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ighteen years ago I ran away from again not too different to a lot of the fundamental
a life and a world I could no longer Judeo-Christian-Islamic rhetoric – marry your
stand, which I could never have fit own, pro-create and educate within the confines

MATHEWS- into or belonged to. The details and

circumstances of my story won’t be
the same as too many other people
of heteronormativity. Homosexuality (or being
transgender) doesn’t visibly exist within the
membership of this international religion’s

MCKAY in the LGBT community’s, but what

isn’t unique to me is the experience
of growing up feeling confused,
voiceless and hopeless.
congregation, and if it does it’s viewed as a
sickness to be overcome or a sign of ‘satanic
possession’, to be cast out.
For adults who join the movement there
@RAMathewsMckay When my mum was very young she met
and joined a religious cult commonly known as
are a series of trials, workshops, and training
programmes, and a separate set of rules to
#GrowingUpGay ‘The Moonies’, though officially known as the
Unification Church. I spent most of my first 18
adopt than for the children growing up in the
community. But all the roads and paths lead in one
years living with my mum and later step-dad direction – to the arranged marriages and the pro-
MY EXPERIENCES AS A under the control of this cult, its expectations creation of more members from those marriages.
and endless rules, a lot of which made no sense, Stepping out of the designed plans, as my mum
LESBIAN GROWING UP IN and were both contradictory and demeaning. temporarily did when she had me, meant that I
A RELIGIOUS CULT AREN’T Intermittently I would be banished as the next
church fad kicked in, mission and edict, and my
was about as welcome as an illegitimate child in
1930s Ireland.
THAT MUCH DIFFERENT grandparents and other family members would As I grew up my grandparents were incredibly
I should point out that no one in my family
kind and offered me the opportunity to live,
breathe and think outside of cult life every now
CHILDREN has anything to do with the movement anymore, and again. They provided stability, turned a
except for a few friends and ex-members we’ve blind eye to small-minded cultural norms in rural
stayed connected with. Ireland, and set a good example as open-minded
The teachings, rules and belief system of this humanitarians. But this occassional freedom was
particular cult are detailed and complex. If they also a curse, as long as I had no real freedom of
approach you, they may seem nice; they can talk my own.
a good talk but I promise they are dangerous As soon as I turned 18 I ran as far away as
and damaging. The community is small here in I possibly could. It was 1997 when I made the
Ireland, but they’ve been known to skulk outside official break, jumping on a train in the dead of
the GPO. night. In November of the same year I got word
I grew up under the influence of a Messianic that the photograph of my intended spouse was
megalomaniac leader named Sun Myung Moon ready for me to see, that my wedding band,
(who has since died leaving his wife and son in wedding dress and plane tickets to Washington
charge), who dictated our daily family life, what DC, where my mass ceremony was being held
we should think, when we would sleep, how many that year, were in London awaiting collection. I
times a day we must pray, who we should marry knew I couldn’t re-enter a life that felt like a living
(they have arranged, mass weddings), how we hell, so I wrote to them informing them that I
should be educated, how we should have sex, how would expose all and press charges if they didn’t
many children to have and what to name them. leave me alone. It took a while, and a few more
The list goes on and on – there was nothing left traumatic experiences, but eventually I broke free.
to free will or personal desire; not even your own I could blame my mum for the wretched parts
taste buds were safe. Commune life controlled of my childhood and it’s true that she’s not entirely
your food intake and having your own source of blameless, but I respect that her intentions and
money was discouraged. Can you imagine as a faith were pure, even if they were misguided.
teenager being banned from listening to secular And my mum has had the courage to ask for
music, or being forced to wear certain clothes on forgiveness and to be open to who I need to be.
the basis of gender? It sounds like an MTV reality Not only does she no longer stand in my way,
show, but it was my childhood. I was regularly but she publically supports my activist life and
chastised for wanting to wear trousers, Doc welcomes my intimate relationships.
Martens and my hair short, to name just a few of I appreciate that my personal experiences
my “deviations”. are an extreme example of the need for, and the
I’m sure there are many who grew up in emergence of, personal autonomy, and I hope very
devout religious homes that can identify with few people share with the few details I’ve written
how insidious church/institutional dogma can about. But I speak in solidarity to all who have
can be. Reverend Moon and his behavioural found or are on the verge of finding the courage
management style was often no different to that and the self-determination to step out of an
of the Catholic hierarchy or Imams of Islamic abusive home, or a marriage that no longer makes
States, using fear of God, fear of punishment in the sense, out of a life that doesn’t feel like yours,
afterlife, fear of shame, and often using sex as a or out of a mindset that is holding you back. No
device to administer those fears and then offering matter how high the wall, thick the chain or strong
redemption as a source of hope. the grip, you can be free to be who you need to be
The Guinness Book of Records-famous arranged and want to be. And there’s no shame in asking
marriages and the off-spring of these unions for help along the way.
were, and still are, the focal point of Moonie life,


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