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Arab Zionists

From Faisal to Bin Zaid

Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri

(may Allah protect him)
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
In the Name of Allah. All praise belongs to Allah, and may peace and
blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, Companions and those
who are loyal to him.
My dear Muslim brothers! Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa
Barakatuhu, I wish to discuss today the vicious scheming of a clique of lowly
Arab Zionists- specifically bin Zaid- who seek to provide impetus to the
Zionist project in the heart of the Muslim world.
Before I delve deeper into this subject, I would like to offer my condolences
to the Ummah on the martyrdom of a group of heroes,
may Allah have mercy on them, grant them the highest levels of paradise and
reunite us with them under the shade of His mercy.
Among this distinct group of martyrs are the brothers Muhammad Saeed al
Shemrani, Abu Hurayra al San’ani, Hisham al Eshmawi, Shaykh Abu Musab
Abdul Wudood, Abul Qasam al Urduni, and Abu Muhammad al Sudani, may
Allah have mercy on them.
These honourable brothers departed this world for the Hereafter while
defending their Religion, their Ummah, their sanctities… confronting the
aggression of the Crusaders and their hirelings. They set noble examples
worthy of emulation, illuminating the path for those whose way is Jihad,
selflessness and sacrifice.
May Allah have mercy on Muhammad Saeed al Shemrani whose prime
concern was the cause of His Ummah. With his valiance, he revived the
tradition set by Muhammad bin Maslama (may Allah be pleased with him).
And so he penetrated the army of the Cross, the forces of the idol of this age.
He hit them hard with the means available at his disposable. May Allah
reward him greatly on behalf of Islam and Muslims, Amen!
May Allah have mercy on the steadfast Ameer, the fearless lion who
remained steadfast in his den: Abu Hurayrah al San’ani. He led his Mujahid
brothers in the Arabian Peninsula who face an unrelenting war being waged
against them by the Crusader American forces, the Emirati and Saudi
mercenaries and the hirelings of the Safavids. He did not backtrack or
succumb to pressures; rather, he held the flag high until he passed it on
to his successor, coloured with his pure blood.
I would also like to offer my condolences to the Ummah and its Mujahid sons
on the martyrdom of the patient hero, Hisham Eshmawi (may Allah have
mercy on him). And when Hisham Eshmawi is mentioned, one must mention
his companions, Emad Abdul Hameed and Umar Rifa’i Suroor (may Allah
have mercy on them). These torchbearers of steadfastness and selflessness
give us all hope that the steadfast and patient land of Egypt continues to
produce heroes and warriors who pass the flag of Jihad, Dawah and
selflessness, nobility, honour and glory from generation to generation.
As for my brother, the Shaykh, the Mujahid, the wise Ameer, Abu Musab
Abdul Wudood, he was among the towering personalities of Jihad in the
Islamic Maghreb. May Allah have mercy on him and his companions Abdul
Hameed, Abu Abdul Kareem and Anass.
I pray to Allah to reward him greatly on the sacrifices that he offered for the
sake of his Ummah under extremely testing circumstances. Shaykh Abu
Mus’ab led the way in uniting the Mujahideen, coordinating the efforts of
Muslims and uniting them in a single array so as to confront the
contemporary crusade.
Shaykh Abu Mus’ab possessed a rich history of generosity and selflessness. It
is our duty to shed light on his life so as to offer an example worthy of
emulation for posterity. However, I would suffice here with condolences and
prayers of forgiveness and mercy for him and his noble companions.
I ask Allah to reunite us with him under the shade of His mercy.
Perhaps Allah will grant me an opportunity to discuss his merits and
precedence in Jihad, as well as his selflessness and generosity.
I also pray to Allah to have mercy on my kind brother, Abu Qassam al Urduni.
Abu Qassam possessed a distinguished life history, replete with
Jihad, emigration, imprisonment, selflessness. He was a muhajir, a mujahid
who never ceased to offer and sacrifice in the Way of Allah. He continued to
ascend and rise in the levels of Jihad until Allah honoured him with the status
of martyrdom in His way. I pray to Allah for acceptance for him, for us and
for all Muslims.
I also ask Allah to accept the martyrdom of our brother, Shaykh Abu
Muhammad al Sudani. May Allah make his Jihad in East Africa and Syria and
his emigration in the scale of good deeds on the Day of Judgment. May Allah
reunite us with him and with all our martyrs in the shade of His infinite
mercy, Ameen!
ُ‫ته عام ٌر َو َسلول‬ُ ََ ً َّ ُ َ َ َ ٌ ََ ّ َ
ِ ُ ‫ِإ َذا ما رأ‬ ‫و ِإنا لقوم ال نرى القتل سبة‬
ُ‫آجال ُهم َف َتطول‬ ُ ُ َ َ
َ َ
‫آجالنا لنا‬ ‫وت‬ َ ‫ب‬
‫الم‬ ُّ ‫ُي َق ِّر ُب ُح‬
َ ِ
ُ ‫كان َق‬
َ ُ َ ّ َّ ُ َ
‫وال طل ِمنا حيث‬ ‫تف أ ِنف ِه‬َ ‫مات م ّنا َس ِّي ٌد َح‬
َ َ َ ُ ِ
ُ ‫يست َعىل غي الظبات ت‬
‫سيل‬ َ ‫َول‬ ُ
ُ ‫سيل َعىل َحد الظبات ن‬
ِّ ُ ‫َت‬
ِ ِ‫ر‬ ِ
‫ول‬ُ ‫قال الكر ُام َف ُع‬
َ ‫ول لما‬ ٌ َُ ٌ
‫قام َس ِّيد‬ َ ‫إذا َس ِّي ٌد م ّنا َخال‬
ٌِ ِ ُ ‫ق َؤ‬ ٌَ ِ َ ِ
ُ‫علومة َو ُحجول‬ َ ‫لها غ َر ٌر َم‬ ‫َ َوأ ّي ُامنا مشهورة يف عدونا‬
ِّ َ
ُ ‫عي ُف‬
‫لول‬ َ ‫بها من قراع الدار‬ ‫ب‬ ‫غر‬ ‫م‬
َ ‫سيافنا ف ُك ِّل ََشق َو‬ ‫َوأ‬
‫ِ ر‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ‫ي‬
[Arabic poetry]
To begin with, I would like to congratulate the Muslim Ummah on the
successful continuation of the campaign ‘Jerusalem shall not be Judaized’.
