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IMeche Pakistan

IMechE Design Challenge 2021

Technical Report

Muhammad Zaeem Tauqir

Muhammad Ahmed Shakeel
Muhammad Taha Khan
Hassan Ahmed Khan
Sheikh Abdul Basit

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute

Table of figures...........................................................................................................................................3
1. Background.........................................................................................................................................4
1.1. Origin of Team Nimbus................................................................................................................4
1.2. Introduction.................................................................................................................................4
1.3. Overview of Design......................................................................................................................4
2. Literature review................................................................................................................................5
2.1. Verbal Discussion.........................................................................................................................5
2.2. Primary proposal.........................................................................................................................5
2.3. Online materials...........................................................................................................................7
3. Limitations..........................................................................................................................................7
4. Design..................................................................................................................................................8
4.1. CAD Model...................................................................................................................................8
4.2. Circuit Design...............................................................................................................................9
4.3. Distance measurement..............................................................................................................11
4.4. Working.....................................................................................................................................12
4.5. Accuracy....................................................................................................................................12
5. Idealizations and assumptions..........................................................................................................13
6. Assembly...........................................................................................................................................14
7. Calculations.......................................................................................................................................15
7.1. Dimensions................................................................................................................................15
7.1.1. Basic dimensions................................................................................................................15
7.1.2. Component dimensions.....................................................................................................15
7.2. Weight analysis..........................................................................................................................17
7.3. Motor specifications..................................................................................................................18
7.4. Battery specification..................................................................................................................18
7.5. Battery consumption.................................................................................................................19
7.6. Speed calculations.....................................................................................................................19
7.7. Spring.........................................................................................................................................20
8. Advantages of design........................................................................................................................20
9. Cost analysis......................................................................................................................................20
10. Social impact.................................................................................................................................22
11. Safety............................................................................................................................................22
12. Environmental issues....................................................................................................................23
13. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................23
14. References.....................................................................................................................................24

Table of figures
Figure 1............................................................................................................................................4
Figure 2............................................................................................................................................5
Figure 3............................................................................................................................................7
Figure 4............................................................................................................................................8
Figure 5............................................................................................................................................8
Figure 6............................................................................................................................................9
Figure 7..........................................................................................................................................10
Figure 8..........................................................................................................................................13
Figure 9..........................................................................................................................................14
Figure 10........................................................................................................................................14
Figure 11........................................................................................................................................16


DPDT: Double Pole, Double Throw.

CAD: Computer-Aided Design.
rpm: rotations per minute.
DC motor: Direct Current motor.
No.= number.
SPDT= Single Pole, Double Throw.

mm: millimeter
V: volts
g: grams
A: ampere
Nm: newton meter
1. Background

1.1. Origin of Team Nimbus

Taking on the IMechE design challenge, we young engineers from diverse backgrounds
are aiming at proving their skills on the international level through this platform. Our aim for
this event is to design a competitive repeatable device that is energy efficient and is as
accurate as possible. Putting forward the above enthusiasm, the name “Team Nimbus”

1.2. Introduction

Participating in the design challenge 2021 we are supposed to design a repeatable vehicle
using a limited number of materials and components while fulfilling the size and dimension
requirements. The main task of the repeatable vehicle is to follow a given route and after
completing the forward motion the vehicle is supposed to follow to the starting position as
accurately and efficiently as possible. Therefore, our designed repeatable vehicle consists of
a simple motor driven vehicle with a DPDT switch to start the reverse motion and a simple
thread and reel mechanism for accurate measurements so that the ending point for the reverse
motion could be determined as precisely as possible.

1.3. Overview of Design

As previously discussed in our concept paper our major aim while designing the vehicle
was to keep the size within the specified dimensions and keep the weight of the device as low
as possible for a better energy efficiency. Furthermore, we were also committed in coming up
with a unique reverse mechanism which is reliable as well as accurate in measuring the
forward and backward distance travelled.

Ultimately, we were able to come up with an idea that is competitive and meets all
requirements set by the governing body.

Our designed repeatable vehicle consists of a motor which powers the rear pair of wheels
whereas the front pair of wheels would be connected to the thread and wheel mechanism.
This mechanism would be used to measure the distance covered during the forward motion,
and in the backward motion will act like a switch to stop the vehicle when it has completed
the cycle. As mentioned in the concept paper our designed vehicle includes a DPDT switch at
the front of the vehicle, this switch will be used to start the reverse motion of the vehicle. The
working principle of this switch is that when the vehicle touches the barrier, which marks the
end of the forward motion, the switch will automatically be pressed which will stop the
forward motion and will instantaneously start the backward motion. Our repeatable vehicle is
powered by a battery.

