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Detail-oriented Groups And

Ideas | Approaches | Accessibility | Availability

Henry Garrett
Report | Exposition | References | Research #22 2021

Contents i

1 Groupoid And Its Definition 1

2 Groupoid And Its Connections 15

3 Addressed Groupoids With Semigroups 31

4 Semigroup And Its Beyond 49


Groupoid And Its Definition

Groupoid, Graph,
Matroid with
connections amid Groupoid And Its Definition #1
them The matter of going on the ways which the collections of objects, give the
perspectives of the inspections on the objects which are chosen to be in the
chaos of the objects without rules. The matter of the functions on one collection,
is going to define the structures which are fulfilled with rules of wisdom and
knowledge. The first step is making the first notions of having the structures
of the functions. Functions in the matter of their arguments, could have the
number when their production is one element like n-function as if the multiple
elements are possible to be as if in this case is like having, n parallel items
of 1-function which is useless in first glance of study on the set of objects.
Objects are coming into the 2-function as twofold. The common function,
could be like minus, plus, production and division. So the set of objects is
demanded. The set and the specific 2-function on it alongside the interactions
amid the objects of the set under 2-function so there’s one condition. If all
objects in the actions of this 2-function, are producing the object in that set
then the set is groupoid. One starting steps toward up to be the group. The
object are coming up to be the arguments of 2-function, as pairs. Any pairs of
the set’s objects, are considered the two possible arguments of the intended
2-function. So the work of the 2-function on the pair, is expected to be the
object as if in the used set. If so, the atmosphere and the planes which are
including one set of object, one 2-function and one condition are said to be
groupoid. In this groupoid, the important idea is the set. So the selections of
the objects could be the determiner when the discussion is about being the
group in the communications amid objects to introduce one object from the set.
The set of minds are demanding to bring the objects together. The notions
of finding the 2-functions in the proper communications with the set and the
condition, are necessary. The condition of being the closed set in the term
of the 2-function is all about the condition. The condition is about set’s two
objects is corresponding to set’s one object.
Groupoid And Its Definition #2
Groupoid is the kind of planet which all people in that, under the attributes,
are coming together in the way of communication amid two people for making
the result of their session introducing another person of the planet so if the
communications amid any pair of people, are closed in the matter of planet’s
people, the planet is groupoid. It’s worthy to note the number of participants
into the sessions could be any number so in that case, the word n-planet and

1. Groupoid And Its Definition

the word n-function are making senses in the term of n-groupoid and n-array.
The n-groupoid is the term when the only slight change is about the function
which is now, n-function. The closed set is accepting the internal connections
so this is the general definition which is said to be n-groupoid. The n-structure
is coming up in the terms of necessary and sufficient words. The permutation
is the better word to describe the concept in the single word. So there’s some
consequences when this word is coming up. n-permutation is the term when
n is about the number of arguments of the n-function and it isn’t about the
number of the intended set. The set could be infinite or infinite in the terms of
possibilities. Groupoid is permutation in the terms of definition. So it’s the
discussion about the rearrangements of set’s objects. Going into the simple
model entitled 2-permutation. Two objects are ready so the interesting question
is wondered. If the ways in that, two objects are entering, is the matter of
mind in the terms of permutation amid two objects. In other hands, the term
of permutation on the two objects when is said to be where the outputs are the
same. Two inputs are coming up when the first argument and second argument
are changed like rearrangement amid two objects as if the one output in these
two cases, is the same so this groupoid is permutable. The permutation is
the fresh idea about the set when the ineffective rearrangements are made
in the terms of the set’s objects, and the permutation is the refresh notions
when the ineffective rearrangements are made in the terms of the function’s
objects. The output is forever single when the n is coming up in the terms
of fierce pressures on the output when the inputs are spreading the n in the
arbitrary numbers. n-to-one is the compressing vision on the definition of the
groupoid. So n-groupoid is n-to-one in the closed sets of objects. The suffix
of -oid is the reminder about the sketch and scheme in the previous word like
the adjective is changed its style to change the noun in the ways of totality for
changing all nouns with single wordoid. Like word is changing to be, in the
kind of something-oid, wordoid. The single suffix is sufficient to change the all
nouns in the kind of living in the ghost style of the noun as if in the worst way
when the suffix -oid, is telling us about the noun is only like ashes of the noun
or it only as the least analogous attribute to the noun before the suffix -oid.
Back to the word groupoid when the groupoid is named permutation, n-to-all
in its birthdays and its celebrations for getting the new names. The kind of
getting the name in the matter of words when the word is the name and vice
versa. The kind of geometric modeling when the objects are the vertices and
2-function is making the link amid two vertices if the answer is the same in
the replacing the argument so there’s the communicative graph to open the
ways for getting its attribute in the term of graph theory and in coinciding the
results amid these two branches for solving the corresponding problem in the
effectively fast ways. The notion of closed set is too close to having the kind of
graph modeling. In the kind of finite groupoid when the set is generated by one
element, the cyclic groupoid is ready. In the term of modeling the 2-groupoid,
it’s possible to consider the vertices like all possible pairs of the object and the
links are possible when the first array of the vertex is the same with the output
of 2-function. With analogous to this approach, there’s idea to open the study
when the second array is the matter of mind.
Groupoid And Its Definition #3
The kind of movement in the upcoming formation of the objects where joint
connection has the single answer forth same style. So in that way of having

the closed relations, the attention is about the exchange of two points with one
point. The set of objects where they’re closed to accept new object so there’s
the point in that way which is acted to be in lines of the study. The set and
a subset with a function to make the connections amid them in the matter
of groupoid. So in the comparison to others styles which are too close to this
formation, there’s the set and the set of the its subsets with three conditions
only about the second set like the first set is the opening way to start the
definition and its world in the matter of matroid. There’s set and a set with
a function to make the connections amid them in the matter of graph. The
kind of starting when all have the given set as if in the way of adding the
words, a subset, a set of related subsets, and a set, are coming up to make the
formations of the words in the lines of words. The perspective of the suspicious
words are going to be declined in the matter of minds. The kind of generating
members in the form of generated set is coming up to show the directions on
moving forward to make the foreword on the definition when the result is off.
Generated set in the kind of something-oid in the matter of result and it’s the
kind of customized ways of the definition to open the ways to have the open
results to moving forward on the ways of results in the matter of embedding
words. There’s the set and the function on its subset, so there’s point which in
one hand, they’re the open way to permute the words so the function could be
the base so every function is desired when the function is acting on the set. So
the set in which the function is defined on it and to go in another set, could be
the intended subset and intended set as if the challenging word is the set when
the process of doing via function, implies that the set must be closed in the
terms of function when it’s acting on the all given subsets excerpt from the set.
The permutations of the words when the keywords are lost. Next is the subset
so in this case, one subset is greed. The companion is up when the function has
the necessary and sufficient word in the definition of groupoid. In the left hand,
the function has the intended subset and in the right hand, the function has the
intended set as if in the bottom line, there’s the pattern in which the function
is relating the left hand to the right hand in the matter of covering all subset’s
members in the way that there’s no need to cover the set’s members. Another
way of moving forward, is about the restrictions on the functions when the
customized versions are existed in the matter relation amid these two subset
and set which in that, the set is forever as if the subset is the given subset
from the intended set. The types of functions are coming up. The one-to-one
function and onto function are coming up. The styles of function could make
the new groupoid if the upper function, without any restriction, couldn’t do
that, if so, there’s the new groupoid in the matter of minds which are pouring
the black color on the new groupoid when the action is done in the general case
so the new groupoid, is the obvious word so it’s colorize by black. The kind
of specific examples could be the new definition for the groupoid when the all
things are coming out to see what is the word as if in the stage of giving the
new name in the matter of words. Groupoid is function in its birthdays when
the celebrations are done in the kind of having the new name. Introducing
the specific function, could be the survivor, when the words are getting to be
closer and closer to the numbers when the color of having the generality is
going the sense of having the certainty. In the matter of having customized
words, the definition of the function could be started with the words, numbers
or the mixed combinations of them. With analogous to this process, the similar

1. Groupoid And Its Definition

approach, could be done in the terms of seeing the set and all its given subsets.
Groupoid And Its Definition #4
The groupoid could have the internal changes amid its words in the matter of
definition or could be done in the external changes amid internal structures or
external structure in the matter of field and branches so there’s the point to
find the word to reassure the ways are coming up in the ways of the continuous
The set and the set are on the context of the definition is assigned to graph so
there’s a need to have the 2-function amid them as if the left hand and right
hand in the 2-function are too different in the way 2-function is acting on so
the set in the left hand, is said to be vertices and the set in the right hand,
is said to be edges. There’s the analogy amid the concepts of groupoid and
graph. so there’s the curious question: is any of groupoid, graph? or it could
be? with changes in the styles of adding and losing, is there something to make
sense? The story is about set and its subset and also the story is about two
independent sets. So the graph couldn’t be the groupoid, generally. Because the
gist of grouped is the customized version of graph and the analogous sentence
in the reverse, it isn’t true. Deep rolling in the texts and words, The set is
the vertices and the subset is edges in the matter of making connections amid
groupoid and graph. The term of subset again the independent set are making
some doubts and it’s making some suspicion about the consequences of having
the obviously strong relation amid two sets as if two independent sets are ready.
There’s no problem in this case because in the context of definition which is
assigned to the word graph, there’s nothing more than three words, set, set and
2-function. So every groupoid has the exhibition from the style of graph. So
there’s a leading question, is there some attributes in any of this branch to make
the sense about the adaption or making the solution about their problem in
the interdisciplinary visions amid two different styles? The number of vertex’s
neighbors aren’t the matter of mind even in the specific structures in the term
of groupoid. In the literature of the groupoid, the neighbor is translating to be
the number of using the object in the 2-function. So sending the word neighbor
into the foreign world to see welcome as if in groupoid. One object is chosen in
the given way of having the given object. One object is going to have the name
argument in the number of the set’s objects so the object is the word argument
in the literature of groupoid, in n times which has the adaption with the ideal
word in the graph which is complete graph. Any vertex in complete graph, has
n-1 edges which are also denoting the number of its neighbors. So there’s one
obstacle when n neighbors of the object in the groupoid, couldn’t decrease to be
n-1 neighbors in the complete versions of graph in the perfect potential abilities
of having neighbors in graph. There’s one way to moving forward when the
obstacle is showing the red circle with the white word with four letters stop in
the form of adding s to the word top. The permission to the graph for using the
loop so the graph is getting new structure which there’s no longer about the
exhibition of simple graph so the line is writing and drawing on the word simple
so the simple isn’t existed as if the two words with loops, are allowing to back
to the word simple. So there’s the simple graph with loops and without parallel
edges. The parallel edges in the term of groupoid, means the same inputs has
two different outputs when they’re coming into the 2-function. So the parallel
edges aren’t allowed when it doesn’t make sense where it comes to groupoid.
The gist of having the word vertex and the word edge, are sending into the

groupoid with comparison to its partner in the exhibitions of the graph beyond
the terms. The vertex is the member of the subset in the groupoid and the
situation even goes to be the worst when the subset is changeable and the set
isn’t changeable in the graph. By neglecting this point for completing the lines
of words, the vertex is the member of the subset so the edges are the members
of the set so there’s something coming into the minds about having more edges
that vertices so the ideal version of groupoid, is demanded so the obvious subset
is needed. In left hand, the subset must be the set so there’s the notion about
the graph which is missed, it’s about the 2-function, the 1-function in graph is
one-to-one and onto. There’s more point, it’s 1-function and it isn’t 2-function.
There are too many obstacles when the moving forward amid the customized
versions, is unable to work. The 2-function could be 1-function in the terms
of changing the words to have one word. Or 1-function could be 2-function
in the analogous way when the fatal error and critical obstacle are about the
n-function. Every case could go into the customized version of its perfectness
to see some adaption at least with first glance. The 1-function in the graph
could be changed to be the 2-function when the subset of the set is acting like
the process in the groupoid. The edge is the pair of two vertices so the set of
edges, is the subset of vertices. So the problem is solved when the graph has
the word, subset, set, and 2-function when the 2-function doesn’t need to be
one-to-one and onto. So the groupoid, in this illustration, is graph. So there’s
the celebration for the groupoid which gets the new name in its birthdays when
is done by getting the name in the terms of getting the new word. So the graph
is also the groupoid in the terms of groupoid and its definitions.
Groupoid And Its Definition #5
Again the material of graph, is sending on the groupoid. In the left hand is
the graph as if in the second hand, is the groupoid. The corresponded number
to the vertex, is n and the corresponded number to the object is n. So the
first set in both functions are acting in the same way. Going on the second set,
the corresponded number to the edge, is n power 2. On the right hand, the
corresponded number to object is n power 2. So the obvious adaption on the
both hands are obvious as if the customized cases in both hands, are humming
the obvious editions. In the left hand, the 1-function is from the set to another
set with the same sizes in both sets so on the left hand and on the right hand,
there’s two sets with different objects as if the numbers of objects are the same.
On the right hand, 1-function has two same sets in the terms of objects and
number of set’s objects. So in this case, there’s the sense to be open. The cases
about the graph’s definition, are coming up to find the words in that the good
sense is made. The graph could be defined in the way that, the set and its
subset are ready to have the bigger generality to take the actions. So in this
new word in the term of definition, The groupoid is giving the complex process
of making edges amid the vertices which are given subset’s members of a given
set. So the vertices are the objects in the 2-function when it’s producing one
object with the certain rules. So in the right hand, there’s a need for function
which in that there’s the rule from function’s left hand to the function’s right
hand, in the way that in the left hand, with the pattern’s vertices, has the
complete adaptions. So the discussion in this customized atmosphere, is about
the patterns and functions. The complete graph with loops, which in that
the number of edges are n power 2 so the intended subset is the intended set
so what’s happening when the graph like a geometrical object with the edges

1. Groupoid And Its Definition

and vertices are coming up as if there isn’t forever the rules for the ways of
connection so there’s the another obstacle. Back to the open case which has the
obvious modeling in that, two sets of objects, in both left hand and right hands,
are the same when in the left hand, the set of vertices has as the same size as
the set of edges has. So there’s the idea to change the definition of groupoid
in the matter of words when the generality is lightening on the words. The
groupoid is about two sets of the objects with same sizes and the function which
gives the rule for connecting these two sets to each others. The kind of naming
on the vertices and edges of the graphs, are demanded because the vertices and
edges are the same so they’ve created one-element set. After naming, there’s
the same situations amid graph and groupoid. There’re too works to do in
the left hand about finding the patterns amid the connections which are made
amid vertices and edges. The complete graph with loops is ready when x and y
are the objects to make xy with the rules for defining the sticking two objects
as if the numbers are demanded as the objects to have some principles to make
sense what’s going on.
The symbols for two given objects, are like x and y or u and v. As if the
discussion is landed amid words in the definitions of graph and groupoid. The
algebraic pattern and geometrical pattern are the matter of word. How to get
the pattern from the algebraic structures to use in the geometrical structures
and vice versa. How to give the names to the objects on the graph or just
making the modeling for the algebraic structure. There’re two objects in the
inputs and one object in the output as if the ideal case is about having one
object in the input and one object in the output.
There are some ideas to affect on the left hand of the story. The collections of
the graphs are coming from the groupoid. Any of groupoid’s object is modeled
by one graph in that way, which the intended object as first argument, is always
the same in the putting all groupoid’s objects so the graph could be named by
this object. There are n graphs as the modeling when the n is the groupoid’s
objects. There’s no vagueness because every two objects under the 2-function,
are giving another groupoid’s object. So the input’s new object in the second
argument could make the edge with the output’s object.
Matroid is picked up for being on the left hand. The situation is too close to
the partner in the groupoid. There are some internal relationship amid the set
of some subsets in the matroid in the left hand as if the internal relationship
the members of the subset of the set in the groupoid, are only about being
closed. There is an agreement about existing one given set. Next, there’s a
given set of some subsets in the left hand as if there’s a given subset in the
right hand. So there’s no meaningful connection amid these two concepts.
The concept of being closed goes to pick up the concept of function. The
concept of being closed in the left hand, could be slightly different. In the third
condition, there’s two elements, like two arguments of a function, so if the size
of these two elements are different, there’s output’s element. So this process
could be considered as ghost 2-function like groupoid in the right hand because
there’s the problem when two elements have the same size. The modeling of
losing element and changing to new element is another problem in the second
condition and having empty set is else in the left hand. The matroid is telling
about making new elements in the kind of losing member or adding one member
when two elements have different sizes with the agreement about having the
empty set.

Groupoid And Its Definition #6
The structure of having the set and the function is the notion of groupoid in
the word of closed set. The set is coming up. So the way in which the set is
closed, it’s named groupoid. Groupoid is closed set. The kind of naming is
ongoing. The groupoid is closed set in its birthdays and its celebration for
getting the new name. The name of closed set is the word in which the material
for having this word is on demand. The 2-function and the subset are some
concepts in which the notion of closed set is the spotlight. So finding the word
closed set in some structures without any material to get the analogous notion.
The graph, in some viewpoints, has two sets which with the corresponding
function, there’s a way to go. There’s two sets and the concept of the closed set
is too complicated when the set is about the word closed. The kind of approach
in that the approximate modeling is greed as if it isn’t about something I’ve
called moving on. The perception of the closed set, could be implemented on
the tool of a function so if it’s the set, an 2-function could be proved that the
set is closed under the certain set. So the word closed, is about the set and it’s
about the function. If there’s the 2-function on the intended set, the intended
set is said to be closed set.
The concept of being closed is assigned to the set as if the word closed is about
the existence an 2-function. So the set is closed under 2-function and this
sentence is the gist of groupoid. The groupoid is the kind of notion about the
interaction amid set’s objects when the desire is about being the interaction
only amid set’s objects in the term of the adjective closed on the noun set.
So the set is restricted or the function will be found, otherwise the set isn’t
qualified and isn’t eligible to have the adjective closed. The formation of the
objects to make harmony amid the 2-function and the objects, is the matter
of mind. So the kind of harmony amid the objects are greed. The set whose
objects are under the 2-operation, is said to be closed. The sort of harmony in
the matter of output, is about the set whose objects are only the black players
in the kind of white word, closed. In the left hand, the graph has 1-function
whose attributes are about being one-to-one and onto. So two different sets
are alongside the 1-function so seeking to find another words in the terms of
definition. The hypothetical situation in that, there’s the 2-function and the set
are going to build the definition of graphs. The kind of modeling is a matter of
mind when the edges needs another name and word in the word of vertex. The
kind of translation from the edge to the vertex when the two vertices could
create one edge.
The edge could be the subset of the set whose members are ordered or unordered
pair, couple or twofold. The sense of having seen edge is approaching to be
closed to the matter of mind. The formation of the groupoid is about the
set and 2-function when now is something about that. The subset of all
pairs of vertices is on left hand of 2-function and on the right hand, there’s
the generating word and the base of the definition, intended set. A set with
2-function on it, is coming up to made to concept about the groupoid and the
graph in the matter of words. By analogous to the groupoid, the definition is
made so there’s the work to examine the geometrical confirmation. On the left
hand, given edges, given vertices and given 2-function are the keywords in the
matter of the definition. The kind of rolling into deep to find theses concept on
the 2-function. The edge has two vertices so the kind of identifications and the
style of characteristics, are made. The left hand of the 2-function is about two

