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______ Students will work with a They will model this by
partner to make a using their knowledge of When:
presentation on how Covid- graphs and functions and Topic 6 - Exponential and
Activity: Real-World Graphs – 19 affected different parts explain their findings. Logarithmic Functions
COVID 19 Around the World of the world. They will
compare the “positive
rates” of two countries of
their choice and the US.

ISTE Standard Beginning (3 Points) Emerging ( 7 Points) Proficient (10 Points)

Knowledge Constructor The Student: The Student: The Student:
Students critically curate a variety of
resources using digital tools to Researched some of the Researched two different Researched two different
construct knowledge, produce creative required material, but not countries and the US’s countries and created a graph to
artifacts and make meaningful learning all. COVID positive rates, represent their COVID positive
experiences for themselves and others. but the graphs were not rates for the dates March 2020
Some of the graphs were 100% accurate. - August 2020.
build knowledge by actively exploring accurate.
real-world issues and problems, Developed ideas on why Also created a positive graph
developing ideas and theories, and the graphs were similar for the US for the same dates.
pursuing answers and solutions. or different OR Came up
with ideas to slow the Developed ideas of why the
spread. COVID positive numbers were
the same or different.
Came up with ideas on what
we could have done or could
do to slow down the spread of
the virus. .

ISTE Standard Beginning (3 Points) Emerging ( 7 Points) Proficient (10 Points)

Innovative Designer The Student: The Student: The Student:
Students use a variety of technologies
within a design process to identify and Used technology to create Used a graphing Used Desmos or another
solve problems by creating new, useful, their presentation, but less technology to represent graphing technology to create
or imaginative solutions. than 50% of the task were data. their graphs of their COVID
completed Positive cases.
Analyzed their graphs
and discussed how they Analyzed their graphs and
were the same OR discussed why they were the
different same and different.

Put their research into a Displayed their research into

presentation PowerPoint, Slides, Prezi, or

ISTE Standard Beginning (3 Points) Emerging ( 7 Points) Proficient (10 Points)

Digital Citizen The Student did some of The Student did some of The Student did all of the
2. Digital Citizen Students recognize the following with less than the following: following:
the rights, responsibilities, and 50% accuracy:
opportunities of living, learning, and Provided a Resources Provided a Resources slide,
working in an interconnected digital Provided a Resources slide, page, or at the page, or at the bottom of their
world, and they act and model in ways slide, page, or at the bottom bottom of their infographic.
that are safe, legal and ethical. of their infographic. infographic.
Use accurate and reliable
demonstrate an understanding of and Use accurate and reliable Use accurate and reliable sources for all of their
respect for the rights and obligations of sources for all of their sources for all of their information in their
using and sharing intellectual property. information in their information in their presentation.
presentation. presentation.
Did not plagiarize or use
Did not plagiarize or use Did not plagiarize or use Copyrighted material without
Copyrighted material Copyrighted material permission.
without permission. without permission.
ISTE Standard Beginning (3 Points) Emerging ( 7 Points) Proficient (10 Points)
Creative Communicator The Student did some of The Student did some of The Student did all of the
Students communicate clearly and the following with less than the following: following:
express themselves creatively for a 50% accuracy:
variety of purposes using the platforms, Used Desmos and Used Desmos and graphed
tools, styles, formats and digital media Used Desmos and graphed graphed their data and their data and exported the
appropriate to their goals. their data and exported the exported the image, and image, and uploaded it to their
image, and uploaded it to uploaded it to their presentation
communicate complex ideas clearly their presentation presentation
and effectively by creating or using a Presentation was organized and
variety of digital objects such as Presentation was organized Presentation was the information was presented
visualizations, models or simulations and the information was organized and the well.
presented well. information was
presented well.

ISTE Standard Beginning (3 Points) Emerging ( 7 Points) Proficient (10 Points)

Global Collaborator The Student did some of The Student did some of The Student did all of the
Students use digital tools to broaden the following with less than the following: following: :
their perspectives and enrich their 50% accuracy:
learning by collaborating with others Collaborated with their Collaborated with their partner
and working effectively in teams Collaborated with their partner and divided the and divided the work into equal
locally and globally. Students: partner and divided the work into equal parts. parts.
work into equal parts.
b.use collaborative technologies to Combined their work Combined their work with a
work with others, including peers, Combined their work with with a partner and shared partner and shared their
experts or community members, to a partner and shared their their different viewpoints different viewpoints on how
examine issues and problems from different viewpoints on on how they perceived they perceived the data and
multiple viewpoints. how they perceived the the data and solutions to solutions to solve the
data and solutions to solve solve the problems. problems.
the problems.

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