May Allah greatly reward the valiant heroes of Jihad in the frontlines of Jihad
in East and West Africa on the heroics that they have recorded as part of
these blessed operations.
This series of operations, with the help of Allah, shall prove to be the most
defiant response to the plots of the despicable servants of Israel.
Shaykh Abu Obaida Ahmad Omar (may Allah protect him):
All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. And may peace and
blessings be upon the Imam of the righteous, the leader of the Mujahideen,
and upon his family and companions who spread the Religion, and upon the
righteous predecessors and upon those who fought, strived, garrisoned,
and struggled for the cause of this Religion in every age.
My brothers, may Allah reward you greatly. It is my pleasure to bid farewell
to you as you depart to raid the enemy’s stronghold. We thank Allah greatly
for the favours he has blessed us with, the greatest blessing being Islam.
After the blessing of Islam, he granted us the good fortune of fulfilling the
duty of Jihad in His way. Many study Islamic sciences and read the chapter of
Jihad frequently (in the books of Islamic law), but are unable to join the
caravan of Jihad. Thus being guided by Allah to set out for Jihad is a great
blessing. It is a blessing that He grants to whom He wishes. It is due from us
to be grateful for this immense blessing.
And the blessings of Allah are countless, and our lives and existence is only
due to His blessings.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
O’ Muslim! Participate in this campaign. Take Jerusalem’s revenge from the
Zionist occupiers and those who created them in the first place and provided
them support.
I would take this opportunity to congratulate my brothers in the frontlines of
Islam in East and West Africa on a victory that I consider to be one of the
greatest victories granted to them by Allah: prevailing in the field of Dawah
to Islam. The aim of the Mujahideen, and indeed of all Muslims, is to guide
mankind and bring them out of darkness to the light of guidance, in
accordance with the command of Allah:” O’ Prophet (pbuh)! Verily, We have
sent you as a witness, and a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner, and as one
who invites to Allah by His leave, and as a lamp spreading light."
Allah blessed them with guiding the Italian and French sisters to Islam. May
Allah reward them for their keenness to guide mankind.
Earlier, at the hands of our brothers in Al Qa’eda in the Indian Subcontinent,
Allah had guided the American Warren Weinstein and the Italian Lo Porto to
Islam. Both of them reverted while in prison and were killed in an airstrike
targeting their residence. Later, Obama had the audacity to say that he was
sorry for what had happened because he didn’t know about their presence
at the place that was targeted.
Shaykh Khubaib al Sudani (may Allah protect him):
For decades, the Palestinian cause has been the focal cause of the Muslim
Ummah. This is due to the place that Palestine occupies in the heart of all
Muslims. It is the land of the Prophets, the home of Divine messages,
the first Qiblah, the third Haram and the destination of the Night Journey of
our Messenger, Muhammad (may peace and blessings be upon him).
Unfortunately, in spite of the holiness of this blessed land, it has become an
occupied territory, in the hands of monkeys and swines for over a century.
From the day Palestine was occupied to this age, the Jews, in plain sight of
the entire world, have been desecrating the rights of the Palestinians
in the worst possible manner. From the very beginning, a bunch of traitors
sought to suppress movements that called for Jihad for the liberation of
Palestine. Gradually, secular nationalist and leftist movements gained
ground. Slogans and beliefs became blurred as the idea of allying
with the Satan to liberate Palestine took root… Of course, Palestine was
never liberated by them. The Palestinian cause thus became a game,
a ball thrown on the peace table by ignoble criminals as and when it suited
their interests.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
My Muslim brothers and Mujahideen! An entire generation of brokers have
bargained over Palestine. When Sharif Hussein revolted against the Ottoman
State, he entered into a bargain to take Palestine from the Ottomans and
hand it over to the Jews on the basis of the Balfour Declaration.
When the secret of the Sykes-Picot accord was revealed, and after it came
the Balfour Declaration, Sharif Hussein felt shocked. The British government
decided to send its envoy, Commander Hogart from the Cairo Desk of the
British Intelligence, to pacify him. He met Sharif Hussein in person and
wrote a brief on what had transpired in the meeting. On the topic of Sykes-
Picot, Hogart mentioned that Sharif Hussein had assured him that he would
accept secondary changes made to the original plan due to the contingencies
of war. As for the Balfour Declaration, Hogart mentioned that Sharif
Hussein’s response revealed his readiness to accept the subject matter of the
Declaration. He added that Sharif Hussein enthusiastically agreed to the
proposal, saying that he would welcome Jews all across the Arab World.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
In fact, he demonstrated his loyalty for the British by asking the officials in his
government to pacify the Arab reaction (to the Declaration).
In the months that followed, Sharif Hussein offered substantive evidence of
his sincerity. He dispatched letters to high-ranking followers in Egypt
and to followers in the ranks of the revolutionary forces, telling them that he
had received assurances from the British government that Jewish settlement
in Palestine shall not conflict with Arab independence.
He encouraged them to have faith in the promises of ‘Great Britain’. He
ordered his sons to exert utmost efforts to assuage the fears evoked by the
Balfour Declaration among the rank and file of his followers. He sent an
envoy to Faisal in Al Aqaba with similar instructions. He suggested publishing
an article in the official magazine (of the mutineers) reminding the Arabs in
Palestine of their duty of hospitality and magnanimity, dictated by their holy
books and traditions. He suggested encouraging them to welcome Jews
as their brothers and to cooperate with them for securing common interests.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
As for his son, Faisal bin Hussein, in January 1919, he, along with Haeim
Weizman, the representative of the Zionist Organization, concluded the
accord of treachery known as the ‘Faisal-Weizman agreement’.
1- All relations and reciprocal duties between the Arab State and Palestine
must be imbibed with a spirit of good faith and mutual understanding.
