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English Department

Lesson Plan in English 7


At certain parts of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. EN7VC-IV-f-16: Express one’s beliefs/convictions based on a material viewed

2. EN7VC-II-i-12: Raise questions about a material viewed

3. EN7RC-I-c-7.1: Read intensively to find answers to specific questions

4. EN7VC-I-f-9: Organize information from a material viewed

5. EN7VC-II-c-11: Narrate events chronologically/Arrange ideas logically based on a

material viewed

6. EN7VC-III-a-13: Determine the key message conveyed in the material viewed

7. EN7WC-II-a-5: Extract information from a text using a summary, precis, and


8. EN7VC-III-f-14: Make a stand on the material viewed


Topic: My Father Goes to Court

Skills: Create Graphic Organizers, Raise Questions, Organize Information, Extract
Information, Read Intensively, Narrate events, Determining key message, Making a stand.
Reference: My Father Goes To Court - Carlos Bulosan.docx
1. Laptop
2. Microsoft PowerPoint
3. Microsoft Word/Google Docs
4. Google Meet
5. Google Classroom
6. Canva
7. Mentimeter
8. Kahoot


A. Classroom Routine

Classroom Management

B. Motivation

LO: EN7VC-IV-f-16: Express one’s beliefs/convictions based on a material viewed

TITLE: My Thoughts (Mentimeter)

Directions: Students will copy the given code and go to the website
Mentimeter. Images will be displayed for each number and students will describe
what is shown in the picture. Use words such as:

● I think
● Personally
● For me
● I believe that




After the students are done expressing their opinions, the teacher shall ask if
the students can infer what will be the discussion all about based on the images
shown. After that the teacher will explain how these images will be connected to
the topic that will be discussed.

C. Pre Reading

1. Author - Moving on from the motivation phase, the teacher will discuss to the
students who is the author of the story.

2. What’s the title?

LO: EN7VC-IV-f-16: Express one’s beliefs/convictions based on a material viewed

Directions: The teacher will instruct the students to copy the code and tell them to
visit and answer the question by giving their opinions regarding the
title of the short story.

When the students are done putting their insight. The teacher will gather the
answers and check for similarities. Afterwards, the teacher will go back to the
Motivation phase and connect the images in the short story provided.
3. Watch and Ask
LO: EN7VC-II-i-12: Raise questions about a material viewed

DIRECTIONS: Watch an animated video connected to the short story and

formulate questions. Afterwards, copy the code and visit Mentimeter and input your
questions in the box provided.

Once the students are done inputting their questions in Mentimeter, the teacher
will request the students to not close that tab as it will be used for the coming activity in
the While Reading Phase.

D. While Reading

LO: EN7RC-I-c-7.1: Read intensively to find answers to specific questions

DIRECTIONS: Read the story entitled “My Father goes to Court”.

The Teacher will let the students read the short story for a while. Once they are done
reading the story, the teacher will instruct the students to go back to Mentimeter and
answer the questions they have inputted. This will serve as their guide questions.

E. Post Reading

1. Plotting the Story

LO: EN7VC-II-c-11: Narrate events chronologically/Arrange ideas logically based on
a material viewed.

DIRECTIONS: Using Canva or other designing websites that are accessible. Plot the
story by using graphic organizers.

2. Know the Characters

LO: EN7VC-I-f-9: Organize information from a material viewed
DIRECTIONS: Using also graphic organizers, Identify the characters in the story and
describe them according to the following:

● Appearance
● Traits


What’s the Message?

LO: EN7VC-III-a-13: Determine the key message conveyed in the material viewed

DIRECTIONS: What do you think is the moral of the story? Explain.

V. Evaluation
(Gamification) LO: EN7RC-IV-b12.3: Use lexical and contextual cues in
understanding unfamiliar words and expressions
DIRECTIONS: Copy the code and visit Kahoot to answer the questions provided
in each number.

When using Kahoot:

Directions: Determine the meaning of the underlined words.

1. While we grew even more robust and full of life.

a. Strong
b. Weak
c. Lazy
d. Energetic
2. Some days the rich man appeared at a window and glowered down at us.
a. An angry face
b. A happy face
c. A sad face
d. A monotonous face
3. The chickens were young and tender and the fat that dripped into the
burning coals gave off an enchanting odor.

a. Attractive
b. Vengeful
c. Weird
d. Awful
4. He looked at my sisters, who had grown fat in laughing, then at my brothers,
whose arms and legs were like the molave.
a. A large axe
b. A large tree
c. A large house
d. A large boulder
5. As though we were defending himself before an imaginary jury.
a. A body of persons sworn to give a verdict
b. A body of persons sworn to give an opinion
c. A body of persons sworn to give an announcement
d. A body of persons sworn to give a prize
VI. Assignment:

LO: EN7VC-III-f-14: Make a stand on the material viewed

DIRECTIONS: After reading the short story, answer the following the following

1. Do you agree that the rich man filed a complaint against the Father? Why or
why not?
2. If you were the Father in the story, would you have accepted the complaint of
the rich man?

LO: EN7WC-II-a-5: Extract information from a text using a summary, precis, and
DIRECTIONS: Make a summary of the story “My Father goes to Court. The rubrics
of your summary will be indicated on Google Classroom.

Use Microsoft Word/Google Docs or any platform you can use to write your
answers in each number. Once done, Kindly submit the document in a PDF File and
pass it on to Google Classroom.

Prepared by:
Aldrin Troy B. Tancinco

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