News Letter 2021

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2021 Newsletter

Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT)

Teachers’ Training Course for the Teachers of Badshah Faisal Institute School & College, Dhaka
Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) in collaboration with Badshah Faisal Institute School &
College, Dhaka organized three days long ‘Teachers’ Training
Workshop’ at Badshah Faisal Institute School & College Campus
in Dhaka on 1st-3rd February 2021. On the first day (1st Feb) the
program started with a welcoming speech by Lt Col AKM
Maksudul Haque, Principal, BFI at 10:45 am. The workshop was
inaugurated by Mr. RAfiqul Islam Khan FCA, Chairman of the
Governing Body, BFI. Dr. M. Abul Aziz, Executive Director of Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought
presented a paper on “Knowledge, Education and Teaching”. The paper entitled “Are Your Student
Engaged in Learning?” was presented by Prof. Dr. Yousuf M. Islam, Former VC, DIU & VP (Teaching-
Training), BIIT.

On the second day (2nd February), Prof. Dr. Md. Abu Raihan,
Head, Dept. of TVE, IUT presented a paper on “Teaching
Methodology of Instructional Technology” and Selin Yasmin,
Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), presented a
paper on “Lesson Plan and Classroom Management”.

In the third day (3rd February), Rowshan Zannat, Senior Teacher, BISC, Dhaka Cantonment presented her
paper on “Teaching Method of Prophet Mohammad (SAW)”. Dr. Md. Tofazzel Hossain, Assistant
Professor, Dept. of English, Southeast University presented a paper
on “Creative Education System (CES) and Higher Order Thinking
(HOT)” followed by the Speech of Prof. Dr. Abdur Rob, Former
Chairman, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society and the Chairman of
Badshah Faisal Trust and speech of Col. (Rtd.) Abdul Baten,
Former Principal, Shaheed Anwar Girls School & College and Honourable Member of the School
Governing Body, BFI.

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The session ended by the concluding remarks of Dr. M. Abdul
Aziz with the question, answers and group discussion followed
by lunch and tea.

Teachers Training Course for Madrasah Teachers of Darunnazat Siddikia Kamil Madrasah
Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) in collaboration with Darunnazat Siddikia Kamil Madrasah
organized a two-day-long teachers’ training course.

On day one (Wednesday, 24th Nov) the program was started with the
recitation of the Holy Qur’an. Opening speeches delivered by Dr. M.
Abdul Aziz, executive director of BIIT and the representative of IIIT
Bangladesh; Dr. Hafez A.B.M. Hezbullah, Professor, Department of
Al-Quran, Islamic University Kushtia and Abul Khair Mohammad Abu Baqr Siddiq, Principal, Darunnazat
Siddikia Kamil Madrasah.

Prof. Dr. Hafez A.B.M. Hezbullah conducted Session 1, titled: “Principles and teaching methods of
interpreting Al-Quran and Al-Hadith”. Dr. M. Abdul Aziz conducted Session 2 & 3, titled: “Knowledge,
Education and Teaching from Islamic Perspective and Teaching Methods of Prophet Mohammad (SW)”.
Md. Mahmudul Haque, Associate Professor, BMTTI conducted session 4, titled: “Developing Arabic
Language Skills”.

On day two, (Thursday, 25th Nov), Dr. D. M. Firoz Shah, Associate

Professor, Govt. TTC Dhaka, Conducted Session 5, titled: “Methods
and Techniques of Effective Teaching, Lesson Plan & Class
Management”. Prof. Dr. Yusuf M. Islam, Dean of Engineering,
Independent University Bangladesh; Vice-President (Training) of BIIT
& Chairman, IDOL conducted Session 6 and Session 7, titled: Can questions help focus learning? and Can
students be engaged to learn?

Dr. M. Ibrahim Khalil Anwari, Coordinator of BIIT and Muhammad

Abdul Latif Shaikh, Muhaddith of DSKM facilitated the sessions.

In the closing session- Principal Abul Khair Mohammad Abu Baqr

Siddiq delivered the special remarks. Dr. M. Abul Aziz, delivered the

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concluding remarks while Prof. Dr. Yusuf M. Islam took part as the discussants. The session ended with a
group discussion. About 40 teachers from two DSKM have attended the event.