2-After mutual consultations in the Peace Conference, the final boundaries
between the Arab State and Palestine shall be clearly defined.
3-During the compilation of the constitution for the administration of
Palestinian affairs, all necessary measures must be taken to offer genuine
guarantees for the implementation of the declaration made by the British
government on the 2nd of November, 1917.
4-All necessary measures must be taken to encourage Jewish emigration to
Palestine on a comprehensive scale and as rapidly as possible. A program of
extensive settlement and intensive agricultural utilization of the land must be
put into place to this effect.
9-Any dispute between the two contending sides must be referred to the
British government for adjudication.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
A cursory look at the contents of this agreement reveals the following:
- Faisal recognized the Jewish state as an equal of the Arab state. In fact, he
recognized the existence of clearly defined boundaries between the two
Hence, Anwar Sadat was not the first one to conclude a peace deal between
the Arabs and the Jews.
-This agreement emphasized the encouragement of widescale Jewish
emigration to Palestine. It also contained an explicit acceptance of the
Balfour declaration.
In simple words, Faisal wanted to purchase his throne from the British in
return for a complete sell-out of Palestine.
Danial, Researcher:
Faisal’s hopes of establishing a Kingdom in Damascus proved to be a mere
mirage. The British promised the French a mandate over Syria. And so they
sent Faisal to Iraq and made him a king in name only.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
In other words, he struck a deal with the devil to create an Arab kingdom.
And thus he rightly deserved the punishment due for those who ally with
Satan for the sake of this world, i.e. a loss of this world and the hereafter.
“Like Satan, when he said to man: disbelieve. When he disbelieved, he said, I
absolve my self from you; verily, I fear Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.”
When the Ottoman state collapsed after the First World War, Ataturk’s
secular system took its place. At this stage, the mask fell, Israel was given
recognition, an embassy was opened for the Zionist entity in Turkey
and a series of security and military agreements were concluded.
Joint military exercises were held and extensive trade ties were also
established. Ataturk’s state became a member of NATO and participated
later in aggression against Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia.
To this day, the same policies are being pursued by the Turkish regime.
After the First World War, a Peace Conference was held. On the basis of the
Sykes-Picot agreement, the territories of the former Ottoman State
were carved up between France and Britain. Abdul Aziz al Saud welcomed
the division of Syria, Iraq and Palestine between the British and the French,
as mentioned in his letter to the British envoy in Bahrain.
Abdul Aziz Aal Saud welcomed the division of Syria, Iraq and Palestine
between Britain and France. This he had mentioned in his letter to the British
envoy in Bahrain. He wrote, “I am extremely glad to know that these lands
have come under the control of Great Britain and its ally, France. I say so
because I know that this is the only way to guarantee peace and security in
these lands.”
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
Then came the catastrophe of 1948. After the war, an armistice was
concluded in February 1949, the prelude to which declared that it was a
permanent peace agreement between the signing parties. Later, the
meetings of Lausanne were concluded, which were preceded by the protocol
floated by the UN representative that called for an explicit recognition of the
demarcation of boundaries in 1947.
It is mentioned in the text of the protocol: “The Palestinian Reconciliation
Committee constituted by the United Nations for swiftly securing the
objectives outlined in the resolution of the General Assembly issued on 11
December concerning the protection of the rights of the refugees and the
protection of their properties, alongside other objectives, has suggested to
the delegations of Arab states and to the Israeli delegation to adopt
the attached document as the basis of negotiations with the Committee.”
The document in question was the resolution announcing the decision to
partition Palestine in 1947 and the map outlining the division of territories.
In other words, the participation of the Arab states in the Lausanne
Conference meant a tacit acceptance of the decision to divide Palestine.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
After the Lausanne Conference, Israel officially became a member of the
United Nations. With this step, all member states of the UN, including states
of the Arab and Muslim World, gave de jure recognition to Israel and as
member states it became binding upon them to respect the security
and the sanctity of this new member of the UN, as outlined in the UN
The clauses in the second part of the UN Charter mention that:
1- the organization is based on the principle of equal sovereignty of all
member states.
For example, the sovereignty of Egypt over its territories is no different from
Israeli sovereignty over Palestinian territories.
3-The charter prevents member states from using force or the threat of force
against the integrity or political independence of any member state in any
manner that contradicts the objectives of the UN.
-Clause 25 of the Charter makes it binding upon the member states
to accept the decisions of the Security Council and to implement these
decisions in accordance with the spirit of the Charter.
-Clause 103 states that in case of conflict between any international
obligation of a member state and the obligations dictated by the UN Charter,
the latter shall be binding on the member state.
In other words, the UN Charter binds the Arab and Muslim states to abide by
the following:
1-Respecting the sovereignty of Israel. This mandates treating the
sovereignty of Israel over Palestine, as detailed in the decision of the League
of Nations in 1947, in the same manner as the sovereignty of these states
over their own territories.
2-Respecting the integrity of Israeli territories and the security of its borders.
3-Any dispute with Israel must be resolved using peaceful means without
resorting to force or the use of force.
4-Implementing all decisions of the UN Security Council, including decisions
concerning Israel.
5-The obligations mandated by the UN Charter override any other obligation.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
Thus the reality of the lie peddled by the states of the Arab and Muslim
World about non-recognition of Israel becomes clear. These states are bound
by the UN Charter to recognize Israel, respect its integrity and security, and
abstain from the use of force or the threat thereof against Israel.
Israeli Foreign Minister Mosche Sharrett:
Israel is a child of the United Nations and it is determined to remain loyal to
its parent body. It is going to base its policies on the basis of loyalty to the
UN. It is up to the UN to be loyal to its child. We believe that admitting Israel
as a member will not merely be an act of justice, it will also be a decisive step
towards peace, because it will remove any vestige of doubt in certain minds
that Israel has come to stay.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
In 1955, Gamal Abdul Nasser, in a telephonic conversation with Ouno,
the President of Burma, during the arrangements for the Bandung Summit,
reiterated his position of recognizing the division of 1947. In one of his
messages he evinced his readiness to accept Israeli participation in the
Summit if Israel recognized the 1947 boundaries and practically abided by
this decision, since this decision defined the boundaries that the nternational
community had demarcated for Israel as per UN resolutions.
