search result not found.
1. The name of the Directorate is not among the list of categories.
2. The system display a message the give Directorate is not found in the list.
9a. validate data
1. The system validate all data and prompt to enter the correct value.

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Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_2.1
Use case Name View Directorate
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used to view Directorate detail.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to view the detail of directorate information and be able
to access the registration menu.
Post Condition View full detail of Directorate.

Main Flow Actor Action System Response

1. Click the Registration Menu 2. List submenu under registration menu.

3. Click on Directorate sub menu. 4. Displays list of Directorate with add new,
search, view and update features.
5. Add Directorate name to the 6. Display selected Directorate
text box and click search
7. Click the View button to see 8. Display directorate detail.

9. Use case ends.

Alternative Flow
6a. Search result not found.
1. The name of the directorate is not among the list of categories.
2. The system displays a message the give directorate is not found in the list.

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Fig 4: use case for Manage Document:
Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_3.1
Use case Name Add Document
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used for adding new document detail to the system.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to register the document information and be able to
access the registration menu.
Post Condition New Document successfully added to the system.

Actor Action System Response

1. Click the Registration Menu 2. List submenu under registration menu.

Main Flow
3. Click on document sub menu. 4. Displays list of Document with add new,
search, view and update features.

5. Click on add new Document button. 6. Displays add Document form.

7. Fill the necessary Document 8. Validate the input data.

information to the form

9. Click save button 10. Display successfully registration.

Alternative Flow 8. incorrect character input

1. The system prompt to enter the appropriate data.
10a. missing some data filling the form
1. The system prompt to fill missing data.
2. The system show to fill the form again

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3. Use case resume at main flow step 7

Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_3.2

Use case Name Update Document
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used for update Document information.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to update the Document information and be able to
access the registration menu
Post Condition Document information successfully updated to the system.

Main Flow Actor Action System Response

1. Click the Registration Menu 2. List submenu under registration menu.

3. Click on Document sub menu. 4. Displays list of Document with add new,
search, view and update features.
5. Add Document name to the text 6. Display selected Document.
box and click search button.
7. Click the update button to 8. Display the form with the existing data.
change Document records.
9. Perform allowable change. 10. Update the change.
11 Use case ends.
Alternative Flow 6a. Search result not found.
1. The name of the Document is not among the list of categories.
2 The system display a message the give Document is not found in the list.
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9a. validate data
2. The system validate all data and prompt to enter the correct value.
Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_3.3
Use case Name View Document
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used to view Document detail.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to view the detail of Document information and be able
to access the registration menu.
Post Condition View full detail of Document information.

Main Flow Actor Action System Response

1. Click the Registration Menu 2. List submenu under registration menu.

3. Click on Document sub menu. 4. Displays list of Document with add new,
search, view and update features.
5. Add Document name to the 6. Display selected Document.
text box and click search
7. Click the View button to see 8. Display Document detail.

9. Use case ends.

Alternative Flow
6a. Search result not found.
1. The name of the Document is not among the list of categories.
2. The system displays a message the give Document is not found in the list.
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Fig 5: Use case for Manage Report:
Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_8.1
Use case Name Generate all organizational penalty report
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used to Generate all organization penalty report in detail.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor Minister
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to generate all organization penalty report type in
Post Condition All organization penalty report generate in detail.

Actor Action System Response

1. Click on Report Menu 2. List submenu under Report menu.

Main Flow
3. Click on all Orgnazation penalty 4. Displays list of penalty report with search,
report sub menu. view and print features.

5. Click Export generate report with 6. Generate all organizational Report with
pdf, xls, word format. selected format.

7. Use case ends

Alternative Flow
6a. No report display
1. The system prompt a message there is no penalty report.

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Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_8.2
Use case Name Generate single organizational penalty report
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-202

Description This use case is used to Generate single organizational penalty report.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor Minister
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to generate single organization penalty report type in
Post Condition Individual organization penalty report generate in detail.

Actor Action System Response

1. Click on Report Menu 2. List submenu under Report menu.

Main Flow
3. Click on single Orgnazation 4. Displays list of penalty report with search,
penalty report menu. view and print features.

5. Add Organization name to the 6. Display selected Organization.

searching text box and click
search button.

7. Click Export generate report with 8. display single organization penalty report
pdf, xls, word format. and download

9. Use case ends

Alternative Flow 6a. No report display

1. The system prompt a message there is no organizational report.

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Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_8.3
Use case Name Generate all Directorate penalty report
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used to Generate all directorate penalty report in detail.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor Minister
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to generate all Directorate penalty report type in detail.
Post Condition All Directorate penalty report generate in detail.

