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 Disclosure to Promote the Right

Right To Information
 Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan  Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 5749 (1970): Specification for Forged Ramshorn Hooks

[MED 14: Cranes, Lifting Chains and Related Equipment]

“ !"# $ %& #' (")* &" +#,-. ”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“ !"# %& ;<" =7"#" > 72 &(: ?0 )"@" #AB 7" <&*"    *A ”
“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS : 5749 - 1970
( Reaffirmed 2008 )

 Indian Standard
( First Reprint JUNE 1989 )

UDC 62 1. 86 .0 61 .1 :6 21 .8 85 .2

©  Copyright   1971


 NEW DELHI 11 00 02

Gr 3  January  1971





( Pa ge 4 , c l a u s e 4 . 1 , l i n e 4 ) Su bs ti tu te
' 0 . 0 2 p e r c e n t ' .for ' 0 . 2 0 p e r c e n t ' .


Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

IS : 5749 - 1970

 Indian Standard
Lifting Chains and Associated Fittings and Components Sectional
Committee, EDC 49

Chairman  Representing

DR K. N. SINHA Central Mining Research Station (CSIR), Dhanbad

SHR I B L CH ITL AN GI A Indian Cham Manufacturing Co, Calcutta
SH RI G . S . A G A R W A L (  Alternate )
DEPUTY DIRECTOR ( MET-II ) Research, Designs and Standards Organization
( Ministry of Railways ), Chitta ranj an
A S S I S T A N T D I R E C T O R ( W E L D IN G )
(  Alternate )
DE PU TY DI RE CT OR , ST AN DA RD S R es e a r ch , D es i gn s a n d Standards Organization
( LOCO ) ( Mini stry of Railw ays ), Luc kno w
ING ) (  Alternate )
SHR I K GANA PATTY Jossop & Co Ltd, Calcutta
SH RI G C. JA IN Hindustan Steel Ltd
SHRI K H KALE W H Brady & Co Lt d, Bo mba y
SHR I C K. RAD HAK RI SH NAN (  Alternate )
SHRI P. S KA PO OR Indi an Min ing Association, Calcu tta
S H R I L.  F L A C K   (  Alternate)
S H R I S. K A S T R U R I Ministry of Shipping & Trans port (T ran sp ort
SHRI S RAGHAVAN (  Alternate )
SHRI KU LD IP CH AN D Dir ecto rate Gene ral of Supplie s & Disposals New
SH RI C S R AO (  Alternate)
MAJ T. V M A L I Ministry of Defence ( DGI )
S HR I P. K K NA IR (  Alternate )
SHRI P RAJAGOP AL ME NO N Gears India, Madras
SHR I P. M NIT YAN AND AN (  Alternate )
SH RI P K. NEV AT IA Indian Link Chain Manufacturers Ltd, Bombay
SH RI V A OZ A Ashok Steel Chain Manufacturing Co, Bombay
SHRI F M F E R N A N D I Z (  Alternate )
SH RI S. G. PRA DH AN Tak Machinery Ltd, Bombay
SHR I B J RA MRA KH IA NI Directorate General of Factory Advice Service and
Labour Institutes ( Ministry of Labou r, E mplo y-
ment & R ehabil itati on ), Bomba y
SH RI H. N . J A G T I A N I (  Alternate)

( Continued on page 2 )


 NEW DELHI 110002
IS : 5749 - 1970

(  Continued from page 1 )

 Members  Representing
S HR I H A RA MS DA IE Geo Miller & Co Private Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI P.  C H A T T E R J E E  (Alternate)
SHRI N P ROY CH OW DH UR Y M i n i n g a n d A l l ie d Machin ery Co rpo rati on Ltd ,
SHRI S. N B A N E R J E E  (Alternate)
SHRI K C SA DH UK HA N The Comm iss ion ers for the Port of Cal cut ta,
SHRI B. R  C H A T T E R J E E  (Alternate)
SHRI M V PA IA NK AR , D i r e c t o r G e n e r a l , I S I (  Ex-officio Member  )
Director ( Mec h Engg )


