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oraccececeacea CONTENTS 4 Properties of Fluids 4.1 Definitions 1.2 ference between Sol, uid & as 1.3 Properties of Fluids 1.4 Shear stress in a Moving Fluid 1.5ideal and Real Fluids 1.6.Compressbility and Bulk Modulus of elasticity 1.7 Surface Tension 1.8 Coplarty 1.9,Vapor Pressure and Cavitation Pressure Measurement and Fluid Statics 2. Pressure 2.2 Units of Pressure 2.3 Classfcation of pressures 24 Pascal's Law 2.5 Mobs circle 2.6 Application of Pascal's Law 2.7 Measurement of Fluid Pressure 28 Hydrostatics ft 2.9 Hydrostatic Forces on Curved Surfaces 2.10 Application of Hydostatis: Dam 2.11 Centre of pressure of Different plane surfaces uoyancy and Metacentric Height 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Buoyancy 3.3 Floating Bodies: Stability. 3.4 Submerged Bodies: Stability, 35. Experimental determination of metacentric height 36 Period of Roling uid Kinematics 4.1 Fluid Kinematics 42 Flow types 43 Flow pattern... 4A Velocity nn 45 Acceleration 4.6 Rate of low or discharge 4.7 Continuity Equation 4.8 Rotational and Irrotational Motions 4.9 Grculation and Vortcty, 4.20 Shear strain 4:1 Stream Function 4.12 Potential Function 5. Energy Equation and Its Applications 5.1 Introduction 5.2 fuidin motion is subjected to various fores.. 5.3 Forces acting on 2 flud in motion 5.4 Euler's equations f motion 5.5. Bernoulli's equation 5.5 Kinetic energy correction factor 5.7. Practical applications of Bemoulfs energy Equation 58 Free Liquid Jet. 5.9. Dynamic equation for Nuid motion in a curved path 5.10 Vortex Motion _-6..Momientum Equation and Its Applications 6.1 Impulse Momentum Equation... 6.2 Reynolds Transport theorem fr linear momentum 6.3 Reynolds Transport theorem for angular momentum 64 Momentum Correction Factor 6.5 Impact of jets. oe 6.5 Force exerted by a jet ona stationary curved plate 67 Force on the curved plate when the plate is ‘moving in the direction of et. 16.8 Force exerted by jet of water on a series of vanes ‘mounted on periphery ofa fixed ais rotation of. awhee! {6 Moment of Momentum Equation _Tainar Flow 72 ntrodvton 7.2 citi Reynold number Scanned with CamScanner 103 Separation of Boundary Layer. poorer q B 18.6 Hydraulic Gradient Line. 7 8,7 Total Energy Line n Contac Ter H a ea eean erent ls rged Bodies ube! 41, Forces on 5 {1.1 introduction 2 types of dra. bodes pest 1138 14008 115 strounal number 116utt 11,7 Rotating vinders 42, Dimensional Analysis 12:1 Introduction lomogenelt¥ 12.2 dimensional H 12.3 Methods of Dimensional ana a statement of Buckingham’s n-theorem. 2. 12.5 Model and prototype 126 Types of similarity. 12:7 Various force ratios 128 Type of models 129 scale effec 13, Torbomachinery 13: Introduction 132 HydraulieTurbines 133 Classification of Turbines 134 Different Heads 135 Different efficiencies 13,6 Degree of Reaction 13,7 Pelton whee! 13.8 Reaction Turbines. 13.9 Functions ofthe draft tube 13.10 Francis Turbine 13.11 Atal flow reaction turbines 13.12 Specific speed of a Turbine 13.13 Unit Quantities 13.14 Model testing of Turbines, 13.15 Cavitation in turbines 13.16 Pumps: 13.17 Centre pump 13:18 Cavitation and its prevention 13.19 Specific Speed «| x | 9% al | all xo \ 104 14 1 us | 10s | 107 i 7 | 1m 13 2s aw Scanned with CamScanner whe sme The oct abc loc init anc The the Bot off ‘ely porseerah O13 croc 06 Fronomposte fe) Don nnn ea tne velcy ditt @ ior fo Soca aslswate gran byU= 108 tre vcoty oe aS pte. We ‘pears econ were <0 lantern Tpissen felassnime lane Scanned with CamScanner Co. ret a horizontal ee 3h 4 Circular 04 5D ith diameter on free surface 3xD 32 05. Semicircle wi 06, Quadrant of a