Vdocuments - MX Business Administration Finance Student Book

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al Modules BUSINESS ADMINISTRAMION & FINANCE David Walker Juan Manuel Rubio Santana Includes: » Writing Guide » Vocabulary Builder Contents j f 1 nN ' Office Orientation Time Clock Regulations 44 : Finding Your Way |_| Security in the Workplace 46 ; 2 | }12 : Office Routines 8 | | customer Service 48 Purchasing Office Equipment 40 Hanaling Complaints so | 3 13 Using Voicemait 2 Market Research 82 Using the Intranet 4 Marketing Strategies 54 4 4 Handling Mail 16 Cash Flow 56 Using a Courier Service 18 Accounting 58 5 15 Shipping 20. Banking 60 Import and Export 2 Insurance 62 6 16 Receiving Calis 24 Global E-commerce 64 Following Up on Messages 26 | | Dealing with Suppliers 66 7 : 7 Scheduling Meetings 28 Training 68 Booking Off-site Events 30 Teamwork 70 8 18 | i Planning Meetings 22 Leadership Skis nm i Taking Minutes 34 Strategy Planning a ' 9 19 | Organising Exhibitions 36 | Applying for a Job 78 Attending Business Events 38 Interviewing 78 10 | |20 t Making Travel Arrangements 40 | Preparing a cv 80 | Booking Hotels and Restaurants 42 | Writing a OV 82 | | Paiwork Appendix a4 { writing Guide 401 | Vocabulary Builder 413 Dear Ms Morgan, Welcome to Top-Sport. I'd like to describe the structure of the company to you. Mr Bruce Larson. is the CEO. The company has got four departments: Marketing, Finance, Operations and Humen __ Resources. Each department is headed by a director who is in charge of the staff under him or her. Mrs Lucy Grant is our Marketing Director. She has got four marketing managers who are in Charge of the sales teams. The Financial Director is Mr Edward Brown. He heads a team of financial supervisors. Each supervisor has got an accounts assistant. Mr Gerald Trent is our Operations Director. rsonnel Manager, who has got a group of assistants. Attached is a diagram of the company organisation, | hope it wll make things clear. | Good luck in your new job! Eve Clark __ Senior Administrative Assistant, Human Resources eeu Geen? Leaders Grete co The Senior Administrative Assistant (A) at Top-Sport is speaking to a new Junior ‘Administrative Assistant (B), Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing words. « A: Thisis your" + Lisa. | hope you've got everything you need. B: Thanks, ‘A: Lot me describe where everyone in the office sits. As you can see, Human Resources is here on the @.._ oor, ‘And I'll be working in the HR Department, right? ‘Yes, your job will be to assist the Personnel Manager and her staf | see. “Marketing is also on this floor. The Operations Department is on the seco sas — department, So they've got their own floor. The Financial Department is on the *.. pomnonses HO Where do the senior management sit? ‘As They're also on the thitd floor. Bruce Larson, the CEO, is in room’30% Julie Black, his personal assistant, is in room ® B: OK. | hope I remember all this. ‘A: Don't worry. There's a map of our facilities in your handbook. Now let me explain to you how to use the photocopier and the ® DS Practise the: logue in Exercise 2 with a partner. Pay attention to the expressions in colour. 4 Read the dialogue in Exercise 2 again and complete the sentences. 1. Lisa is going to WORK If tHE sou 2, The Human Resources Department and... 2f© Oth OM the anne ae ‘8. The whole second floor is f0F the <—ncoe-unneennne= 4, The senior management, iNcldiNg the wnum-vwnnenneevnen 5 WOHK OF HE non 8. The CEOs sits in room 302, @ Working with Vocabulary < f- Listen and repeat the positions in colour in A. Then match A to B to form sentences. «) A B 1. The Financial Director ... -~ @ is the head of the company. 2, The Marketing Director — b. plans how to sella product. 3. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ... ~ €. manages the company's money. 4. The Operations Director .. d._ travels to different places to sell products. 5. ASenior Administrative Assistant .. @. finds new employees. 6. The Human Resources (HR) Director f. manages the production of goods. 7. ASales Representative (Rep) .. g. are all the workers of a certain company. B. The Head of IT h. does office work. 9. The staff i, looks after the company's computers. Listen and repeat. Then use the positions to complete the answers to the questions. «) Personnel Manager + Production Team Leader + Senior Management Financial Supervisor + Personal Assistant (PA) « Accounts Assistant + Junior Administrative Assistant 1. You would like to meet the CEO. Who will you talk to? Her ce 2. You are an employee and you would like to go on holiday. Who will you go to? 1 3. You need someone to photocopy documents. Who will do it? A, = 4. The company has come up with an idea for @ new product. Who wil be in charge of developing it? A coun nnnanon Tip! 5. Youneed someone to manage the company’s money records. Who wil doit?