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AAB: A generalized Java-based Algorithm Animator Builder. Term Project Report

Article · January 2002

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AAB: A generalized Java-based Algorithm Animator Builder.
Term Project Report,
Shantanu Sharma* and Vinay Chaudhary*,
Guided by Dr. R K Ghosh**


The project aims at building a high-level language and provides a Graphical User
Interface for coding animation of Data Structures and algorithms. The software
inputs commands from the application’s console and stores it in its database. The
interpreter then interprets the input commands and creates objects needed to for
animation. These objects are utilized by the application and the code for animation (a
Java applet code) is made based on the input commands of the user.
The software allows for demonstration of Sorting & Searching algorithms, Graph
Theory algorithms and data structures like Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Lists, Trees and


An animation of data-structures is helpful to students as an educational aid in two

ways, first
as an alternative view in understanding a newly presented data structure or
algorithm and second as an aid in debugging a program that uses the data structure.
An animation can be easier to understand and remember than a textual
representation, especially when one can interact with the animation by trying
different input. Furthermore, using animations to debug programs can aid in finding
errors faster by seeing incorrect movement of objects and/or nodes that are not
connected and should be.

We have developed a Java based, easy-to-use, and architecture independent

method for creating animations of data structures run over the Web. Written in Java,
the program provides an interface through which users can write animations and
then display them with a Web browser that supports Java. The animations are
written in a simple high-level language. One does not need to know Java in order to
use the software.

By writing the software in Java, users can run the animations on almost any
machine and do not have to install the software locally. By leveraging the capabilities
of Java and the
*Undergraduate Student, **Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Web, we have built a system that will provide educators the realistic option of quickly
generating algorithm animations for demonstration use in the classroom or by
students generating quick animations of their programs.

The core application of the project provides a high-level language in which, the
user can code for animation of algorithms. It is a convenient way to learn algorithms.
However using programming languages like Java or C++ for animation-algorithms
often gets cumbersome as the complexity of algorithms increases and to animate a
complicated algorithm in itself becomes a difficult problem.
The project specifically addresses this problem. It provides a high level
language to program the code for applets animating algorithms. The syntax of the
language used is deliberately kept lucid, so that the focus of the user was on the
algorithm and not on the means of animation. The syntax of the language used is
given later for reference.
The input console was so designed that it prompted for almost every
syntactical error in the user’s code. This reduced the errors in the final code.
The only essential software needed by the project to run was the Java
Runtime Environment (JRE).The project’s application is executable in all operating
systems which incorporate the Java Runtime Environment. Platform independence
is an important feature of the application. Other than the JRE, no other software is
specifically needed to use the application.
The output of the application is the code for the applet which can be compiled
and the resulting applet is accessible on the internet via a web-browser.

In Section 2 we discuss related work, and in Section 3 we give a

description of the application and the data-structures used. In Section 4 we describe
the animation language, and in Section 5 we give examples of animating
programming assignments. Section 6 describes the program design of the
application, and Section 7 gives concluding remarks.

2.Related Work

Over the last decade need of packages for algorithm animation was felt in the
community of Computer Science students and teachers. The packages XTango [8]
and its successor Samba [9] have been used by many Computer Science Professors
for a variety of topics, including operating systems [4], algorithms and data structures
[7] and genetic algorithms [5].
In addition, Samba is used by students to generate animations [9].

Although the algorithm packages to date have succeeded in providing basic

functionality, few have leveraged the full capabilities of the Web and Java. There is,
however, a great deal of thought about the theoretical possibilities. In [6], Naps
discusses how algorithm visualization could be integrated into the Web. In [3], the
authors discuss ways in which the Web could be used to build courseware modules
in order to aid student understanding.
Among the conclusions of both papers is the assertion that Java offers many
attractive features with which an algorithm animation system could be built. There is
currently much work being done in this area as summarized in [2] with most focusing
on porting current applications to Java. There are also several Java applets currently
on the Web that animate a single algorithm.

3. Description of the data-structures involved

In the design of the application, Object-oriented approach was used. Objects

of type Number (a decimal number), NumberArray (an array of numbers), Circle,
Rectangle, Line, String and Button (all graphical entities with associated font, colour,
and dimensions attributes) were made. This greatly simplified the user’s task as
these graphical entities could be used as elements of a heap or stacks (& queues) or
as nodes of linked lists, trees or directed (& undirected) graphs.

