3D Geometric Search

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3D Geometric Search

An Emerging 3D Technology

March 2013

CIMdata, Inc.
3909 Research Park Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
+1 734.668.9922
3D Geometric Search
An Emerging 3D Technology

3D Geometric Search
Many new products are designed using the 3D models of existing products as a
starting point; reusing and adapting pre-existing parts. The emerging
technology of 3D geometric search fits into a company’s process best when the
designer needs more than a text search to find a needed model. By quickly
creating a 3D shape that embodies the most important aspects of the original
model or models they seek, designers can perform a 3D geometric shape search
and discover existing released models in the company’s repository. CIMdata
has looked at the current product offerings for 3D geometric search and
identified those aspects of a solution that industrial companies are advised to

Did you ever look for something and hope not to find it…exactly? The emerging 3D geometric search
technology of 3D geometric search as it is applied in the product development facilitates the hunt for
process often attempts just that—search for a part model that is similar to but not similar and exact matches.
exactly the same as a target reference model. While discovering fully exact
matches in a company parts repository benefits by helping to
eliminate duplicate parts and reduce data management costs,
more often information about similar parts can deliver
greater value by reducing costs related to product
development, testing, and inventory.
In today’s fast-moving product development environment,
many new products are designed using the 3D models of
existing products as a starting point. 3D geometric search fits into a company’s
process best when the designer needs more than a text search, using a possibly
obscure part-naming convention, to locate the desired model. By quickly
creating a 3D shape that embodies the most important aspects of the actual
model or models they seek, designers can perform a 3D geometric shape search
and discover existing released models in the company’s repository that come
close to their desired criteria.
Such a search can not only deliver part models that may fit their current design
challenge, but also simulation and manufacturing information about those parts
that can be reused. In a related side of product development, the procurement
organization can more easily locate a new supplier for an existing component
part, not by expecting them to already be producing a perfect match, but by
locating a supplier that fabricates a part so close that they clearly demonstrate
that they can handle manufacturing of the needed component.
Research for this paper was conducted over the past year by CIMdata’s Design
Creation and Collaboration Knowledge Council which has now expanded and

Copyright © 2013 by CIMdata, Inc. 1

3D Geometric Search
An Emerging 3D Technology

been renamed the Social Product Development & Collaboration Knowledge


The Technology
3D geometric search owes its development to extensive research into computer Shape matching measures
vision technology and the indexing improvements deployed in text-search the similarity of two
algorithms. The field of computer vision seeks to acquire, process, and shapes using a distance
understand images and three-dimensional data. Computer vision algorithms measure.
focus on shape matching and most notably are used in machine vision systems
for product inspection on manufacturing lines. The objective of shape matching
is to measure the similarity between two given shapes using some form of
distance measure.
A series of algorithmic measures (or shape evaluation tests) can be applied to a
3D model and the results represented as an n-dimensional coordinate for the
model, e.g., (measure 1 value, measure 2 value, …, measure n value). This
coordinate is often called the model’s signature or fingerprint. By using indexing
operations developed for text search, a repository of 3D models can be scanned,
and signatures computed and stored in a data list together with thumbnail images
of the models and a link back to the full model. It is important that shape search
technology be integrated with a company’s data management system in order to
keep all model indices current.
When searching for a target reference model, the target’s signature is computed
and an n-dimensional distance calculation is tested with each of the other model
signatures in the catalog of existing models. The closer the results are, the more
similar the models.

Synthesizing the Solutions

Eight primary solution providers currently cover the 3D geometric search Eight primary solution
market. While others exist, they have not attained the level of prominence providers cover the 3D
needed to be recognized in the broad PLM market. For example, a Russian geometric search market.
company, Intermech, offers a solution called IMSHAPE for 3D geometric
search but use of the product for non-Russian speakers can be difficult. Table 1
lists the eight primary vendors with whom CIMdata has discussed the
technology, along with the names of their products and a link to their websites:

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3D Geometric Search
An Emerging 3D Technology