After the disaster of 1967, the downward trend of surrendering to Israel
and giving it official recognition gained pace.
Hani Shukrullah, Journalist:
The defeat of June 1967 was the experience that shaped my generation. It is
extremely hard to describe it now because it came as a sudden unexpected
shock. It was as if a thunderbolt had struck us straight from the blue sky.
Everything ended in six hours, not six days. Egyptian soldiers were on the
run. They were not fighting, they were running without helmets or weapons,
while Israeli soldiers could be seen swimming in the Suez. The insult was
deep and grave. It was massive.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
Examples include:
- The decision taken by Gamal Abdul Nasser to accept UN resolution 242,
issued in November 1967, followed by his decision to accept the Rogers
initiative in June 1970. Both decisions meant an acceptance of pre-1967
boundaries of Israel and an obligation to strive for permanent peace
between the Arabs and Israelis.
-Similarly, disowning the idea of liberating Palestine or ensuring the return of
Palestinians to their former lands:
It is in this context that Haykal said that Nasser, after the disaster of 1967,
understood that he had no room left to talk about the right of the Palestinian
nation to return to a homeland with a state and boundaries.
He thus accepted the UN resolution 242
and delegated the Soviet Union the authority
to negotiate with any party, including Israel,
on the basis that Egypt was ready to accept a deal on two conditions:
1.It shall not be asked to abandon Arab lands under the pressure of
2. It shall not be asked to negotiate directly with Israel as long as Israel holds
on to Arab lands it had occupied in 1967.
On the basis of the preceding thesis, we may conclude that:
Abdul Nasser, before the defeat of 1967, had accepted
- the division of Palestinian lands between Arabs and Jews.
- After the disaster of 1967, he disowned the idea of the liberation of
Palestine or the return of refugees to their homeland. He accepted peace on
the basis of UN resolution 242, which gave recognition to the pre-1967
boundaries of Israel.
Then came Anwar Sadat, one of the biggest traitors in modern Egyptian
history. He signed with Israel:
Firstly, the Camp David Accord (which included the Peace Agreement and the
Self-Rule Agreement), on the 17th of September 1978.
Secondly, the Peace Accord (with all its annexures and secret clauses)
with Israel on the 26th of March, 1979.
The traitor, Anwar al Sadat:
We came to Camp David with all the goodwill and faith we possess and we
left Camp David a few minutes ago with a renewed sense of hope and
The Criminal, Minyanim Begen:
The Camp David Conference should be renamed. It was the Jimmy Carter
Conference. As far as my historic experience is concerned, I think that you
worked harder than our forefathers when they built the pyramids in Egypt.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
The former Defense Minister, Abdul Ghani al Jimsi, could not remain silent
over these treacheries, in spite of being an obedient employee of Anwar
Camp David marked the end of a stage of the conflict in the Middle East. At
the international level, the United States prevailed in the conflict between
the two global powers. This was the conflict that was sparked by the 1956
crisis, reached its peak in 1967 and was resolved in 1978.
In the Arab world, this agreement led to Egypt’s exit from the Israeli-Arab
conflict. This weakened the position of Arab countries, both politically and
militarily. It led to Israel emerging with a stronger strategic position
in the region. It equally offered Israel the leeway to devour whatever was left
of Palestine. In the coming stages of the conflict, Israel will have greater
freedom to expand at the expense of neighbouring Arab territories.
On the national plane, the Camp David Accord and the subsequent peace
agreement between Egypt and Israel returned to us Sina, but with stringent
conditions attached, allowing Israel a stronger strategic position in the
region. It marked the end of the stage of the Egyptian-Israeli conflict
that began with the October War in 1973 and the visit to al Quds in 1977,
and ended at Camp David in 1978.
After the Camp David Accord and the Peace Agreement, it became clear that
a new stage in the history of the region had begun, the repurcussions of
which will be felt in the struggle between the two great powers in the Middle
East. This has had its ramifications and consequenes for the Arab World,
the most important of which, perhaps, was the change in the security
paradigm in the region, with the United States assuming the leading role in
the region.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
This is how Egypt- the former stronghold of Islam in the struggle against the
Crusaders- made its exit from the battle due to a clique of traitors.
However, the Islamic, Mujahid Egypt that we all know did not surrender. A
group of the sincere sons of Egypt stepped forth and eliminated the traitor
We will continue discussing the treacherous path of traitors and sellouts.
After the treachery of Sadat, the wealth of the Gulf, as usual, started playing
its dubious role in ruining and corrupting different elements of the PLO.
This is an important point that I wish to mention here, and we shall return to
it later.
Haykal writes:
“The brilliant idea conceived by some of the petro-states was as follows:
Silent political support for President Sadat and at the same time silencing the
PLO with financial incentives. And thus part of the Palestinian revolution
transformed into a model that was unprecedented in history. The revolution
had thus turned into a petro-dollar revolution. The first laboratory for
experimenting the petro-dollar revolution was Beirut.
This is how a most strange and unique relationship was forged… between
people of conviction and bank coffers, between fidayeen and beauty
pagents, between revolutionists and feudal lords.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
Treacherous elements and sellouts in the organization started spreading
their poison. Chief among them was the biggest broker, labelled as the ‘elder
brother’ by Hamas, Abu Mazen, who succeeded in getting a decision
issued by the National Palestinian Council in March 1977.
This decision called for contacts with Jewish powers in a manner that suits
the interests of the Palestinian people. The concessions and compromises
continued, until the National Palestinian Council announced on the 15th of
November 1988, in its emergency session in Algeria, the establishment of an
independent Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank, with Jerusalem as
its capital. With the open acceptance of the UN resolutions 242 and 338,
the announcement contained within it a tacit recognition of Israel.
On the 24th of April 1996, the Palestinian National Council conducted its 21st
session in Gaza, in which the majority votes were cast in the favour of
annulling the clauses of the Palestinian National Charter that conflicted with
the possibility of mutual recognition between the PLO and the Israeli state.