The operation principle of the vehicle is quite simple. The user just has to put the vehicle
in the direction of the required motion and turn on the vehicle. All measurements will be
done automatically, and the vehicle will return to the starting position after completing the
repeating motion.

2. Literature review

2.1. Verbal Discussion

To get an idea of the challenge and to understand the requirements of the competition we
approached our seniors at our university who had previously participated in the challenge and
were aware of the norms of this competition. These seniors guided us as to how to meet our
deadlines and how to approach the problem in the most efficient manner.

2.2. Primary proposal

We submitted our primary proposal for the design challenge to the judging panel of
IMECHE GIKI chapter. The panel identified flaws and recommended changes to our
proposed plan, through which we improved the stability and accuracy of our vehicle. This
report is also based on that initial proposal and includes improved ideas and upgraded design.
Few of our previous illustrations are as follows:
2.3. Online materials

Our major source of information, guidance and ideas while writing this report came from
online support material such as journals articles and webpages. To begin with we considered
multiple ideas for the repeatable vehicle and finalized the design by adding up multiple
design features to create a design which suited our needs. The internet also allowed us to
choose the best battery and motor from a vast range of capacity and torque which suited our
design requirements. Moreover, the internet also guided us in designing the repeating
mechanism by giving out ideas about how and where to install the DPDT switch for
maximum accuracy.

3. Limitations

We have designed our vehicle to remove any limitations and constraints that limit the
working of our vehicle but still there are some limitations for our designed vehicle.

 As the vehicle is powered by a non-renewable energy source (Chemical Battery)

therefore after a specific number of runs the battery would no longer be able to power the
 For proper and accurate functioning, the vehicle requires a flat and straight to move on. A
slanted or a bumpy surface would cause a deviation from the set course or could result in
an inaccurate measurement of the distances which would restrict the vehicle to reach the
starting position.
 The barrier that marks the return point of the vehicle should be perpendicular and
smooth. Unavailability of such a barrier could cause the DPDT switch to work at the
wrong time which could lead to inaccurate functionality.
 As the gears that transfer the energy from the motor to the wheel axle, which is made up
of metal, over the course of time the gears could wear out which would result in
malfunction to the entire vehicle.      
 Our designed vehicle involved a front axle that is fixed. Any minor defects or
deformation in the axel structure because of stresses can cause a deflection for the course
each time the device is turned on.   
 Restriction to use any programmable device in the vehicle to measure and control the
forward and backward motion of the vehicle limits the accuracy and precision of the end
point of the motion.
4. Design

4.1. CAD Model

 The Components involved in the module are:

 4 wooden wheels (surface roughened)

 2 long Axles & 1 Short Axle (generally a rod)
 2 Thread roll
 DC Motor 9v (5 Amp maximum current drawn)
 Metallic components (for thread rolling)
 Wooden planks (or acrylic sheet for basing the vehicle)
 4 Gears (for transmission of motion)
 DPDT switch
 Battery 9v 10 Amps 

To perfectly depict and portray the image of our design of the repeatable vehicle, we have
imaged out the following 3D CAD module of the vehicle, whose relevant images are
Figure 1

4.2. Circuit Design

We decided to design a circuit in order to make our vehicle change its direction as soon
as it comes in contact with the wall. We will be designing a closed circuit composed of SPDT
switch, DPDT switch, battery and motors.

SPDT switch will be the main switch to turn on the vehicle and make the connections
live. While the DPDT switch will be responsible for the change of direction of the vehicle it
was moving in that particular moment, after when the DPDT switch comes in contact with
the wall. We are going to use a miniature push button Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT)
switch and attach it to the side of the vehicle facing the wall. 
Figure 2

When the DPDT switch is flipped on the vehicle will move towards the wall and
eventually hit and pressing the DPDT button, that will be changing the polarity about the
motors, due which the motor will start rotating in the opposite direction, thus our vehicle
will start moving in the opposite direction as well.
We have devised a circuit on the basis of rough logic as discussed in our concept
paper previously. By the help of “Multisim” software we were able to simulate and test
the circuit. Firstly, we thought of anatomy with a single motor.