Deputy Dir ect or ( Me ch Eng g ), ISI

Hooks and A n c i l l a r ie s S u b c o m m i t t e e , E D C 4 9 : 3

S H RI H N JA GT IA NI Directorate General of Factory Advice Service and
Lab our Institutes ( Ministry of Labo ur, Emp loy
ment & Rehabilitation ), Bombay
SHRI A BANERJEE India I orge & Drop Stamping s Ltd, Mad ras
SHRI PREM CHONA (  Alternate )
SHRI S K BA SU Hin dus tan Steel 1 Ltd, Ra nc hi
SHRI I C S H A R M A  (Alternate)
S H RI G V CH EL IA M Ministry of Ship pin g & Trans port ( Tra nsp ort Wi ng )
SH RI B L ??? Indian Chain Manufacturing Co, Calcutta
SHRI G S AGARWAL (  Alternate )
SH RI A M COOPER  Maz ago n Dock Ltd , Bomb ay
DEPUTY DIRECTOR, STANDARDS Research, Designs and Standards Organization
(LO CO) ( Ministry of Railwavs ), Lucknow
S HR I K K DEV Jessop & Co Ltd, Calcutta
SH RI T C GHO SAL Th e Indi an Sta ndar d Wagon Co Ltd, Calcutt a
SHRI S P G H O S H   (Alternate)
SHRI B MI SR A Heavv Engineering Co rporat ion Ltd, Ranchi
S H RI K C SA DH IK HA N The Commissioners for the Port of Callcutta, Calcutta
SHRI B R. CHATTERJEE (  Alternate )

IS : 574 9 - 197 0

 Indian Standard

0. 1 This India n Sta nda rd was adopted by the India n Stand ards Institution
on 29 May 1970, after the draft finalized by the Lifting Chains and
Associated Fittings an d Co mpon ents Sectional C ommi ttee h ad been
approved by the Mechanical Engineering Division Council.

0. 2  The ramshorn hooks covered by this standard are intended for crane
loads abov e the range of point hooks and ' C ' hooks covered i n the earlier
sta nda rds. Th e use of ram shor n hooks an d tr iang ular lifting eyes for loads
of 40 tonne s an d over is rec omm en ded in IS : 31 77 -1 96 5* . The se
ramshorn hooks are designed for included sling angles of 90°.

0. 3  Th e information to be supplied with enqu iry and or der is given in

Appendix A.

0. 4 Th e ram sho rn hooks must be truly ba la nc ed if they are to rot ate freely
und er load. To ensu re this, it is desirable to mo un t the thrust bea rin g
on a spherical seating ( see  Appendix B ).

0. 5  The recommendations for the use of ramshorn hooks are given in

Appendix D.

0.6 In the prep ara tio n of this sta nda rd, conside rable assistance has bee n
derived from:
Ent wur f DI N 15402 Blatt 1 La stha ken fur Hebezeu ge : Dopp elha ken :
Ro hl in ge . ( Load hooks for hoisting mac hi ne ry : Clov e hooks :
Bl an ks ). 1960. Deuts cher Normena usschuss.
En tw urf DI N 15402 Blatt 2 Last haken fur Hebez eug e : Dop pel hake n :
Fert igte ile. ( Lo ad hooks for hoisti ng ma ch in er y : Clove hooks:
Finished parts ). 1960. Deut sche r Norme nauss chuss .
BS 3017 : 1958 M ild steel forged ram sho rn hooks. British Sta nd ar ds

*Code of practice for design of overhead (ravelling cranes and gantry cranes oth er t han
steel work cranes.

IS : 5749 - 1970

0.7 For the purpose of dec idi ng wheth er a partic ular requi remen t of this
standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expres
sing the result of a test or anal ysis , shall be ro un de d off in acco rd an ce with
IS : 2 - 1960*. Th e nu mb er of significant p lace s ret ain ed in the rou nd ed
off val ue should be the same as that of t he specified va lue in this

1.1 Thi s st an da rd c overs forged ra msh orn ho oks ha vi ng a ra nge of safe
working loads from 40 to 250 tonnes and designed for included angles
 be tw ee n 0° a n d 90 °.
2. 0 For the purpos e of this st an da rd , the following definiti ons shall apply.
2 . 1 C o m p e t e n t P e r s o n — A person w ho is appro ved a nd dec lare d as
such or recognized by the relevant statutory authority.
2.2 Inspector  — The representative of the purchaser.

