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Part 2 of 4 - Part 2: Theory Questions

Question 2 of 71
1.0 Points
The leadership theory of Hersey and Blanchard maintains that _____. /Die leierskapsteorie
van Hersey en Blanchard bly daarby dat _____.

A. a leader’s behaviour must adjust to reflect the task structure/ 'n leier se gedrag
gewysig moet word om die taakstruktuur te weerspieël
B. the most effective leadership style for a particular situation is determined by the
maturity of the subordinates/ die effektiefste leierskapstyl vir 'n bepaalde situasie bepaal
word deur die volwassenheid van die ondergeskiktes
C. successful leadership depends on the match between the leader, the subordinate and
the situation/ suksesvolle leierskap afhang van die passing tussen die leier, die
ondergeskikte en die situasie
D. effective leadership depends on factors within a situation/ effektiewe leierskap
afhang van faktore binne 'n situasie

Question 3 of 71
1.0 Points
Control, as a management function, complements _____ because it shows when deviations occur. /
Beheer, as 'n bestuursfunksie, komplementeer ______ omdat dit wys wanneer afwykings voorkom.

A. planning/ beplanning
B. leading/ leiding
C. organising/ organisering
D. goal setting/ doelstelling

Question 4 of 71
1.0 Points
Which one of the following is not a barrier to effective planning?/ Watter een van die volgende is nie
'n hindernis tot effektiewe beplanning nie?

A. Managers not being creative and lacking intuition/ Bestuurders wat nie kreatief is
nie en aan 'n gebrek aan intuïsie ly
B. Managers finding planning too time consuming/ Bestuurders wat beplanning te
tydrowend vind
C. Managers being resistant to change/ Bestuurders wat weerstand teen verandering
D. Environmental complexity and volatility/ Omgewingskompleksiteit en
1.0 Points
Question 5 of 71
Which one of the following is associated with the interpersonal role of management?/ Watter een van
die volgende word geassosieer met die interpersoonlike rol van die bestuur?
A. Monitor/ Monitor
B. Leader/ Leier
C. Negotiator/ Onderhandelaar
D. Spokesperson/ Woordvoerder

Question 6 of 71
1.0 Points
Consider the following conversation between two colleagues and answer the question: Chelsea: Hi,
Kelvin. A colleague told me that different needs are predominant in different people. Can you please
give me an example of such a need – according to the acquired needs model? Kelvin: Hi Chelsea.
The need for (i)____ is such an example. Chelsea: And what about “recognition”? Isn’t that also a
motivating factor according to the acquired needs model? Kelvin: Not according to the acquired
needs model! However, it is a motivator according to the (ii)_____, and just like the acquired needs
model, it is a (iii)_____ of motivation. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option provided
below:/ Oorweeg die volgende gesprek tussen twee kollegas en beantwoord die vraag: Chelsea:
Hello, Kelvin. 'n Kollega het my vertel dat verskillende behoeftes oorheersend by verskillende mense
voorkom. Kan jy vir my asseblief 'n voorbeeld gee van so 'n behoefte – volgens die
aangeleerdebehoeftesmodel? Kelvin: Hi Chelsea. Die behoefte vir (i)______ is so 'n voorbeeld.
Chelsea: En wat van "erkenning"? Is dit nie ook 'n motiveringsfaktor volgens die
aangeleerdebehoeftesmodel nie? Kelvin: Nie volgens die aangeleerdebehoeftesmodel nie! Dit is
egter 'n motiveerder volgens die (ii)_______, en nes die aangeleerdebehoeftesmodel is dit 'n
(iii)_________ van motivering. Vul die ontbrekende woorde of terme in deur die korrekte opsie hier
onder te kies:

A. (i) achievement; (ii) two-factor theory; (iii) content theory/ (i) prestasie; (ii)
tweefaktorteorie; (iii) inhoudsteorie
B. (i) power; (ii) expectancy theory; (iii) content theory/ (i) mag; (ii)
verwagtingsteorie; (iii) inhoudsteorie
C. (i) relatedness; (ii) ERG theory; (iii) process theory/ (i) verwantskap; (ii) ERG-
teorie; (iii) prosesteorie
D. (i) affiliation; (ii) two-factor theory; (iii) process theory/ (i) affiliasie; (ii)
tweefaktorteorie; (iii) prosesteorie

Question 7 of 71
1.0 Points
A(n)_____ information system provides management and end-users with the information reports
needed for decision-making; while _____ systems provide managers with interactive information
support during the decision-making process. / 'n _____ inligtingstelsel verskaf aan die bestuur en
eindgebruikers die inligtingsverslae wat nodig is vir besluitneming; terwyl _____ stelsels bestuurders
voorsien van interaktiewe inligtingondersteuning gedurende die besluitnemingsproses.

A. informational reporting; operations information/ Inligtingsverslaggewing-;

operasionele inligting-
B. operations information; information reporting/ Operasionele inligting-;
C. information reporting; decision support/ Inligtingsverslaggewing-;
D. decision support; information reporting/ Besluitondersteuning-;
Question 8 of 71
1.0 Points
Systems _____ involves monitoring, evaluating and modifying or enhancing a system once it is
implemented. / Stelsel_____ behels die monitering, evaluering en wysiging of verbetering van 'n
stelsel sodra dit geïmplementeer is.

A. design/ ontwerp
B. analysis/ analise
C. investigation/ ondersoek
D. maintenance/ instandhouding

Question 9 of 71
1.0 Points
Which one of the following equations can be used to determine performance of employees?/ Watter
een van die volgende vergelykings kan gebruik word om die prestasie van werknemers te bepaal?

A. Opportunity x Ability = Performance/ Geleentheid x Vermoë = Prestasie

B. Motivation x Willingness x Ability = Performance/ Motivering x Gewilligheid x
Vermoë = Prestasie
C. Motivation x Ability x Opportunity = Performance/ Motivering x Vermoë x
Geleentheid = Prestasie
D. Motivation x Opportunity x Willingness = Performance/ Motivering x Geleentheid
x Gewilligheid = Prestasie

Question 10 of 71
1.0 Points
Single-use plans are examples of _____ plans./ Enkelgebruiksplanne is voorbeelde van _____

A. individual/ individuele
B. long-term/ langtermyn-
C. tactical/ taktiese
D. operational/ operasionele
Question 11 of 71 Points
The strategic goals of organisations will often focus on areas such as _____, which are also the focus
areas of the balanced scorecard./ Die strategiese doelwitte van organisasies sal dikwels fokus op
areas soos _____, wat ook die fokusareas van die gebalanseerde telkaart is.