circle with one radius at free surface 3D. 32 07. Trapezoid a h(a +3b) h 2(a+2b) Practice Questions 9 Which ofthe following pressure units represents the LEAST pressure? (a) milibor (b) one mm of mercury (c) N/mm? (4) kgf/cm? Q2The standard atmosphere pressure is 760 mm of mercury. At a particular place, the barometer reading is 710 mm of mercury. At this site, Absolute pressure is 360 mm of mercury. The Pressure gauge reading, in mm of mercury is artist rei + eee rivet ine rp Ram yg Scanned with CamScanner (anna ae sore BE ne ~ 2 eet 6 ee 22 & morometer wed for me gre crecnremeet is re aa ; er aoe wi gS Inonrete) onset coe rn Ea hace (eee | in ot rae it | ‘icoraies|2randaam| “ Ferrmouramecie hacker g 2. Fameouna sentence le ‘oa reste fe on ne sin hep emer fe retook er ee ‘em on caved stace, nN 1 se Accomaon cue anys Ion than EY for Practice Questions O10) 02) Ate] Ot) 622 6) 07212 OID on} 110 Nig) 22 Scanned with CamScanner Practice Questions ‘A wooden [S = 0.64) block of rectangular section 4m long, 1.25 m breadth and 2m depth floats horizontally in a vessel consisting of aliquid of mass density 1025 kg/m. The depth of block under that liquid and volume of water displaced would be (a) 2.425 m & 3.12m' (c) 0.808 m & 10m? (b) 1.824m & 624m? (6) 1.248 m & 6.24? inseiiclprarcrsonc spnetelewerainestiWetbe faye sthetscines dice sue Gee orcas Sooyeincy force on the sphere foygettin the cube, when they are fly subméroed a hau eaertey a /2 wows (8 a ‘A 10 cm steel cube (S,,,, = 7.6) is submerged fully in a two layered fluid, the bottom layer being MerCUrY (Sera =13-6) and the top layer being water. The height of the cube above the liquid interfaces, in cm is_. Aspherical balloon 1.6mdiameteris completely immersed in water and chained to the bottom. If the chain has a tension induced of 10 kN, the weight of the balloon, in kN is 3. Asolid body weights 5 N in water and 7 Nin an oil of relative density 0.85. The specific gravity of the solid body material is ‘Spring balance 06. A floating body would be stable when its (0) Centre of gravity is above ifs centre of buoyancy (b) Centre of buoyancy is above its metacentre (c) -Metacentre is above its centre of buoyancy (d) Metacentre is above its centre of gravity 07. A cylinder made from wood [S = 0.6) is of diameter ‘d’ and the length ‘2d’. The cylinder is kept in water with its axis vertical. State its condition of equilibrium. (a) stable (b) unstable {c) neutral (d) indeterminate 08. A vertical gap 23.5 mm wide of infinite extent contains oil of specific gravity 0.9 and viscosity 2.5N-s/m?. Ametal plate 1.5mx1.5mx 1.5mm weighing 50 N is to be lifted through the gap at a constant speed of 0.1 m/sec. Estimate the. force (N) required to lft the plate. KEY for Practice Questions O1.(d) O02. (c) 03.476 04.11 05. 1.375 06.(d) 07. (b) 08. 122.475 ricabed © bat ¢ Bop + Pine» Bhan © Lcinow + Pata + Beal + Cena Vervade # Ving Scanned with CamScanner Practice Questions =m: (do =0). e icity potential | 01. The flow of liquid at constant al in conically tapered pipe is classified as (a) steady, uniform flow (b) steady, non-uniform flow {c) unsteady, uniform flow | {d) unsteady, non-uniform flow s nstant. ‘Common Data for Questions 02 & 03 $=constant. | +A6 velocity along the centerine of a diffuser of length Lis given by V = aft 4} ‘ where V = velocity in m/sec, += time in sec from commencement of flow, distance from inlet to the nozzle. Att=3sec:x=0.5m&L=0.8m potential 02. The local acceleration in m/s? is __. oe 03. Total acceleration of the flow in m/s?__. 04. Given the xcomponent of the velocity U = 6xy — 2x, the y-component of the flow 'v’ is given by re the local (a) 6y?