Figure 3
Upon running the above circuit on ‘multisim’ we can say that we are able to change
the direction of current in this particular circuit with the help of the DPDT switch, and the
LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) further confirmed the logic. In the current state shown above
the current is flowing in clockwise direction considering the circuit as a loop, through
‘LED2’ making it glow while ‘LED1’ remains closed as it is reverse biased. Vice versa
happens when the DPDT switch is flipped, making ‘LED1’ glow while ‘LED2’ does not.

4.3. Distance measurement

Since our repeatable vehicle is supposed to stop at the same position after touching the
wall from where it started. To achieve that we came up with an idea of incorporating a thread
roll. The end of the string from the thread roll would be fixed to the axle. 

As the vehicle starts to move the thread roll/reel releases the thread as it covers a
distance, which will roll over one of the rotating axles. The length of thread rolled over the
axle would be equal to the distance covered by the vehicle. After hitting the wall and
changing the direction of the vehicle, the same length of thread that rolled over the axle is
going to roll back over the thread roll. When the vehicle reaches the starting point the thread
over the axle will reach its limit, eventually stopping the vehicle right there due to the
tension, as the end is fixed by a knot to the axle.

Figure 4
Figure 5

4.4. Working

Once the vehicle is turned on at the starting point, it will start to go forward from the
torque of the motor being transmitted with a pair of gears (one attached to the motor and
second to the back axle). Once the motion starts, as a result of the gear combinations, the
thread roll with the axle will start to absorb the thread around it, which will be subjected to
the distance traveled, since the gears and the radii of the rolls are the same, therefore, the
thread released and being absorbed will be in the same proportions. As the car hits the walls,
the DPDT switch will be toggled to commit the motor to reverse the direction by reversing
the polarities of the battery. The car will start to move in the backward direction and the
mechanism of the thread will be reversed and the car will move until the thread runs out and
the tension of the string will cause the car to stop supposedly at the original position at which
it started.

4.5. Accuracy
To ensure maximum accuracy, we have taken the following measures: 
 The thread is made sure to be tangent with both thread rolls, to have maximum
tension at the originating points and reduce the error of the mechanism.
 The surface of the tires is roughened to increase friction and eliminate slippage and
the possible error.
 Gears of the same teeth and axles of the same radii are used, to increase the maximum
5. Idealizations and assumptions
In framing our idea of repeatable switch, we made certain assumptions to prevent the overall
design from becoming complex. These assumptions include that repeatable vehicle will be used
on a level ground with smooth surface. Moreover, it is assumed that electrical components
(Batteries, DC Motor, DPDT Switch) are working under ideal conditions (for example 9V for
DC Motor is completely supplied by the source) and there is no machine error which may hinder
our accuracy in calculation. As well as assumptions were also made for the mechanical
components. For example, material used to produce wheels is incompressible due to which
rolling resistance is not involved in our design. Furthermore, mechanical components are not
deformed, and they are in their ideal dimensions. Apart from components it is also presumed that
there is no sag in thread held in between the two axle and thread is always in tensed state.
6. Assembly

Use jigsaw to cut the wooden plank with On the same wooden plank we have to make
dimensions 390x330mm, and 30mm thick. square cut outs.
Cut out of 110x130mm for the front axle.
Cut out 80x115 mm for the axle in the back.

Take both large axles and attach the gears, the Now considering the small axle, attach a thread
one with 14 teeth and module 4. roll and a gear with 14 teeth and module 4.
Take one axle and fix a thread roll along side the Place this axle infront of the axle in the back
gear. with the gears perfectly allined.
Place the axles on the wooden plank respective
to the holes cut out.

Attach the gear with 12 teeth and module 5 to Place the battery on the wooden plank.
the DC motor. Attach the dpdt switch to the side that will
Place the DC motor behind the front axle with come in contact with the wall, along with the
the gears correctly allined. spring.