“ Chiet Executive The - Officer (CEO) = 6. You need someone to check money records ene er, ‘and payments. Who wil you hire? ee @ Your Turns 7. You would like to do business with the company. Who will you meet with? Listen to the Marketing Director introducing , ae anew Marketing Manager to the staff in the department. Match the people below to their Listen and repeat the actions in colour. responsibilities. 4) Then circle the correct answers. +) |. Jen Baker 4, Clare Jackson 1. sell: @ajob 'b. a product Ed Harris ‘5. The sales team 2. hire: a.new plans — b. new employees | 3. Mark Hall * oust eamecting adopter oe ee m . market . 4, describe: a. aname b. a problem Rhone ot eat Is in charge of customer relations. e develop: a.aproduct —_b. ane-mail 6. bein assists Mrs Smith, the Marketing Director. charge of: a. a department b. a day ee eee material, 7. assist; — a.amanager _b. an office Finding Your Way ige 113)) (Getting Started: Vocabulary 1 Read the two e-mails. Then complete the floor plan below with as many room numbers as you can. «) Dear Mr Rogers, Your interview next week is with the Marketing Director. His office is on the second floor, Room 207. It's the last room on the right. When you come out of the lift, you will be in front of Room 202. Turn right. Then, turn left and walk down the corridor past the Conference Room. I sit in room 206 which is opposite Room 207. Please come to see me first. There are some forms you have to fill in before the interview. Hook forward to meeting you. Sincerely, Kelly Sanders Marketing Department Dear Ms Gleason, Your interview next Tuesday is with the Human Resources Director. Her office is on the second floor, Room 203. When you come out of the lift, turn left. Then, turn right. Room 203 is the second room on. your left. Sincerely, Lisa Jones Human Resources 2. Two visitors (A and D) at a company are assisted by employees (B and C). Listen to the dialogues and circle the correct answers. 4) 1. At Excuse me. I've got an appointment with Mr Chandler at Cosmic Electronix. B: Hein room 411 / 1477 at the end of the corridor. When you get out of the lift on the *fourth / fourteenth floor, turn right and then let. Az And where's the lift? Its over there, opposite the stairs. ¢ One more ® thing / question, How do | get to the toilets? B: There are tollets here in the lobby, next to the it A: Thanks for your help! You're welcome, Good morning, Mrs Landy. Welcome to ‘Cosmic Electronix. I'm Amy Adams, a production team “member / leader. D: Nice to meet you, Amy. Your offices are lovely. Thank you. Would you like something to drink before your meeting with 5 Mr Carlyle / Mrs Carlyle? Dz. No, thanks. Then I'l show you around our offices and introduce you to everyone. D: That would be *nice / lovely G: The Operations Department is on the top floor, so we'll take the lft Practise the dialogues in Exercise 2 with a partner, Pay attention to the expressions in colour. 4 Read the dialogues in Exercise 2 again. Then write T (true) or F (false) next to the sentences. Correct the false sentences. 1. Mr Chandler's office is on the fourth floor, next to the lf. 2. There are toilets on the ground floor. 3. Mrs Landy likes the offices. 4, Mrs Landy wants a cup of coffee before the meeting. 5. Amys taking Mrs Landy to the ground floor. ue Working with Vocabulary 5 Listen and repeat the words. Then use them to complete the sentences. x) reception + ground floor + lobby + top floor conference room + maintenance + warehouse cafeteria * car park + toilet + kitchen stockroom 1. We will need the meeting on 27th March at 10.00. 2. You go into a building on the 3. There is a men's and a women's nem OF every floor of the: for our building. 4, You can buy sandwiches in the 5. There's a lovely view of the city from the enn Of the building. 6. You can ask for directions to Mr Brent's office at the —. desk in the 7. You can make yourself a cup of coffee in the 8. There are hundreds of products on the shelves in the company 9. There isa under the buiiding and there's also one opposite the building, 10. We AVE QOt @ wne-——-nansnnee Goprartment, ‘They repaired the window in my office last week. 11. We keep office supplies, such as paper, folders and staplers, in the 6 Listen and repeat. Then match the words in A to their opposites in B. A B Inthe UK, you enter a building on the {ground floor and you go up to the first floor In the US, you enter a building on the frst floor and go up to the second floor. © 7 Listen and repeat the words and phrases in colour. Then complete the sentences according to the floor plan below. «) 1. Go.up the stairs to the first floor. The 8.0 your left, son the first floor, 2. The opposite the lift. 3. When you leave room 603, turn left. Go past Human Resources and you'll ind Dies ‘on your right. 4. Take the lft to the sixth floor, then tur right. Room 602 will be on your right. It's between rooms ‘and 5. Take the lift to the first floor. Turn right and go straight. The ...