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TIME : 90 minutes

General Instructions:

1.The Question Paper contains three sections.

2.Section A has 18 questions. Attempt any 15 questions.

3.Section B has 18 questions. Attempt any 15 questions.

4.Section C has 6 questions. Attempt any 5 questions.

5.All questions carry equal marks.

6.There is no negative marking.


This section consists of 18multiple choice questions with overall choice to attempt any 15 questions. In case
more than desirable number of questions are attempted, ONLY first 15 will be considered for evaluation.

1. Which of the following hydrides are generally nonstoichiometric in nature?

a) Ionic Hydrides b) Molecular Hydrides

c) Interstitial Hydrides d) All of the Above

2.The magnetic quantum number specifies

a) Size of orbitals b) Shape of orbitals

c) Orientation of orbitals d) Nuclear Stability

3. The correct order of showing decreasing order of ionic radii of elements is :


(b).Na+>Mg2+> Al3+>O2->F

(c).Na+>F->Mg2+> O2->Al3+

4. What is the state of hybridization of carbon in carbocation?

a) sp b) sp2 c) sp3 d) sp3d

5. The oxidation number of Mn is maximum in:

a) MnO2 b) K2MnO4

c) Mn3O4 d) KMnO4.

6. In which substance does bromine have an oxidation number of +1?

a) Br2 b) HBr c) HBrO d) HBrO2

7. 2-chloropropane and 1-chloropropane exhibit ____________ isomerism.

a) chain b) position c) functional d) metamerism

8. The displacement of electrons in a multiple bond in the presence of attacking reagent is called:

a) Inductive effect b) Electrometric effect

c) Resonance effect d) Hyper conjugation

9. The de–broglie equation suggest that an electron has–

a) Particle character b) Wave character

c) Particle as well as wave d) None of the above.

10. What will be the molarity of a solution, which contains 5.85 g of NaCl per 500 mL?

(i) 4 mol L–1 (ii) 20 mol L–1 (iii) 0.2 mol L–1 (iv) 2mol L–1

11. The line spectrum of hydrogen obtained in the visible region of light corresponds to a)

Lyman series b) Balmer series c) Paschen series d) Brackett series

12. Which of the following angle corresponds to sp2 hybridisation?

a) 90° b) 120° c) 180° d) 109°

13. Which molecule has the largest dipole moment

a) HCl b) HI c) HBr d) HF

14. . Shape of PCl5 is

a) Octahedral b) Square pyramidal

c) Trigonal Planar d) Trigonal bipyramidal

15. Which of the following molecule does not involve covalent bond?

a) O2 b) CCl4 c) H2O d) KCl

16. IUPAC name of compound CH3CH = CH – CHO is

a) But–2–enal b) Prop–2–enal

c) But–1–enal d) But–2–enol

17.How many sigma and pi bonds are present in

CH3– CH = CH – C ≡ CH

a)sigma bond–9, pi bond–4 b) sigma bond–9, pi bond–3

c) sigma bond–10, pi bond–3 d) sigma bond–10, pi bond-4

18.Which of the following reactions is not correct according to the law of conservation of mass.

(i) 2Mg + O2 ------→ 2MgO (ii) C3H8 + O2 ------→ CO2 + H2O (iii) P4 + 5O2 ------→ P4O10 (iv) CH4 + 2O2 ----
→CO2 + 2H2O

This section consists of 18multiple choice questions with overall choice to attempt any 15 questions. In case
more than desirable number of questions are attempted, ONLY first 15 will be considered for evaluation

19.All orbitals of equal energy are occupied by one electron before any single orbital is occupied by a second

(a).Aufbau principle

(b).Pauli exclusion principle

(c) Hund’s rule

(d) Core Notation

20.The number of lone pair and bond pair of electrons on the Nitrogen atom in ammonia molecule are
respectively (a).1 and 3
(b).4 and 1

(c).3 and 1

(d).1 and 4

21. The oxidation process involves

(a) Increase in oxidation number

(b) Decrease in oxidation number

(c).No change in oxidation number

(d).none of the above

22. Select the correct IUPAC name for:





23. Alkali metals are strongly _____________





24.In which compound the formula mass is used

(A) NaCl b) CH4 c) CO2 d) H2O

25.In the Schrodinger equation, is

(a).a mathematical operator called Hamiltonian operator

(B )introduced by Schrodinger from the expression for the total energy of the system
(c). Both a) and b)
d) None of the above

