Chuyên đề 3: Câu ước: Có 3 loại câu ước diễn tả diễn tả sự ao ước cho những sự việc ở những thời điểm khác nhau

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Chuyên đề 3: Câu ước

Có 3 loại câu ước diễn tả diễn tả sự ao ước cho những sự việc ở những thời điểm
khác nhau.
1. Ao ước ở tương lai

 Diễn đạt mong ước về 1 gì đó xảy ra hoặc muốn làm điều gì đó

- Cấu trúc:
If only/S+ wish(es) + S + would/could+(not) + Vo
+ Eg: 

 I wish I would be an astronaut in the future.

(Tôi ước mình sẽ là một phi hành gia trong tương lai)

2. Ao ước ở hiện tại

 Câu ước ở hiện tại dùng để diễn tả những mong ước về một sự việc không có
thật ở hiện tại, hay giả định một điều ngược lại so với thực tế.
 Chúng ta dùng câu ước ở hiện tại để ước về điều không có thật ở hiện tại,
thường là thể hiện sự nuối tiếc về tình huống hiện tại

- Cấu trúc

+ Khẳng định: 
If only/S + wish(es) + S + V(c2/ed)/were + O
+ Eg: 

 She wishes she were a billionaire at the moment.

(Cô ấy ước rằng lúc này cô ấy là một tỷ phú -> Thực tế hiện tại cô ấy không
phải là một tỷ phú.)

+ Phủ định:
If only/S + wish(es) + S + didn’t/weren’t + Vo
+ Eg: 

 He wishes he didn’t work in this company at present.

(Tôi ước rằng hiện tại tôi không làm việc cho công ty này.)

-Dấu hiệu: now, today, 1 câu ở hiện tại

3. Ao ước ở quá khứ

 Câu ước ở quá khứ dùng để diễn tả những mong ước về một sự việc không
có thật ở quá khứ, hay giả định một điều ngược lại so với thực tại đã xảy ra
ở quá khứ.
 Chúng ta sử dụng câu ước ở quá khứ để ước điều trái với những gì xảy ra
trong quá khứ, thường là để diễn tả sự nuối tiếc với tình huống ở quá khứ.

- Cấu trúc
+ Khẳng định: 
If only/S + wish(es) + S + had +(not) + Ved/c3
+ Eg: 

 Lan wishes she had gone to school yesterday.

(Lan ước rằng cô ấy đã đi học ngày hôm qua.)

-Dấu hiệu: Yesterday, ago

4. Cách sử dụng khác của câu "Wish"

- Đôi khi người ta còn dùng “wish to” theo cách nói hơi mang tính hình thức
để thay cho “want to”.
+ Eg:

 I wish to make a complaint.( Tôi muốn khiếu nại.)

 I wish to see the manager. ( Tôi muốn gặp người quản lý.)

- Sử dụng “Wish” với một cụm danh từ đứng sau để đưa ra một lời chúc
mừng, mong ước.
+ Eg:

 We wish you a merry Christmas. (Chúng tôi chúc bạn một Giáng sinh vui
 I wish you all the best in your new job. ( Mong bạn sẽ gặp nhiều thuận lợi
trong công việc mới)

- Lưu ý: Nếu các bạn muốn đưa ra một lời mong ước cho người khác bằng cách sử
dụng động từ, các bạn phải dùng “hope” chứ không được sử dụng “wish” nhé.
+ Eg:

 We wish you the best of luck = We hope you have the best of luck.
 I wish you a safe and pleasant journey = I hope you have a safe and
pleasant journey..
- Chúng ta dùng I wish….would… khi chúng ta muốn một điều gì đó xảy ra
hoặc muốn một người nào đó làm một việc, người nói đang phàn nàn về tình
huống hiện tại.
- Dùng I wish…wouldn’t… để phàn nàn về cách thức người đó làm một việc
gì, muốn một điều gì đó phải thay đổi.

