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Summative Assessment for the cross curricular unit «Healthy world»

4 L. 3 Understand the details of short supported text on an increasing
Learning objectives range of general and curricular topics

W Plan,write sentences with support using structure

U E there is/there are

Assessment criteria  Identify the main points of a text using contextual clues

 Write the most familiar words of the unit

Level of thinking skills Application

Duration 20 minutes


Task 1. Task 1. Read and choose the correct answer

Everybody knows that eating vegetables and fruits is good for us.But a lot of people eat junk
food.They are chips,crisps,fizzy drinks,fast food.In our school canteen we can find many kinds of
healthy food such as salad,milk,eggs,fish.They are tasty and great for our health. Parents are happy
when children visit our canteen.

Task 1
1.In our school canteen we can find

B.salad food

2.A lot of people eat

A.junk food
B.healthy food food

3.Healthy food is good

A.for our health

B.for school canteen
Read the statements and decide if they are True or False

1.Everybody knows that eating vegetables is bad for health. -True/False

2.Most people eat junk food - True/False

A learner:
- chooses the correct answer
-choose the correct statements


Task 2. Describe the picture,using there is/there are

A leаrner:

-writes basic sentences to describe the picture

-uses there is/there are
Assessment Task or Mark

criteria A learner
1. B 1

2. A 1

3. A 1

Undestand the details 1 4. False 1

in a range of
curricular topics 5. True 1

Write sentences in a 1.recognizes the objects in the picture 1

paragraph to give basic 2.uses there is/there are 1
information 3.writes basic sentences to describe to describe
the picture 1

2 4.writes grammatically correct sentences 1

Total marks 9

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