Effect of Antiepileptic Drugs On Sleep

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Clinical Neurophysiology 111, Suppl.

2 (2000) S115±S119

Effect of antiepileptic drugs on sleep

Fabio Placidi a,b,*, Anna Scalise a, Maria Grazia Marciani a,b, Andrea Romigi a,b,
Marina Diomedi a, Gian Luigi Gigli c
Clinica Neurologica, UniversitaÁ Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy
IRCCS Clinica S. Lucia, Roma, Italy
Divisione Neurologica, Ospedale S. Maria della Misericordia, Udine, Italy

The interactions between sleep and epilepsy are well known. A nodal point of the relationship between sleep and epilepsy is represented by
pharmacological treatment. Sleep disturbances such as drowsiness are among the most frequent side effects of treatment with antiepileptic
drugs, since they can deeply modify both sleep architecture and the sleep-wake cycle. Severe daytime somnolence affects patients' activities
and it may facilitate the occurrence of seizures. These considerations underline the importance of antiepileptic drugs having anticonvulsant
properties that do not negatively in¯uence sleep and daytime somnolence. In this paper we review some relevant aspects of the effects of
antiepileptic drugs on sleep. q 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Antiepileptic drugs; Sleep; Epilepsy; Polysomnography

1. Introduction In epileptic patients, the relationship between sleep and

pharmacological treatment is further affected by the pre-
The ideal antiepileptic drug (AED) would be a substance existence of seizures and interictal epileptiform EEG
able to abolish seizures without side effects. Unfortunately, abnormalities, that are able to alter the sleep structure per
none of the current AEDs ful®ls these requirements. In fact, se (Janz, 1974; Degen and Niedermayer, 1984). Ictal and
one major limit of AEDs is the presence of side effects, interictal epileptic events interfere with sleep structure,
which sometimes may compromise the quality of life of which appears altered by frequent awakenings, by increase
epileptic patients more than the seizures. Common side in the number of stage shifts, increase in Stage 1 (S1) and
effects are gastrointestinal, dermatological and neurologi- Stage 2 (S2), reduction of REM sleep and of slow wave
cal. In particular, sleep-wake cycle is affected by AEDs sleep (SWS), increase in sleep onset latency and REM
(Declerck and Wauquier, 1991; Sammaritano and Sherwin, latency (Broughton, 1984; Touchon et al., 1991). Recently,
2000). Despite their large use, the in¯uence of AEDs on several new AEDs have been introduced having minor side
sleep has not been extensively investigated so far. It is effects compared with the traditional drugs. However, most
almost impossible to study these drugs in a healthy popula- studies have investigated the effects of traditional AEDs on
tion, in which the effects of epilepsy on sleep are absent. It is sleep, whereas reports regarding the effects of new antic-
not ethically acceptable to evaluate the effects of long-term onvulsants are very few. On the basis of literature and our
treatment with AEDs in healthy human subjects; on the investigations we summarized the relevant ®ndings of the
other hand, it is dangerous to discontinue AEDs in the effects of AEDs on sleep.
epileptic patients. For these reasons, some investigations
are limited by the fact that these studies did not include 1.1. Phenobarbital (PHB)
healthy control subjects, or new referrals or comparison
between baseline, acute and chronic conditions, or patients Phenobarbital belongs to the class of barbiturates and it
in monotherapy, or polysomnographic recordings, or homo- has been the ®rst anticonvulsant used in the clinical practice
genous samples for age, seizure frequency and typology. since 1912. The mechanism of action of PHB is the
enhancement of chloride ion ¯ux by prolonging the mean
opening time of the channel linked to a speci®c binding site
* Corresponding author. Clinica Neurologica, Dipartimento di Neuros-
cienze, UniversitaÁ di Roma Tor Vergata, Via O. Raimondo 8, 00173 Roma,
of GABAa receptor (Meldrum, 1996). In animal studies
Italy. Tel.: 139-06-5914436; fax: 139-06-5922086. (Hinman and Okamoto, 1984; Wauquier et al., 1986) as
E-mail address: fbplacidi@libero.it (F. Placidi). well as in humans (Wolf et al., 1984) PHB reduces REM
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PII: S 1388-245 7(00)00411-9
S116 F. Placidi et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 111, Suppl. 2 (2000) S115±S119