Bài 1: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc:
1. I wish he …………….  here now. (be)
2. She wishes you …………….  better. (feel)
3. I wish that you …………….  here yesterday. (be)
4. I wish he ……………. he work tonight. (finish)
5. We wish you …………….  tomorrow. (come)
6. She wishes she …………….  the window last night. (open)
7. I wish you …………….  earlier yesterday. (leave)
8. We wish they …………….  with us last weekend. (come)
9. They wish he ……………. with them the next day. (come)
10. They wish we ……………. them some food yesterday. (give)
11. We wish you ……………. yesterday. (arrive)
12. I wish I ……………. the answers. (not lose)
13. You wish you …………….  what to do last year. (know)
14. I wish that he …………….  us next year. (visit)
15. She wishes that she ……………. at home now. (be)
16. I wish I …………….  the news. (hear)
17. You wish that he ……………. you last week. (help)
18. I wish I ……………. the subject more interesting. (find)
19. He always wishes he ……………. rich. (be)
20. The boy wishes that he ……………. the competition the next day. (win)
21. I wish the weather ……………. warmer now. (be)
22. They wish he ……………. them next week. (telephone)
23. He wishes you …………….  him in the future. (help)
24. She wishes the mail …………….  soon. (come)

25. They wish she ……………. the arrangements for the meeting next week.
26. We wish they ……………. or we will miss the bus. (hurry)
27. You wish the door …………….. (open)
28. He wishes he ……………. us the book. (show)
29. They wish we ……………. for them. (wait)
30. I wish you ……………. to me. (to write)
31. She wishes you ……………. her. (to join)
32. He wishes he ……………. ready. (to be)
33. She wishes she ……………. how to sing. (to know)
34. They wish it ……………. warmer. (to be)
35. Does he wish he …………….  younger? (to be)
36. She wishes she ……………. the arrangements earlier. (make)
37. They wish they ……………. the appointment. (not forget)
38. We wish it …………….  yesterday. (not snow)
39. We always wish we ……………. fluent in other languages. (be)
40. I wish  I ……………. near my school. ( live)
41. I wish  I ……………. her address. ( know)
42. I wish  I ……………. taller. (be )
43. I wish I ……………..her now. (meet)
44. I wish he ………………….here tomorrow. (not leave)
45. She wishes she …………..her homework last night. (finish)       
46.  I wish  they ………….here last Sunday. (come)
47. I wish  they …………….us last week. (visit)
48. She wishes she …………… her holiday at the seaside last weekend. ( spend)
49. I wish the weather ……………….hot yesterday. (be not) 
50. I wish I …………………a doctor when I grow up. ( be )
51. They wish it …………………..tomorrow. (not rain)
52. We wish we ….……………. a test next Tuesday. (not have)
53. I wish it ………………….. fine on the party next week. (be)
54. I wish tomorrow ………………a beautiful day. (be)
Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu sau.
1. I wish  I (have/ has/ had) a lot of interesting book.
2. I wish  I (would meet/ met/ meet ) her tomorrow.
3. I wish  I (was/ were/ am) your sister.
4. I wish  they ( won/ had won/ would win) the match last Sunday
5. I wish  they ( played/ playing/ play) soccer well.
6. She wishes she (will/ would/ can) come here to visit us.
7. I wish yesterday  ( were /was/had been ) a better day. 
8. I wish I (can speak/ could speak/ will speak) many languages
9. I wish   tomorrow ( were/ will be/ would be) Sunday.
10. I wish I ( am/ was/ were) a movie star .
Bài 3: Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong các câu sau.
1. She wish  she could speak English well.
2. I wish it didn’t rained now.
3. I wish I was a doctor to save people.
4. I wish I have more time to look after my family.
5. He wishes it didn’t rain yesterday.
6. I wish  my father gives up smoking in the near future.
7. I  wish I studied very well last year.
8. I wish you will come to my party next week.
9. I wish it stops raining now.
10. I wish you are my sister.
11. She wishes she is the most beautiful girl in the world.
12. I wish Miss Brown  will come here and stay with us next week.
13. I wish I am at home with my family now.
14. I wish I could been there with you.
15. She wish she could go home now.
Bài 4: Viết lại các câu sau sử dụng câu ước với “wish”.
1. I have to study hard.  
->  I wish ……………………………………….……………
2. We had a lot of homework yesterday.
-> I wish
3. It is raining heavily.
-> I wish ……………………………………….………………………..
4. It was cold last night. .
->  I wish ……………………………………….……..
5. They work slowly.  
-> I wish ……………………………………….…..…………
5. She doesn’t join in the trip. 
-> I wish ……………………………………….……
6. I am not good at English.
-> I wish ……………………………………….………
7. He studies badly. 
-> I wish ……………………………………….………………..
8. He doesn’t like playing sports.
-> I wish ……………………………………….…
9. I don’t have a computer.   
-> I wish ……………………………..………….………
10. Today isn’t a holiday.  
-> I wish ……………………………………….…………
11. I can’t sing this song.
->  I wish ………………………………………….…………
12. He was punished by his mother.
->  I wish ……………………………………………………
13. They won’t come here again.
-> I wish ………………………………………….…………
14. He won’t go swimming with me.
-> I wish …………………………………………………….
15. We didn’t  understand them.
-> We wish ………………………………………….……..
16. I will be late for school.
->  I wish ………………………………………….……….
17. The  bus was late today.
-> I wish ………………………………………….………..
18. She doesn’t like this place.
->  I wish ………………………………………….………
19. These students talked too much in class.
-> I wish ………………………………………………….
20. I can’t play basketball.
-> I wish ………………………………………….……….
 Bài 1:
1. were                                    2. felt                           3. had been                  4. would
5. would come                        6. had                          7. had left                    8. had
9. would come                        10. had given              11. had arrived            12. had
not lost
13. had known                        14. would visit            15. were                      16. had
17. had helped                        18. found                    19. were                      20.
would win
21. were                                  22. would telephone   23. would help            24.
would come
25. would make                      26. would hurry          27. would open           28. had
29. would wait                        30. would write           31. would join             32. were
33. knew                                 34. were                      35. were                      36. had
37. had  not forgotten             38. hadn't snowed       39.were                       40.
41. knew                                 42. were                      43. met                        44.
wouldn’t leave
45. had finished                      46.  had come              47. had visit                48. had

