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MARCH2001 26 1

Automatic Structure Analysis and Objective Evaluation of Woven Fabric

Using Image Analysis
Departrnent of Fiber arid Polytner Science, Seoiil National University, Seoril, Soiith Korea

Department of Honte Economics Ediication, Cliung-Ang University, Seoiil, Soiith Korea

An automatic fabric evaluation system has been developed to automatically analyze
the structure of woven fabric and objectively evaluate fabric quality. Fabric images
are captured by a CCD camera and preprocessed by Gaussian filtering and histogram
equalization. Fabric construction parameters such as count, cloth cover, yarn crimp,
fabric thickness, and weight per unit area are measured automatically from planar and
cross-sectional images of woven fabric with image processing and image analysis.
Results obtained with the system show good correspondence with experimental
values. In order to evaluate the quality of woven fabric, defects such as slubs or
missing picks are detected successfully from defect images, and the uniformity of yarn
spacing and orthogonality of the yarn intersecting angle are determined from normal
fabric images. The coefficients of variation of yarn spacing and the yarn intersecting
angle are measured quantitatively so that quality can be compared using these values.

Fabric count, yarn crimp, cloth cover, fabric thick- cause decisions are made by the subjective judgement
ness and weight, as well as material, weave pattern, of each expert.
and yarn count are basic construction parameters that Therefore, in this study, we attempt to develop a
characterize the structure of woven cloth and deter- system for automatic structure analysis and objective
mine its end use performance. Therefore, numerous quality evaluation for woven fabric, which allows
researchers after Peirce [S] have devoted their work to quick, precise data acquisition. For this purpose, we
understanding the relations between these parameters use image analysis techniques that permit not only
[4,6, 7, 101. However, despite recent advances in rapid and objective measurements but also easy sta-
computer technology that have brought process auto- tistical analysis of the results by managing numerical
mation to many areas of the textile industry, analyzing data [3, 91. The image analysis system consists of a
woven fabric structure to measure these parameters CCD camera as the input device, a lighting device, a PC
still mainly depends on manual work. When fabric as an image analyzing device, and software that pro-
construction parameters have to be measured manu- vides all the necessary image processing and image
ally, a longer time, a large fabric sample, and many analysis. We report on image preprocessing methods
testing tools are required. Moreover, the results may to suppress noise and enhance contrast in the images,
not be reliable due to variations in testing methods, and we perform a structure analysis using image pro-
tools, and instruments or the tester’s skill. cessing and image analysis to measure woven fabric
Quality evaluation of woven fabric is also very construction parameters.
important for determining its commercial value. Even To confirm the validity of our results, we have also
though many researchers have worked on the automa- made a manual structure analysis and compared the
tion of quality evaluation [5, 111, it is still accom- results from our system with the experimental values.
plished by human inspection and remains just at the Furthermore, for quality evaluation of woven fabric,
level of pointing out defects. Many experts are needed we have studied a method to detect defects in fabric
for quality evaluation because the speed of manual images that cause principal quality deterioration, and
inspection is very slow compared with that of fabric to evaluate criteria determining the quality of normal
production, and the results may not be the same be- fabric.

Tenrile Res. J. 71(3). 261-270 (2001) 0010-5175/S2.00

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System Configuration and Image Automatic Structure Analysis

Preprocessing COUNT
Figure 1 shows the configuration of the image ana- We determined fabric count from the image profile
lyzer system used in this study. A Hitachi KP-C551 color in the warp and weft directions, which is an indication
CCD camera and JVC TK-I070U color video camera
of the gray values of pixels on specific vertical and
captured fabric images. A hand-operated zoom lens was horizontal lines in an image. In a fabric image illumi-
attached to acquire magnified images. For the lighting nated transmissively, the dark area indicates the
devices, an LG cable fiber optic illuminator GLS VlOOD location of warp and weft yarns and the bright area
was used for reflective light and a 3M overhead projector represents the spaces between interlacing yarns.
was used for transmissive light. The program for the Therefore, the outlines of yarn positions can be rec-
necessary image processing and image analysis was de- ognized from image profiles.
veloped using Windows 95/58 with Borland C + + We then obtained an average profile by averaging all the
Builder 3.0 as a software development tool. vertical and horizontal profiles in the image. The minimum
points of an average profile were taken as the central posi-
---.rq tions of warps and wefts. We determined average yam
, spacing by averaging the distances between the minimum
1 points and converting the unit from pixels to an actual
distance. However, sometimes it was difficult to detect
minimum points when there was irregular winding in an
average profile. In that case, wve detected minimum points
after smoothing an average profile with a l-D Gaussian
tive Eight filter. Figure 2 is an example of an automatic measurement
of yam spacing, and from 2d we see that all central posi-
:' tions of warps 'and wefts are correctly located. Finally, we
deternuned fabric count, the number of warps and wefts in
a unit length in the weft and warp directions, from the
inverse value of average yam spacing.

