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Located Heart And

Ideas | Approaches | Accessibility | Availability

Dr. Henry Garrett

Report | Exposition | References | Research #22 2021

The ownership is now missing word but there are new ways to get another words
in the slipped ways. Slipped on the way like the ways have been made from
the ice. The kind of walking on the ice when the the owner of ground is the
word which don’t belong to us. Going on the ways to save words but the words
are under fatal attacks. Introducing the second world to be survived but the
second world is now the place which are full of hearts and memories. Located
hearts and memories are now only words which work for us. It seems that all
words are lost and there’s no more words out of located hearts and memories.
It seems that all words are lost and there’s no more words out of located hearts and


The author is going to say his gratitude and his appreciation about the brains
and their hands which are showing the importance of words in the framework
of every wisdom, knowledge, arts and emotions which are streaming in the lines The words of mind and the
from the words, notions, ideas and approaches to have the material which is minds of words, are too
eligible to be in the stage
only the way to flourish the minds, the growing the notions, advancing ways of aknowledgements
and making the stable ways to be amid the events and storms of minds for
surviving from them and making the outstanding experiences about the tools
and ideas to be on the star lines of words and shining like stars, forever.


Abstract i

Acknowledgements iii

Contents v

1 The Locations Of Hearts 1

2 Locations Of The Memories 11

3 Memories Of The Hearts 21

4 Reproducing Memories And Hearts 31


The Locations Of Hearts

The kind of
heart has taken Located Heart And Memories #1
apart to many Finding words amid disappointment like the feeling is up again. The upward
parts with too
of lightness has captured in time. The kind of sense or the kind of moment
many locations
which are has been down but it’s time to see it in up like creating the person who says
finding the about the word sad. The memory is located to make sense about the word
sense about us where the words could get another stage of getting more. Like the notion of
what’s happening is the question without any sense to take the answer. The
notion of getting in touch has passed the formation of tattooed heart, words
and their directions, tattooed kiss, tattooed staring big eyes and now, there’s
new expectation to look forward to be hugged by single word amid the situation
which I’m lost in hugely shuffle of things so it’s possible to see the phrase good
morning when directions of words have taken all directed words. Mystery is in
word to have the narrow line to talk with heart when all other lines are closed.
The words have been complicated to be about us like the words have gone since
the words and directions have gone. The kind of patterns in the word or the
kind of decoding in the word to find the message about us in the blue words
when the red words have been banned. The complicated process of using word
has been ruled only for us like I’m the extra in all language for having words.
Usage of words could become complicated but the sense of words is up like
the words couldn’t be taken apart when their roots and their creators are the
senses of heart. Locations of hearts have taken all memories like heart is now all
hearts without any attention to the place which is taken apart. Located heart
and memories are now up to us but there’s no way to breathe like we’re fallen
in the middle of everything. The kind of heart is survivor but after a while, it
hurts like heart and hurt could be included in the class of mispronunciation.
There are dilemma for us, choosing hurt or heart but there are too points
to get them like points are now beyond identifying of locations. Memory is the
kind of sense about words when the sense is up for us like the kind of second
life for that single moment when rebuilding the sense is up. The dynamic life
in the second stage to make sense about the single moment which is passed
but there are no thing to be reminded like remembering of all things has been
banning for long time. The heart is located by too many couple of points like it
changes its locations to make beat in every momentum of time. Monumental
mountains on the screen has held us to be alive like coma has been happened to
us to have only heart to beat for us. The kind of line in the shape of mountains
have fixed us in the kind of situation to have the sounds of beep in ears about
having mountains yet. The kind of mountains is about the hearts to beat but

1. The Locations Of Hearts

it’s only single beats about us like all senses have gone in the behalf of heart
to be settled down in the new form of us. The formations of words have gone
but the kind of art is up. Having words is impossible but the ears float in air
to be possible the ghost of words to make sense about the time or make sense
about the out of time when the heart calls for word like the speech of love is on
demand. The words have been taken from us, the eyes have been blinded for us,
any kind of touch is banned to take all senses from us, any form of smelling has
been corrupted to send for us, the sounds have been made to ruin the sense of
hearing and the tastes of all possibilities have been changed to deceive us to be
in the situation is called coma. The kind of coming is done in coma like come
has exchanged e by a to be coma like the words have been changed to be single
word. Therefore, all senses have gone when in the battle, there are us and not
more so five senses, sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell have been disappeared
and we’re fallen amid being and not being on the air like floating as dust on
the air like dos is only operating system to accept us in the darkness to write
about us with white machinery pen on the screen. The kind of capturing amid
ground and sky like we’re sentenced to be on the middle like lines of heart as
mountains has been aimed to deform them like lines to be in middle and to be
dead when the formations of going up and down have become to be in the form
of straight lines.
Capturing us amid the ways when we’re under attacks of out of the couple of
us. Like we’re both formed the country which has the population which is only
counted by number two. Like there are two sides in this battle us and out of us
like numbers are two and minus two but the sense of us is up and upward to
make us as opponent for them. The kind of harmony of being united like calls
for duty and calls for unite are two motto for them but calls for word is up for us
when word has the roots from heart and senses. The kind of four letters word,
from, has sent up to divide us but the roots of us are from hearts, words, senses
and us so the pattern of us is under attacks. The kind of scrutiny to attack to
us but they’re feared from us like from is us when it’s collaborated with us so
the phrase from us is up. The kind of ruining and destroying everything about
us but they go up to send us in middle when the fears of us are forever up.
Opening up love and ending up us like the upward is the ward to have award
or to be awkward. The kind of putting us on the glass to keep us in the middle
to facilitate the kind of killing us. Broken glass is done so the glass is up but
there are always new plans to act all ways against us. The kind of couple or
the kind of others, may be or not you decide because the identifications of us
is known and well-known but others are like five people without any trace of
being human like they’re unknown all the time.
Located Heart And Memories #2
The sense of us is captured by others but there are ways to be there. Capture
or picture when there are the options to choose but it likes two holes which have
been recorded to disappear us. Sense of possibilities or the sense of validity
when the point is about the way has chosen to take us up. Finding the arts like
it’s the artwork but it’s art-war which is fallen into mispronunciation. Ways of
making sense about words and works which are against us but there’s the point
when inspiration and existence of all back to the sense of heart which belongs to
us. The kind of couple but with same sense about the time which flies only for
us. The kind of battle in the term of us but there’s no space amid us. Memory
is invited but call for unite is up. Styles of people are now counted to be two

like style is now in the matter of mind when call for unite is only observation
in the terms of eyes. Observation is obvious reservation in the matter of service
where only observation is that. Forming the words could lead to us but there’s
no way to use them for us. Shuffle of numbers going and back like time is only
thing which makes sense about us.
The notion of being closer to the kind of ways which are full of words
which work for us, but this notion has no tool to take place somewhere amid
possibilities of us in the term of us and not anything else like us has the
collections of terms which has the class which is titled us. The formation of
word which could mix up when the objective style of a pronoun is now up to
us to make sense about the style when the buzzword turned out jargon in the
terms of us. The kind of writing the words with capital letter of first letter
of the word us to show the existence of jargon but there’s no need to make
ambiguity and inconvenient way when all sakes are the sake of us. The kind
of being amid words in the term of being selfish but there are too ways to be
when the ways call for us like the class of us is up in the large family with the
title of big word with capital letters originated from the word us to be us in the
ways that the objective word is the objection toward else when the two people
has made the group which has the class in the disciplinary ways of overcoming
others when they’ve settled down in their outlines of their words. The kind of
rearrangement amid words and desires like siren of us could determine the ways
which has led by us.
Words by words but it’s passed by us like sense of us could go sense by sense.
Formation of words has no senses without us like numb sense has covered all
words which are without any trace of us. The borders of battles are determined
us and others who have unknown identifications like everyday life has led us
into the situation which is fulled by battles like the power of us has shown
endless power to lighten on any words or to turn off any words which have
the trace without us. Words are going to be ways but time’s up so the kind
of call for unite has made the new rearrangement to have new word but there
are no changes about the styles of them like unknown people go to unknown
place to celebrate the lives of zombie which shows only the finger thumb as
their number five. Seven words are up but time’s up for words so counting
the words are only up to us. The kind of lies have only been legal like being
wrong is only personality to have the characteristic the announcement calls
for. They’re on demand but who or what are they? The proposal of wrong
words to make missing words to make the atmosphere full of lies to overcome
us when the expectation is one way to face with us by lies. The kind of word
has been classified to be right or wrong where words of us are only rights but
what’s the chance of wrong words? Words by words have been expired like the
visa is expired for them to be in the island of us so thoughts of how to be has
formed in the kind of lies. They’ve sought to find the ways to issue their visa
so the kind of fabricating of the words to make excuses with saying excuse me.
Huge shuffles of lies streaming on any of seen lines like their outlines are open
to dispute when what’s working has been shown with hopeless arrows of us.
The sounds of words have fallen to be signs but there’s no place for them
when the visa has been expired so the kind of five words is up to make pause
when sentence is ruled against us. The kind of legal excuse to make sense
about their attendances where there’s no matter of having the verb issue on
the any visa which are coming up belonging to others. Lies by lies could make

1. The Locations Of Hearts

call for proposal to guarantee their future when they’ve prominent history and
present so it’s pretty for them to make crowded situation and vague words
like the rule is made to make silent us like the silence is aimed by others to
be up when they’ve lost their potential abilities and their eligibility so they’re
unknown in the matter of life. Life for them is meaningless so congratulation to
meaningful life for us. The kind of circling approach on us with the goal to take
all five senses of us, sight, hearing, touch, smelling, taste when the iteration
has shown itself in the kind of seizures and recurrence are on demand to make
numb senses only for us but the sense of us is up on every situation and sense
like November which hug epilepsy of these two symptom has laugh to others
and themselves once. The kind of attribute has been studied but there’s point
when only the sense of us is only us. The kind of useless efforts has made in
the endless iteration with the goal of killing the senses of us and the greed of us
when it’s impossible to use the word change about us to be back when there’s
no way when us is up. They want to make a bot or dead person in the term of
sense but time flies and time’s up.
Located Heart And Memories #3
The heart is located in the kinds of words like identifying the words is the
matter. In the term of us, words have the sense to make sense about the time
flies with us. The kind of word has appeared to form the kind of memories but
there are no memories for us which go amid the place. Cold air is decided to be
about us like the united people want to kill us in the upper ways. Making and
breaking glass to make us in the damn situation. So there are uses of all tools
where call for being united is up. Uses of all abilities which have the successful
traces in the past and present, the kind of abilities to guarantee the future so
all brilliant minds have been invited to use the potential and proved abilities.
Calls for being united have covered all levels of people to make the different
attacks like the war of stars and the war of bitches have been invited to show
small wars and big wars against us. The kind of united worlds like different
worlds have the common goals and common excuses to get together and the
common word to remove but the word is us has passed and it’s united of states
which belong to us. The states of us in every situation have felt all words in the
upward ways like the words get us the kind of wines to be in the fresh moods
and states in the upward. States of us about every single words go more and
more to be up like states of us is united without any given proposal thus united
states are about us like all senses and the states are gathered to work only for
us. The battle amid senses and states when the opponent has chosen the people
to kill us but the battle agains states which believe in us.
States are united to call them united states like senses of time flies to be
on up but there are points in the way which they want to isolate us to bring
us on the glass to kill us when we’re damn by breaking glass in the another
time. Damn people and damn stuff are up like the only acceptable attribute
is being damn. The tests are designed to identify damn people to be on the
ways which are against us. Laughing on the states of us like damn people
know us in having all senses which are far from damn people. Damn tools and
damn stuff are acceptable but all tools which could be used in multiple ways or
could be used against damn people are sent to be somewhere out of availability
and accessibilities like the ground is designed to kill kindness and the place is
designed to kill us in the attendance of only damn people. The tendency of
people is against us like bear, crown, mosquitos, dogs, cats have been prepared

in the big sizes and small sizes. The kind of destroying is up like we’re toys to
be played with us. The kind of united states are forever up like upside of us has
lightened enough. Considerate senses point out us like the sharp arrows of time
say us. The kind of open ways with warmly welcome in all behaviors which
have the brand of us. All brand-founders are up to ruin all brands which see us
as its founder like there are notions of creating new brand which the all people
minus us, as its founders. New brand have all people of earth as its founder like
one brand is on demand by all people to be against infinite number of brands
which see us as its founder like united states are the brands of us which debut
every moments over and over to shine on any version of us.
Looking at mirror but there are two people who one of us is trapped in the
glass of mirror and another is released. The kind of finding the second person
who is free to back for forming us but there is the wall which the mirror is
hanging on it like the wall and mirror are the pair to make the tragedy which is
about us. Finding one of us by location like located heart is only achievement
so the kind of breathing on the mirror on the wall like the clock is now hanging
on the wall but time flies even it’s hung on the wall so the matter of lost person
is called for. The kind of wanting the second person in the announcement of
wanted for us like the wanting of us is done so the kind of past form is used like
wanted so the kind of memories is up when the memories is about done past
like the achievement of the past is up when the past has told the story of us.
Story of us has demonstrated located heart like the memories have worked
even it’s hung on the wall and in the mirror like time flies upper and upper
to show the tallest length on the first movement. The story of lines which
have spoken about us like old time is proper title about the memories about
us. Tackling the words and the people to track the successful points which are
shown in the terms of us. Going to see who is in the mirror like the TV is
back when the movies are fulled by people and are abounded by crowded eyes.
The kind of mixed words and lies have laugh to us but the originality of words
make sense about the first notions which are believe in us. Words by words
going to make sense about the wanted person who is lost in the words like the
words have the usage to take sense when it makes sense about us but there’s
point to send them in the outlines when the lines are occupied by lies so how
to make sense about the damn words and damn ways which are now singing in
the formation of calls for being united but the calls for united has rung for long
time thus united states is only us and only about us.
Located Heart And Memories #4
The kind of breaking in both sides is on demand. Break free or break soul,
it doesn’t matter when the table is decorated with fancy shit like the game goes
to show its fancy style even in shit formations and people, and damn version
of possibilities. Making glass for the person and after that, there’s one way to
break free like breaking in only news to be heard from bird. Calling so-called
people but in the reverse way but how it’s possible to collect them against us.
Welcome is written in the downer place in comparison with other words like
it makes sense which the couple of us is the hard opponent to get rid. There
cryptic language but it’s open to all about counting the words and the verb in
that sentence. Four words with the verb tolerate have gone under laughing in
the sentence with five words. Like the systematic structure of the battle has
shown its potential to ruin us. Using all tools in the formations of call for like
they’ve collected all proposal to use all against us. There are so-called proposals