49. weren’t hot                        50. were                      51. wouldn’t rain        52.
wouldn’t have
53. would be                           54. would be
Bài 2:
1. had
2. would meet
3. were
4. had won
5. played
6. would
7. had been
8. could speak
9. would be
10. were
Bài 3:
1. wish -> wishes
2.rained -> rain
3. was -> were
4. have -> had
5. didn’t rain -> hadn’t rain
6. gives -> would give
7. studied -> had studied
8. will -> would
9. stops -> stopped
10. are -> were
11. is - were
12. will -> would
13. am -> were
14. been -> be
15. wish -> wishes
Bài 4:
1. I wish I didn’t have to study.
2. I wish we hadn’t had a lot of homework yesterday.
3. I wish it didn’t rain heavily.
4. I wish it hadn’t been cold last night.
5. I wish they didn’t work slowly.
5.I wish she joined in the trip.
6. I wish I were good at English.
7. I wish he didn’t studied badly.
8. I wish he liked playing sports.
9.I wish I had a computer.
10. I wish today were a holiday.
11. I wish I could sing this song.
12.I wish he hadn’t been punished by his mother.
13.I wish they would come here again.
14. I wish I he would go swimming with me.
15. We wish we had understood them.
16.I wish I wouldn’t be late for school.
17. I wish the bus hadn’t been late today.
18. I wish she liked this place.
19. I wish these students hadn’t talked too much in class.
20. I wish I could play basketball.
Bài 5 . Put the verbs in brackets into correct tenses:
1. I wish I (go)……………………………. to the movie with you.
2. I wish I (have)……………………………………… day off.
3. I wish I (study)…………………………… Latin instead of Greek.
4. I wish I (not / spend)………………………………. so much money.
5. I wish the weather (be) …………..…………….warm, so we could go