The software is capable of animating the following data structures:

Vectors, Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Heaps, Trees, B Trees, Directed
Graphs and Undirected Graphs.

These objects are discussed below:

Primary objects include lines circles, text, rectangles, and number-objects.

Secondary objects include number arrays and arrays of circles, rectangles and
number-object. These objects can be constructed by using their respective dialog
boxes obtained from the Geometry option available in the menu bar of the
application. The attached snapshots describe the application briefly. It shows the
menu bar and the dialog box for creating a number object.
The possible fields for enclosure are rectangle or a circle.

For creating the data structures like arrays, stacks, queues, heap, graphs etc.
the secondary objects were used. Note: the secondary objects also have an
associated graphical attributes of font, colour, size etc. Linked lists could be
implemented by the use of primary data structures. In the dialog box for a graphical
entity there are fields for all the attributes of the entity. On starting a new animation of
an algorithm, the user specifies the attributes of these graphical entities and later
uses them. All the commands of the algorithm are inserted in the in the Event
Console. Thus the user can manipulate the attributes of these objects while coding
the algorithm, by using appropriate commands (like CC, MV) at the command
prompt. The language for used for coding is discussed later on.

The following describes the implementation of the data structures:

Arrays are the in build data structures in the application. The user
can specify the attributes of number arrays in the NumberArray dialog box.
They have an associated font size, number’s colour, enclosure (rectangle/circle)
etc.These arrays form the building blocks of other data structures like heaps, graphs
etc. NumberArray has an option to specify the x and y spacing of the constituent

Trees can be created by specifying the position of each node (number-objects),
or by defining an array of number objects. Line graphic object is used to define an
edge in the tree. The attributes of the trees can be specified by a similar procedure
as for arrays. After implementing the tree data structure, the user can use it for
implementation of advanced data structures like Red-black trees-trees, AVL trees
are build by assigning desired attributes to the constituent objects.

Graphs in the application can be drawn with node placements specified
by the user in the dialog box. To build a specified layout graph, the data structure
NumberArray is used. The location and size of a node is also specified in the dialog
boxes. Once the nodes are made, the LineArrays are used to define the edge set of
the graphs. An attribute isDirected of Line and LineArray object is used to distinguish
between directed and undirected graphs.

Data structures like Heaps, Stacks and Queues are generated by the NumberArray

4. Architecture of the Application:

The overall design of the application can be broadly classified into the following
1. The graphical user interface (GUI): the buttons and menu-items for creating
the geometrical entities, editing options and incorporating subroutines.

2. A Console for input from the user.

3. A Translator converting the user’s code into a code that can be easily
processed by the application.

4. An application to manage the database of the variables declared by the

user and their corresponding variable name used by the application.

5. An Interpreter to convert the application-code to a Java Applet program.

6. Error Console to enumerate the errors done by the programmer while


7. Algorithm Output: to monitor the progress of the algorithm while coding.

Graphical User Interface (GUI):

Java Swing was used for making the GUI of the application. As the application is
object-oriented, it associates graphical attributes (like font, coordinates, colour etc.)
of a graphical object (e.g. a text or a line) with the object itself; the menubar had
options to declare the objects, specifying their attributes. (A dialog box derived from
the Java class: JDialogBox was used. The objects that are possible to be created by
the application are numbers, strings, array of numbers, string array and graphical
objects like circle, rectangle etc. Other variables (which don’t have associated
attributes like font, colour etc) like integer could be directly declared in the
application’s console. Building of the applet’s code and its compilation was possible
within the application’s GUI.

The menu bar had options to declare objects used in the program, dialog
boxes for editing e.g. to insert a command after a given line in the algorithm or to
delete a line etc.( the actual coding of the algorithm was done in the command
In the Actions tab, it had options to declare a subroutine (used for implementing
recursive algorithms) and also to declare a local variable (of the type NumberObject,
Circle, Rectangle, Line String etc. and arrays of these objects).

The input for the application could be directed from a file in order to reduce the work
of the user. The option for directed input was in the edit tab of the menu bar.