A. finance, customers, internal processes, technology and learning and

innovation/ finansies, kliënte, interne prosesse, tegnologie en leer en innovasie
B. finance, customers, external processes, technology and learning and
innovation/ finansies, kliënte, eksterne prosesse, tegnologie en leer en innovasie
C. finance, customers, internal processes and learning and innovation/ finansies,
kliënte, interne prosesse en leer en innovasie
D. finance, customers, external processes and learning and innovation/ finansies,
kliënte, eksterne prosesse en leer en innovasie

Question 12 of 71
1.0 Points
“Managers group activities together, establish authority, allocate resources and delegate tasks.” This
sentence best describes the managerial function of _____. “Bestuurders groepeer aktiwiteite saam,
vestig gesag, allokeer hulpbronne en delegeer take." Hierdie sin is die beste beskrywing van die
bestuursfunksie van _____.

A. leading/ leiding
B. controlling/ beheer
C. organising/ organisering
D. planning/ beplanning
Question 13 of 71 Points
Task identity _____. /Taakidentiteit _____.

A. refers to the control a worker has over decision-making/ verwys na die beheer
wat 'n werker oor besluitneming het
B. is the desirability of various work outcomes to a worker/ die begeerlikheid
van verskeie werksuitkomste vir 'n werker
C. is adding a greater variety of tasks to a worker’s existing job/ 'n groter
verskeidenheid take by 'n werker se bestaande werk te voeg
D. is the extent to which a worker performs the job in its entirety leading to high
job satisfaction/ die mate waarin 'n werker die werk in sy volledigheid verrig wat lei
tot 'n hoë werksbevrediging
Question 14 of 71 Points
_____ is the process of taking corrective action to find a solution, while _____ is a process of
selecting an alternative course of action that will solve a problem./ _____ is die proses om
regstellende aksie te neem om 'n oplossing te vind, terwyl _____ 'n proses is om 'n alternatiewe
aksieplan te kies wat 'n probleem sal oplos.

A. Control; decision-making/ Beheer; besluitneming

B. Decision-making; control/ Besluitneming; beheer
C. Problem-solving; decision-making/ Probleemoplossing; besluitneming
D. Decision-making; problem-solving/ Besluitneming; probleemoplossing
1.0 Points
A top manager is responsible for _____./ 'n Topbestuurder is verantwoordelik vir _____.

A. long-term planning and implementing strategies/ langtermynbeplanning en

die implementering van strategieë
B. determining the vision, mission, goals and strategies of the organisation/ om
die visie, missie, doelwitte en strategieë van die organisasie te bepaal
C. implementing the policies, plans and strategies developed by top
management/ die implementering van die beleide, planne en strategieë wat deur die
topbestuur ontwikkel is
D. planning, organising, leading and controlling his division or department/ die
beplanning, organisering, leiding en beheer van sy divisie of departement
Question 16 of 71 Points
Identify the incorrect statement regarding delegation. / Identifiseer die verkeerde stelling oor

A. Delegation is the process through which managers assign a portion of their

total workload to others./ Delegering is die proses waardeur bestuurders 'n gedeelte
van hulle totale werklading aan ander toedeel.
B. Managers assign a portion of their workload to an employee, who then has the
authority to deploy the necessary resources in order to complete the delegated task. /
Bestuurders deel 'n gedeelte van hulle werklading toe aan 'n werknemer, wat dan die
gesag het om die nodige hulpbronne aan te wend om die gedelegeerde taak te voltooi
C. A manager delegates authority and accountability to a subordinate, who is then
responsible for the completion of a job. / 'n Bestuurder delegeer gesag en
rekenpligtigheid aan 'n ondergeskikte, wat dan daarvoor verantwoordelik is om 'n
werk te voltooi.
D. Delegation is important for organisations as it promotes succession planning. /
Delegering is belangrik vir organisasies aangesien dit opvolgingsbeplanning
Question 17 of 71 Points
_____ is achieved by reducing the number of employees in various departments. / _____ word bereik
deur die aantal werknemers in verskeie departemente te verminder.

A. Delegating/ Delegering
B. Downsizing/ Afskaling
C. Delayering/ Ontlaging
D. Dividing work/ Verdeling van werk
1.0 Points
Question 18 of 71
The three components of attitude are _____, _____ and _____. / Die drie komponente van houding is
_____, _____ en _____.

A. behavioural; ability; affective/ behavioristies; vermoë; affektiewe

B. affective; cognitive; evaluation/ affektiewe; kognitiewe; evaluering
C. cognitive; ability; behavioural / kognitiewe; vermoë; behavioristies
D. cognitive; affective; behavioural / kognitiewe; affektiewe; behavioristies
1.0 Points
Question 19 of 71
Which of the activities listed below would typically fall within the responsibilities of the research and
development function?/ Watter van die onderstaande aktiwiteite sal tipies binne die
verantwoordelikhede van die navorsings- en ontwikkelingsfunksie val?

A. Manage the cash flow of the organisation./ Bestuur die kontantvloei van die
B. Transform raw materials into final products and services./ Omskep
grondstowwe in eindprodukte en -dienste.
C. Develop new products and improve current product lines./ Ontwikkel nuwe
produkte en verbeter huidige produksielyne.
D. Decide on appropriate schedules for suppliers to deliver goods./ Besluit op
gepaste skedules vir verskaffers om goedere af te lewer.
Question 20 of 71 Points
Strategic control _____. / Strategiese beheer _____.

A. anticipates and prevents possible problems regarding any of the resources that
the organisation feeds into the system/ antisipeer en voorkom moontlike probleme
rakende enige van die hulpbronne wat die organisasie in die stelsel voer
B. is the action taken during the transformation of resources into products and
services to ensure that the organisation meets the quality standards for the products
they produce or the services they render/ is die aksie wat geneem word gedurende die
transformasie van hulpbronne na produkte en dienste om te verseker dat die
organisasie voldoen aan die gehaltestandaarde vir die produkte wat hulle produseer of
die dienste wat hulle lewer
C. focuses on the outputs of the transformation process and involves actions taken
to fix a faulty output/ fokus op die uitsette van die transformasieproses en behels die
stappe wat geneem word om 'n foutiewe uitset reg te stel
D. entails a study of an organisation's effectiveness, productivity and
management effectiveness/ behels 'n studie van 'n organisasie se effektiwiteit,
produktiwiteit en bestuurseffektiwiteit
Question 21 of 71 Points
One example of _____ is _____ which _____./ Een voorbeeld van _____ is _____ wat _____.