Actor Action System Response

1. Click on Report Menu 2. List submenu under Report menu.

Main Flow
3. Click on all Directorate penalty 4. Displays list of penalty report with search,
report sub menu. view and print features.

5. Click Export generate report with 6. Generate all Directorate Report with
pdf, xls, word format. selected format.

7. Use case ends

Alternative Flow
6a. No report display
2. The system prompt a message there is no directorate penalty report.

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Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_8.4
Use case Name Generate single Directorate penalty report
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-202

Description This use case is used to Generate single organizational penalty report.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor Minister
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to generate single Directorate penalty report type in
Post Condition Individual organization penalty report generate in detail.

Actor Action System Response

1. Click on Report Menu 2. List submenu under Report menu.

Main Flow
3. Click on single Directorate 4. Displays list of penalty report with search,
penalty report menu. view and print features.

5. Add Organization name to the 6. Display selected Organization.

searching text box and click
search button.

7. Click Export generate report with 8. display single Directorate penalty report
pdf, xls, word format. and download

9. Use case ends

Alternative Flow 6a. No report display

1. The system prompt a message there is no directorate report.
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Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_8.5
Use case Name Orgnazation Report
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used to generate organizational report

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor Ministry
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to show organizational report in detail.
Post Condition The EMCP has already accessed organization report.

Actor Action System Response

1. Click on report main menu 2. Display list of sub menu

Main Flow
3. click on organization report 4. Displays list of organization report with
sub menu search, view and print features.

5. Click Export to generate report 6. Download

with pdf, xls, and word format.

7. Use case ends

Alternative Flow 6. No report display

8. The system prompt a message there is no organization report

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Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_8.6
Use case Name Directorate Report
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used to generate directorate report.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to show directorate report in detail.
Post Condition The EMCP has already accessed directorate report.

Actor Action System Response

1. Click on report main 2. Display list of sub menu

Main Flow menu

3. click on directorate report 4. Displays list of directorate report with

sub menu search, view and print features.

5. Click Export to generate 6. Down load

report with pdf, xls, and
word format.

7. Use case ends

Alternative Flow
6. No report display
1. The system prompt a message there is no directorate report
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Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_8.7
Use case Name Document Report
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used to generate document report.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to show document report in detail.
Post Condition The EMCP has already accessed document report.

Actor Action System Response

1. Click on report main menu 2. Display list of sub menu

Main Flow
3. click on document report sub 4. Displays list of document report with search,
menu view and print features.

5. Click Export to generate report 6. Down load

with pdf, xls, and word format.

7. Use case ends

Alternative Flow 6. No report display

1. The system prompt a message there is no document report

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Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_8.8
Use case Name Penalty Report
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used to generate penalty report.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to show penalty report in detail.
Post Condition The EMCP has already accessed penalty report.

Actor Action System Response

1. Click on report main menu 2. Display list of sub menu

Main Flow
3. click on Penalty report sub menu 4. Displays list of penalty report with search,
view and print features.

5. Click Export to generate report 6. Down load

with pdf, xls, and word format.

7. Use case ends

Alternative Flow 6. No report display

8. The system prompt a message there is no penalty report

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Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_8.9
Use case Name Trainee Report
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used to generate trainee report.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to show trainee report in detail.
Post Condition The EMCP has already accessed trainee report.

Actor Action System Response

1. Click on report main menu 2. Display list of sub menu

Main Flow
3. click on Trainee report sub menu 4. Displays list of Trainee report with search,
view and print features.

5. Click Export to generate report 6. Down load

with pdf, xls, and word format.

7. Use case ends

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Alternative Flow 6. No report display
1. The system prompt a message there is no trainee report

Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_8.10

Use case Name Course Report
Created By: Bitweded Y
Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is used to generate trainee report.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None
Precondition EMCP have their own correct username and password to show trainee report in detail.
Post Condition The EMCP has already accessed trainee report

Actor Action System Response

1. Click on report main menu 2. Display list of sub menu

Main Flow
3. click on Trainee report sub menu 4. Displays list of Trainee report with search,
view and print features.

5. Click Export to generate report 6. Down load

with pdf, xls, and word format.

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7. Use case ends

Alternative Flow 6. No report display

1. The system prompt a message there is no Course report

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Fig 6: Use Case diagram for Manage Transaction:
Use Cased ID GORTS_UC_7.1

Use case Name list all report

Created By: Joseph T.