sleep, sleep latency, the number of awakenings and it ment are controversial: Touchon et al. (1987) reported an
provokes increase in NREM sleep, namely S2, and increase increase in sleep stability with respect to basal condition. In
in sleep spindles (Johnson, 1982). contrast, Manni et al. (1990), comparing epileptic patients
vs. normal control subjects, found an increase in sleep
1.2. Phenythoin (PHT) instability associated with REM sleep decrease and increase
in REM sleep onset latency. Bonanni et al. (1995) documen-
Pheythoin is a hydantoin derivative, whose main mechan- ted a decrease in daytime somnolence in the shift from
ism of action consist of the inhibition of voltage-gated and polytherapy to CBZ monotherapy. In a recent study that
use-dependent sodium channels (Meldrum, 1996; Lang et we carried out in temporal lobe epileptic patients, the
al., 1993). This property is responsible for its ef®cacy in short-term effects of CBZ-CR were characterized by reduc-
preventing sustained repetitive ®ring, which leads to the tion and fragmentation of REM sleep and increase in the
spread of epileptic discharge. The effects of PHT on sleep number of stage shifts (Gigli et al., 1997). The acute effects
structure are characterized by reduction of sleep ef®ciency, of the drug were partially reversed after chronic use, and no
decrease in sleep latency, decrease in S1 and S2, light signi®cant difference was found when basal condition was
decrease in REM sleep, increase or no effect on SWS and compared with chronic follow up. NREM sleep was not
increase in wakefulness (Wolf et al., 1984; Declerck and signi®cantly affected, as demonstrated both by macro- and
Wauquier, 1991). Some authors (Wolf et al., 1985; Roder- microstructural analysis. We concluded that CBZ-CR
Wanner et al., 1988) have distinguished short-term from disrupts REM sleep, but only after acute administration;
long-term effects: acute effects were characterized by chronic CBZ-CR therapy does not cause relevant modi®ca-
decrease in sleep onset latency, decrease in S1 and S2, tions of nocturnal sleep and daytime somnolence.
whereas SWS was increased and REM sleep unchanged;
long-term effects consisted of increase in S1 and S2, 1.5. Ethosuximide (ES)
decrease in SWS, and REM sleep remained unmodi®ed.
This is a succimide derivative speci®cally indicated for
1.3. Valproic acid (VPA) the treatment of absence seizures. ES selectively reduces
low-threshold calcium currents in thalamic neurons (Coulter
Valproate exhibits a number of mechanisms of action et al., 1989). This drug seems to reduce SWS, to increase
including the inhibition of GABA-degrading enzymes REM sleep, S1 and wake after sleep onset (WASO) (Roder-
(GABA-T and succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase), the Wanner and Wolf, 1981; Wolf et al., 1985; Declerck and
blockade of voltage-gated sodium channels, and the reduc- Wauquier, 1991).
tion of low threshold calcium currents (Meldrum, 1996;
Kelly et al., 1990). Most studies show minor or no effects 1.6. Benzodiazepines (BDZ)
on sleep architecture together to a stabilization of sleep
cycles (Roder-Wanner and Wolf, 1981; Declerck and A large number of compounds belongs to this group of
Wauquier, 1991; Manni et al., 1993a,b). substances, all having anxiolytic, sedative muscle relaxing
and also anticonvulsant effects. Their mechanism of action
1.4. Carbamazepine (CBZ) is linked to the enhancement of synaptic inhibition by
increasing the opening frequency of GABAa receptor-
It is an iminostilbene and is the ®rst-choice drug in the coupled chloride channels where they bind to a speci®c
treatment of partial seizures with or without secondary modulatory site. Some of these molecules are utilized in
generalization. This drug exerts its anticonvulsant effect the treatment of status epilepticus (i.e. Lorazepam, Diaze-
by inhibiting voltage-gated sodium channels (Lang et al., pam, Clonazepam); however, they are often used as add-on
1993; Meldrum, 1996). Several studies describe the effects therapy in drug resistant seizures (i.e. Clobazam, Clonaze-
of CBZ on sleep in both animals and humans (epileptic pam). Most reports in literature are in agreement regarding
patients and healthy volunteers). Increase in S1, increase their effects on sleep architecture: decrease in sleep onset
in total sleep time (TST), decrease in REM sleep and latency, decrease in SWS, increase in S2, increase in REM
decrease of awakenings have been described after acute sleep onset latency, sometimes associated to REM sleep
administration of CBZ in cats (Gigli et al., 1988). A similar reduction, decrease in number and duration of awakenings
decrease in REM sleep has been described after acute CBZ and arousals; ®nally, an increase in spindle density has also
treatment also in kindled cats (Gigli and Gotman, 1992). In been reported (Johnson, 1982; Nicholson et al., 1989;
healthy humans, the short-term effects of CBZ can be Declerck and Wauquier, 1991; Kales et al., 1991; Sammar-
summarized as follows: improvement of sleep continuity itano and Sherwin, 2000).
and sleep ef®ciency, increase in SWS, decrease in REM
sleep percentage and REM sleep density, increase in 1.7. Vigabatrin (VGB)
daytime somnolence (Yang et al., 1989; Riemann et al.,
1993; Gann et al., 1994; Gigli et al., 1997). This drug is an irreversible inhibitor of GABA-T,
In epileptic patients, the ®ndings regarding chronic treat- increases GABA concentration in human brain and inhibits
F. Placidi et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 111, Suppl. 2 (2000) S115±S119 S117

