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Covid Graphs

A. L.
Facts about Africa

I´m choosing Africa because it has many countries and the way that they
struggle but still smile and go day by day.
Some things you should know about Africa is, that its about 3.4 billion years
Its original name is Alkebulan, and its true meaning is ¨without cold¨
Facts about Canada

I choose Canada because of their of their generosity and passion of people.

Some facts about Canada:

If you didn't know they are a monarchy.

It has the longest international border.

Most importantly they are kind people and see it as everyone matters.
Africa Graph Canada

The United States graph looks more comparable to the African graph
by the numbers extremely. When you look at the Canada map you see
the cases but they aren't as high as both United States and Africa but
they are the same starting out because their low numbers.
Covid Cases

By the looks of the numbers the covid cases started out low and then begun to
rise and that's because of how not many people took it serious and they still
went around without masks without any protection to keep you from getting it
and being around a group of people can also cause you to get it. It spread
because people were not being careful but, if they was then there would be less
cases, less people dying, and if people kept things clean, used hand sanitizer and
was careful when you was around someone sick it would slowly cause the cases
to lower a lot more.

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