- 4xy (b) — 6xy + 2x? (c) 6? - 2xy (d) Axy — 3y** F(x) 05. At a point on a streamline of steady flow, the velocity is 3m/s and the radius of curvature is 9m. If the rate of increase of velocity along the streamline at this point is 1/3 m/s/m, then the he Laplace total acceleration at this point, in m/s?is __. ow. sriotational | 06. The mean velocities at two ends of a stream tube 10cm apart are 2.5 m/s and 3 mis. The approximate convective tangential acceleration in m/s?is z | Pane Bhubanenar + Lcknow ¢ Pata + Bengal + Chennal + Vijayawada 6 Vag ¢ Trapt ollata + Apmedabad Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ACE Practice Questions lag (b) /g (c)1.5/g (d) 1.59 A conical tube of length 2 m is fxed vertically with its smaller end S,) upwards. The velocity head and pressure head at upper end are 1.27 m and 2.50 m, respectively. The velocity head and pressure head at lower end S,) are 0.203 m and 5.407 m, respectively. The loss of head ‘and direction of flow is (a)5.61 m and from s, to S, (5) 5.77 mand trom, 108, (c) 0.16 mand from, tos, (6) 0.16m and from 5,10, ‘A nozzle has inlet and outlet diameters of 100 mm and 50 mm, respectively. It it discharges Gir (par = 1.25 kg/m?) through it at the rate of 100 li/s into the atmosphere, the gouge pressure at the nozile inlet, in kPa is (Take g = 10 m/s") Water enters a turbine steady at the rate of 100 litres per second with a pressure of 3*10° N/m? ‘and a velocity of 100 m/s. It leaves the turbine with a pressure of 10° N/m? and a velocity of 50 m/s. if no losses occur, the power produced by the turbine, in KW is (Take g = 10 m/s') ‘A venturimeter having a throat diameter of 120 mm is connected to a pipeline having a diameter of 300 mm through which fuid of specific gravity 0.85 is lowing. If the pressure Techs b> Bas ne Shs ci P+ Bn a+ goa ol 58 EATS] | chal patra eaneiod sections ofthe ventiimeter 8/4 RF. Ral | rate iniitres/s gi. imP itist 96 Water flows through a large size pipe. The. a stagnation pressure and static pressure Fer measured by a Pitot-static tube are 0.3 m ang feo 0.24 m of water, respectively. The velocity of ei flow, in m/minute is ot A Pitot-static probe is inserted in an air flow. 4 manometer connected to this probe having Hp «3 the manometric fuid shows « difference of 30 mm. Assume o probe factor of 1. Assuming = 1.23 kg/m, py,= 13600 kg/m? and _g = 10 m/s, the speed of the airflow. in m/secis ‘and an ofifice meter, both installed on a pipe of intemal diameter 100 mm, are 0.95 and 0.65 respectively, The venturi throat diameters the same as the office diameter. If the pressure drop across the orifice meter is measured a: 300 mm of water column, the corresponding pressure drop for the venturimeter in mm of ‘water column, is nearly KEY for Practice Questions 02.(c) 03.1.5 07.81.5 08, 140 01. (c) 06, 65 04.395 05.35 Scanned with CamScanner oa 1107s. Hi Skee 9 Mocece evo (Ns sh waa io arn tiene Pea nei end omit open theo peepee ar amin aay st cers ee ‘oom one a Scanned with CamScanner — Bones? Practice Questions ig Plate ; ot nae 4 " ~ % Ruid of kinematic viscosity 0.4 stoke flows through a 8 cm diameter pipe. Maximum velocity in pipe for laminar flow will be: ; (Q) less than m/sec i (b) 1 m/sec (c) 1.5 m/sec (d) 2m/sec a 2E. the equation +=(2\(5) for flow through § Ae Citcular tube is valid for (a) laminar flow only (b) turbulent flow only (c) uniform flow (d) laminar & turbulent flow | one discharge in m*/sec for laminar flow in a pipe of diameter 40 mm having center line velocity of 1.5 m/sis ven by (a) 3x / 50 j (b) 3x / 2500 ) (c) 3x / 5000 (d) 3x / 10000 1 velocity Flow rate of a fluid (density = 1000 kg/m’) in a small diameter tube is 