Sleep and EEG Interictal Epileptiform Abnormalities in Partial Epilepsy

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Clinical Neurophysiology 111, Suppl.

2 (2000) S60±S64

Sleep and EEG interictal epileptiform abnormalities in partial epilepsy

Gian Luigi Gigli a,*, Mariarosaria Valente b
Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Azienda Ospedaliera Santa Maria della Misericordia, 33100 Udine, Italy
Clinica Neurologica, DPMSC, UniversitaÁ di Udine, Udine, Italy

The relationship between sleep and EEG interictal epileptiform abnormalities (IEA) has been studied from different perspectives. One of
the most followed orientations regards the investigation of the effects of IEA on sleep organization, while another approach considers the
modulation of IEA caused by sleep. Only the latter approach, for its practical diagnostic implications, is covered by the present review. In
particular, on the basis of the literature and of personal studies, we review some relevant aspects of the relationship between the different
stages of the sleep and the EEG epileptic abnormalities in partial epilepsy. In addition, the modulation of IEA by ¯uctuations of the level of
arousal and by sleep microstructure is reviewed. Finally, the information obtained on localization of epileptic foci from recordings during
wakefulness and different sleep stages is discussed. q 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Sleep; Interictal abnormalities; Partial epilepsy; Localization of spikes

1. Introduction ings have been reported by some authors, who found an

increase of focal discharge during REM sleep in patients
Many studies have indicated an increased spiking rate with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) (Passouant et al., 1965;
during sleep in the majority of patients affected by focal Mayersdorf and Wilder, 1974; Billiard, 1982). Increased
epilepsies (Gloor et al., 1958; White et al., 1962; Ross et IEA during REM sleep has also been reported in models
al., 1966; Rowan et al., 1982; Martins da Silva et al., 1984). of experimental epilepsy. Namely, increased discharges
Spiking rates are reported to be increased mainly during during REM sleep have been found in limbic epilepsies
stages 1 and 2 of non-REM (NREM) sleep (Niedermeyer induced by intraseptal injection of ouabaine (Arias and
and Rocca, 1972; Angeleri, 1975; Dalaskov, 1975; Kell- Passouant, 1971) and in monkeys with temporal foci
away, 1985). Also focal epilepsies with secondary general- induced by application of alumina cream (Frank and
ization are most likely to display their IEA during NREM Pegram, 1974).
sleep (Ferroni et al., 1969; Billiard, 1982; Niedermeyer, Some of the con¯icts previously reported could have been
1982). due to the fact that some of these studies pooled together
It is not surprising, therefore, that when comparing the patients with different epileptic syndromes, used classi®ca-
diagnostic gain of sleep EEG to that of the EEG during tion criteria different from current ones, and were limited by
wakefulness it was found that the sensitivity of the exam- the diagnostic instrumentation available at the time. A more
ination changed from 8±28% during wakefulness to 72± precise approach has been based on investigations
98% during sleep (Gibbs and Gibbs, 1947; Ganshirt and conducted on clinically homogeneous groups.
Vetter, 1961; Jovanovic, 1967; Ajmone-Marsan and Zivin, On the basis of the literature and our own investigations,
1970; Declerck et al., 1982; Binnie, 1996). the relevant ®ndings of the relationships between IEA and
Similar effects of NREM sleep have been shown in the sleep in patients with partial epilepsy will be reviewed in the
monkey with temporal lobe epilepsy after alumina cream following parts of this paper.
(Mayanagi, 1977). On the contrary, REM sleep caused a
block of IEA in experimental epilepsy obtained with injec- 1.1. IEA in idiopathic partial epilepsies (IPE)
tion of kainic acid in the amygdala (Cepeda et al., 1984,
1986; Cepeda and Tanaka, 1982). However, divergent ®nd- Idiopathic partial epilepsies show an important activation
during sleep, particularly during slow wave sleep (SWS),
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 139-0432-552720; fax: 139-0432-
but also during REM sleep (Dalla Bernardina and Beghini,
552719. 1976; Ambrosetto et al., 1977; Dalla Bernardina et al.,
E-mail address: (G.L. Gigli). 1984). During SWS, the maximum spiking rate occurs
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PII: S13 88-2457(00)0040 3-X
G.L. Gigli, M. Valente / Clinical Neurophysiology 111, Suppl. 2 (2000) S60±S64 S61