1. Groupoid And Its Definition

vertices so these two vertices could be chosen from the two vertices of the edge.
So the specific subset of the set including all possible pairs of the intended set,
is analogous to the given subset on the right hand, in the matter of definition
groupoid. Back to the left hand, the subset on the left hand of the 2-function,
is corresponded to the set of edges. So the problem in the left hand of this
2-function, is solved.
On the right hand of 2-function is the object so there’s need to have the
corresponded concept in the matter of this object which is now useless when
the edges on the left hand of the 2-function, are said the whole thing about the
vertices, the edges and the relations amid them as if there’s something which is
coming up to the mind. The vertex on the right hand, could be the new name
of the edge from some set’s member when the one-to-one and onto attributes
are deleted. So there’s the new definition for the graph in the matter of word,
groupoid. The graph is neither-one-to-one-nor-onto 2-function whose elements
are the corresponded subset to the edges, necessarily and having no attribute’s
onto and one-to-one when the right hand is the intended set as if there’s the
something about the notation when the definition is too close to each other in
the terms of graph and groupoid. On the left hand, the notation is the previous
notation as if the modeling the definition has the same ways with groupoid. So
two sets and 1-function is said to be in the atmosphere is named graph if the
set of the edges are corresponded to the subset of pairs coming from the set of
vertices so the subset in the groupoid’s 2-function is Okay. 2-function is also
ready when the left hand, is Okay and in the right hand, the set of vertices is
Okay so always there’s this 2-function as if the rules of this concept, couldn’t
obtain like groupoid and it’s never minded in this case because the consequence
of 2-function is now ready. As if it’s worthy to note this clarification so it’s
open to get the new result concerning this restrictions. The 2-function with the
two subsets from the intended set in the left hand and the intended set in the
right hand, with the all consequences about the function’s rule in the matter of
seeing as if there’s no word to describe and get the rule for it in the matter
of minds. To sum up, the graph in the left hand is the groupoid in the right
hand by this new modeling of the principles. The gist of the graph implies the
word groupoid. The words of set of vertices, set of edges and one-to-one-onto
1-function which has the key role amid them when the set of edges are in the
left hand of the function and the set of vertices are in the right hand of the
function with two words onto and one-to-one to made the ghost rule for this
function, now have the same groups like neither-one-to-one-nor-onto 2-function
in the the left hand of it, there’s the corresponded set of edges and on the
right hand of it, there’s the set of vertices when the rules are coming from
the relationship amid edges and vertices. So there’s the spidering definition
with the ghost function and all is done in the term of words in the kind of
definition of groupoid when the necessary condition for being groupoid is done
so every graph is the groupoid. The kind of convenient definition in the terms
of having the framework to move forward on the ideas, approaches, contrast
and comparisons in the term of groupoid and its definition.
Groupoid And Its Definition #7
The sort of being equivalence in the terms of two words, the graph has the
name groupoid in its birthdays and its celebrations. The class of graph is
complete graph so it’s time to send them in the groupoid to make sense what’s
need to see. The formation amid words are going to the land of names. So the

objects are all the vertices and the left hand of the 2-function is edges. An
exchange amid graph and groupoid is done in the terms of classification as if
the attributes are now the greed. The complete graph in the type of groupoid,
there’s the closed set which is now available when the edges are left in the
style which has to accept the all edges as the set so the set of edges is closed
set. So the set of edges is groupoid. As if this concept may be new when
the term closed is about the set and not about the specific subset then if it
could be about the specific subset, it isn’t about all subsets. By considering
this new algebraic structure, there’s the fundamental and destructive question
which is collapsing everything like dominos: What does this concept have? The
advantages and disadvantages of this statement in the form of definition. The
term definition implies that the words of its sections must be investigated and
after that proving the critical attributes about well-defined definition is on
demand. The section is the term which is using for the description of definition
in the total ways as jargons and buzzwords. So when the buzzword and the
jargon groupoid is leaving its umbrella on the section, there’s too much to rain
on the section when it hasn’t gotten the name yet. Name is the kind of security
and safety when it’s about a way to go so way to go to be a way to go under
the name and the brand. The formal definition is demanded when the action of
doing crime is obvious.
The title is quasi-group in the hope of changing the word title to the name
when the lightening words are coming up. There’s the given set from the given
objects. The subset of this set, is said to be quasi-closed where there’s an
2-function from the cartesian product on the subset which is implying the styles
of pairs/couple/twofold members/two-element set to the set of objects. So
using the word groupoid is wondered about the types of using this concept in
this word when the biggest claim is coming up which is about the extension of
the word groupoid in the general word which is the base. Groupoid is closed
set. So the concept of quasi-closed set, which is about the specific subset even
isn’t the closed set. The specific version of having the concept closed set which
is available when the second hand of 2-function is extended to the bigger set
so it’s the kind of absurdity. The second hand of 2-function is changed to
be about the subset so the subset is became closed set. So the both titles,
quasi-group and quasi-closed, are invalid and discredit so this titles are done in
the way of getting the name then back to the notion of closed set. There’s an
ideas about deleting the vertices in the way of getting the name. So there’s
the new definition with the title of closed set. So with retrospect, it’s exactly
the groupoid. The groupoid is the set with a binary operation on it. So the
graph is the set of edges with a binary operation on it where the edges are
twofold about two vertices which are the ends of edge. The term of groupoid is
the name for graph so when there’s the graph then there’s the set of vertices,
the set of edges and the one-to-one-and-onto function amid the edges and the
vertices as its consequences. With hindsight, the set of edges is the intended
set in the definition of groupoid and this set is obviously closed so there’s the
groupoid. In the illustration of this situation, the word edge implies two vertices
so the edge has two useful vertices where the vertices could be isolated then
there’s the need to change the section of the word graph, in that way which the
adjectives of the function, are deleted. Then open to back.
On the left hand, the matroid is ready. So the kind of approaching to the
concept of groupoid, is the greed. The term of closed set is studying on the

1. Groupoid And Its Definition

all sets in this word. The set is consisting of some subsets of E. This set is
named I. In briefly reviewing of its literature, two given elements of I is ready
to explore the concept of being closed. In the matter of element’s size, two
elements are comparable so if there’s the inequality amid them in the term of
element’s size, the new element is introduced so 2-function is the comparison
relation so if two elements have the same size, the problem will be opened. The
third condition of the word matroid, could be considered to get the word closed
set for word matroid with the exception of having the same size. When two
given elements have the same sizes, there’s one case to be follow-up. The case
of having at least one different member in the comparison amid two sets when
the binary operation is the comparison of the size and not the members in the
general viewpoint and the ideally extremism. Going on the embedding concept
when binary operation is the comparison about the member so the equality
is solved as the problem then the definition is. Every two given elements are
either the same or not. In the left hand, in the term of conjunctions either?or,
the case remarks the same elements so it’s Okay to have the contract/deal
for corresponding/ assigning the same element as the output. On the right
hand, the problem is solved prior/in advance when it remarks to create the new
element which is already in I, in advance, which is credited and valid by third
condition of the word matroid.
Groupoid And Its Definition #8
The groupoid is the kind of fantasizing about the size of connections where
two words are trying to get the names to each other. The groupoid is the kind
of set with binary operation and the new word which is closed set. The term
closed set is implying the set is involving with the total amounts of its objects
in the kind of combination which the production is about the its object as the
singleton. The singleton is the kind of answer to acting on given two arguments.
The graph is seen as if in the hope of having corresponded one set and the
corresponded one binary operation on it. The kind of acting on the set with
output of having one object. Graph is the kind of corresponded edges to the set
of vertices. So the relation isn’t about using the total potential abilities of one
object as if the least abilities have no problem which means the vertex could
have no corresponded edge and no neighbor in the kind of having connection in
the term of edge in the word of being isolated. There’s the trying to find the
set could it be the intended set when I’m talking about set of edges?
To convey the groupoid to the graph and vice versa. There’s seen chances
about the set of edges. Edge has two ends. So the input of binary operation is
ready so what’s about the right hand of 2-operation when the situation which
is the worst when this way wants to redefine the word graph as if the story is
going beyond. If the binary operation is redefined on the set of edges, there’s
some pros/advantages and cons/disadvantages. On the right hands, there’s
the gist of vertices when the edges are twofold including two vertices as their
exhibitions so there’s the word graph because there’s the word vertices and the
word edges with the word relationship amid them. As if on the left hand, the
algebraic structure implies something about the appearance so when the left
hand of the function/map is ready, there’s the implication about the right hand
which is about the set of edges. 2-operation is the structure which the input
is twofold and the output is appearing once so the output is one objects. To
sum up word, 2-operation is the kind of two-becomes-one when the restriction
and the adjective aren’t the matter of minds as if in the word groupoid, there’s

adjective/restriction to handle the situation with adjective and restriction "on
it" in two words and parts of speech preposition and pronoun. So there’s the
2-operation on the set of edges as if it’s done on the customized version of set of
vertices. If so, the edge in the form of two vertices, has the unseen rule of the
selection about the object from its style is made in the categories of vertices.
The 2-operation is precisely on the specific set. The set is about the formation
of vertices regarding to edges so the set is including vertices which have the
connections with the vertices inside their sets. Another exploration implies
about the unordered couple when the first array and the second array aren’t
the matter of minds so there’s no ordinal number to use. 2-operation on the
intended set with the adjective about two inputs so how to write these in the
principle of math when the description isn’t the matter of minds where the
matter of mind is defining all words in obvious ways of having the common
The set of vertices is chosen when the vertices have the attributes of making
the edges so there’s the fundamental question and not monumental query, the
2-binary operation has the need about the set, it’s Okay to give the customized
set as if this set is giving something to restrict the 2-operation when the slight
change is impossible as if the open way is ready when the word 2-operation
isn’t used. The restrictions are about the selections of vertex which implies
some vertices aren’t used which is in the contradiction to the word operation,
map, function and any word is related to the word as if there’s the open way
to do when the kind of sub-something is coming up. The subset is the good
word to have the intended vertices as if it’s in the contradiction with two words
"on it" when the same sets are on demand so the changes on the right hand of
the function is done on the obvious way of having triple same sets. So there’s
2-operation on what? the situation is getting worse than the time when the
rule of 2-operation isn’t well-defined in the matter of words or mind, there’s
no way to bring something. There’s the way on the relationship amid couple
of vertices and edges as if the adjectives "opened" or "closed" is the unknown
words and the open is about the word and not ways.
The relationship amid edges and vertices usually have no rules. So in the case,
the kind of study on making quasi-rules or ghost-rules is on demand in the
matter of 2-operation. The Matroid is popping out the set which could be
the intended set in the form of groupoid with the viewpoint of birds’ eyes
instead viewpoint of words. There’s two common sets with some ghost-sets and
quasi-sets. Firstly, there’s the runaway set E because it only appears in the
first word and first line as if after that, there’s no information about it like
it left. On the other hands, there’s the ghost-set I which is the set of some
subsets of E and finally, there’s quasi-sets which are either the member of E or
the member of I in the matter of formation about the word set when sometimes
they’re sets and sometimes not in the matter of styles as existence. The binary
operation on any of this set is getting the way to go like exploration on binary
operation in the kind of impacts on some structures, too.
Groupoid And Its Definition #9
The kind of word is making the love when the topic is open a lot. The discussion
about how to be groupoid, it takes the long time to be on demand. The term
groupoid is about the term when the matroid and graph is on demand. The
kind of sort on the lines when the love of groupoid is on demand. The topic
of being the groupoid is the kind of term where the principles are on demand.

1. Groupoid And Its Definition

The scrutiny on the words to find the words from words. The kind of closed set
is saying about the communication amid two objects and the point is about the
membership and belonging as if in this case, the outcome of this communication
has to be in the intended set. The binary operation is the tool to have the
word closed in the term of set. Three copies from the set and the function
are all. The kind of set is on demand which in that the objects could find the
kind of attribute in that given two objects are introducing the other objects
in the set. So in the first step, finding the set in every structure for having
the result in the word of groupoid to write the dot and entering the space to
start the new line of words. The result from the style of groupoid to make the
groupoid’s result once. The move of groupoid in the way which the hope is
the kind of directions. Groupoid is the kind of group which has the necessary
relation to have the word group. Every relation amid sets, could give us the
groupoid. Groupoid is the set and a relation on it which this relation makes
the word for groupoid. The set and the binary operation could be the couple in
the word of groupoid. The set is seeking amid all binary operations to find the
adapted binary operation so they are the couple which are said to be groupoid
and vice versa, the binary operation is seeking amid all sets to find the adapted
set which in that its attribute, make the couple to be groupoid. The kind of
machinery for typing, is seeking the results for groupoid, generally, to press the
key about the ending of paragraph so the sound is heard to be in the first line
of the new paragraph when there’s one paragraph concerning the groupoid’s
result. The kind of reviewing the literatures and the results are on demand
in the term of re-something on demand. Redoing and reconsidering are on
demand when the process of the pro-something is on demand.
Tackling the words are on demand so the kind of set is going on. The track
of words are going on. As if the words aren’t ready to give the second. So
the function of finding the one, is turning out to find the couple which is the
groupoid in the other branch of the world when the word says us that it doesn’t
has the one. The process of finding the couple are doing in the branch of
matroid and graph. The set with three copies of it. The kind of progress is
on the walls as if the doors are closed in all directions. The kind of recreating
the concepts to make what’s need to be. The three sets from I. So there’s the
set which all members are the sets, now, it’s left behind where the customized
attributes of this set, are making the word matroid. The kind of approach is on
demand to cover all directions on demand. Three sets with set-style member so
there’s no need to mention the name I. In graph, there’s the set of non-set-style
members as if in matroid, there’s the set of set-style members.
Two sets in left hand and one set in right hand as if all the sets are the same.
Going a little up, two given members are ready, it’s worthy to remind that the
words member is non-set-style and element is set-style. A jump to up, the style
of member is considered to be number so the flexible discrete set is on demand.
The set of integers are the case so this set is seeking the binary operation. The
well-known binary operations are plus, minus and production. As if the division
isn’t amid them because there’s one exception about the zero. So integers have
three couples with three different binary operations. The natural set is the
kind of set which is seeking the second part for being the couple. The binary
operations, plus and production, are found for natural so the natural has two
couples. The process of taking adjective apart for getting the word alone, is the
kind of process to go in deep as if less harmful.

Two sets and their coupling, are exemplifying for the concept of groupoid. To
make the more clarifications, the other type of sets are on. The set of some sets
in the ideal case, is named to be the word power. Power set in the kind of set
which its all members are set-style members in some viewpoint. The power set
is the unary operation and it depends on the input set in unnecessary viewpoint
which is firstly passed in the minds. Power set is the set of all the intended set’s
subsets. So it’s the obvious set about being the complete in the term of word.
The binary operations, union and intersection, are finding the set to be couple.
The power is found for both so the power with union is the couple as if the
power with intersection is couple. The power has two couples. The permutation
of the set’s objects with counting the size of set, could make couple when the
set of number is ready. So the set of some numbers, has the couple with binary
operation, permutation, when the order is the matter of mind as if the order
hasn’t existed in the set. The set is the collections of obvious objects when
the existence is important and the rearrangements of objects, doesn’t implies
having the new set as if the permutation is the collections of obvious objects
when the order is important and any rearrangement of objects, implies having
the new permutation. So the permutation is the collection which is found its
binary operation which is the combinations amid two functions so permutation
has at least one couple.
Groupoid And Its Definition #10
Groupoid is the point when the point and the pointer are the metaphor for the
closed set. Two objects are made in the form of finding the way in common.
Ways are leading to the binary operation when the time is for coupling. The
groupoid is the couple of styles which are about the set and the function. So
the styles of input and output are the matter of words. A set and one function
on it, is inspiring the word automorphism which is the unary operation on
the input set which is the idealism and extremism about the function. Two
well-known functions are homomorphism and isomorphism as if they’re unary
operation and not binary operation. The style of set and the style of binary
operation are the style of couple. The circle and the line are the couple in the
matter of shapes. The term circle could be the name for the set when the set’s
objects could be rearranged without any change on set. The concept of circle
and cycle, are about the lack of order. The set’s objects are the same in the
matter of all words so the set is cycle in its birthdays for getting the name in
the celebration. The cycle and set are the parallel concepts. All attributes of
the set’s objects are as the same as the cycle is. So the cycle or set isn’t the
matter of word. Binary operation on the cycle when the cycle is graph’s object
in the matter of finding the door which is open to enter. Set is substituted by
the cycle so the binary operation on the cycle to find some senses. Two given
vertices, are introducing another vertex when the new vertex is the next vertex
to go on the cycle. Every vertex has two choices so it doesn’t work when all
given two sets are desired to work when the number of inputs n power 2 in the
matter of all existed vertices which is n. The class of graph is too close to this
concept, the complete graph has n power 2 number of relation amid vertices in
the matter of edges.
The complete graph is the ideal graph when the perfect situation is made. The
complete graph is groupoid so the right hand is ongoing: is the groupoid a
complete graph? The left hand of binary operation is Okay when the complete
graph is up. The right hand of binary operation is about assigning the vertex

1. Groupoid And Its Definition

to these two vertices. There’s the option to assign to the one vertex involving
the edge so every vertex is assigned three times which isn’t the matter of
binary operation. So complete graph is groupoid as if there’s groupoid which
is complete graph and not all in the matter of groupoid. Tour of the word
with the title groupoid which is coming from the style of having the closed set.
The set is closed by function like fuck-something and something-tion in the
form of noun as id it’s used for verb in the matter of fuck-tion which is binary
operation on the set of objects where the objects have too many styles as if in
the form of set which is the word about obvious having the objects and not
necessarily obvious objects. So back to set, "obvious having objects" means
the word "membership" is obvious as if the objects could be unseen and vague.
Membership could be presented by objects as if in the upside of this word, the
word membership must be clear and obvious. For instance, having the rules
for getting the word membership having the same approaches or having the
same ideas. The kind of membership is popped in the texts which are defining
the word set. The set could have obvious objects which is the weak situation
and the customized version of the word set. The set should present the word
membership so the set is the obvious collections of objects when the order
doesn’t matter just seeing the objects, is enough. So the set is "Obvious Having
Some Objects". In the other hand, the set is which "is" is the kind of verb is
using for the simple present which is applying for the routines and habitual
conditions. The set is "seeing some different objects". The set is "Seeing The
Different Objects" has the overlap with the word family, family is "Obvious
Seeing Some Objects" in the matter of gathering the objects. The collecting
the objects, proposes two choices or two options or may be two possibilities or
two ways of seeing. "Different" is the word for having the detour from the tours
of set and family. Seeing different or not. So seeing different objects, is leading
to word set as if else is concluding to the word family.
The word "set" excerpt from the definition of word groupoid, telling the mindsets
for word. The set is the word with its couple family which are completing the
definition of the word "collection" "and "reunion". So the reunion of the objects
could say in the terms of two words "set" and "family". Having or assigning the
objects to the hugely diverse set or family when the object is the word could be
defined by anything. The visa versa is obvious when the obvious objects don’t
imply the need for obvious having. The adjective obvious is finding the noun to
stick to it in some ways. Obvious having or obvious objects so sometimes, the
choice is obvious having as if the choice of obvious objects could be the matter
of ways like the chess with different players settling down in some squares which
is dominated by 4 lines. The groupoid is the set and its function when all
things are twofold. Set is testing its word if they sucked? Like the embedding
question when the embedding words are up. Binary operation is the word in
the word groupoid or standalone. Like standing on the mountains so two cases
are ongoing about the functions of the words to be clear to verb about them:
"Fuck" or "Suck" four letters are embedding in one word as if in the matter of
verb in the question form as if stated in imperative form.


Groupoid And Its Connections

Outlines of
necessities for
groupoids, Ideas Groupoid And Its Definition #11
to seek as The groupoid is the term in the lights of word as if the word set is something
detour, The
on demand. The binary operation is something about the function when the
comparison amid
ideas, Finding function is about the same sets. Two sets are ready so when in every side,
new approaches there’s one set, then the function is said to be automorphism and the set of all
automorphisms, is making the famously group which is the kind of group when
the book is started to make the chapters in the way the chapters are going to
be closer and closer, they’re going to be customized so the general concepts
are going to be the special concept then the texts are going to be shorter from
pages to paragraphs to lines to sentences to be remained four words which are
the title of book which is passed on the style of category. Binary operation
has the different style when two same sets instead of one set, debut. Binary
operation is the common stuff amid n-operation where n is increasing discrete
number from one. The kind of finding the all 2-operations or finding the all
n-operations so there’s too much details when the 1-operations in the way any
of them, is found, the set of all 1-operation make group and groupoid. So
there’s the example in that n-operation make the groupoid. By analogous to
this concept, all 2-operation make the groupoid. So there’s the result from the
style of highlight in which two words 2-operation and groupoid are aside.
The same set is the kind of notion in which the copies of the set are becoming
the critical points so there’s two same sets in the lowest level of existence when
the notion of Cartesian product in the algebraic structure are introducing the
couple/pair/2-set. The couple could be presenting the two same objects when
the parallel objects have the permissions to be there like the gist of matrix
which have the parallel objects when the parallel is up. Has anybody called
matroid? matroid has the discussion about triple. It has the discussion about
three styles of the sets. The set of member, The set of some sets and the
members. It seems that there’s need to have three jargons and buzzwords
so "member", "element", and "set" are coming up. The matroid isn’t saying
something about any kind of n-operation in the matter of special functions.
The matroid is the kind of relationship amid three sets without any n-operation
when n is the natural number. The kind of discussion about the objects of the
set which is too close to power set. Three principles to have the characteristic
of the set’s member when the word is matroid. The matroid is the atmosphere
in which adding member is the matter of minds. The first principle is about
having no member. The second principle is about losing member. The third

2. Groupoid And Its Connections

principle is about adding member. There’s something about the downside and
upside of the set. There’s set’s member and its extension. The kind of moving
on the set when the set is going on the way to produce some elements in losing
and adding members even with having no member. Three parallel frames to
have three kinds of sets to have the way to when moving forward is the word as
if out of minds, is standing. The kind of n-operation is greed when the function
isn’t there. The kind of gist is desired as if inspiration is operated. Set is the
kind of lack where the lack of arrangement, is the principle. The set is about
the shuffle of members when the eyes are seeing the member so there’s no order
when eyes have the order in the matter of arrangement. Family is the extension
of the set when the copy is legal so it could have too many copies when the
copy is the matter of mind. Two notions from the style of having collections
when the third notion is about the order. The kind of product amid two sets,
makes the set of couples in that the couple is presenting the order as if in the
out of this couple, the disorder and having no order is the principle in the
kind of word is called set. The kind of search is greed to find the collections
with order when the ordinal number is made so there’s no place to use them.
The smoothly moving of the words amid finding the order. Back to groupoid,
binary operation in groupoid, has no sense of order when the couple of points
are demand as the inputs to tell the starting point.
The kind of closed set or the word close is up when the order isn’t when the
shuffle of objects like the disorder in minds are coming up with quasi-red box
to dread from the red light. The order in inputs, is the matter of mind, when
minus has became nominate to be the candidate in minds when the order is
out of minds so there’s the election to get the votes as if the order in minus,
implies having special set. Natural number is out of dispute as if the set of
integers, is open to dispute in the matter of the word closed. Division is out of
mind so there isn’t binary operation when the extension set of integers are the
mart of mind with the zero as obstacle.
To find the rule for binary operation when two sides of the idea, are about
the set and the rule. The rule of combination amid binary operation, is the
rule for having the binary operation on the set of all binary operations. By
analogous to this, n-operation has the analogous rule and analogous set to be
binary operation in the matter the word "all" and "combination". So to sum up,
the rules and the sets are on demand to have a class of binary operations as if
other branches have unwritten rules in the matter of seeing the rules.
Groupoid And Its Definition #12
The groupoid is the concept about how the couple of different styles are coming
up. The paragraph and its structures concerning the word closed set. The set
and binary operation are introducing the new word "closed set". The type of
structure concerning both words set and binary operation on it, is creating the
new word "closed set". Turning words on the new word so there’s too much to
be the word. Groupoid is the word where the joint words are the event. So
the kind of "a" became "o" in the transition of the word "aid" to "oid" in the
form of "groupoid". The couple like co-up are introducing the kind of up in
that the set is deemed in the quasi-closed when the number of objects, usually
says about being closed as if in the ghost of situation, the binary operation
on the set, is telling the kind of being closed as if the number of set’s objects
could go to infinity. Binary operation gets two set’s objects so if it gets out the
set’s object, the set is said to be closed in the term of closed set. Closed set

is the word when there’s the binary operation on it which means there’s the
combination or coupling amid two objects, which produces the one object like
the symbol of heart as if in the love story. The groupoid is the love story in the
word of coupling. "Conscious and coupling" could be the word to describe and
to illustrate the groupoid. The kind of modern concept of being group in the
term of modern love.
The groupoid is named coupling so there’s another birthdays as the kind of
celebration for getting the new name. Coupling is the machinery function in
that two objects became one object. The kind of approach is turning two out
one. So the love is coming up as if the coupling is coming up. The spread of
love is done in coupling like conscious and coupling are on demand. Conscious
is coming up when the coupling must be on the set so set’s two objects become
set’s one object and it’s "conscious and coupling." Conscious implies the object
is coming from set on the right hands of the game as if the coupling makes the
couple when the set’s two objects are entering.
The kind of citation from two to one so the two elements are making the one
element. There’s available the kind of extension when the set could be the kind
of sets of the embedding sets like the embedding into embedding as if in the
second level, the set so some sets are on demand so the terms of element in the
words are saying welcome. The coupling on the I, when it’s the set of some
subsets, so the I’s two objects get one object and amid this time, conscious is
coming up, so one object is I’s object. The progress of concept in the matter of
coupling, there’s the move on the word when there’s "binary operation: closed
set". The kind of excellence in the excellent word when the cells are excelling
like ex-cell. The kind of word closed when the ex-closed is going up. So the
cell should be ex-cell in the kind of lens with contact as excellence. Moving
on the way of getting the couple in the word where the word is the word in
any form of "closed". The binary operation is the kind of approach to make
sense about close in the matter of set in the way which is moving forward by
knowledge and wisdom. The process of success is done in the achievement
and the accomplishment so the new definition is coming up to make the new
notion. Back and forth in the kind of making word when the word is faced to
restrictions or ambitious. The kind of relation amid all two objects to make the
couple in the form of new object.
Groupoid is moving forward to add customized member to itself so the lines
are decreased in the losing of the word in the progress of time to make 4 words
on the book’s title. The adding member makes the eyes to be stared from the
area to be on the smaller area like magnitude is greed to have the restricted
area to be on the eyes like the death is growing closer and closer. The member
from the style of binary operation when the member is neutral so every object
could be chosen to be pair argument of binary operation when the output is
guaranteed not to be the new object as if the object is in the input, is now in
the output. The kind of ambitious greed for the word close. So when the goal
is about having the objects inside the set, there’s the ideal case in which when
the object is entered, this object is left so the process of finding new object
in the set, is changing its direction to choose the object again. The kind of
coupling in that the new term as object, could be couple with all objects and
the conscious implies in all case the upcoming object is out of the new term
and there’s the obvious rule for making the same object as the result so there’s
the curious question this object is neutral and unseen objects in the word of

