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GENESIS Exclusive General Physiology 9" Edition For Complete Preparation; Correlation with class is very much essential BANGLAMED ' General Physiology 9th Edition For Complete Preparation; Correlation with class is very much essential Suitable For: » Residency > M. Phil / Diploma > FCPS P-1 ae General Physiology Suitable For: Residency, M. Phil / Diploma & FCPS P-1 @2012, Genesis ‘9 Edition: December 2020 Edited by: GENESIS (Post Graduation Medical Orientation Centre) Publisher: Banglamed Publication Address: 234/C (1st Floor), Sonargoan Road, North Site Of Katabon Mor, Dhaka. Contact: 01404-432518, Available at Bayanno Medical Book Sho; 234/C (1 Floor), Sonargoan Road, North Site Of Katabon More, Dhaka. Contact: 01404-432517, 01404-432537. For Online Order: @Allrights reserved by BANGLAMED PUBLICATION No part or whole of the book may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the authority. ISBN: 978-984-95098-0-6 Price: 100.00/= General Physiology General Physiology Content Topics Page 1 Homeostasis 2. 2 Control System Of Body 4 a Cell & Its Functions 5. 6 Intercellular Communication rut cd Membrane Transport 18. 8 Membrane Potential & Action Potential 27 9 | Muscle Physiology 32 10__| Previous MD/MS Question 38 11_| Previous FCPS Question 39) GENESIS General Physiology ONES Homeosta: meos eements which [The term homeostasis describes “the various physiologic agreements which s it has been distributed.” W. B. Cannon first coined the term “Homeostasis jerve 10 restore the normal sate, (Ref: Ganong/261, Example: Essentially all the organs & tissues of the body help to mainta iia For example 1. The lungs provide oxygen to the ECF to replenish the oxygen used by the cells. 2. Kidney maintains cot 3. GIT provides nutrients. 4. Body buffers and Kidney and respiratory systems maintain acid base balance. ; There are countless other examples, and a large part of physiology is concerned with regulatoy mechanisms that act to maintain the constancy of the internal environment. 3 tant ionic concentration. Feedbac! Auto response of a between effectors and ‘Type: 2 types Positive feedback mechanism: Positive feedback tends to increase the event that caused it. ®) Positive feedback mechanism sometimes causes vicious cycle and death: Positive feedback mechanism does not lead to stability but to instability and often death. For example, ity person suddenly bleed 2 L of blood > Yeardiac pump > Vblood pressure > Vblood flow to hear It Truscle > heart becomes weak > further in cardiac pump > further in blood pressure > further in blood flow to heart > heart becomes more weak > this cycle repeats -> death, tem to an impulse which is received by that system is called feedback, i.c., it is a ling eceptor. ») Positive feedback mechanism can sometimes be useful, for example- 1. Blood clotting: When a blood vessel is ruptured, clotting factors are activated. Some factors act on otter spective factors and activate them. This process continues until a clot is formed and bleeding is stopped. 2. Parturition mechanism (child birth): This process continues until this process becomes powerful enough for the baby to be born. Strong uterine contraction Baby’s head begin to push through cervix Stretching, ce cervix B Signal back to the uterus Sock the uterine muscle More powerful contraction of uterus 3.Generation of nerve signals: When a nerve fier is stimulated by any stimulus > Slight leakage of Ne* through Na * channels into the nerve fibers - Change in membrane potential > This change causes opening of more and more Na * channels > Thus a slight leak becomes an explosion of Na' leakage into the nerve fiber > Generation of action potential. Negative feedback mechanism: Negative feedback tends to reduce the input signal that caused it, a) Blood pressure control system: High blood pressure causes a series of reactions that promote a lowered pressure, ora low pressure causes a series of reactions that promote an elevated pressure, In both instances, these effects are negative with respect to the initiating stimulus. lation of CO2 concentration: . ree NPCO in ECF > ‘Pulmonary ventilation > VPCO; in ECF b, YPCO> in ECF > VPulmonary ventilation > PCO; in ECF In both instances, these effects are negative to the initiating stimulus. io (Ref: Guyton &Hall/13/ 9-10) 2 GENESIS; General Physiology n negative feedback mechanism & positive feedback mechanism Positive feedback mechanism Negative feedback mechanism If the initiating stimulus causes more of | If some factor becomes excessive or deficient a the same, it is called positive feedback | control system which consists of a series of mechanism, changes that return the factor toward a certain mean value, thus maintaining homeo: This is called negative feedback mechanism, rete | Tecan sometimes be useful Most control system of the body act by this homeostas mechanism to maintain homeostasis. Causation of | Sometimes it causes vicious cycle and | No vicious cycle. vicious cycle_| death. E eau Henrie _| 1. blood clotting VBE pactatre eanoleysteai | 2. Parturition mechanism (child birth) | 2. Regulation of plasma CO; concentration. 3. Generation of nerve signals 3. Regulation of acid base balance 4. LH surge 4. Regulation of water balance 5. Insulin secretion in response to high | 5. Regulation of electrolyte balance. blood glucose. 6. Temperature regulation 7. Regulation of hormonal balance 8. Regulation of plasma Ca” (Ref: Guyton & Hall — 13% /8-10) Maintenance of homeostasis: Irismaintained by- 1. Activation of nervous system and 2, Activation of endocrine system. Escentially all the organs and tissues of the body perform functions that help to maintain homeostasis. The hhuman body has thousands of control systems in it to maintain homeostasis. Most of these control system act by negative feedback mechanism. If some factor becomes excessive or deficient the negative feedback mechanism is initiated which consists of a series of changes that returns the factor toward a certain mean value thus maintaining homeostasis. For example, regulation of blood pressure by baroreceptor mechanism is a classical example of homeostatic control mechanism in the body. A high pressure causes a series of reactions that promote a lowered pressure, ora low pressure causes a series of reactions that promote an elevated pressure. In both, instances, these effects ‘re negative with respect to the initiating stimulus. Homeostatic function of various system are as follows 1. Respiratory system: Provides 02 for cells & removes CO2. 2. Gastrointestinal system: Provides nutrition. 3. Cardiovascular system: Transporter I tissue exchanger. 4 Urinary system: Excretion of metabolic end products. 5. Nervous system & Endocrine system: Controlling system of homeostasis. (Ref: Guyton & Hall/13%%6) ess Notes: Control system of body: The human body has lit these are the genetic control system that operates in all cells to control intracellular functions extracellular functions. General Physiology CONTROL SYSTEM OF BODY -ajor components and functions of the body Systems ly thousands of control systems in it. The most intieg, 88 wei Body systems ‘Components Major function 1.Cardio Hear blood vessels, blood Transport of material throughout the body Assimilation of nutrients; elimination of some wasiey ~ 2.Digestive Jastrointestinal tract, liver, = ee RSS emueeeol i 3.Endocrine Endocrine glands "| Coordination of body functions through release 9) ee regulatory molecules ae | 4.mmune » spleen, lymphatic, | Defense against pathogens ol ‘stem, white blood cells | SJntegumentary Skin Protection against external environment | 6.Musculoskeletal | Skeletal muscle and bones Movement and support 7.Nervous Brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves Coordination of body functions through electric: and release of regulatory molecules; cognition | 8Reproductive Gonads, penis, vagina, uterus Procreation | S-respiratory Lungs Oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange with extend environment ageaeney Kidney, bladder Homeostasis of ion concentrations in intemal environment; elimination of wastes, Class Notes: GENESIS (Ref: Guyton & Hall %64 |

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