BIIT-IIIT Teaching Training Course on “Hikmah Pedagogy of Philosophical Inquiry” Held

Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) in collaboration with Badshah Faisal institute school &
college and I.E.S. Uchcha Madyamic Bidyalaya Dhaka organized four days long virtual teachers’ training
course on “Hikmah Pedagogy of Philosophical Inquiry”. The course is designed and conducted by Prof.
Rosnani Hashim, the former Dean of the Kulliyyah of Education, International Islamic University, Malaysia
and founder of the Centre for Teaching Thinking - a pioneer of
Islamic Pedagogy.

On day one (Friday, 12th Feb) the program was started with the
recitation of the Holy Qur’an by Dr. Syed Shahid Ahmad, coordinator
of BIIT and an opening speech delivered by Dr. M. Abdul Aziz,
executive director of BIIT and the representative of IIIT Bangladesh while Prof. Dr. Rosnani Hashim
conducted four sessions include- Module 1: “The necessity of Hikmah Pedagogy (HP) of philosophical
Inquiry in 21st Century Teaching & Learning”; Module 2: “Introduction to Philosophy & Hikmah
Pedagogy”; Module 3: Modeling on “Pixie - Rules and Freedom (Definition and spirit), Reflection: Talking
points and procedures of HP”.

On day two, (Saturday, 2/13/2021), Prof. Rosani Hasim conducted the next three sessions includes- Module
4: “The stimulus material and the community of inquiry”; Module 5: Modeling on “Mira on helping the
poor (Surah al-Maun), Reflection: Talking points, formation of COI & Phil questions”; Module 6:
“Dialogue, Philosophical Questions & Discussion”.

On day three, (Friday, 2/19/2021) conducted another three sessions include- Module 7: “Planning for
teaching with HP -Identifying leading ideas, values and issues. Evaluate teachers and students”; Module 8:
“Demonstration 1 based on the lesson plan”; Module 9: “Teacher's role and achievement of HP for students
and subjects”.

On the last day, (Saturday, 2/20/2021), Prof. Rosani Hasim conducted the final three sessions include-
Module 10: “Practice 1 & Evaluation”; Module 11: “Practice 2 & Evaluation”; Module 12: “Concept

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Dr. M. Ibrahim Khalil Anwari, Coordinator of BIIT facilitated the
session. Dr. Momota Hena, Assistant Professor at the Dept. of
English, Northern University Bangladesh and research fellow of
BIIT, Mrs Rowshan Zannat, Senior Teacher, BISC, Dhaka
Cantonment & Research Fellow of BIIT and Mrs. Selin Yasmin,
Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) Research
Fellow of BIIT took part as the discussant in a different session.

In the closing session- Prof. Omar Hasan Kasule Sr. Secretary

General, International Institute of Islamic Thought, USA, delivered
the special remarks. Dr. M. Abul Aziz, delivered the concluding
remarks while Lt Col AKM Maksudul Haque, Principal, BFI,
Mohammad Monjurul Haque, Principal, IES School, took part as the discussants. The session ended with a
group discussion. About 50 teachers from two institutions attended the event.

IIIT-BIIT-DIU Winter School 2021 at DIU Campus

Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT), Daffodil International University (DIU) and International
Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) have jointly organized a five-day-long residential and fully funded winter
school 2021 at Daffodil International University’s permanent campus
-one of the best and prestigious universities of Bangladesh at
Ashulia, Saver, Dhaka. The participants of this winter school are
masters and Ph.D. students who are currently studying at the
different public and private universities of Bangladesh.

The first day of this school was started with the recitation from the Holy Quran. The opening speech was
delivered by Dr. M. Abdul Aziz, Executive Director, BIIT,
Country Representative of IIIT and Visiting Faculty of IIUT.
The inaugural speech was provided by Professor Dr. Omar
Hasan Kasule, Professor of Medicine, KSA.

The first session of the first day was conducted by Professor M.

Shamsher Ali, prominent nuclear scientist, Founder Vice-
Chancellor, Bangladesh Open University & Founder President of BIIT. He lectured on “Truth: The Meeting
Point of Al-Quran and Science”.

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The second session was conducted by Dr. M. Abdul Aziz, Executive Director of BIIT who lectured on
"Knowledge, Education and Civilization in Islam and West".

The 3rd session was conducted by Professor Dr. Ahmet Alibasic, IIIT Europe. He spoke with a slide
presentation. The title of his topic was "Introduction to Secularism, Imperialism and Modernism". In the
end, there was a book reading session where the participants were given some specific books to read prior to
come to the winter school. All the sessions of the first day was moderated by Solaiman Miah, Director of
BIIT and ex-Faculty member of IIUM.