2. Groupoid And Its Connections

impacts so is there the binary operation which have this attribute as the word?
For clarification, the type of function in that, all pairs of objects have to the
consequences like the identity function to be neutral amid all pairs. As if it’s
complex in binary operation because two objects have to propose one object
amid them somehow. So there’s two binary operations on every given set when
either the first argument is output and or the second argument is output. To
sum it up, all sets could be closed because there are two binary operations,
naturally and obviously. So there’s binary operation in the right hand of this
story. In the left hand, there’s need to have one object to affect on the set in
the somehow being closed set. So there’s modeling object as a model for objects
in that set which all binary operations could make set closed. To back this idea,
the set which is consisting of some objects as if in the style of neutral, could be
the set which all given binary operations could make the set closed. The word
set is doing the limitation which in that the repetition is impossible so there’s
the only case in that the set has only one element in the efforts to finding the
set for all binary operations. The empty set which is the set has no object,
is nominated to be good candidate. And also it’s elected to be the set for all
binary operations. The step is going up more than one. The set with one object
is the set for all binary operations so it doesn’t matter what object is or is the
object neutral because there’s one object and one work to do, the combination
of this object with itself, have to be that object so one binary operation is at
least available and accessible in the word of close. So the attempts to find
the set for all binary operation is failed. As if the concept could go to be
more embedding when it’s embedding in the upside and downside to open the
way for the word close. The member with the attribute of close, is said to be
neutral. So there’s the sketch/scheme of the word "close" on the member of set.
The neutral is the word like death and numb so this adjective is done on the
member to get the name for this word as twofold. Neutral member in every
binary operation, could be the ideal symbol/brand for all objects in the term
of word close. Neutral members are the vision of being closed when all binary
operations are acted the same. So all neural members in the output, is giving
the object is belonging the set. The object is entering to be with the neutral
member and in the output is the object, too. So all objects in the customized
version of all binary operations, could make the word closed with the neutral
members. So the attribute in the set is violating the rule of copyright in set?
if so, there’s at least one neutral set. The couple of neutral member and the
given objects are forever introducing the object in the set for all given binary
operations in the matter of word close.
Groupoid And Its Definition #13
The kind of groupoid is done in the matter of wisdom when the number of
members for the having the word "close", isn’t the matter of wisdom. In the
right hand of knowledge, the word close has pun like the end to the number
of objects which are in the set so there’s something about the countable set
and finite set so the set is finitely countable. The close is the term which is
used for some attributes which are related to set with the title "closed set."
The attributes of set are the matter of words. The number of objects is only
attribute. So there’s something new to be defined on the set and it introduces
some relations amid the objects like interrelation amid objects. The concept
of functions is coming up with the ideas so it’s sensible to have the binary
operation on set. The binary operation is the idea to redefine the concept close

over the set over and over like circle and cycle to have the cycle on the close
and have the circle on the close both in the matter of word closed set. The set
is said to be closed set if the objects are connected to each other in the some
related attributes of binary operation. If binary operation takes two objects
from the set as if it gives one object belongs to the set, the set is said to be
closed set. Another attribute on the set, is redefining on the set in the way
which the term subset is the word to get some subsets on the set and with
three sets and three principles, there’s something about set and its objects in
the way that using of set and its subset, is obvious as if the binary operations
are redefining the relations amid objects without using the set.
The term of closed set, what’s the new word for it in the word matroid? The
word closed set, is about the E as the base. So E and the set I from some its
subsets, is said to be closed set if the I is closed set. The kind of word moving
forward or sending forward when E sends I to be the topic in the word of
closed set. So if I which is depending on E, is said to be closed set, then it has
empty set; losing of member from its element, makes the new element; adding
member to its element which doesn’t have the greatest size, makes the new
element; and vice versa. So E is closed set when the kind of set from its power
set, is closed set because its elements are closed amid some operations to make
new elements. The term of closed set is the name for matroid so the matroid
is closed set in its birthdays and the celebration for it. The study of closed
set in the term of graph, two sets and the related one-operation as if in the
geometrical presentation. The graph is the term when the concept of closed set
is up. The set [of vertices] is said to be closed set when the forwarding set [set
of edges] from the two choices of the set, is closed set in the matter of having
two vertices when they’re on the figure. Is it obvious? Is there some attributes?
Is there something new? Is it new definition and its specialized consequences?
The closed set is the set in that the two pairs of the vertices are putting in the
way that the set is closed by the edges so the term of closed, is done in the
form of set.
The kind of being closed in the forms like some attributes, some operations,
some associated sets and something like that. The closed set is the word in
the kind of structures to be closed in forms of words. The edge set is the
forwarding set when the notion of being closed is up. There’s an 1-operation
amid vertices and edges which are the rules about connecting the objects in
the way, there’s second definition in that the edges are being decomposed into
the couple of vertices. So there’s no need to have the 1-operation which is
onto and one-to-one as if this 1-operation is the kind of congruency amid two
sets so there’s no point about the left hand and the right hand. The kind of
congruency amid two sets, is the closed set when the set is about existence of
the customized function in that, two sets are closed to each other. So the graph
is closed set so there’s the celebration in its birthdays. The kind of closed set is
interpreted to close the set by set. To sum up, the set is closed by 2-operation;
the set is closed by the type of its power set; the set is closed by the set.
The set of the objects, in the kind of words, are moving forward amid different
concepts when the moving on words, isn’t the matter of knowledge and wisdom.
The moving forward amid the different dimensions to take the ideas about the
closed set, so there’s some viewpoints which in that the points of view are on
demand as if view of points are left behind. The kind of finding the words to
see the trace of closed set where the closed set is aiming the kinds of attributes

2. Groupoid And Its Connections

in some words. The new visions of closed set, are being created by some notions
as if the concept of the word closed is acting to make the "stop" somewhere.
There’s one point about closed set which is the stop on every growth so the
kind of becoming closed is only the matter of point. Closing on the growth
of numbers, closing on the combinations of the objects, closing on the growth
of having elements with the rules on making elements with adding or loosing
members, closing the growth of both sets with the customized 1-operation.
Groupoid And Its Definition #14
The circle and the cycle of finding the concept of closed like words are moving
forward to make the aim of word. The concept of closed in the circle of finding
some attributes to make sense the concept of closed set and after it’s done,
then do it again and again. The directions of finding the concept in the term
of having notions to get the result for the title of chapter which is about:
"Groupoid And Its Definition".
Groupoid is the kind of couple when one notion hasn’t enough, anymore. The
kind of adding the concept to the set when the set of objects are the main like
the set is the key to be so there’s some notions from the style of the set when
other styles are getting the directions so moving on the ways which are adapted
to the set or may be adapted to the others. The kind of adding the functions in
the matter of spreading the arguments as if the numbers of sets are increasing
like the rise is on arising ways so there’s the point in adding into ways when
the directions are getting the deep-oriented of the word. The word is done in
the matter of time when the movements are the visitors of the place. So there’s
some notions on the words when the place is the kind of thoughts to say about
the kind of unifying in the matter of word closed set. The retrieving sketch on
the words when the words are about the word.
The kind of getting the notion when the objects are on the ways so there’s the
way to be on the formal duration of the notion, which makes sense about being
there in the logical ways of possibilities which are done in the words. The kind
of adding else is up. The term closed wants to be word when the word is doing
at the world in the strong foundations of the words with too many credits
which are up. The set and its finite number of its objects, redefine the word so
the set is relatively closed in the relatively matter of set’s number. The kind of
calling the set with its number, is coming up so closed interactions amid objects
are going to redefine the word closed so there’s the basic notions of using the
operation when the using are coming up, 2-operation is coming up to make the
interaction amid two objects, closed so there’s the new redefining of closed set
when the two communications amid word is closed to be in the set then the set
is relative closed and it’s closed by regarding to having the interactions inside
when two is the first step of defining the communication and communications
are started to define with the starter number which is 2 like the concept of
cycle which it has sense when the starting number is 2 or like the concept of
path which are made sense when the number is 2. The relatively redefining
of the word "closed set" goes to have the another set in that, the concept of
the word is coming up. Word of closed in the matter of words, Closed is the
adjective in the kind of being objective so the subjective version of the word,
isn’t the matter of mind. Mind is the combinations of knowledge and wisdom.
The kind of versions in that, the process of increasing the number of objects
are closed in the second stages of getting the objects together which is in the
matter of word matroid. The matroid has the concept in that, the increasing

ways which in that, increasing number of objects, is possible, is relatively closed
in the ways. The matroid is using the set in the terms of basic notion which is
about its power set. The set of some its subsets, is the set of the background for
making the word, closed. So when I, is closed, then E is said to be closed. The
kind of making the word when the word when is the word. The kind of finding
the correspondence or making the descriptions in the new literatures or the new
dictionary including new words when the name of dictionary is "Groupoid And
Its Definition" with subtitle or title-logo about closed set. The words are moving
fast in the matter of the word so there’s too ways of have the word in the light’s
speed. The concept of being closed set, is going on the way which the words
are grown. The directions of making word, is in kind/sort of progress when the
word is depicting the picture in the sides of the residence. The resiliences of
the word in up, are showing the matter of words. The groupoid is the kind of
structure in that one operation is allowed so in the term of making sense, the
binary operation is used. The binary operation is about the interaction amid
objects. In other structure, the graph has two different sets and one operation
is allowed so in the term of making sense, unary operation is used. In the
structure of matroid, two sets which are related to each other when the second
set is obtained for the first set, and three principles are used which the concepts
of subsets are up. So the concept of being closed, are going up in hugely diverse
ways. Sometimes, the function is deciders in the matter of unary and binary
word. Sometimes the way of adding members when there’s no rule for making
communications. The term of making the congruence or the equivalence amid
the concept in the matter of being relatively closed. The going on the words to
calcifying the concept of groupoid when the definition of groupoid is under the
study in the luxurious behavior of having words when the words are coming up
in the upsides of other definitions which are related to other branches and other
discipline in the matter of belonging and in the matter of ways, ways are going
to the kind of descriptions, classification, characterizations, upper visions of
open problems, giving the deeply-rooted views from the conjectures, proposing
the new problem, taking the deep interface amid concepts and problems, the
kind of translations amid concepts, the kind of illustrations in both sides in the
matter of all words as if with the back and forth focus on the word of being
closed as the subtitle for the groupoid and its definition, which words are totally
inside the epilogue of the book which is the cover of the chapter.
Groupoid And Its Definition #15
Groupoid is the idea about the set of objects in which the collections of objects
are. The collections of objects could be either family or set. The case family
induces that the repetition of members are permitted as if the case set implies
that the copies of members aren’t allowed. The repetition of the members
induces that there’s some same objects. The term of objects could be any
kind of the existence like shapes, symbols, numbers and letters. The same
objects could make the situation worse because the same objects have the same
attributes so any of study concerning these objects, should be deemed in too
restricted ways. Positions of objects don’t matter. In the other words, any
change of position as doesn’t imply having new set as any copy of members. So
two operations, changing position and copying members, are ineffective. The
set of objects, and the binary operation under some conditions, are said to be
groupoid. By making the detour, the change of position and the copy of objects,
both are unary operations as if in the case of this set, there’s said to be identity

2. Groupoid And Its Connections

function. For example, the copy as the unary operation is taking one object
and in this operation, any multiplier to this object, has no effect and gives one
object which is input’s object. To sum up this, the object enters and leaves so
there’s a deal with identity function which is the well-known name and concept
in the way that every object is corresponded to itself. Another example, change
of position is the unary operation which the object’s position enters and the
object’s position leaves so this function is identity function in the way that,
every object’s position is corresponded to itself as the same position. Any of
these concepts is at least unary operation because their rules has no change on
the entries. The groupoid has the binary operation which in that, one output’s
member is assigned to two input’s member when two words are used when
the object is the general concept and the member is the object which belongs
to the set. So there’s a set and a binary operation with two words which are
exclusively used for this concept. Member is the object which belongs to the set
and the object is the kind of existence. Binary operation takes two members
and gives one object which is also member.
The term of object means that the condition of being function, is satisfied by
the existence of the object. Back to the tour, in the binary operation, one
member is assigned to two members. So the binary operation and the set is
said to be groupoid. Two examples for groupoid, as follow. The set of infinitely
countable numbers, which is called natural number, with well-known binary
operations plus and time, make two structure which any of them, is called to
be groupoid. The well-known binary operation, plus, with two sets, natural
numbers and integers, is made two structures which any of them, is called to
be groupoid.
The graph has three stuff which are the set of vertices, the set of edges and
the corresponding unary operation which is corresponding the set of vertices to
the set of edges. It’s obvious that the unary operation is onto and one-to-one.
In the other words, the word "correspond" and its derivatives, in the topic of
operations, means that the operation is onto and one-to-one. Two examples for
illustrating, the set of even numbers and the set of odd numbers, which are
named the set of vertices and the set of edges with the corresponding unary
operation, are making the graph. Another exemplifying on graph, is the set
of objects in the groupoid and the set of member in that group. The kind of
equivalency amid two sets which in that, the number of objects is out of dispute.
The sets are relatively equal in the terms of having the same amounts of objects.
In the other words, the term, equality, is using for two sets which have the same
numbers of objects. Going to the detour, the term equality could use for two
sets which have the same numbers. This style is the extension of ongoing style.
The next to detour, the term of equivalence is about some stuff which has the
same types of attributes so in that attributes, they have relatively equivalency
and they’re relatively equivalence. Back to the tour, the graph in this definition,
is the kind of equivalency amid two sets so this algebraic structure could have
the kind of geometric structure in the form of the exhibition amid two sets.
The matroid has the set of objects, the set of elements and the three principles
in the way which the literature of words in the specific visions, are used. The
set of objects, is called E; the set of elements, is called I; and the term of
principles are the conditions in which E and I have to satisfying in them, if so,
the situation is said to be matroid. The relations amid I and E have two aspects.
Firstly, I is the set of some subsets which belong to E. Secondly, the third

principle is about the relationship amid these two sets. The first principle is
about belonging the empty set to I. Going to the detour, this principle declares
that the existence of the I, is obvious because the I has at least one element.
In other vision, the definition isn’t about well-defined by only this principle
because the E could be empty set and I has the some subsets of E’s objects
so it could have no element so the definition is well-defined. Back to the tour,
the second principle is said that deleting the I’s element, makes new element.
Taking detour in moment, I is said to be has the decreasing property regarding
to the losing element and being element. So deleting any of elements, has no
effect to be the element of I. In the other words, I holds the losing attributes or
being element holds when deleting elements is done. Back to the tour, the third
principle is said that adding one object from the bigger element to the smaller
element, makes the new element where the comparative adjectives, smaller and
bigger, are comparisons amid the number of elements in both sets.
Groupoid And Its Definition #16
Group is going to propose itself in three stages which in that the group’s hands
are taking the stones of mountains to be on the peak of mountain which is
the title of this book. Definition of the groupoid, is determining some avenues
which in that, the notions of this concept could be on these avenues as if it’s
using some detours in which the topic could experience some topics in that the
familiarity with other topics could be possible in the literature and its words.
The topics of graph and matroid may get some clarifications alongside some
positions to try to get some studies in the matter of the chapter’s title. The
groupoid is the structure in the the notion of adding the positions to all sections,
could be available. The groupoid is the set in that, the number of the set, could
be increased so there’s the internal detour which some prominent results may
make it the avenues. Another internal detours, there’s no mentioned texts about
the number of objects so the number of objects could make some classifications
to have some internal detours. The binary operation is the characteristic of
the groupoid. By having quick look, the characteristics of the groupoid could
be the set and binary operation. Taking the internal detours, The number of
binary operations may give some detours as if the kind of operation could be
changeable like unary operation and other ordinal operations which in that,
the arguments could be increased to the bigger number so ’tis some numbers
to remake the definitions in reconsidering of the characteristics belongs to the
The groupoid is the concept in that, the set has some results in the forms of
examples and statements as the relatively avenues which are the avenues for
this book. In four paragraphs, the first couple are about the groupoid’s avenues
and the second couple are being taken apart to two detours in the forum which
the first paragraph is about the graph’s topic and the second paragraph is
about the matroid’s topic. The notions of groupoid could make some wings to
have the gradually movements up to position in that, the unanimously deal
is done. The examples for this case could be taken from the famous sets and
famous binary operations when the characteristics of the groupoid, are being
studied. The illustrations and taking the problems from the real-world styles
aren’t any position in this book as the disclaimer and any kind of forums which
could be used in that way won’t be present.
The graph may have some definitions as if in this book, the abstract visions
are the principles of us. Two sets and their equivalency, it seems that there’s

2. Groupoid And Its Connections

nothing to do as if the algebraic visions are up to do. The customized version

of equivalency, is the matter of mind so unary operation is chosen for this
customized version of equivalency amid two sets. Two sets with different names
so the equivalency could be about some common attributes which could be
equivalence. The set may have some attributes, based on the related notion
about set or other notions, so two sets could be related to each other in some
avenues as if there’s some notions about the situation in that, the equivalency
of these attributes are the matter of study in the terms of wherever, whatever,
whenever and however, this equivalency is achievable. Back to the definition,
the number of objects has the common attributes amid sets so in the customized
version of equivalency, the same number of sets’ objects is kind of equivalency.
Going to the detour, The notion of equivalency is customized to implement to
the number of argument in the common notion which is used in this case as the
function which could be the general term for n-operation or the customized
version of n-operation when the n is one or the convenient sake for uttering the
concept. Back to the definition, 1-operation is used for uttering the equivalency
amid two sets. onto-and-one-to-one 1-operation is the customized version of the
notion about equivalency. This type of operation is used for the equivalency
about the number of sets’ objects. One kind of exhibition for the equivalency
is making the geometrical object which is said to be graph because the most
number of studies on graph, are about attributes of its geometrical exhibition.
The notion of degree and neighbor or the symbols of delta in both capital
letter and small letter are coming from the some attributes which belong to its
geometrical exhibitions.
The matroid is notion and its characteristics are in some views, about the set of
objects and its related set including some its subsets alongside three principles
which are about the the set and its related set. The first principle states
that the empty set belongs to related set. The second principle declares that
deleting one set’s object from related set’s object, introduces the related set’s
new object. The third principle mentions that adding one set’s object from the
related set’s bigger object to the related set’s smaller object, creates the related
set’s new object. Going to the detour, the related set could be considered as
unary operation which the set is only argument. The first principle could be
imagined as the statement to prove that the second principle, is well-defined
because deleting one set’s object has no limitation so the end for this process,
occurs in the situation which the related set’s object has no set’s object. The
first principle could make the convenient avenue for having the notion of power
set when the customized version of power set, is the related set. The second
principle could make the example for the notion of decreasing property or the
notion holding of the attributes under some situations. The kind of chain could
be obtained by the second principle when one fixed set is intended and this
operation could be considered as unary operation in the follow-up using. The
decreasing chain could get the example by second principle when the structure
of the set with its attribute about inclusion, makes the decreasing chains of
subset from this set, up to empty set by regarding to inclusion as the ongoing
attribute. I’ve no idea about the third principle in the detour.
Groupoid And Its Definition #17
Groupoid is used to make some avenues. The set of objects, is the topic for
study as if there’s at least two words so the set is considered. The set is
changed to have the new versions of changes as following. The family of objects

so the important point is about having some same objects because it’s the
characteristic of family and in the lack of this situation, the set could be proper
word for using. The family of objects and making senses about the binary
operation. Consider that there’s two same objects. So there’s one solution to
have the binary operations. The image of all same couples, have to be the same
by the definition of the n-operation and function in the general. The process of
this book, is placing one notion as the basement and after that making some
avenues to get some results as if the tour is the case which is the main study
and the detour is getting some avenues either for study in the upcoming orders
or clarification of important words for study of all impacts. Back to the tour,
binary operation implies that case as if changes on the binary operation, could
affect on the situation. To take some detours, the concept of function and
n-operation could make some limitations so there’s need to have the kind of
notion. Back to the tours, the concept of getting two arguments, could be in the
cases which the number of arguments, could be increased. The structure could
be available in the ways which some arguments involving in their attributes for
The kind of number could be feasible to increase the number of objects as if in
this case, there’s some points to get some ways. The notion of t-norm could be
the example for this case when the set of objects, is continuous style of numbers
amid zero and one so the type of members makes another vision of set. The
set have too many styles like the rules, writing the members when there’s no
rule. The latter case implies set could be seen in some structures like discrete
and continuous. In other words, the member of set could be rearranged in the
kind of continuous members in that way, there’s too many objects could be
there. The interval is the example about the set with cover style and continuous
order of members so there’s too many members amid two given numbers. The
well-known notion in this topic and about binary operation, is the t-norm.
t-norm is the binary operation on the unit interval is bounded with zero and
one. t-norm is the kind of binary operation in which, there’s no rule as if
there’s some principles so having the principles could be the good replacement
for obvious rules which are pointing to relationship amid two numbers. The
kind of presentations for set, may have some attributes which are arising from
it. For example, the exclusive attribute which is belonging to the geometrical
aspects could be notion of planar in which the kind of seeing the figure when
the crosspoint of the edges, is exactly the position of the vertex in the terms
of existence. So in this case, there’s exclusive attributes for introducing the
geometrical rules instead of the algebraic rules and principles.
The set and its attributes could be considered in deemed ways. As mentioned,
characteristics of set are about having one object in term of similarity so the
repetition isn’t permissible if there’s repetition, the collection is said to be
family. The number of objects could be infinite, finite and finitely countable.
The type of representation about the set, could be as discrete numbers or
continuous numbers. The type of function on the set, so there’s some avenues
which in, the domain and image could be different as if in the notion of groupoid,
the function has the same domain and image. In the case which, the image and
domain are different. The kind of function on the set which the domain and the
image are different and function is unary operation, is said to be homomorphism
when the structures of the domain and the image are similar regarding to
some attributes of structures of groupoid involving the binary operation on it

