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English Test

For 4 Graders
December, 2018


Grade: 4 ______

1) Write the opposite 10 p ‫ استعمل المخزن‬.‫اكتب العكس‬

king day clean hot grandmother

– night – dirty - queen – grandfather – cold-

2) Write the rhyming words 10 p

‫اكتب الكلمات المتقافيه من المخزن‬

cry donkey angry cake ice-cream

monkey -dream – hungry – milkshake - fly -

3) Write the number 10 p

‫اكتب الرقم‬

five six four seven eight

eleven three ten four twelve

4) Order 30 p ‫رتب الكلمات من المخزن في المجموعات المالئمة‬

Time Places Numbers People Animals
‫زمان‬ ‫أماكن‬ ‫أرقام‬ ‫أشخاص‬ ‫حيوانات‬

bear – every day – nine – gorilla – today – father

– yesterday – farm- one – bedroom – queen -
grandmother – kitchen – seven – ant eater-

5) Complete 10 p
‫ انتبه لالمالء‬.‫اكمل بكلمة مناسبة حسب المطلوب‬

We love picnics. We eat _________ and


____________ on picnics. We drink ________

(vegetables) (drinks)

and ________. We love eating ________.

(drinks) (sweets)

6) Where are you? 10p

Tick: Yes, I am. or No, I am not.

‫ في المكان المالئم‬ ‫أين أنت؟ ضع اشاره‬

Yes, I am. No, I am not.

1. Are you in the classroom?

2.Are you in the bedroom?

3.Are you on the farm?

4.Are you at school?

5.Are you in the taxi?

7) Write the meaning 5p - bonus

‫اكتب معنى الكلمات بالعربي – سؤال اضافي‬

vegetables sweets picnic kite strawberry

8) Read the story 20 p ‫إقرأ النص التالي وأجب عن االسئلة‬

It is a hot day. The king and the queen are on a


Queen: Hello King. Are you hungry?

King: Yes, I am.

Queen: Do you want salad?

King: Yes, I like salad.

Queen: Do you want vegetables?

King: Yes, I want vegetables.

Queen: Do you want hamburger?

King: Yes, I do.

Queen: Do you want to drink juice or water?

King: Yes, I want water. I love water.

Yes, I do.

1) Who is on a picnic? ‫أكمل بكلمة مناسبة‬

The ________ and the ________ are on a picnic.

2) What does the king want to eat?
‫أحط اإلجابة الصحيحة‬
a. Salad.
b. Hamburger.
c. Vegetables.
d. a + b + c

3) Who wants to drink water? ‫أحط اإلجابة الصحيحة‬

a. The king.
b. The queen.

4) How's the weather?

Copy a sentence from the text.
‫انسخ جملة من النص تجيب بها عن السؤال‬

5)Choose a title ‫اختر عنوانا مناسبا للنص‬

a. The Very Hungry King.

b. Fly a Kite.

c. The King Loves Sweets.

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