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Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby

zachować sens zdania wyjściowego. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna
wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga: nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę
możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów, wliczając w to wyraz już podany.

1. I have never ridden an electric scooter before. TIME

It’s the first _____________________________________ an electric scooter.

2. I’m really fed up with my sister taking my clothes without asking! ALWAYS
My sister _____________________________________ my clothes without asking!

3. Jake started reading this book a month ago and he’s still reading it. HAS
Jake _____________________________________ this book for a month.

4. My room was last painted 10 years ago. BEEN

My room _____________________________________ 10 years.

5. There are more and more new roads in my town. BUILDING

They _____________________________________ more and more new roads in my town.

6. Are you similar to your mother? LIKE

_____________________________________ your mother?

7. My father bought his new bike in March. HAD

My father has _____________________________________ March.

8. What’s your job? FOR

What _____________________________________ a living?

9. My parents would like to move to the countryside. OF

My parents _____________________________________ to the countryside.

10. Look at the children – they’re having a really good time. THEMSELVES
Look at the children – they _____________________________________ .

11. I’m sorry about the mess – I started cleaning in the morning and I haven’t finished yet. HAVE
I’m sorry about the mess – I _____________________________________ since this morning.

12. My grandfather used to tell me stories about his childhood. WOULD

My grandfather _____________________________________ stories about his childhood.

13. When I was a little girl, I always wore short hair. WEAR
When I was a little girl, I _____________________________________ short hair.

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14. When did Sarah start learning to dance flamenco? AGO
How _____________________________________ learning to dance flamenco?

15. Peter had lunch and then he started playing video games. AFTER
Peter started playing video games _____________________________________ lunch.

16. Someone started vacuuming in the middle of our English online class. WHILE
Someone started vacuuming _____________________________________ our English online

17. My grandfather retired after working as a doctor for 45 years. HAD

When my grandfather retired, he _____________________________________ for 45 years.

18. Yesterday I spent the whole day working in the garden. WAS
I _____________________________________ in the garden all day yesterday.

19. I haven’t been to a party since December. TIME

The last _____________________________________ a party was in December.

20. I got into the habit of drinking tea with milk when I lived in England. USED
I _____________________________________ tea with milk when I lived in England.

21. My grandma would often take me for a walk when I was a little child. USED
My grandma _____________________________________ for a walk when I was a little child.

22. The teacher waited for all the students to stop talking before he started the test. START
The teacher _____________________________________ the test until all the students had
stopped talking.

23. It is my sister’s plan to get married in June – she’s already booked a date. IS
My sister _____________________________________ June – she’s already booked a date.

24. Tomorrow is my brother Mark’s seventeenth birthday. BE

My brother _____________________________________ 17 tomorrow.

25. This backpack looks really heavy – would you like me to help you? I
_____________________________________ you with the backpack? It looks really heavy.

26. I think the meeting will finish in a few minutes. LIKELY

The meeting _____________________________________ in a few minutes.

27. Don’t call me at 9 – I will be in the middle of the last episode of Young Sheldon. BE
Don’t call me at 9 – I _____________________________________ the last episode of Young

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28. My father started painting the house last week and he’ll still be painting it next Monday. HAVE
By next Monday, my father _____________________________________ the house for two

29. Look at these black clouds – it looks like rain. IS

Look at these black clouds – it _____________________________________ rain.

30. It’s my intention to learn to play the guitar. TO

I _____________________________________ to play the guitar.

31. Don’t text Keira – I’m sure she’s already asleep. HAVE
Don’t text Keira – she _____________________________________ to bed by now.

32. Please leave your bags here – the exam will start soon. ABOUT
Please leave your bags here – the exam _____________________________________ .

33. There is nothing new on the news about the situation of the missing ship. INFORMATION
There _____________________________________ on the news about the missing ship.

34. Does the village where you’re moving to have a school? THERE
_____________________________________ in the village where you’re moving to?

35. There has been a statement about the national exams from the government this morning.
The _____________________________________ a statement about the national exams this

36. Senior citizens are not always treated well by society. ELDERLY
_____________________________________ always treated well by society.