The following is a snapshot of the main application window:

The actual algorithm sequence was displayed in the “Algorithm Output” tab.
The steps of the algorithm were numbered so as to give a better idea of the
algorithm. In case of any syntactical error in the input the “Algorithm Output”
was not updated and the “Error Log “ shows error in the user’s input with
suggestions to correct it. The task of taking only the correct input from the
user was managed by “EventInterpreter” class.

On clicking on the “Number” menu the following dialog box takes the input
from the user:
The console is a text-area build by the Java class JTextArea which could input the
code (in the language provided by the application) from the user.The job of the
console is to take the input from the user and gives it to the translator.

The translator converts the console input into a code which can be
conveniently processed by the software for further use and stores it in a file
(pseudoCode.txt). It has an addition task of keeping a close vigil on the syntax of the
console input and to prompt back to console in case of erroneous input. This helps in
reducing the errors in the final code.
The translator also updates two files, one of which has the description about
the objects used in the program pseudoObjectCode.txt, and another has the
database of variables defined by the user and their corresponding variable names
used in the program. This was needed in order to maintain consistency during the
parsing of translator output.

Data base storage:

It keeps track of the variables defined by the user and their corresponding
variable names used in the program. Keeping separate variable names in the
program was needed by the Input Parser. The database storage mechanism was
built in the translator.It stores all the variables in the file DataBase,txt

Input Parser:
It is the application which takes the code generated by the Translator and the
database as input and converts it to Java applet code. As object oriented approach is
used for creating numbers, circles rectangles, instances of these objects were made
by the input parser whenever needed in the program. To avoid flickering in the
applets, “off-screen double buffering” was used. As the code for double buffering
was generic it was added to every output file (applet code).The pseudoCode.txt was
parsed and corresponding output file, i. e. the applet code was generated. Actions
for commands like MV, CC were defined in the input parser.
Thus we get the final code for the applet, which could be then compiled and
executed to animate the algorithm.

5. Animation Language

The animation language has been designed to require little programming

experience. Animation scripts have a simple format of one command per line. There
are two types of commands, those that handle specific objects and those that
specify an action on an object. Of those that deal with specific objects there are two
types of objects that can be manipulated, primitive objects, such as a circle, and
secondary objects. Secondary objects represent data structures.

The following fields are defined by the language:

1. NUMBER: An integer or float variable which is used as a graphical object
in the applet. It has a font-size, font-colour, x & y coordinates and an
enclosure associated with it. The enclosure can be either a rectangle or a
circle, and has a fillcolour (Note: colour of number is the font-colour, which
is different from the colour of the enclosure). In this manner integers and
float variables are given a graphical representation.

2. NUMBERARRAY: An array of NUMBER-objects. It has an associated x, y

coordinate spacing of NUMBER-objects besides the other attributes of

3. CIRCLE: A graphical object used to denote a node in graph theoretic

algorithms. Has attributes of centre-coordinates, radius and fill-colour.

4. RECTANGLE: A graphical object used for creating boxes, which are

needed to clarify the demonstration of applets. Has attributes of top-left
corner’s coordinates, the width and height of the rectangle and fill-colour.

5. LINE: A graphical object used to represent the edges of trees and graphs.
It has associated attributes of the initial and final coordinates and fill-

6. STRING: A graphical object used to insert a message or a title in the

applet Associated attributes were string text, font-size, font-colour,
enclosure-type, enclosure colour and the coordinates of the string

7. BUTTON: A graphical object used to make buttons in the applet, which

could listen to commands like (Mouse clicked) and perform necessary
actions. Attributes were: label of the button, and the coordinates of the
button in the applet.
8. ARRAY: To represent an array of the above graphical entities. Has an
associated size and coordinate spacing between the objects.

The following commands are defined in the language:

1. IF (<condition>) THEN
ELSE <Code>: for an “if-then-else’ conditional in the program.
The ELSE clause is optional. The <condition > must evaluate to a Boolean

2. WHILE (<condition>) DO
<Code>: for a “while” loop in the program.
The <condition > must evaluate to a Boolean value

3. FOR (<initialization>, <condition>, <iteration>)

<condition>: for a “for” loop in the program.
The <condition > must evaluate to a Boolean value

4. CC <object> <color> : to copy the colour specified by <color> (e.g. blue)

into object’s colour.