The second day was started with the recitation from the Holy
Quran as usual. After the recitation at the first session, there was
a mind-blowing slide
presentation on "Brain:
Mind Mapping Tool for
Creative Learning ",
given by Professor Dr. Yousuf M Islam, Former Vice-Chancellor,
Daffodil International University and Vice President, BIIT.

The second session was taken by Professor Dr. Muhammad Omar Farooq, Gulf University of Bahrain. He
lectured on "Critical Thinking and Islamic Legacy".

The 3rd session was conducted by Professor Dr. Rosnani Hashim, Professor of Educational Foundation and
Curriculum, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). She showed that how was education system
during the periods of Prophet Muhammad SAW, his companions and following that generations.

At the end, Dr. M. Abdul Aziz, Executive Director of BIIT delivered a short brief on usage of time of the
participants. He addressed them to be more punctual and take this winter school as a great opportunity to
acquire knowledge.

The 3rd day of "BIIT-DIU-IIIT Winter School 2021" was passed

through many interesting and enjoyable events which is very
significant for students, especially the young scholars who take
part in the winter school 2021. Beside their research and
innovation, physical movement or physical exercise is also very
much needed to keep their bodies fit.

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According to the schedule, the 3rd day was the Sight Seeing and
Pleasure Hunting for the participants. In the morning after
finishing the breakfast, there was Marathon where all participants
joined. The marathon was started from in front of academic
building -4 (AB4) and ended at the same place. It was only one
round road running.

Following the Marathon, there was football match. The

participants were divided into two groups, each group consisted
of 11 players. The time being of the match was only 40 minutes.
After playing football, there was a Coffee session along with a
slight snake. The participants also joined some other events like
marbel khela, hari vanggsa, belun futano for males and sui suta,
balish khela (pillow passing) for female participants.

From 4:00 pm, there was Book Reading Session. This session
was conducted by Dr. Tofazzel Hossain Tuhin, Assistant
Professor, Department of English, Southeast University,
Bangladesh. Dr. Tofazzel Hossain discussed a book written by
Abdul Hamid Abu Sulayman, ex-ractor of International Islamic
University Malaysia (IIUM). The title of the book is "Crisis in the Muslim Mind".

The last session was taken by Professor Omar Hasan Kasule, Professor of Medicine, Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. He spoke on his slide presentation whose title was
"Integration of Knowledge and the Fourth Industrial
Revolution". Throughout his presentation, he talked on the 1st,
2nd and 3rd industrial revolutions along with the fourth
industrial revolution as well. After Salatul Isha, there was a BBQ
session along with cultural night.

The 4th day (26-12-21) of Winter School 2021 was remarkable day because of the guests from home and
abroad and their discussions on their respective mind blowing topics.

The 4th day was initiated through the recitation from the Holy Quran
which was a crucial part of winter school. The first session was taken

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by Professor Dr. Mulyadhi Kartanegara, State Islamic University, Indonesia. The topic he lectured on was
"Philosophy, Epistemology and Integration from Islamic Perspective ".

The next session was done by Dr. M. Abdul Aziz, Executive

Director of BIIT. He lectured on research methodology. He asked
every one of the participants to choose a specific topic to make a
proposal of writing a book or article and assured them to publish it
where BIIT will finanace if the proposal is crucial to be published.

The next session was conducted by Professor Dr. Omar Jah, Vice
Chancellor, Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Bangladesh.
He spoke on "Fiqh: An Etymological Evolution with Special
Reference to the Current Challenges of Ijtihad",

From USA, Professor Dr. Kabir Hasan also joined and he talked on
"Islamic Economics and Islamic Fanance in the 21st Century".

The last session was taken by Dr. Hisham Altalib, Honorable President of IIIT based in Virginia, USA. The
title of his speech was "The Future of Civilization and Ummah! He said that a civilization is collapsed
when its leading people follow their desire instead following the

The 5th day (last day) of Winter School 2021, organized by BIIT-
DIU-IIIT is a memorable day for the participants coming from
different parts of Bangladesh.

At the closing day of winter school, there were three sessions where three guests delivered their lectures
through slide presentation. The first session was conducted by Professor Dr. Mohd. Aslam Haneef,
Professor of Economics, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Professor Aslam spoke on
"Foundation of Islamic Economics ".

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The second session was conducted by Professor Dr. A.K.M. Abdul Quader, Professor of Arabic
Department, Chittagong University (CU). Professor Abdul Quader
led a book reading session. The book originally was written by Dr.
Yusuf al-Qardawi. The title of the is "Contemporary Approaches to
the Quran and Sunnah".