6. I wish I (ask)…………………………….………. him how to get there.

7. I wish I (not stay)………….……………….. at home.
8. I wish I (not/ buy) …………….……………..that book.

9. I wish I (not/see) ……………….…………….him.
10. I wish I (not/call)……………….………………. him a liar.
11. I don’t have time to go to “High Quality Good Fair “. I wish I (go)………there.
12. The weather is very hot. I wish it (be) ………………………… cooler.
13. We seldom write to her. I wish we (write) ………………… to her more often.
14. John doesn’t know how to swim. He wishes he (can) ………………..……
15. John doesn’t buy the book. She wishes she (buy) ……………………..… it.
16. Mai doesn’t pass the exam. She wishes she (study) ……………..…… harder.
17. We will not go to Ha Long Bay next week. I wish we (go) …………… there.
18. It is raining now. I wish it (stop) ……………………… raining soon.
19. My parents are not in now. I wish they (be) ……….……at home with us now.
20. I know Nam will not lend me his car . I wish he (lend). ……………… it to me.
Đáp án:
1. could go 2. had 3. studied 4. hadn’t spent 5. were
8. hadn’t 10. hadn’t
6. had asked 7. wouldn’t stay 9. hadn’t seen
thought called
11. could go 12. were 13. wrote 14. could 15. had bought
16. had studied 17. would go 18. would stop 19. were 20. would lend
Bài 6. Rewrite the following sentences, using "Wish"
1. I don't know more people.
I wish............................................................................................................................
2. I don't have a key.
3. Ann isn't here.
I wish............................................................................................................................
4. It is cold .
I wish............................................................................................................................
5. I live in a big city (I don't like it).
I wish............................................................................................................................
6. I can't go to the party (and I like it).
I wish............................................................................................................................
7. I have to work tomorrow (I like to stay in bed).
I wish............................................................................................................................
8. I don't get good marks.
I wish............................................................................................................................
9. I'm not lying on a beautiful sunny beach.
I wish............................................................................................................................
10. Hoa and Ba won't go fishing this weekend.
wish .....................................................................................................................
Đáp án
1. I wish I knew more people.
2. I wish I had a key.
3. I wish Ann were here.
4. I wish it weren't cold.
5. I wish I lived in the countryside.
6. I wish I didn't have to go to the party,
7. I wish I could stay in bed tomorrow.
8. I wish I had good marks.
9. I wish I was lying on a beautiful sunny beach.
10. They wish Hoa ad Ba would go fishing this weekend.
Bài 7. Rewrite the following sentences, using "Wish"
1. I don’t have a car.
2. I can’t play the piano.
3. I’m at work.
4. It’s winter.
5. I’m ill.
6. I don’t have new shoes.
7. I can’t afford to go on holiday.
8. I don’t have time to read lots of books.
9. I can’t drive.
10. My laptop is broken.
Đáp án:
1. I wish (that) I had a car.
2. I wish (that) I could play the piano.
3. I wish (that) I weren’t at work.
4. I wish (that) it weren’t winter.
5. I wish (that) I weren’t ill.
6. I wish (that) I had new shoes.
7. I wish (that) I could afford to go on holiday.
8. I wish (that) I had time to read lots of books.
9. I wish (that) I could drive.
10. I wish (that) my laptop weren’t broken.
Bài 8. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc:
1. I wish he ……………. here now. (be)
2. She wishes you ……………. better. (feel)
3. I wish that you ……………. here yesterday. (be)
4. I wish he ……………. he work tonight. (finish)
5. We wish you ……………. tomorrow. (come)
6. She wishes she ……………. the window last night. (open)
7. I wish you ……………. earlier yesterday. (leave)
8. We wish they ……………. with us last weekend. (come)
9. They wish he ……………. with them the next day. (come)
10. They wish we ……………. them some food yesterday. (give)
11. We wish you ……………. yesterday. (arrive)
12. I wish I ……………. the answers. (not lose)
13. You wish you ……………. what to do last year. (know)
14. I wish that he ……………. us next year. (visit)
15. She wishes that she ……………. at home now. (be)
16. I wish I ……………. the news. (hear)
17. You wish that he ……………. you last week. (help)
18. I wish I ……………. the subject more interesting. (find)
19. He always wishes he ……………. rich. (be)
20. The boy wishes that he ……………. the competition the next day. (win)
Đáp án:
1. were 2. felt 3. had been 4. would finish
5. would come 6. had 7. had left 8. had come
9. would come 10. had given 11. had arrived 12. had not lost
13. had known 14. would visit 15. were 16. had heard
17. had helped 18. found 19. were 20. would win
Bài 10. Chọn dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc
1. I’m not tall enough to play volleyball. I wish ______________ tall and strong. (I/
2. I’m fed up with this rain. I wish ______________ raining. (it/ stop)
3. My grandparents don’t like living in the city. They wish ______________ in the
countryside. (they/ live)
4. It’s a difficult question. I wish ______________ the answer. (I/know)
5. I wish ______________ here. She’d be able to help us. (Ann/ be)
6. Aren’t they ready yet? I wish ______________. (they/ hurry up)
7. It would be nice to stay here. I wish ______________go now. (we/ not have to)
8. It’s freezing today. I wish ______________ so cold. I hate cold weather. (it/ not
9. What’s her name again? I wish ______________ remember her name. (I/ can)
10. You’re driving too fast. I wish ______________ a bit. (you/ slow down)
11. What I said was stupid. I wish ______________ anything. (I/ not say)
12. I should have listened to you. I wish ______________ your advice. (I/ take)
Đáp án
1. I were 2. it stopped 3. they lived 4. i knew