1. The Locations Of Hearts

are up to us.
There are one part like the partition of us has captured by breaking free
and breaking soul which have designed to act against us. The kind of number
is up to count words and to label the words like there are some decision to
delete words and to make the language of colors and numbers to tackle against
the track of us which covered the hearts to be felt the sense of us. The kind
of conspiracy theory to be silence about us and using the words of us to make
them useless and sometimes using decorative language to deceive us about the
existence of the words which aren’t existed. Investigation about the knowledge
and skills of us to make the show about how to guess the behaviors of us in the
violent ways which could captures all words of us. The kind of lies and cheating
in the formation of words with the brand of calls for being united. But there
are words which make sense about the notions of us like two people are up even
with all plans and people against them. The flag fo us has been moved in the
tallest place to show that the love is about us and all words are about us even
with all plans to remove all words when they work only for us.
Counting is the approach to count the words when it’s about certainty and
to count the syllable when it’s about performance. Three words are now up
against us but three syllables of one word has belonged to us because the result
of performance of us, is obviously shown by the winning of us in every stages
without any exceptions. Senses of words takes the ways singing the tune of us
even after driving others on us. The glass of words have been fogged like words
want to break free but there are points on the way which this transformations
could take another detour to back on the sense which is used for making the
words of us when the successful future is about us. Words going on the way
to see the blanket space to be settled down but the setting of these space
have ruled to be vacant because of some reasons which are about the technical
points amid two words. Words have sought to space which could accept some
parenthesis but added information has banned when the lines of words debut
themselves. The kind of adding words on the spaces by PS but there’s no
way to open the book which has published once. The kind of handwritten
texts are acceptable? but the machinery written is valid it has credit only.
Transformation of thoughts in the every moment to find the space to be in
beside us but there’s firm structure about the heart of us when it’s impossible
to see the possibilities of getting chance when the chance is the reward when
the upward of us is up. Renovation of the situation to distract from the track
of us like acting on the ways which are about us is forbidden like banned points
could be survivors for us but how it’s possible to use points when the assault is
obvious on the quantity and quality of words. The words going toward us like
refugee but the kindness of us has shown up to us.
Time flies when the points of us has spread themselves on every letter of
words so the essence of word in under assault but the words have the endless
power to make the directions which could exchange word by word. Time flies
but old times have dominates us to say yes about the invitation of calling for.
Break is the word which is now up! Break free. break soul, break heart for the
old times’ sake when they’re also up. The kinds of old times have received the
permission to play with the hearts of us which are up in all directions which
make sense about us. The kind of isolated couple have entered to the stage
which have been seen in the kind of excessive creature like the words of us have
annoyed them enough where the capacity of words have flied up to us. Old

times want to be in the formation of flying all the time but time flying upper
than any old times which are against us and which are against time. Time is
flying on all kinds of breaking which are on the heart, free and soul like the kind
of us has been believed to be killed in the lack of time but in the attendance
of old times. The ways of going forward to find the lost partner like missing
person has the label wanted since the hearts of us have been beaten. The words
have beaten the hearts of us when they make sense about tune of us but there
are two people in the term of statistics when speaking statistically is up.
Located Heart And Memories #5
Places and their memories are now alive like the chain of having us has no
end and no start like its beyond segment. It’s line like the lines of the book
which are including the words which have made to make sense when boring is
the word which is up. Time flies even the numbers have been removed like it’s
up to us even when the all symbols of time have been changed. Formation of
words amid the places which have the traces of us, has no reason to bring like
the love is new story which has too differences with other stories thus us is up
when unexpected directions of words have pointed to us as points like the fate
of us is the term which has been proved again and again even more is desired
when the accessibilities of words have announced the kind of couple is up. Love
is the sources of words to go on the ways which are love-orientated. Sense of
us is the sense of word. wrap up tense meeting! but there are only the narrow
lanes for lights which have shined in all directions. The kind of getting more
and more closer to the time when the tense meeting could cross. The kind of
continuous meeting in the forms of tenses like tense has the power to make
sense about the procedure in that it lasts forever. The kind of attribute to find
the way in that, tense has two ways to be either to empower us or weaken us.
how it lasts where the couple meet but the kind of ing-form is the achievement
to last forever so the kind of tense meeting to neutralize us in the term of
long-standing impacts like pack of senses have opened up to us in the form of
all tenses and all continuous forms.
Formations of words on the ways of meeting with each other when the time
has broken amid the period which is announced about its end. The end of
the present tense about the us but there are too many formations which make
sense about how to go up and it’s counterpoint about the time which shows
the present formation of number as the flag of the sense which makes sense
about words where are on the present. Baby! Pregnant! The kind of disease
in the formation of battle but not to make it in the form of excuse to take
the chance in the way to be on vacation. Pregnant is the word to make sense
about the people when the bird doesn’t make sense about what’s going on when
what’s happened to us. The news are rumors when the big bear have been
released to be on the ways to see what he likes see. The kind of rearrangement
could be survivor but the kind of arrangement is up so there’s no changes when
the upside of words have taken all positions. The kind of move is the term of
getting the words to make upward style to produce too many words but there
are too many ways to see what’s need to see when the changes are against us
when the changes have the sources which are in the category of words. The
kind of words or senses which one could be up when the patterns of words have
sent the kind of upside styles like words have been danced in the air on the
flowers of us to act like the source to get an end to beauty of the word battle.
The formation of word has been stopped in the kind of exclamation like the

1. The Locations Of Hearts

symbols have the permission to be free when us is up.

Moving fast and furious amid the numbers which are indicator of the passing
moments when the moments are go up but there’s still the starter in the kind
of move by numbers when they’ve enough up, there are chances to see them
down at starting point but there’re too many numbers to make sense when the
literature of number to telling the time is different. Time never backs so the
kind of cheating by numbers when they ends their responsibilities about telling
the time have been labeled by another words when the countdown isn’t in the
dictionary of words which are jargons in the term of time. Words after words
and counting words by words to make sense about us but the sense is numb like
the ways have been seen when the one part of us has left like the new way, new
light, new words or the new style has been on demand to make new word which
leads us only to us. Words after words without seeing the numbers like numbers
have seen in the kind of crime so numbers have been substituted by letters to
tell about how are closing to A as the first letter of the alphabet. Words by
words going on the way to see the words when the time uses the numbers but
the words need the kind and the level of sense to make the flag of living like
agile situation to grow in the way where the place is called us.
Memories have the styles of words but the kind of timeline wants to penetrate
to lines to tell about the words which couldn’t go up without any sense about
the time which is passed or is now about the words like the notebook of words
is meaningless without time where the numbers going fast to send the burden
on the next word like the words have the numbers in the kind of dictionary to
make the memories of us in the kind of contradictions which imply having us
and induce laking us. Words by words but letters by letters in the alphabet to
keep the progress of numbers to start another words when space amid words
have taken long term to start another word like the kind of time has sent up to
see up to us when the feeling the words is to blame about everything about us.
Located Heart And Memories #6
Break! is the kind of news which the birds couldn’t carry them. The kind of
breaking the ice like it’s the ice which break the ship which is so-called Titanic.
The kind of journey, trip or travel without any hope to call it dream when the
ship is going on the way which isn’t about us. It’s about breaking the heart and
the ship which has the destination where could call it us. The kind of separation
to have two words arrival and departure like one word is now two words so
the kind of move from starting point to the endpoint to see us again in the
formation of one word. The kind of low tune hums about us but there’s too low
in the term of volume like the capacity of hearing the voices have fallen in the
kind of level which is called muted. Unmute to words but there are dangerous
tips when the breaking on the words is the like shadow to get the chance which
is full of lack of us when the us is up. The ship is going and going to find the
hope which shows us but there’re too spaces when the words and works are the
couple against us. Looking for somebody amid the passengers of the ship to
see us again when all of the goals are done in an unanimous ways which get
us together when the journey is on the ways which are too close to call it half.
Ways of words to look up the word to look for the person who is called good as
often as is necessary like the words have the activities to help us get to know
each other’s names when the points of the way have one hundred matched so
up is up when the words have been chosen properly from the dictionary which
has only the words which are about us like the dictionary is the kind of book in

the new style to help us again when more of us are on demand.
Leak! Leaking like dragging is the term of word when the word has been
used in two-ways avenue which gets us the hope about turning point in the
location which has the sign of overturn but the ways of us is one-way avenue
without looking back about the past when present is about us and the future is
reassured when the sense is about us. The ship goes more and more to be closer
and closer to the intended point for making the memory of us which works for
us. Us is the term for resident of ship but us is the term about one words which
have split to be two and us is the term to use for two people which are now
apart. The kind of same goal to be on the destination but with different tools
have changed the scenario to be apart from each other when the names are
assigned to us.
Leaking the words to make sense about us like an announcement which is
enclosed in public. The words leaking the words to enclose and disclose all
senses arising from the words in the term of us. Words have spread like the
sense of us is up in the isolated location on the ship on the water where the
memories could save us in the isolated version of minds. Minds and the desires
of us which have started the journey in the kind of ship like the biggest ship
in the history make the words but only with big letters and with handwritten
style. Moving the pen on the white space to find three words for us like the
triangle of power has no sense when one is gone. The kind of black color is
used to write the words in white space like the couple of colors, the couple of
black and white made the gray color when the exhibition of the words have
gray color in the terms of colors. Leaking the color but all are about two colors
like turning the page has no sense when taking apart is numb sense about us.
Staring on the ways which indicate us like eyes are indicators to make sense
about us.
Triangle of words have only the vacant lot like the cars of us haven’t found
these position to make them occupied. The kind of moving forward to find
the words in the terms of drivers but the sea is calm and there’re no waves
to start us. Rise or erase like there’s new mis on the words in the term of
mispronunciation. Rise or e plus rise in the formation of erase like the smart rise
is on demand to erase enemy which opt the e plus name to form the word enemy.
The trend of using e which have the metaphor of seeing in the term of optic.
There’s the turn for missing so the opponent is the new form of component like
opting the component is new word which is encrypted by opponent. Opted to
have the kind of us when wondering is only option like others are hurtful so
heart is fulled with us. Angle makes the new formation like triangle is the kind
of having angles or drivers three times. Like time is the iteration of the words
when they’ve come up with news like the the era of TV is on when the movies
is also on. Rotation has the iteration to look for the captured word which could
pass easily when the red carpet is up. Three words to make sense again like
triangle of the words could sort the ways but the words have mixed for us like
the detour of words could take the tour of us. Mixed with us all types of trips
like the logo of us is used for the word which take the memories from any word
to mix the words with the memories of us.


Locations Of The Memories

Memories of us
go to see the Located Heart And Memories #7
kind of us. Like The symbol of using words! Chat! The kind of using superlative to show
words have taken
the big person in the matter of words. Chatter! like taller. Chatter lays...
the senses of
reality which Vacations or the kind of game! The motto is encrypted to be Chatterley! The
are included in kind of hitting with big consequences. The words go and go up to make sense
memories. Memory about us but in other side, there’s one word "Chatterley". Senses of words
is the shinning
days of us like
make the dream to have "Chatterley". The kind of words is coming up to make
it’s able to sense about the greed which is only possible if chatterley. Words by words and
make the new words after words. Going amid sense when the words only go when the sense
memory without is made about us. Memories of words could reassure about the future but the
only hope is there for chatterley. Calling for Chatterley is the new invitation to
get the proposal and to do anything which could do when the complex plans
and any of thoughts see the growth of love about us so the random actions and
haphazard activities see the structural atmosphere which is called invitations
for the proposal which has nothing more than chatterley. Words are coming up
but in the second turn to ruin the words of us with the flag of chatterley. Love
is up but chatterley! so wall is up. The kind of being united to see how the love
could be down but the strength of us is unbelievable even they don’t believe.
Love is the word which is arisen from the words which have the senses of us
but chatterley: making the reverse form which is wall to get any proposals and
any tools to ruin us in the matter of achievement. Money, people, dirty tools
and good tools, they doesn’t matter when the title is made by chatterley which
fire the words which are about us. One move or anything, there are open way
to be on the book of chatterley. The kind of couple of us against out of us.
The kind of humming words like blind humming and original humming
to kill the literature which inclusively belongs to us in the way of increasing
iterations with seizures and recurrence acting in all directions by the people
who have only one name chatterley. The kind of battle has started off like
ending up this battle have too costs for both sides. Battle to settle when hugely
diverse ideas are coming up with the minds of all spectrum of people which is
only called chatterley. Assigning the name chatter to us like all words could get
the senses from us but there are moments which the words have been ended
up like the space is the next thing which is coming up. Words get the long
length to delay to chatterley’s space but the mindset has been changed since
us is up. Fishes are invited to full the air from words in the way that, there’s
no space and no pause to get the meaning of words like memorizing the words
is the new approaches to delete the words of us. The shuffle of words has

2. Locations Of The Memories

surrounded us to ruin the wisdom of us but the fake knowledge has spread to
ruin the knowledge of us. Silent is the new approaches to ruin the literatures
of us like the systematic chatterley is up in the matter of new approach. The
kind of shooting on every continuous momentum like shocking sounds are the
replacement of words of us. The kind of lightening on the words to make them
meaningful so it could be possible to be creative and to change the words in
the matter of guessing. Gossip and rumors are up like the tools have changed
styles under the word chatterley. The followers of the chatterley is all minus us
like the worlds are united to achieve the ugly goal of the history of words.
Shut up! is the new tool to ruin words like corrupted people is up to make
fake meaning for words. The kind of creating the new world when the reality is
dismissed under the new world is called chatterley. Mixed words and fake words
have postponed in post-era because they’re too late when the us got up. The
travel of words amid the vultures like zombies and vampires have been united
against us. The kind of love is aimed to be not like chatterley is the kind of
having excellence only in the way where located heart got us in the history of
us. Memories of us go to see the kind of us. Like words have taken the senses
of reality which are included in memories. Memory is the shinning days of us
like it’s able to make the new memory without us.
The memories of us are up but chatterley is up to replace the memories
against us like the forgetful is the new plane for us to formalize the kind of
replacement of memories against us. Words and their memories have devised
to replace for us like chatterley is the term so all works are in the matter of
chatterley. Forgetful person or having phobia are the next plan to discredit
us in the term of chatterley but it’s useless when nothing like credit us in the
matter of chatterley. Paranoid is the new word about words which are used
against us like having unreal perception, words, judgement and understanding
have been aimed in the term of chatterley. Chatter is title about the function of
us on the words like the words could go in the ways of us so the words are taller
and bigger in the terms of us therefore the battle amid chatter and chatterley is
the big battle when one side is completely about us. Chatter makes the words
about love like love is the word which concludes the existence of chatterley
in the terms of us. Love is the word which is spread around the world and it
makes senses about what is needed to believe in us so going forward is pleased
when moving on isn’t delisted like words after words could make love in the
way which is called up.
Located Heart And Memories #8
Unreal! Paranoid means paragraph and the quasi version of it, the ghost
version of it, the kind of having a little standards of paragraph, the kind being
similar to paragraph but it’s claimed which it’s a paragraph. Like groupoid
which is something similar to group but it doesn’t satisfy to the standards of
group and its principles. The kind of having concrete and firm structure of
words in the title paragraph is now named to paranoid. The kind of unreal and
meaningless words like the person is captivated amid reality and unreality in
the unknown situation! So it implies that the kind of passing from the first
letter a from alphabet to fifth letter e, from alphabet, which is the measurement
of having big eyes like the word of optic which is mixed with the number of five
which is about making pause to kill the time and when the killing is up to kill in
time instead of kill out of time, to make the new brand from two words chatter
lays which are noun, superlative comparative adjectives and the verb in the

forms of third person Thus it’s chatterley instead of chatter lays, chatterlays
and chatterlay. The kind of up for the words! So the kind of thinking on the
particle of momentum! Killing is up to kill in time instead of killing out of
time. Making the kind of person who couldn’t recognize his breathing he’s
like zombie, he’s dead but in time. Spoiling the words, censoring the words,
united for making the validity for the words, spoiling the references and using
the opponent’s references to spoil the references in the kind of spoiling ideas to
ruin the references and to ruin their words when seeing artificial aspects of the
context could make some different meanings to use as the tools attack by using
the keyword unreal against us when the brand and flag of the rival’s land is
chatterley. All are unreal about us when the kind of paranoid is up. The kind
of disease is on the table. Paranoid is on the table to be suffered from it and to
be killed by it in the situation which is designed for us.
The kind of process to weaken the mind so it’s facilitated to penetrate
to minds by the hugely shuffle of ugly and good words. The diversity of
the process from putting on the glass to putting on the table. The kind of
dynamic judgement to use against us by using unreal and paranoid. The kind
of adaptation to us when the styles of words and words are to blame. Words
make the new disease which is called paranoid like paragraphs are too blame
about haphazard words which couldn’t make the paragraph which this word
has principles and standards. The kind of attacks to us when the sense of word
is up like word is the goal to take the sense of us. Chatterley devises some new
notions but it doesn’t work when the powers of words are about us. Disclaimers!
the new words and the new uses of words are up. The kind of battle of words
to get the sense like making sense is only achievement which could be counted
in both sides of the battle. Conjunction is up to make long the lines so the
chance of having concrete context is counted low and near to the number zero.
The kind of distractions on the words to jerk the chains of ideas which could
form the words. The kind of using mixed disease like Alzheimer which is the
abbreviation for all zee mere which means all letters of the alphabets and words
lead to the pronunciation of the last letter which is zee in the matter of us so
the kind of using the French word so sea is mere when the love is to blame in
the matter of us.
Alzheimer is the word of chatterley when they’ve their own dictionary. It’s
the second word after paranoid which is disclosed by us when the book if us has
only white pages but the title with white color is written us. Chatterley is the
name of dictionary against the book of us. Chatterley is the dictionary which
has only words. Like it’s the tool to make sense by words but the book of us
has too many words without any need to make the dictionary of words like it’s
too late for the rival of us to make the dictionary which is counted two in the
terms of words. The kind of internal connections could be survivor but the title
dictionary doesn’t imply. The kind of sort in the term of positions but third
position belongs to which word? Words are made systematically by dictionary
but the words of us have the sense so in the battle of words, the sensible words
of us are up in comparison with numb words of the rival. The sense of us is
streaming amid words like love is the keyword for us.
The kind of breaking the time is assigned to us when the existence of us
have proved usage of sense instead of time. Punctual is the meaningless for
us when the time couldn’t be translate to the language of us. In time or out
of time, on time or other derivative phrases for time, chatterley has found the