At the ends of the axles fix the tires.
Set up the circuit for proper working of the
Make sure every thing is working as expected.
7. Calculations

7.1. Dimensions

7.1.1. Basic dimensions

Height = 260 mm
Width = 330 mm
Length = 390 mm
7.1.2. Component dimensions
Length = 390mm, Width = 330mm, Thickness= 30mm.
Diameter = 120mm, Thickness= 21mm.
Length= 80mm, Width= 90 mm, Height = 70mm.
Length = 100mm, Width = 50mm, Height = 10mm.
3x Gears: Teeth= 14, Module= 4, Internal diameter= 27mm.
1x Gear= Teeth= 12, Module= 3, Internal diameter= 14mm.
2x Large Axle with Diameter = 27mm.
1x Small Axle with Diameter = 27mm.
Thread Roll: 2x Rolls with Diameter = 28 mm.
DPDT Switch: 20mm x 20mm x20mm.

Figure 6
Figure 7

Figure 8
7.2. Weight analysis


1 Wheels 4 200

2 Axle 3 100

3 Dc Motor 1 80g

4 Wooden Plank 1 100

5 Metal components 1 60g

6 Gears 4 120

8 DPDT switch 1 30

9 Battery 1 200

Wires 4
10 5

TOTAL 895g

Table 1
7.3. Motor specifications

Model: 22N78 313P.1001 Athlonix Brush DC Motor.

Motor Diameter: 22 mm (converted to required

diameter by placing a shaft)
No-Load Speed: 6860 rpm
Nominal Voltage: 9 V
Weight: 80 g (increased after encasing the motor as illustrated in the design)
Efficiency: 90 %
Stall Torque: 45 mNm
Continuous Current: 1.18 A
Continuous Torque: 14.5 mNm
Continuous Speed: 4657 rpm


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Rotational Speed

Figure 9

7.4. Battery specification

There are many flexibilities in battery selection depending upon one’s desires. For
example, Rechargeable or Alkaline batteries, High worktime batteries as compared to ones
who wear out quickly.
For our design we have chosen the “Eveready Zinc Carbon 9V Battery PP9” which is
quite cheap, easy to get hands on and will do the desired work as it provides 9v and has the
capacity of around 5000 mAh.

7.5. Battery consumption

Battery Capacity = 5000 mAh

Battery consumption by motor = 1.18 A
Run time of Battery = Battery Capacity/ Battery Capacity
= 4.24 hours (approx.)

7.6. Speed calculations

Gear ratio = Angular Speed of Driver Gear / Angular Speed of Driven Gear
Gear ratio = No. of Teeth of Driven Gear/ No. of Teeth of Driver Gear
= 14/12 = 1.167

Angular speed of Driver Gear = 4657 rpm

Angular speed of Driven Gear = 3990.57 rpm
= 66.51 revolutions/second

The linear velocity of the wheel will be:

V = r x w,
Where, r = radius of the wheel = 60 mm,
w = Angular speed of Driven Gear = 66.51 revolutions/second.

V = 60mm x 66.51 revolutions/second

V = 3.99 m/s

Which is also the linear velocity of the wheel at rated (continuous) speed.
7.7. Spring

Length of the spring = 19 mm

Diameter of the spring = 8 mm
No. of revolutions in the spring = 3
Stiffness of the string = k = 150 N/m
Position of the spring = 163.2 mm (from the adjacent side)

The spring will be fixed at 1mm from the forward position of the switch so that it may
only come to contact when the position of the switch is reversed and cause no hindrance in
the functionality of the ‘Double Pole, Double Throw’ (dpdt) switch and will perform the
function of absorbing the impact from the wall.

8. Advantages of design
 Same concept can be applied on a larger scale (bigger vehicles).
 It can be used in cultivating fields for agricultural purposes.
 By making cut outs on the wooden plank that is acting as the body of the vehicle we plan
to reduce the overall weight of our repeatable vehicle.
 The spring alongside with the DPDT switch is acting as a safety method, to avoid head
on collision of the vehicle and the wall that could possibly cause damage, thus the spring
is going to damp the shocks from collision.  
 Least chances of any circuit malfunctioning.
 It could play a huge role in transportation, like daily transfer of goods from one place to

9. Cost analysis
We have put the maximum able prices of the above components, so therefore, the price of the
vehicle will remain under 21 pounds irrespective of the changes.