5. Ann were 6. they hurried up 7. we didn't have  to 8. it weren't

9. I clould 10. you slowed down 11. I hadn't said 12. I had taken
Bài 11:Chọn đáp án đúng nhất
1. I wish I ____________ you some money for your rent, but I’m broke myself.
A. can lend
B. would lend
C. could lend
D. will lend
2. I wish I ____________ people with the same interests.
A. meet
B. can meet
C. could meet
D. will meet
3. We all ____________ it were the weekend tomorrow.
A. think
B. hope
C. want
D. wish
4. My brother wishes he __________ English perfectly well.
A. spoke
B. speaks
C. is speaking
D. has spoken
5. Many workers wish that they ___________ labour contracts with the companies.
A. were signing
B. sign
C. signed
D. were signed
Đáp án
1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C
Bài 12: Rewrite these following sentences
1. Old/ man/ wish/ his/ grandchild/ visit/ him/ more/ often.
2. I/ wish/ you/ can/ spend/ more/ time/ on/ study.
3. They/ wish/ their/ team/ be/champion.
4. I/ wish/ I/ have/ more/ friend/ and/ I/ not/ be/ lonely.
5. Mary/ wish/ her/ parents/ not/ have/ go/ on/ business/ trips/ so/ often.
6. Many/ people/ wish/ they/ be/ wealthy/ but/ I/ do/ not.
7. I/ wish/ my/ mother/ be/ less/ busy/ so that/ she/ have/ more/ time/ for/ me.