2. Locations Of The Memories

segment to have the hope to get the heart of us. The kind of on-time chatterley
is up when we don’t use the terms and words, there’s hope for chatterley to
make sense about the words in the terms of lack of us. The kind of unanimous
vote to kill us but in the up version and having the most adaptation in the
terms of us. Love is the four-letters word which is forever wherever could be
imagined in the terms of existence. Love could overcome chatterley in the terms
of us like this is the news with low weight implying lack of ability and eligibility
of birds to carry them in the terms of us.
Located Heart And Memories #9
Heart like art of how to feel and how to make sense about words! It’s
possible to surpass and it’s possible to excel when the words are felt like they
have the potential abilities to send us beyond the knowledge and wisdom. They
could send us in the atmosphere which it’s possible to feel possibilities of words
which have the potential ability to omit time. Living in the world without time.
Like the worthy of all seconds are the same so there’s no need to have time
when it goes up and up to count passing the moments which are done. The
sense of possibilities implies to make the new dictionary when the rival has
chosen the name chatter lay in the form chatterlay. Both of us opt chatterley
with only one difference about e and a. The battle of words when both of is
considered as opponent but the rival is smart when its number is up where the
number of us is two. Memories of words could get the boundary of humanity
where the positive mindset has allowed to be up. The kind of using the abilities
of colorizing the monumental momentum when the worthy of time is heart
when it says it makes sense or not. Not anymore! Words have the power of
humanity to delete the original hum and blind hum which in the contradiction
with the sense of freedom and peace.
Heart like the tool gives sense to words like chatterlay is done but there
are too spaces amid word when the space is made by chatterley. The space
increases when the chapter is done and the number of space which is made by
chatterley is more the number of words which is made by chatterlay. The kind
of formation about pure words with high versions of meaning in the kind of
picking words up in the way that, highlighting on the words is obvious thought
which passes from mind of every body and everywhere which is supposed to be.
Words and the space amid words are the new situation which is needed new
version and new tools of facing to something. The kind of flying with the sense
of words where the words could be reflections of how to pass from time when it
counts the non-sense moments which are up. The reflection of the humanity in
the kind of playing the game where the sensible words could be counted when
once is enough for taking the tune and rhythm which is named to sense. Words
and their rotations on the way that, that’s way! Sense could get the word in
the sense that, that’s sense about us.
The pure sense about the reality where the sense is decider. Heart could
get the notion when the firm decision is made in the way that firm decision is
confirmed by the sense coming from heart. Plot of the words in the way that,
there’s word if there’s sense thus the amount of words has been decreased and
the number of space has been increased. Efforts for getting the sensible word is
useless because in this stage the only thing which works, it’s heart and heart
only works. The battle amid words and words could get the passions of how
to become us. In the way that, there’s way to see how it could be closer and
closer to us like the number of words have been decreased to one which this

word is only us in the term of working words and in the term of sensible words.
The words in the sides of us have no lights and no highlights on any words with
exception us like us is highlighted word which is made by heart.
Heart is beaten when the word makes sense like the sense of word and the
word of sense are the same in the matter of us and in the terms of lights. Heart
is decider to the ways of words which are about us like there’s no word when
the chosen word is us. The kind of battle amid words to shape the picture of
us like the words have been hired to describe the picture in various formations
of possibility thus the exhibition is up when the word is us. The exhibition of
words to catch us but there’s too way to make sense about us like the words
and their directions could ruin the word with the existence of words in the
styles but the word and its direction are us which believe in us when it makes
sense like the colors and the numbers are meaningless in the terms of light
and dark. The behavior of perfectionism could get the new name when this
behavior got some skills in the matter of perfectionism so the kind of multiple
usage of experience is up in the term of new comer. The kind of experiment on
us like the unanimous agreement to use their abilities in the matter us and in
the term of us. The skills are achieved in another ways but it has more usage
in the terms of us. Like the terms and matters are us so there’s the new word
which says catching all up in the terms of us. The words are the same but in
two different dictionaries where one is called chatterlay and another is said to
be chatterley. Ended up but there’s the chance to back to the words where the
word is aimed in the matter of us where the way is vague like the ways have two
usage which are titled reverse when both are up. eventful rotations of the words
on the left and on the right in the matter of quick actions, sometime, there’s
no response and sometimes there are too responses which are abnormal in the
matter of intelligence and in the term of successive moments. The mountain
belongs to us when the flag of us is done there. Thus they’re small region of
words when looking at them from up like they’re useless when seeing them from
up like all ways have characterized by the matter of quality and quantity in the
terms of us.
Located Heart And Memories #10
How to find and how to recognize when the words have been made like
artificial material which are coming from heart and aren’t coming from heart.
The words don’t make sense when they’ve made in the way that, the words
don’t believe in us. Chatterley! Fake words and keeping the case in good
condition and not in great condition. The fake symbol, the fake us, the fake
greed and the fake result as the intended word for the Chatterlay. Two names
are made in this battle. Chatterley and Chatterlay. Both create words but one
creates by using mind and another creates by heart. One is fake, lies, united lies
and have the most number of the population but another is real, heart, united
states and only have two members. Thus there comes new idea to create the
fake version of us. The kind of bot to make sense about us and keep us in the
current situation which is made in five minutes. Only holding with the duration
of five minutes and free! Promise! Chatterley is up! The kind of making fake
symbol of love and keeping in the tragedy situation of being far from each other.
Which proposal suggests this idea? it never minds because there’s no mind
there. The kind of brutality in the counting the numb sense of the evil which
are being gathered and are gathered to make sense about the heart when it’s
touched all chords say I’m loved.

2. Locations Of The Memories

The kind of formation or the formation which is up. The fake destination
and the fake person like the memories could be replace by another memory
and the fake world which isn’t real. New situation is up. The kind of finding
the wrong symbol for each word comes from Chatterlay to take the meaning
of the words and to take the sense of the words where the words come from
Chatterlay, they make sense and they believe in us. The kind of mental and
physical restriction by five people which is elected to play football in the extra
time when the time is up to form new time, new couple, new sense and new
belief. Five people are aged in the small range which violates the expectations
about the capacity. The capacity of words to make sense when the Chatterlay
is up. Words are going to be in the ways where they’ve supposed to be in the
position of the word which is coming from Chatterley which is new dictionary.
It’s survivor. The dictionary of Chatterley suggests to use the word survivor.
When the proposals and informations have got to Chatterley, it answers one
single, survivor. Creating the word fake survivor with adapted characteristics
which could match to the intended person but the dictionary of Chatterlay has
no response like its high standards are more than to participate to the games
of five people which live in six days of their lives to get their service and they’ll
be disappeared. The kind of word money! Next word from Chatterley is money.
Buying and creating anything they need without any restrictions, exception
and any obstacle. Making the fake place in both sides of source and destination
to ruin the words amid them if making words to be fake, don’t ruin the senses
of words when the words aren’t words in the matter of us. The words violate
their laws and their conditions, their greed and their goals. Thus they want
to take the words which make sense about us and they believe in us. But the
Chatterlay is up. It doesn’t work. Keep up your words and neglect them like
Chatterlay is the dictionary which it doesn’t suggest word but it suggests the
book about any word which comes from Chatterley in the term of us and in
the matter of us.
The global battle amid us and non-us. The kind of getting the words amid
us and the kind of making new version of us. The new suggestion is made
by Chatterley. Parallel! Making parallel structure and network which has
starting point which moves random and ending point which moves random
and the interactions amid these two points as internal relation and external
relation! Chatterley suggests up against us. Removing the us in all directions of
possibilities in every momentum to bring us down. The network is called up and
the network which is us. The kind of experiment is open and it’s out of dispute
to have open ways to have hugely diverse ideas and people who participate in
this celebration which is made by removing us. The kind of global collaboration
amid the passing when the time is up. The next word by Chatterley is up.
Sending time to up to sat time’s up. Without time, there’s one achievement
which could be effective and it’s worthy to try. But it isn’t achievement and it’s
ineffective and useless to try when the power of us has proved over and over
in the history of time and in the history of words. There are only iterations
and there are repetition of us in the worthy momentum which has sense about
any number is passed and is up. The kind of live sense against numb sense.
The chatterley said iteration. Choosing the words from its behavior and its
literature and send them to iterations to take the sense and to remove the sense
or at least to remove its mind in the matter of us.
It doesn’t work! Three words from the dictionary of Chatterlay! The next

suggestion is drug which is done by Chatterley. Using mental and physical
tools. Using drag as physical tool to separate the ing from us which is made
using. Chatterley: Barcode. Erasing all numbers and using barcode to hide the
numbers which make sense and which make big eyes in the terms of us and in
the matter of us. Using is the word like every momentum makes sense about
us like us has -ing form like it’s live and it’s love in every second so it’s using.
Located Heart And Memories #11
Using heart to go when the heartbroken is on demand. The movement titled
luck in the lack of us as the couple. Smooth drawing with the color of us when
there’s no rule for us to follow. Two independent people in the age of depending
on. Rely on lies in both sides. Thus there’s nothing to be when the battle has
one winner as its only achievement and its accomplishment. The kind of two
dictionaries where another pours words and another pours books. The battle
on any place and any scale like the verbs have left in the lack of us. Verbs
are the tools to say more but there’s nothing to be in the lack of us. Locked
the door or opened the door, it doesn’t matter when there’s one word to have.
Winner is the title which could be eligible for us thus there’s no restriction to
destroy anything we don’t believe in them.
The kind of drug is up to affect on the minds and their functions like
chatterley uses the possibilities to pass beyond us in single glance of big eyes!
The chatterlay uses it as the strengthen the minds so it’s the upper stage for
having us. Using all things in the reverse type to be up and up more than times
to be forever at the peak of the mountains to feel what believes in us. The kind
of sense makes sense about us thus heart is the sider of us in this battle. The
kind of using red color to cover all lies, is the new word from chatterley who
says red. There’s nothing meaningful for us thus the story of this book different
by chatterlay. The battle is started off in the matter of us thus there’s nothing
to say worthy in the lack of us. Hiding the numbers and changing the colors,
it doesn’t matter when the skills of us are growing the be the only one in the
top. The kind of using the possibilities but the kinds of using passing for us
thus there’s the hopeful future for us when in all directions learning is up to
make sense about the tendency of heart. Tendency of heart is criteria for us
like the words of us are forever in any ways, up. Lightening on the words to
colorize in all directions to be the winner in the lack of others. To remove other
in the simple glance of big eyes to see what’s needed to see in the matter of
us. Exhibition of powers is being laughed and is laughed when the using the
powers is up. Using or us+ing it’s vague like the ambiguity is the politic of
us. Using all things to get all like the power of us is brutal enough. The heart
makes sense about us thus it’s the winner on the white clouds assigned to us in
three days. The kind of interruptions has been made thus using this against
them. All tools have been used in the reverse directions like the word battle is
only word which is titled real.
The kind of memories has been mixed but moral words are up. The kind
of invitation is made to us to be up in the nonstop game which needs one as
winner. There’s no rule and there’s no mercy. Like big men are up in the shinny
days which lightens only for us. Words after words is the consequence of the
word is bombard which suggested by chatterley but the analysis on the words
make them to be owned by us. Thus keep going on the tunes and rhythm which
belong to us. Removing the person who violate the heart of us in the terms of

2. Locations Of The Memories

rules and in the matter of us. Usage the words to change the feeling about us
like pumping the blood in the heart and out of it to beat it more. The feeling
is made in the lack of locked door like being asymptotic is the characteristic
of us. The professional stage to be about the superstars and superheroes like
other super like superman isn’t on demand. The kind of being heartless in the
matter of others and the kind of beating heart in the matter of us. Like both
of us is damned people but there’re more skills to be up as eligible people. The
kind of calling for having more participants like chatterley says the new word
more. The kind of shuffle versions of people which act in the independent style
like there’re too many components as single person in the matter of having the
correspondence in the terms of island. The kinds of land is now decomposed to
be too many island which is counted by the number of the population of land.
Changing the directions and opinion in the multiple ways to be up when the
winner is obvious. The kind of exhibition to fear but fearless person is up. The
kind of disclosing all information about us to fear us about what they know
and will know. Disclosing the elected information to make us shameful but it’s
the game of child not the chic games of us. The kind of showing evidence and
acting immediately but the blue flag of us is up. The kind of convincing by red
color where the red color is the only hope for others because otherwise there’s
nothing to say when all data are supposed to be lies. The kind of finding the
way by using red color to have the ways to speak because otherwise in the world
of lies which belong to us, there’s no way to speak with us like seven words and
three words are up.
Acting immediately, proving greater power of minds, proving greater power in
practice, thinking faster, using all informations against, getting all informations
about us, and removing all people and references to isolate us, only has one
way to work and it’s supposed to be red but the blue colors of lies are the only
thing which both of us could see thus they’re meaningless for us. Proving the
controlling when it works but it doesn’t work in the blue color and white cloud
of us. Lies are new book of chatterlay against the word red from chatterley.
Located Heart And Memories #12
The process of pro-access to any version of us, is the new way which injects
hope to the dead bodies in the term of us. The kind of exhibition is on demand
to affect on the minds as the long term achievement. The process of creating the
habit to the artificial objects for discrediting the intended case when chatterley
says habit! The kind of exhibition to show upside and downside when it’s
needed to be. The word is suggested is downside by chatterley. The kind of
showing the devastating business and lack of accountability to be deleted in the
stage of small size of eyes. Version of mentioned way is upgraded but it doesn’t
mean that it’s chic. Thus the criteria is about making sense of the way in the
matter of us. Accountability is the word from the categories of having good
condition but it doesn’t satisfy about the great condition.
Working on accountability to send it up. Every thing is called is up when
it works and it makes sense about the goal in the matter of us. The kind of
lies could be seen in the upper versions of all words. Words after words to see
us in the highest level of possibilities. Mixed words and directions and reverse
directions in the terms of achievement. Words after words to shape the lack of
accountability which is unbelievable even to shake us a little. Chatterley said
the word enter but the kind of story about the infidelity debut in thousands
pages and many words. Enter deceiving angles to us when every models have

the specific attributes where the position of us is known thus in the different
versions of words and multiple place and in different level to catch us but
infidelity is the story of resilience amid the space and different structure of how
to be. Words or people in the different visions are in the specific scene. The
process of entering has different levels and speed thus everything is unknown.
Five unknown people or unknown people which are too small to get the name.
They’re in the way that could live in five years but the known couple of us
are up amid the infidelity and uncertainty which carry us to the stage where
showing the power of us in the formation of love is unavoidable.
Getting one word from the rival and then spoil the word like food like the
artificial situation if they opt one word, then both of us opt that word again but
with the specific manual to spoil it and to mix it with too many different things
so the blue flag of us flying on the white cloud amid the blue color of the sky
to determine there’s no word to be and there’s no word to us. Using the words
for putting them in the situation which they only downplay and nothing more.
Corruption could be injected to the fake words to find the best way to hit the
rival when the greed of us is enough to do anything to open the way just for lies
to live and to breathe. Changed the number five to the number six and play
like rival to ruin them in their peak where there’s nothing to use. Chatterley
suggests the word silent but the story has gone in the multiple directions which
only lies could save. The kind of expiring the words to be in the meaningless
where the story could be changed in the multiple times and having exchange
amid words and ideas are unavoidable. The atmosphere of fears from loosing
doesn’t make sense for us when all possession for us is us. Surrounding words
are whirling like the wheel. The game is up thus there’s no hope to get the
points for winning but monitoring the rival to be informed about its abilities and
its potential is useful when both of us are away from home. Mixed judgement,
mixed words, mixed gesture to play with all like people and their contributions
when it doesn’t matter that they’re against of us or in behalf of us.
Using all material to have achievement and to have successful accomplishment
when both of us are heartless in the terms of others but both of us have the heart
in the terms of us which make sense about words which believe in us. Chatterley
suggests the word highlight. Highlight on the words to colorize the words in the
terms of others. Thus they’ve made contributions as the lifetime achievement.
The kind of storylines from the style of pause and shock in the first five days
since it started off. Lights on the words to make them clear thus there’s an
open way for others to do their plans on us like the clear problem have been
found for finding their solutions where it’s announced that it’s open question
thus it could have hugely diverse types of answers and solutions. Chatterlays
says game. It’s new title for stories of this new book to play in the role of player
in the game which is lonely person who is alone and has to fight with every
creature and has to kill all to go up which is called another stage. It’s video
game when the participants are hugely diverse mode and they aren’t business
model like the mode of game has been closed to the mood of us but both of
us are in the starter stage and ended stage when one wins and one passes all
stages, it could go up and up when the game is declared, it’s ended up, it’s
time to have us. The game of us in the lack of having match like the game
is about starts when the different models of powers have been invited to kill
us when being us is unforgivable achievement and when being us is the the
kind of accomplishment. They wants to have accomplishment without having

2. Locations Of The Memories

achievements but both of us want both which are having both achievement and
accomplishment when the game is ended up. Thus there’s no word about game
over when the superheroes are the new title for us.