during stages 3 and 4 of the ®rst cycle of sleep, i.e. during activation of independent foci, especially contralateral to
the maximum of SWS pressure (Clemens and Majoros, the main focus. The observations made with scalp EEGs
1987). Even if, in a minority of patients, it is possible that have been con®rmed by depth EEG recordings, showing
during SWS there are only a few spikes, or that spiking rates that the maximal focalization of IEA is present during
in wakefulness are not increased by SWS, in no case is REM sleep (Perria et al., 1966; Rossi et al., 1974, 1984;
wakefulness able to increase spiking rates observed during Lieb et al., 1980; Montplaisir et al., 1980, 1982; Wieser,
SWS (Billiard et al., 1990). IEA during SWS spread to 1983). The stability of IEA during wakefulness and different
adjacent regions of the same hemisphere and to the homo- sleep stages has been considered as a sign of autonomy of
logous regions of the contralateral one (Dalla Bernardina et IEA across behavioral states speci®c to the epileptogenic
al., 1992). These observations are based mainly on studies zone (Perria et al., 1966; Cavazza et al., 1973; Rossi et
on idiopathic partial epilepsy with rolandic spikes, but are al., 1974, 1984; Montplaisir et al., 1980; Wieser, 1984).
con®rmed by reports on idiopathic partial epilepsy with Similar ®ndings of stable EEG discharges during different
occipital paroxysms (Dalla Bernardina et al., 1982; Gastaut, conditions of vigilance had already been observed by Lugar-
1982), on epilepsies with discharges evoked by somato- esi et al. (1966) in patients with epilepsia partialis continua.
sensory stimulation (De Marco and Negrin, 1973) and on
a particular form of partial epilepsy associated with fragile- 1.2.3. Spike morphology
X (Musumeci et al., 1988). Some cases of IPE, which are NREM sleep increases amplitude and duration and
very activated during sleep, raise the question of a possible decreases sharpness of interictal spikes compared to wake-
continuum between IPE, Landau±Kleffner syndrome and fulness and REM sleep. During REM sleep spikes become
electrical status epilepticus during sleep (ESES) (Autret, smaller, shorter and sharper compared to NREM sleep.
1995). Changes of spike morphology associated with REM sleep
are similar to those observed after pharmacological control
1.2. IEA in cryptogenetic and symptomatic partial of seizures (Frost et al., 1991).
1.3. IEA and localization of foci in TLE
1.2.1. Spiking rates
Spiking rates of lesional partial epilepsies usually show Personal observations in a series of 40 patients with TLE
an important increase during stages 3 and 4 of SWS and a selected from candidates for epilepsy surgery (Sammaritano
suppression or diminution during REM sleep. However, an et al., 1991) revealed an activation of spiking activity during
increased discharge rate during REM sleep has been docu- sleep in 39 out of 40 cases. Among patients activated by
mented in some TLE patients (Passouant et al., 1965; sleep, maximal spiking rates were observed during SWS in
Mayersdorf and Wilder, 1974; Billiard, 1982; Sammaritano 34 cases and during REM sleep in 5 cases.
et al., 1991). These results have been con®rmed in experi- In 15 patients with unilateral focus showing spiking
mental models of partial epilepsy (Wyler, 1974; Shouse et during wakefulness, NREM and REM sleep, the electrical
al., 1989a; Gigli and Gotman, 1991). In patients with foci ®eld was restricted in 9/15 cases during REM sleep
located in the amygdala and/or the hippocampus, Montplai- compared to wakefulness, and in 12/15 cases during wake-
sir et al. (1980) observed also that the activation of spiking fulness compared to SWS. In addition, during NREM sleep,
during NREM sleep was inversely related to the spike new contralateral independent foci were observed in 53% of
frequency during wakefulness: the lower the spiking rate patients. More importantly, considering the information
during wakefulness, the larger the level of activation during given by recordings in terms of lateralization of EEG
NREM sleep. abnormalities for surgical decisions during NREM sleep,
Severely lesioned brains are less subject to modulation by EEG led to misleading lateralization or no side predomi-
modi®cations of the state of vigilance, and epileptic nance of spikes in 5/18 patients with bitemporal indepen-
syndromes with important cerebral damage are most likely dent foci. On the contrary, in only one of the 8 patients with
to present IEA randomly distributed during the sleep±wake bitemporal independent foci during wakefulness was there
cycle. The lack of modulation of IEA during sleep in no side predominance. There was instead no problem of
patients with effective pharmacological treatment can be lateralization during REM sleep, all foci being only unilat-
considered along the same lines, with the observation of eral and concordant with the ®nal localizing diagnosis, as
dispersion of the residual, most resistant IEA across the determined by the side of surgical intervention, based on
sleep±wake cycle (Lockard et al., 1987). history, neurological examination, neuroimaging, neuropsy-
chological evaluation, electrocorticography and seizure
1.2.2. Spike topography onset. Except for the lack of bitemporal independent foci
Concerning the topography of IEA of lesional partial during REM sleep, wakefulness and REM sleep showed
epilepsies, during NREM sleep spikes tend to spread from similar ®eld distribution and spiking rates of epileptic foci.
the primary focus to ipsi- and contralateral brain regions. In In summary, our results suggest that localization of the
addition, during NREM sleep it is possible to observe the primary epileptogenic area is more reliable in REM sleep
S62 G.L. Gigli, M. Valente / Clinical Neurophysiology 111, Suppl. 2 (2000) S60±S64