The 3rd session was taken by Professor Dr. Fazli Ilahi, Vice
Chancellor of Ahsan Ullah University of Science and Technology (AUST). Professor Ilahi talked on
"Revelation VS Engineering and Technology ".

The closing ceremony of Winter School 2021 was worthy to be remembered due to the presence of chief
guest which was Dr. Sabur Khan himself, Chairman, Daffodil
International University. The closing ceremony was held at
Professor Dr. Aminul Islam Seminar Hall. During delivering
speech Dr. Sabur Khan thanked BIIT and IIIT and overwhelmingly
appreciated the initiative of the winter school 2021. He said that as
Muslims our Islamic values should be inculcated in students' minds.

Dr. Sabur Khan explained how the swift development of Daffodil

International University was done within very short time which is
only one-fourth of the proposed development of campus. He agreed
to do MoU with BIIT and IIIT and also consented to provide a
specific place for BIIT's books at the library of DIU. The program
was ended followed by awarding session to the winners who won in
the different events of winter school.

Seminars/Conference/Round-table Discussion
Conference (Webinar) on ‘Islam and Moral Studies in the
National Curriculum’ was held
There is a decline of ethics and values at all levels of society
(Except few exceptions) in Bangladesh. In most cases, not ordinary
people but graduates of various institutions are involved in
corruption and moral degradation. Because our education system,
especially the curriculum, has a very weak religious and moral foundation, although the main source of
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morality and values is religion and especially Islam for Muslims. In the multicultural societies of various
Muslim countries, like Malaysia, the curriculum has been re-structured keeping religion and Islamic
education compulsory in all levels of education, without any hindrance to their national progress. Why is it
an exception in Bangladesh? Therefore, it is important to restore the status and dignity of the subject titled
‘Islam and moral studies’ from primary to tertiary level of education.

The above statements made by the speakers of the conference held in Dhaka on Monday, January 25, 2021
at ZOOM App jointly organized by International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)– South Asia region and
Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT). Dr. M Abdul Aziz, the Executive Director of BIIT presided
over the conference while Dr. Shah Muhammad Abdur Rahim, Associate Professor, Bangladesh Open
University delivered the keynote address where Prof. Dr. Mohammad Solaiman, Dean Faculty of Theology,
Islamic University, Kushtia, Prof. Dr. A. K. M. Abdul Quader, Department of Arabic, University of
Chittagong, Dr. A. K. M. Mahbubur Rahman, Principal, Faridganj Majidia Kamil Madrasa and Joint
Secretary General, Bangladesh Jamiatul Modarresin spoke as

Among others, Prof. Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman, Chairman,

Department of Islamic Studies, Rajshahi University, Prof. Md.
Shamsul Alam, Chairman, Department of Islamic Studies,
University of Dhaka, Dr. Mohammad Manzoor Elahi, Associate
Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, National University, Mr. Fazle Rabbi, Assistant Professor
(Islamic Education), RAJUK Uttara Model College, Dhaka, Mrs. Farida Yasmin, Senior Teacher (Islamic
Education), Shahid Bir Uttam Lieutenant Anwar Garls College, Dhaka took part on the discussion as
panelist where Dr. M. Ibrahim Khalil Anwari, Coordinator of BIIT facilitated the session.

About two hundred people including researchers and teachers of Islamic Studies from different universities,
colleges, schools and madrasahs participated in the event. Finally, lively Q&A and open discussion was held
with the audience. The meeting was adjourned with a concluding speech and a vote of thanks by the Chair
of the conference.

Webinar on ‘Women and Islam’ held

A Webinar on “Women and Islam towards achieving UN
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” was held in Dhaka on
March 8, 2021 at ZOOM App jointly organized by Bangladesh

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Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) and Asian Resource Foundation (ARF) Bangkok.

‘Mainstreaming Women and Promoting Peace towards Sustainable Development’ held at BIIT
Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought in collaboration with Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN)
organized a Seminar titled ‘Inclusive Development: Mainstreaming Gender and Promoting Peace’ held on
December 08, 2021 at BIIT Conference Hall, Uttara, Dhaka. Professor
Dr. M. Shamsher Ali, Founder President of BIIT presided over the
seminar. Dr. M. Abdul Aziz, Executive Director of BIIT delivered the
opening speech and Ms. Ruby Kholifah, Secretary General, Asian
Muslim Action Network (AMAN) of Indonesia was the keynote
speaker. In her presentation titled “Inclusive Development: Mainstreaming Gender and Promoting Peace:
The Case of Indonesia”, she showed how the reformation was done
in various sectors of Indonesia.