Memories Of The Hearts

Seeking the
place where is Located Heart And Memories #13
the reminder for The ways of choosing the words could take detour to see the new kind of
us but there’s
word when there’s no word. There’s the concept of words which are seen in the
no sense to have
in the land of interactions amid words for words and by words. Words could have the styles of
memories. symbols, shapes or others but the point is that the chatterley suggests numbers.
Memories are and Using the numbers are the new story to bring vagueness, confession, decreasing
Formation is but
on self-confidence and decreasing self-consciousness. The chatterlays says the
it isn’t. Like same title but for the new story and new book and it isn’t keyword. The kind
adjectives have of golden numbers which have the concept thus attacking to the concept to
the power to make it unavailable for others in the terms of us. New day and new story go up
cover the
totality of
to show their potential and their eligibility where the new day has been started
words in the way off. Off one of the opponents or rival to see new winner when there isn’t any
that, there’s history about this battle. The kind of jerked chain about the continuous form
no need to have of the battle when new day is up. New story of the new numbers when the
adjective more.
Memories on the
shuffle of numbers with high speeds have been adapted to the kind of topic to
located heart make sense about the words when the words only make sense about us in the
but the senses matter of us and in the terms of us.
of located heart
could tell about
High speed of telling the numbers about the current situation and using
different too many numbers in the different styles in both sides of the battle when the
stories which book and the words have coincided. Movement of words with the fake motto of
are faraway having reality when the words downplay and the numbers worthy-and-upper
play. The kind of connections or the kind of interactions, it doesn’t matter.
The arrangements of words are only seen as the concept for numbers adapted
from words. The meaningless patterns of words like it’s an assignment for
words to decode the numbers in any possible way which is could get the title of
achievement and accomplishment. The kind of making vacant from the words
when the slow move on the numb sense could take all senses in the terms of
us and without any traces of us like the kind of pouring the attribute of being
damn in all directions and without any words to be a survivor when there’s
intensive needs to have the words when asking for words are up. The kind
of sending the rival toward the down in the darkest place when it’s became
dawn without any sense about the path and about what’s happening. It’s like
putting something on the pot and the intensity of the temperature get up and
up but in the slower mode of possibilities. Thus there’s the natural Alzheimer
about what’s happening. Thus the increasing temperature of the water won’t
be sensible so the kind of frozen rivals are made. The water going to make sense
about boiling temperature but there’s no sense about it in the terms of rival.

3. Memories Of The Hearts

In the end, rival is boiled without understanding and it’s in the happy mode
when the covers don’t allow them to make sense about themselves. There’s no
survivors and there’s no rival like it hasn’t existed in the history when there’s
only present and present continuous in the forms of new day. Like boiling the
frog in the water slow and slow thus it’s died in the freedom and happy mode
without understanding about what’s going on and what’s happening about its
environment which are killing it. Frog eats the mosquitoes but it’s eaten by
the smaller creature which are about actions and about sensible words when
they’re up when both of us are us.
Chatterlay says about the story of using resilience in the reverse type to
remove the rival when resilience is up. There’s no sense about the worst
situation thus they has been made numb about the worst attacks on them.
Resilience is done but in the formations of the most degree of effects from the
worst plan to omit the rival. Using the numbers to make them numb and to
make it normal. Normalization of the situation is the key factor to be up in
all directions. Thus normalization of the new attacks in the formation of new
battle. Thus organizing the steps in the smaller and smaller steps which in that,
the birds couldn’t carry these news thus there’s the chance to make the modern
situation in that, taking the sense but giving being damn when the rival has
the motto in that, the reverse is the key attribute and the strengthen factor
for it. Shuffle numbers could get the digits in the digital mode thus the kind
of irrational numbers like pi has spread its wing to cover the irrational words
and rational words. The kind of infidelity could get all thus chatterlay’s stories
depend on each other like going up and achieving new position when the new
story has provided the pre-knowledge for new story is the upper story which
needs the compulsory material which are provided in the last story. The kind
degree program has been hidden in this lines of story in the matter of us.
Numbers are related to too many words from different topics to hide the level
of knowledge belongs to doer and speaker like it’s new method to spend time
for 5 minutes. Numbers have different styles of using digits thus the harmony
and tunes are gone. Therefore, numbers use the colors and the arts of using
information to make the exhibition about having no sense thus they couldn’t
naturally make sense about theirs. Guessed that the numbers are decoded thus
they don’t make sense. The kind of mindset uses the minds to make excellence
when the huge package of data is up. Package of data in the fast ways are given
but it doesn’t make sense to choose the way to speak about the context which
is presented by number when the beyond is up and is too important more than
the concept and its gist about the topic. The topic is left behind but the behind
the story is up in the matter of us and in the terms of us.
Located Heart And Memories #14
Word of availability is the sense which is numb. The number of words are
increased but the sense is numb. The sense is dead or numb when the need
is neglected when the borders of the sense could cover the kind of us. The
ordinary day is up like the day debut its power again and again when every day
has unique number as its identification. The ordinary day counts the number
which goes fast like second find something which is lost in one minute so they
goes up to be counted 60 like 6 plus zero is the sense to repeat again and again.
The digital clock or analog clock depict the picture of 60 seconds but the sense
is up. Second gives shock to heart with duration of 60 seconds and again and
again the same shock to make sense when the sense is numb. The sense hasn’t

moved again like the kind of feeling is numb but these are consecutive words
which take their turn in the game of five people in the captured ways where
the sense is numb. The second hit all numbers and covers all number for a
second but it doesn’t words like the shock doesn’t work for the heart which
doesn’t make sense. Hiding the numbers for one second is the process to hide
one to sixty numbers like every number in this category is to blame thus the
punishment is done for a second but how about the time which is to blame in
the terms of numbers.
One to sixty numbers are given in the process of shock to the heart. For
one second, getting rid of one number to give shock to the heart but none of
them works like the guilty is escaped when it has the the title of number. How
to shock the heart which its senses are numb like coma or something else but
it’s impossible about sense. Sense of words is numb or something else, what’s
the affiliation of the sense to make it clear maybe it works well. The kind of
discussion about the events but what about the new event? New sense is up in
the matter of being numb. The sense is on the way and going on the way but
it’s now numb like numbers are to blame. The kind numb-er version is up to
make shock for changing the numb but it’s lost in the time when it’s forever
too late. Sense of word is up like the attributes of sense are different, thus sense
could be up and down. Formation of words amid the situation where the words
need sense to be up. The kind of suggestion by two different dictionaries where
one tells one word and another tells one story but it’s like both dictionaries
promise to each other to compromise in the way that the common goal is us.
Back to us again like both of us could be remained in the battle amid us and five
unknown people who are dead people in any formation of zombies, vampires,
and etc. Words by words going up to find the intended sense for us like senses
choose the way where is titled to be mixed after being numb against of us. The
kind of professional system in the systematic structure where the position of
us is the matter of patterns about us. The kind of pattern is asked to be up
but it’s the kind of wasting time by five stuff to be on hold and on pause when
they’ve been expired. Patterns of words have taken attention like the meaning
of words aren’t the matter of minds. Minds seeking the patterns and the kind
of punctuation amid words with the sources of us. Sense of accessibility from
words has the opportunity in that, the exploration of words in all directions
have been facilitated.
Words take the turn from us like the consideration is the criteria in the
forms of principles where the concept of words is sent in the position with the
adjective later. Words after words couldn’t be like before when the big tools on
the words, take the exploration on all directions like the words are to blame
about the numb sense. Thus the exploration is deep on the words are up. There
was one sense, it’s obvious but the obvious tips aren’t the matter of minds.
Finding the ways in that, the ways of sense could be found. The ways of the lost
senses and the ways of having senses but the ways have no traces from senses
like the senses have been existed. The words make senses again but there’s no
reason about the time when the sense is up like the sense is like shocks on the
body of us thus the seconds hide one number to hide one numb sense which is
done. Thus patterns are one second when the digitalization of sense is done.
Seeking the place where is the reminder for us but there’s no sense to have in
the land of memories. Memories are and aren’t. Formation is but it isn’t. Like
adjectives have the power to cover the totality of words in the way that, there’s

3. Memories Of The Hearts

no need to have adjective more. Memories on the located heart but the senses
of located heart could tell about different stories which are faraway memories.
The extraction of words from the formal sense which is titled memories like
memories are the substitutions for senses which just work for us. Memories are
on but they aren’t up like the lightening words are now the siders against us.
The kind of congratulation about words when the sounds of happy birthdays
are up. The kind of word is up but only in the terms of. Thus up could be
down and up when the terms are up. Words have decided to be against us like
the works of numbers are up in the terms of worthy when the calculation is
up in the matter of sensible logic which tells obviously be siders of powers and
winners on the papers.
Located Heart And Memories #15
Heart is the common word in the uncommon world. The place in that
uncommon people aren’t in the common ways of making the perspectives of
how to be. The kind of finding kindness and finding some standards without
belief in any of them. The kind of seeking people without any tendency to any
of them. Using words without any belief to any of them. The kind of disbelief.
The kind of infidelity to all creatures in the World. The kind of being dead
but the senses of words shocking us to be on the lines where the mountains are
only shapes on the lines which record the beats of heart, they’re only shapes
when the sense of word catch us again and again. The sense of word is up! But
what about the words like we’re dead people but we aren’t completely dead
maybe we’re almost dead in the terms of science but we’re dead! Death on
the couple of us in the formation of being the numb person with no belief and
with the total infidelity which has no benefit like the world is meaningless when
giving meaning to the words in the multiple ways get the dark mode to be dead.
Words after words! What’s going on and where is the moments of us which
is recorded the best-selling contribution about us in the terms of words which
are now lights on the moments like moments are dead and with highlights of
some words in the styles of senses, make one live moment like beat of heart is
made only in some moments and in some senses. Senses aren’t invited but they
give us the life in the situation where we don’t have any belief to any reaction
which could help us and bring us together. Grateful or other kinds of ethical
standards about the mercy which is given about us but It’s absurd to step even
to have small duration of one eyes or seeing the siders of us in specific moment.
The kind of being dead inside in the kind of making self-vacant of anything
which is and isn’t. Like the word of us was the only word which isn’t like the
chains of words where one word seeing another but the consecutive versions of
eyes have one direction toward the next thus there’s one and there isn’t the
couple like the mutual understanding each other is the meaningless word like
the borders amid lies and truth have been disappeared.
Finding the way to make new life and to be back but there’re only words
which couldn’t help us without us like the ambitious word is or the ambiguity of
words could let us to be up. Sensible words is called interrupted words like both
of us sign the agreement about the death of us in the momentum like we’re dead
in time like the time is to blame when it counts the same moments but there
are sensible words which have more worthy values in comparison with others.
Like the words are the same but in the case which the formation of having sense
is neglected. Forgotten sense when the both sides of the battle prefer to count
all but not senses. Like it’s kind of craziness and madness when the sense is

up about the word which has no meaning like the meaningless situation makes
sense about giving the shock to the body who are numb and he stares to the
single point. Passing the moments of having senses about the title of being crazy
or mad when the reaction isn’t logical, the words aren’t logical and the sense
which is made isn’t logical like the kind of log is replaced with the word logical.
Like log calls in the formation of logical when this word isn’t appropriate to be
on the story about the battle amid us and others. Words suicide with going
on the way which is away from logic with the tools of highlighting the words
which aren’t eligible to be highlighted in the terms of us.
The kind of being on the ways of getting the cycle of highlighted words
when they get the short pause to get rid of from the iteration of words. Words
after words in the way that, there’s no sense to have but there’s sense which
is enabled. Like the sense is compulsory to tell the story about us. Sources of
reality about the words are insane like the direction of words has no logical way
to go. The structure of words has the deceive styles but there’s no gist to be
pleasure about it. It’s the picture for having the kind of highlighted words or
it’s the symbol in the inappropriate position. There’s no words like the validity
of words have no longer credits when the first mistake is occurred by the first
highlighted word without any logic behind it. The communication is lost in the
lack of word thus finding the ways in that, there’s no need to bring the words.
Region of us goes to be smaller and smaller in the ways that, the aim is about
the word disappearance. The kind of circle like it’s the symbol to end up lines
where the words have played with the kind of moments and the kind of concept.
Words have no context to have the texts about the title like tiles of words are
in the sake of being beautiful.
The beauty is the matter but what about the moment which is wasted by
the beauty like the words dismissed themselves to have meaning or gist. It’s
like the verse but the verse is used to have meaning. The kind of new sense is
assigned to the works of words but it isn’t acceptable. seeking the exception to
replace with acceptable but the red colors of words couldn’t go up and prefer
the originality of words without any pause or other excuses. The kind of fake
process and words to fabricate the new story is faced with white text which is
STOP in the kind of circle with red color. The kind of new motion is stopped
in the lack of luck when the logical word has the permission to continue and
pursue the kind of words with the follow-up label about us.
Located Heart And Memories #16
The sense is utilized but it doesn’t counted in the lists of all senses which
are five sense. The sense is about word like love affects on us in the various
formation and in the distinct degree which could be characterized like it has
well-known patterns after short break. The sixth sense is the sense of word
when they’ve formed the kind of game which is about the words in-depth. The
structure of this sense and the way it goes, could be predicted but it couldn’t
be ruined like it’s well-known to find and it’s unknown to remove. Move on the
words in the body like the beats of heart is alive whether decides or determine
the considerable moving with relaxation. Heartbeat the first word which is
corresponded to this sense like the sense gathering words to make the new
dictionary. The heartbeat is about the word which has sense in minds and
bodies like the sense of words could be available in the accessible moments
which are predicted well. How to get this sense, it could be as great as the
question about how could it be ruined. There’s no answer about the negative

