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To determine (a) Normal Consistency of cement sample.

Vicat’s Apparatus, Measuring Jar, trowel, weighing balance, cement sample, stop watch.

Cement when mixed with water forms paste which gradually becomes less plastic and finally a
hard plastic is obtained. Cement Concrete should be placed in position of its use before it starts
setting. In the process of setting a stage is reached when the cement paste is sufficiently rigid to
withstand a definite amount of pressure. The time to reach this state is termed as setting time.
Setting time is divided into two parts Initial setting time and Final setting time. It is essential to
keep suitable initial setting time for cement. Similarly when concrete placed in position it should
get hardened as early as possible, So that the structure is put to use earliest.
The time at which cement loses its plasticity or the process of hardening after which any crack
developed in concrete will not reunite is termed as initial setting time and the time taken to reach
the stage when the paste becomes a hard mass when concrete acquires sufficient strength is known
as final setting time. For Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Initial setting time should not be less
than 30 minutes and final setting time should not be more than 10 hours.
The Standard Consistency, Initial setting time and Final setting time is determined with the help
of Vicat’s Apparatus. It consists of a frame to which a movable rod is attached. An indicator is
attached to the movable rod weighing 300 grams to measure the penetration. Vicat’s Apparatus
consists of three attachments – square needle, plunger and square needle with annular collar used
to determine initial setting time, standard consistency and final setting time of cement

Sr. No. Name of Constituents Typical Percentage Limit of %
1. Alumina or Clay (Al2O3) 5 3–8
2. Silica (SiO) 22 17 – 25
3. Lime (CaO) 62 60 – 67
4. Iron Oxide 3 0.5 – 6
5. Magnesia 2 0.1 – 4
6. Sulphur trioxide 1 1–3
7. Alkalies (Soda & Potash) 1 0.2 – 1
8. Calcium Sulphate(CaSO4) 4 3–5

During burning and fusion all the constituents of ordinary cement undergo chemical reaction and
form new compounds known as Bogue’s Compounds.
Tri-calcium aluminates are the first compound which starts hydrating and is responsible for early
setting of cement. Tri-calcium silicate is responsible for the initial strength of cement during first
seven days. Di-calcium silicate reacts with water with a very slow rate hence strength gained by
cement after 7 days is mainly due to it.

a. Consistency Test
The test is carried out to determine the percentage of water required for preparing paste of
standard consistency. For performing setting test, compressive and tensile strength test and
soundness test it is necessary to fix the amount of water to be mixed in cement in each case. It is
defined as the percentage of water required to be mixed in cement so that the penetration made
by the plunger is 5-7 mm from bottom of mould. Take 300 gm of cement sample and mix it with
30% of water by weight of cement. The mixing of cement and water is done on non porous pan.
Fill the Vicat’s mould with the paste and level the surface with the help of trowel blade. Plunger
is attached to the movable rod and mould is placed on the Vicat’s apparatus on non porous plate.
Lift the movable rod and release it with the help of hydraulic ram to penetrate by itself under the
weight of rod only. Penetration of the plunger is noted. Repeat step 1-4 increasing the percentage
of water. The percentage of water is increased until the penetration of the plunger obtains a value
of 5-7 mm from the bottom of the mould.

a. Normal Consistency
S. NO. Weight of % Water by Weight Penetration from Remarks
Cement (gm.) of Cement Bottom (mm.)
1 300
2 300

Standard Consistency of given cement sample is …………..

1. Lumps should not present in cement sample.
2. Do not press the cement paste when filled in mould.
3. Release the movable arm gently.
4. Instrumental error should be checked and corrected if any.

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