800 mm*/s. The length and the diameter of the tube are 2m and 0.5 ‘i mm, respectively. The pressure drop in 2 m j length is equal to 2 MPa. The viscosity of the fluid (in milli Pa-s) is__. B In a laminar flow through a circular pipe of diameter 200 mm, the maximum velocity 1 is found to be 1 m/s. The velocity at a radial distance of 50 mm from the axis of the pipe in m/sis Scanned with CamScanner cones il n aRACE SEE Kal and vscoty 1p 05704 having @ recive dorily of 08 ond | JX Obol deny 800KGIT Ter TN ha ie mores through o circu fon, I= 1 poe is towing though a pipe of 50 ‘aver09@ Velocity Of 0.1 my dl. with velocity of 2m/s, Dorey’s icon fectortorthe tows. flows ceter | erm with an The pipe makes on angle of 30° with ho fol If the oll flows in upward direction, cet 'e the pressure difference between ty, halved while the flow rate and length of the pipe b= kPa: (Assume, o= 1Om/s4) ear KEY for Practice Questions 98 An ol of viscosity 10 poise flows between two Parole! fxed plates which are kept al 50 mm ‘part. The pressure crop over the length 6f120 Com is observed fo be 3 KPa. The width of the Plates is 0.2 m.the discharge of flow in tre per secondis__. 01.(6) 02.(d) 03. (d) 04.1.92 05.075 06.008 07.18 08.52 09.(a) 10.72 PP. Consider a steady, fuly developed flow in a 7 horizontal pipe of diameter D. Over a section dllerathLot nse, apresurecropor are | observed. The average, wall shear stress over this section is | ae (a) 4f . r qnapte ) nroawetion: Hp Pipe is a closed co to convey the Mid | passage (Pipe and dy the flow in @ pipe completely occupies there fs no free surfac conveys partially, suc pressure inside the pi channel. + tt is necessary ton difference. Circulor employed + In fuly develop acceleration), the Bt pipe + Pressure in pipe ‘atmospheric. The fo cor turbulent depend number value and it £2. Reynolds number (Re} * Reis the ratio of it force. Inertia force = Mas Viscous force = «x« Re= Vie "case of pipes Lisreph Scanned with CamScanner Practice Questions — deity of ‘valve 01. The Darcy - Weisbach equation for head loss s valid (a) only forlaminar flow through smooth pipes. (b)_ only for turbulent flow through rough pipes: (c) for laminar or turbulent flows through smooth pipes only. 2¢| (d) for laminar or turbulent flow through smooth or rough pipes. 2 sec is 02. Water flows steadily through @ smooth circular tube of 5 crn diameter at a flow rate of x kg/s- Take the water viscosity 4 = 0.001Ns/m? and density p = 1000 kg/m’. The Darcy friction kPa factor for pipe of diameter D is given as: f, = 64/Re, for fully developed laminar flow and 316/Re?2* for fully developed turbulent flow. The approximate pressure drop per unit length in the fully developed region of the tube i Is (Take g=10 m/s in Pa/m is 03. Two reservoirs are connected by a pipe line consisting of two pipes ‘A’ and 'B' of identical friction factor and length; and connected in series. If the diameter of pipe ‘A’ is 20% larger than that of 'B', then ratio of the head loss in *A’ to that in ‘B" is : (a) 0.402 (b) 0.529 (c) 0.60 (d) 0.833 04, Two pipes of same length and different diameters 10 cm and 20 cm are connected in series. Coefficient of friction is same for both | pipes, then diameter of an equivalent pipe of length equal to sum of lengths of two pipes is: (a) 1.4m (b) 15cm | (c) 20cm (4) none | | - Bhabannwar + Laknow + Pana ¢ Begala + Chena + Weawads + Ving > Tapa + Walla ¥ Amada] Scanned with CamScanner @ACE 05. The diameter of a circular pipe suddenly | f loss of increases by two times. The ratio of loss Of energy to the velocity head before expansion 16/9 (a) 172 (a) 16/5 (oa (9/16 Two pipes A and B with details as below