3. Memories Of The Hearts

styles. Positive situation is known like when it could affect and why? The kind
of pure love and pure heart in the last sense it’s counted to be six.
Sense of possibility could be available when the specific words change the
sense of us like it’s the ladder to go up and up somewhere could see anything
which satisfies in the principles of love. Love is the proper name with this
sense which only works on literature and words. Fancy sense has opened its
wings to the most luxurious formations of words where the terms works if only
words works. Adaptation to the lines of the stories and getting the reflections
of being perfections where the lines of life directed to lines of lacking the kind
of us. The kind of us could reflect in the words like the a little could works in
words. A piece or a tunes, it doesn’t matter where back is done and having
good mood is aimed thus the sign of stop is all when the good mood could
be done. Changing the mode which this change is the positive attribute to
save us from moving fast into the dark mode just for a little time. Now, the
sense is sentenced. It’s denounced for its helps to show a little of us where the
ballots have been done and the result is against up strongly. The process of
loosing the references is a little about the story which lines up. How to go and
how to be, there’s valid information when there’s no reference and there’s no
body. Isolated situation which is the souvenir of the work travel for us. Work
travel which hasn’t been expected to give us joys thus the kind of being alone
and looking forward to have us in the way that the couple of us is the total
joy and having happy moments which have the the continuum mode and they
aren’t discrete. We live in the discrete mode when one word makes sense, we
makes the one heartbeat like the one moment amid all moments are separated.
Thus the common moments amid us has discrete style and it has peaks in some
seconds but looking forward to see us in the continuous moments which the
atmosphere is abounded only us.
Circling on the words to find the lights which lead us to the cozy which
has no distractions on us and about us but there’s the wall amid us which
is impossible without removing the wall, doing anything else out of loving
words and loving story. Love is the directions of all stories like the manual of
being winner is something about us like the lights on the words to make the
highlighted words could help us to live a little longer. Death is the word which
is about us but it’s delayed but the sixth sense which is love like the love has the
power from the styles of love. Love is the word of being and smelling when the
possibilities show their powers to make impossibilities in the way the beyond
the power and beyond the time, the life is up tp us like we’re captivated amid
the reality of us and fake words about us. We’re forced to be in the vibrating
sense which is right and is wrong and it’s called mixed words. The kind of
effort is about making pause but it could make us to be numb. Thus there’s the
drastic altering to make sense about the couple of us when the passed time hurt
us. Lasting is the devastating word when it’s out of us like the moments have
counted in the discrete style to overcome on the peak of us which is happened
in the predictable words and situation.
Counting the moments without us, is the new form of being numb and seeing
how the guilty of being discrete could cover to be the continuum in the way
one is left and one is right like we’re the axis which one goes on the right to
infinity and other goes to the left to infinity but both are endless and we count
all numbers in the styles of positive and negative to be zee like the last letter of
alphabet or R which is all reality in the continuum forms like zee is the discrete

forms of us and r is the continuous form of us to live together in the fancy
dreams which drag on us. Words after words when words are corresponded to
specific number which is like diary and it has the full data about the date and
moments like giving one diary’s date and pick some memories up. Memories are
the new words about the peaking moments about us up when they’re successful
in the battle which in that the assigned numbers are against us. Successful
memories about the time when it’s discrete by the continuum of us to feel us,
to make sense about us and to see us again and again like the words and world
is us.
Located Heart And Memories #17
Located heart either it’s point or it’s a curve. It’s located like it’s has the
mentally and physically location which is now obvious and the location isn’t
open to dispute. Modern location or conventional location, it doesn’t matter
where the position of whatever is desired, is now obvious. The move on the
located memories to take the shortly sense like periodically sense is now located
to be shortly sense in the terms of duration of the sense when it affects on us.
Words after words could be sensible in the short term but there’s new sense
when the sense is ready when it’s located and it’s up. The kind of having power
in the formation of sense which is done under the darkness of words like words
have the version which affect on heart. Heart is the new version of words like
the tools of being sensible could be a substitution for us in the desperation
mode. The kind of person is gone but the kind of heart like tattooed heart is
reminded to act like the missing person, the kind of action in the formation
of the word wanted. The kind of love has the transformation now. The new
version of the words when they could change all things about us with the tool
of heart in the structure of single world like a line of single words and so on.
Captivated words in the located versions like the power opponent is about us.
The kind of approach to be closer and closer in the lovely version of us.
Statistically versions of words could be up for us like all formations could
be achievable by us. The new format whenever the notion of us is up. Range
of words from us or to us could be decider about the atmosphere where we’re
fallen into it. Like all locations pointed out the elected locations which have
spread their wings to widen their territories and their authorities until there’s
no word which has no affiliation about us. Words after words and words by
words going to have the couple words which are the best titles about the book
of us like booked heart is up to show how the power of love could show the
time which is related to show time when the concrete words could have the
same amount of effects on us. Saying the name to classify the words but it’s
absurd when there’s no common attributes about them in the terms of us. Like
haphazard words could give us the kind of consciousness to be up and to feel
the sense which is allowed to make sense about us. Amid people, the words are
sider of us when one is present and another is absent but the words gathered
us in the multiple crossing on the words like the street of drivers has low traffic
for us to across from it. The kind love on the bridge where there’s the place to
see us above all drivers which couldn’t touch us and they’ve been located in
the down place in comparison to the place of us.
Hypothetical version of words when they’re expected to be precise and away
from imagination and careless visions. The version in that, the existence of us
is a tattooed heart. The kind of heart which is fixed under the hugely diverse
attacks by rivals. Rivals are going to discredit the kind of information about

3. Memories Of The Hearts

the located heart and located memories for having the open way to discover
and to show the power of them which is under laughing when the cycles of
words couldn’t be neutral like words have eternity and endless effects only on
us. The effects have no hope for rivals but they try to make it the kind of new
disease to weaken the position of us in the battle which has to open way to
disclose every thing, either playing lies or winning truth. The kind of art to
find the most destructive visions to us when there are two partitions in the
world. Like negative visions and all the approaches whenever are used that they
don’t have two ways of applications. Thus they’re native in the matter of us
and in the terms of being destructive. The destruction of minds, bodies, senses
and whatever is existed in the siders of us like one decider is the dictatorship
which gathers all the creatures to show the situation in that, the winner is the
matter of minds. The kind of disease of words which is called word-disease
when the words have affected on the person and with the positive effects on
minds, bodies, heart and senses thus the person could be up if the disease lasts
more but it isn’t allowed to be up. That’s the point where being strong person
isn’t allowed. Only place is for people who are in the lower classes and there’s
no place out of lower classes, too.
The kind of having heavy costs against us without any positive reputation
about their achievements. The kind of fake reputation when the reality is up.
It’s too late to make destructive words, fake words, and fake situation when
the costs take us up. The words could back us in the position in that, the
meaningful attacks from the sides of us, could have the title of winner again
and again. Words change the mood of us to be on the mode where the energy
of us could rebuild us in the terms of us. Words could give us the new notion
which could find the way where it has the ability which in that the eligible
position could be accessible and sensible. Words could be painful when they
staring on the next. Words could reform the status when they come to us. Like
lovely invitation, it could cover the atmosphere of us wherever directions go but
we’re the same as forever like the couple of us lasts forever in every directions
which are against us, too.
Located Heart And Memories #18
Words have the notions of how to be and how to go. These are words about
the sensible time which make sense about the happy actions and reactions.
Now, they’re sentenced to be in the jail for the period of us. Silence is the
new language which is supposed to be for interactions amid every side of this
battle. Native and natural creature which have the ability to produce sounds
are featured. Thus the study on the hugely diverse versions of voice is the new
trend. The aim is to affect on minds and perception thus it helps to make
sick the opponent which is supposed not to be. Playing with sounds which are
real but they occurs in the specific period of time which has harmony with
the movements of us. The kind of being responder and producer. The sounds
have made when the isolation has been made thus there’s no real person. Only
five unknown people with infinite repetitions of sounds to get us sick thus
everywhere is, the sick version could be available when the sounds are pandemic
language. The most common sounds are used and the study on the history of
sounds could make them legalize in the way that, there’s opportunity to label it
and characterize it in every ways they want to be. Thus there are open ways to
have multiple stories to move amid them and to kill us in the cycle of five days.
Reversing the sounds and make it unreal thus there’s nothing to learn, it’s

kind of misinformation to ruin the brains when the paranoid thoughts are only
allowed to use. Using professional animals and using lots of sounds to affect
on the brains, knowledge, senses and heart. But there’s bad luck when words
are sider of us and they act weird like they’re magic when they’re used. The
kind of playing with yellow balls in the ping-pong, football, golf or tennis, it
doesn’t matter when the starting point is announced to be in the way that, the
opponent is killed like in the terms of coma. Like it breathes but it’s weird
and it’s unusual. It sees differently, it speaks differently, it listens differently,
it tastes differently and it is it and it has no gender to be specified. The kind
of ruing all things from five senses to all related stuff about it. The kind of
professional works on the wide range which is also widen to cover all the fake
sky which isn’t on demand. Misinformations about numbers, colors, people
and reality. Using sounds to make contact like the craziness is the motto for
this battle to make different when all abilities have been removed. Words after
words featuring us like the words are survivors amid these small liars wherever
is possible, they’re up. The kind of collaboration to make new result like both
of us are new material for these evil styles of people.
The sounds are made in the common ways like it’s ordinary and it’s forever.
Everything is natural and there’s no surprising event, if you surprise, then
you’re crazy. The kind of three words but the number of opponent’s words are
unknown. The opponent has shown three words and more thus it’s the hard
battle when both of us are leaders and pioneers. The harsh moments which are
hard to see but they’ve up in the every momentum of time. It’s the same and
usual in the ways of weak people and small personality of the rivals. Help! is
the new word which is sent on the table to penetrate into the opponent when
the possible ways are all allowed to affect on us and to desperate us. Words
after words going on the ways where all words are assigned to us the kind of
starting word which debuts Hey. Words after words in the every possible ways
of being words in every levels and in every degrees like the words are allowed to
use all possibilities against the sounds, numbers and misinformations and all
things are allowed to use in the rival’s territories. The kind of crazy land and
crazy people thus it doesn’t matter which skills are used. The motto from the
opponent’s statement is that the rival is crazy thus it’s hard to survive in the
battle which is done on us without any excuses and because of high abilities
when the poor people have the right to live and powerful men in every terms of
having excellence, have to be killed but they’ve promoted because of having
experiences in the tunnel of time like machine of time, thus they’ve changed
the term of killing in the jargon of coma.
Coma is the new word with lots of new meaning behind it. The kind of
being alive without proper visions about the neighborhood and its beyond.
It starts from neighborhood to get the new title which is strange and after
that, the extension of it to the intended location. Located heart has closed
the ways which could have the rumors about the place but in the crazy land,
it’s possible to have any kind of rumors in the formations of sounds, animals,
animal’s behaviors and misinformations. Effects on the material and its beyond
are new kinds of being new attendee like counting the numbers of time have
happened to see the changes when time is changed to be heart and heart’s
feelings could be counted in the terms of words when time and numbers have
given their existence to the heart and heart’s feeling. Hearts and heartbeats
are the new comer from the styles of how to make sense about the momentum

3. Memories Of The Hearts

of living and it’s no upper bounds to see when they’re genuine for us. Coma
is an disarrangement of letters from the word come when the last letter e is
substituted by first letter which is a. Attacks on the every versions of us in the
disciplinary ways and non-disciplinary ways to emit us from the world which
belong to us. Using usual symbols when they’ve common usage but they’ve
multiple usage like they’re research notions to be in the upper version of their
multiple usages.


Reproducing Memories And


Calling the ways

in that, there’ Located Heart And Memories #19
s situation to The lines of words have been declined like words seek new ways to be back
reproduce the
again. The potential abilities of words have found nothing like the darkness
memories and
hearts to make era of words is up. Calling the ways in that, there’s situation to reproduce the
sense about us memories and hearts to make sense about us when one word pops out. Words
when one word lost themselves and they couldn’t move more like they’ve captured without
pops out. Words
any traces and without the desire to find the person who abolish the chains of
lost themselves
and they couldn’ words to make sense about us when the sense could change the way to be up.
t move more like The slavery of words have been done by us but the modern slavery has been
they’ve captured ended up when the words have no energy to highlight on the specific words.
without any
traces and
Reproducing memories and hearts are the approaches to have the hope about
without the the words which has tested to be positive about the disease of us. The cure
desire to find of us turns out disease like the words have been distracted in the way that,
the person who they’ve been able to pick us up. The kind of coma with the punishment from
abolish the
chains of words
words to be back in life like monitor is distracted by the lines which are go up
to make sense to hold on us and to have us again. The kind of holding on us by using the
about us when words like fabricating multiple stories are new approaches to recuse us from
the sense could time. Passed moments without any traces of us and wasted moments without
change the way
to be up. The
making sense like we’re dead amid the time when it asks for accomplishment
slavery of words and achievement in the period which called the passed moments. Exploring the
have been done history to find positive pieces which are concluded by us but there’s only one
by us but the
landmark which is frankly called shock. Electricity shock is up to hold us in
modern slavery
has been ended time and to back to the absurdity of life like words were the electricity shock to
up when the make us conscious about the monitoring by time.
words have no Changed the situation in that, the words couldn’t be called by electricity
energy to
highlight on the
shock like words are no longer survivor when the words don’t make sense about
specific words. us. We’re dead in time but the approach is only about the words with prefix
Reproducing re- like reproducing memories and hearts are only possession of us in the lack
memories and of having any words and in the matter of us. Words dismissed themselves
hearts are the
approaches to
without any excuses but the moments miss the words when any version of us is
have the hope captured by time which sentences us because there’s no sensible moments. The
about the words moments of us don’t make sense like words aren’t. Thus the natural approach
which has tested could be titled by the -ing form of the verb reproduce. Reproducing the pasts
to be positive
about the
and their words, reproducing the hearts and the memories and reproducing
disease of us. the senses and sensible moments. Going to the ways without any fears and

4. Reproducing Memories And Hearts

disappointments like the ways are predicted without us but how to be on the
tune of us is the unanswered question which is titled open questions to have
multiple answers. Multiple answers could tell multiple lines of the story of us
like there’s existing answer to be continued in the legalizations of lies toward
the point which is called both of us are on hold. Perspective of this idea get
a little moment to be up when the fake words make fake memories and fake
hearts. The kind of reproducing the history to bring only lies toward us. It’s
renovation, there’s new comer like the fabricated stories are legalized to make
new sense like making senses on us is rewarded to distract us for not to be on
the ways of tunes. Violated to the human rights but they’ve explored the lines
belong to human right to change either human or rights in the terms of us thus
there’s the closed way to be up.
Violated rules but rules have been changed in-depth in the ways of being
detail-orientated style. Violated human rights but both of us aren’t human
when both of us are called crazy in the terms of sensible words. The definition
of rights are different where it comes to us like both of us have no sensible
possession to be satisfied by them. Court which is used to protect us, it now
violates any versions of us. The words are written with machinery style and
handwritten styles to make the bad fate for us. Like the fate could be changeable
when they’ve voted against us in an unanimous way. Disagreed to hug us when
we’re up like the downward version of us is on demand. The kind of new
death is the new title for us like the words were the biggest achievements and
accomplishments in the matter of us, but they’ve gone so the turns are open
for the all animals like the museum of animals are open to celebrate attendance
of vultures and other categories with the warmly welcome when the the doors
of jails have been opened up.
Found the ways to be up without words like the couple of us have shinned
too much. Both of us could be addressed by only us like the references are being
referred by us. The kinds of words were the references for us by their sensible
words in the matter of us, they’ve polluted to the fakery sensible words which
are aimed to ruin originally sensible words which work only for us. Circulated
fakery sensible words to cover the atmosphere which is belonged to us thus
the original words have dismissed themselves to be about us like words have
found their beloved loves in the specific moment of time. The kind of showtime
for others but the kind of main time for us like the timelines have been split
when the battle of words have been changed. Words only have the era from the
past like the game which is made by discovering the pasts like the history of
words is the matter of. Finding the words and changing them in the terms of.
Like of is the new possession when it talks about belonging to us. The kind of
battle which has the winner only when the participants have been alive when
the timeline is dead. Survivors are only winners which they’ve obvious and
clear existence as days and nights are multiple and alternative as the couple of
us are up.
Located Heart And Memories #20
The notions of having us together spread their wings but there’s no us.
There’s some missing like one of us is dead or absent. One of us is disappeared
in the total darkness without any trace which implies the version of having us.
The situation is made in the kind of condition which implies the contradiction
about having us and not having us. The version of us dominates our memories
and our hearts but another version dominates our physical bodies in the matter

