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A pleasant day to anyone who’s watching this video, to be more specific

Ma’am Jacqui Julian, professor of National Service Training Program.

I am Ma. Pauline Joy Mercado from BS Custom Ad..

For this video I will try to discuss what I have learned or to be precise
what the guess speaker explain during the webinar of Cloud

First and foremost..

- Is any hosted service offered over the internet is referred to as
cloud computing. Servers, databases, software, networks,
analytics, and other computing operations that can be operated
through the cloud are common examples of these services.
- Users using the service can access files and programs stored in the
cloud from anywhere, removing the need to always be near
physical hardware. User-created documents and spreadsheets,
For example, had to be saved to a physical hard drive, USB
drive, or disk in the past. The data were absolutely
unavailable outside of the computer they originated on
without some form of hardware component.

Few people are concerned about fried hard drives or misplaced or

corrupted USB devices thanks to the cloud. Because the material is
stored on a network of hosted computers that transport data over the
internet, cloud computing makes the papers accessible from anywhere.

Cloud Computing Service Types

Cloud computing services are broken down into three
major categories:

(First is) Software-as-a-Service or Saas

It is the most common cloud service type. Many of us use
it on a daily basis. The SaaS model makes software
accessible through an app or web browser. Some SaaS
programs are free
 Notable examples include Salesforce, Dropbox or Google
(second) Platform-as-a-Service
It is a cloud environment supporting web application
development and deployment. PaaS supports the full
lifecycle of applications, helping users build, test, deploy,
manage and update all in one place. 
Notable examples include Windows Azure, AWS Elastic
Beanstalk and Google App Engine.
(Lastly) Infrastructure-as-a-Service
It provides users with basic computer infrastructure
capabilities like data storage, servers and hardware — all
in the cloud. 
Notable examples of IaaS include DigitalOcean, Amazon
EC2 and Google Compute Engine

How Does Cloud Computing Work?

The cloud is essentially a decentralized location where data may be
shared via satellite networks. Every cloud application needs a host, and
the hosting business is in charge of maintaining the huge data centers
that offer the security, storage capacity, and processing power required
to keep all of the data users transfer to the cloud safe and secure.

Generally, cloud computing follows three delivery

This is the most common and accessible anywhere
offers the same kind of flexibility as the public cloud, but
with the needs of hosting, data storage, IT staff,
etc. provided by the companies or users of the service. 
is a combination of the public and private models.

Companies and individuals use cloud computing

in a variety of unique and exciting ways like

Communication & Collaboration

empowering people to communicate and collaborate on a
global scale, for example skype and whatsapp
A combination of cloud computing and vastly improved
internet speed has given rise to media streaming giants
like Netflix and Hulu, which host enormous databases of
movies and TV shows available via the cloud.

Big Data Analytics

Using large data to uncover patterns and insights was a
time-consuming and costly process before the cloud. All
of that has changed thanks to the cloud, which has
eliminated the necessity for in-house development
resources when it comes to accumulating and evaluating
data. Companies may now collect data from a number of
sources, connect it to the cloud, and analyze it in real time
for insights.
Business Processes
Without the cloud, innovative tools like Salesforce, Slack
and myriad others designed to enhance and streamline the
daily operations of companies would not exist. 

Cloud computing is an important answer to the issue of
data-loss and recovery on physical hard drives. Most
individuals who’ve owned a computer have experienced
the stress of losing irreplaceable files. Whether it’s a term
paper, family photos or the company payroll, cloud
computing offers an easily accessible backup solution
to keep data safe.

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