GABA uptake (Meldrum, 1996). Bonanni et al. (1997) sleep parameters and daytime somnolence were unmodi-
found that chronic VGB add-on therapy did not modify ®ed.
nocturnal polysomnographic sleep measures and daytime
somnolence in epileptic patients receiving CBZ. Recently, 1.10. Felbamate (FBM)
in a study by Raol and Meti (2000) chronic VGB-treated
kindled rats showed an increase in TST due to an increase This drug is a dicarbamate used in the control of seizures
in light slow-wave sleep stage with a decrease in wakeful- in Lennox±Gastatut Syndrome; it has been found to inter-
ness. act with neurotransmission mediated by excitatory aminoa-
cids (De Sarro et al., 1994). Little or no effects on sleep
have been observed in a polysomnographic study carried
1.8. Gabapentin (GBP)
out in rats (Bertorelli et al., 1996); however, this drug has
GBP is a gamma-aminobutyric acid analogue. Its been reported to induce insomnia in epileptic patients
mechanism of action has not been clari®ed yet, but its during both acute and chronic intake (Leppik, 1995; Ketter
®nal effects seem to consist of an enhancement of GABA et al., 1996).
inhibition and a modulation of glutamate synthesis (Taylor
et al., 1998). Previous studies on the effects of GBP ther- 1.11. Topiramate (TPM) and Tiagabine (TGB)
apy on sleep are very few: two studies showed an improve-
The mechanism of action of TPM is complex: inhibition
ment in subjective measures of sleep interference
of voltage-gated sodium channels, antagonism of kainate/
associated with postherpetic neuralgia and painful diabetic
AMPA glutamate receptor, increase of human brain GABA
neuropathy (Rowbotham et al., 1998; Backonja et al.,
concentration and positive modulatory effect on a novel
1998). A polysomnographic study performed on healthy
type of GABAa receptor (Meldrum, 1996; Kuzniecky et
volunteers who underwent GBP therapy reported an
al., 1998). Tiagabine increases GABA concentrations by
increase in SWS related to an increase in serotonine plasma
inhibiting the reuptake of this neurotransmitter (Meldrum,
levels (Rao et al., 1988). In addition, GBP was recently
found to be of bene®t in controlling the leg discomfort
No polysomnographic studies are available for these
associated with Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) (Ehremberg,
2000; Adler, 1997). Recently, we have studied the effects
of chronic GBP therapy on nocturnal sleep in drug-resistant
epileptic patients (Placidi et al., 2000a): we observed an 2. Discussion
increase in REM sleep and SWS, associated with a reduc-
tion in the number of awakenings and Stage 1. The Sleep and epilepsy have reciprocal effects (Janz, 1974;
increase in REM sleep did not correlate with changes in Degen and Niedermayer, 1984), since sleep is a strong
seizure frequency. modulator of epileptic activity. Epileptic events may occur
with different distribution across the sleep stages
1.9. Lamotrigine (LTG) (Passouant, 1982). NREM sleep is apparently a permissive
stage for the expression of partial or generalized paroxysmal
Lamotrigine [3,5-diamino-6-(2,3 dichloro-phenyl)-1,2,4- events (Sammaritano et al., 1991; Baldy-Moulinier et al.,
triazine] has an anticonvulsant pro®le similar to that of 1984). On the other hand, REM sleep causes an inhibition of
phenytoin and carbamazepine, but structurally unrelated seizures and a circumscription of spatial distribution of
to them (Lang et al., 1993). The drug also potently inhibits epileptic discharges (Sammaritano et al., 1991; Montplaisir
the presynaptic release of glutamate evoked by activation et al., 1987). Moreover, sleep instability, i.e. phase shifts,
of voltage-dependent sodium channels (Leach et al., 1995; transitions to waking and arousals, increases the frequency
Macdonald and Green®eld, 1997) without acting directly of ictal and interictal epileptic phenomena (HalaÁsz, 1984)
on the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors. Bertorelli et al. which, in turn, can alter the sleep-waking cycle and sleep
(1996) reported an increase in wakefulness during the architecture (Janz, 1974; Degen and Niedermayer, 1984).
light phase and a reduction in REM sleep during the dark The resulting sleep deprivation may induce further seizures
phase in rats after acute LTG treatment. A retrospective (Rowan et al., 1982).
study showed that 6.4% of patients (7/109) treated with AEDs are able to modify the frequency and course of
LTG therapy complained of insomnia (Sadler, 1999). epileptic phenomena and the sleep architecture by acting
Recently, we have studied the long term effects of add- at both levels (Wolf et al., 1984; Declerck and Wauquier,
on LTG therapy on nocturnal sleep and daytime somno- 1991; Sammaritano and Sherwin, 2000). Drowsiness is one
lence in drug-resistant epileptic patients (Placidi et al., of the most frequent side effects of AEDs (Collaborative
2000b): we observed an increase in REM sleep, a reduction Group for the Study of Epilepsy, 1986). Severe daytime
in the number of entries into REM and stage shifts, a somnolence not only adversely affects patients' activities
decrease in SWS. The increase in REM sleep did not corre- by impairing cognitive performance, but it may facilitate
late to the reduction of the interictal spiking rate. Other the occurrence of seizures and be associated with injury
S118 F. Placidi et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 111, Suppl. 2 (2000) S115±S119

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