2 . 3 P r o c e s s i n g - A ny tre at me nt of the hook subse quent to forging, such

as heat treatment and polishing.
2.4 Pr oo f Loa d — Th e load to which a ramshorn hook shall be subj ected
in the finished condition.
2.5 Rating — Th e max im um safe working load whic h the ram sho rn hook
shall withstand.
3.1  The ramshorn hooks shall be rated according to the safe working load
given in Table 1.
4.1 T he steel used for the ma nu fa ct ur e of swivel ass emb ly shall be ma de
 by op en hearth, el ec tr ic or by ot he r oxyge n- bl own pr oc es s, having a ten si le
strength of at least 42 kgf mm 2 , an d shall be fully killed. It shall co nta in
not less than 0 20 percent of al umi niu m. Sul phu r an d phosp horus shall
not exceed 0.050 an d 0.045 percent respectively. Any type of steel whi ch
meets these requirements and when suitably heat treated meets the specific
requi reme nts with regard to the me cha nic al properties may be used.
Steel s con for min g to G ra de 2 of IS : 187 5- 19 66 † or IS : 3261 - 1966‡ meet
these requirements and are considered suitable.

*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )

†Specification for carbon steel billets, blooms and slabs for forgings (  revised ).
‡Specification for carbon steel forgings for shipbuilding industry.

IS : 574 9 - 197 0


5.1   T he form an d dimension s of ramsh orn hooks shall be in ac co rda nce

with Table 1.

5 . 2 T o l e r a n c e s o n D i m e n s i o n s — Th e tolerances on dimens ions a 1 , a 2 ,

b 1 , b 2 , d 1 and h shall be in ac co rda nc e with Table 1. T h e forged
dime nsion s for wh ich no to ler anc e has bee n specified in the tab le shall be
not less tha n the values given in th e tab le an d shall not excee d these by
more than +8 percent.

5.2.1 Mac hin ing tolerances shall be in acc ord an ce with m edi um class
of IS : 2102-1969*.

5.3 Screw Threads — Screw t hrea ds shall be eith er I SO metri c screw

threads conforming to IS 4218 - 1967† or round or knuckle threads.

T he length of the scre wed por tion shall be not less tha n the dim en
sion m. It the shank an d t he nut w hich secure it ar e drill ed for fixing
of a r eta inin g pin , there shall rem ain a cont inuo us l engt h of sha nk
enga ged by the nut on the load side at least eq ual to m.


6. 1 Th e rai nsh orn hooks shall be free from d elec ts a nd sha ll be cle anly
forged in such a ma nn er that the macro sco pic flow line of the hooks follow
the body out lin e. All the surfaces shall be smoot hly finished.

6.1.1 Billets or bloom s to bo ma de into ra ms ho rn hooks shall be gr ad ua ll y

a d uni form ly worked from ingots from whi ch at least five per ce nt of the
total weight has been removed from the bottom end and 25 percent from
the top end Whe n finished, the secti onal ar ea of the body as forged
shall not exceed one fourth of the mea n sectional ar ea of the origin al ingot
used. Th e shank shall be wholly forged an d the re ma in de r wholly forged
an d mac hine d Mac hin e gas-cut ting ma y be used after rough forging
of shap e prov ide d an ad eq ua te excess of mat eri al is left for remo val of
surface defects by machining.


7.1 All the rams hor n hooks shall, before testing, be norma lize d by heat ing
uniformly in a furnac e until the whole of the mat eria l ha s attai ned a
temperature between 880°C and 910°C. It shall then be withdrawn from
the furnace and allowed to cool in still air.

*Allowable deviations for dimensions without specified tolerances ( first revision ).

†ISO metric screw threads ( issued in 6 parts ).

