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Week: 1 DAILY

Developed by:LESSON
Ms Anumdd Devel Developed by: Ms Shumaila

Date: 14-9-2021 PLAN Round 2 taught by: Shumaila

Subject : Mathematics Class: 1 Period: 1 and 2

Ch/Topic: Chapter: 4 Positions Lesson :1 Naming Positions

Objective(s): Ss will be able to :

 Name posotions using ordinal numbers

 Recognize positions in words and numerals.
 Write position words in N.Bk.

Skills Focused on: using positions in ordinal numbers and numerals

Resources :T.B,W.B ,N.B ,power point slides ,B.Up. VIDEO on positions

Recap QS: Q :Where is your right hand?where is your left hand?

Q :How many of you got 1st 2nd and 3rd position in any competitions?

Discussion Explanation Demonstration Brainstorming.

Explanation: A brief introduction and explanation of positions will be given to the students
where is your left where is your right. Teacher will also ask how many of you got 1 st 2nd or 3rd
position in any competitions to give them a concept of positions. Students will be asked to
have a race with their siblings and friends living in their area.Students will write ordinal
numbers [NUMERALS &WIRDS] in their Activity book accprding given instructions.
Success Criteria: Remember to:
 Name positions using ordinal numbers.
 Write 1st to 10th in words and numerals.
 Write position words carefully in n.bk.
Assessment Plan:
 By asking oral questions.
C.W: A.bk pg 41 and 42 , Positions from the right to the left in ordinal numbers in words .
T.Bk pg 42-43
 Write position words in note book.
H.W : A.Bk pg : 43

Sign: Subject Coordinator _______________ Sign;SectionHead ___________

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