FIGURE I . Image analyzer system configuration. Cloth cover is defined as the ratio of the area occupied
by yarns to the total fabric area. In a transmissively
To capture planar images of fabric, we used transmissive lighted image, yams appear to be dark and spaces appear
light to clarify the positions of warps and wefts and to to be bright. In order to calculate cloth cover, we filtered
minimize the effect of fabric color or protruding fine hairs all images and converted them to black and white binary
in images. To capture cross-sectional images, reflective images by selecting the mean gray value as the threshold.
light was positioned at a 30" angle to the perpendicular line We then obtained threshold values from the mean gray
of the fabric sample fixed vertically in a holder. To distin- value of the background image without the fabric sam-
guish the yam parallel to the cut plane from the perpendic- ple. The pixels that were the same or brighter than the
ular yam, we detected the difference in reflectance. The threshold value were converted to white and the darker
spatial resolution of captured images was 640 X 480 pixels, pixels to black. We then calculated cloth cover from the
corresponding to approximately 1.9 X 1.4-5.5 X 4.2 mm2 ratio of the number of black pixels to the total number of
in actual area. The captured images were converted to 8 bpp pixels in the image. Figure 3 is an example of cloth cover
(bits per pixel), 256 gray level, to enhance the analyzing measured using this algorithm.
speed and reduce the image file size.
During image capture and digitization, noise can be YARN CRlalP
present in the image to some extent due to external or Yam crimp c in a woven fabric, is defined as the
electrical causes [9], which may result in errors in the distance between two points on a yarn as it lies in the
image analysis. Therefore, Gaussian filtering was applied fabric If and its straightened distance 1,:
to minimize noise in the image. A histogram equalization
was performed to enhance image contrast for easier
c ( % ) = - 100 . (1)
recognition or demarcation of specific regions. If

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MARCH2001 263

n I

' FIGURE 3. Automatic measurement of cloth cover by image thresh-

olding: (a) fabric image, (b) background image (mean gray value
= 189.53). (c) cloth cover calculated from thresholded image (thresh-
old value 190).

nor were the gray values of the horizontal yarn image

uniform over the whole image. As shown in Figure 4a,
FIGURE 2. Automatic measuremenl of yarn spacings in a plain weave: even though the gray values of the horizontal yarn image
(a) histogram equalized plain weave image, (b) horizontal and (c) were not uniform, they were the brightest parts in the
vertical average profile, (d) detected yam positions superimposed on vertical lines. Therefore, we could segment the horizon-
the original image.
tal yam image by selecting the brightest pixel in the
vertical profiles, up to the nth brightest pixels in each
The horizontal yarn image-parallel to the cut direc- column. The number ii was selected from 1 to 5 in
tion-needs to be segmented to measure yam length. proportion to yarn thickness. Figure 4 shows the seg-
However, the existing algorithms commonly used for mented yarn image, with 12 being 1, 3, and 5.
edge detection or contour extraction, such as a Laplacian Next we used the common morphological operation of
operator, Sobel operator, horizontal derivative, or verti- erosion and dilation to reduce or increase the size of a
cal derivative [3, 91, were not satisfactory for this pur- black object within the fabric image. After removing
pose. Thresholding was not effective either, for there was small undesirable black pixels located far from the center
no objective reference to determine the threshold value, of the yarn, we obtained a completely connected yam

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n, = -
1 /-”f(x)cos
” Il.rdT ,

b, = !
J”(r:.)sni n.rcix ti = 1,2,. .. . (3)

To calculate the Fourier coefficients as described above,

however, we must evaluate the integrals for all coeffi-
cients, and this may be ineffective. Therefore, we have
adopted a jump method to avoid integration. With this
method, the jump of functionf(x) at x,, j,. is defined as
j , =f(.xs + 0) - A x , - 0 ) , (4)
and iff(x) is a periodic function that has period 27i and
jumps at xo, x,, . . . , x,,,, we choose the following
j, = jump offat x,

j,‘ = jump off’ at x, (s = 1.2, ... ,111) .