A. the Big Five personality dimensions; agreeableness; states that such a person
gets along easily with people and is generally trustworthy/ die Groot Vyf-
persoonlikheidsdimensies; welgevalligheid; stel dat so 'n persoon maklik met mense
oor die weg kom en oor die algemeen betroubaar is
B. the concept of personality; locus of control; refers to an individual’s level of
sensitivity in expressing the behaviour of others/ die konsep van persoonlikheid;
lokus van beheer; verwys na 'n individu se vlak van sensitiwiteit in die uitdrukking
van die gedrag van ander
C. the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator; Sensing(s) – Intuition (N); is a scale
concerning the lifestyle of a particular individual/ die Myers-Briggs-tipe-aanduider;
Aanvoeling (s) – Intuïsie (N); 'n skaal is wat gemoeid is met die leefstyl van 'n
bepaalde individu
D. emotional intelligence; emotional alchemy; involves knowledge and
understanding of one’s own emotions and how they function/ emosionele
intelligensie; emosionele alchemie; behels kennis en begrip van jou eie emosies en
hoe dit funksioneer
Question 22 of 71 Points
Which of the information systems are categorised as operations information systems? (Multiple
correct)/ Watter van die volgende inligtingstelsels word gekategoriseer as operasionele
inligtingstelsels? (Meer as een korrekte opsie)

A.Executive information/ Bestuursinligting

B.Process control/ Prosesbeheer
C.Expert information system/ Kundige inligtingstelsel
D.Information reporting/ Inligtingverslaggewing
E.Office automation/ Kantooroutomatisering
F.Decision support system/ Besluitondersteuningstelsel
1.0 Points
Question 23 of 71
If a control system has the characteristics of _____ and _____, it is a control system that
accommodates change and is able to give a goal-oriented and precise picture of the situation. / Indien
'n beheerstelsel die eienskappe het van ______ en ______ is dit 'n beheerstelsel wat verandering
akkommodeer en is dit in staat om 'n doelgerigte en noukeurige prentjie van die situasie te bied.

A. flexibility; accuracy/ buigsaamheid; akkuraatheid

B. timeliness; flexibility/ tydigheid; buigsaamheid
C. accuracy; unnecessary complexity/ akkuraatheid; onnodige kompleksiteit
D. unnecessary complexity; timeliness/ onnodige kompleksiteit; tydigheid
1.0 Points
Question 24 of 71
Which one of the following decision-making tools combines the objective quantity approach with some
subjectivity?/ Watter een van die volgende besluitnemingshulpmiddels kombineer die doelwit-
kwantiteitsbenadering met 'n mate van subjektiwiteit?

A. Pay-off matrix/ Herwinningsmatriks (pay-off matrix)

B. Cost-benefit analysis/ Kostevoordeelanalise
C. Keper-Fourie method/ Keper-Fourie-metode
D. Break-even analysis/ Gelykbreekanalise
1.0 Points
Question 25 of 71
Which of the information systems are categorised as management information systems? (Multiple
correct)/ Watter van die volgende inligtingstelsels word gekategoriseer as bestuursinligtingstelsels?
(Meer as een korrekte opsie)
A.Executive information/ Bestuursinligting
B.Process control/ Prosesbeheer
C.Expert information system/ Kundige inligtingstelsel
D.Information reporting/ Inligtingverslaggewing
E.Office automation/ Kantooroutomatisering
F.Decision support system/ Besluitondersteuningstelsel
1.0 Points
Question 26 of 71
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, _____ needs is an example of a higher order need, while
_____ is an example of a lower order need./ Volgens Maslow se hiërargie van behoeftes is _____ 'n
voorbeeld van 'n hoërordebehoefte, terwyl _____ 'n voorbeeld is van 'n laerordebehoefte.

A. affiliation; security / affiliasie; sekuriteit

B. esteem; self-actualisation / agting; selfverwesenliking
C. self-actualisation; affiliation / selfverwesenliking; affiliasie
D. physiological; security / fisiologies; sekuriteit
1.0 Points
Question 27 of 71
The nominal group technique is a _____. Die nominale groepstegniek is 'n _____.

A. technique used to stimulate creative or imaginative solutions to organisational

problems/ tegniek wat gebruik word om kreatiewe of verbeeldingryke oplossings vir
organisasieprobleme te stimuleer
B. structured group decision-making technique where group members are all
physically present, but members operate independently/ gestruktureerde
groepbesluitnemingstegniek waar groepslede almal fisies teenwoordig is, maar waar
die lede onafhanklik werk
C. decision-making technique that does not require the physical presence of the
participants/ besluitnemingstegniek wat nie die fisiese teenwoordigheid van die
deelnemers vereis nie
D. generic term that refers to various kinds of computer-supported group
decision-making systems/ generiese term wat verwys na verskeie soorte
rekenaargesteunde groepbesluitnemingstelsels
Question 28 of 71 Points
Job _____ involves increasing the scope of an employee’s job. / Pos_____ behels die vergroting van
die omvang van 'n werknemer se werk.

A. empowerment/ bemagtiging
B. enlargement/ vergroting
C. enrichment/ verryking
D. rotation/ rotasie
1.0 Points
Question 29 of 71
Job enlargement is _____. / Posvergroting is _____.

A. the desirability of various work outcomes to a worker/ die begeerlikheid van

verskeie werksuitkomste vir 'n werker
B. adding a greater variety of tasks to a worker’s existing job/ om 'n groter
verskeidenheid take by 'n werker se bestaande werk te voeg
C. adding additional responsibilities, previously done by that worker’s
supervisor/ om addisionele verantwoordelikhede, wat voorheen deur daardie werker
se toesighouer gedoen is, by te voeg
D. the extent to which a worker performs the job in its entirety leading to high
job satisfaction/ die mate waarin 'n werker die werk in sy volledigheid verrig wat lei
tot 'n hoë werksbevrediging
Question 30 of 71 Points
The focus of _____ plans is broad, while _____ plans are narrowly focused./ Die fokus van _____
planne is breed, terwyl _____ planne 'n nouer fokus het.

A. strategic; operational/ strategiese; operasionele

B. operational; tactical/ operasionele; taktiese
C. tactical; strategic/ taktiese; strategiese
D. tactical; operational/ taktiese; operasionele
1.0 Points
Question 31 of 71
According to Herzberg’s two factor theory, _____ is an example of a motivator factor, while _____ is
an example of a hygiene factor. / Volgens Herzberg se tweefaktorteorie is _____ 'n voorbeeld van 'n
motiveerderfaktor, terwyl _____ 'n voorbeeld is van 'n higiënefaktor.