__.. isat the end of the corridor, “Toilets Stockroom 102 Seats ‘You have got an incomplete floor plan of the Sth floor. In turns give your partner directions to one of the places on your floor plan, Continue until you have both completed your floor plan. Student A: Use the floor plan on page 84. ‘Student B: Use the floor pian on page 93. Then write T (true) or F (false) next tot sentences on the right.) Telephone: answering incoming calls, screening calls, taking and delivering messages. Correspondence: distributing incoming mail, sending emails and faxes, updating mailing lists, ‘Meetings: scheduling meetings, typing agendas for meetings, taking minutes, assisting in preparing presentations. | The administrative assistant Fulltime work - Monday to Friday, 1. wil talk to clients phoning the company 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. | 2. will write letters to people on the ‘Candidates must have experience in: on word processing, spreadsheets, data entry and will sometimes be in meetings searching the Intemet. will work every weekend Click here to apply as @ candidate. must have a university degree must know how to type es ‘A Manager (A) is talking to her new Administrative Assistant (B). Complete the dialogue with the words below. Then listen to the dialogue and check your answers. <) arrive + taking + office » helpful » drink ‘A: Kate, I'd like to talk to you about your * ties. First of all, as my assistant, you're responsible for receiving visitors, Always offer them a Br Should | keep a log of the visitors? ‘A: Yes, here's the log. You must record the time they * and who they're visiting, No problem. You'll also be in charge of office supplies. You must keep track of them by ‘ an inventory and you should order new supplies when neces: \Who do | order the supplies from? Barbara, the Senior Administrative Assistant, can give you the shop's details, You've met Barbara, right? Yes, I've spoken to her. She's very © 7 (re Barbara will also show you how we fle documents. But fst, would you please type this agenda? It's important. a B: With pleasure, A: Thanks, Kate. and leave 2p oe ze Practise the dialogue in Exercise 2 with a partner. dang Pay attention to the expressions in colour. 4 Read the dialogue in Exercise 2 again and complete the sentences. 1. Kate has to receive ‘company. 2. She must write down when - to the 3. Kate must check that there are enough 4, Barbara will explain to Kate how to 5. Kate is now going to Working with Vocabulary 5 Listen and repeat the office routines in colour, Then tick the logical sentences. _.. 1. [have to go to the post office to send e-mails, 2. You should always receive visitors politely. 3. Iilsend a fax with all the details. 4, You type agenclas for meetings before you have the meetings. 5. file documents that you want to throw out. 6. I"lldeliver the message to Ms Crane as soon as she returns. 7. When you answer incoming calls, you Use the telephone, isten and repeat the office routines in colour. ‘Then circle the correct answers. 1. You take a message when someone's . @. waiting for a call notin the office 2. When you type letters, you use a... a. pen b. computer 8. Yousearch the Internet to... a. advertise information b. find information 4, You update a mailing list with . @. names and addresses of your customers 'b, information about your company 5. Youscreen acallto.... ._find a phone number bb, decide if you should transfer it 6, You take minutes .... a. ata meeting bb. to check the time 7. Ifyou keep a log, you ... information. a. record b. learn 7 Listen and repeat the office routines Then circle the correct responses. «) 1. Can you show the visitor around the office, please? a, Of course. Please sit down. b. Of course. Please follow me. 2. Can you distribute the incoming mail now? a. Yes, I'l give it out right away. b. Yes, Ill send the letters now. 3. Should | order supplies? a. Yes, I'ltell the staff b. Yes, we need pens, envelopes and paper. 4, Would you schedule a meeting for Mr Barnes and me, please? . Certainly, Il check the diary. b. Certainly, I'l read the document. 8 Listen and repeat the words and phrases in colour in A. Then match A to B to form sentences. 