Table 1—3D Geometric Search Solution Providers

Provider Product URL
3DSemantix 3DPartFinder www.3dpartfinder.com
PARTSolutions www.partsolutions.com
Dassault Systèmes ENOVIA Live Similarity www.3ds.com
Geometric Ltd. 3DSearchIT www.geometricglobal.com
CADseek Polaris
iSEEK Corporation www.iseekcorp.com
CADseek Pegasus
Sconce Solutions Bingo! www.sconcesolutions.com
ShapeSpace Ltd. ShapeSpace www.shapespace.com
Siemens PLM Software Geolus Search www.plm.automation.siemens.com

After assessing each of the eight solution candidates, it becomes apparent that
there are four major factors an industrial company must consider in their
selection of the product best suited for their needs. The first and most important
factor is the domain of model formats that the search application can scan.
While each solution is evolving over time and adding to its scope, it does little
good to select a solution that does not currently handle all the model formats
used in your design production.
The second factor deals with the solution’s ability to measure, evaluate and
distinguish the defining shape characteristics of the model parts most commonly
used in your designs. The manner in which the solution presents search results to
the user is a third consideration. Finally, the software bundling of an application
by its commercial solution provider can make or break how viable it is in your
The Domain of Models
The first and most important aspect to consider when evaluating a 3D search The most important aspect
solution is the domain of native CAD model formats and industry standard is the domain of CAD
formats that it can read. CIMdata discovered varied ranges of coverage when formats that the solution
investigating the current solutions. Some solutions have extensive coverage; for understands.
others it is extremely limited. In discussions with the solution providers,
however, it was evident that they are all actively working on expanding their
coverage in future software releases.
The Technology of Shape Analysis
Given the technology of 3D geometric search it would follow that the nature of
the algorithmic measures or shape evaluation tests actually implemented in the
solution would be of concern. In CIMdata’s evaluation this proved not to be the
case for common search cases. Although CIMdata did not conduct formal
testing of the products, from demonstrations it is apparent that each solution
provides a strong set of results to varied search parameters. However, we would

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3D Geometric Search
An Emerging 3D Technology

caution an industrial product company to more seriously consider this point if

their products have unusual shape characteristics.
Results Presentation
One of the more distinguishing aspects of the various 3D Search solutions The manner in which
comes from the manner in which the results of a 3D geometric search are search results are
presented to the user. The search criteria look not only for exact matches but displayed is a
also for models that are relatively close in shape. The application must display distinguishing factor.
numerous results and do so in a manner that conveys to the user an indication of
how close each result is to the target reference part. Therein lies the challenge—
how to express the amount each result diverges from the reference part?
Because the nature of the problem deals with 3D geometric shapes, every
commercial solution uses thumbnails to portray the results graphically. The
traditional method to present multiple results relies on either an array or a
sequential list of thumbnails (Figure 1). Each solution that delivers the search
results this way will have an approach for indicating the amount each result
diverges from the reference part. Results further into an array or down a list
typically reflect a larger divergence. Additionally some solutions will include a
numeric measure such as percentage of commonality, but often the 3D visual
thumbnail depiction conveys more pertinent information to the user.

Figure 1—Geolus Search Results

(Courtesy of Siemens PLM Software)

One unique approach to presenting results of the search comes from

3DPartFinder. The developers at 3DSemantix use color and position to
distinguish how well a result meets the search criteria. Figure 2 depicts a typical
search result. The reference part being searched against is displayed in blue. Any
exact match is shown in orange; mirrored parts in green. A previous version is
marked with a red arrow. All other results are displayed in gray and are
Copyright © 2013 by CIMdata, Inc. 4
3D Geometric Search
An Emerging 3D Technology

positioned along an angled axis to the right—the further away from the
reference part, the more the shape varies. The approach provides the user many
more resultant parts visually than could be shown in a single screen with a
vertical parts list. As is true of other presentation methods however, additional
interaction is necessary to look at and compare part properties such as
dimensions and physical material.