2. Groupoid And Its Connections

and in the form, taking two groupoid’s members and the homomorphism is
sending two members to the another groupoid, as the result, in the left hand
of the function, the homomorphism acts on the binary operation which acts
on two set’s objects and the result’s object is the same with the impacts of
homomorphism on two objects, individually and getting the result by impact of
binary operation on this couple of impacts. So there’s some avenues to compare
two groupoids with regarding to their binary operations.
Another avenue, could be the kind of having or the lack about general attributes
of the function. The attributes of functions are about being one-to-one and
onto so if both are function’s attributes, the function is said to be isomorphism.
Taking one of tours, the notion of having continuous member could get the
notion of unit interval so in this case, there’s the well-known binary operation
on the interval which is bounded by zero and one, ’tis t-norm and t-co-norm.
These types of functions, have no rule as if the principles propose the definition
and process of these functions so ’tis the example in that, the binary operation
is introduced by principles and the famous notion which is introduced by
principles are passed on the notion of matroid. The notion of groupoid, usually
uses the binary operation which is introduced by rules. The kind of defining
the binary operation could be like defining the impacts on every element which
is passed on the notion of graph. There are some obstacles which make these
notions are gone to be on the detours as if the tours will be open when they’re
getting some results. The kinds of notions are going on the extensions and the
customized case for groupoid and its definition.
Groupoid And Its Definition #18
The kind of setting for the groupoid, could be possible. When there’s something
about passing from one groupoid to have two groupoids. There’s new story to
have some questions about how to be the growth. The adjectives for the ques-
tions, could make some detours in the hope of making the tour. Computational
or mathematical questions could make some ideas to seek the words for making
the definition. Back to the tour, the torus of the detours are on and off in the
ways of having the tours. Two groupoids and the relation amid their attributes.
The structure of the groupoid could be like assigning first groupoid’s object
to second groupoid’s object and the couple of the objects in the way that, the
coupling is coming up. The type of coupling of two objects in every groupoids
could be available in the structure of the function which is binary operation so
there’s the concept of unary operation on the binary operation.
The way in which, two objects are joining to each other, is the matter of mind.
So unary operation is the tour when the algebraic question is coming up with
the idea about how the structures of two groupoids are close to each other or
have the coincides? The computational question, about how many groupoids
do have the same structures, is coming up? The kind of considerations about
taking supposition and making the directions. So One way could be about
fixing one groupoid and making some questions which are relating to kind of
perspective which is hidden in the context of question. How if the groupoid has
the same structure? So the leading question makes the tour. Two processes are
on demand. So the first is about the computational viewpoint which is about
the number of objects amid the type of comparison as if the second tour is
more stronger. Impacts of the binary operation on the couple of objects in both
groupoids are the matter of words. So the unary operation is the first answer
to this question so this type of function makes the existing and math magical

question about this relation. The yes/no question is embedded on the viewpoint
so the second answer is about the existing viewpoint in the mathematical
question: Is there the unary operation which in that, two groupoids has the
same structure? The word same structure is making follow-up questions about
the philosophical questions what do I mean about the same structure? The
impact of binary operation implies having unary operation which its rules aren’t
about the principles or the geometrical rules. The kind of algebraic rules are
coming up. So the rule is about the impact of binary operation on two objects.
Unary operation is used for this. Unary operation is changing the impacts of
two objects in the first groupoid to make the total impact which is the same
with the impacts on any of two objects and after the impacts of the coupling of
them. The kind of rules which in that the coupling could be in and out. So if
the coupling inside, could go outside, the unary operation is existed and the
answer is positive/yes, about having the same structures of the both groupoids.
The couple of groupoids have the same structures if the coupling from inside
goes outside. The unary operation is found and used for this, is said to be
The study on the coupling, could goes beyond so the coupling could be the
name of the approach in that, the yes/no existing question is answered. The
type of couple choices to the answer the question. Two groupoids which goes
beyond in the term of analogues styles when the number of objects are the same
too, the word isomorphism is assigned to them. So having the same structures
and the same number of objects could prove that the answer is yes about the
existence the word, isomorphism. The isomorphism is homomorphism as if
the butterfly’s result and relation isn’t existed so the homomorphism isn’t
Groupoid And Its Definition #19
Groupoid is the concept in that, there’s too avenues to pursue the results.
Sometimes, one general groupoid is used and sometimes two general groupoids
are the foundations of the study. Two groupoids are passed in the literature.
The kind of sense about the groupoids in the way that, two groupoids are
making same structures. The structure of the groupoid in the common sense,
could be like the relations amid objects so when two given objects are entering
into the relationship, the new object is introduced. It makes sense that the rule
must be the same to have the same structures, if so, two groupoids are the same
because the objects has no attributes and the existence of the object is the
matter of mind. So this detour isn’t leading to the tour at this open tour with
this obstacle. So the study is about the how the word same is redefined. The
word same is about the structure so the detour could be the kind of wondering
about some ideas. The kind of related ideas, about the symbol of relation. The
rule and relation as the first stage, concerns two objects. Two given objects are
entering to the relation with each other, so there’s sense which the outcome of
this relation should be the aim for redefining the new analysis on this relation
in the first group.
The analysis could be possible in the common way with the notion of function.
Unary operation is the first stage to go from the one groupoid to the another
groupoid. So unary operation accepts the outcome of the relation amid two
objects in the its left hand. The kind of working on the new outcome with the
foundations of relation amid two objects so the unary operation does desperate
this outcome to two new objects when the separation depicts the result of the

2. Groupoid And Its Connections

work which is done with unary operation. In the other words, two objects are
assigned to two new objects. The kind of transformations amid the couple
of objects. The couples are in the transition to be another couples. Couple
becomes new couple. The same structures are making the new notions about
the conscious and coupling so the kind of consciousness makes the new couple
like the couple was sucking in the previous versions so the kind of new edition
makes the new coupling in the lights of consciousness. Couple is coming up with
the idea of new coupling. So the new coupling is the impacts of a transformer
so there’s trans-something in the kind of prefix with kids so the transformer
and transition could give the kind of notions about two groupoids. The kinds of
making the principles as if the middle of both having the explicit rules and the
extreme principles as if it’s referred in the upcoming chapters. The groupoid
is considered as the abstract objects or like the communications amid two
Another detour of notions, there’s something about the kind of coupling amid
two same objects so the binary operation is restricted to be on the same objects
so the follow-up behaviors on one objects as the couple with the repetitions of
one object. The new notation is allowed to be on the tour as if for the short
terms when the new notation is the kind ghost-result. So the kind of power
is up so the new notation back to its detour to be continued when the power
has already been redefined. The kind of notation is about the receptions when
the power is written at up so the receptions are seeing up. The kind of upward
notations when the notation is the kind of note which is written at up. When
there’s some same objects, the number of these same objects, is written at the
up on the right side of the up. When these communications amid two objects
in the kind of iterations, introduce the repeated outcome, the object is said to
be the kind of cyclic groupoid when the binary operation makes the cycle with
this specific object. The power of the object, is the kind of new idea to make
new avenue or new detour when the tour goes into avenue.
The power is the number of counting when the times of using the binary
operation is counted. The power is also the word for the customized version and
class of groupoids, which is said to be cycle where it has one characteristic which
is one object. The kind of rewriting about the sets with the specific object. In
the new detour in this detour, there’s the new idea to pick up one object and
make the new groupoid as the power of the object so there’s two cases in that
the power introduces the cycle or not. If there’s no cycle so there’s the infinite
groupoid when the word infinite, is about the number of the objects. So the
power is the verbal clues and nonverbal clues to show some attributes about
the number of the objects by the existing question about what if there’s the
power? The yes/no question when the positive answer goes to give the credit
about the finite set as if the negative answer says about the infinite groupoids.
In seeing other detour, groupoids in the classifications about the numbers of
objects could give the couple classes which are infinite sets and finite sets and
in the finite set is the classifications about the cycles and acrylic groupoids, too.
The types of detours into the detours so there’s some senses about how the
redefinitions of the groupoids have the flexibilities about taking detours with
predicted and unpredicted obstacles to go down and bridges to go up. So the
detours could come up with the ideas about both guesses and conjectures. The
kind of groupoid could be presented by the parallel groupoid in that, the kind
of seeing in matrix-style, is coming up with the word of productions so there’s

the productions of many different groupoids, too.
Groupoid And Its Definition #20
Groupoid needs the word to make the detour to go when the its car has no
the bottom of break so there’s need to find the detour in the shuffle of detours
for having the tour. The kind of word is about the attributes about how to
communicate about two objects so there’s the idea about some objects in which,
the first and the second object could be substituted by each other. In other
words, the result of having order, is the same. So this detour, could assign to
the two objects which could be as the first and second argument and reversing
the argument has no effect in their communication and their results. So this
two object are relatively abelian. Going one step to up, the collections of these
objects are the matter of mind to finds or in the another detour as the matter
of generality, the groupoid which its objects are abelian, could get the attribute
which gets the name as abelian groupoid. This ideas in every mentioned three
steps of generality in the way in which the move on the one object goes to the
move on the collections of the objects and in the last, move are spreading its
wings to all objects, in all of steps as the obvious results, the couple of same
objects are also belonging to these type of notions so there’s another detours
to find and to count these types of objects amid these three notions. The
word abelian is the adjective as the parts of speech so this adjective gives the
restrictions to the intended noun. The abelian couple/pair, abelian collections
and the abelian groupoids are the four detours when the fourth detour is about
the connections amid them. The kind of scrutiny and discernment on the
objects of the intended sets so there’s way to get the result when the detour
sending the nation on the tour so ’tis possible to address the result. The kind
of finding the couple of objects amid some attributes, some equations, some
relations and some senses with the title of conjectures and guesses. So there’s
way to be on the moving forward which is possible in the detours to make sense
about the tour in the term of moving on.
The kind of finding in the term of existing questions or the type of counting in
the term of combinatorial or counting questions when the finding is somehow
impossible. There’s way in that, the existing question doesn’t cover the counting
questions as if in the general, it doesn’t work and usually the existing question
covers the counting question. So there’s some notions for making the detours
in other places. As taking the detour, the kind of follow-up detours could be
possible so the study on the every four notions in the terms of having the
attributes or making the inter-relationship or the outer-relationship could be
some detours including follow-up detours in which some ideas to make the
detours having some analogous because of their natures as if some detours are
rely on the scrutiny on the behavior and as the follow-up needs, the discernment
on the all notions, make customized detours and all could have make some
detours like the detours are endless. The kind of notion could make the detour
like the cyclic groupoids and the cyclic objects so in this case there’s one object
so the cyclic structures like objects and groupoid are abelian structure in the
term of abelian objects and abelian groupoids. The curious question is about
the reverse relation so if there’s abelian structure in the form of simple version
which is the groupoid, because there’s too big enough and its attributes are
well-known, then is there the cyclic structure in any forms of getting principles,
ideas, explicit formulae or something else?
Detour to abelian notion, some attributes about the objects, are when the set of

2. Groupoid And Its Connections

objects could be relatively abelian with all other objects so this case, could be
considered as the customized version of abelian groupoid with the name which
is center of groupoid. The collections of the objects which have the common
attributes, could indicate some detours. The kinds of objects could make some
equations or reversely, the kinds of equations could be satisfied by some objects.
Back to the tour, in a graph, the word communications amid two objects in
the form of vertices and edges. So there’s couple of vertices which have no
communications which are the edges. So there’s the couple of vertices which
have no edges. In the relation amid groupoid and graph, ’tis the obstacles
because the definition of binary operation implies objects makes the couple
in the form of another objects, in ways which the all objects are involved so
there’s the contradiction amid these two concepts which in the total ways, all
objects are involved as if in other, there’s objects which isn’t satisfied. The two
words "as if" are good words to describe the relation amid graph and groupoid.
Detour of finding contradiction, the matroid is the set in the terms of com-
munication, there’s the two curious questions in that, two words "as if" are
up. Existing question is about existence of couple objects: Is there the couple
of objects which have no communications? The counting question is about
the most numbers of the objects involving in the communications: Do all
objects have communications with each other in the way that, all imaginable
communications are done? the answer to this question is going to be yes in
the notion of groupoid and the answer is no in the notion of graph. So there’s
a reforming question: Are there some notions in which graph goes to say yes
as the answer to the previous question? the first notion is about finding some
objects in the term of embedding notion. The complete graph is the threshold
for graph to add communications in any levels of having vertices so complete
graph is groupoid as the reminder about what’s passed about this. So one
notion is finding the embedding complete graph in the other structures of
graphs in the word of clique or in the other words, the word groupoid. Finding
or adding groupoid makes sense when both of complete graph and groupoid
have only had in common attributes yet.


Addressed Groupoids With


General notions,
Addressed ideas,
Roots of Groupoid And Its Definition #21
definitions, The groupoid is structure in that, the notion of the points, is coming up. The
Comparison amid points about the structure of the objects, could show themselves as tours and
detours. Traces of the objects in the predictably eligible positions so the kind of
work on the objects to get customized objects in which they’ve satisfied in some
principles, e.g. the cyclic objects, the abelian objects and their relationships. Or
the natural extension to the bigger structure like groupoids so cyclic groupoids
are abelian groupoids where restricting adjective cyclic for groupoid, is the
kind of notion about the generated groupoid by one object. Cyclic groupoid is
abelian groupoid because the abelian operation could be satisfied by the one
object so adding the same object on the left hand or right hand of the object in
the way, the couple has two same objects so it could be countable when the
same objects are coming up in the common notions as if the number two could
get another adjective so there’s two same objects or two different objects or two
anonymous objects in the matter of seeing the objects or the counting eyes. So
the adjective abelian could use for object, operation and the set or relations
amid them to make the detour. In the chain of progress, starting point could
be from objects after that the collections of objects or finding the embedded
collections or decomposition to the separate collections after that, could be
spread to the set or the operation on the set when the customized properties or
specific attributes of the binary operation could be featured.
The notion of the power could be appeared in set and its objects. In the familiar
notion, the power set from the intended set, ’tis the set from all subsets of
intended set so the kind of reforming on the set, could be like the set of some
subsets of the intended set. The notion of the power could chose the object as its
host. So the nilpotent power in which, the object in the binary operation with
itself, makes new objects as if the power gives the end to this story when the #
power makes specific object in which the object is ineffective when attending
in all binary operation as the couple with others. The general concept power,
could be the specific couple in that, the couple introduces the objects so the way
of this function, could make the starting object in the term of cyclic object or it
could make the neutral object in the term of nilpotent object. One object could
get some adjectives like abelian, cyclic, nilpotent and neutral. In the detour
and viewpoint about the result of these adjectives, the kind of comparison amid

3. Addressed Groupoids With Semigroups

the abelian objects and others, An abelian object, could be communicative

with other objects like going on the first position of the couple or going on the
second position of the couple as if the introduced object in both left hand and
right hand, are the same so this move, doesn’t introduce the new object. The
cyclic object gets back to itself as the object in a power which is only using
itself. The nilpotent object gets the neutral object in a power which is only
using itself. Neutral object gets itself in any power which is only using itself.
So in the viewpoint of the power, the object get some detours in the different
ways of using power which is only using itself. The using all/existing #, or
the outcome would be the matter of minds in the way which others involve.
So there’s object. Object could be what? The analogous question could be
available for embedded set and set.
Finding some equations which make the butterfly’s results in the matter of
equivalency. Like an object whose attribute is the square of the object became
itself so there’s the equation which objects are intended. Abelian could be
the notions in which, the uses of it, are relatively. So couple could be abelian
couple when two objects are moveable in the matter of positions. When the left
hand accepts two entries, there’s some notions when the right hand, is exactly
intended entries. The kind of stop is way to be on the detour when there’s
equation which could lead to have abelian couple. The kind of having some
questions in the shape of the equation which is involving relation amid objects
and vice versa. The kind of extension could be available when the embedded
set is the term of inputs for objects so the inputs of the binary operation could
be given by the name embedded set with #2. In this viewpoint, embedded set
and its ways to have some objects, are facilitated. The kind of move in the set
when the move is ineffective. So the embedded set is carrier of objects when
the order doesn’t important as if the binary operation implies that the order is
important. Binary operation could accept the embedded sets with different #.
Groupoid’s objects, could be the set of embedded sets with different #.
Finding the objects when the intended object is supposed to be relatively abelian
so the kind of embedded set is on demand, whose objects form the abelian
couple with the intended object. The kind of operation in the form of binary
operation, in which the intended object forms the couple with set. Or the
extended set in that, all objects of the groupoid, form the couple with the
embedded set of the set. So there’s three set. The set, the extended set and
the embedded set where the set is the intended set in the matter of groupoid.
So the kind of extension on the two parameters of groupoid so the extended set
and the extended binary operation are coming up. One given set’s object with
the embedded set make the couple in the term of extended binary operation. So
with extension of this concept, The set of all objects as the mentioned sample
with the embedded set, form separately couple with the type of extended binary
Groupoid And Its Definition #22
Groupoid is the term in that, the notions of being in the group could get the
different notions. So the set wants to be in the kind of group which is groupoid.
Groupoid is the form of set and binary operation on the set. So ’tis on the table
as if not floor. The kind of extracting the notions and wondering in the kind of
words which are up to notions. The set and function. Two different styles which
in this word, are the couple which is named groupoid. So the set and its binary
operation is the couple with the name groupoid. The groupoid is the word in

which, the kind of getting higher ambition is on demand so the kind of passing
from the number of arguments, is the matter of mind in the journey which is
from the couple algebraic structure up to the couple algebraic hyper structure.
The kind of love story when the binary operation only pops in the set as input
and pops out the from the set as output. The kind of couple is making some
results in which the couple is purely works on their abilities with using else.
The kind of progress in the number of arguments and the number of binary
operation. The word groupoid is the first level up to make other notions in the
way that, the kind of acting on the couple is only permitted. The conscious
and coupling for the progress of this couple when the couple produce all brands
in the kind of notions.
The ways of having changes on the groupoid with specific object and specific
function, could get some results which in that, the detours may obtain to get
more tours. The kind of increasing arguments could be obtained by adding sets
to the cartesian production amid sets so this way could be the tool for making
new argument. The kind of labelling on the word and on the way which is
couple is made. The kind of analysis on the objects and their behaviors go to
some birthdays. Neutral objects or abelian objects, abelian couple, acting of
binary operation on more than couple which could be triple. The word triple
refers to the kind of objects which are counted to be three and they introduce
two couples as partitions and the act of binary operation on the singleton
and the couple as same as the act of binary operation on the couple and the
singleton. The kind of order could make same consequences which in that, the
order is analogous to the binary operation. The kind of acting on the couple.
The couple in the kind of process which in that, the principles are featured.
Partly order set (poset) is the kind of set with relation on it. Relation has
the same concept with binary operation. Three principles are making the set
to be poset. The kind of relation and communication are on the table. Two
object has the different positions as principles so it’s the way which must be
as if in the binary operation, the texts are open and every situations could be
achievable and accomplished. The first principle is done when the object could
have the order itself. So the kind of viewpoint from the one principle in the
right hand of binary operation which is saying about the belonging the object
to the intended set as if on the left hand, one principle is made in the way that,
all objects must be inputs as if in the poset, it isn’t necessary.
The first principle is permitted to have all objects in the relation itself. So ’tis
the rule for naming the couple of set and relation as poset. The second principle
is about two objects as if the principles are going up in the matter of #, the
number of objects which are used in them, is increased so the first principle is
about one object, the second principle is about the two objects and the third
principle is about the three objects. The second principle is about two relation
when two objects are abelian in the term of relation, the new result is about
being the same object. So if two objects are ready without any information
about being the same objects or different objects, this principle is the criteria.
So if both have relation with each other in the way that, the first and second
place, could be substituted by objects, both are the same. The third principle is
like the circle and the cycle so if three objects have the relations in the way that,
the first object with the second object and second object with third object, have
relations so the new result is that first object with third object, has relation.
The three principles are like conditions and implications so if something is done,