1 Wheels 4 2.28

2 Axle 3 1.5

3 Thread roll 2 0.091

4 Dc Motor 1 5

5 Metal components 2 0.48

6 Wooden planks 2 1.5

7 Gears 4 1.2

9 DPDT switch 1 0.32

10 Battery 1 8

Wires 4
11 0.2

TOTAL 20.571 Pounds

Table 2

10. Social impact

Our concept of a repeatable device is designed to keep the cost minimal. With minimal cost
required we still have achieved the objective of producing a highly competitive device which
will be economically feasible. Furthermore, minimal material is required due to which our design
is not complex and is easier to inspect. Moreover, using DC Motor does not contribute to
harmful emissions causing smog, climatic change as our vehicle is like an electric vehicle rather
than the former system of internal combustion engine. Furthermore, material required (for
example: Dpdt switch, Axle, Thread) for the device is easily accessible. As well as the product,
our concept device is autonomous which is helpful on a large scale such as transferring of goods
in worksites. Since the device includes a circuit that detects obstructions in the device path,
goods can be transferred much more efficiently with reduction in the number of collisions. As
well as the distance between the initial point and obstruction can be measured to reposition the
material in warehouses or factories, which will ease the mobility of the device around the area.
Moreover, narrow areas which are inaccessible to this respective device can be used to analyze
obstructions such as cracks, tiny discontinuities etc. This device works on the basic principle of
sensors, but it is inexpensive making it economically sound. It can also be used to measure
distances of different paths such as slopes, depressions on land. Since this device calculates the
distance, it is easier to compute the data to be analyzed later.

11. Safety
 Since, our design comprises of a wooden base electric spark produced due to malfunctioning
of any component will not affect overall structure.
 Internal circuit system is wired using copper wires which also acts as a safety wire while
being an excellent conductor. Moreover, circuit is analyzed for any loose connections which
may be risk to electric components within the device.
 The reel used in measurement of distance is made up of nylon a light and strong material
which prevents breakage of string from overall vehicle.
 The joints in between the axle and the wheel as well as connections between all components
with each other are firm.
 To protect DPDT switch from deforming we used a spring. Due to which force exerted by
wall on switch will be only enough to revert its direction and spring being compressible will
reduce the impact on DPDT switch.
 It was also ensured that there were no sharp edges exposed on the surface such axle or
wheels which may have caused tear on components in contact.
 Wiring and soldering operations are performed in compliance with the instructions.

12. Environmental issues

Apart from being beneficial for society, the device can affect the environment to some extent.
Our device using a DC motor contributes to carbon emission which is an environmental concern.
Hence, implementation of this device on a large scale will contribute more to carbon emission.
Production of this device consumes raw material which will reduce the pre-existing natural
reserves. Though, the reduction is negligible but mass production of the device on large scale can
affect the current natural resources. However, this may not be a major concern as worldwide
reserves for the respective material required such as wood or iron are abundant and will last for
about 100 years. Furthermore, failure in recycling the batteries or the appropriate disposal
method can greatly affect nature as this waste can accumulate landfill sites and release toxins
which contribute to air pollution leading to respiratory problems. Also, the electronic waste is a
major concern when not disposed of through a proper channel as it releases toxins in the soil as
well which may affect the fertility of soil. Furthermore, seepage of these toxins in water can
harm aquaculture as well as humans. Moreover, using the device on a large scale comparable to
any autonomous vehicle it's electric components can malfunction which can lead to short
circuiting. This may result in widespread fire and can be an environmental threat. Moreover,
thread length will vary depending upon the distance required to be measured. Due to which the
material required for producing thread is consumed more.

13. Conclusion
We believe that our proposed design for this repeatable vehicle is comprehensive and
complete in all matters but there are still some improvements that we believe will make our
vehicle more durable and efficient. The first major improvement is that we could make the gears
and other components using 3D printing. This step would help in providing accurate and precise
components that could help in increasing the overall accuracy of the vehicle, but because of the
limited finances available we were not able to go on with this plan at the present time. Another
possible improvement is the use of electronic devices such as digital measuring scales to replace
the thread and reel mechanism to measure and analyze the distance travelled for an accurate
travel path. Lastly, in the future we would like to add a programmable command unit which
would ensure reliability by adjusting the travel path depending upon the conditions and

14. References
Vehicle Concept:

 Wikipedia contributors. (2021, July 14). Vehicular automation. In Wikipedia, The Free
Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:59, July 14, 2021,
 Rayden, H. (2019, February 28). Repeatable Vehicle. Prezi.
 Friedman, Keith & Hutchinson, John. (2008). Review of Existing Repeatable Vehicle
Rollover Dynamic Physical Testing Methods. ASME International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings. 16. 10.1115/IMECE2008-68751.

Pole Reversing Mechanism:





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