8. Jim/ wish/ his/ parents/ not/ expect/ too/ much/ from/ him.
Đáp án
1. The old man wishes his grandchild visited him more often.
2. I wish you could spend more time on study.
3. They wish their team was the champion.
4. I wish I had more friend and I was not lonely.
5. Mary wishes her parents did not have to go on business trips so often.
6. Many people wish they were wealthy but I don’t .
7. I wish my mother was less busy so that she had more time for me.
8. Jim wishes his parents did not expect too much from him.
Bài 16. Write sentences beginning I wish...
1. It would be nice to be able to fly a plane.
1. It’s a shame I don’t have a key.
2. Ann isn’t here and I need to see her.
3. I don’t like being so short.
4. Unfortunately, I have to work tomorrow.
5. Don’t shout all the time. It’s so annoying.
Đáp án
1. I wish I could fly a plane.
2. I wish I had a key.
3. I wish Ann were here.
4. I wish I were taller.
5. I wish I didn’t have to work tomorrow.
6. I wish you didn’t shout all the time. It’s so annoying.
Exercise 1: Chia dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc
1.My father wishes, I __________ (become) a good teacher in the future.

2. Windy wishes, she __________ (tobe) very rich.

3. Linh wishes, she ____________ (pass) her exam yesterday.

4. We wish, they ________ (feel) better and more comfortable.

5. I wish, my family _________ (come) back home last week.

6. Linda wishes, she _________ (visit) L.A with her parents next month.

7. Kien wishes, he __________ (find) a new job with high salary in the future.

8. I wish, I __________ (take) care of my girlfriend last night.

9. His sister wishes, she __________ (know) many songs and how to sing.

10. Loan wishes, she ___________ (meet) my lawyer at the moment.

Exercise 2: Tìm và sửa lỗi sai (nếu có) trong các câu dưới đây
1.Hoang wishes, he passed this examination with high scores yesterday.

2. Yen wishes, her family visits my grandfather at present.

3. Lisa wish, she is the most beautiful and talent girl in the world.

4. I wish, I didn’t underdtand all things last night.

5. Cuong wishes, he cook many delicious foods.

Exercise 3: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1. I have to learn English hard.

➔ I wish _________________________________________________.

2. They had a lot of homework last Monday.

➔ They wish ______________________________________________.

3. Cuc wishes, she were a famous singer.

➔ If only, ______________________________________________.

4. Quynh wishes my score test were higher.

➔ Quynh _______________________________________________.

5. It was so hot last Sunday.

➔ I wish ________________________________________________.

6. Minh doesn’t take part in playing tennis with us.

➔ I wish ________________________________________________.

7. My grandfather wishes, he could live in Danang with us.

➔ If only, _______________________________________________.

8. I didn’t buy a new phone last evening.

➔ I wish ________________________________________________.

9. I and my team didn’t go to the cinema yesterday because it rained.

➔ I wish _______________________________________________.

10. Lan wants to go to the shopping with her sister now.

➔ Lan wishes ___________________________________________.

Exercise 1:
1.would become (cấu trúc Wish type 1)

2. were (cấu trúc Wish type 2)

3. had passed (cấu trúc Wish type 3)

4. felt (cấu trúc Wish type 2)

5. had come (cấu trúc Wish type 3)

6. would visit (cấu trúc Wish type 1)

7. could/would find (cấu trúc Wish type 1)

8. had taken (cấu trúc Wish type 3)

9. knew (cấu trúc Wish type 2)

10. met (cấu trúc Wish type 2)

Exercise 2:
1.passed ➔ had passed (Cấu trúc Wish type 3)

2. visits ➔ visited (Cấu trúc Wish type 2)

3. wish ➔ wishes (Lisa là chủ ngữ số ít)

4. didn’t understand ➔ hadn’t understood (Cấu trúc Wish type 3)

5. cook ➔ cooked (Cấu trúc Wish type 2)

Exercise 3:

1.I wish I didn’t have to learn English hard.

2. They wish they hadn’t had a lot of homework last Monday.

3. If only, Cuc were a famous singer.

4. Quynh would rather my score test was higher.

5. I wish it hadn’t been so hot last Sunday./ I wish it had cold last Sunday.

6. I wish Minh had taken part in playing tennis with us.

7. If only, my grandfather could live in Danang with us.

8. I wish I had bought a new phone last evening.

9. I wish it hadn’t rained, I and my team had gone to the cinema yesterday.

10. Lan wishes she could go to the shopping with her sister now.


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