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Airport Administration & Finance
Online Course Syllabus
Worldwide 2022-01 January

Course Information
Credit Hours: 3
Delivery Method: Online (Internet/Canvas)

Instructor Information
Michael Brunnschweiler


Jennifer O'Bryon

Required Course Materials
Title: Tableau Desktop
Format: Archive existing material

Catalog Course Description

The student will be presented with an opportunity for advanced study of the
organizational, political, and financial administration of public and private
civil use airports. Areas of emphasis include public relations management,
safety and security issues, employee organizational structures, financial and
accounting strategies, revenue and expense sources, economic impacts of
airport operations, airport performance measurement standards, aircraft
rescue and firefighting, emergency management, airport dispatch and
communications, and current trends and issues of direct concern to airport

BSAB 418 Prerequisite is FINE 332 and MGMT 408 and MKTG 311.

Course Goals
Students will learn a variety of organizational, financial and contractual
management strategies and obligations associated with the administration of
commercial service, public use airports in the United States. This course is
designed for students who have a basic understanding of airport operations
or management through experience or other relevant coursework, and will
build upon that knowledge by analyzing opportunities, obligations, and
strategies utilized by commercial service airports. Managers must assess the
financial performance of a commercial service airport and suggest measures
to enhance that performance.

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to do the following:

1. Communicate relevant federal obligations (grant assurances and

compliance requirements) required of airport sponsors, as well as
policies, regulations and other guidance established by federal, state
and local governmental agencies.
2. Discuss contracts, agreements and (minimum) standards that airport
may elect to establish with airlines, air cargo operators,
concessionaires, ground transportation operators, fixed based
operators, and/or other airport users. Review contractual regulations,
such as Davis Bacon and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program.
3. Identify funding mechanisms and financial strategies employed by
airport sponsors. Compare and contrast the financial approaches to
management (compensatory versus residual cost) and discuss cost
accounting, project evaluation, bond valuation, bond swaps and risk
4. Explore and communicate emerging airport marketing strategies and
terms, and discuss innovative approaches for increasing (particularly
non-aeronautical) revenue generation.
5. Examine and suggest measures to enhance the relationship between
airport management and the surrounding community.
6. Engage in analysis of airport financial statements using various sources
of financial data (such as airport annual reports, FAA CATS Forms 126
and 127, ARN Fact Book, etc.).
7. Identify and discuss the major streams of airport revenue and expenses,
budget types, leases, rates and charges, and pricing strategies.
8. Discuss the various elements of an airport's legal responsibilities to
include common law, tort liability, criminal case laws, liens and
constitutionality issues.
9. Explain the concept of airport privatization, and other emerging trends
at airports, and their potential beneficial or harmful impacts on airports,
users and communities.
10. Measure the performance of an airport using performance measurement

Scale Grade
90 - 100 A (Superior)
80 - 89 B (Above Average)
70 - 79 C (Average)
60 - 69 D (Below Average)
  0 - 59 F (Failure)

Evaluation Items & Weights


Discussions 30%
Assignments 30%
Concept Maps 20%
Group Project 20%
Total 100%

Participation is an integral part of learning in this course, and you are
encouraged and expected to participate in online discussions. Discussions
are the “community space” for interacting with the instructor and fellow
classmates to explore questions and comments related to the module topics.
Responses should be based on information presented in the course as well as
personal knowledge and experience. Discussions include a substantial initial
posting and at least two substantive replies.

Assignments should follow the Assignment Guidelines listed in the course
unless otherwise specified. Don't forget the basics, spelling, grammar,
format, and proofreading.

Concept Maps
Understanding and communicating important concepts and their connections
and relationships can provide students with the insight and intuition needed
in today's aviation industry. For each assignment, you will select five of the
most important concepts introduced in the module and create/add to your
concept map. The intent of these assignments is for you to be able to
illustrate what you have learned in each module by showing how the main
concepts covered in the activities and research are related to and/or are
connected to other terms in this course. These assignments are graded on
your ability to assess and to visually communicate what you have learned.
These assessments are similar to traditional essay quizzes or exams but
different from other quizzes or exams with correct/incorrect answers. If you
have any questions, please reach out to your instructor for clarification or
post a discussion in the student lounge (your classmates may share the
same questions).
You will build on this concept map throughout the course, adding new
content from the module and how it changed or reinforced your thinking.
Your illustrative graphic should have a descriptive narrative that
accompanies it that would allow people with disabilities to access the
content of the illustration via narration.