j:’ = j u m p off’at s,
FIGURE 4. Original image (a) with the results of horizontal yam
image segmentation by selecting (b) the brightest point, (c) up to the
Iff(x) is a periodic function that has period 2L, and
third brightest point, (d) up to the fifth brightest point, and (e) final the jumps of second and higher derivatives are neglected,
filtered image. . the Fourier coefficients a , and b,, of Equation 3 are
approximated as

image by successive operation of erosion and dilation. L

2 j,’cos -Lx ,
We then obtained the skeIetonized image by deleting the --
boundary pixels if the black region was not to be divided 5=

or cut into two or more regions when the boundary pixels r _I

were deleted, and repeated the procedure until no more 117r L

boundary pixels could be deleted. Figure 4e is the result I1 T 12 7i
I= I
of skeletonization.
Since a skeleton is an assembly of discrete pixels, the n=1,2, ... (6)
length of a yam cannot be measured from it, so the
skeleton needs to be converted into a continuous func- Before applying the jump method to an image, a
tion. For this purpose, we used a Fourier series expan- skeleton should be made in periodic form. Therefore,
sion. The Fourier series of functionf(x) is expressed as we have to obtain a symmetrical image about the right
Equation 2: side of the original image in the form of an even
extension so that the skeleton has a period 2M, where
M is the width of the original image. Let the coordi-
nates of an image be (xi,yi) and define the jumps at xi,
ji,and j i ‘ as below; then we can obtain the Fourier
coefficients and function Ax):
and the Fourier coefficients no, a , , O,, can be calculated
by Equation 3: .
, i = 1 , 2,... , 2 M - 2
Yitl - T i - !
J . =

1 ”
no= -
27i f(.r)dx , -ji-i
, i = 2, 3 , . . . , 2111 - 3
ji‘ = . (7)
-z 2

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MARCH2001 265

Fourier series, but the integral of the length of a trigo- "


nometric function is very difficult to evaluate. Therefore,

b I
I, = lab = 2 \[Xi - xi-J + [f(x;)-f(xi-,)]2
i=a+l I I

In the case of the magnified images used in this study,

an integer multiple of the crimp period should be con-
sidered in crimp calculation, so we found the maximum
and minimum points of the function and calculated the
crimp from the average crimp values between the max-
imum and minimum points.
In addition, to calculate yarn crimp by the Fourier
FIGURE5. Fourier series expansion of skeleton: (a) skeletonized
series, we summed up to the 10th term, since the local image, (b) partial sum of Fourier series up to 5th term, (c) 10th term,
irregular windings of the skeleton would increase yarn (d) 25th term, (e) 50th term.
length. If we summed up to too high a term, the shape
of the yarn would not be reflected as well as if we
summed up to the lower terms. The number of terms to
be summed up can be easily changed in the system
program. Figure 5 is an example of the Fourier series
of a skeleton summed up to 5th, IOth, 25th, and 50th
terms. Figure 6 is an example of the crimp calculation
of a satin weave.

T o measure fabric thickness from a fabric cross-
sectional image, the whole yarn image of warps and
wefts has to be segmented. For this purpose, we use
the gray value difference between the upper and lower
pixels in each column. Since there is abrupt change in
brightness at the edge of the yarn against the back-
ground, the yarn image can be segmented. We con-
verted the pixels to black when differences in the gray
value with the next pixel in a vertical line were the r- - -
same or more than the predetermined threshold value,
and converted the rest to white. Figure 7 b shows the
segmented yarn image when five is taken as the thresh-
old value in this study.
After we determined the upper and lower limit lines FIGURE 6. Automatic measurement of yam crimp in satin weave: (a)
cross-sectional image of satin tveave, (b) segmented yam image, (c)
from the segmented yarn image, we measured the skeletonized image, (d) Fourier series expansion and crimp calculation,
fabric thickness from the distance between these two (e) superimposed on the original image.
lines. The limit lines were considered as the first
horizontal lines from the center of the fabric upward contained in an image, about 5 % , we took the first line
and downward, so that the average gray values of the where the average gray value exceeded 95% of 255 as
lines became 255. However, since some noise could be the limit (Figure 7c). W e then obtained the fabric