3. Addressed Groupoids With Semigroups

another things happens. The kind of new couple so there’s the couple with the
name groupoid about the set and binary operation on it and there’s the couple
with the name poset about the set and relation on it.
The forms of being on the set when the poset is coming up, is the kind of
notions about the set’s objects so in the case of poset, the structure is only
talking about objects which are in the set. For example, the relation inclusion
in that, two sets are used if they’re comparable in the term of subset. The
set is the subset itself. If the set is the another set’s subset, two sets are the
same. If first set is the subset of second set and the second set is the subset of
third set, so the first set is the subset of third set. So there’s the set of some
subsets alongside the inclusion on it, this is the couple with the name poset.
The kind of order which doesn’t introduce the new object and only is worked
on the objects and say about them as if the another couple introduce the new
object which belongs to the set. So there’s two different couple.
Groupoid And Its Definition #23
The kind of couple could be like poset in the way that, the type of the second
notion is changed. The kind of notion could be like hyper groupoid in the way
that, adding of parallel binary operations are done as if another notion is ring
which is alike in the form of having two binary operations with the slight change
in that, the parallel operations don’t existed and some principles concerning
binary operations and the relation amid binary operations are done. So the
structures of the groupoid could take the detours. Binary operations on the set
of objects, could be like the set of sets when the objects are corresponded to the
set of numbers with the definite index. The kind of groupoids in the matter of
number when the number is talking about the number of objects. The number
of objects and the permutations of the objects. When the set is coming up,
the set has different objects so labeling on the objects are possible as if the
order isn’t the matter of minds. There’s curious question about the structure
which in that, the order is the matter of minds so ordered set is the matter of
minds when different objects have the order or ordered family which the same
objects have order. So the ordered family is the kind of exhibition in that, the
objects are separated by the comma without any relation with the previous
object and upcoming object. So the kind of extension on the previous notion,
could be the collections in that, the objects has order and could be the same so
right now, there’s the notion of ordered family. The kind of exhibition in that,
every object has the relation with previous object and the upcoming object.
The exhibition of the permutation in that the move is done on the numbers so
objects are corresponded to be the numbers.
The kind of exhibition like the ordered pair as if the extension on these concepts
when the separator, comma, is deleted so both extension on the number of
numbers and the way to show. The permutation on the set of numbers so the
exhibition is about the number and move on number to get the next position.
So the kind of n-operation in the the set of numbers are inputs. The output
could be like the separate permutations which in that, the set is become to
be multiple permutations in the term of involving all numbers. So there’s the
detour. The kind of progressive notion, in that, the arrangements of the number
is matter of minds in the terms of being peak or being valley so the number is
said to be peak or valley and the positions of the peaks and valleys introduces
the second set. The set of numbers could make the cycles in every permutation.
So the permutation is the cycle and the geometrical exhibition in the field of

graph theory, is available so assigning the number to the vertices of the graph
in the kind of labeled graphs. The labeled cycles when the vertices aren’t the
same. To capture this difference, the groupoid has no orders, no positions, and
no relations amid the way of writing of the objects in its related set.
The groupoid is the algebraic structure in that, kinds of moves amid objects,
are obtained by binary operation as if in the permutation, the moves on the
objects, are done in the n-operation. To capture this difference, two numbers
are inputs and the another number is output in the topic of groupoid as if
one number is input and one number is output in the topic of permutation.
Changing the order amid numbers in the form of writing, could be the detour
in the hope of deleting the modal verbs to have the fact and certain verb in the
simple present. The kind of using numbers as the names for objects. So there’s
the extension for numbers when the numbers of numbers are increased and in
this case, the analogous digits as the separate numbers could make the order
in the kind of writing for the detour which is originated from the permutation
which is used one number. So there’s the discussion about the types of objects
when the object has the number for using in some detours. The kind of using
order in the poset with exhibition, is the Hasse diagram in that the kind of
order is making the position for object from down to up. So the top object
has the most values like ’tis greater than others and as going to be on the up,
the objects are greater and greater to be in the top of diagram as the up. The
integers are the set in that, the left hand and right hand, has no numbers as
the smallest number and the greatest number. So ’tis the infinitely countable
number is the matter of some characteristics with the binary operation plus
and it could be the equivalence for the study on the infinite set. There’s some
partitions for classes in that the number of elements are represented by the
representative which is named in the symbol of class of remainders with plus
of remainders as binary operation. The number of these classes could be the
integer classes for having good equivalency related to infinite set.
The finite groupoid is the term to refer the finite related set to this structure and
as the analogous to the infinite groupoid is about infinitely related set. Both
sets could have the equivalence structure like the set of classes of remainders
and the set of integers, for the study of some characteristics. The kind of finding
rules for combination amid groupoids like the productions which have two
inputs as entries and after than, the extension of this to n inputs. So there’s the
systematic question. Is the groupoid starter for making the extension up to n?
The answer is yeah and nope. Both is available in the matter of yeah, the hyper
groupoid is the detour and in the matter of nope, the special characteristic
which is made by the specific number which is two and the customized version
of the set in the ground of exemplification and clarifying, could be some avenues.
The ways are started by two and the extension from here up to n and generality
in the viewpoint of the growth in the numbers.
Groupoid And Its Definition #24
The process of making sense about the definition of the groupoid in the study
on its definition. To capture the difference, there’s some detours to make
sense about the borders of this definition with the well-known definition and
deeply-rooted notions. Groupoid is the structure in that, there’s some examples
and some equations alongside some results with adding some attributes. The
number of objects in the twofold partitions of being even and being odd, could
make the customized groupoid. The enumeration of different binary operations,

3. Addressed Groupoids With Semigroups

could make the classifications of binary operations. The number is n square 2.

This number is about counting of inputs so an arbitrary binary operation is
given n square 2 objects as inputs as if the number of outputs could be different.
The kind of extension on the number of objects in the form of even or odd types,
when the objects has no relation, ’tis worthy not to try. The kind of embedded
set when the limit of the binary operation is about it. So the behavior of this
function on the specific version and general version, on this limit of work, is the
detour. The relation amid objects, could make some classes of the groupoids.
The relation could directly be amid objects or the relation could be about the
common origin which produces all objects. The relation amid objects when
they’ve accepted the rule of argument in the binary operation as the inputs
and the outputs with the kinds of patterns, could make some results. The
cyclic groupoid, generated groupoid, and abelian groupoid, are the classes with
the mentioned descriptions. When the relation is amid objects in the term of
their existence, the object could have patterns regarding the binary operation
in the way that with one object, all the sets are produced so the one object
with its copy are the only input for binary operation and the repetition of this
work when the output is the input, makes the new object so the process will be
continued until the first input is reproduced as if in the rule of output. The
set is said to be cyclic set when all objects are the same in the producing all
other objects with the repeated uses of binary operation. The cyclic groupoid
is abelian groupoid because there’s only one object as origin and resource.
The kind of producing all objects with more than one object, leads to the notion
of generated set when there’s two cases, separately producing the objects by
some objects in the optimal embedded set with using the repetition of binary
operation or the kind of using the objects in the form of previous case plus using
the binary operation on the combinations of them. So the kind of acting the
binary operation on the object and its copy plus the acting on binary operation
on the previous output as the new input to act on the different objects. So
the kind of acting systematically on the couple of same objects and after that,
acting on the results. The optimal set has some objects so the kind of using the
same objects as the binary operation’s inputs and the results of all these objects
could go to the upper stage to be the arguments of the binary operation in the
second stage and all results in the first stage and second stage will produce
all set’s objects so the kind of closed set is made by binary operation in the
customized version for generated groupoid.
Communications amid objects are only possible by binary operation so there’s
objects and its relation with objects else. So there’s the kinds of producing the
customized groupoids and their connection. The kind of connection is butterfly’s
result in that, the kind of finding equivalency in the direction and vice versa are
on demand in the type of production. The ways of making sensible connections
to capture this difference, could be used. The notions of closed set, could be
used for closing something in the framework of other structure. The equivalency
of some notions in the term of being closed set which set is about having the
common attributes so the binary operation makes sense when the set has the
attribute of producing by the binary operation so being well-defined definition
could be well-defined set. The effort and endeavor for finding and introducing,
the attributes for the set, could make the notion of groupoid, matroid, graph
and etcetera. The other vision, the closed set is done for the communication
amid two objects so the kind of closed set could be available in the kind of more

than two objects in the term of associating amid triple of objects which is the
new structure with the exact extension of the groupoid.
Finding the finite set in that the notion of closed set, is done, is leading to the
tour which is named permutation. The permutations of objects so the kind of
making set in the second way in that, a given set is ready so the unary operation,
permutation, gives the set as inputs and it produces another set which includes
the all permutations of the set’s objects and this function with the common
binary operation amid function, make the groupoid. Another unary operation
is the power set, in the the set is input and the all subsets of the set alongside
the relation makes the poset. The kind of embedded permutation is good idea
to focus on it for extracting interesting ideas. The permutation of objects could
show the customized exhibition of the function. The kind of rearrangement
amid objects with the basis of having cycle so when the cycle is happened,
there’s time to make another cycle with other objects when the length of cycle
isn’t the matter of minds. The kind of cycle could be related to the graph
theory so there’s second exhibition in the terms of graph. Both geometrical
figures make some attributes. For example, the algebraic figure could introduce
the peak of number when the comparison amid numbers in the previous and
upcoming number, is showing greater number amid the previous number and
upcoming number or in the geometrical figure, cycle behaves differently.
Groupoid And Its Definition #25
The types of notion have passed on the minds when the rotations on the detours,
makes them hard. Groupoid is the notion which has the definitive definition
about its attribute. The kind of viewpoint on this concept, is available so in
the matter of set, ’tis the set when the objects has no order and the objects
aren’t the same as if the term membership must be obvious so the kind of
binary operation is defined on this set. This binary operation gives necessarily
transparency to the definition of the set. So when two given set’s objects are
inputs, the set’s object is outcome so by using this condition, if the object
doesn’t belong to set as set’s object, then either of the objects on the input,
doesn’t belong to the set. So the status of membership is obvious so the set is
well-defined. This viewpoint, is set-orientated. Another vision for this concept is
about the algebraic structure in the way that, the set and the binary operation
are used. So because of using, the set has to be well-defined which means the
obvious state for the membership of objects, is hold. The binary operation is
used so the definition of function should be satisfied. So if two objects are the
same as inputs, the object which is corresponded to them, is the same as outputs.
The structure implies actions amid objects so the kind of binary operation is
on demand. The kind of triple objects could be used by this binary operation.
So the kind of attributes, is associative which could be good extension for the
groupoid in the tour to be the group.
Groupoid is the term when ’tis used some conditions are coming up. The binary
operation, the set of objects and the notion of closed set so ’tis the word to
have some attributes. Adding groupoid to graph, when two given set’s objects
in the binary operation makes set’s object, the edge amid objects, is existed. So
the objects and the edges form the groupoid so there’s the groupoid in the from
of embedded graph. The graph could be the extension of the notion which is
closed set. So in the special graph, there’s too many objects which don’t belong
to groupoid’s set so if two objects in the binary operation, make the set’s object,
then two given objects belongs to the groupoid’s set. To have precise words,

3. Addressed Groupoids With Semigroups

there’s some flaws because two given objects in the one action, makes the set’s
object as if they could be in another couple, don’t make the set’s object. To find
groupoid’s set, there’s the solution in which when the given object in all process
of being coupling makes the set’s object, ’tis called for set’s object. The process
of finding the groupoid when the binary operation has the obvious structure as
if the objects of the groupoid’s set, are unknown. To take the detour, there’s
some notion to use the concept of groupoid and after that, naming this concept
which is originated from groupoid like when there’s no compulsory to make the
set’s object in all process of coupling under the action of groupoid. Another
notion, when the object introduce the set’s object with half of its coupling. So
there’s the question in that, how to understand the set’s object. There’s the
complicated situation in this exchange amid graphs and groupoid.
Take the new atmosphere, finding the groupoid in the structure of a definition
for matroid. When notion of closed set, is about the membership to the I.
Losing and adding make the new element for I so I is the set in this modeling
to be how? The formation of objects when the order isn’t the matter of minds.
To capture this difference, binary operation is using the notion of relation so
there’s the couple of objects when the objects are the members of the set. The
process of coupling amid set and binary operation as if they’re irresponsible so
the ball is sent to the couple of objects as if the couple of objects are sent to
the the couple of arguments corresponded to the binary operation as if binary
operation sends the coupling to the flower which is the gift for the set to end
the coupling like the coupling is settled down in the planet of groupoid. Finite
set of numbers, opens the way to introduce the kind of cycle amid words as if
this cycle isn’t impact of binary operation as if ’tis impact of arrangement of
objects. Two words of cycle and permutation are the kind of move from one
place to place where is the starting object so the matter of the structure of
objects regarding the binary operation, makes the common word cycle as if
the arrangement of objects in the corresponding case in that, objects are given
the labels from the numbers, introduces the word permutation. Permutations
of numbers could give the notion of closed set. Permutation is the kind of
unary operation in that, the rule is written by the objects which are numbers.
The kind of cycle amid numbers, makes the couple amid function and their
combinations. Cycle is the couple amid the generating object and its power
when it makes the back.
Groupoid could be the couple of two words closed set. The kind of set when
the operation is acted on them, there’s no way to out. Great! the kind of
function closes the set. In the different vision, when there’s the groupoid, if two
objects are said to be set’s objects, then the combination of them, has to be
set’s object. So when there’s the groupoid, this event is up. This is the reverse
type of considering the definition. ’tis worthy to investigate the definition in
both sides like the direct ways and vice versa and like the vision of butterfly.
So there’s another detour to go forward and go back amid notions when the
result is only on demand. ’tis great with groupoid!
Semigroup And Its Beyond #1
Moving on the notions to be group, the kind of extension amid words to delete
the suffix and the prefix. Semigroup is the atmosphere in that, the groupoid
adds one restriction on the binary operation like the concept of closed set, is
rolling into deep and it goes to be closer and closer when the closed set is
going up. The kind of coupling amid two given set"s objects, introduces set’s

object. Now, going one step up, the kind of triple amid three given set’s objects,
introduces two coupling with the same answers, coupling of objects with stating
at the left hand, and after that, the result’s object makes the coupling with the
only object in the right hand and vice versa. So there’s two objects in the action
of triple in the left hand and in the right hand, if the object in both hands, is
the same, the atmosphere is said to be semigroup. The word groupoid implies
that, every coupling has the set’s object as the result. Integers and minus as
the couple/planet/atmosphere which are groupoid as if they aren’t semigroup.
Integers and plus are both semigroup and groupoid. ’tis obvious that semigroup
is the extension of groupoid. Semigroup opens the way for having multiple
connections because the consecutive objects can change their coupling and their
parenthesis without any changes in the result’s object. The notions of picking
the detours, or the kind of opening the lines when the connections open up. The
kind of changing the action of binary operation on the three objects, implies
for # objects because the function is binary and only acts on the couple so this
narrow way opens up to have the arbitrary # of objects in the process of binary
operation. So the kind of connections amid objects are possible, too.
Associative property is the kind of permission to have two coupling with the
tool of binary operation which is used twice, in both left hand and right hand.
This property is impossible if the atmosphere isn’t groupoid. The kind of using
coupling implies the notion of closed set which is done in the lights of the binary
operation which is the kind of one coupling on the set’s object. In left hand,
the binary operation guarantees that the object is set’s object. In the right
hand, the process of having coupling twice, implies that the output’s object is
set’s object in # of using binary operation. The kind of induction is possible in
extended couple of grouped. So the permission for having the kind of increasing
# of binary operation then kind of induction-style-for-use binary operation is
up. The extended binary operation in the atmosphere of semigroup. Semigroup
is the extended/organic version of groupoid. Classification for referring to
intended atmosphere when there’s necessary and sufficient needs are obvious.
The class of semigroup facilitates the priority and preference which are made by
parenthesis, so ’tis deleted or ineffective in this atmosphere. In the simple vision,
all parentheses are neutral, unnecessary, useless and ineffective. The kind of
pause is deleted so moving could be fast. The kind of choice is optional as if
the coupling could be done with one condition which is about the object and
its forward/backward object. The kind of arrival is changed to be in the kind
of position so time is deleted and move could be fast as its consequences. The
kind of left hand and right hand introduce one object in the word of equivalency
which is made two adjectives left and right regarding the position of objects in
its backward and its forward. The symbol makes two different approaches as if
with same results.
There’s two detours about the associative property and the notion of semigroups
as its generality. To capture first example, the couple integers and minus, has
no associative property so the couple isn’t semigroup as if ’tis groupoid. To
move second example, the couple integers and division, has the associative
property as if the couple isn’t semigroup because of the reason which says about
the notion doesn’t hold, the notion of being closed set and as the result, the
notion of being groupoid; the couple of integers and plus is semigroup so ’tis
groupoid. Having the associative property in the couple groupoid, makes the
new/extended which is named semigroup. So for obtaining counterexample, the

3. Addressed Groupoids With Semigroups

lack of having associative [in the direct way or its consequences] property is
enough for groupoid in the matter of not being semigroup. So this tool has two
uses, first is about obtaining example, couple, embedded couple and the mixed
notions; second is about obtaining counterexample, not-couple, not-embedded
couple, and not-mixed notions in the matte of reverse using like reverse reading
from right to left and direct reading from left to right. Associative property is
like styles of the game chess in the matter of # players when the game has two
players or the game has too many like ’tis the tournament and in every stage,
two players play and the winner makes the new couple for playing the game in
this situation, it doesn’t matter the ways of coupling so the tournament of the
game chess with at least more than two players, is the semigroup and the game
chess with two players, is groupoid as if its identity about being semigroup is
The term semigroup, is the level of the term achievement and accomplishment
when the order of connections are deleted so there’s the open way to get the
intended result when the branches and leaves from all trees which are menace,
threat, disturbing and distraction, are deleted so moving forward is done in the
forest when the move on has already done. The notion with the goal and the
style of goal in the open ways to get it like the game with rules and the winner
is on demand. When the merit, eligibility, qualifies, and positions are deleted
when they had unknown identity in the notion groupoid so there was the open
way to make the extension for groupoid in the new notion which is named the
semigroup, too.
Semigroup And Its Beyond #2
B : O × O → O is the all words about the groupoid When the binary operation
with the name B is existed, the atmosphere is said to be groupoid. Even more if
there’s ∀x, y, z ∈ S : x(yz) = (xy)z, atmosphere is said to be semigroup with the
new name for set which is S. The process of extension amid the atmosphere which
is the couple including a set and a binary operation alongside the relation amid
them. The kind of growth amid the words, groupoid, semigroup, quasigroup,
and group and the style of changing name for the set, amid letters, O, S, Q and
G. This chapter is about the semigroup and the set S.
The kind of playing with symbol and its principles so there’s need to have kind
of objects which have specific attributes. The cyclic object or nilpotent object
is now on.
So if triple x, y, z ∈ S has the style of cyclic object with same single root, then
there’s the customized powers n1 , n2 , n3 and the root s ∈ S such that

sn1 = x, sn2 = y, sn3 = z.