The treacheries and blunders continued… the Fahd Initiative, the Arab Peace
Initiative, the Araba Valley, the embassy in Mauritania, the delegations and
offices in Qatar, Bahrain and the Emirates, and finally the visit of the Israeli
Foreign Minister to Qatar.
The criminal, Netanyahu:
Relations between Israeli companies and the Arab World are now growing.
We are experiencing a process of normalization with the Arab world, without
any progress being made in the peace process with the Palestinians. Is this
possible? Yes. This is possible in Abu Dhabi, in Qatar… these things are being
achieved openly. Expect to hear about other visits…
I met with bin Zaid in the Emirates. I met with MBS in Saudi Arabia… the
Crown Prince. And I can tell you something astonishing: these leaders are
more pro-Israel than a lot of Jews.
The criminal, Netanyahu:
The most dramatic change, without doubt, is the relationship that is eginning
to develop between Israel and most of our Arab neighbours in order to
fashion a Middle East free of the dominance of militant Islam.
Hamd bin Jasim One of the cheerleaders of
normalization of ties with Israel:
We have no difference(s) (on) fight(ing) terrorism…
We have no difference(s) (on) fight(ing) any other cause
which will bring instability…
I am against anybody (who wants) to have a war in the Middle East,
especially between the Israelis and their neighbours. I would like to see the
Israelis in Qatar, in Saudi Arabia, in Egypt, everywhere, as I would like to see
Arabs in Israel. I think that is the end goal which we want.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
Next, Muhammad Mursi enters the fray and announces that his government
shall abide by the agreements of surrender with Israel and all prior military
and intelligence pacts concluded with the United States. Let us consider the
shocking difference between the two generations. Hasan al Banna organized
military units to wage Jihad in Palestine, then a second generation leader
arrives on the scene to announce his commitment to the agreements of
peace and humiliation with Israel.
May Allah bless Dr. Rantisi for he declared that we must besiege America
with terror! May Allah bless Shaykh Nazar Rayyan, who said that the war
between Hamas and Fath was a war between Islam and apostasy, and that
the leadership of Fath were ‘secular heretics fostered and financed by
America and Israel so as to uproot Islam from our land.’
Finally came the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’. And then the puppet, the
midget, the leader of mercenary militias financed by the stolen wealth of
Muslims, bin Zaid, enters the fray to join the caravan of traitors.
The criminal, Netanyahu:
I called Shaykh bin Zaid… He is a great leader… we agreed on three things:
Firstly, I will visit him soon.
Secondly, we agreed on activating green passports.
Thirdly, and here is the big news for Israelis: The Emirates intends to invest in
Israel with huge sums of money, close to ten billion dollars, in different areas.
We are studying the projects in which investment will be made. This is
something that will propel the Israeli economy forward.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
Then came the paid mercenary: Burhan of Sudan. And after him, the King of
Maghreb, Muhammad the Sixth, who announced official recognition of Israel
after a long history of secret ties with the Zionist state.
The Criminal, Netanyahu:
I would like to thank the Moroccan King, his Excellency, Muhammad the
Sixth, on his decision to conclude a historic peace with Israel.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
This was a painful history… and the fiascos continue…
And each time someone commits treachery, he makes it easier for those
after him to do the same. And many traitors are keen to accuse other traitors
of being more treacherous than them. And this is what was expected from
them, if not worse.
Hamd bin Jasim One of the cheerleaders of
normalization of ties with Israel:
The Arabs believe that Israel is the key to the White House and the Congress.
This is the reality and it is equally a problem. We in Qatar, when we talked to
the Israelis, and when we opened an office for Israel in Doha right from the
beginning, (we did so) because we believe in peace.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
However, Allah sent for this Ummah those who reject their backtracking,
disgrace and crimes. The pioneer of Jihad, Abdullah Azzam (may Allah have
mercy on him), appeared on the scene to declare that since the fall of
Andalus to this day Jihad, is a binding duty on the Ummah.
Shaykh Abdullah Azzam (may Allah have mercy on him):
The worship of fighting is a lifelong worship. It is not restricted to Afghanistan
or linked with a specific place. It is a lifelong worship, a binding duty like
prayer and fasting that continues everywhere. It is an individual duty binding
on every Muslim for as long as any piece of Islamic land remains in the hands
of the disbelievers.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
Shaykh Omar Abdul Rahman (may Allah have mercy on him) emerged on the
scene and encouraged the downing of American planes and the sinking of
American warships.
Shaykh Omar Abdul Rahman (may Allah have mercy on him):
Jews and Christians shall never be pleased with you until you follow their
way. He (Anwar al Sadat) is Anwar al Yahood, with whom the Jews and
Christians have been pleased. He signed the peace agreement, the treaty of
surrender, disgrace and treachery. There are those who defend him…
agents of the rulers and creations of intelligence agencies… They consider
him a Muslim upon whom one should send condolences. They pray to God
that He raises them with him on the Day of Judgment! How is that possible?
Someone about whom the scholars have given testimonies that he is a
disbeliever, outside the fold of Islam, due to his actions… how can one say
something as absurd as this about him?
Leave nationalism and Arabism… forget conferences and seminars…
Forget the exposed lie. Forget all these things.
Take resort to the successful treatment and the effective medicine
that Allah has prescribed in His Book.
Get to the point of the matter. Turn to the pinnacle of Islam, to Jihad in the
Way of Allah.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
Then came Osama bin Laden (may Allah have mercy on him) who swore by
Allah that America would never dream of peace until we experience it as a
reality in Palestine and until all forces of the disbelievers leave the land of the
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Shaykh Osama bin Laden (may Allah have mercy on him):
I swear by Allah, the Great, who raised the skies without any pillars: America
and those who live in America shall never dream of peace until we
experience peace in Palestine, and until all forces of the disbelievers leave
the land of Muhammad (pbuh). God is Great and glory is for Islam!
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
Then came Abdul Aziz al Rantisi (may Allah have mercy on him) who called
for besieging America economically, in the fields of media and tourism, and
with the use of ‘terror’.
