Enterprise Risk Management - Its Application and Relation With Business Performance

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Enterprise Risk Management - Its Application and Relation with Business


This research investigates the moderating influence of environmental sustainability

practices on the link between enterprise risk management (ERM) deployment and
corporate effectiveness. A valuation methodology, particularly the economic benefit
added, is used to estimate business performance (EVA). An ERM deployment that is
successful has a major favourable effect on a company's actual quality. However,
there have been few evaluations on strategy implementation as well as how
sustainable development might affect an organization's performance via ERM. The
amount of risk management is often heavily influenced by the nature of the business
in which the firm works and the organization's size (Saeidi et al. (2019). As a result,
considerable disparities in the implementation of ERM in different countries can be
found in the financial and finance industry versus other sectors, but also local, global,
and responsible businesses.

A literature review

According to Klučka, J. and Grünbichler, R. (2020), the question focuses on the

occurrence of important risks over the last three years, and the response may
recognise the value of an ERM strategy. Shootings, natural catastrophes, IT failures
with traffic implications, and computer hackers were all identified as critical hazards.
In response, 38 %of respondents claimed that no crucial events had transpired in the
previous three years, while 32 % stated that while these events took place in the range
of 1 to 5, 12 % stated that important things happened in the range of 11 to 20 (Klučka
and Grünbichler 2020). According to Saeidi et al. (2019), the importance of enterprise
risk management (ERM), corporate sustainability, and company performance has
grown in both studies and practice in the increasingly globalised world, trying to get
the attention of all businesses, including that of the petroleum industry. Several pieces
of research have been added to this base of information, each accounting for the
distinct elements. A review of the literature on strategy implementation, corporate
sustainability, and organisational effectiveness was carried out to detect and fill the
research gap. This research focuses on three related literature streams (Saeidi, et al.
Entrepreneurial success necessitates taking calculated risks. As a result, risk
assessment and administration, as the basis of risk management, become critical for
attaining corporate goals. Enterprise Risk Management is a fundamental and decided-
to-join strategy to control the same risks involved in the business by providing a
sensible and successfully delivered set of systems and techniques to supervise and
respond to situations or contexts that could impact the improvement of delivery on a
company-wide or organizational-level level. Another part of the survey Klučka, and
Grünbichler, (2020), concerned the extent to which the ERM system or ERM actions
are to blame for specific risk areas. The organisations that took part in the study had
the option of rating the risk regions on a rating variable. The Slovakian survey
inquired as to which hazards are relevant to businesses. The most common risks in
different applications include significant staff departures (28 %) and risks arising
from administrative or political choices or concerns (21% ). Risks associated with the
evolution of commodity prices, as well as risks associated with accountability for
losses incurred, are also highlighted (Klučka, J. and Grünbichler, 2020).

According to Kopia et al. (2017), the major goals of ERM will be to assist with
strategic and very well-planned planning, and also to provide us with a sustainable
and successful risk and opportunity management approach across the organisation. In
general, ERM helps to determine and capitalise on opportunities and issues that
influence the attainment of company objectives in a coordinated and effective manner
(Kopia et al., 2017). Grace et al. (2015) said ERM is a method for successfully
managing risk throughout an organisation by employing a standard risk management
plan. People, regulations, and tools are often included in this architecture, which
varies depending on the organisation. To manage risk, employees with specified roles
use documented, widely used casting (rules) and, indeed, the appropriate amount of
technology (tools). Many companies struggle regarding ERM implementation and
determining how much to incorporate it into their operations. Managers frequently
claim that they're now conscious of the risks within their particular business areas
(Grace, et al. 2015).

Better risk architecture, management, and assessment are all improved by ERM,
according to Shad, et al. (2019). Structured evaluations of enterprise software risks
can assist executives and management in focusing their efforts by providing data that
helps them develop successful risk reduction measures. The large amounts of data
(quality of leading indicators, mitigation strategies, newly emerging risks, and so on)
help management understand the most important risk areas. These studies could also
help executives gain a better understanding of the disposition effect, risk threshold,
and objectives. Some of the main advantages of ERM financial reporting are
increased punctuality, concision, and flexibility of risk data. This contains guidance to
executive leaders, and many other management positions, to ensure improvement
(Shad, et al. 2019). The foundations of ERM are the assessment of significant risks as
well as the implementation of effective risk management. Risk reactions include
things like acknowledging or accepting a risk, preventing or terminating a loss, risk-
sharing or grouping by policy, a collective project, or other arrangements, and
prevention strategies or alteration via internal auditors or other threat activities. ERM
principles such as risk philosophy or risk strategy, risk awareness, and risk level are
all important. These are visual depictions of an organization's risk attitude and the
level of risk it is willing to take. All of these dimensions of transparency in
government are critical (Shad, et al. 2019).