Group Project
An airport manager proposes an innovative finance plan to address the
persistent airport problems of capacity, congestion, crowded gates, unclean
passenger areas, aircraft emissions, and continuous runway infrastructure
projects due to capacity.
You are then asked to work as a team with your co-workers to prepare the
Draft Airline Service Level Agreement, the Draft Rate Structure and
Implementation Procedures, the Draft Performance Measures and
Calculations used to measure these actions, a brief Risk Analysis and
determine the possible consequences of these actions (both pro and con), a
brief statement about any lessons that may be learned from other airports
observing the airports' actions, and your recommended action, either accept
or decline the proposal or a new solution.
Disability and Special Needs
ERAU-WW is committed to the success of all students. It is a University policy
to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities, who
qualify for services. If you would like to request accommodations due to a
physical, mental or learning disability, please contact the Disability Services
Support Office at 386-226-7334 or via email at ALL

Additional Information
APA Format
Go to the APA website for additional information about the American
Psychological Association Publication Manual.

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has one of the most complete library
collections of aviation-related resources in the world. The Hunt Library is the
library for all Worldwide students regardless of location. For help finding
resources for your assignment, project, or topic, or to learn more about the
library services available to you, please contact our librarians using the
following information:

Hunt Library Worldwide: Information, Services, Help 

Library Basic Training
Library Hours
Contact Information

Title IX
 Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 ("Title IX”) is a Federal
civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education
programs and activities. All public and private elementary and secondary
schools, school districts, colleges, and universities receiving any Federal
funds must comply with Title IX.

The Title IX Office oversees compliance of Title IX Sexual Harassment in

accordance with Federal Regulations as well as incidents falling under the
University Sexual Misconduct policy. Policy violations can include sexual
harassment or sexual violence, such as rape, sexual assault, sexual
misconduct, sexual battery, sexual coercion, and stalking.

Anyone may report suspected or known violations directly to the Title IX

Office. However, there are certain persons / offices who must
report incidents to the Title IX Office (mandatory). Those are Campus Safety
& Security, Dean of Students (or designee), Vice President of Human
Resources (or designee). Please refer to the policy and/or contact the Title IX
Office for more specifics related to filing a report.

Title IX Office
Contact information: 386/226-7971; 386/226-6677; 386/481-9131
Online form:
Email: or

Course Policies
Academic Integrity
Embry-Riddle is committed to maintaining and upholding intellectual
integrity. All students, faculty, and staff have obligations to prevent violations
of academic integrity and take corrective action when they occur. The
adjudication process will involve imposing sanctions which may include, but
are not limited to, a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade in a
course, suspension, or dismissal from the University, upon students who
commit the following academic violations:

1. Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, words, or products of another as one’s

own. Plagiarism includes use of any source to complete academic
assignments without proper acknowledgment of the source. Reuse or
resubmission of a student’s own coursework if previously used or
submitted in another course, is considered self-plagiarism, and is also
not allowed under University policy.
2. Cheating: A broad term that includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Giving or receiving help from unauthorized persons or materials
during examinations.
2. The unauthorized communication of examination questions prior
to, during, or following administration of the examination.
3. Collaboration on examinations or assignments expected to be, or
presented as, individual work.
4. Fraud and deceit, that include knowingly furnishing false or
misleading information or failing to furnish appropriate information
when requested, such as when applying for admission to the

Note: The Instructor reserves the right to use any form of digital method for
checking plagiarism. Several electronic systems are available and other
methods may be used at the Instructor’s discretion.

Online Learning
This course is offered through Embry-Riddle Online (Canvas) and runs nine
(9) weeks. The first week begins the first day of the term and ends at
midnight EDT/EST (as applicable) seven days later. Please note that all
assignments, unless otherwise indicated, are due by 11:59p.m. EDT/EST on
the date shown. Success in this course requires in-depth study of each
module as assigned, timely completion of assignments, and regular
participation in forum discussions.

Late work should be the exception and not the rule and may be downgraded
at the discretion of the Instructor, if accepted at all. Unless all work is
submitted, the student could receive a failing grade for the course.
Extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstances at the discretion
of the Instructor and only for the length of time the Instructor deems
appropriate. The most important element of success in an online course is to
communicate with your Instructor throughout the term.

Conventions of “online etiquette,” which include courtesy to all users, will be

observed. Students should use the Send Message function in Canvas for
private messages to the Instructor and other students. The class discussion
forums are for public messages.

It is highly recommended that students keep electronic copies of all

materials submitted as assignments, discussion posts and emails, until after
the end of the term and a final grade is received. When posting responses in
a discussion forum, please confirm that the responses have actually been
posted after you submit them.
Course Schedule
Module 1: Aviation Innovation

1.1 Discussion: Introduction Video

1.2 Assignment: Hunt Library Basic Training Certificate
1.3 Readings & Resources
1.4 Assignment: Aviation Innovation Concept Paper
1.5 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a Note in Padlet!
1.6 Assignment: Module 1 Concept Map

Module 2: Airports, FinTech, & New Business Models

2.1 Readings & Resources

2.2 Discussion: How Airports Use FinTech
2.3 Assignment: Financial Strategies and New Business Models
2.4 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a Note in Padlet!
2.5 Assignment: Module 2 Concept Map