Among panelists, Dr. Abul Hossain, Former Project Director,

Ministry of Women &
Children Affairs, Government
of Bangladesh, presented a paper titled “Development through
Gender Mainstreaming: The Case of Bangladesh” where he
explained the narratives of how Bangladesh went far in terms of
development through gender mainstreaming.

Col. (Retd) ZRM Ashraf Uddin, another panelist of the seminar,

Former Director (Research), Bangladesh Institute of International
and Strategic Studies (BIISS) and presented a paper titled
“Development through Peace Building: Case of Bangladesh” where
he showed the peace building
role of Bangladesh in
international Peace Mission. He opined that promoting peace can
contribute sustainable development in Bangladesh.

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In the presidential speech, prominent nuclear scientist and president of
BIIT, Prof. Dr. M. Shamsher Ali mentioned that, Islam has guaranteed
the rights of women. The full rights of women were guaranteed during
the time of Rasulullah (peace
be upon him) and Kholafaye
Rashidin which was valid for a long time. Due to absence of correct
interpretation of Islam, some people are trying to belittle Islam with
women's rights. In fact, the rights that Islam has given to women are
unparalleled in any other religion. In our Muslim society too, there is
a great deal of neglect of women's rights. Islam has been working tirelessly for the protection of human
rights and the establishment of peace.

Among others, Professor Ataul Hoq Pramanik, former Professor of Economics, IIUM; Prof. Dr. M.
Shamsuddin, Islamic University of Technology (IUT); Prof. Abdul Latif Masum, Department of
Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University; Tazima Hossain Mojumder, The Hunger Project:
Azizun Nahar Moonmoon, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific;
Dr. Momota Hena, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Northern University Bangladesh; Ms.
Masuma Begum, SPO & Faculty Member, IBTRA; Dr. Afroza
Bulbul, Ex-faculty (Associate Professor), IIUC; Dr. Rita Ashraf,
Associate Professor & Head of Dept. of Bengali, Asian University of
Bangladesh; Ms Mahmuda Sultana, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited
were present as resource persons.

The program was moderated and conducted by Mr. Md. Solaiman Miah, Director of BIIT and former
faculty member of IIUM. The program has ended at 02:30 pm, followed by Zohar Prayer and lunch.

Round Table Discussion on ‘Promoting Al-Wasatiyyah’

A round table discussion was held for promoting Al-Wasatiyyah
in all levels of the society on 20th June 2021 at the office of BIIT.
Prof. Dr. AKM Abdul Quader, Prof. Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman, Dr.
Hedayet Ullah, Shaikh Shah Waliullah, Dr. M. Abdul Aziz and
Dr. Ibrahim Khalil Anwary were present on the discussion.

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Memorial Webinar
The Contribution of Shah Abdul Hannan to Intellectual Development and Nation Building
Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) organized a
Memorial Webinar on “The Contribution of Shah Abdul Hannan
to Intellectual Development and Nation Building” on 12th June
2021 at 7:30 pm via zoom app. Prof. Dr. Abdul Awal Khan,
Former Director, IER, University of Dhaka and President of BIIT
presided over the webinar where Prof. Dr. M. Shamsher Ali, Founder Vice-Chancellor, Bangladesh Open
University and Founder President of BIIT was the keynote speaker. Muhammad Fawzul Kabir Khan,
Former Secretary to the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Prof. Dr. Sukomal Barua,
Dept. of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Dhaka, Prof. Dr. Syeda Sultana Razia, Dept. of Chemical
Engineering, BUET, M. Zohurul Islam FCA, Founder Secretary-General of BIIT, Father Dr. Tapan De
Rozario, Dept. of World Religions and Culture, University of Dhaka were the special discussant on this