A. recognition; work itself/ erkenning; die werk self

B. responsibility; salary/ verantwoordelikheid; salaris
C. salary; organisational policy/ salaris; organisasiebeleid
D. work itself; responsibility/ die werk self; verantwoordelikheid
1.0 Points
Question 32 of 71
Valence refers to _____. / Valensie is _____.

A. the desirability of various work outcomes to a worker / die begeerlikheid van

verskeie werksuitkomste vir 'n werker
B. adding a greater variety of tasks to a worker’s existing job / om 'n groter
verskeidenheid take by 'n werker se bestaande werk te voeg
C. adding additional responsibilities, previously done by that worker’s supervisor
/ om addisionele verantwoordelikhede, wat voorheen deur daardie werker se
toesighouer gedoen is, by te voeg
D. the extent to which a worker performs the job in its entirety leading to high
job satisfaction / die mate waarin 'n werker die werk in sy volledigheid verrig wat lei
tot 'n hoë werksbevrediging

Question 33 of 71
1.0 Points
Which one of the following is an example of operational control?/ Watter een van die volgende is 'n
voorbeeld van operasionele beheer?

B. Quality control/ Gehaltebeheer
C. Performance management/ Prestasiebestuur
D. Enterprise resource planning/ Onderneminghulpbronbeplanning

Question 34 of 71
1.0 Points
Conformity, as a value in Schwartz’s value circumflex, refers to the _____. / Konformiteit, as 'n
waarde in Schwartz se waarde-sirkumfleks, verwys na die _____.

A. preservation and enhancement of the welfare of people with whom one is in

frequent personal contact / bewaring en bevordering van die welstand van mense met wie
mens in gereelde persoonlike kontak is
B. restraints on actions, inclinations and impulses likely to upset or harm others /
beperkings op aksies, neigings en impulse wat ander waarskynlik kan ontstel of skade kan
C. respect, commitment and acceptance of the customs and ideas that traditional
culture provides / respek, verbintenis en aanvaarding van die gewoontes en idees wat
tradisionele kultuur bied
D. understanding, appreciation, tolerance and protection for the welfare of all people
and nature / begrip, waardering, toleransie en beskerming van die welstand van alle mense
en die natuur
Question 35 of 71 Points
A(n) _____ information system enables managers to make routine decisions that control physical
processes./ 'n _____ inligtingstelsel stel bestuurders in staat om roetinebesluite te neem wat fisiese
prosesse beheer.

A. process control/ Prosesbeheer-

B. transaction processing/ Transaksieverwerking-
C. office automation/ Kantooroutomatisering-
D. manufacturing/ Vervaardiging-
1.0 Points
Question 36 of 71
Which one of the following is not a step in the control process?/ Watter een van die volgende is nie 'n
stap in die beheerproses nie?
A. Evaluating deviations/ Evaluering van afwykings
B. Taking corrective action/ Om regstellende aksie te neem
C. Measuring actual performance/ Om werklike prestasie te meet
D. Evaluating various courses of action/ Om verskeie planne van aksie te
Question 37 of 71 Points
One of the benefits of planning is that it _____./ Een van die voordele van beplanning is dat dit _____.

A. leads to organisational structure/ lei tot organisasiestrukture

B. will improve the morale of employees/ die moraal van werknemers sal
C. leads to a participatory work environment/ lei tot 'n deelnemende
D. will decrease the chances of deviations occurring/ die kanse sal vergroot dat
afwykings voorkom
Question 38 of 71 Points
The MARS model of individual behaviour consists of four factors, namely, motivation, _____, _____,
and _____. / Die MARS-model van individuele gedrag bestaan uit vier faktore, naamlik motivering,
_____, _____, en _____.

A. action; recognition; security/ aksie; erkenning; sekuriteit

B. ability; role perception; situational factors/ vermoë; rolpersepsie;
situasionele faktore
C. affection; recognition; self-monitoring/ affeksie; erkenning; selfregulering
D. action; role perception; self-efficacy/ aksie; rolpersepsie; selfdoelmatigheid
Question 39 of 71 Points
The group decision support system is a _____./ Die groepbesluitondersteuningstelsel is 'n _____.

A. technique used to stimulate creative or imaginative solutions to organisational

problems/ tegniek wat gebruik word om kreatiewe of verbeeldingryke oplossings vir
organisasieprobleme te stimuleer
B. structured group decision-making technique where group members are all physically
present, but members operate independently/ gestruktureerde groepbesluitnemingstegniek
waar groepslede almal fisies teenwoordig is, maar waar die lede onafhanklik werk
C. decision-making technique that does not require the physical presence of the
participants/ besluitnemingstegniek wat nie die fisiese teenwoordigheid van die deelnemers
vereis nie
D. generic term that refers to various kinds of computer-supported group decision-
making systems/ generiese term wat verwys na verskeie soorte rekenaargesteunde
1.0 Points
Question 40 of 71

_____ is an example of an inventory control tool./ _____ is 'n voorbeeld van 'n

A. Total quality management/ Totale gehaltebestuur

B. Economic order quantity/ Ekonomiese ordehoeveelheid
C. Deviation analysis/ Afwyking-analise
D. Velocity of turnover of assets and credits/ Snelheid van omset van bates en

Question 41 of 71
1.0 Points
The _____ is not an example of a force that increases the competition within a particular market
environment./ Die _____ is nie 'n voorbeeld van 'n krag wat die mededinging binne 'n bepaalde
markomgewing verhoog nie.

A. threat of a new competitor entering the market/ bedreiging van 'n nuwe mededinger
wat toetree tot die mark
B. threat of substitute products and services/ bedreiging van substituutprodukte en -
C. threat of a new intermediary entering the market/ bedreiging van 'n nuwe
tussenganger wat toetree tot die mark
D. bargaining power of consumers and suppliers/ bedingingskrag van verbruikers en
Question 42 of 71 Points
Which one of the following concepts is not related to personality and work?/ Watter een van die
volgende konsepte hou nie verband met persoonlikheid en werk nie?

A. Self-monitoring/ Selfregulering
B. Self-efficacy/ Selfdoelmatigheid
C. Locus of control/ Lokus van beheer
D. Self-fulfilment/ Selfvervulling

Question 43 of 71
1.0 Points
Monitors, keyboards and mouses are examples of _____ resources, while the program to compile
reports and graphical illustrations are examples of _____ resources. / Monitors, sleutelborde en
muise is voorbeelde van ______ hulpbronne, terwyl die program om verslae en grafiese illustrasies
op te stel voorbeelde van _______ hulpbronne is.

