Medicine & Poison Crafting For 5 Edition: Foraging For Ingredients Mixing Ingredients

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Medicine & Poison Crafting for 5th Edition

T Foraging Example

Foraging for Ingredients

Mixing Ingredients

Mixing Table
Potency 1 Dose 2 Doses 3 Doses 4 Doses Dice

Lucky Find

Crafting Example Creature Harvest Table
Creature Ability Creature Ability
Type Check Type Check

Crafting Roll
Creature Ingredients

Using the Mixtures

Harvesting Creature Ingredients

Herbal Lucky Find Ingredient Table

D20 Ingredient Effect
1 Mandrake Cures one disease
2 Feverfew Cures the poisoned condition
3 Marigold restores 2 hit dice
4 Ashwagandha cures one level of exhaustion
5 Primrose Grants Xd6 temporary hit points for 24 hours (X = Brewer’s proficiency bonus)
6 Gotu-Kola Restores a first level spell slot
7 Guayusa Increase speed by 10 ft. for 1 hours
8 Alpha Rock Beetle Add a d6 to Strength saving throws for 24 hours
9 Maca Add a d6 to Dexterity saving throws for 24 hours
10 Iron leaf Add a d6 to Constitution saving throws for 24 hours
11 Lavander Add a d6 to Wisdom saving throws for 24 hours
12 Piscis Rose Add a d6 to Intelligence saving throws for 24 hours
13 Golden Ginseng Add a d6 to Charisma saving throws for 24 hours
14 Leafcutter Bees Gives advantage on saving throws against poison 24 hours
15 Mugwart Casters add +1 to the DC of their spells for 24 hours
16 Pickle Root Gain Darkvision (60 ft.) for 8 hours
17 Terapede Gain Tremor Sense (10 ft.) for 8 hours
18 Gollyweed Triple the max time you can hold your breath
19 Sillabean Add X to your passive perception (X = Brewer’s proficiency bonus)
20 Neukapod Bulb Tonic can be applied during combat

Poison Lucky Find Ingredient Table (Saving throws are repeated at the end of the target's turn)
D20 Ingredient Description
The target is poisoned until they succeed the saving throw
The target is stricken with hallucinations until they succeed the saving throw. When they make an
attack roll they must succeed a intelligence saving throw or miss
The target is paralyzed for one round

The target is frightened of the closest living creature until they succeed the saving throw.
The target is blinded until they succeed the saving throw
The coated weapon applies the poison damage on its first two hits instead of one.
The damage is increased by 1d8 and is necrotic instead of poison
The damage is increased by 1d8 and is acid instead of poison
The target’s movement speed is reduced by 15 until they succeed the saving throw
Increase the poison DC of the saving throw by 5
This poison ignores resistance
The next time the target casts a spell within 1 hour of being poisoned, they take 1d8 force damage
and must succeed a concentration check or the spell fails.
The target considers all creatures hostile until they succeed the saving throw

Whenever the target receives bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage they take an additional 1d4
until they succeed the saving throw
If the target is a lycanthrope, it takes an extra 2d8 poison damage
When the target takes fire damage, they take an extra 1d6 until they succeed the saving throw
When the target takes cold damage, they take an extra 1d6 until they succeed the saving throw
When the target takes poison damage, they take an extra 1d6 until they succeed the saving throw
When the target takes lightning damage, they take an extra 1d6 until they succeed the saving throw

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