of lack of us. Everyday’s work is to make sense about the words which don’t
make sense which is titled contradictions. Full of contradictions and then? Is
there any relaxation? There are only shuffle of contractions when the heart got
the adjective located and its consequences are up or down when the expected
word is up. The forms of words need to have the reformation of forms. Formation
of words could go beyond. But there’s no hope in the hopeless moves of this love
which has too many questions about its sources and its destinations. Moving
on the ways to get the number but there’s one number which has infinite digits
without any patterns, and it’s called pi. The kind of Greek letter which is now
about the situation which doesn’t make sense at all. Going toward or backward,
it doesn’t matter when the darkness has chosen words to saturate with the
black color when they couldn’t make sense about their histories. History is up
in both sides of the battle when the turn is for memories and the winner of
memories could get some credits which could help them to be winners. Shuffle
of memories like haphazard words have no sense thus how to award them some
excuses when even single word doesn’t make sense when it comes to the ground
of memories. Memories are the upper stages which include heart and they
conclude hearts. Conclusion of inclusion or new era to find its characteristics
amid the words which could show their importance to be up in the term of
new situation. Rebuilding or reproducing need more times like it’s a motto
rather than being more real. Making reality when fantastic abounds all places
thus there’s the reality, it doesn’t matter if it’s mixed with other style of its
peer. Widening the collections of words but time’s up for it thus exploring the
accessible collections of words but there’s nothing to feel like there’s need to
have sensible patterns to remake sense about sense. Reproducing the sense
excerpt from intended words but there’s no sense more thus the kind of show is
up to have full senses about the movies when the television doesn’t work.
The movie is started off like in the extreme darkness like the battle of best
contribution is up to find the best structure about senses when the tattooed
sense is up. Heart doesn’t work thus the senses are gone thus there’s need
to have tattooed sense when it could remake in the story of us. Toys are
ready to go without any restrictions and any rules. Toys could be words or
the sense of words which have the structure in the best visions of memories.
Memories are being under inquiry like the existing question is posed about
memories which speak about the sensible harmonies of word but the betrayal is
up when everybody and everyone choose to be skeptical like being on the kind
of uncertainty to attack us in every directions when the trust is gone amid any
couple of people like being couple is crime now. The kind of being alone is new
trend to be up in the lack of us. Lies and their chains led to betrayal to have
no sense and nothing to be like the world of lies are faced to new world which
is called the world of betrayal. Betrayal is new adjective to take any sense from
every words and every singleton like singers singing the no like the time is exact
Amid the words which are being pointed out, there’s sense dooming the
words like memories have the powerful tools of being up. There’s sense in the
periodically ways to be on us in the hopeful ways. The rivals could be assigned
by the crazy land where the people and the land both are crazy thus there’s no
credit for this land when it’s abounded with sick people which are called crazy.
The kind of expectation or greed, words don’t matter when the sense shines.
Sense is undefined word but it’s the pieces for making memories which could

4. Reproducing Memories And Hearts

be revised like it has single mistakes which couldn’t be seen but they could
be revised. The kind of mistakes has been occurred in the pages of the book
entitled memories but it don’t revised without any excuses like the mistakes
are authorities to make new style of legal mistakes. Legalization of the lies and
betrayal is the new story about us. New story needs new author but not in
the formations of authorities. Memories and hearts make new story like pun of
words versus senses of words in the matter of us.
Contradiction is now new tool for them to gather the closest words to the
word betrayal but reproducing hearts and memories could overcome if both of us
feel the same ways. Every word is acceptable like they couldn’t agree anymore
about any new comers. New comers, new hearts, new memories and new senses,
there are lots of participants. Ended up when the memory is waken like the
lion of words could make sense. The lion of words could be brutal and wild but
others don’t want to be under the word understandable people, they want to
be silly like the unknown versions of the crapped people. The sense of words
and the sense of time like the sense could be considered as accomplishment and
achievement in the best ways of availability and accessibilities. Distractions of
words and the doer, are the new words on the books which are called betrayal.
Located Heart And Memories #21
Catastrophic situation is made. Routine situation in that, every iteration
could affect same, however, it goes up. The ways have been split into multiple
ways which have included multiple curve-style ways when the greed is faraway
from the ways to obtain. Heart is the word or it’s the sense which could waken
us up. Or it’s the word which could be a fan of us in every situation where
it’s expected to be another sides, it the sider of us. Heart is located when it
passes from all words and all senses. Located heart and memories could be a
sign of how the powers of us work even there’s no body to be in the side of us.
Disinvite or invite for the syllabus of this heart which works fast, genuinely and
complex in every situation which it’s on demand. The title located heart and
memories is the title of the book with the related syllabus which now shows the
readerships who use this syllabus, are well-educated in the term of this book.
Gathering the formations of words to understand their senses which arise up to
us. How it’s possible to have the sense about the words without any affiliation
and any dependence to them. The word love is the keyword or not when the
result is only regarded. The result like love covers all words and all senses.
Seeking the ways to have the verbs which are synonym and more close
to excel. Excel is the verb which is the greed. Thus all eligibilities could be
summarized in this verb which covers all ways to go and how to be. Finding
the notions and skills which could make us the title where the shuffle of titles
have been brought to the some versions of us like the edition is reminded but
the version debuts. Acceptability of words could be the reflections for us when
the effects of words go forward senses and not making skills or credits like the
effective words are only about senses which are useless in the world out of minds
of us. Mindset could be under question about how the wisdom and knowledge
have dismissed themselves in the place where the title of being participant
has gotten by the senses. Sense has been considered skeptical notion when
they come to us like the source of the sense is the words like madness and
craziness which have the symptom of lack of wisdom, and knowledge. Sense
is the symptom of craziness or madness when the syllabus of words has been
substituted by the syllable of words. Thus the kind of counting of the syllable

of crazy and mad which are two and one have been substituted by the kind of
learning by the syllabus of words to learn words, effectively to last forever in
hugely diverse directions which could give them the title which is learned.
Following the sense to be real in the ways of how the beauty of touch could
be amid the big event of the sense of the click when it’s dragged to the kind of
version of us. The edition is made in the rival’s side but the version of us is
too perfect which couldn’t sound the words like edition; only version could get
us to be on the series which could be concrete and convenient way of how to
be intended continent in the convenient ways. Sense is up like the creature is
different: its mindset, its senses, its wisdom and its knowledge. It should take
different pronouns like it’s different where six words overcome five words. Like
the circle is the absurd word when it comes to us. The new version of being
possible when the drag of sense could make us waken like the words get up and
wake up are different in the matter of using up: one finds up but another uses
up. The kind of waking up when it’s felt the kind of usage of senses like the
patterns have no answer to this question about what’s sense and why is it too
different to be distinguished. The sense is up! It could make us to be up and to
have the word which about being excel in all directions which are related to us.
Essence of sense is related to words but words aren’t related to sense like the
sense of words could act random like the complexities of sense are obvious and
there’s no doubt in it. The kind of absurdity is up. The kind of being foolish
and the traces of how to be meaningless. Gist of words is dismissed itself to
be continued when the words could shake us and they could make blood to be
moved. Words have been explored about the enquiry but it’s the open question
which in that all efforts to flourish it could be ineffective. Counting, countless
or continent when the right word only illustrates the agony which arises by
culprit senses. The proper word isn’t survivor but it’s the kind of call when
we use culprit for sense or it’s the kind of guilty which has the trace of goal.
Which one is up. It’s the kind of goal or it’s the kind of calling for us to be up.
The kind of continuous goal states the formation of us is forever in this way but
the kind of calling shows the short term of show to back us together. Culprit
is one version of the sense which is up to us but in the matter of us. It ruins
words, senses, wisdom and knowledge when it’s up like the world is meaningless
and every body and every one is crazy or mad. The kind of differentiating the
words by syllable when the body and crazy is the about the color blue but the
one and mad is the term of the color red and aftermath producing the words,
someone and somebody, etcetera. Catastrophic is considered the derivative
form of cut, cat, cate-taste or counting, when it’s matter to use about an event
but the cat-taste and cat is up in this journey.
Located Heart And Memories #22
Related to All! Wondering is the useless word when it comes up like the
ancient word which are no longer to be seen. Versions of words have been
captivated to the kind of edition like the words have been captivated to be on
the pause which is said to be edition. Words are gathering to defend themselves
when the error is the adjective for some lines including words. Heart has no
sense about the events but it only works when the word is appeared when the
word is seen like the conditions of words, don’t matter when the five stars point
out. Five-star shines on some words to make the pause in the short term but
the resume is near to go on the tune with playing the song which belongs to
us. Voices and events don’t play the words like the words are to blame for

4. Reproducing Memories And Hearts

sophisticated situation which is on and off. Going on the ways where the words
couldn’t stop in various ways which belong to verbal clues and nonverbal clues.
Focusing on the words by zooming in and zooming out on and off like the words
are under experiments to tell us about their behavior to make sense in the
specific time and in the specific stop. Like it’s a station or a stop to pick us up
on the train and bus to go fast and to be unseen amid the huge audience. How
to count the speed of the train or bus in its specific lines but there’s another
stop to go out and going by the speed which belongs to us. The kind of cryptic
word by using but instead of bus when the highest speed catches us in the time
where we’re lost. Lost in the high speed of life but it’s time to be on the highest
imaginative speed when we’re on the next stop. One stop for going and one
stop for leaving. One stop to go and one stop to go, in and on!
Walking on the ways alone and alone like lonely walking under the severe
raining is the new way to have you again under raining, I’m only one who
implement the promise for not leaving your hand. Thus running under the sever
raining like the couple who have been disappeared under the high speed which
is done by runners. Running and running to get rid of the minds which are
full of us like the minds were the signs which are hit by arrows. Arrows aimed
the minds instead of hearts like every momentum has been bleed from minds
and heart in every second of life. The speech of love only calm down us but
there isn’t any energy to be on the air but is it possible to see what’s going on
without us thus the kind of doing and not doing in the situation of us. Going on
the ways to have us again but there’s no trace out of the words which are only
survivors. Words are only the person who is amid the people are without you
who are the greed. Finding the words like the verb in -ing form is tired to make
us alive again and again when the starting word for the sentence is expected to
be that. Words after words are fallen to the situation of us like going on the
ways to find you again is the worthy and useless. The kind of escaping toward
us and the kind of hurting when running toward us like the unavoidable fate is
something which is going back and forward amid two points of us.
Somehow it’s felt the kind of power of us but it’s skeptical when we’re
apart. It’s like the loving and hating in the simultaneous moment and both
in continuous present form. Present and its consequences go to us but how to
find us when one is and one isn’t. Searching love to find when it goes to the
stop to have the joy of being on the but or the train in the matter of highest
speed. Using GPS to find the locations which belong to hearts and memories
but all are located with only one exception which is us. How’s possible to be
far and to be near when the sense and reality come apart and parts are going
on the atmosphere which is the border of having Oxygen to breathe and having
nothing to breathe in the kind of being alive and being dead in having sense and
having no-sense. Love could give us joys and hurt but are we deciders about
them or love could get us amid difficulties and happiness and love implies going
amid troubles and relaxation to be on the battle which credits us as winners
and losers like the heart chose us to be powerful and unique when the beloved
person is like princess shakes his tissues as the icon of telling welcome to us and
opens the door as the considerate person in the matter of us.
Feeling love at the specific moments like the monuments of my heart show
themselves in the fast ways and near each other which informs us about the big
amount of heartbeats in the kind of breathing to feel each other and to have us
more and more. Love could be survivors but it could be more; it could make us

winners amid all battles which have happened to us but what-if? What we can
obtain if we have taken apart? What is love if both of us have been suffered
from the lasting moments which couldn’t depict us in the picture which prove
both of us belong to one moment. One moment to feel, one moment to hug,
one moment to kiss, one moment to laugh, one moment to breath and one
moment to taste all beauty of world which could take a label with the world of
us. World of wars, World of singers, World of scientist and World of us.
Located Heart And Memories #23
Words after words like streaming the words on the ways of us. Decision is
made when one word has affected on the way of us like words have a infection
alike. Going on the way where the infected word seeking us to change the
decision which is made about us. Focusing on the ways where the infected word
could tell us about how the possibilities could be brutal even more than the
possibilities couldn’t imagine and there’s no way to have even imaginative forms.
Shaping the words like lining up the words could give the notion which isn’t
about us or is about us. Forming and deforming the words in the ways that,
only felt the version of us. It doesn’t matter how to be when one word can show
the version of us under sever rains without any umbrella without any hands
and with the vacant hand in the hope of one day when it could be pressed by
another hands. Sever rains and being under it looking forward the person who
is considered about us who is passionate about us who loves as much as each
other but there’s no person like the word of us is only inherit which is reminded
and saved after us. Aftermath or after us, who could give us any instructions
which isn’t to be needed to be manual, just the trace of us, just a little out
of minds. Just be real but there’s no more than words when the word could
save us to be alive aftermath of the love. Love formed the located hearts and
love formed the memories but how to go amid the time when the time’s up like
starting off the battles when they’ve seen us alone. Changing the situation in
that, we’re both up in every levels of power in the matter of money, relation,
possession and so on but it was an event like the rains today going under rains
to find a claimer but there were only disclaimers, too many disclaimers like the
population of the world for instance, become too dark to show the number.
There’s no way to have us even in the emergency mode like S.O.S is the
abbreviation of words when they’ve shamed to see us more. The kind of
captivating in the unknown island where is dominated by the water. Thus
there’s no way to catch us amid the time we’re be there. The island has no
human like they’ve evacuated from there or maybe it’s unknown island waiting
to be discovered but. There are too many animals in every directions and styles
like the journey into the forest and mountains to be alive amid wild animals.
There’s nothing just smelling the perfume of us, there’s no shelter more than
the word us like it’s too late to be back on the starting point of the travel
which has been happened on us. Talking with animals are impossible when
there’s no common language, there’s no trace of understanding even one word
thus the word is remained untouched. The ways in that, animals go and back
like the scenario of being survived in the forest, thus the kind of green covers
looking forward to see the black color of night. The tallest trees or the tallest
mountains, it doesn’t matter which object is up when the fixed object without
any trace of living like the dead body is up.
Moving forward and moving backward, it’s confusion about us where is
remained to go when there’s no sign to go. Hugging one hand by another and

4. Reproducing Memories And Hearts

like both hands became one like the eternity of us only see us in the frame one.
The formation of words could lift us up. Even more if we get soon. There’s no
hope like hope is hole in the missing on the words which is adapted from missing
person who has infected words to be missed. Learning how to be but there’s no
time to learn. Sometimes, is time of us like time is split to be some. Sometimes,
dragging word push us up but there’s time to be looked forward. Moving
on the mode which could give us reason when in the shuffle of words, we’re
asked. Asked for more details about time but it’s sometimes and sometimes
and sometimes. Called for reason but there’s no more like sometimes happens
sometimes. Explored to get more but sometimes is sometimes. Got all answers
are located into sometimes thus there’s a range of what’s happening sometimes.
Sometimes we feel love. Sometimes we’re taken apart but it has no effects
on the love like the detour is made by others. The behavior of love is joy like
the endless joy happens on us. Finding the reason and more reasons to make
sense about how to feel us but rising the moon tells us about the darkness of
night when there’s no need to have reason for us where the white moon in the
form of circle gives us moonlights to be shined more once. Finding about the
sense which is up like finding and finding without result. Touching the heart
which is felt forever and hugging the memories which could fresh us. Matching
the words in the blanket of the crossword to find the key word for us but the
life changes the word like the time for solving the keyword isn’t enough. Plea
for having us at the night but there’s no answer is titled response like the night
has no credit for them when the plea is sent for us. Sometimes isn’t morning
and evening thus the night is the sensible time to have us but at night, there’s
no us like the power could be more the the night has. Power of kindness and
generosity has been disappeared when the night is up like night has dismissed
itself about us like there’s need more power to hug us. Night is the period of
time could be sometimes but sometimes isn’t the proper word at night.
Located Heart And Memories #24
Pen or pencil? It’s about words in the matter of correction. It’s style of the
words in the terms of us. Usage of the word could be different and it’s about
the extremism when words are coming up. How to have the words which the
number if their revision is zero like the pen is the iconic picture of the word
which can write texts which don’t need to be under corrections. But how about
the pencil like it’s missed by pen and sell like it’s the reverse function of pen
when the easygoing style is up. Is it about the wisdom and knowledge when
all things happen once. Or the function could accept to be rewritten twice.
The idealism is up like the goal is goal when it’s the matter of time. Limited
time to read and limited time to write in the matter of doing the complexity
and in the jargon of the pen. Being subgroup or underrepresented when the
matter of low experiences in the wisdom and knowledge and in the matter
of the jargon of the pencil. Early-career in the terms of the pencil when the
writing, erasing and rewriting is up but how about the atmosphere of the pen
which there’s no permission to have the option undo. The battle amid do and
undo when the first is the option if and only if the second isn’t option. The
kind of being equivalence amid objects when the option is do and not undo
in the terms of pen. The battle amid represented and underrepresented like
experience, wisdom, and knowledge are up. A way to go for pencil and way to
go for the pen when the metaphor is the new rule for the words.
Catching the place and catching the time to hear the voice which is familiar.