compared to wakefulness and that it is more reliable in sleep to arousal phasic events of NREM sleep (Hess et al.,
wakefulness than in SWS. 1982).
Somewhat different results were obtained by Adachi et al. On the other hand, a role of synchronization processes
(1998), who retrospectively studied the reliability of waking during NREM sleep on facilitation of IEA and epileptic
and sleep EEG in patients after successful surgery for TLE. seizures has also been suggested (Steriade et al., 1994). It
They found that the reliability of discharge lateralization is the ascending limb of maximal delta power (during which
improved from wakefulness to NREM sleep, especially in patients move to the deeper stages of NREM sleep), the part
those patients showing no IEA or no side predominance of the sleep cycle during which spikes cluster (Malow et al.,
(,75%) of spikes during wakefulness. However, in patients 1998). In the same study, in fact, only a minority of spikes
with incorrect lateralization during wakefulness, no was preceded or followed by an arousal from sleep.
improvement in reliability was obtained in sleep recordings. Similar results have been observed in children by Nobili
This result was obtained mainly thanks to the activating et al. (1999b). The apparent contradiction between the acti-
effect of NREM sleep. Unilateral discharges or discharges vating effects of arousals and those of synchronization has
showing a clear side predominance (.75%) in the awake been interpreted by the fundamental works of the school of
state were generally unchanged during sleep, whether ipsi- Parma.
lateral or contralateral to the epileptogenic zone.
The results obtained by Adachi et al. (1998) are not very 1.5. IEA and the sleep microstructure
different from ours (Sammaritano et al., 1991). First, they
did not consider REM sleep, but only compared wakeful- Terzano et al. (1985) described a method for analysis and
ness to NREM sleep. In addition, with respect to discharge measurement of arousal ¯uctuations in EEG during NREM
lateralization, considering unilateral spiking or clear side sleep, distinguishing periods of instability, characterized by
predominance, in our study the predictive value of EEG repetitive sequences of cyclic alternating pattern (CAP),
changed from 62.2% of all patients in wakefulness to from periods of stability or non-CAP (NCAP). Within
91.9% in sleep. The main difference is that Adachi et al. CAP it was possible to identify a phase of activation
(1998) pooled the patients with no spiking and with no side (phase A) and a phase of quiescence (phase B). The ratio
predominance with those giving incorrect information between the time spent during CAP and the total duration of
(spiking contralateral to the side of operation). This NREM sleep (CAP rate) has been considered as a measure
increased the yield of the sleep recordings, a result that of sleep instability. This method of analysis of sleep micro-
was present also in the series of Sammaritano et al. structure has been applied to different clinical situations,
(1991). However, incorrect lateralizations were observed proving to be an effective descriptor not only of insomnia,
in 10.8% of the cases during wakefulness and in 10.9% but also of motor phenomena like periodic limb movements
during NREM sleep, which is not negligible in a series of during sleep (PLMS), bruxism, or sleep walking.
patients who were all successfully operated. This ®nding is The same method has also been applied to epilepsy,
not distant from that of Sammaritano et al. (1991), who showing that in primary generalized epilepsies phase A of
found incorrect lateralizations in 2.5% of recordings during CAP exerts a strong activating in¯uence on epileptic
wakefulness and in 7.5% during NREM sleep, but none discharges, with phase B acting as a condition of inhibition
during REM sleep. and NCAP as an intermediate situation (Terzano et al.,
1989; Gigli et al., 1992).
1.4. IEA modulation by ¯uctuations of the level of arousal Idiopatic partial epilepsies with rolandic spikes have a
completely different behavior, showing mainly a strong
Transitional phases between wakefulness and sleep and association of IEA with sleep stages (phases of synchroni-
the states of unstable vigilance are reported to promote a zation) (Terzano et al., 1991b), even if, more recently, an
powerful activation of spiking in focal lesional epilepsy association between sigma activity (sleep spindles) and IEA
(Montplaisir et al., 1982; Rossi et al., 1984; Wieser, 1984; has been shown (Nobili et al., 1999a). Symptomatic and
Declerk and Wauquier, 1989; Touchon et al., 1987, 1991). cryptogenetic focal epilepsies showed a kind of behavior
These observations are particularly important considering somewhat in between, being related to CAP but also to
that sleep in TLE has been characterized by instability, with the mechanisms of synchronization (Loh et al., 1997;
a signi®cant increase in the number and duration of awaken- Terzano et al., 1991b). CAP (especially phase A) exerts
ings and stage shift (Touchon et al., 1987; Gigli et al., 1997). an even more powerful in¯uence on the secondary bisyn-
Similar sleep instability has been found in the experimental chronous bursts (Terzano et al., 1991a). It is mainly the
epilepsy model of kindling in amygdala (Gigli and Gotman, phase A1 subtype, linked to the descending phase of the
1992). The role of arousal ¯uctuations in modulating epilep- sleep cycle (increasing delta power), which produces a
tiform abnormalities has been con®rmed in experimental stronger activating in¯uence on IEA, at least in idiopathic
models of epilepsy, like kindling (Shouse, 1987; Shouse et generalized epilepsies.
al., 1989b; Gigli and Gotman, 1991). Similar results have Terzano interprets his ®ndings as if, compared to general-
been reported in stereo EEG studies, relating IEA during ized EEG abnormalities, there was a weaker modulation of
G.L. Gigli, M. Valente / Clinical Neurophysiology 111, Suppl. 2 (2000) S60±S64 S63

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