are connected in parallel between two points: 06, Fiction factor( f) (0.020 0.01 Diamier (mm) A_[ 100 8 80 Length (mm) 150 200) Pipe The size of an equivalent pipe of length 175m and having a friction factor of 0.0155 (2) 87 mm (0) 117mm (c) 234mm (4) 167 mm) 07. Two reservoirs are connected through a 930 m long, 0.3 m diameter pipe, which has a gate valve. The pipe entrance is sharp (loss covefficient = 0.5) and the valve is half - open (loss coefficient = 5.5). The head difference between the two reservoirs is 20 m. Assume the friction factor for the pipe as 0.03 and @ = 10 m/s. The discharge in the pipe ‘Eccounting for all minor and major losses is miss For a flow through a smooth pipe, the fanning friction factor (f) is given by f = mRe®2, in the turbulent flow regime, where Re is the Reynolds number and m is a constant. Water flowing through a section of this pipe with a velocity 1 ‘m/s results in a pressure drop of 10 kPa. What will be the pressure drop across this section (in kPa) when the velocity of water is 2 m/s (a) 11.5 (b) 20 (c) 348 {d) 40 ‘omiong section of rectanggy oe seciion 1567 * 206 Maggy duet ain (0.45 mm) at 1 alm and 35 material (€ 2 3 y= 1.6 1.145 kg/" 7 mis i sa 55*10° 7/5) Ot on aver Disregording the entrang, ne fan Power Needed me pressure 1OsSeS In this sects: lowing correlation may, lent flow overcome ol . The foll otthe duc raat required. for tubu 6.9 (b) 9.3 4w (a) ie (c)3.5W horizontal circular pipe a similar pipe of hat length is added parallel to the central hat length of the original pipe. Assuming the end conditions of the original pipe remain unchanged, the % increase in discharge (Neglect minor losses). uA u2 us In order to increase the discharge through g Ove to ageing of pipe line its discharge delivet/ Capacity decreases by 10%. The corresponding inctease in Darcy's friction factoris__. KEY for Practice Questions Sr) 92.481 03, fa) 06, (b) 11. (20%) 04, (a) 05. (¢) 07.0.141 og, {c) 09. (b) 10.265 | 912. A turt Consic anda comp Scanned with CamScanner 1. 02 03. 4. 05, @ACE Practice Questions Ina turbulent pipe flow, near surface inside the laminar sub layer of the boundary layer, the velocity distribution is {0} Parabolic (c}legarithm (b) lineor (4) uniform Consider a steady, fully developed turbulent flow in a rough pipe of circular cross-section at high Reynolds number. If the pipe diameter is doubled at a constant flow rate by what factor does the pressure drop decrease? (a)2 (0) 16 {8 (a) 32 In @ turbulent flow through @ pipe, the mean. velocity is 2.0 m/s and the friction factor f=0.02, The centerline velocity, in m/s, is A liquid flows in a 30 cm diameter pipe at a Reynolds number of 10°. If the friction factor is 0.025, the thickness of laminar sub layer, in mm, s (Take g = 10 m/s*) (a) 0.025 (b) 1.00 {c} 0.062 {d) 0.0031 A pipe of a 100 mm diameter and length of 0.1. km subjected to turbulent flow carries water and estimated head loss is 10 m of water. The boundary shear stress, in Pa is 07. 08, 01. (b) 06, (0.9) ng woter HOS AVEFAGS hei, projecting FO the surg of the pipe 05 0-15 mm. The shea, gis 49 N/meand ¥ = 1 cong. pipe roughness height j, arveloctty fora fow through Pipe sons roe ae oevalocity at a distance 0.5 MM avg, Be surface inside @ laminar sublayer iota ‘ne kinematic Viscosity Of GNhidis 3) igre (0) tot ens Cece (d) 5x 10° cms ‘A pipe of diameter 100 mm carries wate, The velocities at the pipe centre and % mm from the pipe centre are 2 m/s and 15 m/s respectively. The flow in pipe is given os turbulent. The wall shearing stress is KEY for Practice Questions 02.(d) 03.2.4 04. (c) 07.