A. hardware; software/ hardeware; sagteware

B. physical; hardware/ fisiese; hardeware
C. hardware; physical/ hardeware; fisiese
D. software; physical/ sagteware; fisiese
Question 44 of 71 Points
Which of the activities listed below would typically fall within the responsibilities of marketing
management? (Multiple correct) / Watter van die onderstaande aktiwiteite sal tipies binne die
verantwoordelikhede van die bemarkingsbestuur val? (Meer as een korrekte opsie)

A.Position the organisation in relation to its competitors./ Posisioneer die organisasie

met betrekking tot sy mededingers.
B.Ensure that the organisation is profitable./ Maak seker dat die organisasie
winsgewend is.
C.Decide on the design and packaging, price and promotion of products and services. /
Besluit op die ontwerp en verpakking, prys en promosie van produkte en dienste.
D.Transform raw materials into final products and services./ Omskep grondstowwe in
eindprodukte en -dienste.
E.Develop new products and improve current product lines./ Ontwikkel nuwe produkte
en verbeter huidige produksielyne.
F.Decide on appropriate schedules for distribution./ Besluit op gepaste skedules vir

Question 45 of 71
1.0 Points
According to the acquired needs model of motivation, people with a strong need for achievement
prefer jobs _____. /Volgens die aangeleerdebehoeftesmodel vir motivering verkies mense met 'n
sterk behoefte vir prestasie werk _______.

A. where they receive regular feedback and have to take moderate risks/ waar hulle
gereelde terugvoering ontvang en gematigde risiko's moet neem
B. that offer friendly and close interpersonal relationships / wat vriendelike en nabye
interpersoonlike verhoudings bied
C. where they can make others behave in ways they would not otherwise have
behaved/ waar hulle ander kan laat optree op maniere waarop hulle andersins sou optree
D. where they need to achieve in relation to a set of standards and take no risks/ waar
hulle moet presteer met betrekking tot 'n stel standaarde en geen risiko's neem nie
Part 3 of 4 - Part 3: Application Questions on Tiger Brands
Tiger Brands
Tiger Brands is a fast-moving consumer goods company with leading brands, operating across the
globe in several selected emerging territories, through making use of innovative technologies in
delivering their products.

Tiger Brands is 'n vinnig bewegende verbruikersgoedere-maatskappy met toonaangewende

handelsmerke wat oor die hele wêreld handel dryf in verskeie geselekteerde ontluikende gebiede,
deur gebruik te maak van innoverende tegnologieë in die lewering van hulle produkte.

Question 46 of 71
1.0 Points
Which one of the following is an example of Tiger Brands' market environment?/ Watter een
van die volgende is 'n voorbeeld van Tiger Brand se markomgewing? / Watter een van die
volgende is 'n voorbeeld van Tiger Brand se mikro-omgewing?

A. Their customers/ Hulle kliënte

B. The rand/US dollar exchange rate/ Die rand/dollar-wisselkoers
C. Mission and vision statements/ Missie- en visieverklarings
D. Their strategic relationships/ Hulle strategiese verhoudings
1.0 Points
Question 47 of 71
Which of the below activities performed by a supervisor/first-line manager at Tiger Brands are
examples of standing plans? (Multiple correct) / Watter van die aktiwiteite hier onder wat deur 'n
toesighouer of eerstevlakbestuurder by Tiger Brands verrig word, is voorbeelde van staande planne?
(Meer as een korrekte antwoord)

A.Compile the budget for operational requirements (such as a budget for

stationery). / Stel die begroting vir operasionele vereistes op (soos 'n begroting vir
B.Launch a project that entails the upgrading of all the bathrooms in the building.
/ Begin 'n projek wat die opgradering van al die badkamers in die gebou behels.
C.Follow standard procedures and established methods when conducting
orientation of new employees. / Volg standaardprosedures en gevestigde metodes
met die oriëntering van nuwe werknemers.
D.Regularly enforce the rules on ethical behaviour throughout his/her branch. /
Dwing gereeld die reëls oor etiese gedrag regdeur sy of haar tak af.
E.Translate the vision statement of Absa into a realistic mission statement. / Sit
die visieverklaring van Absa oor in 'n realistiese missieverklaring.
Question 48 of 71 Points
CEO, Peler Mallare explained that Tiger Brands therefore needs to be a high-performing, fast-moving
consumer goods company with leading brands, operating across the globe in several selected
emerging territories, through making use of innovative technologies in delivering their products.
“…[T]o be a high-performing, fast-moving consumer goods company with leading brands, operating
across the globe in several selected emerging territories, through making use of innovative
technologies in delivering our products” is an example of a _____ statement. / Peler Mallare, hoof-
uitvoerende beampte, het verduidelik dat Tiger Brands dus 'n hoë presterende, vinnig bewegende
verbruikersgoedere-maatskappy moet wees met toonaangewende handelsmerke, wat regoor die
wêreld in verskeie geselekteerde ontluikende gebiede handel dryf, deur gebruik te maak van
innoverende tegnologieë in die lewering van hulle produkte. "Om 'n hoë presterende, vinnig
bewegende verbruikersgoedere-maatskappy met toonaangewende handelsmerke te wees, wat
regoor die wêreld handel dryf in verskeie geselekteerde ontluikende gebiede, deur gebruik te maak
van innoverende tegnologieë in die lewering van ons produkte" is 'n voorbeeld van 'n

A. mission/ missie
B. vision/ visie
C. value/ waarde
D. goal/ doelwit
1.0 Points
Question 49 of 71
Which of the activities below performed by a supervisor/first-line manager at Tiger Brands are
examples of single-use plans? (Multiple correct) / Watter van die aktiwiteite hier onder wat deur 'n
toesighouer of eerstevlakbestuurder by Tiger Brands verrig word, is voorbeelde van
enkelgebruikplanne? (Meer as een korrekte antwoord)

A.Compile the budget for operational requirements (such as a budget for

stationery)./ Stel die begroting vir operasionele vereistes op (soos 'n begroting vir
B.Launch a project that entails the upgrading of all the bathrooms in the building.
/ Begin 'n projek wat die opgradering van al die badkamers in die gebou behels.
C.Follow standard procedures and established methods when conducting
orientation of new employees./ Volg standaardprosedures en gevestigde metodes met
die oriëntering van nuwe werknemers.
D.Regularly enforce the rules on ethical behaviour throughout his/her branch./
Dwing gereeld die reëls oor etiese gedrag regdeur sy of haar tak af.
E.Translate the vision statement of Absa into a realistic mission statement./ Sit
die visieverklaring van Absa oor in 'n realistiese missieverklaring.
Question 50 of 71 Points
The Tiger Brands network is only available to staff members, and not to the general public. This is an
example of _____. / Die Tiger Brands-netwerk is slegs beskikbaar aan personeellede, en nie aan die
algemene publiek nie. Hierdie is 'n voorbeeld van _____.