Figure 2—3DPartFinder Search Results

(Courtesy of 3DSemantix)

An even more dramatic results presentation comes from ShapeSpace. Figure 3

illustrates the results delivered in the ShapeSpace application. Models that
match the reference part are aligned in a 3-dimensional array that the user can
dynamically move through to explore the result that best fits their need.

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3D Geometric Search
An Emerging 3D Technology

Figure 3—ShapeSpace Search Results

(Courtesy of ShapeSpace)

Users will likely have strong opinions on whether they are comfortable with a
solution’s presentation of results. Many applications will therefore grant some
variance in how results are displayed that the user can control individually.
Because of its importance and its impact, results presentation should be carefully
considered when selecting a solution.
The Solution Bundling
Finally, the manner in which the solution provider bundles their application can Packaging can be a
be a deciding factor. Solutions offered by companies that are not themselves deciding factor.
CAD application developers may or may not offer their application integrated
within some of the leading CAD systems. The recent trend in third-party
application development has been toward embedded implementation, but by no
means is this universal. When evaluating a 3D geometric search solution,
companies should consider their preferred level of integration with their CAD
systems of choice.
At least one of the leading contenders has made 3D geometric search an internal
function of their application. The primary purpose of their product is a part-
category and data-management solution. A company that takes full advantage of
all the product’s capabilities gains a natural benefit from its geometric search.
Isolating their use to only 3D geometric search would seem cost ineffective.

The PLM market is reflecting increased interest in text-based search technology
to aid users navigating through an ever-growing mass of product and process
data. Close on the heels of these text-based improvements, the technology to
search on 3D geometric shape is also on the rise. Expect to see the two search

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3D Geometric Search
An Emerging 3D Technology

methodologies merging in the future. For example, users will be able to jointly
search on geometric shape as well as text and attributes such as material.
For now, industrial product companies are advised to consider the important
benefits of 3D geometric search in their current processes. Cost saving realized
from eliminating part duplicates within the company’s model data repository
only scratches the surface. Product designers can realize significant gains in
productivity on current projects by locating similar existing parts and reusing
their associated simulation and manufacturing data.
When exploring features of the current solutions in the market, potential buyers Four additional
are advised to add four important criteria to their usual purchase considerations considerations need to be
of cost and performance. When evaluating a 3D geometric search solution, its reviewed in addition to
ability to read the specific CAD native models your company employs, whether those of cost and
the solution handles any special shapes that are needed, and your preferences in performance when
both results presentation and software bundling should be critical factors in your evaluating a purchase.
purchase decision.

About CIMdata
CIMdata, a leading independent worldwide firm, provides strategic management
consulting to maximize an enterprise’s ability to design and deliver innovative
products and services through the application of Product Lifecycle Management
(PLM) solutions. Since its founding over thirty years ago, CIMdata has
delivered world-class knowledge, expertise, and best-practice methods on PLM
solutions. These solutions incorporate both business processes and a wide-
ranging set of PLM-enabling technologies.
CIMdata works with both industrial organizations and providers of technologies
and services seeking competitive advantage in the global economy. CIMdata
helps industrial organizations establish effective PLM strategies, assists in the
identification of requirements and selection of PLM technologies, helps
organizations optimize their operational structure and processes to implement
solutions, and assists in the deployment of these solutions. For PLM solution
providers, CIMdata helps define business and market strategies, delivers
worldwide market information and analyses, provides education and support for
internal sales and marketing teams, as well as overall support at all stages of
business and product programs to make them optimally effective in their
In addition to consulting, CIMdata conducts research, provides PLM-focused
subscription services, and produces several commercial publications. The
company also provides industry education through PLM certification programs,
seminars, and conferences worldwide. CIMdata serves clients around the world
from offices in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.
To learn more about CIMdata’s services, visit our website at
www.CIMdata.com or contact CIMdata at: 3909 Research Park Drive, Ann

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3D Geometric Search
An Emerging 3D Technology

Arbor, MI 48108, USA. Tel: +1 734.668.9922. Fax: +1 734.668.1957; or at

Oogststraat 20, 6004 CV Weert, The Netherlands. Tel: +31 (0) 495.533.666.

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