According to Klučka, J. and Grünbichler, R. (2020), the following indicators are

developed by ERM to aid in the detection of a possible risk event that provides an
advance indication. Key risk statistics and metrics improve the use of risk tracking
and reporting by allowing companies to assess potential risk vulnerability or
probability, alerting them to changes in their general risk profile. ERM also enables a
more holistic view of risk (Kluka, J., and Grünbichler, R., 2020). Historically, risk
management solutions have emphasised risk mitigation, acceptable, or eradication,
according to Shad, et al. (2019). Effective ERM processes, on the other hand, give the
complete tool for assessing risk to improve worldwide competition and take
advantage of specific marketplace and operational parameters. In organisations
without ERM, several employees may be responsible for supervising and
communicating risk outside functional areas. While establishing an Erm framework
would not remove the need for day-to-day risk management, it would assist in
strengthening the architecture and tools used to regularly perform critical risk
management operations. Shad et al. 2019, improve efficiency by avoiding superfluous
procedures and allocating the appropriate amount of resources to risk management.
Grace et al. (2015) describe how ERM is a journey, not an endpoint. The governance
process, as well as the organisation of work, rules and procedures, and methods of
communication, must be assessed and reviewed regularly. Risk is fluid, and our ERM
framework must be nimble enough to react to that fluidity. This also allows for the
agile development of a company culture based on solid fundamental beliefs and
desirable behaviours that represent sound risk management concepts. Adopting a
fundamental ERM philosophy & strategy will have a favourable influence on your
company's bottom line. The success of risk mitigation is determined by the success of
the organisation. We are now in a stronger position to control our whole expenses if
we make well-informed decisions, and yes, this covers the cost of their insurance
(Grace et al. 2015).

Kluka and Grünbichler, (2020) described how enterprise risk management and
entrepreneurial orientation management, as management software, pursue comparable
goals and have a positive impact on one another. The purpose of this study is to show
how enterprise risk management and leadership dealing with this situation are related.
In this paper, the results of data analytics are compared to those of a Slovakian study.
The findings from the United States will be first cited and analyzed. The results from
Slovakia are next given and debated. The findings are then analyzed. In the final
section, a general conclusion was drawn, as well as the links between the data and
their practical consequences. The study demonstrates whether the risk management
process, as well as the connections between enterprise risk management and
marketing performance evaluation, share similar similarities and some significant
discrepancies (Kluka and Grünbichler, 2008). (2020).

Grace et al. (2015) describe how technology plays a vital part in developing a good
ERM-based strategy within organisations since it has always been viewed as a critical
part for entities to successfully run. "Technique enables us to just provide adequate
information that will support the discovery, analysis, and reaction to risks," as per
"availability of online data which will support the identification, assessment, and
reaction to risks." The speed with which innovation changes organisations demands
auditors evaluate and assess how it affects risk management. As a result, technology
is a valuable asset in the company attempting to control risk, but greater usage of
technology likewise introduces a threat that must be considered (Grace et al. (2015).
Managers of various firms are aware of both the theoretical and practical relationship
between risk management and financial performance. Instead, it is a more natural
technique that falls under the purview of the company's board of directors and the
applicable line manager. However, it is not specified directly in the tasks and
responsibilities of this personnel. In fact, given the changing circumstances of the
economy, company executives had to factor risk into their business decisions. Risk
management remained instinctive, as the survey shows, without data backing, suitable
procedures, understanding exactly what they were, and trained staff to provide
background knowledge for managerial decisions.

Most significantly, risk management isn't specifically stated as a legal or corporate

culture need. The authors looked at recent ERM research to see how they gauge the
performance of organisations that use ERM. Much research has attempted to quantify
the direct effects of ERM by relying mostly on financial data and a limited time
frame. Only a few research methods take alternative methods to ERM, which is a
complicated topic. It's not easy to assess the outcome of a complex issue. To monitor
and enhance ERM, organisations must create their unique evaluation and measuring
methodology. Scientists must use more than just financial variables to examine the
complexities of ERM. As a result, the authors propose a generalized approach to
assessing ERM based on well-known frameworks and techniques, which is divided
into two phases: operational and strategic. The authors looked at recent ERM research
to see how they gauge the performance of organisations that use ERM. Much research
has attempted to quantify the direct effects of ERM by relying mostly on financial
data and a limited time frame. Only a few research methods take alternative methods
to ERM, which is a complicated topic. It's not easy to assess a difficult issue's actual
outcome. To monitor and enhance ERM, organisations must create their unique
evaluation and measuring methodology. Scientists must use more than just financial
variables to examine the complexities of ERM. As a result, the authors propose a
generalised approach to assessing ERM based on well-known concepts and
techniques, which is divided into two phases: operational and strategic.

Grace, M.F., Leverty, J.T., Phillips, R.D. and Shimpi, P., 2015. The value of investing in enterprise
risk management. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 82(2), pp.289-

Klučka, J. and Grünbichler, R., 2020. Enterprise Risk Management–Approaches

Determining Its Application and Relation to Business Performance. Quality
innovation prosperity, 24(2), pp.51-58. https://qip-

Kopia, J., Just, V., Geldmacher, W. and BUßIAN, A., 2017. Organization performance and
enterprise risk management. Ecoforum Journal, 6(1).https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?

Saeidi, P., Saeidi, S.P., Sofian, S., Saeidi, S.P., Nilashi, M. and Mardani, A., 2019.
The impact of enterprise risk management on competitive advantage by moderating
role of information technology. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 63, pp.67-82.

Shad, M.K., Lai, F.W., Fatt, C.L., Klemeš, J.J. and Bokhari, A., 2019. Integrating sustainability
reporting into enterprise risk management and its relationship with business performance: A
conceptual framework. Journal of Cleaner production, 208, pp.415-

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