37. Speaking in public is really stressful for me. FEEL

I _____________________________________ speaking in public.

38. Chris is the best swimmer on our school team. AS

No other student on our team can _____________________________________ Chris.

39. Star Trek was not as interesting for me to watch as The Witcher. MORE
For me, The Witcher was _____________________________________ watch than Star Trek.

40. Both my sister and I are good at music. AS

I am _____________________________________ my sister.

41. If you study this problem for too long, you will begin to lose interest. LESS
The longer you study this problem, _____________________________________ you will be.

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42. We hadn’t expected the small local restaurant to be so good. MUCH
The small local restaurant _____________________________________ we had expected.

43. My brother used to be a careless driver when he was younger. DRIVE

My brother used _____________________________________ when he was younger.

44. My face is so red – I regret not taking my sun lotion. WISH

My face is so red – I _____________________________________ my sun lotion.

45. Oliver is so absent-minded; that’s why he failed his driving test. IF

_____________________________________ so absent-minded, he would have passed his
driving test.

46. I’m so annoyed when my neighbours play really loud music! NOT
I wish my neighbours _____________________________________ really loud music!

47. You didn’t get badly hurt in the accident because you had a helmet. NOT
If you _____________________________________ a helmet, you would have got badly hurt in
the accident.

48. I’d prefer not to tell our headteacher about all the classes I missed. RATHER
I’d _____________________________________ our headteacher about all the classes I missed.

49. Jake, I really think you should have your hair cut. HIGH
Jake, it’s _____________________________________ your hair cut.

50. I think you should come to Amy’s birthday party. I

If I were you, _____________________________________ Amy’s birthday party.

51. We should take our waterproof jackets – it might rain later. IN

We should take our waterproof jackets _____________________________________ later.

52. If the traffic isn’t heavy, we will be home at about 7 pm. UNLESS
We will be home at about 7 pm _____________________________________ heavy.

53. You can’t use your phone because you forgot to charge it. ABLE
If you hadn’t forgotten to charge your phone, you _________________________________ it.

54. I hope it will be windy tomorrow as I’d like to go windsurfing. IF

I will go windsurfing _____________________________________ tomorrow.

55. I’m not strong enough to move this fridge. COULD

If I _____________________________________ move this fridge.

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56. It’s such a pity I can’t go to Spain with you next week. WISH
I _____________________________________ to Spain with you next week.

57. I’d prefer it if you didn’t tell me what to do! RATHER

I’d _____________________________________ me what to do!

58. It’s a pity I can’t play the piano. ONLY

If _____________________________________ the piano.

59. Is this the place where you were born? WHICH

Is this the place _____________________________________?

60. I wonder who this black motorbike belongs to. IS

I wonder _____________________________________.

61. When Henry was a child, he was told to eat milk soup for breakfast by his parents. MADE
When Henry was a child, his parents _____________________________________ milk soup for

62. Someone has offered a well-paid job to my sister Carrie. BEEN

A well-paid job _____________________________________ my sister Carrie.

63. I hope they will give me a refund for the broken tablet. I
I hope _____________________________________ a refund for the broken tablet.

64. Someone should clean up the area around the river. NEEDS
The area around the river _____________________________________ cleaned up.

65. They are building a new skyscraper opposite my block of flats. IS

A new skyscraper _____________________________________ opposite my block of flats.

66. Someone should tell those kids how to prepare for the singing competition. BE
Those kids _____________________________________ how to prepare for the singing

67. You cannot use mobile phones while you wait for the exam to start. IS
Using mobile phones while you wait for the exam to start ____________________________.

68. People say that he is the most hopeless president they have ever had in that country. TO
He _____________________________________ the most hopeless president they have ever had
in that country.

69. Mr Johnson is really angry because someone has stolen his motorbike. HAD
Mr Johnson is really angry because he _____________________________________.

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70. Some people considered Adam Małysz the best ski jumper in the world. TO
Adam Małysz _____________________________________ the best ski jumper in the world by
some people.