Date Created 19-8-2020

Description This use case is about the list of reports submitted by the government organizations. The list contains all the
reports, and the system will filter based on directorate, report type and the date of submission.

Primary Actor  EMCP admin who looks for list of reports and report details.
 Directorates who look their respective directorate report and be able to download document.
 The Minister who look for the different reports

Secondary Actor Organizations provides the list of reports

Precondition Providing the username and password the website lists, the menu to access manage Transaction.

Post Condition The system displays updated list of report based on the user preference.

Main Flow Actor Action System Response

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1. Click on manage transaction menu
3. Export list to pdf,xls,word 2.display list of document transaction based on the user
5. use case complete role.(EMCP access all reports, Directorates access their
own directorate reports, organization access specific
organization report)

4. Download.

Alternative Flow

2.a list doesn’t exist

1. If the organization don not submit any report within the specified period.

Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_7.2

Use case Name update report detail

Created By: Yoseph T.

Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is about editing a specific report from the list of reports submitted by the government organizations.
We can update the different fields of the report based on the privilege provided to the admin user.

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Primary Actor  EMCP admin who looks for list of reports and report details.
 Directorates who look their respective directorate report and be able to download document.
 The Minister who look for the different reports

Secondary Actor Organizations provides the list of reports

Precondition Website already exists and lists a grid including Org_Name, Directorate, Report, Document,
Status,Version,Date_Of_Report_Submition,PunishmentLevel. The website enables full-text search of the
listed reports.

Post Condition The system displays updated list of report based on the user preference.

Main Flow Actor Action System Response

1. Click manage transaction main menu. 2. Display list of report in a grid.

3. Click update button. 4. Display the form to edit record.

5. Fills the appropriate data for the records 6. update the record
authorized to modify and submit.
a. If the user is EMCP, the user can
update punishment.
b. If the user is a Director, he/she
can modify the status and
download the document.
c. If there is a change on the
document the directorate
comment and send back to
respective directorate (upload)

6. use case complete

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Alternative Flow 6a. Missing or inappropriately filled information

1. The system show the specific field to fill the form again

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Fig 7: Use Case diagram for Manage Training:

Use Cased ID GORTS_UC_5.1

Use case Name add trainees

Created By: Yoseph T.

Date Created 19-8-2020

Description This use case is about registering a trainee for a training. If the trainee is qualified enough to be registered the
system will register the details.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor Organizations provides the list of trainees

Precondition Providing the username and password the website lists, the menu to access manage training. The requested
training course should be available.

Post Condition The system adds the trainees to the list of trainees qualified for a training.

1. Main Flow 2. Actor Action System Response

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4. Click registration main menu. 5. Display list of sub menus
7. Click trainees submenu 8. Display list of registered trainees having add and
update button.
10. click on add trainees 11. Display the form to register a trainee.
13. fills the appropriate data for the records 14. validate the record
16. click save button 17. Successfully registered.
19. Use case completed
Alternative Flow

10a. if the user provide invalid input the system display invalid input.

12a. if a trainee already taken a course with in the past three years the system prompts the trainee already take
the given curse.

Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_5.2

Use case Name register course

Created By: Yoseph T.

Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is about registering a course for training. Different directorates provide training for organizations this
use case will keep track of the courses, which are ready to be delivered to trainees.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor Directorates provide list of trainings

Precondition Providing the username and password the website lists the menu to access registration menu

Post Condition The system displays updated list of courses

Main Flow Actor Action System Response

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1. Click registration main menu. 2. Display list of sub menus
3. Click course submenu 4. Display list of registered courses having add and
update button.
5. click on add course 6. Display the form to register a course.
7. fills the appropriate data for the records 8. validate the record
9. click save button 10. Successfully registered.
11. Use case completed

Alternative Flow 10a. if the user provides invalid input the system displays invalid input.

12a. if a course already exist the system prompts the course already available.

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Use Cased ID GORTS _UC_5.2

Use case Name update a course

Created By: Yoseph T.

Date Created 18-8-2020

Description This use case is about editing a course. We can edit the different fields of the course.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None

Precondition Providing the username and password the website lists the menu to access registration menu

Post Condition The system displays updated list of course.

Main Flow Actor Action System Response

1. Click registration main menu. 2. Display list of sub menus

3. Click course submenu 4. Display list of registered courses having
add and update button.
5. click on update button 6. Display the form to update a course filled
with existing data.
7. Perform any change 8. validate the record
9. click update button 10. update the record
11. Use case completed
Alternative Flow 8a. if the user provides invalid input the system displays invalid input.