4 A 41, Data entry is the process of... 2. Word processing isa computer application that... 3. Spreadsheets are... 4, Youcan prepare a presentation with 8, When you keep track of something, you .. B = @. allows you to type documents. posters and diagrams. collect information about what's happening over a period of time. . charts that help record and analyse data. = @, putting information into a computer. s Listen to a conversation between a senior administrative assistant and a junior administrative assistant. Tick the tasks that ‘the junior administrative assistant is going ‘to do today. «) ~ 1. receive a visitor 2. schedule meetings type agendas . update a maling list . take minutes . prepare a presentation ~. fle documents take an inventory of office supplies order office supplies Purchasing Office Equipment (Getting Started: Vocabulary age T14)) 1 Read the e-mail. Then answer the questions below. «) Dear Mr Preston, make you a special offer If of 15% on the order: Sincerely, Max Grey Director of Sales Department Riley's Office Equipment Who would like to order the equipment? Has he ordered equioment from this company in the past? np How many fling cabinets does he need? 3, How much does one shredder cost? What type of photocopiers does he need? 3. What special offer will he get if he confirms the order on 23rd December? Value Added Tax, This is a tax acded onto, Thank you for your enquiry regarding pricing information. Here is our quote: ‘Quantity and Description of Item Price per unit | Price 10 three-drawer ling cabinets (e101.79 £1,01790 5 projectors £545 2.75.00 3 shredders £172 531.66 4 black-and-white photocopiers £5,460 21.840 i Subtotal 126,114.56 | VAT 20% £52231 Delivery date: 12th January.2014 Total 1,337.47 Because we haven't had the pleasure of doing business with you before, we would like to you confirm this order within five days, we will give you a discount 20th December; 2013 (Tei) In English, for numbers in the thousands we write 5,460 (not 5.460) and for decimals we write 177,22 (not 177,22) 2 Abank clerk (A) is ordering office supplies on the phone from a shop assistant (B) Listen to the dialogue and fil in the missing words. «9 ‘A: Good morning, 'm caling from Grey Bank. 1'd like to order some supplies, please. ‘Sure, What would you like to order? First, we'd tke two packets of hi cone blue and one How much is each pack? Its Fine. We also need a What type do you want? ‘ones that staple up sheets for £3.76 each that staple up to 100 2 > HI take the large on: No problem, Anythi ¢ We've run out of writing pads. OK, so ten packets each. Each packet is ‘That's it. When © 3 Practise the dialogue in Exercise 2 with a partner. Pay attention to the expressions in colour. 4 Read the dialogue in Exercise 2 again and complete the invoice for Grey Bank. Pearson's Office Suppl | “Company: Grey Bank ‘Customer # 98950 Invoice #13752 Item (No) Quantity PFICEPET Total highlighters... (#923) (#924) packets ‘a aos large Smee £19.09 — 223868 £1469 £14690 Subtotal £401.58 Working with Vocabulary 5 Listen and repeat the phrases in A. Then look at the pictures below and match A to B. A 1. apacket of © 2 asheet of b. scissors 3. aroll of cc. staples 4. apairof — d. sticky tape 5. abox of highlighters 6 Listen and repeat the equipment below. Then use the words to complete the sentences. ») shredder + filing cabinet * photocopier wastepaper bin « coat rack + projector scanner + air-conditioner 1, You usea a document. Miineed a 2 to show the chart Its hot. Can you tur on the... a} Hang your jacket on the I'd lke to have these old photos on my ‘computer. Have you got a 2 6. Weusea _--»- 10 destroy confidential documents. 7. We file documents in the... . 8. Don't throw food into the ....— 2 to make copies of osean © 7 Listen and repeat the words and phrases in A. ‘Then match them to their definitions in B. 4) A price per unit subtotal shipping cost invoice delivery quality B getting items to a customer how good something is how much each item costs ‘document which lists the items that ‘were ordered and their prices «. the price of all the items ordered, not including tax f. the price of sending items to a customer 8 Listen and repeat the words and phrases in colour. They are in the wrong sentences. Write the words and phrases next to the correct sentences. «) "ve run low on printing paper. | haven't got any. : Discount must be made within two weeks Of receiving the order. 3. I'll give you a 20% quantity. 4, How much has he run out of you for all the office supplies? _ 5. Since you are a new customer, 'm giving you payment two for the price of ane. 6. I've charged paper clips. | haven't got enough. 7. Ifyou order a large special offer, you'll get a better price. 7 Student A: You work at Wilson Furniture, You call Spring Office Equipment to order equipment. ‘Order the items on the list on page 84. Student B: You work at Spring Office Equipment. ‘Ask and answer questions about the items the ‘customer is ordering according ‘ 10 the price lst on page 93. WA. Then complete the invoice % . 1 12 (Geting Startec: Vocabulary age 175)) ‘1 Read the e-mail, Then complete the sentences below, To all employees, We have got a new voicemail service and we want everyone to learn how to use it. ‘Over the next two weeks, Kim from the IT Department is going to call each of you to arrange a suitable time for a short training session (about 15 minutes). She is going to show you how to retrieve, replay, save and delete messages. She is also going to give you your own personal access number. If there are any problems, please contact me. Lucy Forbes Head of iT . The training sessions won't be very They are going to learn how t0 $2VE enn Each employee is going to get a personal = employees have got any problems, they should... The employees don't know how to use the voicemail service because it's i — ~ IS going to teach them how to use the voicemail service. 