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The typical physical defects of a fabric are a non-
uniformity of yarn spacing, yam knot, slub caused by a
thick yarn or double yam, broken yarn, and missing yam,
etc. The existence of defects in a fabric results in prin-
cipal quality deterioration [2]. Most physical defects
exist in the warp or weft direction, so we detected these
defects by analyzing vertical and horizontal profiles. In a
transmissively lighted image, defects occupy a larger
area than normal parts and have an effect on the distri-
bution of gray values of average profiles, as shown in
Figure 9.
At first, we detected the points of average gray values
at the average profile and divided the average profile into
two parts according to its shape between every two
points. We assigned the width of the image profile be-
where 1 2 , and 1z2 are warp and weft density (threadcm), tween two points as yam parts l,., where the profile
c1 and c2 are warp and weft crimp fractions, p , and pz between them lay below the mean gray value line, and
are warp and weft linear density (tex), and the unit of those as interyarn space parts I,, where the profile lay
calculated fabric weight per unit area w is g/rn2, over the mean gray value line. Then we calculated the
average ill,. and 111, and standard deviation u,,and usof
the length of both parts to determine the criteria C, as
below. We considered the part where the length was
A fabric design plan can be drawn up with our system longer than the upper bound or shorter than the lower
from the measured woven construction parameters. Fab- bound to be the location of the defect (Figure 10):
ric material, weave pattern, and yam count can be filled
in manually, and the planar image and warp and weft
side cross-sectional images of the fabric can be shown in
the plan. Figure 8 is an example of such a fabric design

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FIGURE9. Effect of fabric defect on the average profiles.

FIGURE1 1 . Results of fabric defect detection: (a) slub by thick pick,

(b) dub by double pick, (c) missing pick, (d, e, f) defect detected and
marked as white line. (9, h. i) vertical average profiles.

standard deviation of yarn spacings

CV% =
mean of yarn spacings
x 100 .
(1 1)
FIGURE10. Division of imige height (or width) into yarn parts
and interyam space parts. Ortliogortality of Yarn Intersecting Angle
The location of yarns can be assumed to be the Ioca-
tion of the minimum points on an average profile. If
were successfully detected when the factor z was set to warps or wefts are out of the vertical or horizontal
1.44-2.42, and the results are shown in Figure 11. direction, the gray values of the minimum points would
be greater than when warps or wefts are exactly on the
vertical or horizontal direction. The gray values of min-
imum points would be minima if warps or wefts are
For a normal fabric without defects, the uniform ar- exactly on the vertical or horizontal direction. Therefore,
rangement of yam and the orthogonal intersection of a yam intersecting angle can be obtained from the angles
warps and wefts are desirable in general. Therefore, we where the gray values of minimum points of an average
propose these properties as the standards for objective profile in the x and y directions become minima during
quality evaluation. rotation of coordinate axes (Figure 12).
In a practical application, in order to reduce the time to
Uiiiforinity of Yam Spacirig measure, we obtained the deviation angles in the x and y
directions that had minimum gray values by rotating the
The standard deviation of yam spacing can be consid- coordinate axes from -10" to +loo and rotating the
ered as a measure of yam spacing uniformity, but the
images of different magnifications are hardly comparable
coordinate axes stepwise from - lo to 1" of the angles
by 0.1". The ynm intersecting angle could then be ob-
by standard deviation. Therefore, we adopted the coef- tained from the deviation angle of the warp from the
ficient of variation-standard deviation divided by vertical line Owq and that of the weft from the horizontal
mean-for normalization. The coefficient of variation of line Ow,, as below:
yam spacing can be calculated easily from yam spacing
measured previously for fabric count: Yarn intersecting angle = 90" - IO, - OHef,( . (12)

