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© INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR INSTITUTE FOR GSIR-NET, GATE, JEST, TIFR, BARC, IT-JAM, INU, BHU, DU, CU, RU,M.Sc., B.Sc. For a semiconductor material, the conventional flat band energy diagram is shown in the igure. The variables Y, X, respectively, are 1. Energy. Momentuny 2 Momentum, Energy 3. Energy, Distance 4 Distance, Energy Sol(1) Q.2 Metallic lithium has bee crystal structure. Each unit cell ia cube of Side o. The number of atoms per unit vohime ig Options 1 oe 2 27 v2a? 3 4 ae a3 Sol(3) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR INSTITUTE FOR GSIR-NET, GATE, JEST, TIFR, BARC, IT-JAM, INU, BHU, DU, CU, RU,M.Sc., B.Sc. Q.3 A planets ina highly eccentric orbit about a star. The distance of its closest approach is 300 times smaller than its farthest distance from the star. If the corresponding speeds are v. and vy. then 2 is " Options =. Q.4 Anobject of density pis floating in fic id wit 780 its volume submerge. The density of the liquid is Options 1.29 2 3? 4 3 5e Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 7615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR LEADING INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-NET, GATE, EST, TIER, BARC T-1AM, INU, BH DU, QS The moment of inert of solid sphere (radius R and mass M) about the axis which is BSc. = 2 | = 2 4 = MR? 2 Sol(3) Q6 For the given circ VB & the threshold vol ‘variation of V. Witl Vers ‘ofthe diode, The eraplthat Best depicts the io (a). (b). Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR LEADING INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-NET, GATE, JEST TIER BARC T-JAM, INU BHU, DU,CU. RU, M.Sc, B.S i © @) Sol.(b) 0.7 Arrange the following ces ope TOW Se leape Gaia be wavelength inode of decreasing reson bo L D= 100m 4 ahem 1 t WV covers. TT, THI, LIV. 2 I, 1 IVI s IV, HLILI 410, 0, LIV D Sol.(4) An experim as ‘wavelength 4 Michelson interferometer is performed in vacuum wsing a laser of One ofthe beams of the interferometer passes through a small glass cavity 1 After the cavity’ is completely filled with a medium of reffactive index n, 472 dark fringes ae counted fo miove past reference line. Given thatthe speed of light is 3°10 m’s the value of» is Options... 1.10 > 1.04 3.1.06 1.01 Sol.(4) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR LEADING INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-NET, GATE, JEST TIER, BARC T-JAM, INU BHU, DU,CU. RU, M.Sc, B.S 9 Let M bea 2 »2 matrix. Its trace is 6 and its determinant has value 8. Its eigenvalues are Sees... 3 and 3 22and4 3.2 and6 4+—2 and —3 Sol.(2) 2.10 The function e°* is Taylorexparided about x = 0, The coefficient of x? is Options ghee 2 2. Zero Sol.(4) inertial nme S, has a constant velocity i. Frame 5's velocity w (antklockvise). The coordizate axes of he velocity of the paicle (W.1') in the S"fiame, at 11 A partite, initially a the origin rotating about the 2-88 with coincide wth hose of at ¢ = ort (", -v) (3-0) (Ev) 4(V,-v) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR INSTITUTE FOR GSIR-NET, GATE, JEST, TIFR, BARC, IT-JAM, INU, BHU, DU, CU, RU,M.Sc., B.Sc. Sol.(2) Q42 ate =0, Nj mm into B with a decay constant Ja. The daughter nuclei B decay into nuclei C with a decay constant A,. Then, the number of muclei B at small time ¢ (to the leading order) is 1. AgNot 2 (Ag + Ay) Not Options. 3. AyNot * Aa — Av) Mot Sol.(3) 13 Let (x.y) denote the Gooutinars in a rectal Caren coordinate stem Let (x'.y") denote te soordnaten another coorlaate systeh C’, defined by The area clement in "is omens | 12dx'dy! ax'dx'dy’ 3.dx'dy’ « Lax'dy’ Sol.(4) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR INSTITUTE FOR GSIR-NET, GATE, JEST, TIFR, BARC, IT-JAM, JNU, BHU, DU, CU, RU,M.Sc., B.Sc. Four charges are placed very close to each other, as shown. The separation between the rwo charges on the y-axis isa. The separation between the two charges onthe sani is also. “The eading oder (non-vanishing) form of the electrostatic potential at point Pata distance r ffom the origin (7 > a), Yptions qa ; 4meg r? i v3) 2% (ys Lay 4mg9 r? 1 2qa 3 4meq r? 1 qa 4me0 2r' Sol.