(xy)z = (sn1 sn2 )sn3 =
(sn1 +n2 )sn3 = s(n1 +n2 )+n3 = sn1 +(n2 +n3 ) = sn1 s(n2 +n3 ) = sn1 (sn2 sn3 ) = x(yz).
So the cyclic set is semigroup with any given binary operation in the way that,
the existence of binary operation is the matter of mind. This example is about
the special set which has the power to make the semigroup with any given
binary operation.
-So there’s the complement question in that, is there the binary operation with
the power in which all given sets with it construct the semigroup’

-With analogous to it, there’s the follow-up questions, is there some sets which
have no mentioned power’
Or the analogous notion with changing the word set with binary operation:
-Is there some binary operations which have no mentioned power in the terms
of classifications or examples’
The abelian set are too close to the notion of semigroup as if they’re too close
and that’s it in the appearance. All cyclic set are abelian set as if the reverse
doesn’t hold so this detour is also over. So there’s no connections amid abelian
set and semigroup as if there’s some connections amid cyclic set and semigroup
in the way that, any of given cyclic set is semigroup and the reverse doesn’t hold.
In other words, the notion of cyclic set is embedded into the notion of abelian
set as if the notion of cyclic set is embedded into the notion of semigroup. In
the term of inclusion, abelian set and semigroup have the inclusion of cyclic set.
In the term of set and subset, the cyclic notion is the subset of both abelian
notion and semigroup notion.
The neutral set is the set of objects which in that, the objects are ineffective
in the process of coupling. To get it precisely, if n is the neutral object, then
∀s ∈ S, ns = sn = s so n is relatively abelian with any object. Another result
immediately implies from this attribute which is about the number of these
objects. The set of neutral objects N are singleton. In other words, there’s
only one neutral object n because if there’s two neutral objects n1 , n2 ∈ N
and n1 6= n2 , then, n1 = n1 n2 = n2 → n1 = n2 which is contradiction so the
supposition is false and all indices delete and there’s only one object belongs the
N which is named n. So the set of neutral numbers N, which is also singleton,
is semigroup with any given binary operation.
The set of nilpotent objects includes some objects which in that, there’s the
power in that, the objects became the neutral object if the neutral object is
existed. So the possibilities of this definition relies on the existence of neutral
object which if so, there’s one neutral object. The kind of analogous is available
amid nilpotent object and cycled object, they’ve the specific power as if the
difference is when the impact of power is different. In the first case, the power
makes the object be neutral as if in the second case, the power makes the
object be itself. To get it precise, latextP is the set of nilpotent objects so
there’s the neutral object n which in that, ∀p ∈ P, there’s the natural number
a such that pa = n. There’s an idea in that, the choosing the power could
construct the new object and in the natural extension, the new set. Because
the power in the cyclic object is the principle in that, the impact is the matter
of mind so the number in that, choosing it, makes the object itself. In the
nilpotent object, the power is the matter of mind which makes the object to be
neutral number. So the concept of power which is about the number of binary
operation on the one object, is introduced the name power for an arbitrary
object. There’s some detours, introducing the impacts of power, the number of
power, change the style of power and the mixed process about them. The word
abelian object a is the object in that, ∀s ∈ S : as = sa so there’s the detour
with the concept which is relatively abelian in the way of making the set, the
set of abelian objects A are proposed. If a ∈ A, then there’s s ∈ S : as = sa.
So there’s two detours, the abelian object and relatively abelian object with
its natural extension about set when they’re embedded set in the semigroup.
The adjective embedded could be deleted when all objects are abelian as if the
term of embedded, couldn’t be deleted or extended when the embedded set is

3. Addressed Groupoids With Semigroups

relatively abelian set. Because for having the notion relatively abelian, there’s
the need for another set. So this notion is the matter of mind when two sets
are embedded in the set. Finding and seeing the notion of embedded semigroup
could be another detour. Nilpotent object is the object which the power makes
objects and at the end, the neutral number. So if n is the corresponded to the
power, then the power n − 1 is the object which in the binary operation with
itself as coupling, makes the neutral object or the combination of object related
to the power n with any object, makes the second mentioned object.
The kind of equation could be about the square of the object. Consider the
object which power of two, makes object itself. To get it precisely, e ∈ S : e2 = e.
So the binary operation of the object with itself, makes itself and in the matter of
production, it doesn’t make the new object. Go to the extension, The embedded
set E is the set in that, all objects makes the themselves when the power of two is
done. So there’s the detour in that the concept of abelian object and this notion,
make sense in the matter of inclusion. e1 , e2 ∈ E : (e1 e2 )2 = e1 e2 implies that
the combination of two members of E, makes the member [not necessarily new]
of E. If so, E is also the abelian set. In other words, if E is closed under the
given arbitrary binary operation, then this E set is also abelian set. To give the
reason, E is closed so in the indirect proof, there’s worthy to make sense by the
native core of this set as equation, ∀e1 , e2 ∈ E : (e1 e2 )2 = (e1 e2 )(e1 e2 ) = e1 e2
so the concept of relative neutral is coming up and this equation is the rule for
having the iteration of two.
Semigroup And Its Beyond #3
Groupoid is the algebraic structure in that, equations xa = b, ay = b have the
unique answer which is x, y where a, b are groupoid’s object. Groupoid’s object
is the convenient way for the precise use of the term object for the groupoid’s set.
It’s a reminder to bring that groupoid has groupoid’s set and groupoid’s function
when sometimes, ’tis given that groupoid is renamed CLOSED FUNCTION. So
ab is the groupoid’s object, when the groupoid’s something is about its attributes
which are ready in that structure where the corresponding and assigning stuff is
coming up as the generality so object which is the acceptable in the atmosphere
of groupoid is the matter of mind. There’s the common way in that when the
attribute from notion out of context, is the matter of mind, then the process of
stating exact attributes with references for details or telling the corresponding
references when the needs are felt. The common use of groupoid’s function is
about taking two groupoid’s objects and giving one groupoid’s object as if in
the left hand, ’tis possible to have two cases for the detours. So a, b is the
groupoid’s object in the way that, a belongs to left hand and a belongs to right
hand so there’ the new situation in that, two objects don’t belong to the left
hand and the case of choosing two elements on the right, is impossible so there’s
only one option in that, one object is gotten from left and one object is gotten
from right. There’s two options for getting one object out of two objects. So
the complement partner of taking and giving objects are when the one object
from left hand in the first/second place is coupled with one object from the
right hand. There’s two cases for making the connections as if in this case,
output is desired on the left hand in the terms of first/second place. To capture
precise symbols, equations xa = b, ay = b have the unique answer which is x, y
where a, b are give and they’re renamed groupoid’s object. So this is new rule
for the groupoid’s function.
Back to the semigroup, the equation p and its impact on the semigroup.

Consider, x, y is two semigroup’s objects in the given way of obtaining objects.
So by putting them in the equation, (xy)2 = (xy)(xy) = xy implies that xy is
neutral when xy is the combination of x, y under the semigroup’s function. So
the output is the neutral object with the formula xy for its inputs. In other
words, the equation p2 = p holds, then p is natural object and for getting the
precise notion if p could rewrite by two semigroup’s objects and p satisfies in
the intended equation, then p is neutral object in the word of semigroup and
To use semigroup’s attribute, moving the parenthesis and its result is the matter
of minds. Let x, y be set’s two given objects. By implementing the equation p on
them, there’s (xy)2 = (xy)(xy) = xy. Until now, there’s no use from the jargon
of semigroup as if there’s the use of set and object which implies x = 6 y". To
capture semigroup’s notion, latex (xy)2 = (xy)(xy) = x(yx)y = xy. If x,y are
relatively abelian at least with each other, then xy = yx so by substituting this
attribute in the equation, using the semigroup’s exclusive attribute and using
the concept of power, (xy)2 = (xy)(xy) = x(yx)y = x(xy)y = (xx)(yy) = x2 y 2 .
-In the semigroup, if semigroup’s two given objects x, y are relatively abelian at
least with each other, then the equation p2 = p is turned out (xy)2 = x2 y 2 .
-In the semigroup, if semigroup’s two given objects x, y are relatively abelian at
least with each other and the equation p2 = p holds, then the equation p2 = p is
turned out (xy)2 = x2 y 2 = xy. This sentence has obvious result because if the
equation p2 = p holds, then by keeping in mind groupoid’s attribute in the term
of closed function, semigroup’s two given objects x, y make the semigroup’s
given object xy so by holding the equation p2 = p for any semigroup’s given
object p, (xy)2 = xy without using semigroup’s attribute as if using groupoid’s
attribute about the CLOSED FUNCTION. CLOSED FUNCTION is the new
name for groupoid as if GROUPOID isn’t renamed by CLOSED FUNCTION.
To find the notion, in that, changing the parenthesis is the matter of minds or
going back and constructing the structure which relies on it or having the its
foundation which facilitates to rename semigroup or getting some consequences
about it. Suppose there’s the abelian groupoid, so what’s taking the order
in the parenthesis when the preferences are made by parenthesis’ The kind
of deletion of orders in groupoid’s function when the sequences of actions are
going to do by groupoid’s function. The kinds of ordinal numbers on the inputs,
are going to delete. The close notion to this, is the abelian groupoid in that,
groupoid’s two given objects could exchange their places in the way that, first
place and second place aren’t the matter of minds. To get it precisely, let
x, y be the abelian groupoid’s two given objects so xy = yx The kind of order
amid elements are deleted so the output is the same in different order amid
elements as if in the semigroup, the order could be available so there’s the type
of semigroup which is renamed ABELIAN SEMIGROUP. When there’s some
objects, the input implies two of them, so the kind of ways, is possible. Some
objects in the formations go to the input so the options of choosing them, aren’t
matter of minds in the semigroup so the kind of symbol for arrangement of
them, makes sense. In other words, when the number of objects goes up to three
so two objects gets another object, there’s two cases, the different formations of
objects, get different outputs so in this case, the atmosphere is groupoid and
isn’t semigroup. In the second case, different formations of objects, get one
output so in this case, there’s semigroup so there’s also groupoid. The kind of
formation is the reminder for the PERMUTATION in the matter of jargons.

3. Addressed Groupoids With Semigroups

’ A SEMIGROUP of groupoid if Any permutation of the groupoid’s object,

makes the same object under the groupoid’s function.
-A semigroup is the groupoid in that, ∀x, y, z belongs to groupoid, (xy)z = x(yz).
when the xy is groupoid’s object under the groupoid’s function on the two
groupoid’s objects x, y where , is the separator for the groupoid’s object when
they’re renamed to function’s inputs with the order in that, x is the first object
in the function’s couple as input and y is the second object in the function’s
couple as input.
Semigroup And Its Beyond #4
Semigroup is the kind of atmosphere in that, there’s four possibilities in the
matter of connections with another notions as if two out of four, are cases so
the couple
-is groupoid and isn’t semigroup. This case occurs when the characteristic
which is different with the characteristic of groupoid, is up. The speciality of
semigroup is the ability of changing parenthesis without impacts on the final
result. So finding notions and examples which satisfy in the sentence. The
couple of integers and the binary operation minus is one example. In other words,
integers are closed under minus as if preferences are up in the couple so it isn’t
semigroup. To get the example, there’s 2, 5, 6 so (2−5)−6 = −9 6= 3 = 2−(5−6)
which illustrates counterexample for the case which the couple is groupoid as if
the couple isn’t semigroup.
-is semigroup. Nonnegative integers and the binary operation plus, could give
the example for the existence the case in the that, the statement has the pause
to get proof or be the open problem/conjecture/guess in the way that, only
finding the proof is the matter of minds. Nonnegative integers are closed under
plus. So this statement, shows that there’s the groupoid in the case which
is semigroup. Semigroup is closed under its binary operation so semigroup
is groupoid. Groupoid has no rule about the parenthesis and preference so
groupoid isn’t semigroup forever. The proof could make the example, truth
forever. So ∀x, y, z belongs to nonnegative integers, there’s x > 0, y > 0, z > 0
so x + y > 0 which proves nonnegative integers are closed under plus so the
atmosphere, nonnegative integers and plus, is groupoid in the independently
proof for it because semigroup is groupoid when the semigroup is the extension
of groupoid in the direct way where the first word in the first sentence is about
the supposition about being groupoid.
The study on some attributes which belong to semigroup and they don’t belong
to groupoid. The couple of nonnegative integers and minus is the example as
the the existence of this case, is proved. In the other word, there’s the example
which demonstrates nonnegative integers aren’t closed under minus and they
don’t have associative property. In general, when the statement is up, the
counterexample is needed to state, it doesn’t hold as if when the statement is
up, the proof is needed to state, it holds and the examples could close the way
which is about denying it and the examples could be considered as the proof
for existence of this statement in the way that, ’tis the matter of minds for
statement to have the kind of pause for getting the proof for statement which
is more than the proof for its existence. This case is favorite in the kind of
obtaining some attributes which behave differently when the extended notion
gives its existence up. The kind of extension which have some specific attributes
in which, there are some detours in the way that, the notion of being closed and
the notion of associative property are coming up. So there’s four possibilities

which are also four cases.
-Both are up. The process could be in the matter of giving some examples
and some results, some extended definitions and the mixed formation of them.
The atmosphere nonnegative integers and plus in the words which are the
closed nonnegative integers under plus. Proof in the generality, is EXISTED
PROOF and proof by example, is EXISTING PROOF where -ing form is the
subjective adjective and -ed form is the objective adjective. Come up with
proof, the couple of nonnegative integers and plus, is EXISTING PROOF. The
couple nonnegative integers and production, is EXISTING PROOF. To take
the detour, plus is the kind of symbol for positive and production/times is
the rotation of it. The notion of semigroup is the kind of EXISTED PROOF.
The necessary condition for having associative property, isn’t about having
the closed property. EXISTING PROOF is the couple of nonnegative integers
and minus so there’s neither associative property nor closed property because
2-5=-3 and -3 doesn’t belong to nonnegative integers so the closed property
doesn’t hold. 2 − (5 − 6) = 3 6= −9 = (2 − 5) − 6 is the EXISTING PROOF
for lack of associative property. EXITED PROOF uses for all cases in that
the situation at least in some avenues, is clear. When the greater number is
the upcoming number, the closed property doesn’t hold so this could be the
EXISTED PROOF in the matter of result regarding its level where the matter
of complexity of proof and other parameters are coming up. When the greater
number is obtained from the upcoming parenthesis, the associative property
doesn’t hold. Otherwise, both of closed property and associative property hold
in the case of nonnegative integers and minus. Are these all possibilities when
the both of them hold’ The kind of result could be like necessary condition,
sufficient condition and equivalent condition.
-Associative property holds as if closed property doesn’t hold. As the extension to
this statement, are there some collections which in that, all their members have
the associative property and don’t have closed property’ some collections, some
conditions, some equivalencies, some classifications and some characteristics
could be good words to be replaced in the question. Nonnegative integers and
minus, are coming up so some members are on demand, for satisfying in that
statement. The gist of statement is about being member and having same
result. The associative property is about how to have same results when the
order/parenthesis doesn’t matter of minds. The closed property is about how
to have the kind of result which the membership of result, is clear. So if there’s
the set in that, all couple of objects has no closed property as if all triple of
objects has associative property. This situation is impossible when the number
of nonnegative integers passes the one because the order amid numbers, could
make set relatively closed and not relatively closed.
-The focus on finding the couple which isn’t closed twice. So two numbers are
greater than the third number which is upcoming and two numbers are in the
back of it. {2 < 5 < 6} is the ordered set in that, the comma , is changed to be
the greater relation < . So 2 − (5 − 6) = 3 > 0 and (2 − 5) − 6 = −9 < 0 so
the discussion goes to the triple members for having same styles so the topic
is about the triple of nonnegative integers which the question is about having
and/or lack of the associative and/or closed property. In that example, neither
associative property holds not closed property holds. So the tool of selecting two
couples which are closed twice was the good idea to have EXISTING PROOF
for having the closed property on the left hand and lack of closed property on

3. Addressed Groupoids With Semigroups

the right hand. The situation has no associative property because the result is
different so there’s the new result in that if either of right hand or left hand,
has the different type in the term of closed property, the associative property
doesn’t hold so there’s the EXISTING PROOF. To capture this details, two
cases in which, the left (right) hand, doesn’t have closed property and and
the right (left) hand have the closed property, makes the situation in that,
associative property doesn’t hold. To get EXISTED PROOF, closed property
is being nonnegative so if two numbers has different style in the term of being
nonnegative, means one number is negative and another number is positive,
then two numbers are obviously different. So there’s the situation in that both
sides are closed or neither of them, is closed. The first case leads to notion of
groupoid. Another case which is about the negative numbers in the reverse
choose of numbers.
The approach is having decreasing property amid number once so there’s notion
VALE NUMBER. 6 − (2 − 5) = 9 > 0& − 1 = (6 − 2) − 5 = −1 < 0 so the
left hand has closed property as if the right hand doesn’t have closed property.
6 − (5 − 2) = 3 > 0& − 1 = (6 − 5) − 2 = −1 < 0.
There’s something in the kind of missing the amount of how big is the matter
of minds when the minus makes the number smaller and smaller so the big
amount of numbers are on demand to makes some cases held.
Semigroup And Its Beyond #5
Finding special sets in that, making the detours, is available. Let N denotes
the nonnegative integers. So there’s the endless set which is started with zero.
Another characteristic for this set, is about its potential abilities for getting
orders. In other words, set could have orders because the increasing property
is the property which the set holds as if the decreasing property is held in
this set before arriving to number zero. This set with the relation greater,
is totally ordered set which means any of couple which is chosen from this
set, could be comparable so there’s infrastructure for having the impacts of
ordered set which its extension is set. Two exhibitions are available for this
set, {0, 1, 2, · · · , n}&{0 < 1 < 2 < · · · < n}. The second set could introduce
the notion of having the number to be up or down. So there’s the detour to
introduce the specific subset for this set in the form of its second exhibition
because every of this subset, could be open to have the unordered numbers so it
destroys the order in the set. So the kind of subset is the matter of the intended
set, which it preserves the structure of intended set. This discussion goes to
introduce the new subset in the term of notation. Denote [n] = {1, 2, · · · , n}.
This subset doesn’t have the number zero as if the property of being endless,
doesn’t exist. The kind of totally ordered set is heir. So there’s the open way
to define number and its natural extension which is set. There’s a need to have
legal formation about order so there’s open way to have another notion and
its notation. The notion PERMUTATION of [n] is π = (π1 π2 · · · πn ) in that,
πi ∈ [n], ∀i ∈ [n]&π0 = πn+1 = ∞. So the comma , is deleted and the order is
replaced by having the number together like numbers are member and digits for
the greater number which is named permutation. The notion of permutation
has the exhibition in that, all numbers are shown like the digits of the number
so as ’tis well-known, digits have the special position which makes different
worthy for every positions. There’s the serious analogous in notion and its
basis amid permutation and numbers as if the difference is about having two

parenthesis at first and at end.
So there’s the ordered set. There’s some new names for the second number so
-DESCENT NUMBER if πi−1 < πi and
-PEAK NUMBER if πi−1 < πi < πi+1
PEAK NUMBER is DESCENT NUMBER and the reverse result rely on the
relation with upcoming number.
-introduces PINNACLE NUMBER as its position if ’tis PEAK NUMBER.
The two extensions of this notion as follows.
PEAK SET is P k(π) = {πi : π = π1 π2 · · · πn &πi−1 < πi < πi+1 }.
PINNACLE SET is P in(π) = {i : π = π1 π2 · · · πn &πi−1 < πi < πi+1 }.
-ASCENT NUMBER if πi−1 > πi and
-VALLEY NUMBER if πi−1 > πi < πi+1
VALLEY NUMBER is ASCENT NUMBER and the reverse result rely on the
relation with upcoming number.
-introduces VALE NUMBER as its position if ’tis VALLEY NUMBER.
The two extensions of this notion as follows.
-VALLEY SET is V y(π) = {πi : π = π1 π2 · · · πn &πi−1 > πi < πi+1 }. The
notion uses the first letter and the end letter.
-VALE SET is V ale(π) = {i : π = π1 π2 · · · πn &πi−1 > πi < πi+1 }.
Back to the tour, there are new notions. The notion of set, goes to be in
the kind of enumerating problem. PEAK SET is the ordered set in the form
of unordered set so there’s the professional style for nonnegative integers so
this notion is coming up because the infrastructure of this set, implies taking
numbers without repetition as if they’ve orders. These statements are Okay
for four new sets, PEAK SET, PINNACLE SET, VALLEY SET and VALE
SET. If some operation amid numbers out of order is found, they could be
groupoid. To capture the difference, Order takes two numbers as its input as
if the output isn’t number so this is the difference amid order and operation
because operation takes two numbers as its input as if the output is the number.
The kind of output is up, the first case gives only the comparison so it could
be the operation when the relation is greater. So every relation is the kind
of operation in that the output is only chosen form one number which comes
with the operation greater, makes four groupoids. Because when the output
from two numbers as input, is chosen so output is either first number or second
number which implies the set is closed under this operation greater. So greater
is made the totally order set when these four set with the relation greater,
make it as if greater is made groupoid when these four set with the binary
operation greater, make it. To sum both up, (O, <) with three principles, is
totally ordered set and <: O × O → O makes O to be closed and the couple
is groupoid. The structure of relation greater in its principle with the number
three, implies transitive principle which has the same concept with associate
property is the notion of groupoid. So these four sets with their couple, make
the semigroup. If there are three numbers, then the comparison doesn’t care
about the order and parentheses because ’tis totally ordered set is about its
There are four detours. They give us, four semigroups. They may make the
strong relation amid problems in both structures. The sketch (scheme) of those
set in the triple class like the three objects in semigroup, could be like π = π1 1π2

3. Addressed Groupoids With Semigroups

when every position has the candidate. π0 = πn+1 = ∞ so π1 &π2 are over in the
notion of PEAK NUMBER because previous number or upcoming number is
greater then them. So one number couldn’t be PEAK NUMBER and couple of
number couldn’t be PEAK NUMBER so there’s only case which is about triple
of numbers as the existence of all cases at least. So one could have potential
abilities to be PEAK NUMBER. The matter of selection of one, is because of
taking the generality. One is minimum number so there’s no number before it.
This implies that this triple has no PEAK NUMBER so P k(π = π1 1π2 ) = ∅.
So there’s the obvious example for semigroup and as its consequence, groupoid.
The PEAK SET of π = π1 1π2 is SEMIGROUP and ’tis obvious SEMIGROUP.
’tis empty set.