Dr. Abdul Aziz Rantisi (may Allah have mercy on him) :
Sharon and the leaders of the Zionist gang shall never live in peace.
They shall never enjoy peace. The land of Palestine is an Islamic trust.
We shall never allow the invaders to rest in peace in even an inch of this
land. We shall fight them everywhere…we shall hit them hard under all
circumstances…we shall chase them and teach them lessons in resistance.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
My Muslim brothers in Palestine and the rest of the world! If anyone tries to
give up even a single inch of Palestine, you must take a strong stand against
such a turncoat, no matter who he or she may be. Moreover, you must
confront those who seek excuses for such betrayers. Tell them: The scholars
of Palestine had issued a historic decree in the session convened in Masjid al
Aqsa in Shawal 1353 Hijri, 26th January, 1935. The Fatwa categorically banned
the sale of land to Jews.
The fatwa mentions:
“After reviewing the decrees issues by the scholars in Iraq, Egypt, India, the
Maghreb, Syria, Palestine and other Islamic lands, it is clear that there is a
consensus on the prohibition of the sale of land in Palestine to Jews,
the prohibition of all forms of brokerage, mediation or facilitation in such a
contract, and the prohibition of accepting such a contract or remaining silent
about it. On the basis of the aforementioned, if any Palestinian engages or
participates in such a contract, his action will be interpreted as being based
on willful intent and carried out with full awareness of its consequences.
Believing in the permissibility of doing so, therefore, implies disbelief and
apostasy, as mentioned in the decree of his Excellency, Sayyed Ameen al
Hussaini, the Mufti of al Quds and the Head of the Higher Islamic Council.
After reviewing and carefully considering the aforementioned, and on the
basis of the rulings mentioned in these noble decrees, we have agreed upon
the ruling that the seller, broker, mediator and facilitator in the sale of land
in Palestine to Jews is:
Firstly: An agent and belligerent who seeks to expel Muslims from their land
Secondly: An interdictor who prevents the name of Allah being mentioned in
the mosques and seeks corruption therein.
Thirdly: An ally of the Jews, on account of providing help and assistance to
them against Muslims.
Fourthly: An injurious person who hurts Allah, His Messenger and the
Fifthly: A traitor to Allah and His Messenger and a betrayer of the trust
entrusted to him.
On the basis of the causes, results, sayings, rulings and decrees that we have
mentioned, let it be known that the ruling of the seller of land to Jews in
Palestine- whether he sells land directly or indirectly- as well as the broker,
the facilitator and the abettor in such a crime in any form, given that he or
she knows the aforementioned consequences of his act, is as follows:
It is prohibited to pray for them or arrange a Muslim funeral for their burial.
They should not be buried in the graveyard of Muslims. They must be socially
ostracized, boycotted, and belittled. It is prohibited to maintain amiable
relations with such a person, even if he is one’s father, son, brother or
“O’ you who believe! Take not as Auliya (supporters and helpers) your
fathers and your brothers if they prefer disbelief to belief. And whoever does
so, he is one of the wrongdoers.”
“Say: if your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the
wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and
the dwellings in which you delight are dearer to you than Allah and His
Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His cause, then wait until Allah
brings about His decision. And Allah does not guide those who are rebellious,
disobedient to Him.”
Moreover, remaining silent about their actions or accepting their actions is
absolutely prohibited. If the sale of land is prohibited because it is a cause
of the Judaization of Palestine, what would be the ruling regarding those
who accept the Judaization of Palestine and give recognition to Jewish
ownership of Palestinian land? Confront with this Fatwa, O’ Muslims in
Palestine and elsewhere,
everyone who compromises on or justifies compromise on
even a single inch of the land of Palestine…
no matter who he or she may be…
Shaykh Khalid Batrafi (may Allah protect him):
Palestine is a fundamental cause that concerns every Muslim who is proud of
his Religion and Ummah. It is impossible to find a Muslim who is aware of
what is happening in this world, understands the conspiracies against Islam
and Muslims, and witnesses the tragedy of his Muslim brothers in the pure
land to which the leader and seal of the Messengers made his night journey,
Muhammad (pbuh)… yet is not moved by this tragedy or does not make
sincere efforts to save al Aqsa from the hands of the Jewish usurpers.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
My Muslim brothers, we should not be surprised by the treachery and
negligence of these betrayers. We have nothing to gain from emotional
reactions, demonstrations and fiery speeches. The matter is far more serious.
It is a Crusade led by America, and Israel is one of the most important tools
of this Crusade. Israel is a Crusader fortress, equipped with nuclear weapons,
installed in the heart of the Islamic world. It is a fortress built by America,
like the fortresses built (in Palestine) by the Crusaders in the past.
Shaykh Abdul Ilah (may Allah protect him):
America is the biggest supporter of the Zionist entity and its official patron. It
finances the Zionist state and equips it with latest weaponry and technology.
Without America, it will be impossible for this entity to survive on its own. On
this basis, it is vital for us to target America and American economic and
military interests across the world, so that America stops aiding this cancer
that has been implanted in the heart of the Islamic world and withdraws its
military bases from the Muslim World.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
This is the reality of the conflict between us and them. We must be fully
prepared to engage in this conflict. And we have tremendous potential to
confront this Crusader campaign.
In the past, our Ummah successfully confronted Crusader campaigns that
coincided with the Mongol invasion. It resiliently confronted this assault and
in spite of all the weakness and corruption within the Muslim polity, it was
able to prevail.
Then came the Ottoman state, which protected Muslim territories for five
centuries and conquered new lands. Fifty years before the fall of Granada,
the Ottoman State brought Constantinople -the erstwhile capital of Orthodox
Christendom- in the fold of the Islam, under the flag of Tawheed.
And let us not forget that nineteen Mujahideen, the warriors of Islam,
stabbed America in its heart… an injury the like of which America had never
tasted before… and today it is making its exit from Afghanistan, broken,
defeated, after twenty years of war. Glory and praise belongs to Allah alone.