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Fig 8 : Use Case diagram for Manage MOF user :

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Use Cased ID GORTS_UC_10.1

Use case Name Create MOF User

Created By: Sisay Kibret

Date Created 13/12/2012

Description This use case allows creating admin users. The administrator have an access to register any user
in the domain(Directorate, EMCP)

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None

Precondition The Admin must login and access the home page

Post Condition The system register MOF user in the database and display success message

Main Flow Actor Action System Response

1 Click on “User” menu 2 Display list of sub menu (org user and MOF

3 click on MOF User 4 display page having Search Box, list of user,
Add new user, update, and view button.

5 click “Add new user” 6 Display MOF User Registration Form

7 fill the appropriate data 8 validate input data

9 click save button 10 display Registration success message

11 the use case ends

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Alternative Flow 8a Missing or inappropriately filled information

1 The system show the specific field to fill the form again
Use Case Id GORTS_UC_10.2

Use case Name Update MOF User

Created By: Sisay Kibret

Use Case Id GORTS_UC_10.3
Date Created 13/12/2012
Use case Name View MOF User
Description This use case allows MOF Admin to update Directorates and EMCP user. The administrator has
Created By: an access
Sisay to update any user.

Primary Actor
Date Created EMCP

DescriptionActor None
This use case allows MOF Admin user to view Directorates and EMCP user. The administrator
has an access to view any user.
Precondition The Admin login and access the “MOF User Management” page,
Primary Actor EMCP
Post Condition The system update the user profile based on the altered data in the database and display
Secondary Actor success message

Main Flow
Precondition Actor
The Admin Action
must login and access the “User” page, System Response

Post Condition 1 click

The on “User”
system main
display themenu 2 Display list of sub menu (org user and MOF
selected User detail information
Main Flow Actor Action System Response
3 click on MOF User 4 Display pages having Search Box, list of
1 click on “User” menu 2 Display
user, Addlist
newof user,
sub menu (organd
update, user andbutton
view MOF

5 click
3 enteronthe userUser
MOF name in the Search box and 6 display
4. Displaythe search
pages result
having (userBox,
Search information)
View all
click search button Org user, list of user, and update button

7 click
5 enterupdate button
the user name in the Search box and 8 view
7 display
thethe form field
selected userwith existing
detail data
click search button
9 fill necessary data 10 validate input data
6 Click view button 8 the use case ends
11 click save button 12 update change
Alternative Flow 5a There is no user matches to your search
13 use case end
1 The system prompt to enter the correct user name in the search box
Alternative Flow 5a There is no user matches to your search
2 the use case resume at main flow step 5
1 The system remind to enter the correct user name in the search box

2 the use case resume at main flow step 5 Page | 54

10a Entering unrecognized character

1 The system remind to enter the correct character in the space provided
Fig 9: Use Case diagram for Manage Org user :
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Use Case Id GORTS_UC_11.1

Use case Name Create Org User

Created By: Sisay Kibret

Date Created 13/12/2012

Description This use case allows MOF Admin user to register organization user. The administrator has an
access to register any user in the domain.

Primary Actor EMCP

Secondary Actor None

Precondition The Admin must login and access the “Org Management User” page

Post Condition The system register the org user in the database and display success message

Main Flow Actor Action System Response

1 The user click on “User” main menu 2 Display list of sub menu (org user and MOF

3 Click on Org User 4 display pages which contains Search Box,

list of user, Add org user, update, and view

5 click “Add new user” 6 Display Org User Registration Form

7 fill all provided space 9 display Registration success message

8 click save 10 the use case ends

Alternative Flow 7 Entering unrecognized character

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1 The system remind to enter the correct character in the text box
Use Case Id GORTS_UC_11.2

Use case Name Update Org User

Created By: Sisay Kibret

Date Created 13/12/2012

Use Case Id GORTS_UC_11.3
Description This use case allows MOF Admin to update organization user. The administrator have an access
Use case Name View Org User
to update any user.
Created By: Sisay Kibret
Primary Actor EMCP
Date Created 13/12/2012
Secondary Actor None
Description This use case allows MOF Admin user to view org user. The administrator has an access to view
Precondition The Admin must login and access the “Org User Management” page,
any user.
Post Condition The system update the user profile based on the altered data in the database and display
Primary Actor EMCP admin user,
success message
Secondary Actor Mister, Directorate
Main Flow Actor Action System Response
Precondition The Admin must login and access the “User” page,
1 The user click on “User” menu 2 Display list of sub menu (org user and MOF
Post Condition user)
The system display the selected User detail information