71. ‘How long will I have to wait for the results of the exam?’ I asked the teacher. I
I asked the teacher _____________________________________ to wait for the results of the

72. ‘Why don’t we play basketball tomorrow?’ Tom asked us. NEXT
Tom suggested _____________________________________ day.

73. My mother insisted on me driving her to the shopping mall. DRIVE

My mother insisted _____________________________________ her to the shopping mall.

74. ‘Have you ever been to Canada?’ Ms Fisher asked me. IF

Ms Fisher asked me _____________________________________ to Canada.

75. ‘I’m so sorry’, Carol said when she scratched my mobile phone. FOR
Carol _____________________________________ my mobile phone.

76. ‘If I were you, I would cut down on working hours’, the doctor told my father. ADVISED
The doctor _____________________________________ down on his working hours.

77. ‘If only I had spent more time learning languages at school’, my uncle said. WISHED
My uncle said he _____________________________________ more time learning languages at

78. ‘No, you can’t have ice-cream before lunch’, the woman said to her kids. DID
The woman _____________________________________ to have ice-cream before lunch.

79. ‘I won’t answer any of your questions’, the shoplifter said to the police officer. TO
The shoplifter _____________________________________ any of the police officer’s questions.

80. ‘Shall I help you with the washing up, Franny?’ Oliver asked. HELP
Oliver _____________________________________ Franny with the washing up.

81. Liverpool will probably win the Premier League title next year. BOUND
Liverpool _____________________________________ the Premier League title next year.

82. Andre Agassi gave up his tennis career at the age of 36. STOPPED
Andre Agassi _____________________________________ he was 36 years old.

83. I would hate to move because I would have to pack all my things. MEAN
I would hate to move because _____________________________________ all my things.

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84. Washing the windows is OK, but I just hate doing the ironing. DON’T
I _____________________________________ but I just hate doing the ironing.

85. I hate it when people talk about me behind my back. CAN’T

I _____________________________________ about behind my back.

86. I can’t wait to go to the seaside this summer. FORWARD

I _____________________________________ to the seaside this summer.

87. Doing yoga or stretching might help you if you keep having headaches. TRY
You _____________________________________ or stretching if you keep having headaches.

88. First J. R. R. Tolkien wrote The Hobbit and then he wrote The Lords of the Rings. ON
After writing The Hobbit, J. R. R. Tolkien _____________________________________ The Lords
of the Rings.

89. I don’t think I could work sitting behind a desk for eight hours a day. IMAGINE
I can’t _____________________________________ behind a desk for eight hours a day.

90. I still have vivid memories of winning my first horse riding competition. REMEMBER
I can _____________________________________ my first horse riding competition.

91. I’m sorry I’m late – it wasn’t a good idea to play video games late into the night. SHOULD
I’m sorry I’m late – I _____________________________________ video games late into the

92. Terry succeeded in swimming across the lake in less than one hour. ABLE
Terry _____________________________________ across the lake in less than one hour.

93. Text Alison again – maybe she is wearing her headphones. BE

Text Alison again – she _____________________________________ her headphones.

94. It is impossible that Julia knew about Tom’s proposal – she looked so surprised! CAN’T
Julia _____________________________________ about Tom’s proposal – she looked so

95. It wasn’t necessary for us to hurry – the match was cancelled. HAVE
We _____________________________________ – the match was cancelled.

96. I’m sure you are tired after running twenty kilometres – would you like some water? BE
You _____________________________________ after running twenty kilometres – would you
like some water?

97. Bringing food into the examination room is not allowed. NOT
_____________________________________ into the examination room.

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98. It wasn’t necessary for us to take the geography test again after all. DID
We _____________________________________ take the geography test again after all.

99. You look pale, you’d better see a doctor. OUGHT

You look pale, you _____________________________________ a doctor.

100. It’s so good you took the map after all – you didn’t get lost when your phone went flat. MIGHT
It’s so good you took the map after all – _____________________________________ when
your phone went flat.

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