Shaykh Abu Obaida Yusuf al Anabi (may Allah protect him):
To conclude, you have a great example in the form of the Afghan. Follow
their way. When they abandoned disputes and disagreements and united
under a single flag and a single leadership- in whose faith, knowledge and
sincerity they had trust- then severed their ties with client regimes
and treacherous governments, and adopted the path of Jihad and
martyrdom, their guns resting on their shoulders, their souls in their palms,
Allah gave them victory and defeated their enemy. It was the enemy that
submitted to their conditions in humiliation. Today, Trump, who has roposed
the ‘deal of the century’, lowers his head in humiliation as he receives the
‘slap of the century’ from the Afghans who understand the Americans and
the language they understand.
The walls of humiliation are not knocked down
Except by a volley of fire
The free one does not abandon leadership
For every disbeliever or sinner
Without shedding blood
Humiliation is not erased from the forehead
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
So beware of those who let down, fear, and call for surrender, humiliation,
and submission.
My Muslim brothers! We must confront this evil campaign. Our primary
weapon in this confrontation is awareness. We must understand: Who is our
enemy? And who is our friend?
Allah (swt) says,
“O’ those who believe! Don’t take the Jews and Christians as Auliya
(supporters, helpers). Verily they are each others’ supporters. And those who
take them as supporters is one of them. Verily, Allah does not guide the
Shaykh Abu Obaida Yusuf al Anabi (may Allah protect him):
The road to liberating Palestine begins with liberating the Palestinian cause
from the clutches of the treacherous rulers. Any project that is linked with or
relies upon the help and assistance of these treacherous rulers is a project
for occupation and a not project for liberation. Anyone who depends on
them for the liberation of Palestine is a traitor, a betrayer of his Ummah and
Religion. It is incumbent on our Palestinian brothers to be decisive and clear-
cut in this fateful cause. Instead of relying on these treacherous rulers, they
must put their trust in Allah alone and have faith in him. They must rely on
their own capabilities, like their Algerian brothers who fought the French
occupation and NATO. When they decided to begin their Jihad in November
1954, their number did not exceed fifty young men who had nothing but
hunting rifles or meagre sums of money donated to them by the people
or stolen from the banks of the occupier. However, since their resolve was as
strong as steel, their spirits as high as the sky, and their faith in Allah was as
solid and deep as the mountains, the masses rallied behind them and waged
a historic war that will be remembered forever.
This is the only road that leads to the liberation of Palestine. There is no
other way.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
We must fight the battle on different fronts, united though as a single
Ummah. Palestine is thus Kashmir, Kashmir is Grozni, Grozni is Idlib, Idlib is
Kashgar, and Kashgar is Waziristan.
The martyr of Islam, Shaykh Abdullah Azzam (may Allah have mercy on him),
Our methodology aims at the liberation of Afghanistan. Yes, Afghanistan
must be liberated, because this principle is part of our Religion and a duty
binding on us. We must liberate Jerusalem, and return al Aqsa to the shade
of Tawheed, under the flag of ‘La ilaha ilal Allah’ “Fight those who are
nearest to you among the disbelievers, and let them find in you severity.”.
However, as I mentioned earlier, the hands have been tied, they have been
tied to the necks, the legs have been chained, breathing has become
prohibited, the pulse has been suppressed, and even the heart beats are
counted… So what is left for us to wait for? We must find a place from where
we can engage in Jihad, where we can free ourselves of blame in front of the
Lord of mankind, and prepare ourselves to return and purify the lands.
Those who think that the Jihad in Afghanistan seals the Islamic cause in
Palestine are living in a fantasy world and do not understand how a
generation of leaders is prepared, how movements are founded, how a
nucleus is created so that the larger Islamic army can be formed around it…
the army that shall purify the world from the corruption that afflicts it.
People come to us and say that we have abandoned Palestine and engaged
ourselves with Afghanistan. Yes, we are busy in Afghanistan. It is our duty to
help the Muslim, Mujahid people of Afghanistan. We must purify the land of
Afghanistan. Afghanistan is Palestine; Palestine is Afghanistan. However, we
do not want the spirit of Jihad to die within us. We want the zeal for this
Religion and the fervor to rescue the oppressed and protect Muslims lands
to remain alive and burning within our souls and conscience. We want this
spirit to remain alive, and therefore we must persist on the path of Jihad.
Jihad is a lifelong duty in Afghanistan, in Palestine, in the Philippines, and
wherever despots, tyrants and oppressors exist.’
(Fil Jihad Fiqh wa Ijtihad: 241-244)
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
We are a united Ummah, waging one war on different fronts.
Shaykh Khalid Batrafi (may Allah protect him):
The cause of Palestine is discussed by sincere as well as the insincere and
both side reveal their concern for this cause. However, it is only when actions
match words and there is positive engagement with other Muslim causes
that we know the sincere from the insincere. You will not find a genuine
person, group or government that lets down Muslims in Afghanistan, Syria,
Iraq, Burma, Turkistan and elsewhere, yet supports the cause of Palestine
and strives for the liberation of al Aqsa from the clutches of the Jews.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
We must unite around the word of Tawheed…we must be sure of the fact
that the tactic of bargaining over beliefs, over the sovereignty of Allah,
and working one’s way through secular laws and constitutions only leads to
disasters. And the living examples are there for all to see and take heed.
We must return the Ummah to the fronts of Jihad and teach it the use of
weapons and military force. All the efforts that encourage backtracking,
surrendering… the lies of the court scholars, the Mufti of the Marines and
Centcom…all of these have a single aim: that the Ummah gives up the use of
Shaykh Abu Abdul Ilah (may Allah protect him):
Reclaiming Quds begins with Muslims reclaiming their self-respect at the
individual level across the world. One of the outward signs of self-respect is
possessing a weapon, as was the case with Muslims in their era of glory and
empowerment. The weapon is a sign of honour; one who does not possess a
weapon has no honour. And one who has lost his honour cannot defend
the honour of others, nor can he be depended upon for the liberation of
Muslim lands, since he himself is devoid of freedom, and one who is devoid
of something cannot grant it to others.