(4) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 7615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR LEADING INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS STITUTE EO SIE, GATE ST, BARC, MU, BH, DU, SBS. nd point B isthe mage formed. ofthe thee rays 1.2 and 3, respect Options th=b=b 2h=h>k ah=hhR or) = were ris the distance from its center Is moment of neta about the =-axi, passing through is centers options mons | maoR* 6 2 2ma9R* 2. ogR* ooR* 4 4. Sol.(1) 2.19 Three events, Ey(et = Ox = 0),E{{ct = 0.146 BNignd Ey(ct O.,= —D) oveur, as observed in an inertial fiame S. Fralue 5” is moving with a spagd v along, the positive xdivection with respect 10 $. In 8". let, ¢i,t2,5 Ue. tbe respective times at which E,,,, and E, oceured, Then, tions , ’ ’ omens th < th The heat absorbed and work done alonpath J ae $03 Sol.(1) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-NET, GATE, JEST, TIFR, BARC, IT-JAM, INU, BHU, DU, CU, RU,M.Sc., B.Sc. 0.26 The electric field of an electromagnetic wave has the form E = Ey cos(wt — kz)i. AtT=0.a harge q is at :=0, and has velocity # = O.Sck , where cis the speed of light antancous force on the particle is 027 The rms velocity df mBlecesjo Fog 20s is enten by-wt some tempertRie 7 The anothet gastive the sie rns velocity emperani The seconds B ptens 1. Nitrogen 2 Hydrogen 2 Helium 4 Neon Sol.(2) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR LEADING INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-NET, GATE, JEST, TIFR, BARC, l1T-JAM, INU, BHU, DU, CU, RU, BSc. 28 The radial component of acceleration in plane polar options @r 6)? waatr (3) @r ae dt? argo, a? x dt dt dt? ar 40)? eg Sol.(4) 0.29 In the Fourier series oh of two functions Fite 4t? + 3 andy (#)= 6+ 7e in the ier ied "igor cottcNy oy, cad Peta o cos(nut) and sin(net), respectively) satjssy Options 1 a, + Oand b, + O/for f,(t); a, = 0 andb, +0 for f(t) 2 a, + Oand by = 0 forf,(t); @= 0 andb, = O-for f,(t) 3 ay, = Oand b, + Ofor f,(f); an = Oandd, + 0 for f,(t) ‘ a, = Oandb, + Ofor f,(t); a, # Oand b, = 0 for f,(t) Sol.(2) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur jus: 9782491592, 1615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-NET, GATE, JEST, TIFR, BARC, IT-JAM, INU, BHU, DU, CU, RU,M.Sc., B.Sc. bt is found to be ate and the plane 0.30 A linearly polarized light falls on a quarter wave plate and the emer elliptcally polarized. The angle berween the fst axis of the quarter ‘of polarization ofthe incident ht, rte, gos 2 30° 3 180° 4 45° Sol.(2) SECTION :- B.(MSQ) 1 An isolated seal gi keph St (pressure F, and volue V;. Thee iindeyoes flee od attains a peSsef® P, and vohime Vs Kdeutify the correct /atement(s) onions This is an adiabatic proeess 2. This is an isobaric process 3 P,VY = Pag 4 PV, = P2V, Sol.(1,3) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR INSTITUTE FOR GSIR-NET, GATE, JEST, TIFR, BARC, IT-JAM, JNU, BHU, DU, CU, RU,M.Sc., B.Sc. container, isin equilibrium at pre dod vohune change 1 Ps the presue and volume obey the condition PVT = C, where y = & and Cis a consi the work done is zero, then identify the correct statem ons PV = YPAV, 2 PV, = (y + 1)PV, 3 P2Vp = PyV; 4 PV, = (y — WPM Sol.(3) °° Identify the CORRECT siateiient(s) regarding fiuclei Options 1 The energy ofy raySWué to de-gretartoTr Of ericleusemn be of the Order of MeV 2 The volume ofa nucleus gras linearly With the nufiber of nucleons in it a The uncertainty inthe momenhiffi of a prove a nucleus is roughly 10° times the uncertainty inthe momentum ofthe electron inthe ground state of Hydrogen atom « Fe is the most Stable nucleus Sol.(1,2,3,4) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR LEADING INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-NET, GATE, EST TIER BARC T-JAM, INU BHU, DU,CU. RU, M.Sc, B.S 94 For the given circuit, identify the correct statement(s). 1k AWW mn Yo=3V 2 IfR, is doubled, Vo will change to6 V 3. IfR, is doubled, J, will cliange to/0,5 mA 4 Io=1mA Sol.(1,2,4) @5 A Carnot engine operates beta (0 Temperatures, Ty = 100K and Ty ~ 150 K. Each Gof thc cage bss x0 RIAA Me BE oe RS GARB 500 oon Let Qy be te coresponting hea absorbed te eine ahd Oy Be the heat st. eaity tor cores seme) Options The change in entropy of the engine in 0.5 seconds is zero 2 Qu = 750J ‘ The change in entropy of the engine and the hot bath in a cycle is 5 J/K Sol.