Main Flow 3 Click onActor

Org User
Action 4 DisplaySystem
pages having Search Box, list of
user, Add new user, update, and view button
1 The user click on “User” menu 2 Display two option as sub menu (MOF user
5 enter the user name in the Search box and 6 and
orgthe search result (user information)
click search button
3 click on User 4. Display pages having Search Box, list of
7 click update button 8 display
user, Viewtheuser,
field with existing
update button data

5 fill necessary
enter data
the user name in the Search box and 10 validate
7 view input data
the selected user detail information
click search button
11 click save button 12 update change
6 click view button 8 the use case ends
13 use case end
Alternative Flow
Alternative Flow 6a There is no user matches to your search

1 The system remind to enter the correct user name in the search box

2 the use case resume at main flow step 5

Page | 57
10a Entering unrecognized character

1 The system remind to enter the correct character in the space provided
Use Case Id GORTS_UC_12.2

Use case Name Send Report

Created By: Sisay Kibret

Fig 10: Use Case diagram for
Date Created 13/12/2012
org user:
Description This use case allows Organization user to send report to respective MOF directorate.

Primary Actor Organization user,

Use Cased Actor
ID None

Use case Name The
Vieworg user login and access the home page

Post Condition
Created By: The
Kibret display success message as the file uploaded properly , and the view history table
display updated table
Date Created 13/12/2012
Main Flow Actor Action System Response
Description This use case allows Organization to view their own history
1 Click on directorate main menu 2 Display list of sub menu (Directorates)
Primary Actor Organization
3 click on desired directorate sub menu 4 display a form with list of report type as a
Secondary Actor EMCP, Directorate list option, file upload button, and send button

Precondition The
5 org user
select login
report and
type, accessreport,
upload the view
andhistory page
6 successfully uploaded
Post Condition The system display view history page which contains organization transaction information detail
7 use case end
Main Flow Actor Action System Response
Alternative flow 6a The file size is not supported exceeds the file size limit of “15MB”

a, the system resume at main flow 5

1 click view history menu 2 Display History page having grid of org
name, directorate name, report type, status,
3 export in to pdf, excel, Word document, punishment, version, submission
5 end use case
4 download
Page | 58

Alternative Flow
Use Case Id GORTS_UC_12.3

Use case Name View Notification

Created By: Sisay Kibret

Date Created 13/12/2012

Description This use case allows Organization user to view notifications that sent form MOF user or the

Primary Actor Organization

Secondary Actor System, directorate, EMCP

Precondition The org user must login and access the Home page

Post Condition The system notifies the user based on the transaction status.

Main Flow Actor Action System Response

1 Click on notification icon 2 display the information

3 end use case

Alternative flow

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Use Case Id GORTS_UC_12.4

Use case Name View Resources

Created By: Sisay Kibret

Date Created 13/12/2012

Description This use case allows Organization user to view or access resources (which include rules and
regulations, Manuals).

Primary Actor Organization user,

Secondary Actor Directorates, EMCP, Ministers

Precondition The org user must login and access view resource page

Post Condition The system display list of resources

Main Flow Actor Action System Action

1 click on Resources main menu 2 display list of resources

3 click on specific file link 4 view the page or download the file

5 use case end

Alternative flow

System Architecture

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Fig 12: Application Architecture

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Package Structure

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Page | 64
Tools and Technologies

 Spring Tool Suite 4 IDE

 Spring MVC Framework

 Spring Boot with embedded Tomcat

 Maven for dependency Management

 JQuery

 Datatable JQuery Plugin

 Java Server page (jsp)

 JavaScript

 HTML 5

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User Interface

Page | 66
Home page

Page | 67
Organization Management

Page | 68
Document Management

Page | 69
Directorate Management

Page | 70
Trainee Management

Page | 71
Course Management

Page | 72
Penalty Rule Management

Page | 73
List of organizations

Page | 74
Penalty Generation

Page | 75
User Lists

Page | 76
Report Submission

Page | 77
Upload Success

Page | 78
Audit directorate transactions

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Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams are used by designers to define and clarify the roles of the objects that perform a particular flow of
events of a use case. They are the primary source of information used to determining class responsibilities and interfaces. We
have designed sequence Diagram for our System below.

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Sequence Diagram - Login

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Sequence Diagram - Directorate Registration

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