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ERC Advanced Grants 2019 List of Principal Investigators – Social Sciences and Humanities Host institution refers to

institution at time of application

Last Name First Name Host Institution local name Host Institution Name Acronym Title Panel

Building Arctic Futures:

Transport Infrastructures and
SCHWEITZER Peter Universität Wien University of Vienna INFRANORTH AT SH2
Sustainable Northern
Did elite human capital trigger the
rise of the West? Insights from a
DE LA CROIX David Université catholique de Louvain Catholic University of Louvain UTHC BE SH1
new database of European
Not another history of Platonism.
PlatoViaAristotl The role of Aristotle's criticisms
OPSOMER Jan Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Catholic University of Leuven BE SH5
e of Plato in the development of
ancient Platonism
Problem Definition in the Digital
GILARDI Fabrizio Universität Zürich University of Zurich PRODIGI CH SH2

BENTHIEN Claudia Universität Hamburg University of Hamburg PoetryDA DE Poetry in the Digital Age SH5

Eberhard Karls Universität Sleep balancing abstraction and

BORN Jan University of Tübingen SleepBalance DE SH4
Tübingen forgetting of memory
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg- Psychobiological mechanisms of
BÜCHEL Christian University Hospital Hamburg PainPersist DE SH4
Eppendorf pain persistence
GEGENFURTNE An object-oriented approach to
Karl Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen Justus Liebig University Giessen Color3.0 DE SH4
R color
Bloodborne: Hot Zones, Disease
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Ecologies, and the Changing
MITMAN Gregg University of Munich (LMU) VIRHIST DE SH6
München Landscape of Environment and
Health in West Africa
OSSENDRIJVE Ancient Astral Science in
Mathieu Freie Universität Berlin Free University of Berlin ZODIAC DE SH6
R Transformation
PULVERMULL Material Constraints Enabling
Friedemann Freie Universität Berlin Free University of Berlin MatCo DE SH4
ER Human Cognition
Inequalities in Lifespans before
VAUPEL James Syddansk Universitet University of Southern Denmark DK and after Retirement: Trailblazing SH3
Demographic Theory and

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2020 European Research Council – 01/04/2020
ERC Advanced Grants 2019 List of Principal Investigators – Social Sciences and Humanities Host institution refers to
institution at time of application

Last Name First Name Host Institution local name Host Institution Name Acronym Title Panel


MARKET Market Power and Secular

EECKHOUT Jan Universitat Pompeu Fabra Pompeu Fabra University ES SH1
POWER Macroeconomic Trends
Centre de Recerca en Economia Heterogeneity, Monetary Policy
Internacional (CREi) and Economic Fluctuations
Becoming a mother: An
Autonomous University of integrative model of adaptations
VILARROYA Oscar Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona BEMOTHER ES SH4
Barcelona for motherhood during pregnancy
and the postpartum period.
Intergovernmental Organizations
between Mission and Market:
KLABBERS Jan Helsingin yliopisto University of Helsinki PRIVIGO FI SH2
International Institutional Law
and the Private Sector
Persistent bullying cases: towards
SALMIVALLI Christina Turun Yliopisto University of Turku CHALLENGE FI tailored intervention approaches SH3
to maximize efficiency
Institut de recherche et coordination Institute for Research and Raising co-creativity in cyber-
acoustique/musique Coordination in Acoustics/Music human musicianship
Etablissement d'Enseignement
Welfare, Incentives, Dynamics,
BIAIS Bruno Supérieur Consulaire Hautes Etudes HEC Paris WIDE FR SH1
and Equilibrium
Commerciales de Paris
Fondation nationale des sciences Historical Migrations, Trade, and
CHANEY Thomas SciencesPo HMTG FR SH1
politiques Growth
Centre National de la Recherche National Center for Scientific
DUHAMEL Jean-René SOCIALEYES FR Neural origins of mind reading SH4
Scientifique (CNRS) Research (CNRS)
Institut national des langues et Tracing language and population
civilisations orientales mixing in the Gansu-Qinghai area
1,000 ancient genomes: gene-
BRADLEY Daniel Trinity College Dublin Trinity College Dublin AncestralWeave IE economy innovation in cattle, SH6
sheep and goat
European Migrants in the British
MEANEY Gerardine University College Dublin University College Dublin VICTEUR IE Imagination: Victorian and Neo- SH5
Victorian Culture

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2020 European Research Council – 01/04/2020
ERC Advanced Grants 2019 List of Principal Investigators – Social Sciences and Humanities Host institution refers to
institution at time of application

Last Name First Name Host Institution local name Host Institution Name Acronym Title Panel