(1,3) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR INSTITUTE FOR GSIR-NET, GATE, JEST, TIFR, BARC, IT-JAM, INU, BHU, DU, CU, RU,M.Sc., B.Sc. @.6 The figure shows the cross-section ofa hollow cylindrical tank, 2.2 m in diameter, which is half filled with water (reactive index of 1.33). The space above the water is filled with a 22s of unknown refractive index. A stall ser moves along the bottom surfice and aims & Tight beam towards the center (sce figure). When the lser moves a distance of §= 1.09 m ot beyond from the lowest point inthe Water, no light enters the g1s. Tdemify the correct, statements) (speed of light is 3-10 Options The time taken for theiight beaut to traye S< 1.09 mis89 us m the laser to the runvof the tai when 2 The critical angle/forthe water-gas interface is 56.779 3. The reffactive index of the gas is 1.05 The time taken fr the ligt beam toffravel from i i S> 109m 697m (12,4) er to the Fim of the'ank when 7 A particle of mass nis. an init sqaife WET Ot FRM si a superposed ke state ofthe frst wo energy elgemsates,as given by Px) = Zo ¥neiG) + | nes 2) [entity the correct statements) is Planck's consti omens. (p) = 0 2 dp = 2 Ax=0 = 8 Sol.(4) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR INSTITUTE FOR GSIR-NET, GATE, JEST, TIFR, BARC, IT-JAM, INU, BHU, DU, CU, RU,M.Sc., B.Sc. ay | aay age PG try =0 a and are heb fixed and is increased, then, ons 1. the oscillations decay slower 2. the frequency of oscillations increases 3. the frequency of oscillations decreases, « the oscillations détay faster Sol.(2,4) 9 A nme independent comservsive fgets the form, x= y= 018, Theallowed nim) of f(xy) ius Option 2 "3x + 8e> 2 2x + 8 cosy 3 2x +8(y—1)? 43x+8 Sol.(1,4) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website: (Options. © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR LEADING INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-NET, GATE, EST TIER BARC T-1AM, INU BHU, DU,CU. RU, M.Sc, B.S 0.10 A beam of light traveling horizontally consists of an unpolarized ¢ {and a polarized component with intensity Jp. The plane of p €@ with respect to the vertical. The figure shows the total intensity Jou after the light passes through a polarizer asa function of the angle a thatthe axis of the polarizer makes With respect to the vertical. Identify the correct statements) 7 1 Jo= 17.5 Ware 2 6=125° 3. Ip=5 Win 4. Io= 10 W/n?: = 20 Whine Sol.2,4) SECTION :- C (NAT) Q.1 A crystal has monoclinic structu = $30 A and angle f= 99°. Itw late parameters, = $09 Aand = $27 A. The actiona change in the volame || of the crystal de this transtion (Roun off two decimal places) with lattice para Sol.(0.02) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR LEADING INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-NET, GATE, EST TIER, BARC IT-JAM, INU BHU, DU,CU. RU, M.Sc, B.S Q2 A laser beam shines along a block of transparent material of length 2.$ m. Part ofthe beam g0¢sto the detector Dr whale the other part travels through the block and then hits the detector Dz, The time delay between the atrvals ofthe two light beams s infeed tobe 6.25 ns. The speed of light c= 3»10"um’s. The refzctive index of the block is (Round offtotwo decimal places) laser Sol.(1.75) 23 A particle is moving Wihla Febery 0.8) (8 thé Speed of lish) in an Indi nes Frame 5; ts moving witha Velocity 0.8ci wailpspecttOf. Let Fy and Ete the respective cov of OER ifr nes TH” —_— Com pes Sol.(1.62) @4 Consider Ni number OF ideal gas pare lesenctosec ia a volumes. Ifthe vohime ischanzed to Vs and the numberof particles is teéhiced by ialfthe mean fre path becomes four times its intial vate. The ai is (Round off to one decinual place). fs Sol.(0.5) 5 anideal blackbody at temperature 7 emits ration of energy density, The corresponding vale fro msc tempertare = cai Round off ire decimal places Sol.(0.0625) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur jus: 9782491592, 1615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR LEADING INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-NET, GATE, JEST, TIFR, BARC, IT-1AM, INU, BHU, DU, CU, RU, M.Sc, B.Sc. 26 The following Zener diode volage regulator circuit i used to obtain 20 V regulate output at load resistance Rt from a 35 V de power supply. Zener diodes are rated at SW and 10V The value ofthe resistance is, Sol.(30) 27 One ofthe oots ofthe equation. 2¢ #324 16 = 0 fiten byéa, = 2The value ofthe product of the other five 1001s Sol.(-8) 98 At some temperature TZ, two metals A and By have Fermi energies €, and €g, respectively. The free electron density of A is 64 times that Of. The ratio, is Sol.