5. MH <object> <final x-coordinate>: to move the object horizontally to final x

coordinate = <final x-coordinate>.

6. MV <object> <final y-coordinate>: to move the object vertically to final y

coordinate = <final y-coordinate>.

7. MVH <object> <final x-coordinate, final y-coordinate> : to move the object

vertically to final x-coordinate followed by moving to final y-coordinate, i.e.
moving vertically and then horizontally.

8. MHV <object> <final x-coordinate, final y-coordinate> : to move the object

vertically to final y-coordinate followed by moving to final x-coordinate, i.e.
moving horizontally and then vertically.

9. MST <object> <final x-coordinate, final y-coordinate>: to move the object in

a straight line to <final x-coordinate, final y-coordinate>.

10. SWAP <object1> <object2>: to swap object1 with object2.

In addition Subroutines are also incorporated in order to animate recursive

algorithms like Depth First Search, Minimum Spanning Tree etc. To declare a
subroutine and to implement the actions of the subroutines there is a dialog-box in
the menu bar.

6.Coding Procedure:

The user declares the variables to be used by the dialog boxes of the objects
from the Geometry tab of the menubar. These variables are taken as global
variables in the program. In order to define local variables, the Actions tab has an
entry for declaring the local variables (all the fields defined in the languages can
have global and/or local (uniquely) appearances. At this stage the files
pseudoObjectCode.txt and pseudoEventCode.txt are updated in order to store the
database and the attributes of objects.
The code for the algorithm with the desired animation is then input either from
a file or from the application’s command prompt. In case of any error the error log
shows a description of the error. A non erroneous input is shown in the Algorithm
console and correspondingly file having the pseudocode of the algorithm
(pseudoEventCode.txt) is updated. In order to declare subroutines the subroutine
dialog box is used. In case the input is complete and syntactically correct, the
InputParser parses the pseudoEventCode.txt and writes the corresponding applet
code in the file A sample the code of insertion-Sort is shown below

Insertion-Sort: User’s input

int index
FOR (index = 1 ; index <10 ; index = index +1 )
key.a = array[index]
CC key.e BLUE
MV key 150
int i
i = index -1
CC array[i].e BLUE
WHILE (i >=0 && array[i ] > key) DO
MH key key.x - 40
MH array[i] array[i].x + 40
CC array[i].e BLACK
IF (i >0) THEN
CC array[i-1].e BLUE
array[i+1].a = array[i]
i = i -1
MV key 100
array[i+1].a = key
IF (i >=0) THEN
CC array[i].e BLACK
CC array[i+1].e BLACK
FOR (index = 1 ; index <10 ; index = index +1 )
key = array[index]
CC key.e BLUE
MV key 150
i = index -1
CC array[i].e BLUE

Sample Output:
Database entries:
File Name:
NUMBERARRAY NA1 10 30 0 100.0 100.0 (255,255,255) 40.0 0 (255,0,0)
true 95 99 83 11 30 44 59 17 93 34
NUMBER N1 0 30 20.0 20.0 (255,255,255) 1 (255,0,0) false

Insertion-sort: Translator’s output

int j
FOR (j = 1 ; j <10 ; j = j +1 )
N1 = NA1[j]
MV N1 150
int i
i = j -1
CC NA1[i].e BLUE
WHILE (i >=0 && NA1[i ].n > N1.n )
MH N1 N1.x - 40
MH NA1[i] NA1[i].x + 40
IF (i >0) THEN
CC NA1[i-1].e BLUE
NA1[i+1] = NA1[i ]
i = i -1
MV N1 100
NA1[i+1] = N1
IF (i >=0) THEN
CC NA1[i+1].e BLACK

7. Conclusions:

Algorithm Animator is a Graphical user interface with a high level language for
creating animations of data structures and algorithms. Its output can be compiled
and run on any platform with the Java Runtime Environment to generate an
When used in conjunction with traditional teaching
methods, Algorithm Animator can provide students with an alternative
and visual perspective, which may help increase their understanding.
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[8] J. Stasko, Tango: A Framework and System for Algorithm Animation, IEEE Computer,
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[9] J. Stasko, Using Student-Built Algorithm Animations as Learning Aids, Twenty-eighth

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[12] J. Wilson and R. Aiken, Review of animation systems for algorithm understanding,
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