A Social Identity Model of

Trauma and Identity Change: A
MULDOON Orla University of Limerick University of Limerick SIMTIC IE SH3
Novel Theory of Post-Traumatic
Stress, Resilience and Growth
SHELACH- The Hebrew University of The Hebrew University of The Wall: People and Ecology in
Gideon The Wall IL SH6
LAVI Jerusalem Jerusalem Medieval Mongolia and China
The Memory of Financial Crises:
CASSIS Youssef European University Institute European University Institute MERCATOR IT SH6
Financial Actors and Global Risk
Social politics in European
DOWNS Laura Lee European University Institute European University Institute SOCIOBORD IT borderlands: A comparative and SH6
transnational study, 1870s-1990s
Wellbeing Returns on Social
HEMERIJCK Anton European University Institute European University Institute WellSIRe IT SH3
Investment Recalibration
The Transnational Divide: Local
HOOGHE Liesbet European University Institute European University Institute IT Triggers, Social Networks, and SH2
Group Identities
The Greek philosophical schools
according to Europe’s earliest
‘history of philosophy’: Towards
RANOCCHIA Graziano Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italian National Research council GreekSchools IT SH5
a new pioneering critical edition
of Philodemus’ Arrangement of
the Philosophers
Priscian’s Ars grammatica in
European Scriptoria. A
ROSELLINI Michela Sapienza Università di Roma Sapienza University of Rome PAGES IT SH5
Millennium of Latin and Greek
Twentieth-Century International
SLUGA Glenda European University Institute European University Institute ECOINT IT Economic Thinking, and the SH6
Complex History of Globalization
What drives human behavior
regarding global coastal migration
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en Free University of Amsterdam and
AERTS Jeroen COASTMOVE NL and adaptation in response to sea SH2
Medisch Centrum Medical Centre
level rise and extreme flood
Humanitarian governance:
HILHORST Dorothea Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Erasmus University of Rotterdam HUM-GOV NL accountability, advocacy, SH3

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2020 European Research Council – 01/04/2020
ERC Advanced Grants 2019 List of Principal Investigators – Social Sciences and Humanities Host institution refers to
institution at time of application

Last Name First Name Host Institution local name Host Institution Name Acronym Title Panel

Early Arabic Printing for the Arab

Christians. Cultural Transfers
Institutul de Studii Sud-Est Institute for South-East European
FEODOROV Ioana TYPARABIC RO between Eastern Europe and the SH5
Europene Studies
Ottoman Near-East in the 18th
Algorithmic Societies: Ethical
AMOORE Louise Durham University Durham University ALGOSOC UK SH2
Life in the Machine Learning Age
Generating New Evidence to
Address Violence Against
BHALOTRA Sonia University of Essex University of Essex Evidence-VAW UK SH1
Women: Realizing Women’s
Imperial College of Science, Imperial College of Science,
BOLTON Patrick FinanceCC UK Investors and Climate Change SH1
Technology and Medicine Technology and Medicine
Deep Decarbonisation: The
JORDAN Andrew University of East Anglia University of East Anglia DeepDCarb UK Democratic Challenge of SH2
Navigating Governance Traps

MICHELUTTI Lucia University College London University College London EXTORT UK Anthropologies of Extortion SH3

Re-orienting development: the

dynamics and effects of Chinese
MOHAN Giles The Open University The Open University REDEFINE UK SH2
infrastructure investment in
Text, materiality, and
PRAG Jonathan University of Oxford University of Oxford CROSSREADS UK multiculturalism at the crossroads SH6
of the ancient Mediterranean
Business Cycle Causes and
RAVN Morten University College London University College London BUCCAC UK SH1
Making Ancestors: The Politics
ROBB John University of Cambridge University of Cambridge ANCESTORS UK SH6
of Death in Prehistoric Europe
African Abolitionism: The Rise
ROSSI Benedetta University of Birmingham University of Birmingham AFRAB UK and Transformations of Anti- SH6
Slavery in Africa
The dynamics of sign language
grammar: Morphology, language
SCHEMBRI Adam University of Birmingham University of Birmingham SignMorph UK SH4
change, iconicity and social
structure in signing communities

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2020 European Research Council – 01/04/2020
ERC Advanced Grants 2019 List of Principal Investigators – Social Sciences and Humanities Host institution refers to
institution at time of application

Last Name First Name Host Institution local name Host Institution Name Acronym Title Panel

Global Correspondent Banking

SCHENK Catherine University of Oxford University of Oxford GloCoBank UK SH6

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2020 European Research Council – 01/04/2020

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