Class Xi

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MARKS : 35

General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains three sections.
2. Section A has 25 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
3. Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
4. Section C has 6 questions. Attempt any 5 questions.
5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking.
This section consists of 25 multiple choice questions with overall choice to attempt any 20 questions.
In case more than desirable numbers of questions are attempted, ONLY first 20 will be considered for

1. What will be the molarity of a solution, which contains 5.85 g of NaCl per 500 mL?
(i) 4 mol L–1 (ii) 20 mol L–1 (iii) 0.2 mol L–1 (iv) 2mol L–1

2. Which of the following reactions is not correct according to the law of conservation of mass.
(i) 2Mg + O2 ------→ 2MgO (ii) C3H8 + O2 ------→ CO2 + H2O
(iii) P4 + 5O2 ------→ P4O10 (iv) CH4 + 2O2 ----→CO2 + 2H2O

3. If 500 mL of a 5M solution is diluted to 1500 mL, what will be the molarity of the solution obtained?
(i) 1.5 M (ii) 1.66 M (iii) 0.017 M (iv) 1.59 M

4. The empirical formula and molecular mass of a compound are CH2O and 180 g respectively. What will
be the molecular formula of the compound?
(i) C9H18O9 (ii) CH2O (iii) C6H12O6 (iv) C2H4O2
5. What will be the molality of the solution containing 18.25 g of HCl gas in 500 g of water?
(i) 0.1 m (ii) 1 M (iii) 0.5 m (iv) 1 m

6. The number of atoms present in one mole of an element is equal to Avogadro number. Which of the
following element contains the greatest number of atoms?
(i) 4g He (ii) 46g Na (iii) 0.40g Ca (iv) 12g He

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7. The types of hybrid orbitals of nitrogen in NO2+ , NO3- and NH4+ respectively are expected to be
(a) sp, sp3and sp2 (b) sp, sp2and sp3 (c) sp2 , sp and sp3 (d) sp2 , sp3 and sp

8. In NO3– ion, the number of bond pairs and lone pairs of electrons on nitrogen atom are
(i) 2, 2 (ii) 3, 1 (iii) 1, 3 (iv) 4, 0

9. Which of the following species has tetrahedral geometry?

(i) BH4– (ii) NH2– (iii) CO32– (iv) H3O+

10. Which molecule/ion out of the following does not contain unpaired electrons?
(i) N2+ (ii) O2 (iii) O22– (iv) B2

11. Which of the following angle corresponds to sp2 hybridisation?

(i) 90° (ii) 120° (iii) 180° (iv) 109°

12. Which of the following options represents the correct bond order :
(i) O2– > O2 > O2+ (ii) O2–< O2 < O2+
(iii) O2– > O2 < O2+ (iv) O2–< O2 > O2+
13. Orbital which is not possible
(a) 2p. (b) 3d. (c) 3s. (d) 3f
14. Which of the following has largest size?
(a) H– (b) F– (c) Na+ (d) Li+
15. Which of the following has highest electronegativity?
(a) O (b) F (c) Cl (d) N
16. Which of the following has weakest shielding effect?
(a) s (b) p (c) d (d) f-orbitals
17. The d-orbitals on the axis are–
(a) dxy (b) dyz (c) dzx (d) dx2– y2 and dz2
18. Shape of ‘s’ and ‘p’ orbitals respectively are–
(a) spherical, dumb-bell (b) Both are spherical
(c) Both are dumb-bell (d) dumb-bell, spherical
19. n = 2, l = 1, n = 4, l = 0 respectively represent–
(a) 2d, 4s (b) 2p, 4s (c) 2s, 4p (d) 2s, 4d
20. The oxidation number of Cl in Cl 2O7 is
(a) + 7 (b) + 5 (c) + 3 (d) – 7
21. The oxidation number of Mn is maximum in
(a) MnO2 (b) K2MnO4 (c) Mn3O4 (d) KMnO4.
22.The loss of electron is termed as
(a)Oxidation (b)Reduction (c)Combustion (d)Redox reaction

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23. Which one of the following processes will produce hard water?
(a) Addition of Na2SO4 to water
(b) Saturation of water with CaCO3
(c) Saturation of water with MgCO3
(d) Saturation of water with CaSO4.
24. Hydrogen has isotopes
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
25. What is heavy water?
(a) H2O (b) D3O (c) H 2O3 (d) D 2O

This section consists of 24 multiple choice questions with overall choice to attempt any 20

26. Which of the following statements about the molecular mass is correct?
(a) Molecular formula shows the exact number of different types of atoms present in a molecule.
(b) Molecular formula can be obtained from empirical formula if molar mass is known.
(c) Percentage composition of a compound can be calculated from its molecular formula.
(d) All the above statements are correct.

27. The mass per cent of different elements present in sodium sulphate,Na2SO4 (i.e. sodium, sulphur and
oxygen) respectively are
(a) 32.39; 45.07 and 22.53 (b) 22.53; 32.39 and 45.07
(c) 45.07; 32.39 and 40.06 (d) 32.39; 22.53 and 45.07

28. What is the mass per cent of carbon in carbon dioxide?

(a) 0.034% (b) 27.27% (c) 3.4% (d) 28.7%

29. The density of 2 M aqueous solution of NaOH is 1.28 g/cm3. The molality of the solution is ……
[Given that, molecular mass of NaOH = 40 g mol –1 ]
(a) 1.20 m (b) 1.56 m (c) 1.66 m (d) 1.32 m