IS : 5749 - 1970

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IS : 5749 - 1970

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IS : 574 9 - 1970

8.1 Eac h completed ramsh orn hook shall, afte r heat tre at me nt, be
subjecte d to a vertical proof load specified in Tab le 1. If the ve rti cal pro of
load test is appl ied in ac co rd an ce w ith Fig 1A, an add it io na l test of half
the proof load specified for the vertical loading shall be applied
hori zont ally as indi cat ed in Fig 1B Prior to the app lic ati on of proof
lo ad ing , each hook shall be ar a centre pu nc h ma rk at position a from
whi ch scribe d lines shall be tr am mel le d to posit ion b After rem ova l of
the load, the hook shall be re-scribed with the trammel unaltered, and the
difference between the scribed lines shall be the amount of permanent set.
The permanent set shall in no case exceed 0 25 percent of the distance   ab.
Th e ramshor n hook shall then be thoroug hly e xam ine d by a co mpet ent
 pe rson a nd shal l be accepted as compl ying wit h th is s ta nd a r d on ly if
found free from flaw or defect



9.1   The representative of the purchaser shall have access to the works of
the manufacturer at all reasonable times for the purpose of witnessing the
specified tests and inspecting the machine and methods of examination.
9.2  Th e man ufa ctu rer shall supply a certificate of test and exam inat ion
in the form show n in App end ix C with e ver y supply of ra msh orn hooks
The certificate shall give the results of all tests made
9. 3  For the purpose of this standard, test ceitilicate in Form V of the
Indian Dock Labourers Regulation, 1948, is acceptable provided that it is
end orse d in col 2 by the ma nuf ac tur er or supplier t hat the ram sho rn hooks
comply in all respects with this standard and that it states the material of
whi ch the rams horn hooks are ma de and the details of heat tre atm ent to
which they have been subjected

IS : 5749 - 1970

10.1 Each ramshorn hook shall, after testing, be permanen tly marked on
a non-vital part with the following information:
a) Safe working load given in Tab le 1;
 b) Limiting included angles, that is 0 to 90°; and
c) Distinguishing marks or symbols as will allow identification with
the manufacturer's certificate of test and examination.
10.1.1 Th e ramshorn hooks, may also be marked with th e ISI
Certification Mark.
 NOTE — The use of t he ISI Certi fication Mar k is governe d by the provisions of the
Indian S tandar ds Insti tution ( Certification Marks ) Act, and the Rules and Regula
tions made thereu nder Presence of this mark on produc ts covered by an Indi an
Sta ndar d conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the
requirement s of that stand ard, under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and
quality control during prod uction . This svstem, which is devised and supervised by
ISI and operated by the produce r, has the further safeguard that t he products as
actually marketed are continuously checked by ISI for conformity to the sta nda rd.
Details of condi tions , u nde r which a licence for the use of the IS I Certific ation Mark
may be grant ed to man ufa ctu res or processors, may be obt ained from the I ndia n
Standards Institution

(Clause  0.3)
The enquiry and order should state:
a) safe working load,
 b) form of screw thread,
c) length of shank,
d) method of manufacture, and
e) further tests or chemical analysis required.

(Clause  0.4)
B-1.  Up to 125 tonnes capacity, standard single thrust ball bearings may
 be obtained. With the majority of ball thrust bearings, it is generally
found necessary to locate the bearings on spigots or recesses on the hook
nut and crosshead.

IS : 5749 - 1970

B-2. For hooks above 125 tonnes capacity, tapered roller or special
thrust ball bearings are recommended. The bearing manufacturer should
 be consulted for suitable sizes.

B-3. When mounting single thrust ball bearings , care should be taken that
the race does not take excessive horizontal load due to cleara nce between
the ramshorn hook shank and the bore of the crosshead.

(Clause  9.2)




(1) (2) (3) (5)

(4) tonnes

Particulars of heat treatment to which the ramshorn hooks have been subjected are
as follows:

We hereby certify that the ramshorn hooks, described above, comply

in all respects with IS 5749-1970 'Specification for forged ramshorn hooks'
and that they were subjected to the proof load and subsequently examined
and passed by a competent person.