26. The number of radial nodes for 3p-orbital is.......

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 1

27. The elements in which electrons are progressively filled in 4f orbital are called

(a) actinoids (b) transition elements (c) lanthanoids (d) halogens

28.The correct order of electronegativity of N, O and F is …

(a) N <O< F b) O< F <N< F d) F< O< N

29. Why beryllium has higher ionisation enthalpy than boron ?

a) More penetration of s-electron b) More penetration of pelectron

c) Large size d) Small size

30. Ionic compounds are formed most easily with

(a).low electron affinity, high ionisation energy

(b).high electron affinity, low ionisation energy

(c).low electron affinity, low ionisation energy

(d).high electron affinity, high ionisation energy

31. The higher boiling point of water is due to which reason?

a) Coordinate bonding b) Covalent bonding

c) Electrostatic force of attraction d) Hydrogen bonding

32. In the following reaction,

2Mg(s)+O₂ 2MgO(s)

the process taking place Mg is known as

a) oxidation b) reduction

c) redox reaction d) None of these

In the following questions (Q.No 33-36) a statement of Assertion followed by a statement of Reason is given.
Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.
(a)Both Assertion and Reason are correct statements and Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.

(b).Both Assertion and Reason are correct statements, but Reason is not the correct explanation of the

(c).Assertion is correct, but Reason is incorrect statement.

(d).Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct

33.Assertion: When a covalent bond is formed between atoms of different electronegativity, the electron
density is more towards the more electronegative atom of the bond.
Reason: Shift of electron density results in a polar covalent bond. 34. Assertion: Bond energy has order like C
- C < C =C < C C

Reason: Bond energy increases with increase in bond order.

35.Assertion: Electron gain enthalpy becomes less negative as we go down a group.

Reason: Size of the atom increases on going down the group and the added electron would be farther from
the nucleus.

36.Assertion: One atomic mass unit is defined as one twelfth of the mass of one carbon-12 atom.

Reason: Carbon -12 isotope is the most abundant isotope of carbon and has been chosen as standard.

This section consists of 6 questions with overall choice to attempt any 5 questions. In case more than
desirable number of questions are attempted. ONLY first 5 will be considered for evaluation.

37. Match the following

1. Valence bond theory i Intermolecular hydrogen bond

2.Ethylene ii Tetrahedral

3.Hydrogen fluoride iii Sp2 hybridisation

4.NH₄⁺ iv Orbital overlap v octet

a) 1.iii 2. iv 3.ii 4. i b)1. ii 2.iv 3. i 4.iii

c)1. iv 2.iii 3. i 4. ii d)1. v 2.iii 3 iv 4.ii

Read the passage given below and answer the following questions.

Electrons revolve around the nucleus only in stationary path, called energy levels or orbits or shells. Each
energy level has a definite energy associated with it. As one moves away from the nucleus, the energy of the
states increases. According to Bohr’s theory, when an electron jumps from ground state to excited state, it
emits a radiation of definite frequency (or wavelength). Corresponding to the wavelength of each photon of
light emitted, a bright line appears in the spectrum.
38. Which of the following statements do not form a part of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom ?

(a).Energy of the electrons in the orbits are quantized

(b).The electron in the orbit nearest the nucleus has the lowest energy

(c).Electrons revolve in different orbits around the nucleus

(d).The position and velocity of the electrons in the orbit cannot be determined simultaneously.

39. The orbitals are called degenerate when–

(a)they have the same wave functions

(b).they have the same wave functions but different energies

(c).they have different wave functions but same energy

(d).they have the same energy

40.According to Bohr’s theory, the angular momentum of an electron in 5th orbit is–

a) 10h/ π b) 2.5 h/ π c) 25h/ π d)1.0h/ π

41.Stationary states of electrons are numbered as1,2,3----. These integral numbers are known as

(a).azimuthal quantum numbers (b)magnetic

quantum numbers

c)principal quantum number

d)spin quantum number

42.Which among the following is not a failure of Bohr’s model

(a).It fails to explain the ability of atoms to form molecules by chemical bonds. (b).It

fails to explain hydrogen spectrum

c)It could not explain Zeeman effect

d)Unable to explain splitting of spectral lines in electric field


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