‘Thoughts and Contributions of Shah Abdul Hannan’ by IIIT-East Asia

IIIT-East Asia and Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) organized an international memorial
webinar on “Thoughts and Contributions of Shah Abdul Hannan” on 3rd July 2021 via zoom app. Prof. Dr.
Fauzan Noordin, Regional Director, IIIT East and Southeast
Asia presided over the webinar. Dato' Seri Dr. Anwar Ibrahim,
Formerly Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia and President of
the People’s Justice Party, Malaysia and Emeritus Chairman of
IIIT was the keynote speaker. Distinguished Prof. Tan Sri Dr.
Mohd. Kamal Hassan, Former Rector of International Islamic
University Malaysia, Prof. Datuk Dr. Osman Bakar, Al-Ghazali Chair of Islamic Thought at ISTAC-IIUM ,
Dr. Hisham Altalib, President of the IIIT, USA, Prof. Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule, Secretary General, IIIT, Prof.
Emeritus Dato' Wira Dr. Haji Jamil bin Haji Osman, Director, International Co-operation of IIIT - East and
Southeast Asia, Prof. Dr. Anis Ahmad, Founding Vice-Chancellor
of Riphah International University, Islamabad, Br. Habib Chirzin,
the IIIT Coordinator in Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Abdullah al Ahsan,
Formerly Professor at IIUM & VP, Just International, M Zohurul
Islam, Founding Secretary General of BIIT, Prof. Dr. Abu Bakr

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Rafique Ahmad, Former Vice-Chancellor, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, Dr.
Nasima Hassan, Founding President, The Witness were the special discussant on this webinar. This program
was moderated by Dr. M. Abdul Aziz, Executive Director, BIIT and Visiting Faculty of IUT-OIC.

Honoring Professor Emeritus Dato’ Dr. AbdulHamid A. AbuSulayman

Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) in
collaboration with IIUM alumni, Bangladesh Chapter
organized a “Memorial Webinar Honoring Professor Emeritus
Dato’ Dr. AbdulHamid A. AbuSulayman” on 3rd September
2021 via zoom app. The webinar was inaugurated by Prof. Dr.
Omar Hasan Kasule, Secretary-General, IIIT, chaired by Prof.
Dr. Kazi Shahdat Kabir, President, IIUM alumni, Bangladesh
Chapter and moderated by Dr. M. Abdul Aziz, Executive Director, BIIT and Visiting Faculty of IUT-OIC.
Prof. Dr. Abdul Rashid Moten, Prof. Dr. Ataul Huq Pramanik, Prof. Dr. Abu Bakr Rafiq Ahmed, Prof. Dr.
Abulhasan M Sadeq, M. Zohurul Islam FCA, Mainul Hoque, Dr. Md. Yusuf Ali, Shaykh Dr. Abdus Salam
Azadi, Md. Mazaharul Hoque Tapan were the special discussant on this webinar.

International Research Colloquium on ‘Minority at Home and Abroad’
Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) organized an
international research colloquium on “Minority at Home and
Abroad: Developing new Islamic Theoretical Frameworks” on 1st
July 2021. Dr. Rabi’ah Binti Aminudin, Head, Dept. of Political
Science, IIUM presided over the colloquium where Dr. Md.
Muniruzzaman, Associate
Professor, Dept. of Political Science, IIUM was the keynote speaker.
Prof. Dr. Maimul Ahsan Khan, Prof. Dr. Abdul Latif Masum, Dr.
Mohammad Monzur-E-Elahi, Vijay Prasad Jayshwal were the
special discussant on this colloquium. This program was moderated
by Dr. M. Abdul Aziz, Executive Director, BIIT and Visiting Faculty of IUT-OIC.

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Visit/ Exchange of Views

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Extra-ordinary General Meeting of BIIT

A virtual Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) was
held on 5th January 2021 via ZOOM App.

Executive Committee of BIIT

The 126th Meeting of the Executive Committee of Bangladesh
Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) was held on 30th January
2021 at the meeting room of BIIT.

The 127th Meeting of the Executive

Committee of Bangladesh Institute
of Islamic Thought (BIIT) was held
on 30th August 2021 at the meeting
room of BIIT.

Meeting on BIIT University Land Proposal

A meeting with Redeem Purbachal City Ltd. on
regards to BIIT University Land Proposal was held
on 27th January 2021 at the conference hall of BIIT.

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Publications/Book Fair/Book Discussion

Unveiling and Discussion of the Book Ôgynv¤§` Avmv`: evsjv‡`‡ki Awfev`bÕ

Unveiling and discussion of the

book Ôgynv¤§` Avmv`: evsjv‡`‡ki
Awfev`bÕ edited by Fahmid-ur-
Rahman was held on 23rd February
2021 at the Conference Hall of BIIT.

Participating on ‘Omor Ekushe Boimela 2021’

BIIT participated on ‘Omor
Ekushe Boimela 2021’
under the stall of Academia
Publishers Ltd. (APL). The
stall no. was 263.

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