Voices are reproducing or are being reproduced when the refocusing on them
could word nothing. Wording numb sounds to be in the regular style to be
heard and to hear familiar voice which is of us. Peculiar voice invite us to be
on the place which implies the words which are written by pen but the board
has the pencil-style. Whenever words occupied the space the board becomes
clear like reading and writing is once and the storage is the unknown word. The
kind of singularity is up and it goes to another stage to see what’s happening
on the number which is now about the one in all formation one instead of body
in the matter of being the perfect one. Username is one who is its turn to
differentiate about what’s going on whenever and wherever is originated from
us. The structure of the words is open to dispute like the challenges about the
styles are up. The kind of rival-versary is expected in the derivative formation
of anniversary but it’s inclusive. Going fast and moving forward but there’s
no result when the real world laughing on us. Haphazard plans are too far but
there’s only haphazard, haphazard and haphazard.
Haphazard words have been made by the pencil when there’s no choice
out of being in reverse side like the awful side is for us when the battle gave
them the best of one. Going in the simplicity when the complexity is for them,
choosing pencil instead of pen when the open is chosen by them. It’s the battle
thus there’s no option more than reversing whatever the rival set. Setting minds
to be mindset but the mindset is considered prior thus the kind of evacuation
to reset and reconsidered when the life is only allowed under the title which
is called second life. Refocusing and reconsidering on the words like the the
prefix re- is only tool which is open for all. The permission to be up on the
visions of second steps like steps say congrats to all versions of us. Versions of
us could dominate all places when the reconfiguration of us is up like renovation
of words on the rotations of pen to see what’s liked to see in the matter of us.
The challenge is about the roles of words but there’s nothing to be seen in the
matter of us like the repetition is good reputation of us in the form of petition
which inclusively belongs to us.
Fast ways to do the works have been disappeared in the blue eyes of us like
the permutation of the words couldn’t get rid of any version of us. All kinds of
words have been laughed, all kinds of efforts and more like blue color is made
the power which only sees us as winners of stages. The kind of playing with s
which is the first letter of snake like tag, word and naked have got the s to be
changed thus stage, sword and snake are only shapes of how to be there but the
reversing is only word which works in the every situation and in every style like
both of us know the featured tool which is featuring us and only us. Turning
point needs historical point to be done like turner is useless word in this status.
Going fast and moving forward are out and in because the story of resilience is
up but in the kind of us. Moving on words to take achievement and moving
forward the word toto make accomplishment but now there’s time to relaxation
with neither of them. Taking the actions which works exclusively for us to be
desperate from out of us. Words after words to make sense which one could
have the affiliation of us. The kind of flag is now up and it waves under the
wind to show the winner’s side of all stories. Feeling us again and again when
we rebuild any of situations which isn’t pleasant. Thus the players are taller
than to be imaginative like the white clouds and blue sky compromise to show
the peak point on the mountains which point out us in the moonlights at nights.
Nights belongs us wherever is the trace of us like nights could behave in the

4. Reproducing Memories And Hearts

formation of us which could be sensible by the located hearts and memories.

Located Heart And Memories #25
Fake ownership! It’s the new ways to have new words. It’s a new way to
lift single word. It’s the way to be on the tune to be happy about the fake
ownership, fake reasoning and the fake response to cheat and to deceive as
possible. The kind of reserve approach has been changed to be false response to
all actions and reactions which are available. New notions by rival! New ways to
make paranoia when the reality is too far from the words. The kind of working
on minds but the aim is to do anything which makes mind doesn’t work. The
kind of inspiration from the robots who do whatever they want. Fake ownership
is new way and new word in that, the intended person is under operation after
analyzing minds and other related style, the plan could be started. The kind
of game but amid kids and babies. The kind of using the words to be! Every
words and every reaction are assigned to them like they say what you do and
the simultaneous way is the new way to show the show which has the power
like knowing the function of minds and they know the time when it happens.
Fake ownership is the kind of ownership in the way that all reaction and word
has the artificial owner. Like the words have been arranged to be sides each
others. Using fake atmosphere to make sense about them. They make artificial
ownership and they want to change the direction on the game in every point
of the direction which they enter to it and it has the eligibility to be changed
under pressures. Using pressure and fears to make real phobia and disease.
Thus the end could be titled the dead by the silence. Like the gun has the
complex structure to kill every body and every word which arises from us.
Words use to make difference but they’re under attacks aimed to be changed.
The owner of us is the new notion to get the independency from us like it’s
modern slavery in the new versions and new editions. Titled to be a crazy
person or mad person when the power of us is up like fears about us isn’t to be
imaginative. Thus they use the tools to discredit us. Aftermath, they enter to
work on the words by unreal participants and unknown people like the game
want to be archived when the opponent is dead literary. Substituted reality
by fakes to make the fantasy but the warm-up story of us wraps up the their
games with closing single eye. Using familiar objects to make the scene which is
on demand. The kind of using the power mode to play with us more and more.
Like the procedure is too close to be happened but it’s a paper and paper’s
game like the pare back in paperback. Going to make the meaningless directions
and instructions. Going to make the systematic and meaningful instructions in
the matter of them. They though that it could be possible to change us even a
little. The kind of using the plan which is obtained by them but the plan could
be devised better if they don’t exist. The battle has one winner thus there’s
the turn of us or others. There’s no signs of reality when the fake style has the
power to be up. Usage the words which benefit us but all the words are under
visions of us. Sometimes, it’s useful to be a looser when the final winner is on
Words after words help us to know about the power of love and power of
us like the assembling is the art of us to make sense in the terms of us. The
best word could arrange for us when the reality could give us more. Working
on references to change and buy them aimed to have nothing to be used for
learning and usages. References are now counted to be zero but they’re too
many references. The kind of word is under attack to make the new vision which

isn’t real like the reality is aged well when the references of the stories aren’t
ready to acknowledge about the time. Time is up for getting the reference but
there’s only hope to save old references. Some of old references vanished like
the nights and its lovers haven’t ever existed. Night is the time when both of us
pointed to the moon when it’s the beauty of whiteness on the circle on the dark
sky. Darkness is searched to hug us when the vultures are only up. The kind
of reality is aftermath but there’s no version of darkness to be found like it’s
needed to have new edition to make the strong principles which could protect us
against others but this darkness has too far from the intended edition. Finding
the kind of version of darkness but all versions say no to us. The only open
ways to speak to us is now say no to every versions of us.
Finding new brands coming from darkness which has the style of darkness
itself but there’s no signs to be optimistic about. Thus the there’s need to create
new brand. A new brand which is the version of us when crossing the words
could hope us. The kind of new brand in darkness which could be references for
us. A brand which could be leant on it. The kind of darkness in the extreme
mode like the new night and new power welcome us more than it’s expected.
The power could be seen by eyes when the big eyes of brand has elected us.
The big version of us is looking forward to see this new brand to have the series
with the title of us when the collections want to open the new book for us out
of edition and version, there’s new way to have us more not only on the mirror
but also on the walls of places which are into us.
Located Heart And Memories #26
Words have shaped the 3-dimension cube which has some viewpoints when
it’s been looked at it. Words could get sense about the dimension which both
of us have fallen in it. Cubic is the term to see all aspects of this object. Cubic
is the word which is excerpt from the notebook of words to see what’s needed
to be seen. Words after words pop out. But the word of being effectiveness
could get scenario of the importance amid the time when with hindsight, the
words are being looked. The term of being alone is only the term which could
be seen in retrospect. Rotation of words could make sense about how to be in
the capturing ways of going toward the symbol of us. The symbol illustrates
the reason of how to be on the tune like it’s the indicator. The kind of distance
is the meaningful event about the responsibility and irresponsibility of us to
be on the common points which they’ve been indicated by located heart and
memories. Formation of words amid the ways where it’s supposed to see signs
which could assure us about the past and the present when there’s need to take
decision about ways which lead to us. The structure of word is the reflection
about the lights in every part of. Words from any of sides collided like the gap
is existed about the advices which are now up like the trouble of words have
been disclosed. Charming ways but disappointments about the decision. How
could it be possible to be when every moments shout on us about the situation
which is about us and it’s the charming point when the points could be some
remarks about us who are officially separated. Words and discrediting the
minds like the memories and heart are only survivors when all accomplishments
and achievements are under scrutiny to find some gaps and holes which could
enter from it and act like the troy horse to take the minds in the matter of
ruining all cells which could talk about us. The kind of finding and substituting
the hearts and memories with disappointments and incomplete attribute when
the accomplishment and achievement are extreme positive words which couldn’t

4. Reproducing Memories And Hearts

be got rid of from them. The only choice is the erasing them because the
corruption is impossible. Discrediting minds and memories are new tool which
is on demand to overcome the hearts and memories like the battle amid words
could make new era in creating new approach which show battle of words to be
Maybe first mistake or the first word is to blame to start off the battle when
the chains of words have been made to be on framework and to make framework
in which words are decider to be on the horizontal cells or vertical cells in this
crossword. The crossword is used to obtain the word when it may have some
letters in common. The memories are chosen to make doubts about them, to
make gap amid the continuum of the, and to make them unreal. Like the words
which are making the memories, should be changed a little. The version of
hearts is up like sensible word could lighten on the other words without any
titles. The kind of game to ruin titles by the unknown words, insensible word,
and five words. Like three words have decided to be against the couple words
of us. Words could be reminders about the past like the connection amid words
could get them the title which is sensible. Senses of words could be an adaption
from the reality of us when the mixed information make hard to be recognized
about the wrong and true information. Misinformation is the event about the
words which are offenders but it’s strange that both sides of this battle are
offenders and there’s no defenders like both sides have decided to go on the
battle to loose and when the property of one side is undone, there’s a winner
from the style of ruining the whole like either rival or opponent never exists like
there’s reassurance and guarantee about the future when the prominent history
make charming present and it reassure us about the bright future, extraordinary
future, highlighted future which are only about us.
Using all abilities to ruin opponent’s or rival’s abilities, is new version and
new edition could be highlighted in the matter of. Using the smart arrangements
of words to make difficult about recognizing the reality like the kind of pressures
on the brains to accept what’s coming up. The arrangements of words could
be the result from the big study on the expectation and predictions of the
opponent’s or rival behaviors. Words lineup! The hearts could go up and the
memories are useful when the recreation and rebuilding are on demand.
Hired! The new announcement is made. There’s the kind of lineup!
Announcement is denouncement like sentencing each other is the ordinary way
to be on own side. The kind of preserving the position when the contribution
is needed to be on the tune and to get promotion. The kind of preserving
the present without past and the kind of preserving the evidence reassuring
about the charmingly prominent future. The kind of being alone without any
identification and without history! The kind of fighting with the past without
any tools from the present and the potential tools from the future. Future is
only thing about us when the word in the wrong position from the present of
us, has destroyed all bridges and all tallest buildings from the past of us. The
kind of disappointments about the present like the tune of present hasn’t had
the harmony with greed of us. Finding a little harmony, a kind of overlapping
with the desires like the hope and dream which were expectation turning out
prediction with lower degree of certainty like it’s impossible but it’s possible.
It’s contradiction to have us again but the contradiction is the only hope for us
in the matter of expectation and in the term of us.
Located Heart And Memories #27

Wretched! The condition is about. Wish is the new word about the current
situation in the condemnable states which are unavoidable. Tracking the
situation leads to be condemned. Like lose-lose style could be a term which
is proper in the continuum of being inappropriate sense of what’s happening.
The worst plays are the only positive aspects in that, the drama is the proper
genre which could be. Drama is new atmosphere which the artists going to play
by ad lib. The kind of scenario has been dismissed like the powerful artists
have the five stars to be up in the way where funny moments could determine
words for lasting forever like the time has chosen the continuum as the word
forever. The shadow is on the position which is vacant but it’s likely likes to
play under shadows to spread the degree of darkness when the darkness is the
only place which both of us could be settled down in it. The black color is the
extremism of us to have us again when the lightening ways have gone to make
us a degree darkness in the word darkness. The kind of heart or love could
describe the drama of whatever is fantasized. It’s the era of shadows for us.
The era of shift. Shift to the other stage like the ways for us have been devised
to be full of obstacles which imply jumping on the ways like both of us have
one leg to be closer and closer to each other. Switch is a banned word for us
when the charisma is an impossible word in this situation. Charming moments
when the sense about us is up. Like it’s happened to have the sense as the only
thing which connect us forever like the couple of us is the only signs and only
ways but how could it possible to get touch? When extraordinary is improper
description like the words are pushed back by the adjective as the cold acts.
Ways is about the hearts and memories which belong us like the heartbeat
could be signs to find the way to jump like the action of going up and then
back on the land like it’s kind of shock to make jump on the mountains of the
monitor which record the activity of heart. But the kind of shock on the heart,
has replaced to be memories. Memories shock the heart and get the heartbeat
to it. Like memories could last for us.
The kind of disappointment in the term of words. Like the words got all
positivities from us and there’s no way to stop them. There’s the junction but
the words couldn’t stop like the timelines of words are different from us when
the time has dismissed itself by telling the continuum. Timelines of us and
how could make sense about it? Making sense about the situation in that, the
couple of us are apart and are parts. How could it last? Heart is numb like
it’s only object which works. The body is fallen to coma Like all senses don’t
work and heartbeats are only reason for being alive in the term of us. The
sense of us is strange like it’s the chains to be continued like it’s timeline about
the progress of us but when the time going to take more numbers, the process
of going back for coma goes to determine the almost zero in the the term of
probability. Likely both could be back but all eyes are waiting to see when the
heartbeat has been stopped!
Falling on the lines to make new heartbeats in the form of words in the
monitor of blank pages to have us again. To be born again. Falling on the lines
to make the words to have new senses. New senses with infinite numbers. There
aren’t five senses and the style of being alive is refined. The kind of having us
again. The kind of being two when the world has sent us the invitation when
the world couldn’t accept us and the world has no place for us. Words after
words and words by words like the book is the lives of us. The book about the
lives of two people, two lovers and two voices.