A. the internet/ die internet

B. the extranet/ die ekstranet
C. the intranet/ die intranet
D. e-commerce/ e-handel
1.0 Points
Question 51 of 71
When asking the CEO of Tiger Brands, Peler Mallare, on how he attempts to lead the company
towards success, his answer is simple: “We strive to be the most admired branded FMCG (fast-
moving consumer goods) company in emerging markets”. Peler Mallare, as a _____ manager, will
formulate _____ plans. / Toe die hoof- uitvoerende beampte van Tiger Brands, Peler Mallare, gevra is
hoe hy probeer om die maatskappy te lei na sukses, was sy antwoord eenvoudig: "Ons streef daarna
om die mees bewonderde vinnig bewegende verbruikersgoedere-maatskappy (FMCG, fast-moving
consumer goods, company) in ontluikende markte te word." Peler Mallare, as 'n _______ bestuurder,
sal _______ planne formuleer.

A. top; functional/ top-; funksionele

B. marketing; tactical/ bemarkings-; taktiese
C. middle-level; operational/ middelvlak-; operasionele
D. top; strategic/ top-; strategiese
1.0 Points
Question 52 of 71
According to Herzberg’s two-factor motivation theory, the awards presented to achievers during the
annual graduation ceremonies at Tiger Brands is an example of _____./ Volgens Herzberg se
tweefaktor-motiveerderteorie is die toekennings wat aan presteerders gedurende die jaarlikse
gradueringseremonies by Tiger Brands oorhandig word 'n voorbeeld van ________.

A. a hygiene factor/ 'n higiënefaktor

B. a motivator/ 'n motiveerder
C. satisfying esteem needs/ die bevrediging van agtingsbehoeftes
D. satisfying self-actualisation needs/ die bevrediging van
Question 53 of 71 Points
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs motivation theory, Tiger Brands’ drive to educate its
uneducated workers is an example of the organisation satisfying its employees’ _____ needs, while
the company’s retrenchment drive will affect the employees’ _____ needs. / Volgens Maslow se
hiërargie van behoeftes-motiveringsteorie is Tiger Brands se beweegrede om sy ongeskoolde
werkers te leer 'n voorbeeld van die organisasie wat sy werknemers se _______ behoeftes tevrede
stel, terwyl die maatskappy se uitdiensstellingsaksie die werknemers se ________ behoeftes sal

A. physiological; esteem/ fisiologiese; agtings-

B. esteem; security/ agtings-; sekuriteit
C. self-actualisation; security/ selfverwesenlikings-; sekuriteit
D. self-actualisation; esteem/ selfverwesenlikings-; agtings-
1.0 Points
Question 54 of 71
When asking the CEO of Tiger Brands, Peler Mallare, on how he attempts to lead the company
towards success, his answer is simple: “We strive to be the most admired branded FMCG (fast-
moving consumer goods) company in emerging markets”. “We strive to be the most admired branded
FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) company in emerging markets” is an example of Tiger Brands’
_____ statement. / Toe die hoof- uitvoerende beampte van Tiger Brands, Peler Mallare, gevra is hoe
hy probeer om die maatskappy te lei na sukses, was sy antwoord eenvoudig: "Ons streef daarna om
die mees bewonderde vinnig bewegende verbruikersgoedere-maatskappy (FMCG, fast-moving
consumer goods, company) in ontluikende markte te word." "Ons streef daarna om die mees
bewonderde vinnig bewegende verbruikersgoedere-maatskappy in ontluikende markte te word" is 'n
voorbeeld van Tiger Brands se ______verklaring.
A. mission/ missie
B. vision/ visie
C. value/ waarde
D. goal/ doelwit
1.0 Points
Question 55 of 71
Tiger Brands currently operates in South Africa, Nigeria, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya and Zimbabwe.
Their acquisition of Dangote Flour Mills is the company’s third – and largest – deal in Nigeria. It
follows the acquisition of biscuit manufacturer Deli Foods Nigeria Limited in April 2011, and UAC
Food and Beverage Businesses in May 2011. By purchasing the companies, UAC Food and
Beverage Businesses, Deli Foods Nigeria Limited, and Dangote Flour Mills, Tiger Brands
implemented a(n) _____ integration strategy. / Tiger Brands doen tans sake in Suid-Afrika, Nigerië,
Kameroen, Ethiopië, Kenia en Zimbabwe. Hulle verwerwing van Dangote Flour Mills is die
maatskappy se derde – en grootste – transaksie in Nigerië. Dit kom ná die verwerwing van die
beskuitvervaardiger Deli Foods Nigeria Beperk in April 2011, en UAC Food and Beverage Businesses
in Mei 2011. Deur die maatskappye UAC Food and Beverage Businesses, Deli Foods Nigeria Beperk,
en Dangote Flour Mills aan te koop, het Tiger Brands 'n ______ integrasiestrategie geïmplementeer.

A. product/ produk-
B. market/ mark-
C. innovation/ innoverende
D. horizontal/ horisontale
1.0 Points
Question 56 of 71
At a ceremony to mark Tiger Brands' agreement with Technikon South Africa, the CEO, Peler Mallare,
commented on the need for an educated workforce. In this capacity, Peler Mallare acted as a _____,
representing the _____ role of a manager. /By 'n seremonie ter viering van Tiger Brands se
ooreenkoms met Technikon Suid-Afrika het die hoof- uitvoerende bestuurder, Peler Mallare,
kommentaar gelewer oor die behoefte van 'n geleerde werksmag. Peler Mallare het in hierdie
kapasiteit opgetree as 'n _____ wat die ______ rol van 'n bestuurder verteenwoordig.

A. figurehead; interpersonal/ skynhoof; interpersoonlike

B. liaison; information/ liaison; inligtings-
C. spokesperson; information/ woordvoerder; inligtings-
D. leader; interpersonal/ leier; interpersoonlike
1.0 Points
Question 57 of 71
Which one of the following is an example of Tiger Brands' micro environment?

A. Their customers/ Hulle kliënte

B. The rand/US dollar exchange rate/ Die rand/dollar-wisselkoers
C. Mission and vision statements/ Missie- en visieverklarings
D. African and South African markets/ Afrika- en Suid-Afrikaanse markte
1.0 Points
Question 58 of 71
W&S decided that there would be one supervisor for every 30 subordinates. This refers to the _____
in W&S./ W&S het besluit dat daar een toesighouer vir elke 30 ondergeskiktes sal wees. Dit verwys
na die _____ in W&S.