(a) 08. (47.74 N/mm) 05. (25) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner pyiae (i225 aro i prev fg ea a [aimoyerincs=200 ee a= tsi a (Eine pre = Boyne see labo heaterere = Scanned with CamScanner Ta ord ct Me corny oom gobo Scanned with CamScanner a mized $ are olute The 4 by nless the four lays yof me pack jyrspecife Speed: mre specific sPeed of a centrtugol pump i deined 0s ihe speed of a geometrically one pump which would deliver unit quantity (one cubic metre of liquid per second) against a unithead (one metre). It's denoted by Ns, The specific speed is a characteristic of pumps which can be used as a basis for comparing the performance of different pumps as well as for the selection of pumps. Nie tars Type of pump Sow speed radial flow Medium speed radial flow High speed radial flow [Mixed flow (or screw type) ‘Axialfow (or propeller type) Specific speed 10 to 30 80 to 160) 160 to 500 Practice Questions 01, The moment of momentum of water across the turbine rotor is reduced by 15.916 kN-m, rotor rotating at 600 r.p.m. The power developed in kWis 2. A water turbine discharges 50m"/sec under a head of 7.5m with an overall efficiency of 80%. The nearest H.P. developed is_. 03. 4 Pelton wheel works under a head of 300m with a speed of 600 rpm. Speed ratio is 0.41 The diameter of the wheel, in metres, is 04. Specific speed of a turbine dimension is (at (o) Fe“ Ts2 (c) FeLsetse (d) none of these 05, 07. To generate 8.1 MW while working at a speed of 540rpm, of turbine is suitable? (a) Pelton wheel (b) Francis turbine (c) Kaplan turbine (d) Propelier turbine Consider the following turbines: (1) Kaplan (2) Pelton wheel (3) Francis The correct sequence in increasing order of the specific speeds of these turbines is (22.3.1 (b) 2.1.3 (3,142 (4) 1.2.3 Which one of the followings is a wrong statement? (a) Only the tangential component of absolute velocity is considered into the estimation of theoretical head of a turbo- machine. A high head turbine has a high value of specific speed. (b) (c) For the same power, a turbo-machine running at high specific speed will be small in size. (d) Pelton wheel is the tangential flow turbine whereas the Propeller and Kaplan turbines care axial flow units. For a given scale ratio between model and prototype turbines, speed and head relatior (a) NaH? (b) Nec He? (c) NaHS" (d) Nec He SE en mr ah Go Hon Scanned with CamScanner MACE 132 09. i 12. Chances of occurrence of cavitation are high if (2) local pressure becomes very high (b) local temperature becomes low (¢) Thoma's cavitation parameter exceeds a certain limit (d) local pressure falls below the vapour Pressure Cavitation in a reaction turbine may occur (a) in the spiral casing (b) in the guide passages (c) at the inlet to runner (d) at the inlet to draft tube A larger size water turbine works at certain head with speed of 500 rpm, Its proposed model 1 : 2 scale turbine is to be tested under same head should have a rotational speed, in rpm, as ‘A_water turbine is working under a head of 100 metres, develops 100 kW. It is affected by reduced head of 81 metres, then nearest new power developed by the same turbine, in kW is AT, 13, Ina Kaplan turbine, the diameter of the runner is 3.0 m. The diameter of the hub is one-thirg the diameter of the runner. If the velocity of flow and the peripherical velocities is the inlet side of the blade at its tip are 5.0 m/s and 49 m/s respectively. the discharge through the runner is (a) 235.6 m°/s (b) 31.4m%s {c) 125.7 m/s, (d) 251.3 m/s, KEY for Practice Questions 01,1000 02.4000 03.1 04.(b) 05. (b) 06. (a) > 07.(b) 08.(a) 09. (d) 10. (a) 19,1000 12.729 13. (0) Prey rh Scanned with CamScanner

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