In our confrontation of the Zionist-Crusader hegemony in the leadership of
America, the foremost battle that we need to engage in is the battle of ideas,
i.e. negating false concepts that the disbelievers have spread in Muslim inds
through their literature, educational system and media.
The Crusader West has shaped these ideas so as to mould submissive minds
and defeated souls that define good and evil on the basis of what the
disbelievers consider good or evil. It is from here that our defeat begins.
There is no way for Muslims to emerge from this debacle except by referring
to the Book of their Lord and the Sunnah of their Prophet (pbuh). These two
are the only scales of truth. Truth is what is affirmed as truth by the Book and
the Sunnah; falsehood is what has been declared by these sources as
falsehood; good is what has been defined therein as good, and evil is what
has been prohibited by the Book and Sunnah. Islam is light; felicity in this
world and success in the Hereafter. It is not extremism or backwardness as
the disbelievers assume. Jihad is the pinnacle of Islam and the tourism of the
Ummah of the Prophet (pbuh). It is the way to attain leadership among the
nations and bear testimony before mankind. It is not terrorism as the
Western intellectuals seek to portray it.
Clarifying these concepts is the responsibility of the Godly scholars, the
sincere callers to Allah and the cultured and educated elite of the society so
that Muslims minds may be liberated from such detestable submission and
the deadly Western cultural invasion.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
We must therefore fight this battle against the Crusader alliance and its
Zionist allies at all levels: beliefs, thought, education, politics and war.
We must unite and close ranks. Every effort aimed at dispersing our ranks,
creating fissures and violating oaths is a crime, and the one who engages in
such acts is a criminal, whether it is Baghdadi or his followers who believe
that he was the Caliph, or anyone else for that matter.
What frightens the Crusader enemy is the cohesiveness, unity and
convergence of the Mujahideen from the Maghreb to Kashgar…This is why
the enemy tries to use all available means at its disposal- war, bombing,
bribe, purchasing people, deception, enticement- to hinder this convergence
of ranks and unity.
We must get used to exercising patience. We must understand that repelling
this Crusader campaign entails the efforts of successive generations. It
demands wearing down the enemy everywhere… exhausting an enemy
equipped with the latest weaponry does not require tremendous resources;
it can be bled to death using inventive ideas, simple tools, and waging a war
in which the entire world is the battlefield.
The current stage demands that we exhaust the enemy until it whines and
moans due to economic and military bleeding. It is in this context that the
importance of operations outside the theatre in which the enemy expects us
to strike, operations on enemy soil and beyond enemy lines becomes
evident. One of the most prominent operations in this regard is ‘Tal al Simn’.
This operation was a practical example of breaking the enemy’s military
siege. By ignoring minor issues and differences and focusing on the priorities,
this operation turned the compass in the right direction.
So may Allah accept the martyrs of this operation and greatly reward all
those who supported this operation. May Allah guide our Muslim brothers
and Mujahideen in Syria and elsewhere to uniting with their Ummah in their
common war against an enemy united against them.
The Will of the Martyr, Karar Tadmur:
I give you the glad tidings that we shall neither be exhausted nor lose hope
until we purify Masjid al Aqsa from your filth and until we expel you from all
Muslim lands, O' grandsons of monkeys and pigs.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
The aim of the campaign ‘Jerusalem shall not be Judaized’ was that a clear-
cut message be conveyed to the enemies that have united against us: Since
you have implanted your forward base in the environs of Jerusalem, you shall
continue to pay the price of your stupidity.
My honourable brothers, the Zionist-Crusader enemy wants our Jihad to be a
‘contained Jihad’, limited in the dimensions of space and time as per its
wishes. This is precisely what they have achieved in Palestine. The West Bank
is under the direct supervision of Israeli intelligence. Gaza is besieged. Each
time Gaza offers resistance, the enemy retaliates with intensive
bombardment on densely populated civilian areas.
This is how the enemy seeks to control the Jihadi resistance in Palestine. The
enemy relies greatly on the element of ‘time’. With the passage of time,
the temporary status quo becomes acceptable and permanent; the seller of
Palestinian lands and traitors become the ‘elder brother’, ‘the brother’
minister, ‘the brother’ Muhammad Dahlan, and ‘the brother’ Iblees, the son
of Satan.
Thus, this chain must be broken and the battle must be taken beyond this
besieged strip. Just as they have come together from all corners of the world
to fight us, we must hit them hard everywhere.
Shaykh Khubaib al Sudani (may Allah protect him):
O’ Muslims, can you be satisfied with your lives,among your parents, sons,
and wives, while you witness daily live broadcasts of the crimes of the Jews
in Palestine…the violation of sanctities, desecration of sacred places, killing of
innocents, destruction of homes and farms, and the forced eviction of
Palestinian residents?
O’ Muslims, how far are you from the pledge of Ridhwan, when 1400
Companions pledged to the Prophet (pbuh) on fighting till death, all for the
sake of just a single man whom the Prophet (pbuh) had sent to the Quraysh,
and there were rumours of his death.
Do you accept sitting back while you watch treacherous rulers collaborating
to strike deals of disgrace, submission and normalization with the Jews,
beginning from Camp David, all the way to Oslo and finally the Deal of the
Century aimed at the Judaization of our beloved al Aqsa.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
So O’ defiant and free Muslim, Mujahid! Participate across the world with
your brothers everywhere so that we may demonstrate that Jerusalem, God
Willing, shall never be Judaized.
Have I conveyed the message? May Allah be my witness!
Shaykh Abu Obaida (may Allah protect him):
To the battalion that shall raid the Manda Bay base, I hand over this flag to
you, the flag of La ilaha ilal Allah.
The martyr, Ahmad Muhajir (may Allah have mercy on him):
God willing, this flag shall not be raised in any place except the Manda Bay
Naval Base. Inshallah, we shall raise this flag inside the base. I pray to Allah to
grant us victory and accept our martyrdom. We shall raise this flag on the
Manda Bay Naval Base, Inshallah.
Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him):
And our last prayer is that all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
And may peace and blessings be upon our Messenger, his family, and
Wassalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.

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