2 Asupervisor in IT (A) is showing an employee (8) [23 Practise the dalogue in Exercise 2 with a how to use the voicemall service. Complete the dialogue with the words below. Then listen to col the dialogue and check your answers. «) office + listen + send + number + of course ‘A: How do | check my incoming messages? B: First, enter your access code. At | see. What's my access code? ~ 1 themessteertearn B: I'll check and *... vn ft TO YOU. now.” ‘A: And what do | do after that? a B: Dial 151#. Then press 1 to retrieve and 4. “Idon't need tt 5 nnn 1 YOU MESSAQES. 5. “lwant to fast fon A: How do | replay messages? ‘seconds of B: Press 3 to replay messages, press 4 to save messages or 2 to delete messages. A: Can | fast forward or rewind messages? re) & * Press 7 to fast forward #=hash or 8 to rewind. = tar / asterisk ‘A: When I'm not in the *.. — cant 150# = one-five-ct retrieve my messages from any location? 1854 = one-dovb) Br Yes, you can. Simply dial our voicemail service 5 Its 773-411-1280, lour. 1, Partner. Pay attention to the expressions in 4 Read the dialogue in Exercise 2 again. Then read the quotes below. Which number on the voicemail system should each person press? “Iwant to save this Working with Vocabulary 5 Listen and repeat the words and phrases in colour. Then match A to B to form sentences. ) A You dial a phone number... Press this button .. ‘You can't isten to a message When you rewind a message, .. When you fast forwarc a message, When you want to listen to incor messages, .. B to record an outgoing message. after you delete tt ‘you move it closer to its beginning. when you want to contact someone, you must enter your access code. you move it closer to its end. oarens sp aege 6 Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then read the sentences and write each word next to its definition below. «) a. Why did you save all these messages? Do you want to listen to them again? b. Can | retrieve voicemail messages from any location? ©. Let's replay the outgoing message, so we can review it. 4. Did you mocify the outgoing message after you listened to it? Place: Bley QBN ene read oF listen to CaFefUllY nom eas epo 7 Listen and repeat the words and phrases in colour. Then tick the logical sentences. ») 1. You place the receiver on your ear and near your mouth, 2. Amobile phone has got a cord. 3. You can press a button to change the volume and make it lous. 4, The phone is off the hook because the receiver is in the correct place. 5. I'm going to put you on loudspeaker go ‘everyone in the room can hear you, Julie wants to record some outgoing messages on her voicemail. Tom from the IT Department is helping her. Listen and choose the correct ‘answers. +) 1. First of all, Julie enters her... a. name b. access code ‘c. outgoing message . To record a daytime message, Julle needs to ‘choose ... . ‘a, the number "1" b. the number "2* c. “daytime message” . Julie should press 3 ... her message. before she writes 'b. when she begins recording ©. When she finishes recording . To modify her message after she reviews it, she should press the number a4 b. 6 a9 Hf there is an emergency at night, the caller should a. call back b. press 9 or 5 ©. press 111 3 Using the Intranet (2eting tort: vocab bape 175) 1. The topic of the memo is problems with the 1 Read the momo. Then read the false Intranet. 2. Employees must click three times on the ‘company icon to log inta the Intranet sentences on the right and correct them by changing the words and phrases in bold. «) 3. Employees need a company icon to log into the intranet, To all employees, — Here are instructions for logging into the company Intranet. To login: 1. Double click on the company icon on your desktop. 2. Enter your username and password. Your password should include both leters and numbers. For increased security, you should include upper case and lower case letters, numbers and symbols. Notes: 1. Never share your password with anyone, including other company employees. 2 Never access the Internet while you are using the company's Intranet. 4. For increased security, this is a good password: S4AZL8, 5. You can share your password with your boss. 6. You can use the Intemet and the company Intranet at the same time, For help with logging in, sending e-mails or using the Intranet, all the IT Department and one of our technicians willbe happy to assist you. Kevin Jackson IT Department In everyday speech upper case letters ere usualy called “capi letters’ 2. Sandra (t's asking Jackie (8) for help with an OS

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