A. coordination/ koördinering
B. span of control/ omvang van beheer
C. division of work/ verdeling van werk
D. unity of command/ bevelseenheid
1.0 Points
Question 59 of 71
Each supervisor has to undergo training in production and manufacturing so that they may assist the
workers when they need help or advice. This refers to the _____ power of supervisors./ Elke
toesighouer moet opleiding ondergaan in produksie en vervaardiging sodat hulle die werkers kan
bystaan wanneer hulle hulp of raad nodig het. Hierdie verwys na die _____ krag van toesighouers.

A. expert/ gesaghebbende
B. referent/ referente
C. coercive/ dwing-
D. legitimate/ legitieme
Part 4 of 4 - Part 4: Application questions of W&S
W&S Manufacturers

W&S Manufacturers supply wood and steel furniture products to wholesale and retail outlets. Each of
their product categories, namely wood and steel furniture, has its own product lines such as office,
household, garden, industry, retail and hotel furniture.

W&S Manufacturers verskaf hout- en staalmeubelprodukte aan groothandel- en

kleinhandelafsetpunte. Elkeen van hulle produkkategorieë, naamlik hout- en staalmeubelware, het sy
eie produksielyne soos kantoor-, huishouding-, tuin-, nywerheids-, kleinhandel- en hotelmeubelware.

Question 60 of 71
1.0 Points
W&S’s culture encourages and values innovation, and the marketing department is an
example of how its culture manifests in the workspace. Mrs Seobi is the department’s CEO
and Mr Makgopa is the experienced and dynamic departmental manager. Mr Makgopa
drives productivity, but never at the expense of his employees. His department is renowned
for excellent outputs and the positive team spirit among employees. He believes in
consulting his employees when complex issues arise, as their inputs have led to creative
problem-solving. According to the University of Iowa, Mr Makgopa is displaying the
leadership style of a(n) _____ leader. / W&S se kultuur bemoedig en waardeer innovasie, en
die bemarkingsdepartement is 'n voorbeeld van hoe sy kultuur in die werkplek manifesteer.
Mev Seobi is die departement se hoof- uitvoerende beampte en mnr Makgopa is die ervare
en dinamiese departementele bestuurder. Mnr Makgopa dryf produktiwiteit, maar nooit ten
koste van sy werknemers nie. Sy departement is bekend vir uitstekende uitsette en die
positiewe spangees onder die werknemers. Hy glo daarin om sy werknemers te raadpleeg
wanneer daar komplekse aangeleenthede voorkom, aangesien hulle insette al gelei het tot
kreatiewe probleemoplossing. Volgens die Universiteit van Iowa toon mnr Makgopa die
leierskapstyl van 'n ______ leier.
A. autocratic/ outokratiese
B. democratic/ demokratiese
C. directive/ rigtinggewende
D. supportive/ ondersteunde
1.0 Points
Question 61 of 71
We asked Kojo Phumlani, departmental marketing manager, to comment on his leadership styles: “I
believe that motivated employees are more productive. One of the ways that I motivate them is to
appeal to their self-interest.” Kojo Phumlani is an example of a _____ leader. / Ons het Kojo
Phumlani, departementele bemarkingsbestuurder, gevra om kommentaar te lewer op sy leierskapstyl:
"Ek glo dat gemotiveerde werknemers meer produktief is. Een van die maniere hoe ek hulle motiveer,
is om te spreek tot hulle eiebelang." Kojo Phumlani is 'n voorbeeld van 'n _____ leier.

A. transformational/ transformasionele
B. transactional/ transaksionele
C. charismatic/ charismatiese
D. servant/ dienaar-
1.0 Points
Question 62 of 71
Supervisors are allowed to make decisions regarding the allocation of resources, and eliminate the
time spent to ask for and await a decision from top management. This refers to the _____ authority of
supervisors. / Toesighouers word toegelaat om besluite te neem oor die toekenning van hulpbronne,
en dit elimineer die tyd wat gebruik word om vir die topbestuur te vra en vir 'n antwoord te wag.
Hierdie verwys na die _______ gesag van toesighouers.

A. line/ lyn-
B. staff/ personeel-
C. centralised/ gesentraliseerde
D. decentralised/ gedesentraliseerde
1.0 Points
Question 63 of 71
We asked Zawadi Duduzile, a supervisor in operations, to comment on her leadership style: “Being in
the position that I am, I often find myself focusing more on the task at hand…often at the expense of
the people reporting to me.” According to Blake and Mouton’s leadership grid, Zawadi Duduzile is a
typical example of someone with a(n) _____ management style. / Ons het vir Zawadi Duduzile, 'n
bedryfstoesighouer, gevra om kommentaar te lewer oor haar leierskapstyl: "Omdat ek is hierdie
posisie is, vind ek dat ek dikwels meer op die taak waarmee ek besig is fokus ... dikwels ten koste van
die mense wat aan my verslag doen." Volgens Blake en Mouton se leierskaprooster is Zawadi
Duduzile 'n tipiese voorbeeld van iemand met 'n ______ bestuurstyl.

A. authoritarian/ outoritêre
B. country club/ buiteklub-
C. impoverished/ behoeftige
D. middle-of-the-road/ middel-van-die-pa
Question 64 of 71
1.0 Points
W&S Manufacturers aims to give employees a sense of involvement by making them part of
decision-making, encouraging their participation and providing feedback. According to the University
of Iowa’s definitions of various leadership styles, W&S Manufacturers is encouraging a(n) _____
leadership style, which is a _____ approach to leadership./ W&S Manufacturers wil werknemers 'n
gevoel van betrokkenheid gee deur vir hulle deel te maak van besluitneming, hulle deelname aan te
moedig en om terugvoering te verskaf. Volgens die Universiteit van Iowa se definisies van verskeie
leierskapstyle moedig W&S Manufacturers 'n ______ leierskapstyl aan, wat 'n ________ benadering
tot leierskap is.

A. participative, behavioural/ deelnemende; behavioristiese

B. directive, contingency/ rigtinggewende; gebeurlikheids-
C. autocratic, contingency/ outokratiese; gebeurlikheids-
D. democratic, behavioural/ demokratiese; behavioristiese
Question 65 of 71 Points
Due to the repetitive nature of the workers’ jobs, W&S decided that workers could volunteer in a
placement programme, which allocates them to different sections across the production line (but
within the same business unit), and exposes them to different tasks and responsibilities. They are
allocated to a certain section for a period of three weeks at a time, before moving to a different
section. The placement programme is an example of job _____./ Vanweë die herhalende aard van die
werkers se poste, het W&S besluit dat werkers vrywillig aan 'n plasingsprogram kan deelneem, wat
hulle allokeer na verskillende afdelings oor die produksielyn heen (maar in dieselfde sake-eenheid) en
hulle blootstel aan ander take en verantwoordelikhede. Hulle word geallokeer na 'n sekere afdeling vir
'n tydperk van drie weke op 'n slag, voordat hulle na 'n ander afdeling aanbeweeg. Die
plasingsprogram is 'n voorbeeld van pos__________.