IS : 5749 - 1970

(Clause  0.5)
D - 1 . Th e ramsh orn hooks covered b y this sta nda rd should not be upg rad ed
for use wi th slings at inc lude d angl es less th an 90°, as the cap aci ty of the
hook is also gove rned by the permi ssible stress in the sha nk. ( Ad va nt ag e
can not therefore be taken of the increased body streng th wh en the incl uded
sling angles are less than 90°. )
D-2. Ra ms ho rn hooks should not be used with sling legs at excessi ve
angl es, since the stress in the bod y of the hook will incre ase at a gre at er
rate than that in the sling leg. (T ab le s of ang ula r lo ading on slings will
not therefore be equally applicable to the loading on the ramshorn hooks. )
D-3.  For heavy an d bulk y loads, it is preferable to use a lifting be am
sus pen ded from t he hook by tw o pairs of links at fixed ce nt re s, the
cen tres of the link pins on the b eam b eing slightly grea ter th an the cen tre s
of the bed di ame ter s of the hoo k.
D-4. An appr opri ate included angle betw een the link plat es would be of
the orde r of 30°. Wi th so small an inc lud ed ang le, the stress red uc ti on
factor for the hook body is less than one-half.
D-5 . To avoid the dan ger of overloa ding indivi dual link plates a nd their
assoc iate d link pins , due to th e possible tiltin g of th e be am an d the
cons eque nt out-of-balance effect, link plate assembl ies should be desig ned
with an ample margin of safety.
D-6 . When using lifting beams, their length can be arranged to take
varying centres of slings to suit the loads an d ensure true bal anc ing. Tr ue
 balancing is es se nt ia l in orde r that the hook ma y ro tate freely u nd e r loa d
when required.
D-7. Wh en lifting bulky loads wher e the centr e of gravity is not cen tra l
 betw een the po in ts of sli ng ing , it is desi ra ble to ad ju st the leng th of the
slings so tha t the cen tre of gravi ty of the load is i mme dia te ly below the
centre line of the hook.
D-8. In order to red uce t he effort requ ired to rota te the hook when lo ade d,
it is recommended that the hook be carried on a ball or roller thrust
 be aring ( see  Appendix B ).
D-9 . Wh en sling angles app roach the limiting inc lude d angle for which
the hook i s des ign ed, it is n ecessa ry to tak e ca re tha t nei the r of the tw o
horn s is s ubje cted to a load exce eding o ne-ha lf of the safe worki ng load
of the hook, since the stress red uct ion factor would the n be nearl y uni ty,
an d any out-o f-bala nce effect could over load one of the horn s. Wh e n
lifting loads just within the capa city of the hook, extre me care is needed
in this respect.


Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002
Telephone s: 33 1 01 31, 33 1 13 75 Telegrams: Mana ksan stha
( Common to all Offices )
 Regional Offices: Telephone
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 NEW DELHI 110002 331 13 75
*Eastern : 1 /1 4 C. I. T. Sche me VII M, V. I. P. Road, 36 24 99
Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054
 Northern : SCO 445-446, Sector 35 -C , 2 18 43
CHANDIGARH 160036 3 16 41
41 24 42
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.41 29 16
†Western : Manakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri ( East), 6 32 92 95
BOMBAY 400093
 Branch Offices:
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AHMADABAD 380001 2 63 49
‡Peenya Industrial Area 1st Sta ge , Bangalore Tumkur Road 38 49 55
BANGALORE 560058 38 49 56
Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T. T. Nagar, 6 67 16
BHOPAL 462093
Plot No. 82/83, Lewis Road, BHUBANESHWAR 751002 5 36 27
53/5, Ward No 29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th Byelane, 3 31 77
5-8 -56 C L. N Gupta Marg ( Nampally Station Road ), 23 10 83
R14 Yudhister Marg, C Scheme, JAIPUR 302005 6 34 71
6 98 32
117/418 B Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005 21 68 76
21 82 92
Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013
6 23 05
T.C. No. 14/1421, University P.O., Palayam
TRIVANDRUM 695035 6 21 04
6 21 17
 Inspection Offices  ( With Sale Point ):
Pushpanjali, First Floor, 20 5-A West High Court Road, 2 51 71
Shankar Nagar Square, NAGPUR 440010
Institution of Engineers ( India ) Building, 1332 Shivaji Nagar, 5 24 35
PUNE 411005
* S a l e s Office in Calcutta is at 5 Chowri nghee Approach, P. O. Princep 27 68 00
Street. Calcutta 700072
†Salea Office in B ombay is at Novelt y Cha mbe rs, Gran t Road, 89 66 28
Bombay 400007
‡Sales Office in Bangalore is at Unity Building, Narasimharaja Square, 22 36 71
Bangalore 560002

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

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