Semigroup And Its Beyond

Outlook on its
Stretched Semigroup And Its Beyond #6
outlines of Group action! The construction of set to obtain new semigroup as if focus
notions, Finding is on the binary operation as the second part of this couple. The kind of
notions, procedure in that, two semigroups have the relation. Group action is the
Addressed kind of homomorphism from a group to its permutation group. Take to the
approaches in semigroup, Semigroup action is the kind of homomorphism from a semigroup
to its permutation semigroup. So every semigroup’s member is corresponded
to the semigroup’s permutation. There’s the choice to choose one out of two.
The kind of using two possessive conjunction, the first is two letter word, of,
and the second has one letter and one symbol, ’s, like two words, it’s and ’tis.
There’s some sets excerpt from permutation semigroup like peak set, pinnacle
set, valley set and vale set. There’re some sub semigroups in that, they’ve
supposed to be another semigroups so there’s detour. The follow-up question
is going up. The sub operation from the fixed semigroup. So at least, there’s
three notions to be fixed and others are considered to be changeable. Fix the
semigroup so there’s notion to change in the way of sub and generate in the
term of sub. Sub semigroup, sub set and sub operation. Or their extensions
about how it could be large.
The associative property holds in the permutation semigroup. So the kind of
enumerative function which has the style of unary operation with the image
N. Word, number, is changed to be in the kind of function so every object has
corresponded to a numbers. Enumerative notion is the kind of being countable
and the kind of being finite or infinite. To capture the difference, the interval is
uncountable and infinite. So its numbers are continuous and aren’t discrete as
if this set is ordered as if there’s too many numbers amid two given numbers
then upcoming number and previous number only make sense in the way that,
the term closest number doesn’t make sense. The kind of professional set in
the kind of excerpt from the notion of set then set has two excerpt which is the
discrete ordered set and continuous ordered set where the set is the collection of
objects with obvious membership in the term of rules and other characteristics
and there’s nothing else. The set interval is closed by two numbers from left
and right as if the word, closed, is used for the closed communication which is
the extension of closed set which its members are closed as the consequences of
closed communications by using the specific function which is binary operation
on the intended set. The CLOSED SET is the name for groupoid as if adding

4. Semigroup And Its Beyond

the detour, the PERMUTATION GROUP is the kind of set on the specific
styles of NONNEGATIVE INTEGERS which with induction on it, could make
the NONNEGATIVE INTEGERS. The induction of this specific set is the tool
to bring some notion on NONNEGATIVE INTEGERS like satisfying this set on
the mentioned property. To take the tip, the ind of using word could be exact
when there’s need to the attribute sub-something, like applying on set, using
subset, when ’tis independent, using set, when ’tis up, using super set. Super
could use as prefix instead of the words, general and extension. So NONNEG-
ATIVE INTEGERS is the super set for the notion of set [n] = {1, 2, · · · , n} as
if this set is the super set when the rules π0 = πn+1 = ∞ are coming up the
reason for making sense about the notion of PERMUTATION SEMIGROUP.
The kind of semigroup is coming up so as expectation, the complexity is
something about. The kind of partitions for the super set N with the name
NONNEGATIVE INTEGERS, even # and odd # when the uses of # translate
to the words "number" and "number of". The couple of even # with plus is
semigroup and the couple of odd # with plus is semigroup as if the minus
isn’t made sense by semigroup so for these sets, semigroup doesn’t make sense
when the membership of minus is obvious. There’s the analogous discussion
about production and division. So for these sets, semigroup makes sense with
production and don’t make sense with division, too.
Take detour of permutation, permutation is the couple of set and its binary
operation. Permutation has the specific literature so it could be seen as the
permutation π = π1 π2 · · · πm of [n] where the π0 = πn+1 = ∞. The kind of
position and the kind of number could be seen as fixed numbers. So the kind
of super permutation could be like the permutation in that, some positions
are fixed. So super set of these super permutations could give the open way
for having the semigroup. The kind of binary operation or having the notion
of closed set in the sense of number’s communications and after that super
communication in the notion of semigroup in the way that when the set is
closed in the term of set’s definition, the set is closed in the term of set’s
communication and the set is closed in the term of set’s result. When the
result of communication, has the same result for any couple from triple of set’s
members, the semigroup is up. The formation of members in the way that, the
set is ordered. The kind of enumerating the vacant position in which, the # is
matter of mind. The enumerating is notion itself. So the kind of notion could
come up in the complexity in which the semigroup opens the way without using
it. The type of enumeration for the kind of semigroup in which, the members
are functions. The set of permutation in that, the pinnacle set is fixed. So the
set is ready. The kind of notion which is closed set, is the matter of minds. This
set is closed in the matter of having the same pinnacle set so all permutations
which have this characteristic, are obvious object without any repetitions. So
the set is closed in the matter of definition.
Semigroup And Its Beyond #7
Communication amid two objects could be like having the common digits so in
this case, four-digits numbers are assigned so the common digits could make
sense in the kind of term which is closed set. The set of all numbers which have
four digits, is closed so ’tis groupoid. The kind of transitivity amid objects,
makes sense about the word semigroup which is assigned to this set. The kind
of notion could be assigned to this algebraic structure, as the word graph.
Vertices are four-digits numbers and the edge is about the possibility which

is occurred in the kind of having the common digits. The numbers of digits
which are in common, are open. To take the detour, two vertices are joint
by edge if and only if two numbers have the common digits. The property of
having common digits, is associative. So the set of all four digits numbers, is
semigroup when the binary operation is about having one common digits amid
two numbers which are belonged to this set. Two objects are given. Two given
objects satisfy one out of two cases so if they’ve one common digit, then one
object which has the one common digit, is chosen as output in the random
way. Second case is about having no common object kin this case, the 1111
is assigned to them as output. The notion of having one common digit, has
the transitivity property. So there’s no preferences and there’s no needs to
have parenthesis because the preferences and the parentheses don’t work. The
notion is semigroup. 1111 is assigned to have no edges amid two given vertices.
So the graph is as well-defined as the semigroup is. The kind of permutation of
[4] makes the set which is applied into the matroid because the 1111 is empty
set and if the relation being subset is renamed to be the relation of having
one common digit. There’s way to go forward when ’tis as open as the going
backward is.
The notion of semigroup applies on the kind of associative notion when the
notion of being associative is about three objects. When first object and second
object have the relation, and second object has the relation with third object,
then first object has the relation with third object. So the kind of chain, is done
when relation acts like chain. Semigroup is the closed set in the couple and
closed result in the triple. Group is on the second level to get definition for its
existence. Semigroup is the notion which in that, there’s something about being
associative. For example, the set from matrixes with their common binary
operation, makes ether a closed set or not. Because there’s the rule for having
the communication amid matrixes so the squares are survivors, which means
the matrixes with the same amount for # rows and # columns may recreate the
closed set as if certainty is about the time when all possible matrixes from the
given number from nonnegative integers, are collected in the set. This collection
is renamed to be groupoid. Two types of matrixes could pose the detours. The
relation amid numbers could be so complicated when there’s position in which,
ever number has the certain place. Or in other detour, set’s objects are assigned
by some numbers which aren’t necessarily distinguished and different in the
term of modeling. One notion is gathering them in matrix. So there’s two ways.
Firstly, the collection of matrixes, is on demand where the determinant of all
matrixes aren’t zero so the set is characteristics by the matrixes which don’t
have zero as their determinant. The origin of numbers could obtain from the
set so sets as if the sets have to the same amount of objects and after that every
set gives to their objects, some numbers so the collection of sets are modeled by
the collection of matrixes. The kind of restricted notion for using the objects
in the terms of numbers. The set of matrixes which don’t have zero as their
determinate, is GENERAL SET Gl(n, S) and this set is closed set and closed
result so Gl(n, O) is the semigroup when the n is the common # set’s member
and O is the set of some sets which don’t necessarily have the set with the
relation amid them like subsets of the certain as something which occurs in the
notion of matroid. The sets only have # nonzero as their determinant. This
characteristic applies as the closed set, and closed result.
The second notion, is about set of sets in that, sets have the #1 as their common

4. Semigroup And Its Beyond

attribute about determinant, to make the closed set and closed result. So if
# rows and # columns are the same, the collection of matrixes, is SPECIAL
SET Sl(n, O) where n is the # of objects in every set which is fixed and in
common. To sum it up, the set of objects is ready. Every of object is assigned
by the common # digits forming the number as its characteristics. So the set
of numbers with the same # of digits as their exhibitions, is popped in the
matrix. So every object is assigned to the matrix of [n] like the objects are
the permutation of [n]. The common attribute is having the same # of digits.
So adding another common attribute, makes the new set, new groupoid, and
new semigroup where the determinant of all matrixes, is one. So there’s two
detour. The set of objects with same # of digits which is semigroup. In the
other words, the set of matrixes of [n]. In other words, the set of permutation
of [n]. Those are semigroups. To take upper level, the set of matrixes of [n],
which have determinant one, is semigroup.
The common notion about semigroup, is the kind of combination amid function
when the set of some functions has the associative property. So there’s the
reverse way in the the set has the closed result and it has relatively closed
result. To take the words, ’tis semigroup as if it isn’t groupoid in the term of
the game with words as if the ghost-semigroup or quasi-semigroup are proper
because the semigroup is groupoid and the vice versa has too many counter
examples to deny the truth about the mentioned statement. The icon of being
semigroup is the set of some functions. So ’tis the detour in that, the icon of
notion is chosen and after that, there’s the way to go down from up. The closed
result is the nature of function. So if the set is closed set, ’tis semigroup.
Semigroup And Its Beyond #8
Great question is about how the structure semigroup could introduce some
examples and the big question is about how this notion could be related to
other notions or ’tis possible to extract some new results itself or with other
collaborations. Permutation of [n] is passed as if there’s the analogous notion
which is related to it. Binary representation of [n] when n = 4, is like 0000. For
defining the set which isn’t obvious, consider the members which have one at
first digit or zero at first digit. The obvious set, is the set which has all binary
representation of [4]. The set is well-defined. Two stages are looked forward
to be defined in the way that both groupoid and semigroup make sense. The
type of having binary operation in the way that, closed set and closed result
makes sense. The closed set in every case, is obvious so ’tis groupoid. The
kind of closed result in every case, in on demand. The kind of description is
on demand because the previous concept, has no traces of binary operation.
With the previous attention, the property of having zero at first, works so this
is the semigroup. The set of binary representations on [4] with the property of
having zero at first, is semigroup. This notion could be extended to next digit
or other seen number. Take the great detour, the kind of binary operation in
that, the first digit is fixed and other digits are sent in the binary operation of
binary members with the rule in which, the exchange of zero with one are done
and vice versa. So this notion is the great detour for having all with the name
To take big tour, two sets are chosen in the way that, binary representation
of [4], is given so ’tis the kind of permutation of [4] in the classifications of
having zero at first digit or having one at first digit. These two sets are closed
because every members in the common binary operation on the binary numbers,

gets number either in the first set or in the second set. So these two sets
are co-closed. The result of any fixed triple of binary numbers as if in the
different orders for them, are the same. So these two sets are co-groupoid
and co-semigroup. Back from big tour, The notion of having same result in
different order could consider as super-something like literarily uses of this
notion with presence of binary operation. The words and alphabet are co-closed
set when every given words have the letters in the alphabet so these two sets
are co-semigroup and as its consequence, they’re co-groupoid. So the kind of
two sets are replaced with the kind of set and binary operation. So the couple is
changed. The couple is used to be from two different styles as if in this case, the
couple uses the two same styles. Take the great detour, the term different and
counting/enumerating have the different meaning so when the styles of different
because of having styles, ’tis counted two styles from different structure as if
the term, two different styles are, definitely and obviously, wrong. The kind of
acting like digits, are made in the counting up to 2. Like Month November or
binary representation of [4], different objects are counted separately. So it coms
up with the notions to get to theses two sets with one name like (n : m) which
the n is # of binary number with the starter digit zero and m is # of binary
number with the starter digit one.
Deleting the order is on purpose and the purpose of semigroup as the new
notion. New notion about deleting the order in the result. The set has no order
so the kind of arising the concept of set in the new structure as the extension
of set. The set has no order so the binary operation, as the common tool,
has to delete order when triple of objects are candidate to be in the couple of
objects so any two selected objects form triple, has the same result. The kind of
modern deleting the order, is about using the terms as the same. So if there’s
one object in the set, then copies of it, is counted once and there’s no need to
have them when its attributes are forever the same with the original object.
The modern literature of deleting is expanded to the relation of objects with
another objects when the work with single object with the term of set, is done.
The set is closed so any communications amid objects, has to be in the set. So
there’s the second action to make the set with no order amid any two given
objects. The result of choosing two objects for two action amid the three given
objects, is the same. The possibilities of choosing two objects from three given
objects for two actions involving two objects, are 2 cases about deletion of order,
either first and second objects in the parenthesis or second and third objects in
the parenthesis. Semigroup could be like metaphor or modeling. The kind of
notion is literally semigroup in the different style so there’s the open way to
find the structure which in that, the notion of semigroup is sparkled. The kind
of coloring and vertices are one of them when different types of coloring imply
the specific vertices have the colors in the term of minimality. The coloring on
the vertices, is the kind of process in that, neighbors of the intended object,
have different colors so there’s the great and big question about the time which
this number is minimum. The kind of having semigroup with any traces in
the result of the host so there’s only the reminder for having secure situation.
Vertex coloring is the name for a set of objects which are the representative of
any class of color in the way that, the best outcomes are made.
Semigroup And Its Beyond #9
Semifinal to have semigroup when the communication amid objects becomes
more and more systematic. The professional style of group is up to fourth

4. Semigroup And Its Beyond

chapter. The process of semigroup, keeps the way in that, objects are made in
the general sketch. Three objects from the fixed set when the certainty about
having closed set, implies that every couple introduce one object in the set. So
there are some objects, which order is useful and which order works? Nothing.
nothing works so there’s need to use parenthesis. Parenthesis is the symbol to
make the couple as if in this case, there are three objects so it makes sense that
parenthesis is used once. The notion of up and super is the kind of notion to go.
Super-set is the kind of set in that, the set has the abilities to adapt to every
situation. The kind of group like super-group could be named by notion in that,
the group could be seen in situation with its consequences in the expected way
and unexpected way. Semigroup is the kind of closed set and closed result so the
kind of extremism is up. Closed result is super version of closed set because for
making same results, there’s need to have closed set. The sort of objects could
be modeled by numbers so two notations for nonnegative integers are available.
Denote [n] and Nn is {0, 1, 2, · · · , n} so there’s the notion of countable and
counting or enumeration in the form of the new set. As mentioned, the kind of
induction for the result which is related to nonnegative integers and they’re
trying to prove for this type of set, is applied by this notion and its notations.
The kind of having order in the kind of essence of numbers when the relation
is existed for this type of set. The order amid objects, makes sense about the
result which is felt to be different.
The three objects are given and the super-order is done on them. Super-order is
the notion which is about the way in that, the objects are in the places so when
the object is fixed, the term previous object and upcoming object are noticed by
fixed object in the matter of super-order. So three objects with super-order, are
given. The result of this triple is the object so every couple of objects, makes
one object so there’s two cases for the middle object which in that, in the left
hand, the middle object with the previous object and in the right hand, ’tis
with upcoming object. Both right hand and left hand, makes new object which
with latter object make the new object. Both objects in the right hand and
left hand are the same. So notion is semigroup. Semigroup is the kind of class
for a collection of objects. The kind of embedded set could be imagined when
the set doesn’t have the associative property. The embedded set could be the
set which have the associative property. So this set is semigroup. The term of
having closed set, isn’t needed because for having closed result, the first criteria
is having the closed set so there’s the object in set which facilitates the next
attendance in the upcoming action. The type of this concept is even numbers as
the embedded set in the nonnegative integers so this set is semigroup because
the property of being associative, comes to the set as heir so if this set is closed,
the set is semigroup. The set of even numbers, is closed set so ’tis semigroup.
This notion is coming up with the new notions. If there’s too hard to identify
about having the property of associative, then there’s the open way to find the
set which has the associative property and the intended set is the embedded
set for it. So the intended set is semigroup. The property of having associative
is the kind of property as heir so all subsets of the set which has the associative
property, have the associative property. The associative property has too many
heirs which are their subsets. So for being semigroup in this case, only have
closed set is enough. To take another detour, the great question is coming
up: Is there the set in any kind of giving notion, which have the associative
property as if it isn’t closed set? Yeah! All subsets of the set with associative

set, are heirs in the term of having associative property. The big question is
about how many independent words are available? I believe only four: The
The differences amid semigroup and associative group, are the first notion has
to be groupoid set which implies to be closed set. All subsets of semigroup, are
associative set in the term of heir. The abelian set and associative set are heirs
in the term of their essence. So if they’re embedded into the set which has the
mentioned property, if so, then so.
Back to the tour, the notion of closed set, is the inherited property. So there’s
two ways, the first way is finding the set which this set has been renamed
by EMBEDDED SET. the second way, checking the rule which implies to be
renamed to ASSOCIATIVE SET. To sum it up, a given set is either embedded
set into associative set or associative set in the way ’tis the heir or independent.
This statement is truth for the abelian set. To get great detour, the relation
amid abelian set and associative set could be the notion of open way to studied.
To get big detour, some equations for making this property, could be the open
way to take some results. The kind of property like erasing of same objects
in the same position in the kind of equation, could be the big result to make
big and great notions. Two objects x, y are fixed so if for any objects x, two
equations ax=b and ya=b if has the unique answer so the deletion of the same
object in the right hand and left hand is possible. If it implies having associative
set in the terms of finding attributes for set?
Semigroup And Its Beyond #10
Process of having the notion in the super-style of semigroup could lead to the
type of atmosphere in that, there’s too many classes of this structure. The
notion of having the cyclic set in that, the order is unknown as if the increasing
# objects instead of worthy in the matter of order, is done in the kind of
adding object to the previous object. The work is kind of dominos so the kind
of continuum is up. The generating set is the proper renaming even more if
the generator is one object. So the kind of having the same objects in the
umbrella of one object, going forward and moving forward so the set in that,
the finitely countable objects are up. The kind of nonnegative integers could be
the template for us so the cyclic set is on the table. The notion of cyclic set
immediately implies that, the class is semigroup so the generating set which
its generator is one object, is renamed semigroup. The abelian set is up as
if the detour in other way is up. So ’tis possible and feasible to change all
new names to two name which the second word is set so, it isn’t the big deal
to make sense about this work so it makes sense to use for us to use two big
words. Semigroup is SEMIGROUP SET and if so, there’s else like GROUPOID
SET so two continuous notion have the new name in the that, they want to be
in the chapter four, GROUP SET. There’s four hosts and four notions which
SET. These are the main tours which take some detours to make some avenues
to the main tour which is one-way avenue.
The ABELIAN SET is on the table so if ’tis possible to good thing is to push it
on the floor in the right hand or the left hand, it doesn’t matter. ABELIAN
SET has the statement about moving two objects according to each other so
there’s the retuning on the words when the turn is done. In the other words,
for any objects x, y belong to ABELIAN SET, xy = yx. So the change of
position is possible when the change of parenthesis is the matter of minds

4. Semigroup And Its Beyond

when the other name for it, is CLOSED SET. ABELIAN SET doesn’t imply
to be GROUPOID SET. So there’s no relationship amid ABELIAN SET and
ABELIAN SET. There’s two many counterexamples to decline both sentences
from left hands and right hands. INTEGERS SET with MINUS OPERATION,
is the counterexample for right hand. This notion isn’t another notion. Because
this set is CLOSED SET as if the moving the positions, is changed the result
which is the matter of minds, for ABELIAN SET. To capture the root, There’s
some objects 2, 5 belong to INTEGERS SET s.t. 2 − 5 = −3 6= 5 − 2 = 3
So moving the number 2(5) from first (second) position to the second (first)
position changes the result (result) in the way that, changing the position
number 2 implies changing the position number 5 in the reverse direction, and
vice versa. So this counterexample declines the statement. In the creating
words, this is the example which create the statement so there’s some examples
which are ABELIAN SET and they aren’t GROUPOID SET. To take fresh
detour, Every counterexample could make the example and vice versa isn’t
truth because the relationship in one-way avenue. The counterexample works
in both sides, in the left hand, it declines the statement and in the right hand,
it creates the statement which is EXISTING STATEMENT. The jargons of
EXISTED and EXISTING are passed in previous pages.
To take next term, the next statement is waiting for new statement and
DECLINING statement in the form of counterexample. NONNEGATIVE
isn’t GROUPOID SET because of the result isn’t object where 2 − 5 = −3 So
there’s the example in that, both structures are neither GROUPOID SET nor
ABELIAN SET. To find intended counterexample, there’s some clarifications
because the right hand seems too hard when the closer relationship makes
sense. The kinds of key notions are on demand. The process in the two objects
could be replaceable by each other as if the result is the same and the result
doesn’t belong to the set. This notion seeks the proper set. NONNEGATIVE
INTEGERS with PLUS have the good notion because the result doesn’t belong
to the set as if the problem is about the different results so if there’s way to
make the same result, with attention about not being the set’s membership, the
statement has the direction in the matter of being well-known and not neutral.
So this way is big detour and tour like big two words are up and they’re looking
forward to see private jet in the matter of high fives.
This discussion pushes us to the big question: Is the situation for CYCLIC
SET, the same when the only substitution is like the exchange amid ABELIAN
SET and CYCLIC SET? The reverse situation opens the way which is said to
be open ways. So there’s the template for the event in that, the structure isn’t
groupoid. So with the scrutiny, the result doesn’t belong to the GROUPOID
SET as if the result could be the same in some procedures. The kind of key
attributes for the style which in that, this key attributes are challenged to be
with membership of result to the set. So the kind of shuffle set in which, the
members could be replaceable in the positions which are occurred in them. Or
in the case, the attribute of CYCLIC SET is having the power of the element.
So the shuffled objects of this set in the kind of EMBEDDED SET, is the
example in that the potential ability is made. So both reverse key could be

PLUS, is the counterexample which declines the statement in that, ABELIAN
SET is GROUPOID SET. This is also the example to create the statement
which in that, there’s GROUPOID SET which isn’t ABELIAN SET. Because
for two objects 2, 5 belongs to ABELIAN SET, 5 + 2 = 7 = 2 + 5 which doesn’t
belong to ABELIAN SET as if it belongs to GROUPOID SET. Take the good
detour, the set could be fixed, so there’s the gentle discussion. If the set is closed
in the matter result so finding the way in which two result either is the same or
belongs to set. The key notion is about not being closed set in the ABELIAN
SET. To sum it up, NONNEGATIVE INTEGERS with MINUS, is the example
in that, the structure isn’t GROUPOID SET and ’tis ABELIAN SET. So
the statement is declined by the counterexample as if the new statement is
made which is: There’s ABELIAN SET which isn’t GROUPOID SET. Because
Two objects 2, 5 belong to the GROUPOID SET and ABELIAN SET as if
the result 2 − 5 = −3 doesn’t belong to GROUPOID SET and it belongs to
ABELIAN SET because the number 2, 5 could be replaceable as if the result
doesn’t existed.
Semigroup And Its Beyond #11
The kind of notion amid notions, semigroup is amid the tour which is titled
group set and amid the detours of groupoid set, semigroup set, half-group set
and group set. The notion of having the structure which is in the lightness.
Semigroup set is getting to be on the magnitude of words. To take it precise, the
term CLOSED SET is the set in that, the couple gets the result in the set so ’tis
CLOSED RESULT. The term SAME RESULT is derivative from the concept
SEMIGROUP SET. The term COUPLE RESULT is the set in that, any couple
of objects exchanges their places as if the result is the same. So there’s the
and their relations. CLOSED SET implies that objects with each other, make
the new object like the tree which has some branches as if there’s no need to
make connection with all objects so in this case, GROUPOID SET is coming
up. In the notion of GROUPOID SET, objects have to make connections with
each other so every given couple make new object in the set. So the notion of
CLOSED SET, is the extension of GROUPOID SET. The analogous notion
is about the SEMIGROUP and its extension which is CLOSED RESULT. To
take this case, the quantifier EVERY is substituted by the quantifier SOME.
So the kind of ghost version of groupoid set and semigroup set are up.
The version of example is into this case when the objects move linearly toward
their places. To capture the difference, there’s some objects which have one
preference and could move in one direction and # of place is the exact # which
is # of objects, the # involving preferences, could have the kind of iteration
and repetitions so there’s no remorse. The conflict of interest could make this
situation, challengeable. There are four objects which have 4321 so the first
object goes to the fourth place, the second object goes to the third place, third
object goes to the second place and finally, the fourth object goes to the first
place so this list is PREFERRED LIST because the perfect matching is done.
If there’s the repetitions, the challenge is started. If the # chose the place
which is occupied and after that place, there’s no place, the list is failed. To
take the example, the list 4332 is FAILED LIST because the third object has
the third place as its preference so it goes to the third place as if third place is
occupied by second place so there’s one chance to move forward as if the new
place is the fourth place which is occupied by first object. To take this detour,