A. rotation/ rotasie
B. expansion/ uitbreiding
C. enrichment/ verryking
D. specialisation/ spesialisering
1.0 Points
Question 66 of 71
W&S Manufacturers supply wood and steel furniture products to wholesale and retail outlets. Each of
their product categories, namely wood and steel furniture, has its own product lines such as office,
household, garden, industry, retail and hotel furniture. These product lines comprise various product
items such as wooden or steel stables, counters, shelves, and so on. Each product line is managed
by its own business unit and has its own departmental functions (for example, the human resources
function, the finance function, and so on). Which one of the following types of departmentalisation will
be most appropriate for W&S Manufacturers? / W&S Manufacturers verskaf hout- en
staalmeubelprodukte aan groothandel- en kleinhandelafsetpunte. Elkeen van hulle produkkategorieë,
naamlik hout- en staalmeubelware, het sy eie produksielyne soos kantoor-, huishouding-, tuin-,
nywerheids-, kleinhandel- en hotelmeubelware. Hierdie produksielyne bestaan uit verskeie produk
items soos hout- of staaltafels, -toonbanke, -rakke, en so meer. Elke produksielyn word bestuur deur
sy eie sake-eenheid en het sy eie departementele funksies (byvoorbeeld, die
menslikehulpbronfunksie, die finansies-funksie, en so meer). Watter een van die volgende tipes
departementalisering sal die geskikste wees vir W&S Manufacturers?

A. Customer/ Kliënt
B. Functional/ Funksioneel
C. Product/ Produk
D. Location/ Ligging
1.0 Points
Question 67 of 71
We asked Kayla Wong, financial director, to comment on her leadership style: “I prefer to feel in
control, and to make the decisions. I seldom involve employees – limiting their participation.”
According to the University of Iowa’s leadership style, Kayla Wong is a(n) _____ leader. / Ons het
Kayla Wong, finansiële direkteur, gevra om kommentaar te lewer oor haar leierskapstyl: "Ek verkies
om in beheer te wees, en om besluite te neem. Ek betrek die werknemers baie selde – wat hulle
deelname beperk." Volgens die Universiteit van Iowa se leierskapstyl, is Kayla Wong 'n _______ leier.

A. job-centred/ posgesentreerde
B. employee-centred/ werknemergesentreerde
C. autocratic/ outokratiese
D. democratic/ demokratiese

Question 68 of 71
1.0 Points
Which of the examples listed represent weaknesses in W&S Manufacturers' management
environment? / Watter van die volgende voorbeelde verteenwoordig swakpunte in W&S
Manufacturers se bestuursomgewing?

A. Delayed investment in W&S’s central distribution centre/ Vertraagde belegging in

W&S se sentrale verspreidingsentrum
B. Tougher competition/ Stewiger kompetisie
C. An educated workforce/ 'n Geleerde werksmag
D. Cautious consumer spending/ Versigtige verbruikersbesteding
Question 69 of 71 Points
We asked CEO (Gauteng division), Jacob Dunn, to comment on his leadership style: “I’m a team
player and love to consult with the employees who report to me. I value their inputs and their
suggestions have been implemented numerous times.” According to the path-goal theory of
leadership, Jacob Dunn is demonstrating the behaviour of a(n) _____ leader. / Ons het Jacob Dunn,
hoof- uitvoerende bestuurder (Gauteng-divisie), gevra om kommentaar te lewer oor sy leierskapstyl:
"Ek is 'n spanspeler en hou daarvan om die werknemers wat aan my verslag doen, te raadpleeg. Ek
waardeer hulle insette en hulle voorstelle is verskeie kere al geïmplementeer." Volgens die pad-
doelteorie van leierskap demonstreer Jacob Dunn die gedrag van 'n ______ leier.

A. achievement-oriented/ prestasie-georiënteerde
B. participative/ deelnemende
C. supportive/ ondersteunende
D. team/ span
1.0 Points
Question 70 of 71
W&S’s culture encourages and values innovation, and the marketing department is an example of
how its culture manifests in the workspace. Mrs Seobi is the department’s CEO and Mr Makgopa is
the experienced and dynamic departmental manager. Mr Makgopa drives productivity, but never at
the expense of his employees. His department is renowned for excellent outputs and the positive
team spirit among employees. He believes in consulting his employees when complex issues arise,
as their inputs have led to creative problem-solving. According to Blake and Mouton’s leadership grid,
Mr Makgopa is an example of a(n) _____ management leader. / W&S se kultuur bemoedig en
waardeer innovasie, en die bemarkingsdepartement is 'n voorbeeld van hoe sy kultuur in die werkplek
manifesteer. Mev Seobi is die departement se hoof- uitvoerende beampte en mnr Makgopa is die
ervare en dinamiese departementele bestuurder. Mnr Makgopa dryf produktiwiteit, maar nooit ten
koste van sy werknemers nie. Sy departement is bekend vir uitstekende uitsette en 'n positiewe
spangees onder die werknemers. Hy glo daarin om sy werknemers te raadpleeg wanneer daar
komplekse aangeleenthede voorkom, aangesien hulle insette al gelei het tot kreatiewe
probleemoplossing. Volgens Blake en Mouton se leierskaprooster is mnr Makgopa 'n voorbeeld van 'n
_________ bestuursleier.

A. team/ span-
B. country-club/ buiteklub-
C. impoverished/ behoeftige
D. middle-of-the-road/ middel-van-die-pad-
1.0 Points
Question 71 of 71
Which of the examples listed represent threats in W&S Manufacturers' management environment?
(Multiple correct)/ Watter van die voorbeelde hier onder verteenwoordig bedreigings in W&S
Manufacturers se bestuursomgewing? (Meer as een korrekte antwoord)

A.Delayed investment in W&S’s central distribution centre/ Vertraagde belegging in

W&S se sentrale verspreidingsentrum
B.Costs pertaining to W&S’s shopper loyalty programme/ Koste wat betrekking het op
W&S se koperlojaliteitsprogram
C.Tougher competition/ Stewiger kompetisie
D.An educated workforce/ 'n Geleerde werksmag
E.Cautious consumer spending/ Versigtige verbruikersbesteding
F.Outsourcing of W&S’s procurement function/ Uitkontraktering van W&S se

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