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Y Y' The results from our automatic structure analysis sys-

tem and the experimental values are compared in Figure
minimum gray values 13. The fabric counts measured with our system are very
of average profile close to the experimental values. For cloth cover, the
results obtained with the system show close correspon-
dence with the experimental values within a 5 % discrep-
ancy, except for CPI (6.63% discrepancy). The sample
PT is a very closely woven fabric in which the warp
diameter exceeds the warp spacing so that yams cover
the whole fabric area. However, we measured the cloth
cover of CP1 as 98.07% with the system. We think the
reason is the effect of transmissive light diffraction
through the slits between the warps.
For yarn crimp, our results with the system corre-
spond with the experimental values as a rule, but there
are some discrepancies. As shown in Figure 13c, the
FIGURE 12. Schematic diagram for measuring yarn intersecting angle
by rotation of coordinate axes and comparison of gray values at samples with larger discrepancies tend to have larger
minimum points. standard deviations in the experimental values. There-
fore, we believe that an average closer to the experi-
mental values can be obtained if more images of the
same sample are captured and analyzed. The fabric
Results and Discussion thickness values measured by this system are slightly
smaller than the experimental values. Probably this is
due to the effect of hairs protruding from the fabric
In order to compare the results from the automatic surface, which increase the thickness when measured
fabric evaluation system developed in this study with experimentally. The fabric weights per unit area cal-
experimental values, we made a manual analysis of the culated from the system correspond well with the
structure of selected fabric simples. Specifications of the experimental values.
samples used in this study are shown in Table I. The test
methods we used are as follows: fabric count, ASTM D QUALITY EVALUATION
3775-85; cloth cover,

d": + 2 t;)
Uniformity of yam spacing: The results of measuring
the coefficient of variation for fabric samples are shown
Cloth cover (%) = - - - - x 100 , "
in Figure 14a. The coefficients of variation of PT, PP,
and WP are relatively smaller than others, so they can be
where p l , p 2 = spacing of warp and weft and d , , d , said to be superior in the uniformity of yarn spacing. On
= diameter of warp and weft; yam crimp, ASTM D the other hand, the yam spacing of CS and CP3 can be
3883-90; fabric thickness, Kawabata system KES-FB-3; said to be irregular. The reason for the larger coefficients
and fabric weight per unit area, ASTM D 3776-85. of variation of wefts than of warps is that weft density is
smaller than warp density for most fabrics.
Orthogonality of yarn intersecting angle: The re-
TABLE I. Fabric sample specifications.
sults of measuring the deviation of yarn intersecting
Yarn linear angles from 90" are shown in Figure 14b. CPI and
density, tex CP2 seemed to be superior in the orthogonality of their
code hlaterial Pattern Warp Weft yarn intersecting angles, and WT and PT can be said to
have skewness.
CPl cotton I X 1 plain 12.8 13.7
CP2 cotton 1 X 1 plain 10.5 9.1
1 X 1 plain
1 X 1 plain
PP polyester 1 X 1 plain 14.5 15.5
CT cotton 2/1 twill 15.9 14.4 We have developed an ,automatic fabric evaluation
\vT \VOOl U l twill 28.0 23.9 system that enables automatic structure analysis and
PT polyester 2/1 twill 23.2 8.2 objective evaluation of woven fabrics. Fabric con-
cs cotton 5-end satin 21.3 24.6
struction parameters such as count, cloth cover, yarn

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MARCH2001 269

m Automabc l a b x evaluabon rys:em

0 Expenmental


W w( W w( Wp Ul 'tQwI UP UI Wp UI UP u( Wp wl Wp wI CP1 CPZ CP3 W PP CT WT PT
CP1 CP2 CP3 WP PP CT WT PT CS Sample code
Sample code

Ii -II-
Automa:iC faSnc eva!ua:m system


Sample code

Sample m d e
WT PT c!

FIGURE13. Comparison of results obtained with the automatic fabric

evaluation system for fabric constructing parameters with experimental
values: (a) fabric count, (b) cloth cover, (c) yam crimp, (d) fabric
thickness, (e) fabric weight per unit area.

up wt up wl np wt wp u1 W wI K? wI WP U* UP VA W

Sample code

crimp, fabric thickness, and weight per unit area are detected by analyzing average profiles. The uniformity
measured automatically by analyzing fabric images of yarn spacing and the orthogonality of the yarn
captured by a CCD camera and preprocessed by Gauss- intersecting angle are the criteria for quality evalua-
ian filtering and histogram equalization. The results of tion of normal fabric. We expect this system can be
the automatic structure analysis correspond well with used for automating quality control on the loom or as
the experimental values. For quality evaluation, de- a supplement to the objective gradation of woven
fects such as dubs or missing picks are successfully fabrics.

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FIGURE14. Results of measuring (a) CV7o of yarn spacings and (b)
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Afaonirscrint received Ocmber 22. 1999: acceored Alarcli 6. 2000.

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