30. 8g of NaOH is dissolved in 18 g of H2O. Mole fraction of NaOH in solution and molality
(in mol kg −1) of the solution respectively are ……
(a) 0.2, 11.11 (b) 0.167, 22.20 (c) 0.2, 22.20 (d) 0.167, 11.11

31. According to Lewis and Kossel approach, which of the following molecule has complete octet of the
central atom?

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(a) LiCl (b) BeH2 (c) BCl3 (d) CO2

32. In case of H2O molecule, the enthalpy needed to break the two O —H bonds is not the same,
i.e. H2O -----→ H + OH ; Δ a H1o = 502KJ mol-1
OH-------→ H+ O ; Δ a H2o = 427KJ mol-1
What should be the mean bond enthalpy of O —H bonds in case of H2O molecule?
(a) 75 kJ mol -1 (b) –75 kJ mol -1 (c) 464.5 kJ mol -1 (d) 929 kJ mol -1

33. Which of the following molecules can be represented in terms of resonance?

(a) O3 (b) CO32 - (c) CO2 (d) All of these

34. Which of the following molecules has the maximum dipole moment ?
(a)CO2 (b)CH4 (c)NH3 (d)NF3

35. Which of the following molecule does not show hydrogen bonding?
(a) HF (b) H2O(c) NH3 (d) H2S
36.The element having IUPAC name Unnilbium have atomic number
(a)102 (b)103 (c)112 (d)113
37. Which of the following sets represents a collection of isoelectronic species ?
(At. No. Cs= 55 , Br = 35)
( a) Ca 2+ , Cs , Br (b) Na + , Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ (c) N 3- , F - , Na + (d) Be , Al 3+ , Cl –
38. The period number in the long form of periodic table is equal to
(a) magnetic quantum number of any element of the period.
(b) Atomic number of any element of the period .
(c) Maximum Principal quantum number of any element of the period
(d) Maximum azimuthal quantum number of any element of the period
39. Magnetic quantum number specifies
a. Size of orbitals
b. shape of orbitals
c. Orientation of orbitals in space
d. nuclear stability
40. Which of the following series lie in UV range of spectrum
a. Balmer series
b. Paschen series
c. Lyman series
d. Bracket series
41. syngas is a mixture of
a) CO2 + H2

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b) CO + H2
c) CO + CO2
d) CO + N2
42. By adding which of the following, the permanent hardness of water can be removed?
a) Soda lime
b) Sodium hydrogen carbonate
c) Washing soda
d) Sodium chloride
43. Which of the following is true about given equation:-
2 KClO 3 ------.&gt; 2KCl + 3 O 2
a) Potassium is undergoing oxidation
b) Chlorine is undergoing oxidation
c) Oxidation is reduced
d) None of the above
44. Which of the following is not true about Bohr’s model of the atom?
a. Electrons behave like waves and particles simultaneously.
b. Electrons revolve in discrete, quantized orbits only.
c. mvr = nh/ 2π
d. Atoms radiate discrete Electromagnetic energies only.
45. valence electrons in the element A are 3 and that in element B are 6 . Most probable
compound formed from A and B is
(a) A 2 B (b) AB 2 (c) A 6 B 3 (d) A 2 B 3
Assertion-Reasoning MCQs
Directions In the following questions (Q.No. 46-49) a statement of Assertion followed by a statement of
Reason is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct statements and Reason is the correct explanation of the
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct statements, but Reason is not the correct explanation of the
(c) Assertion is correct, but Reason is incorrect statement.
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct statement.

46. Assertion: In NH3, N is sp3-hybridised, but angle is found to be 107°

Reason : The decrease in bond angle is due to repulsion between the lone pair on nitrogen and bond
pair between N and H.
47. Assertion: A reactant that is entirety consumed when a reaction goes to completion is known as
limiting reaction.
Reason :The amount of limiting reactant limits the amount of product formed.

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48. .Assertion :Smaller the size of an atom greater is the electronegativity.
Reason :Electronegativity refers to the tendency of atom so share electrons with other
49. Assertion : It is impossible to determine the exact position and exact momentum of an
electron simultaneously.
Reason : The path of an electron in an atom is clearly defined.

50. Match the following physical quantities with their units and choose the correct codes from the
options given below.

Column I (Physical quantity) Column II (Unit)

A. Molarity 1. mol
B. Mole fraction 2. Unitless
C. Mole 3. mol L−1
D. Molality 4. mol kg−1

(a) 3 2 1 4 (b) 2 1 4 3
(c) 3 2 1 3 (d) 1 2 4 3

51. If 500 mL of a 5 M solution is diluted to 1500 mL, what will be the molarity of the solution obtained?
(a) 1.5 M (b) 1.66 M (c) 0.017 M (d) 1.59 M
52. Bond order of which among the following molecules is zero?
(a)F2 (b)O2 (c)Be2 (d)Li2
Read the passage given below and answer the following questions 53-55
Observe the group shown in figure and answer the questions that follow based on the graph
and related studied concepts.

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53. The statement that is not correct for periodic classification of elements is:
(i) The properties of elements are periodic function of their atomic numbers.
(ii) Non metallic elements are less in number than metallic elements.
(iii) For transition elements, the 3d-orbitals are filled with electrons after 3p-orbitals and
before 4s-orbitals.
(iv) The first ionisation enthalpies of elements generally increase with increase in atomic
number as we go along a period.
54.The first ionisation enthalpies of Na, Mg, Al and Si are in the order:
(i) Na < Mg > Al < Si. (ii) Na > Mg > Al > Si
(iii) Na < Mg < Al < Si. (iv) Na > Mg > Al < Si
55. Downward in a group, electropositive character of elements
(a) increases. (b) decreases
(c) remains same (d) none of these


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