Module 3: Airport Operations & Capacity

3.1 Readings & Resources

3.2 Discussion: NextGen Air Traffic System and Airport Operations
3.3 Assignment: High Risk Capital Project Investments
3.4 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a Note in Padlet!
3.5 Assignment: Module 3 Concept Map 

Module 4: Airport Capital Project Management

4.1 Readings & Resources

4.2 Discussion: Collaborative Airport Decision-Making
4.3 Assignment: Debt and Equity Financing Options
4.4 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a Note in Padlet!
4.5 Assignment: Module 4 Concept Map 

Module 5: Airport Investment & Risk Management

5.1 Readings & Resources

5.2 Discussion: Airport Bonds & Interest Rate Swaps
5.3 Assignment: Airport Project Finance
5.4 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a Note in Padlet!
5.5 Assignment: Module 5 Concept Map 

Module 6: Organizing Airport Management for Revenue Optimization

6.1 Readings & Resources

6.2 Discussion: Airport Motivations in Setting Rates & Charges
6.3 Assignment: Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) and Acceptance Decisions
6.4 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a Note in Padlet!
6.5 Assignment: Module 6 Concept Map

Module 7: Airport Economic Regulation & Financial Management (Weeks 7 &


7.1 Readings & Resources

7.2 Discussion: Innovation, Truth, & Trust in Applied and Academic Research
7.3 Group Project: A Concept Paper
7.4 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a Note in Padlet!
7.5 Assignment: Module 7 Concept Map 

Module 8: Financial Strategies, Performance, & Growth

8.1 Readings & Resources

8.2 Discussion: Course Reflection Video
8.3 Assignment: Financial Performance Management
8.4 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a Note in Padlet!
8.5 Assignment: Module 8 Comprehensive Concept Map 
© Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Last Updated 12/14/2021
By: Dr. Jennifer O'Bryon

Before you begin the course, read the Important Course Information and
other items in the Start Here module. If you have any questions, please
contact your instructor.
Visit the Modules area for an overview of the course structure and direct
navigation to all course content.
All assignments due by 11:59 pm ET.

Date Due Name (link) Event Type Points

1/16 1.1 Discussion: Introduction Video Discussion 100

1.4 Assignment: Aviation Innovation Concept

1/16 Assignment 100

1/16 1.6 Assignment: Module 1 Concept Map Assignment 100

1.5 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a

1/16 Assignment
Note in Padlet!

1.2 Assignment: Hunt Library Basic Training

1/16 Assignment 0

2.3 Assignment: Financial Strategies and

1/23 Assignment 100
New Business Models

1/23 2.2 Discussion: How Airports Use FinTech Discussion 100

1/23 2.5 Assignment: Module 2 Concept Map Assignment 100

2.4 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a

1/23 Assignment
Note in Padlet!

3.3 Assignment: High Risk Capital Project

1/30 Assignment 100
Date Due Name (link) Event Type Points

3.4 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a

1/30 Assignment
Note in Padlet!

1/30 3.5 Assignment: Module 3 Concept Map Assignment 100

3.2 Discussion: NextGen Air Traffic System

1/30 Discussion 100
and Airport Operations

4.2 Discussion: Collaborative Airport

2/6 Discussion 100

4.3 Assignment: Debt and Equity Financing

2/6 Assignment 100

2/6 4.5 Assignment: Module 4 Concept Map Assignment 100

4.4 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a

2/6 Assignment
Note in Padlet!

2/13 5.5 Assignment: Module 5 Concept Map Assignment 100

5.4 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a

2/13 Assignment
Note in Padlet!

5.2. Discussion: Airport Bonds & Interest

2/13 Discussion 100
Rate Swaps

2/13 5.3 Assignment: Airport Project Finance Assignment 100

2/20 6.5 Assignment: Module 6 Concept Map Assignment 100

6.2. Discussion: Airport Motivations in

2/20 Discussion 100
Setting Rates & Charges

6.3 Assignment: Special Purpose Vehicles

2/20 Assignment 100
(SPV) and Acceptance Decisions

6.4 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a

2/20 Assignment
Note in Padlet!

3/6 7.5 Assignment: Module 7 Concept Map Assignment 100

7.4 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a

3/6 Assignment
Note in Padlet!
Date Due Name (link) Event Type Points

7.2 Discussion: Innovation, Truth, & Trust in

3/6 Discussion 100
Applied and Academic Research

7.3 Group Project: A Concept Paper (GRS)

3/6 Assignment 100
(GRP) (PLG1)

3/13 8.2 Discussion: Course Reflection Video Discussion 100

8.5 Assignment: Module 8 Comprehensive

3/13 Assignment 100
Concept Map

8.4 Assignment: Take a Break and Post a

3/13 Assignment
Note in Padlet!

8.3 Assignment: Financial Performance

3/13 Assignment 100

Online Office Discussion 0

Student Lounge Discussion 0

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