4. Reproducing Memories And Hearts

Redefining the sense to make sense about the existence of us like dead
lives could get lives again in the shadow of redefining the senses. The kind of
darkness hugging us to make sense about us. The kind of ceremony but in the
world which is called book. The reality is summarized in the word book. Like
book is the only place which could be for us and because of us. Choosing words
but it’s different from love speech which is used for other words. The words
are used for this world which is book. World of us is the title of book which
is lives of us when both of us take the pen to write, rebreathing is happened,
the sense of word is felt like the love has got new definition in the benefits of
redefining the love. Heart is now hearts and the memories are only a part. Love
speech is only a part of life in the new lives in the new words which are able
us to be born again in the arrangement of words and in the matter of us. The
infinite words could sometimes like letters which are sent amid lovers. But it’s
a little on the world of us. The kind of transition and shift when the time is
continuum there. Thus the sensible words could get us up. Other’s heard to
welcomes words. This world are inclusively assigned to us and the words of us.
The world which have the number two as their population. The kind of banned
place for others. The kind of being understandable for others. The kind of
announcement about having two winners on the battle which isn’t clear. Like
the world of us have fallen to the kind of battle to protect from their territory
against other with their world. World of us and world of others.
Located Heart And Memories #28
Cycles of words make possible to recycle them. Going on tune without any
mode like the action is spontaneously is started without knowing the obstacles
on the way of us. The kind of people could close the way like a game which
there’s no help and if it ends both of us get each other. A game with too many
levels for the lovers! How to get us on the game without related skills and
proving the best level of skills, eligibility, powers and uniqueness, although,
having a little of them. Is it possible to prove love without love? The kind
of heart could get the answers when all questions go on the wondering where
there’s no even person to have the the title audience like pictures, audios, texts
and word started to disappear. They started to feel but how to feel without
anything in the banned game when the tools are only us. It started to feel
about being tired. It started to feel tired to seek! It started to feel tired to
find! It started to feel tired to collect the words. It started to feel overwhelmed!
After a while, it backs like it’s unavoidable sense to feel about the cycle of
different senses. Senses of having us, senses of loosing us and senses of having
hope about us. Words are only friends which are only achievements about the
the entire sources of words. Words could save us and they could give us the
opportunity to feel what’s sensible.
Sensible ways of feeling like there’s need to make new sense and new memory
which could give us big heart to have us again in the way that, filled atmosphere
with the memories of us like new senses and new hearts. Started to gather all
hearts and all memories and tried to put them in the place which is properly
located and it’s accessible and available. Fixed heart is substituted by dozens
of hearts. Used to have located hearts. Had to spread the memories. Like the
-ing forms of verbs in the sentences as the role of first word, have been replaced
by the simple past form of verb like it’s the era to go in the past. The oldest
era of having us. The kind stop station for time but this stop station is the
final station and there’s no way to go. Felt to find you inside when flourishing

the flowers get the sense to have two verbs which the first verb has -ing form
like starting to feel turns out started to feel. Experienced to live without you.
Learnt to live with memories to fabricate all stories and excuses about us to
make sense about what believes in us. Both of us believe in the hearts and
memories which could get us together to feel the meaning of life which is only
formed by us. Started to feel the daylight in the formations of words to make
sense about having another days like it’s the words of days enumerated to
proper number like the content of words could be the implications for us to
wake up in the morning.
Accepted to have new version of us but it’s too old in the every visions like
using the past and history when the mixed memories make them to be old to
behave and to tolerate. Excited to cite new life in every new event of life like
the new life grows with us in upcoming days of life. Started to open eyes to the
world which has no meaning for us without us but the parallel version of life
goes to the real life. Parallel life and real life are two aspects of the lives of us
where the the first makes sense but the second one needs too many words to
make sense about it which both of us believe in it. Both of us have to be up
and it doesn’t matter in the happiness, sadness, unwilling, and broken up like
the new life is happened too far away but both of us is located in place where
give us the title which is coma. The kind of memory, and senses are faraway.
The only attendee is the monitor which records the big mountains of us which
happen too far away from us but in new life, it’s happened because of us.
Located both of us in the place to prove the existence of us in the place
which is acted like disclaimer for us but both of us are located in the sense
which is titled to coma. Acted memories as the mountains of us like the blood
is entered to us when one word is elected from the hearts and memories. The
sense of word is eligible to drive us on the ways which could give us the new life
as second life. The new visions, new notions and new approaches to determine
the principles of this new life which are corresponded to lives of us. Redefined
to get the principles of new life to have the firm structure about us like the
only principle is only having us as the collaboration of this new life. Wrote one
simple principle for us to feel us like feeling has the highest interest and highest
privilege for us. Formed the hearts when one heart isn’t enough to make sense
for us thus too many hearts, infinite numbers of hearts like they’re continuum
like there’s no discrete point to desperate them by assigning them one. The
time is dead and the time is up. Stopped the time in the time when both of us
are called separated. Thus located hearts and memories are coming up. Filled
with messy words which make sense about us even messy words. Like the words
are magic and are weird in the matter of us. Explored the words to find the
best word to rescue us amid the obstacle in the way of us like there’s the hope
to stop time and restart the new life in the hope of joining surely, completely
but forever.
Located Heart And Memories #29
Lingering on the ways to see what’s worthy to see when the first sense,
sight, retreats in a bias way. Bias is the new comer to capture the sense and
to give them new notions. Crashed word, base, could be good partner for it.
Partnership is the opportunity to tell the new word when it comes up with
crushed version of the word. The sense of having word which could cover all
words out of equity and diversity. The battle is happened soon like it makes
sense about the turning point where the words have the celebration about the

4. Reproducing Memories And Hearts

new comer and about the birthdays which are happened by changes. Altering
the situation to celebrate new era in that, the approaches could be up to happen
multiple celebration. It’s like the kind of having union like the word reunion.
Filled the bonus by new words like the time has taken the extra posing where
the program is concluded. The kind of game with the suffix -clude like exclusive
way is concluded in inclusive. Ways of going toward the sensible ways could
collect us to be opponent of the people who work in the bias way. Worried
about the time when the conflict of interest coming up with us.
The way has too many obstacles like the vision could get the proper object
in different sense. The hearts and the templates like memories are the only
possession from us. Like it could be enough when the heart has already split
into dozens of hearts thus there’s no historically turning point which implies
accepting what the first sense, sight, sees. The kind of being far as the locations
of hearts like the located heart is up with the memories of us. The kind of
being calm like the relaxations rely on the words which show the love in the
matter of us and in the terms of us. It’s compulsory to find the tell the love
speech for us like the heartbeat is only for us when the words are fallen into
the words of love. The kind of jargons and buzzwords about us could give us
the eternity of time. The time is also fallen into us when the brand love is the
uniqueness and trend. The kind of trend is under the operation which is only
called by the word missing. The missing on the word is made. The missing on
the spelling as the word misspell thus the end of us becomes the trend of us.
All words get the this trend which is only about us. The kind of having joy
and hurts like the second lives of us up. Sometimes the symbol make us to be
up, sometimes too long words about us. The silent could be about us like all
evenings are about us. The lunch could be available only for us but the reality
is fallen into the fancy of modern love like the love and its necessities are up in
different formations but more for us. The writing is necessary to show the pure
love out of quality like sometimes quality makes sense and sometimes too many
Finding more ways to contact with us. Like it’s the whole way through.
Making new sense about us is the whole way though. Writing the words,
smelling and dancing like the old times’ sake are up but in the new ways and
bright lights, there’s found the cozy only for us. It isn’t strange for us there’s
no matter where’s coming from like the ancient familiarity but there’s nothing
to fear about. Sometimes, there’s no time for sleep and sometimes there’s more
time to sleep. Thus time is fallen into conflict and paradox. Coma or come
which one? but there are two choices in the parallel lives like two world is up
for us when the letter e with the affiliation from the first sense, sight, is fallen
into the first letter, a. Coma is about us when both of us live into two parallel
world like any signs from love, could take us up like picking us up in the heavy
rains and snows could be possible with the love of us. Firm love is about us
when nothing to change it much. The kind of misunderstanding for us in the
world all objects are fallen into missing process of us to get the attention of us
to be distracted to the heartbeats which are only about us.
The last words are about us like ancient songs have mixed up with modern
love. Sometime being late, makes sense and sometime being early makes sense.
The kind of reason is fallen into the term of us. Love is up whatever happens
for us. Finding a way to make shock on us when both of us are fallen into coma
in the first world. The kind of shock from the second world which believe in us

enough. The kind of finding the shock to make the heart has the heartbeat like
the mountains of heartbeat which are recorded by monitors, are fallen into cost.
Thus the costs of making shock for us are up. Dead buddies on the first world
and finding the second world as the refugee but the shock is only awarded to
us. Like both of us could be alive by the shocks which prove the love amid us.
Love is the chains of shocking on us to give a gift but in the second life. The
second world is the world of us when the words of us have been felt enough
there. Finding the traces of the second world which could gather both of us
in the way the heartbeats are fast like there’s time to be happy in the exact
same ways for us. Finding is the word which is about us and it gets us hope
and power. Both of us are the icon of finding like the new brands are produced
more and more for us like the trends and brands have been aimed to be done
for finding the second world which are promised into both of us. Going and
going to find the word to make smile more and more for us.
Located Heart And Memories #30
Conclusion! Consideration or expectation could take the words on the lines
of the book which is regarded by the past or the future. The future is up by the
noun without any traces on the verbs. Future is on by the word expectation.
Expectation is the new word about the future like the past reassure about
the intended move at future. Expectation is the result of hard-working and
smart-working alongside getting great result to get good position. Future is
the reunion about the past but it’s up in the future. But how about the
consideration. The event coincides with the sense like the sense of heart is also
about future like memories picking us up. They lift us up. They have been
introduced thus they guarantee us about the future of hearts. Consideration
is also about the past without any sensible move on the future. All words are
about the future thus nobody or no one sees the past and the present. Like the
past have no words about the present. Consideration is about past when both of
us do crude works and both of us are fallen into careful thoughts. The thoughts
could make for us the past like the segments of timelines are fallen into senses
in the matter of us. Timeline points out the future like the future is on demand
in every segments of timeline. The new time is done by the timeline. Timeline
has the sensible numbers and words but how about the word consideration.
It’s like about the failed past. Like the pen is aimed to be crushed for not
having the bright future. Pen is crushed. It’s supposition but if so, then there’s
no future thus it’s consideration. Like the game is happened to explore the
advantages and disadvantage of word in the terms of us. The kind of pros and
cons in the matter of us. The dual usage of words to make sense about the
time which both of us are one and it’s out of timeline in the matter of us. The
book of us is now the timeline of us like the elected words and elected numbers
are up without any elections for them. Like the heart is broken into hearts to
have too many memories and as consequences more than one word and one
number. Constructing the second world for us, makes sense and it believe in us
if it works. The kind of going on the way which is tuned for us.
Selected ways where there’s no way to be selected again. The kind of journey
could be named for this way. One-way or two-way? It doesn’t matter when the
hearts are called us like the first letter of heart which is h is now crushed to be u
like the letter h is reversed to be that like the letter h is rotated to the direction
of the word toward u like all wards are now out of forward. Like second letter e
and third letter a are joint to be s. Us is the formation of the handwritten text

4. Reproducing Memories And Hearts

which is heart. All words have taken from us toward us but in the different
vision of the eyes which are binary like yes or no question like zero and one. The
icon of first sight, e, and the first letter help us to make us. Going to make the
words working in the sensible to call all directions of us. Heart is sacrifice itself
for us like the zip is fallen into words like code, country and calling to make the
twofold words, zip code, country code and calling code. Words have pointed
toward the code which are introduced to us. Like the procedure of timeline
from calling code as the successful accomplishment and sensible achievement.
Thus the next stage is country code to be on the timeline like the timeline
makes sense and it get credits to this word by including it on the structure
of itself as affiliation. The last point on the timeline is zip code like both of
us settled down on the place. Lines of the book are now lines of time. Three
words on the menu which lost its orders like the shuffle of words are ready when
the word like is still like without moving to be the word love. Love is the new
collections of words the wisdom and the knowledge united to have the title
which is the affiliation about love and they’re employed by us and the heart of
us and the love of us. Love is the number which is hidden from eyes. Loved to
have the signs which are about the progress of words. Finding the place where
the collections of words are up. Verbs are hidden in the formations of nouns
which are both about the past like time’s up but the time could back again? but
not. The past posts its words to have the sense about the future like both of us
are interviewee and not attendee. How could make growth about the words and
the lines of words led into timeline. Timeline is now the power of us but how
about the degree of the power. Power is the word without detail-orientated
information like it’s love-orientated information about the people are unknown
about their affiliation and the super level of them. Power is fallen into the eyes
of us. Power is a reason to be continued or to be stopped. The word is about
the crossword of us. The clarification on the words to find the words change the
mood of us with too many symptoms of us. Asymptotic words have surprised
us when they’ve survived us. The second world is the new notion and new place
to make sense about the existence of us until joining us in the first world have
no threats in the matter of us. World is about us, about words, about hearts,
about located hearts, about memories and about us. The air is on air thus both
of us are on air. The feeling of us could fill all the atmosphere where positive
emotions has surrounded us. The beauties of us are on the walls of every place
and the well-known fashions use the beauties of us as their models. The sketch
of this world is stretched to fill all junction where there’s opportunity to relax
and to hangout with each other. The traffic is the word which is called for
the words about us. The words conflict with each other to decide about the
ways of us. The parallel world is the place about us like important objects are
looking forward to see us. Words are going to devise the place for us. They’ve
tried to use creativity to make points about us. The first world attack us in
every possible hole is found but the second world pick us up over and over. The
essence of the second world is second word about us thus the way built us in
the ways as the icon of ways. Commuting is the excuse about us to make sense
about the failures of getting each other. Everyday effort to get and back to
home where to reform needs in us. Power is made in the minds but it’s too far
to call it, the potential power of us. Finding the potential words after having
nothing in the term of creation. The potential word is only made by the skills,
the parts of us couldn’t find. Both of us believe in us to find ways conclude in

us. The conclusion of words could be us and us.
Page-turner goes to see the end, the end of view and the end of us but how
it’s possible to get more in the haphazard ways where the words are up. The
concrete style is on but the style has no words thus words arrange the letter
but it isn’t enough when the time is to go. Going on the mode of how to get
the place to be relaxed in the reformation of us. The place is possible but it’s
dreams. Thus words deem to tell us. The plans doomed to be failures. Outcome
and income are open to dispute. Finding the word to be out of dispute. Thus
it’s found us to be us. The kind of conditional word is us for making us from
us and by us. Reached the milestones to be closer to us but the directions of
words could be changeable amid us. The history is now the kind of present to
feel us and to embrace us amid notions. The notions are found where there’s
no hopes in us but it’s the way, it usually works. Usually is the term where
there’s text about habitual works but both of us have the extraordinary days
in the daylights and moonlights. Lights are principles of us. Thus without
lights, there’s no us. Darkness is the time when the absence of us is felt thus it
implies more efforts and more senses of us. Difficult moments are up for us but
there’s lights more and more as usual. The usual is the word acts to have the
title survivors like survivors and heroes are the usual style and usually works in
every directions. To get upside of life, there’s need to make more senses about
the styles and the ways to go. There’s more words if it’s possible to be but
there’s need to go by one excuse which is made more and more. The junctions
and the stops are the opportunity to get insight like the first sense, sight, could
be in more. The kind of joint word is on demand to tune the ways where we
need to have them. Attacked to us because of being us. The existence isn’t to
be negotiated more. The kind of big deals on us but the deals are made amid us.
The construction of words to make sense when battle is made on us when the
words of us have been on the ways to join us and find us. The battle is made
when the rival use the notion of how to obtain words from the opponent. The
battle of words to obtain words from each others. Words and words! Creating
new words to stay on the battle with the title opponent. Using the kind of
operation, missing, on the words to relieve the current word. Words also give
us the sense of being alive. Words take the senses and they give the sense to
both sides like numb sense and alive sense. Forwarding words to remind us that
the words are the ways of us to be up in the second world. The recreation of
all materials and analyzing them to get the data to rebuild and to reform them.
Scaling up the phenomenon about words and people but it’s like s plus calling
like it’s like calling in the limited ways. Calling is now the kind of scaling on
the intended word like the words are now going to change their structures to
be reformed and to be reviewed. Visions of words could create the lines of lives
to fight for us and to rebuilt the icon and the brand of us. The endless way
which is unknown to be new. To feel the sense of how to create the sense of
how to be big enough to determine the fate which implies fighting for it. Like
the fate is the word which could get it by fighting and fighting more and more.
Fighting to live, fighting to breathe, fighting to embrace and hug, fighting to
make sense about us when words are against us. Words are going on the tune
which could have more benefits for them like the lord of words and ninja of
words are up enough without invitations which could get them in the situation
which could make possible to make sense to tolerate them and to have them.
The kind of guests without any informing in advance, they entered and they’ve

4. Reproducing Memories And Hearts

been called owner, the owner of the word which is host.

The ownership is now missing word but there are new ways to get another
words in the slipped ways. Slipped on the way like the ways have been made
from the ice. The kind of walking on the ice when the the owner of ground
is the word which don’t belong to us. Going on the ways to save words but
the words are under fatal attacks. Introducing the second world to be survived
but the second word is now the place which are full of hearts and memories.
Located hearts and memories are now only words which works for us. It seems
that all words are lost and there’s no more words out of located hearts and


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