4. Semigroup And Its Beyond

there’s one object and there’s one place as if the # of objects and the # of
places are the same so it could be like compromise or dividing into two parts
so both # are objects which are assigned by numbers without any restrictions
to use different numbers. So there are two objects which are considered to be
inputs of BINARY OPERATION, the output is either PREFERRED LIST or
FUNCTION, the way of having membership is identified. So this detour is
open to bring the intended notions in the mentioned topic.
The kind of list isn’t SEMIGROUP SET. Because the way in that, objects are
coming to the place, are the matter of minds in the way the PREFERRED
LIST becomes FAILED LIST. So ’tis the turning point. In setting of set,
something-idea is coming up at least point, at most point or at the point
like CLOSED-idea. Sometimes, motivating example is survivor so there’s the
predictor to fix the threshold in the terms of technical portion, statistical
efficiency, computational efficiency and analogy in the most greatest with the
symbol». Fix the title as if moving forward amid notions. The motivational
example is the preference-idea which tries to make efficiency in the concept of
chapter’s title. In setting of title, SEMIGROUP SET could make the notion in
the kind of CLOSED RESULT. CLOSED RESULT is the kind of notion to
drive forward. The kind of formations of numbers in the form of set, family,
permutations and rearrangement for the sequence of discrete numbers from the
starting number one, makes the sensible approaches to be closer and closer in
the kind of words which makes sense what’s seen.
The kind of numbers as the substitutions of objects, are assigned to the cyclic
set of possibilities. For the given n, all cyclic arrangements for these n objects
in the style of numbers, make PERMUTATIONS GROUP. The kind of notation
is used for this notion. The notation is the excerpt from ordered pair as if the
comma which is the separator, doesn’t exist. By the precise word, (1, 2, 3, 4)
is the ordered multiple as if (1234) is the permutation set. So there’s slight
differences in the notations. Permutation set is the kind of unary operation
on the INDUCTIVE SET [n] so this exhibition is meaningful in the way that,
1, 2, 3, 4 are the inputs and the function applies on them as 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 1.
So there’s the cyclic procedure which in that, CYCLIC OBJECT is the name for
that. CYCLIC OBJECT is different from CYCLIC SET because the CYCLIC
SET has one element as its generators so the power of this element, makes all
objects. As if CYCLIC OBJECT is the set in that, given objects are ready to
get the relations amid them so the objects could be completely different and
have no relation from its structure so they could be renamed like the isolated
leader. The kind of sense about cyclic is the motivational notion to take the
observation for finding the intended fact as if the mentioned fact has destroyed
the expectations. CYCILC OBJECT is unary operation so PERMUTATION
SET is the set which includes the objects from the style of unary operation
which is renamed to CYCLIC OBJECT by us.
Semigroup And Its Beyond #12
Semigroup and its tour in the way that, it makes sense. Semigroup is the kind
of couple so it makes sense to review some notions of couple. To take the detour,
there are SIX notations like (x, y), (x; y), (xy), xy, x1 · · · xn , {x, y}which could
-The first notions is applied when two numbers have the ordered positions so

any of positions makes some different attributes which are its exclusive impacts
have come from its existence in the matter of the clause which is definition and
its necessities.
-The second notation is about the time which is based on the first object as if ’tis
limited to be under conditions of the second objects so to get the notion, there
are some applications of this notion in FIX PINNACLE SET and FIX VALLEY
SET where they’ve used P in(P, n) when the permutations of [n] which have
the fix pinnacle set P, are on demand. With analogous to it, V ale(P, n) when
when the permutations of [n] which have the fix valley set P, are on demand.
-The third notation has used to introduce the special function which is renamed
to be PERMUTATION SET. The kind of follow-up procedure in combinations
of functions in the way that, the last number is input and the next number is
output so two labels are going to be on the number which goes to the right as
if in the circle style. ’tis worthy to note that the repetition of numbers, isn’t
permitted. For example, (4283759) is the permutation of [7] so for making
sense what’s going on, four is input and two is output so four goes to two goes
eight goes to three goes to seven goes to five goes to nine goes to four so there’s
the circle from four to four. The inclusion isn’t necessary and the repetition
isn’t permitted.
-The fourth notation has used to introduce the PARKING FUNCTION in
that, these numbers have made the list which is renamed to be PREFERRED
LIST. The repetition isn’t banned and the inclusion isn’t necessary. The PRE-
FERRED LIST has two options to be renamed as FAILED LIST or PARKING
FUNCTION. The kinds of rules have existed amid numbers in the way that,
the kinds of using # is examined. Matching the number with its position or
upcoming positions so the # of numbers and # of positions aren’t the same.
There’s the freedom to have any numbers and any repetitions of numbers
with the upper bound for selecting the numbers as if in the permutation set,
there’s rule to use any numbers and there’s the rule to have the same number
of position and numbers which this second rule is satisfied by the notion of
PREFERRED LIST. To get it precise, the maximum number amid numbers
implies to have at least the number of positions greater than it or equal to it
and vice versa, the # of position implies to have the maximum number amid
numbers at most equal to number of positions. For example, the PREFERRED
LIST is 7325347 of [7] and the maximum number is seven so by according to
correspondence amid positions and numbers, at least seven positions have to
be or they’re seven positions so at most the maximum number is permitted
to be seven. The conflict of interest is the matter of this notion so the fifth
number has the conflict of interest with three so fifth number goes to four. As
analogous to it, sixth number goes to six as if the seventh number has no place
so the PREFERRED LIST is renamed to FAILED LIST. As point to get, if the
condition of having list from [7], hasn’t existed so there’s the way to have more
than seven, if so, the seventh number goes to the eight so the PREFERRED
-The fifth notation is the discrete notions which have potential order. ’tis the
special subset of nonnegative integers. The kind of ordered set which has
embedded. The kind of necessity for the definition of permutation because the
permutation is defined with basis on it.
-The sixth notation is about the set. The set is the collection of objects without
any repetitions or the necessity for having the order. The kind of having

4. Semigroup And Its Beyond

obvious membership is the point of this definition. The iterations of objects

have counted once.
These types of notions could take the notion of SEMIGROUP SET and
CLOSED RESULT. The first notion is the kind of extension for this concept.
The second notion has connected in the exact way because in the set the
common attribute is the kind of having fix set so the result could be closed
in these types of members. The kind of having the notion of set, is obvious
because ’tis well-defined. There’s no connections amid the permutations in this
set so the kinds of collections of the specific permutations are done. The kind
of having some attributes amid objects are open way in this detour.
The notion of having function on the sets of functions so there’s need to have
special functions because the combinations of functions couldn’t be possible
as forever. Permutations are the kinds of functions with exclusive ways for its
exhibitions. They’re SEMIGROUPS and the enumerations are feasible. # of
all permutations of [n] has been enumerated to be the productions of numbers
in the fifth notation so there’s the notion of productions amid one to n so the
concept of factorial is up when the numbers in the fifth notation has been
accepted the productions amid themselves as 1 × 2 × · · · × n which is renamed
FACTORIAL NUMBER of n. To sum it up, the # of all permutations of [n]
has been numerated to be FACTORIAL NUMBER of n. The kind of new
number is up so there’s the notion of new number. For having the convenient,
# of permutations is FACTORIAL NUMBER.
Semigroup And Its Beyond #13
Semigroup could be considered as the buzzword instead of jargon. So the kind
of having the lines of objects are the matter of minds. The kind of group
in the middle of junctions like the word group has the stop in shelter. Four
junctions up to the word group. Groupoid has made the concept of closed
relation so the second junction is of semigroup. The kinds of professional
communications have been made so the kind of closed result has become the
same result. Communications amid two objects have led to another object. So
the kind of arrangement could be the topic for the junction in the journey. The
kind of couple is the matter of minds when the first person has the material
and the second person has combined them. The kind of coming up in the
road where there’s four junction to be up in the matter of word group. Four
junctions are groupoid, semigroup, half-group and group. The stop has been
occurred in semigroup so there’s the kind of exchange to have the energy to
be up when the road goes upside. The kind of night for having the stop to
make sense what’s going on the second junction and looking forward to see the
upcoming morning for restarting the journey into upside. The semigroup is the
name of this junction where at night, ’tis only open. The lines of objects are
ready to use so there’s the critical question. How to pick the couple up? The
objects have the label from the styles of numbers so if there’s the care about
numbers, then there’s no problem to be seen. The kind of preference is undone
when the combination is done in the matter of numbers. So the second junction
is semigroup when it was groupoid. The positions of numbers are the matter of
minds so the combination is done in the matter of positions like positions are
the key word to get this notion.
Positions have been the only rule to make the combinations so there’s no needs
to separate two objects in every combinations when the using the position is
the only rule. Changing the position is illegal so there’s the point according to

it. The kind of number is related to the positions so there’s the label for every
positions. Choose the couple of objects when their positions are consecutive
so there’s same result when the function is done. The function has used all
objects which are given to be acted. The shape of changing amid positions
when two consecutive objects are up. There are too many couple like GROUP
SET. Other visions could be reversely in that, given binary operation is ready.
So the discussion could be on the centerfold BINARY OPERATION. There
are too many binary operation when the operations have had the rules about
having two inputs and one output so domain in the left hand as two sets which
haven’t been expected to be the same, and image in the right hand as the set
which hasn’t been expected to be the same with other sets so they’ve been
considered to be three different sets. To take this tour, the set is fixed in three
positions which it could be there. So there’s one given set. And three positions
have been filled by one set. So there’s new term and new name to restrict
the notion of binary operation. There’s one given set and there’s the binary
operation ON it. The binary operation has been given the new name. The
binary operation has been renamed to GROUPOID if the binary operation on
the given set, is closed which means that every two given objects have given
the object as their image in the intended set.
The binary operation has renamed to be SEMIGROUP if the binary operation
has had the ASSOCIATIVE PROPERTY where the binary operation is on
the given set. So input and output of binary operation have made some new
results. Associative property could be the increasing property so adding more
objects to the set, may hold this property. Associative property could be the
decreasing property so losing the objects from the set, may hold this property.
There’s the kind of study on the behavior of this property under the operation
which could add random object and could take random object in the static
way or dynamic way as systematically precess or the haphazardly process.
There’s some possibilities when the new object has made so concerns about
its combination with others which could violate the groupoid structure of the
binary operation.
Adding one object to the SEMIGROUP could violate its structure when
the words groupoid and semigroup are about the binary operation. Binary
operation on the given set, could construct the set of these functions with the
new function on this set so the kind of binary operation on the set of binary
operations on a given set. The kind of defining on the set, in the form of
binary operation so there’s enumerating of all possibilities in the combinatorial
problem. To get some detours, the notions on binary operations like having
the attributes onto and one-to-one, could get some open cases to move forward.
The kind of having the centerfold and after that there’s some ways to create
some branches like the tree of results, could make some leaves to be assumed as
final results as if the roots of these trees could make the new tress. Roots could
be like binary operation or it could be like set so after fixing the roots, there’s
too ways to move forward. If binary operations are the roots, then the words
ON the set and having the attribute of being ASSOCIATIVE are up. If the
sets are the roots, then the words CLOSED SET and CLOSED RESULT are
up. If the couple of sets and binary operations are the roots, then the words
groupoid and semigroup are up. Sometimes the embedding concepts are up so
there’s too messy ways to be open.

4. Semigroup And Its Beyond

Semigroup And Its Beyond #14

Collections of objects has chosen the way which in that, Beyond of the col-
lections has introduced once. Collection of objects hasn’t counted twice so
collection of objects hasn’t seen twice. The kind of preferences to make its
structure. The way of having identity when its members, have obvious kind of
membership. So the way is flat for moving the sentence on and to get some
junctions which have renamed it as its extension goes up. There are couple
viewpoints so the couple of set and the binary operation are up. In the left
hand, the set could be seen on up as if in the right hand, the binary operation
could be seen on up. The kind of term has made growth in couple of parallel
notions. In the left hand, the set is closed and lack of order from the style of
set goes to the upside so the order of objects when the objects are fixed, has
been counted once so if the positions have been fixed, then the binary operation
gives same results when inputs are fixed in the matter of objects and in the
matter of positions.
The kind of function could be classified from # of its inputs and # of its
outputs. The BINARY OPERATION is the class of functions which has gotten
the couple of inputs and the singleton has been reconsidered as its output.
The kinds of functions could be classified to be n-ary operations when the
discussions have been up about the # of inputs which has been counted n. The
left hand and right hand of the function have been reconsidered to have the
different sets so the word from the style of jargon as if the buzzwords in the
style of positions, is ON. When # of set which has been used in the function,
is one so the word ON has been used to inform us. Binary operation on the
set, is the function with two copies of the set as its input and one copy of the
set as its output. So the kind of possession in this topic is about the set and
the binary operation on it. Sometimes for having convenient, the adjectives,
related, mentioned and intended have been used to say about unknown object,
current object, and desired object, respectively. The relation amid the set’s
objects regarding to set and its binary operation! The kind of well-defined
function when the binary operation is centerfold. Binary operation is up. So
the kind of going forward up with the function which has been chosen.
The function is on as if the binary operation is on demand so others are off.
The binary operation is on as if the binary operation on one fixed set is on
demand so others are off. There are one set and one binary operation on it.
So set’s objects are on as if the closed property is on demand so other sets are
off. The enumerating this type binary operation is the good tour. So intended
binary operation is the binary operation on the one fixed set which has had
two properties which the first property has made the attribute which in that,
could say the set is closed under this operation and the second property is
about having the associative property. So that’s all about the INTENDED
OPERATION. Growth with more restrictions, the kind of progress has made
in way of speech more as if the speechless has assumed as the new name.
Connections amid objects, are going to be up where the focus is on the set as
if with the tool, intended operation which has been used where the intended
notion has been made. Mentioned operation has been well-defined on the
intended set so there’s perfect relation amid intended objects.
REPRESENTATIVE is the kind of intended operation when the two mentioned
objects are inputs, then there’s two ways to be when the process could be like
order and the process could be like calculations. The maximum number amid

two numbers as input, this notion is semigroup so the intended operation is
on the set of some numbers and the intended operation has the associative
property. So there’s the mentioned operation on any given set, which is intended
operation. The kind of ORDER-STYLE functions have facilitated the way
when the objects of the given set, aren’t the matter of mind where the numbers
are the matter of mind. The notion of TOTALLY ORDERED has made the
intended operation because every couple are able to be comparative so the
mentioned operation has become more close to be intended operation when the
first stage has been passed when the credits for well-defined on binary operation
on the set, are done. The mixed version of having TOTALLY ORDER has been
made by the mixed ways when the final operation to get final result, has been
acted at end. To take the example, the totally ordered set is the kind of set
in that, all objects are able to be comparative. So the output could introduce
the greater object. Totally ordered set is the SEMIGROUP SET. All objects
could be comparative and the notion of order in the term of maximum, could
give the notion of semigroup set. The rise of the intended operation on the
set which is supposed to be fixed as if ’tis the parallel study so ’tis the kind
of enumerating # of intended operations which are related to the fixed set.
The notion of promotion when the symbol of having more intended operations
have led us to the notions of hyper so this case, has been renamed to hyper
groupoid, hyper semigroup, hyper half group and hyper group as the notation
of (O, b1 , b2 , · · · , bn ). On the right hand, the intended operation is fixed so # of
sets have been raised as if the intended operation is fixed and its # is one. So
the notations could be useful to enumerate the kind of sets which are related to
the fixed intended operation as the notation (O1 , O2 , · · · , On , b). To sum it up,
enumerating of the semigroup sets either they’ve had the intended operation in
common or they’ve had the intended set in common. So there’s the tour there.
Semigroup And Its Beyond #15
Nice modeling for semigroup! Consider people in the room. Room is the set
and people are the set’s objects. The centerfold is binary operation on the set
or in the jargon, ’tis intended operation. The maximum age of two people, has
been reconsidered as the intended operation. So these atmospheres have been
renamed to semigroup set. The kinds of intended operations are on demand.
The maximum age amid couple is Okay. The formations of objects could
make the group as buzzwords. So there’s the tour when the jargons have been
changed to be buzzwords. The kind of graph is up. So there are vertices and
edges. The kind of vertex-coloring is up when the coloring has been decided
to be about vertices. The neighbors of the fixed vertices, have been colored
differently. So the formula could be achieved for some classes of graphs. The
PATH GRAPH has been picked up to be in the kind of enumerating which
is about the color. So the enumerating of colors is now up in the term of
accessibility and availability.
The PATH GRAPH is up. The # of colors which has been used is TWO. The
CYCLE GRPAH is up. The CYCLE GRPAH is up. The # of colors which
has been used is TWO/THREE in the matter of vertices’ # when goes to the
classifications of # to their partitions to be twofold. So two types of #, are
related to each other when the # of colors is up, then there’s the need to be
up, the # of vertices in the matter of being in whose partition. There’s two
up. So there’s the sense to go on the classifications of cycles which have been

4. Semigroup And Its Beyond

made by the # of vertices when the matter of # is up. # of vertices, has

divided to two classes so there’s EVEN CYLCE and ODD CYCLE. The # of
colors is THREE when there’s ODD CYCLE and the # of colors is TWO when
there’s EVEN CYCLE. The WHEEL GRAPH is up. So the # of colors which
has been used is THREE. Coloring is the word in that, the objects have been
gotten some labels. The kind of different labels when two vertices are neighbors.
The EDGE-COLORING is up. So when the edges are neighbors, they’ve been
gotten different colors. PATH GRAPH is up so the # of colors which has
been used to TWO. EVEN CYLCE has TWO as its #. ODD CYCLE has
THREE as its #. WHEEL GRAPH is up and its # is THREE. BIPARTITE
COMPLETE is up so # in both cases, is TWO. COMPLETE GRAPH is up
and its number in both cases, is # of vertices minus one. The kind of notion
excerpt from COMPLETE GRAPH, is CLIQUE so there’s the detour to find
this notion. The enumerating the # of graphs when the # of vertices, has been
fixed. So there’s the kind of notion in that, the notion of group is up.
Semigroup set is the word about binary operation on the set, which has the
associative property. So in this case, there’s the style of getting new notions.
The first case could be like having the semigroup set and after that, seeking
some attributes to add them. Like the attribute of ABELIAN which with
that, every two given objects could exchange their positions. The attribute
of concrete style in that, the cyclic is up so the objects have been related to
each other by one object which its powers, have made the set’s objects. In
other hand, there’s the notion of recreating the semigroup when recreating
the styles are up. There’s the set of numbers so if these numbers have been
considered the subset of nonnegative integers, then there’s immediately notion
which it says about the partitions of this set. The even numbers are the infinite
set when the numbers are goes to the right when the minimum number is one
and the maximum number and supremum number hasn’t existed in the term
of increasing number when the order is greater then so the kind of ordered
objects when the set isn’t ordered set where the move into right or left is the
jargon when the rightward has demonstrated increasing worth of # and the
leftward has demonstrated decreasing worth of #. So two has had the position
in that ’tis in the place in rightward of one when the one has been placed in
the leftward of two. The odd numbers are made the semigroup with the binary
operation which is plus, production, greater than, lower than, and so on.
The generated numbers by two, is up when the generated style could be plus
or production so these numbers are cyclic semigroup. The kind of labelling
is feasible when assigned numbers have used to make the new object and so
on. The kinds of objects in that, the notions of permutations are up. Any
permutations of semigroup’s set haven’t made anything new so the kind of
labelling could be smarter when the object has specific excellence. The kind of
worth, could be determiner to get some attributes else. The kind of ineffective
object or the kind of absorbing object when the term of ineffective is the word to
be absorbed by any of objects. And the absorbing object is the object absorbs
any of objects. The kind of attributes to find the big objects in the matter of
having excellence. The ineffective object, absorbing object and relative object.
The kind of having relative attribute in that, the subset of the set could be
featured so the relatively abelian, relatively ineffective, and relatively absorbing
are up. So open way to go. In the other hand, there’s renaming objects so
there’s the set of absorbing objects, the set of ineffective objects, the set of

abelian objects when any members of these set has the title of set independently.
To go up more, the notion of relative is up when the subset has introduced
the set which hasn’t introduced the objects which could get the set’s title
independently. The set of relatively ineffective, relatively absorbing, relatively
abelian which are up so in this case, for any of objects belongs to the relatively
set, there are some objects out of set which the couple have ratified the title
of set so two objects are relatively abelian, relatively ineffective and relatively
absorbing so there’s two sets which are complement for each others as if it could
be dynamic set when the objects have no connections with each other so the #
of objects in both sets could be changeable so there’s the enumerating problem
so find the # of these sets. so there are open ways to find the set or # of sets too.


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