(16) 29 4 small conducting squate loop ofside lis placed inside a concentric large conducting square loop of side L (L > 1). The value of mutual inductance of the system is expressed as “#0, The value of is (Round offto two decimal places) Sol.(2.83) Q.10 4 particle with positive charge 10-? C and mass 0.2 kg is thrown upwards from the ground at an angle 45° with the horizontal with a speed of S m/s. The projectile moves through a horizontal electric field of 10V/m, which is in the same direction as the horizontal component of the initial velocity of the particle. The acceleration duc to gravity is 1055 . The range is 1m. (Round off to three decimal places). Sol.(2.512) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur jus: 9782491592, 1615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR LEADING INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-NET, GATE, JEST, TIFR, BARC, IT-1AM, INU, BHU, DU, CU, RU, M.Sc, B.SC. Q.11 4 thin film of alcohol is spread over a surface. When light from a tunable source is incident normally, the intensity of reflected light at the detector is maximum for 2 = 640 nm and minimum for 2 = 512 nm. Taking the refractive index of alcohol to be 1.36 for both the given wavelengths, the minimum thickness of the film would be ‘nm (Round off to two decimal places). Sol.(188.23) Q.12 For the Boolean expressionY=ABC+ABC+ABC+ABC, the mmber of combinations for which the output ¥ = 1 is Sol(4) 9.13 Twenty non-interacting spin % partiGles are trapped if.athreé-dimensional simple harmonic oscillator potential of frequency «. The ground state energy of the system, in units of fo, is Sol.(60) Q.14 Consider a hemispherical glass-leus-(retinctive-indexis 1.5) avi radius of curvature ‘R= 12 can for the curved surface. An incoming ray. paralfe! to the optical axis, is incident on the curved surface at a height /)= 1 cm above the optical axis. as shown in the figure. The distance d (fiom the flat surface of the lens) at which the ray crosses the optical axis is em Round off t9 two decimal places) Sol.(16) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur jus: 9782491592, 1615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR LEADING INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-NET, GATE, EST TIER BARC T-JAM, INU BHU, DU, CU. RU, M.Sc, B.S Q.15 4 parallel plate capacitor having plate area of S0 cm? and separation of 0.1 mis completely filled with a dielectic (dielectric constant K'= 10). The capacitor is connected to a 10 kS2 resistance and an alternating voltage v = 10 sin(100mt), as shown in the figure. The switch S is intially open and then closed at r= 0. The ratio of the displacement current in the capacitor, to the current in the resistance, at time ¢ = 2 seconds is (Round off to Unee decimal places) KS 10kQ. s v = 10 sin(100zt) Sol.(0.383) 2.16 4 current / is tiniformly distributed across a long straight nonmagnetic wire (jt, = 1) of circular cross-section with radius a. Two points P and Q are at distances © and 9a, respectively, from the axis ofthe wwirer"THE Fatio OT Me-magnetic fields at points P and ¢ is Sol(3) Q.17 A particle A of mass m is moving with a velocity vi, and collides elastically with a particle B, of mass 2m. B is initially at rest. After collision, A moves with @ velocity v4j. If vg is the final speed of B, then v3 = kev. The value of k is 5 Sol.(1) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website: © INSPIRE AGADEMY JAIPUR LEADING INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTE FOR CSIR-NET, GATE, EST TIER BARC T-JAM, INU BHU, DU, CU. RU, M.Sc, B.S Q48 An RC circuit is comected to two de power supplies, as shown in the figure. With switch S ‘open, the capacitor is fully charged. 5 i then closed a time ¢ = O. The voliage across the capacitor at r= 24 miliseconds is 'V (Round off to one decimal place). ka Sol.(3.6) Q.19 In an X-ray diffraction experiment with Cu crystals having laitice parameter 3,61 A, X-rays of wavelength ayof planed f HOR SiaBiabtonex present in the diffraction pattern is Sol.(3) 20 The wavelength of characteristic K, Xofay photons ffom Mo (atomic number 42) is A. Round off to one decimal place), (speed of light is 3 x 10° m/s; Rydbergiconstan Re=e1.09 x 10?/m) Sol.(0.7) Add:- 33-34, 2“ Floor, Tonk Road, Gopalpura, Jaipur Call us: 9782491592, 71615861538 Email Website:

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